Author Topic: New season's training and a personlaity disorder  (Read 4333 times)

New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« on: 16 October, 2016, 12:31:50 pm »
I thought I'd do a quick note, and may be try to keep up to date with recording training, on my current training. Also on a small identity challenge!

For the last coupe of years I've enjoyed cycling and the social aspects as well as lone rides out in the evenings and early at the weekend. However, I've always also run, more seriously when I was a younger man than now. This summer and autumn I've found myself back running again and having some sort of mild identity crisis, culminating in accepting an invitation to rejoin an athletics club and go and have a play over a winter's cross country season.

As much as I love the running, I don't want to lose all ability to ride a bike up a hill, so I've been playing with some ideas for training over the winter, which habitually kicks off in October - when I'm doing it something like properly. Obviously, it can call fall apart due to work, family etc...

Broadly, I'm trying to maintain sufficient running and quality work therein to run OK and enough (2 x per week) riding to carry the cycling strength through the winter and be able to work off the running fitness. We shall see.

I'll try and update with additional comment


Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #1 on: 16 October, 2016, 12:32:35 pm »
October schedule (noting my weeks commence on Sunday):

Week 1 - 4 runs, including one session of short hills and an easy 10 miles off road
Week 2 - 1 easy ride and 3 runs, including one session of medium hills and an 8 mile tempo run - would have liked one more easy ride
Week 3 - 1 easy ride (15 miles) and only 2 easy paces runs of 6 and 11 miles. Late work curtailed other planned activity, so it became a rest week.

Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #2 on: 16 October, 2016, 01:20:07 pm »
Good luck

I am in awe of anybody who can do two sports.  I barely manage to do one!

Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #3 on: 22 October, 2016, 06:46:20 pm »
Thanks Chris. Not sure I can do two sports well though!

I've updated the activity post with what became the rest week endingy first cycle. A week early, but will start new cycle tomorrow and am on holiday for a week:)


Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #4 on: 22 October, 2016, 06:49:10 pm »
OK, record to date:

October, cycle 1. 3 weeks. 2 with 3 runs and 1 ride and rest week with 2 runs and 1 ride.

Cycle 2 (commencing 23/10/16)
Week 1 - 3 runs incl 1 x interval session, 1 easy and 1 park run, plus 2 easy bike rides


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Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #5 on: 02 November, 2016, 01:44:27 pm »
I run and cycle, to a reasonable standard, though not competitively. 

I find the running training helps in the winter when, apart from the weekly club run, it is hard to go through the faff of getting dressed getting the bike filthy and then spending ages cleaning it, just for an hour or so outside, and I hate turbo-trainers.  So an hour's run sets me up nicely for the day and keeps my aerobic fitness up. 

This week I managed to do what I planned to do, 67 mile ride on Sunday, the last bit beiing through and off with a new cat2 racer 36 years my junior  :facepalm: :sick:, 9.6 mile run Tuesday morning before work, 6000m row (Concept 2) + weights session (deadift, squats and some core/upper bodywork) this morning.  Will be out on the Upper Thames Audax on Saturday so will rest the next two days.  Next week I'm travelling on business but unless its icy will have a 10 mile round trip from Basel to Sankt Chriscrona and back on Tuesday morning and hopefully row and weights on Thursday evening.
Eddington Numbers 130 (imperial), 183 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)

Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #6 on: 06 November, 2016, 07:36:23 am »
Thanks CET. Good to know their is some cross benefit. Unfortunately, utterly rubbish this week. Only 2 sessions due to work and family. Didn't even get out yesterday due to transporting bairn's and allotment bonfire day - leaving me a long ride in the rain today....

OK, record to date:

October, cycle 1. 3 weeks. 2 with 3 runs and 1 ride and rest week with 2 runs and 1 ride.

