Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Freewheeling => The Dark Side => Topic started by: ElyDave on 26 March, 2020, 07:10:04 am

Title: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: ElyDave on 26 March, 2020, 07:10:04 am
Having not ridden it outside since mid January due to the ridiculously synchronized winter storms and stuff, I put the Cruzbike on the turbo this week.

Different, some odd things going on between the hrm and the T-shirt I was wearing, but before it went screwy, my hr was generally about 10 BPM lower. There was a really distinct difference in muscle use though, and I was around 10-20W down on my standard steady session by feel (not done a data comparison yet).

Anyone else got their bent on a TT?
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: slowfen on 26 March, 2020, 07:44:22 am
Wait until the program says "ride out of saddle" ;D
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: ElyDave on 26 March, 2020, 08:45:41 am
I never do that bit anyway, I'm a twiddler not a masher  ;D
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: DuncanM on 26 March, 2020, 08:53:33 am
I put my trike on the rollers (20" rear wheel means it won't fit on the turbo). It was pretty strange - somewhat bouncy and I was miles down on the power (felt like about 40W off my then 240W FTP). I don't have any 'bent legs to speak of though, so I assume if I spent more time on it that would get better.
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: Phil W on 26 March, 2020, 08:56:54 am
I have my recumbent on the turbo.  When I first did it I was way down on power and max HR I could reach.  But after three months my power is up with where I used to get on the road bike about same time last year and I can get within a few beats of my max HR when I push it just above VO2 max.  Just takes a while for the glutes to adapt and legs get stronger. Then you can push that extra power and tax your cardio some more. My glutes used to get DOMS like nothing else till they’d adapted to the new position.
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: ElyDave on 26 March, 2020, 09:05:48 am
I have my recumbent on the turbo.  When I first did it I was way down on power and max HR I could reach.  But after three months my power is up with where I used to get on the road bike about same time last year and I can get within a few beats of my max HR when I push it just above VO2 max.  Just takes a while for the glutes to adapt and legs get stronger. Then you can push that extra power and tax your cardio some more. My glutes used to get DOMS like nothing else till they’d adapted to the new position.

Absolutely, it's lack of recent use that is the factor here I'm sure, as I clocked up a new max HR for the Cruzbike last summer on a regular TT I was doing
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: Phil W on 26 March, 2020, 02:18:41 pm
Did a 2 hour 37 min turbo session on recumbent today.  No way I’d clock that time up on a turbo on my road bike. At least you are comfy even if the kegs are getting no respite. The odd duration is because I was watching a film during one of my lower intensity steady state sessions. No way I can watch anything when doing the VO2 max work!
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: LMT on 26 March, 2020, 03:51:28 pm
Yup, got a smart trainer which I only really ever use in ERG mode so I only have to worry about turning the pedals and not much else. A nice comfy cushion which makes the steady state efforts a breeze.
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: ElyDave on 27 March, 2020, 06:42:13 am
Did a 2 hour 37 min turbo session on recumbent today.  No way I’d clock that time up on a turbo on my road bike. At least you are comfy even if the kegs are getting no respite. The odd duration is because I was watching a film during one of my lower intensity steady state sessions. No way I can watch anything when doing the VO2 max work!

Not sure whether to celebrate or commiserate 2:37 on a turbo. The most I've managed was around 90 min before the sheer tedium destroyed what was left of my soul. I found it in a puddle of my sweat the next day, cowering like the Voldemort spawn in the first Harry Potter story.

I work through box sets, zombie films, stuff swmbo will never watch during steady sessions. Intense intervals get music, loudloud.
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: slowfen on 27 March, 2020, 07:25:41 am
I’m probably going to have to dig out my turbo  :-[

One of the sessions I used to do was a 5min warm up, the change effort at each song start, generally worked well, but a hard (thought would be short effort) lasted a long time

Song, ads, news, ads, THEN finally song :sick:

Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: ElyDave on 27 March, 2020, 08:19:35 am
Just don't go with Telegraph Road, or the full BOOH, or Bohemian Rhapsody
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: Phil W on 27 March, 2020, 09:50:41 am
Did a 2 hour 37 min turbo session on recumbent today.  No way I’d clock that time up on a turbo on my road bike. At least you are comfy even if the kegs are getting no respite. The odd duration is because I was watching a film during one of my lower intensity steady state sessions. No way I can watch anything when doing the VO2 max work!

Not sure whether to celebrate or commiserate 2:37 on a turbo. The most I've managed was around 90 min before the sheer tedium destroyed what was left of my soul. I found it in a puddle of my sweat the next day, cowering like the Voldemort spawn in the first Harry Potter story.

I work through box sets, zombie films, stuff swmbo will never watch during steady sessions. Intense intervals get music, loudloud.

Yep I have music on for my high intensity stuff as I can’t look at anything during them. I’m just going to do high intensity once a week for now. A kind of holding pattern.
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: slowfen on 27 March, 2020, 11:04:23 am
Just don't go with Telegraph Road, or the full BOOH, or Bohemian Rhapsody

Have done BR in past, its to avoid prog like mad in those sessions (Tales from a topographic ocean Yes anyone)
Title: Re: Bents on turbo trainers
Post by: Mr Larrington on 27 March, 2020, 11:05:46 am
Just don't go with Telegraph Road, or the full BOOH, or Bohemian Rhapsody

And certainly not Sleep's epic "Dopesmoker".  1:03:34.