Author Topic: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging  (Read 17003 times)

K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« on: 03 July, 2020, 09:16:58 pm »

Ever since I have owned my Edge 1030 I have wanted to charge it whilst riding either for touring or long night rides with the back light on. I prefer the sleek out front K-Edge Combo mount but there is not enough space use the (unreliable) micro USB port safely and I didn’t want to use the Charge Power Pack as it was FUGLY, it only works with Garmin’s crappy plastic mounts, does not allow for a GoPro mount for a camera or a front light and I would prefer to charge it via my dynamo USBwerk (or USB power brick).

Roll on to my birthday and I get given a Charge Power Pack. Let the experimenting begin. Of the five gold pins on top of the unit top left is +5 volt and bottom right is -5volt the other 3 must some sort of data signal, don’t care, don’t need them. So a quick test with some wires, a 5volt USB power supply and my trusty Edge 1030 reveal that yes that's all you need to charge from the underside is power to (when turned over) + to top right and  - to bottom left, display says charging and battery percentage goes up! Yay!

Now to duplicate the connections onto the K-Edge mount. I soon realised that if I was to keep using the ¼ turn method of attachment it would rip the connection straight off and I was going to have to use the push down and latch type insert that comes with the Charge Power Pack (available separately, see below). As luck would have it this bolts straight on to the K-Edge mount. Next I took a piece of thick plastic and cut it to a figure 8 shape to fit inside of the new push down mount then drilled two 2mm holes through it to align with the gold contacts on the rear of the 1030 then a third hole dead centre and tapped to M3 to able it to be screwed in place when completed.

I found some gold sprung contact pins used in a Garmin vivomove watch charger were about the right length ( these can also be found on ebay called pogo pins),  with some side cutters they were fairly easy to remove. Once removed the pins were inserted into the piece of plastic and then reassemble to ensure they line up.

I used a dremel to cut a cable channel in the under side of the K-Edge.

Get a cheap USB cable or USBwerk cable cut the end off you don’t need and solder the power wires to the undersides of the gold connectors. I used some hot glue over the solder to act as electical insulator.

Assemble the whole thing again. If you are using a GoPro mount under the K-Edge you will need to countersink the three M3 mounting screws you have just fitted.

Just to say that everything on this conversion is reversible, only superficial holes on the mount.

I hope that makes sense and I am probably the only person that would ever go to such specific lengths, but I know what I like and if K-Edge had ever bothered making a charge mount I would have brought it in a heartbeat.

Parts needed:
K-Edge XL Combo Garmin Mount
Garmin Flush Out-front Mount Insert PART NUMBER 010-12563-01 £11.99
Gold sprung contact (pogo) pins 9mm long 2mm round (cut from a cheap ebay Garmin vivomove watch clamp style charger)
A cable with a USB’A’ plug or usbwerk male plug on one end
4mm thick small sheet of plastic
infinite patience
M3 countersink setscrews 10~15mm cut to length

Tools needed:
Soldering Iron
2mm  drill bit
M3 tap
side  cutters
Allen keys

The final result on an already overly complicated dynamo setup where all the components can be removed using SON connectors leaving the internal wiring in place . 


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #1 on: 03 July, 2020, 09:31:40 pm »

Impressive. How do you get on with the Edelux being upside down? Doesn't that mess with the beam pattern?

Beer, bikes, and backpacking


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #2 on: 03 July, 2020, 09:38:13 pm »
Excellent work!

I've been thinking about a similar project to power up modern Garmins with hotshoe contacts to an external power source.

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #3 on: 03 July, 2020, 10:10:43 pm »

Impressive. How do you get on with the Edelux being upside down? Doesn't that mess with the beam pattern?

The Edelux is the upside down version, so no problems.


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #4 on: 03 July, 2020, 10:12:53 pm »
The Edelux is the upside down version, so no problems.

Ooh, didn't know they made an upside down version! thanks for the tip!

Beer, bikes, and backpacking


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #5 on: 04 July, 2020, 12:31:41 am »

For future reference, because knowing what to google for can be half the battle, the magic word for the sprung contacts is "pogo pins".

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #6 on: 04 July, 2020, 09:05:48 am »
Thanks Kim, I have added that detail. :)

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #7 on: 04 July, 2020, 12:10:17 pm »
I would pay actual real money for this.


Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #8 on: 06 July, 2020, 06:10:55 am »
I use the garmin out front mount (though I should get delivery if the new garmin TT bar mount today).

