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Random Musings => Gallery => Phototalk => Topic started by: Polar Bear on 18 July, 2022, 05:43:21 pm

Title: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: Polar Bear on 18 July, 2022, 05:43:21 pm
It appears to have become rare as hen's teeth.  Anybody got a seekrit contact/supplier that they'd be willing to share?
Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 18 July, 2022, 05:55:09 pm
I just asked my son if anyone used a film camera for the photography units of his media and graphics course (or similar title to that effect). No, partly because film is more expensive than SD cards but mostly because film cameras themselves are crazily expensive compared to digital.

Please note due to the national shortage we are currently limiting orders to 5 rolls each. Thank you for your understanding.
Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: Salvatore on 18 July, 2022, 06:08:38 pm
The nearest Analogue Wonderland list is Kodak Portra 160 ISO

And their website says
Don't be put off by the ISO 160 number! In nearly all situations this can be shot at ISO 200 with no perceptible difference in the results
Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: Polar Bear on 18 July, 2022, 07:03:39 pm
I just asked my son if anyone used a film camera for the photography units of his media and graphics course (or similar title to that effect). No, partly because film is more expensive than SD cards but mostly because film cameras themselves are crazily expensive compared to digital.

Please note due to the national shortage we are currently limiting orders to 5 rolls each. Thank you for your understanding.

Oddly Skears is literally around the corner from him.  He's looking for 36 exposure rolls rather than 24 but will take the 24's if nothing materialises.

The nearest Analogue Wonderland list is Kodak Portra 160 ISO

And their website says
Don't be put off by the ISO 160 number! In nearly all situations this can be shot at ISO 200 with no perceptible difference in the results

I'm with that thought on the 160 but he's holding out for 200 at the moment.

Who knows how desperate he will get?  🤔😉
Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: MikeFromLFE on 19 July, 2022, 07:58:00 am
It's become scarce and expensive. Thankfully I bought a fair bit of 35mm film last year, but that's no help to you.
Keep an eye on the larger outlets including ebay and 7dayShop.
The shop that does my processing has said they'll let me know if they ever manage to get any film but they aren't hopeful in the short/medium term. The owner puts it down to increased demand + reduced production + import difficulties (brexshit)
Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: FifeingEejit on 19 July, 2022, 02:15:31 pm
Which Kodak 200 Colour NEgative?

Nik and TRik have some Colour Plus but no Gold
Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: Polar Bear on 19 July, 2022, 02:17:30 pm

Unfortunately 36 exposure is out of stock.  🙁
Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: FifeingEejit on 21 July, 2022, 01:31:05 pm
N&T posted on Facebook earlier about Ilford prices going up 10%
Kodak have had a 1300% I crease in shipping costs
And no one can get new film canisters because the people that make them can't.

Sent from my IV2201 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: Salvatore on 21 July, 2022, 07:26:44 pm
Some of the reasons for shortage/price of film explained in this video

In short (and I've probably missed important points),
- Capacity reduced following decline of sales due to digital, including scrapping of machinery to produce film, and shrinkage of numbers of people trained to use them. Also financial difficulty, bankruptcy of producers. Same applies to suppliers of raw materials dependent on film industry.
- Now that demand is rising (see Cudzo's observation on price rise of 2nd hand film cameras), there just isn't capacity to match demand
Title: Re: Difficulties buying Kodak 36 exp 35mm 200asa colour film
Post by: LEE on 02 August, 2022, 08:26:21 pm
I have 2 rolls of Kodak colour 200 x 36exp.
..if you're passing through SW France.
You can have it at cost.  I shot a roll of it, as part of a nostalgia trip... but my Pentax ME Super locked up... so I gave up.