Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Audax => LEL 2022 => Topic started by: Sezdavies on 15 August, 2022, 10:09:28 am

Title: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Sezdavies on 15 August, 2022, 10:09:28 am
Hi. I am sure I won’t be the only one but I managed to pick up COVID-19 at some point last week. Stared coughing as I rode across the Fens on Thursday evening. Slept on a mattress on the side of the restaurant in St Ives from about midnight to 3am. Finished at 1043. I tested positive today.
I hope I didn’t pass it to anyone else - I guess it was inevitable there would be some spread with us all sleeping next to each other.
Funny how much symptoms of Covid-19 are similar for symptoms of “I just rode a very long way and had next to no sleep for 5 days!”
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: L CC on 15 August, 2022, 10:14:17 am
At least 2 of the VC167 have picked it up.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: abc123 on 15 August, 2022, 02:13:05 pm
I would expect to see a fair few cases given the number of people mixing during the event. I caught Covid 4 weeks before the start, on my my final pre LEL Audax (at least three other people on the event also caught it). I hoped that meant I wouldn't get it again before starting, but I wore a mask for the train journey down and while I was sleeping at controls. Bit of a cough since I got back, but testing negative, so I think that's just general LEL wear and tear!
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: alfapete on 15 August, 2022, 02:17:17 pm
Hi. I am sure I won’t be the only one but I managed to pick up COVID-19 at some point last week. Stared coughing as I rode across the Fens on Thursday evening. Slept on a mattress on the side of the restaurant in St Ives from about midnight to 3am. Finished at 1043. I tested positive today.
Sorry to hear that, Sarah. I'm surprised by how few cases have been reported, considering the way controls are set up. I had every intention of wearing a mask throughout at Barney but let my whole team down by failing to stick to my own policy within a couple of hours of starting work at the control - in and out of the building so often.
I've heard of a couple of volunteers who have tested positive (not mine), but not a huge number, and when you look at the numbers involved...
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: CrinklyLion on 15 August, 2022, 02:32:48 pm
I'm surprised by how few cases have been reported,

If there's no particular channel for reporting, I guess you won't see a lot of reports. I've seen a couple of things on twitter, one or two on fb, but i don't know how much social media overlap I have with participants this year. I also have to wonder if some people will feel shite, assume that is just the kind of shite you feel after 1500km and not test? I know SO many people who over the past couple of years were completely convinced that their lurgy was definitely not covid until they eventually realised that it was...
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Redlight on 15 August, 2022, 02:56:47 pm
We had one definite case at Brampton, an overseas rider who tested positive on arrival there on his way South. The controller had a plan in place and the individual was immediately isolated in a separate building until he was able to be moved. I would be very surprised, though, if there is not a fair number of riders now testing positive.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Lightning Phil on 15 August, 2022, 06:30:32 pm
If I’ve read it right on the audax uk forum, a rider turned up to LEL the day after they had a positive CV19 test result.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: αdαmsκι on 15 August, 2022, 06:34:14 pm
@LP: Yip that's my understanding that the rider was going to attempt LEL while they had COVID....

Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: markcjagar on 15 August, 2022, 07:02:17 pm
That's diabolical, should their ride be validated?
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Mr Larrington on 15 August, 2022, 07:05:26 pm
AIUI they packed fairly early on.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Kangaroocourt on 15 August, 2022, 07:12:54 pm
AIUI they packed fairly early on.
They were withdrawn by the controller if it's the rider I'm thinking of
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Sezdavies on 15 August, 2022, 07:16:50 pm
AIUI they packed fairly early on.
They were withdrawn by the controller if it's the rider I'm thinking of

Rightly so.  That makes me mad….he says “as far as I was concerned I was safe to ride”. That is one of the most selfish things I have ever seen.

Not usually a public ranter but I am in bed now, coughing, isolated from family and unable to work. If I picked it up from someone who didn’t know they had it then that’s completely fair enough, but if I picked it up from someone who turned up to ride because they knew they had Covid but “felt fine” then….
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Redlight on 15 August, 2022, 07:23:41 pm
he says “as far as I was concerned I was safe to ride”. That is one of the most selfish things I have ever seen.

Sadly, I think this is becoming a common attitude, especially during this holiday season. A couple of our near neighbours recently took a flight to Portugal despite both having tested positive and openly sharing that information with the street. ON top of that, I imagine that many people are ignoring symptoms because they don't want to pay for the testing kits.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: hellymedic on 15 August, 2022, 07:27:44 pm
AIUI they packed fairly early on.
They were withdrawn by the controller if it's the rider I'm thinking of
Rightly so.  That makes me mad….he says “as far as I was concerned I was safe to ride”. That is one of the most selfish things I have ever seen.
Not usually a public ranter but I am in bed now, coughing, isolated from family and unable to work. If I picked it up from someone who didn’t know they had it then that’s completely fair enough, but if I picked it up from someone who turned up to ride because they knew they had Covid but “felt fine” then….

I would be SO angry!

I wonder how many others have been infected by that rider.