As later this week I am also getting my first Dynamo hub a “USB to garmin bottom mount” cable would be nice so I could simply swap the backup battery for a cable.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #9 on: 06 July, 2020, 10:33:10 am »
The plastic insert holding the pogo pins is just the sort of thing a 3d printer is handy for, although in this case getting the shape just right would probably need quite a lot of trial and error. For a one-off the hand made approach wins, but if you wanted to set up a cottage industry selling these (fboab's at the front of the queue) it's an option...

(With clever design you could set it up to pause printing half way through, then insert the pins and cable, then finish printing and seal the connections inside the plastic without messing around with hot glue)


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #10 on: 06 July, 2020, 12:11:36 pm »
The plastic insert holding the pogo pins is just the sort of thing a 3d printer is handy for, although in this case getting the shape just right would probably need quite a lot of trial and error. For a one-off the hand made approach wins, but if you wanted to set up a cottage industry selling these (fboab's at the front of the queue) it's an option...

(With clever design you could set it up to pause printing half way through, then insert the pins and cable, then finish printing and seal the connections inside the plastic without messing around with hot glue)

You'd probably need to pre-solder or crimp the pins however else the risk would be in them slackening off when they are heated, soldering iron is about the same temperature as the printer's hot extruder or worse depending on the printing material...


Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #11 on: 07 July, 2020, 09:25:34 am »
The plastic insert holding the pogo pins is just the sort of thing a 3d printer is handy for, although in this case getting the shape just right would probably need quite a lot of trial and error. For a one-off the hand made approach wins, but if you wanted to set up a cottage industry selling these (fboab's at the front of the queue) it's an option...

(With clever design you could set it up to pause printing half way through, then insert the pins and cable, then finish printing and seal the connections inside the plastic without messing around with hot glue)

Just making sure you're all aware  ;)

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #12 on: 08 July, 2020, 11:48:49 am »
That is awesome!  Why don't garmin make it?  Alternatively someone like Igaro who clearly have more than enough skills.

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #13 on: 22 July, 2020, 01:38:27 am »
Happy to assist with molishing one up  for you fboab. 


  • unfuckwithable
Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #14 on: 22 July, 2020, 04:35:10 pm »
great job! i can see a couple of minor improvements for v.2 and something i might consider making if i had that model of gps.


  • It's just dicking about on bikes
    • Cycling hobo
Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #15 on: 22 July, 2020, 05:17:05 pm »
I have been wondering if any of the mount manufacturers have realised there is a market in endurance riding for such a power mount.
Great job.

That out front insert is just what I have been looking for, for my Garmin 1000
I have a power lead permanently moulded into the downward facing USB socket, and the 1/4 turn is a pain for mounting.
Just ordered one, problem solved.  :thumbsup:

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #16 on: 23 July, 2020, 11:40:04 am »
I did suggest something like this via a facebook message sometime ago to K-edge or raceware and got a rather snotty reply

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #17 on: 09 April, 2021, 02:23:03 pm »
Brilliant work!  I joined this forum just to thank you.  You gave me the confidence to experiment and I have designed a custom 3D printed mount based on you work that drops into a standard mount and charges my EDGE.  Happy to share the STLs if that might help someone?  I also went on to build a custom battery pack that slides into the bar end for a pretty clean look.

K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #18 on: 06 June, 2021, 07:46:26 pm »
That would be great if you would share the STLs, mockendon.

Do you have pictures?

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #19 on: 07 June, 2021, 08:29:21 pm »
My Edge Touring Plus needs help to get me around a 200km Audax. I just use a cylinder-shaped power bank (not sure it's that one) in a torch mount, attached to an extension bracket just under the GPS mount, with a very short USB cable.

Don't think my GPS does charging via contacts like that anyway, but hope a simple alternative works for some people.


  • prefers UK hills over Dutch mountains
Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #20 on: 20 February, 2022, 11:38:20 am »
This has been long on my "I want that" list and finally got around to bodge something for the Garmin mounts I have. Pictures, part list and files for 3D printing over at

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #21 on: 20 February, 2022, 01:40:07 pm »
Just reiterating my willingness to pay actual cash money for anyone who will sell me one of these.


Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #22 on: 20 February, 2022, 03:29:57 pm »
Just reiterating my willingness to pay actual cash money for anyone who will sell me one of these.
Me too

Sent from my motorola edge 20 using Tapatalk

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #23 on: 26 February, 2022, 08:25:42 pm »
AliExpress has the pogo connectors listed as high current spring loaded pogo pin.  I ordered their part number E003 for $0.38 each. 

Re: K-Edge Garmin 1030 mount with underside Charging
« Reply #24 on: 14 July, 2022, 10:36:08 am »
Looks like Garmin are getting in on the act with this now.

Very tempted, but 109 quid seems a bit steep.

Sent from my SM-G780G using Tapatalk

Eddington: 114 Miles