Yet Another Cycling Forum

Random Musings => Gallery => Topic started by: Martin on 11 April, 2008, 10:53:42 am

Title: Hailsham 300 / 600 2007
Post by: Martin on 11 April, 2008, 10:53:42 am
 the 300; Jack Paul Chris and Richard near Lindfield

Sabine at the wonderful Brightling control; check those little tables  :)


Rob and Mark arrive


Leaving Dungeness having almost "bounced" the control; Liam in front.


a well pleased El Supremo at the WoW


Chris almost mananges to escape getting snapped by Rolvenden

Jack and Deniece at Frant just before the A267 White Knuckle ride


 Some photos from the 600 at the start and High and Over (too dull for any decent ones)
The start

L-R FWN, Rob, Tuggo, Hummers, Alex B, MattC, Pushbikeman
kneeling Jack, Arabella, Swalecyclist

William Lantry
Phixi; Paul O and Rich T behind
Chris Tracy and MattC
Arabella still showing the effects of riding through a puddle on her last visit to Dungeness