I just hope they aren't clinically vulnerable and have no vulnerable loved ones.

This is a monumental Public Health FAIL!
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: IanDG on 15 August, 2022, 07:32:41 pm
I misread details on the controllers whats app chat. I thought he had had covid for a week but was still testing positive (quite normal and not infective). I didn't realise the first positive test was the previous day  :o
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: bhoot on 15 August, 2022, 07:45:00 pm

I just hope they aren't clinically vulnerable and have no vulnerable loved ones.

As someone with a vulnerable loved one, I wasn't going anywhere near LEL except for a quick trip to Debden on Wednesday (so with very few people about) to deliver magazines. I would really have liked to be part of it by volunteering but not worth the risk
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: coops456 on 15 August, 2022, 08:26:09 pm
Two volunteers from Great Easton - myself included - have tested positive so far.
I'm really annoyed with myself; to have been so careful the last 2+ years, and then let my guard down at LEL. :facepalm:  I'm now thinking it was idiotic to take part at all, but I would have hated to miss it.
I wore a mask into the dormitories but not on the front desk ::-). Our health focus switched primarily to managing the heat.

Negative test Saturday, but positive today so do keep an eye on it.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Sezdavies on 15 August, 2022, 08:41:23 pm
Two volunteers from Great Easton - myself included - have tested positive so far.
I'm really annoyed with myself; to have been so careful the last 2+ years, and then let my guard down at LEL. :facepalm:  I'm now thinking it was idiotic to take part at all, but I would have hated to miss it.
I wore a mask into the dormitories but not on the front desk ::-). Our health focus switched primarily to managing the heat.

Negative test Saturday, but positive today so do keep an eye on it.

Same here - negative Saturday, positive today
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Ivo on 15 August, 2022, 09:24:47 pm
A problem for many riders will have been that many symptoms of heat exhaustion are similar to a lot of Covid symptoms.
I packed in Malton after having not enough power in the legs and cramps in the Fenns (usual heat exhaustion issues).
The morning after I packed I felt a bit feverish. The rider with whom I rode in the direction of York got me a self test in Stamford Bridge, and indeed a light positive.
Informed organisers, was told (quite correctly) to stay away from the controls. Luckily I had some FFP2 masks in my barbag so could return to base and stay outside as much as possible (and keeping those around me informed).
Symptoms only lasted for a couple of hours so it kind of passed rapidly through my system.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: mmmmartin on 15 August, 2022, 09:38:57 pm
AIUI they packed fairly early on.
They were withdrawn by the controller if it's the rider I'm thinking of
He was told he wouldn't be allowed into controls. So in the end he did a 200k to keep up his RRTY. He did the right thing in saying he was positive and Danial did the right thing in saying he wouldn't be allowed into controls. He ended up riding hood bike in the open air, getting into his car and driving away. All good. Given that i think I've read that 15% of the population has it now at any given time, he wasn't in any way an increased risk to riders, who would ask have started before or after him and had zero contact with him, as he didn't enter any controls.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: hellymedic on 15 August, 2022, 10:32:40 pm
I would advise against riding AT ALL if testing positive, let alone riding a DIY 200.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: chrisbainbridge on 16 August, 2022, 12:33:38 am
I would advise against riding AT ALL if testing positive, let alone riding a DIY 200.
I think that is an overkill statement now for a well trained rider doing an aerobic 200km ride. The risk of serious complications is probably less than an accident on the 200 in a double/triple vaccinated person. We really have moved on significantly in the risk ratios compared to even a year ago.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Kim on 16 August, 2022, 12:40:32 am
I would advise against riding AT ALL if testing positive, let alone riding a DIY 200.
I think that is an overkill statement now for a well trained rider doing an aerobic 200km ride. The risk of serious complications is probably less than an accident on the 200 in a double/triple vaccinated person. We really have moved on significantly in the risk ratios compared to even a year ago.

As has been repeatedly pointed out, there's more to covid than serious complications.

Far better to rest, which will hopefully help you recover more quickly, and do your DIY in a couple of weeks time when you're in a state to enjoy it and not infectious, IMHO.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Notfromrugby on 16 August, 2022, 07:41:36 am
Two points

1) there has never been a point in the pandemic where the infection rate was estimated to be at 15% of the population. I think it topped 5% at most in some areas.

2) Riding a 200 brevet whilst having Covid gets the Stupidity award for 2022, topped only by riding LEL whilst being knowingly positive for Covid.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: chrisbainbridge on 16 August, 2022, 09:01:02 am
I would advise against riding AT ALL if testing positive, let alone riding a DIY 200.
I think that is an overkill statement now for a well trained rider doing an aerobic 200km ride. The risk of serious complications is probably less than an accident on the 200 in a double/triple vaccinated person. We really have moved on significantly in the risk ratios compared to even a year ago.

As has been repeatedly pointed out, there's more to covid than serious complications.

