Author Topic: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip  (Read 2060 times)

Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« on: 01 June, 2017, 09:26:27 am »
Been lurking here for a while, may possibly be the answer to somewhat pain free cycling I hope.

I am an avid mountain biker really, but also have a road bike.

The mountain biking is causing me some serious pain in terms of hip and back pain, doesn't make a great deal of difference whether I am on the hardtail or full suspension bike really.

Road cycling is slightly better, but still causes pain after the ride in the left hip, back and thigh muscles.

Can anyone give me some advice as to whether a recumbent trike would help with the pain? I am assuming that by the weight being supported by lying down , the weight bearing and bent back would less more comfortable?

Looks like my mountain bike days are behind me, the terrai I ride at Afan Argoed and Bike Park Wales is just causing my body too much stress these days.



Re: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« Reply #1 on: 01 June, 2017, 09:55:13 am »
How old are you?

What is the duration of your rides?

Do you feel the pain immediately?

You say you are an 'avid rider'; for how many years?

Do you stretch or do any core strength exercises?
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« Reply #2 on: 01 June, 2017, 11:22:58 am »
62 years young

Usually have 3 rides a week, about 2 to 3 hours long

Been riding for the last 30 odd years at least



  • Andytheex-flyer.....
Re: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« Reply #3 on: 01 June, 2017, 11:33:17 am »
Hi Denis,

It might, but it will depend upon why you are in pain. I suspect that a large proportion of the recumbent riders on this forum ride recumbents because they ease pains caused by weight bearing on the arms and pelvis when riding a DF bike.  That's certainly the case for me.

As you say, a recumbent seat spreads the weight of your torso over a wide area and that may relive some of the pain.  If you are comfortable lying in bed, or reclined on a sofa, then maybe the recumbent will work for you. 

If you let us know where you are, there may be someone on here who can offer you a test drive on a trike (or a bike maybe - but trikes are easier to ride!). Failing that, D-Tek have a good number of used machines for sale (he's in Ely, near Thetford), Laid-Back bikes are in Edinburgh, and there are dealers in Glasgow and London that I know of (and maybe Bristol) - so not many, but you should be able to find something to try out to see if the reclined position helps you.  Then you can decide on what machine you'd like.

Some trikes have suspension, some don't - I find my non-sus 700c recumbent bike really jarring on rough country lanes, and my rear-sus 20/26 bike more comfortable, but slower.  You also need to decide if you can stand the bumpy ride from a non-sus trike, and don't forget that a 26" rear wheel will be more comfortable than a 20" rear.

Don't forget that trikes can be quite low to the ground, so if you have difficulty in getting onto and off the floor, then that maybe a problem.  Lots to consider!

Others will be along soon............

Re: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« Reply #4 on: 01 June, 2017, 12:40:26 pm »
Thank you for detailed reply.  I live near Swansea.  Oddly enough i don't get the pain when riding. About 2 to 3 hours later,and the next day.

Will need a demo, trike with suspension , the roads Are not that good here.
It seems to be more of a strength issue. Off road invalves a lot of climbing. Descending is mainly stood up.

Road bike is a little better as my  body isn't beat up as much.

More of a spinner with high cadence if that helps, climbing in the saddle


Re: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« Reply #5 on: 01 June, 2017, 12:46:39 pm »
Hmm, if you've been riding that long I think we can rule out poor bike fit.

I'm 12years younger than you, but I also have an arthritic hip (due to childhood bone disease). Mine is osteoarthritis and I find that cycling eases the arthritis - walking makes it worse. However I do ride only on roads, with fat tyres and using a brooks saddle.

I agree with Andy that it depends on why you are in pain, and the type of arthritis.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Andytheex-flyer.....
Re: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« Reply #6 on: 01 June, 2017, 01:18:09 pm »
Thank you for detailed reply.  I live near Swansea.  Oddly enough i don't get the pain when riding. About 2 to 3 hours later,and the next day.

Will need a demo, trike with suspension , the roads Are not that good here.
It seems to be more of a strength issue. Off road invalves a lot of climbing. Descending is mainly stood up.

Road bike is a little better as my  body isn't beat up as much.

More of a spinner with high cadence if that helps, climbing in the saddle

Spinning is good on a 'bent.  You'll do a lot of slow climbing, spinning away, but the descents can be exhilarating! You'll need a different set of leg muscles though as you don't use your body weight to move the bike on a recumbent.  If it's wear and tear on the hip joint surfaces maybe spinning will aggravate the problem, although I'd expect the forces on the joint should be less on a recumbent because there's no body weight to support.

FWIW, I'm the same age as you, although I was 21 until I was 58 and had spinal surgery, then I needed the recumbent lifestyle.  You just have to find what suits you and adapt accordingly. 

You'll have to find some to try.  I think there's a place in Bristol, others will soon advise.  Alternatively, you could go to see ICE in Falmouth - they will have a trike to suit if you can get on with a trike.  They are not cheap, but their design and engineering is top notch.  When I eventually have to go three wheeled, it'll be an ICE if I can still get down that low to get in!

Re: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« Reply #7 on: 01 June, 2017, 01:35:09 pm »
Thanks, I fancy a trip and a few days in Falmouth.

Will have a good look at their website this afternoon.
Walking definitely is more painful for anything longer than about 30 minutes.

Just got back in from a fairly flat 30 miles on the road bike, nice ride down to The Mumbles and back.


Re: Possible newbie advice ,arthritic hip
« Reply #8 on: 01 June, 2017, 02:25:16 pm »
With my knees it's a question of both load and repetitions.
So if I grind and put more stress I put on them, the quicker they hurt. This means I need to spin and keep the loads on them small.
But if I do to many revolutions in a day then they start to hurt as well. So I no longer spin at around 90 rpm but at around 60 rpm.
But the silly low first gear (sub-10") on my trike does help put less stress on my knees when hill climbing.