Cycle 2 (commencing 23/10/16)
Week 1 - 3 runs incl 1 x interval session, 1 easy and 1 park run, plus 2 easy bike rides
Week 2 -  2 runs only incl 1x short hills and 1 easy 5


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Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #7 on: 10 November, 2016, 10:24:04 pm »
This week is now complete - 200km Upper Thames Audax on Saturday, 8.6 mile run in Switzerland on Tuesday morning at a crisp -2C, up the hill to Bettingen (about 150m above Basel) and back again, and a gym session today involving a 5000m row, 3 x12 reps 30kg squats, 3x 12 reps 52.5kg deadlifts and some upper body and core conditioning finishing with an 80sec plank.
Eddington Numbers 130 (imperial), 183 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)


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Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #8 on: 13 November, 2016, 09:36:45 pm »
Tried all 3 disciplines this weekend, 10000m row on Saturday afternoon, 35 mile cycle on Sunday morning and 12 mile run on Sunday afternoon.  The legs felt very dead at the start of the run but I did have the pleasure of catching and briefly passing a cyclist on the last hill (only long tarmac section).
Eddington Numbers 130 (imperial), 183 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)

Re: New season's training and a personality disorder
« Reply #9 on: 13 November, 2016, 10:07:24 pm »
Last week was pretty poor in the end - largely due to work hours and stress.

Only managed 3 runs 8, 5 and 8 for 21 miles total. At least the first 8 was run hard and last night's was an easygoing tempo pace. Also missed two of my (very short) core sessions.

This week has started better today, with a nice 30 mile ride on the bike. However, I think I may need to alter the timing of this cycle.

Record to date:

October, cycle 1. 3 weeks. 2 with 3 runs and 1 ride and rest week with 2 runs and 1 ride.

Cycle 2 (commencing 23/10/16)
Week 1 - 3 runs incl 1 x interval session, 1 easy and 1 park run, plus 2 easy bike rides
Week 2 - 2 runs only incl 1x short hills and 1 easy 5
Week 3 - 3 runs only including 1 x 8 miles threshold, 1 x 5 miles easy and 1 x 8 miles tempo

Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #10 on: 20 November, 2016, 12:46:18 pm »
Another, work induced, poor week. 2 rides and a run only. This week feels better so far. Outcome will depend on whether I can get up to do morning run on Tuesday...

Record to date:

October, cycle 1. 3 weeks. 2 with 3 runs and 1 ride and rest week with 2 runs and 1 ride.

Cycle 2 (commencing 23/10/16)
Week 1 - 3 runs incl 1 x interval session, 1 easy and 1 park run, plus 2 easy bike rides
Week 2 - 2 runs only incl 1x short hills and 1 easy 5
Week 3 - 3 runs only including 1 x 8 miles threshold, 1 x 5 miles easy and 1 x 8 miles tempo
Week 4 - 2 rides, 30 and 33 miles, and 1 x 5 mile run



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Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #11 on: 25 November, 2016, 05:30:59 pm »
Last two weeks have been a bit up and down, but managed 12.5 mile cross country run on Friday 18, a 65 mile ride on Sunday 20, a 16 mile run on Wednesday 23, and a 10k row today.  The 10k row was my slowest ever, and 30 seconds down on the previous one, but I deliberately set out steady and could have kept going at that pace for a good distance further.  So all in all, feel like its been good progress.  Hopefully with less travel in the run up to Christmas will be able to get more rest and think about more intensity.
Eddington Numbers 130 (imperial), 183 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)

Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #12 on: 25 November, 2016, 09:43:16 pm »
This week has been another poor week, with only two runs so far and my first cross country race of the season tomorrow. More positively, Garmin thought my VO2 max had stepped up another point last night. I think it is based on full rather than lean body mass, so losing weight helps improve the number.



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Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #13 on: 01 December, 2016, 11:05:23 am »
Both the running and rowing are going well at the moment.  PB today on my 17.2 mile cross country route (although having all the boggy bits frozen solid was probably a big factor) and only 36m off my PB for a 30 minute row on Tuesday.  That probably reflects that those two disciplines are getting more focus than in the past.  Cycling is flat.  Am struggling up the hills, but that might be fatigue from the running and the rowing.  Adjusting my work schedule to try to work one day a week at home has had a big positive as can do the long run on a weekday.
Eddington Numbers 130 (imperial), 183 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)

Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #14 on: 01 December, 2016, 01:56:44 pm »
Better start this week with runs on Monday and Tuesday, with another step up in Garmin eVO2max on Tuesday. Will be trying for a spin on the bike tonight.



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Re: New season's training and a personlaity disorder
« Reply #15 on: 08 December, 2016, 09:45:14 am »
Cycling is still flat.  I blame it on Santa Claus's evil brother.  He's the bloke who winds all the clocks in accessible places back - each of those is on a big chain and as he winds the clocks back he makes all the hills steeper.  But did my first hour row since January 2014 (and only my third ever) this morning with the sort of distance I was looking for.
Eddington Numbers 130 (imperial), 183 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)