Far better to rest, which will hopefully help you recover more quickly, and do your DIY in a couple of weeks time when you're in a state to enjoy it and not infectious, IMHO.
Actually I think there is far less to Covid. Thousands of people have had covid without realising. Thousands have worked through covid  as they had to. I can guarantee that 50% of “long Covid” is nothing of the sort but more likely psychological relating to the ongoing mass hysteria.
Yes, you cannot ride a mass start event with covid. But doing a solo 200 with a mild head cold? No problem and no more risk of serious long term complications than after any winter sniffle.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Notfromrugby on 16 August, 2022, 09:15:24 am
I would advise against riding AT ALL if testing positive, let alone riding a DIY 200.
I think that is an overkill statement now for a well trained rider doing an aerobic 200km ride. The risk of serious complications is probably less than an accident on the 200 in a double/triple vaccinated person. We really have moved on significantly in the risk ratios compared to even a year ago.

As has been repeatedly pointed out, there's more to covid than serious complications.

Far better to rest, which will hopefully help you recover more quickly, and do your DIY in a couple of weeks time when you're in a state to enjoy it and not infectious, IMHO.
Actually I think there is far less to Covid. Thousands of people have had covid without realising. Thousands have worked through covid  as they had to. I can guarantee that 50% of “long Covid” is nothing of the sort but more likely psychological relating to the ongoing mass hysteria.
Yes, you cannot ride a mass start event with covid. But doing a solo 200 with a mild head cold? No problem and no more risk of serious long term complications than after any winter sniffle.

I wouldn't ride a 200 with a cold that would be daft. Some people do, they are not the smartest tools in the shed, as far as I am concerned. You can seriously harm yourself by doing so and bear the consequences for months. Plenty of accounts of folks who didn't let the virus do its course and then couldn't get back to their fitness level for months afterwards. Rest for a week or more, it's not a big deal and your body will be grateful.
I would leave the comments about long Covid to the experts rather than to how you feel about it... not sure how you "can guarantee", what guarantee are you offering? Your money back if turns out you are wrong?
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: chrisbainbridge on 16 August, 2022, 09:21:26 am
40 years running the largest hand surgery service in the UK, one of the top 5 in Europe and the benefit of seeing the influence of the psychology on physical symptoms.  I was being conservative with my 50%!  I routinely lecture and teach on the influence of confirmation and ascertainment bias in the medical field, the benefits of exercise in health, etc.

As it happened I did have longer symptoms and knew that I lost a lot of fitness but I still rode a solo 200km and then a couple of 100kms as I was in the middle of Europe when I got it!

Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Notfromrugby on 16 August, 2022, 09:43:11 am
40 years running the largest hand surgery service in the UK, one of the top 5 in Europe and the benefit of seeing the influence of the psychology on physical symptoms.  I was being conservative with my 50%!  I routinely lecture and teach on the influence of confirmation and ascertainment bias in the medical field, the benefits of exercise in health, etc.

As it happened I did have longer symptoms and knew that I lost a lot of fitness but I still rode a solo 200km and then a couple of 100kms as I was in the middle of Europe when I got it!

That makes it a lot worse, as some people might even think that a hand surgeon's endorsement means it is a good idea.
The way you feel one morning is not necessarily the way you will feel 6 hours and 150 km later, far from home and possibly having to rely on public transport to get back and in doing so endangering other people.
It is an utterly stupid idea to ride that far whilst ill. There are far better ways to stay healthy and do exercise during a bout of Covid.
Also, in most of continental Europe, you still have to self isolate if positive. I hope you didn't break the law!
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: telstarbox on 16 August, 2022, 03:17:00 pm
Certainly a bold decision for that chap to post on the other forum under his own name.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Philip Whiteman on 16 August, 2022, 04:25:23 pm
Certainly a bold decision for that chap to post on the other forum under his own name. 

As an experienced organiser and long serving member of AUK, I cannot believe or even comprehend the extreme stupidity and selfishness of his actions.    The LEL Team took the correct course of action but I would not be surprised if the matter is taken yet further by the AUK Board.

Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: Notfromrugby on 16 August, 2022, 04:42:49 pm
Certainly a bold decision for that chap to post on the other forum under his own name. 

As an experienced organiser and long serving member of AUK, I cannot believe or even comprehend the extreme stupidity and selfishness of his actions.    The LEL Team took the correct course of action but I would not be surprised if the matter is taken yet further by the AUK Board.

sometimes they get old and they don't get wise... I think he's had his fair share of personal issues and maybe they've taken their toll on his state of mind.
That said, I seem the recall his events went ahead in March 2020 when it was clear that a lockdown was imminent, or maybe he was forced to cancel but he complained about it... I can't quite remember, but it was something along those lines.

EDIT: I checked the email trail and he said "he had no intention to cancel or postpone the event", on the day that BoJo said "now it's the time to stop all non essential travel". He was then was forced to cancel by AUK...
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 16 August, 2022, 04:45:39 pm
Some riders are VERY focussed on achieving their goals.
Title: Re: COVID-19 after LEL
Post by: James O on 16 August, 2022, 05:14:10 pm

"No issues with wearing a mask, as no riders, only volunteers."