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Off Topic => The Pub => Food & Drink => Topic started by: hubner on 10 October, 2022, 08:09:59 pm

Title: Yeast extract
Post by: hubner on 10 October, 2022, 08:09:59 pm
Lidl and Aldi do their own brands of Marmite. They're a little bit cheaper, taste is similar but the biggest difference is they're not stringy.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: rafletcher on 10 October, 2022, 08:14:20 pm
Tesco do their own too. It’s runny. I prefer the original product.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Hot Flatus on 10 October, 2022, 08:18:19 pm
I used to really like Vegemite.  It has a slight cheesy flavour to it. But I haven't seen it in my local shops for a while.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: hubner on 10 October, 2022, 08:22:53 pm
The Lidl and Aldi ones are not runny. OK they were when it was 35 degrees.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: hubner on 10 October, 2022, 08:36:44 pm

Marmite vs supermarket yeast extract spreads

How do own label yeast extracts measure up to Marmite and Vegemite? Find out whether our panel of tasters loved them or hated them

Rebecca Marcus

Marmite's distinctive savoury flavour and dark sticky texture have made it one of the most divisive breakfast spreads.

But should Marmite devotees always opt for the branded pot, or is it worth trying a cheaper own-label yeast extract?

In December 2021, we tested Marmite alongside four supermarket own-label yeast extract spreads from Aldi, Asda, Morrisons and Tesco. We also included Vegemite to find out how the Australian spread compares.

Our results show it’s not just Marmite that provokes strong reactions – the two top spreads scored 75%, while the lowest-rated one scored just 42%. Read on to find out which ones our tasters liked best.

Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 11 October, 2022, 09:03:42 am
I quite like the Tesco version, if I like any of them. I am non-Marmite about Marmite and yeast extracts in general.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: citoyen on 11 October, 2022, 01:52:11 pm
I quite like the Tesco version, if I like any of them. I am non-Marmite about Marmite and yeast extracts in general.

Marmite is a very marmite kind of thing - some people love it, some people hate it, and most people have an opinion about it that lies somewhere on the spectrum between those extremes.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: nicknack on 11 October, 2022, 02:26:16 pm
I am a fan of Marmite.

I have just purchased a jar of Aldi's version of it. It's good. Very like the original. But not quite.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Woofage on 11 October, 2022, 02:56:31 pm
Tesco do their own too.

With the added (?) bonus that it does not contain celery (a common allergen).
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Hot Flatus on 11 October, 2022, 06:01:44 pm

Food of The Gods.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: SteveC on 11 October, 2022, 06:33:40 pm
A long time ago, I used to get yeast extract from a whole food shop in Southampton (Danaan's).
It was so thick that you could not spread it on toast.
It was not a substitute for Marmite.
But it was much better for cooking with. The problem with using any significant quantity of Marmite in a dish is the the taste is so distinctive it colours everything else.
Wish I knew where the other one came from, but it was the sort of shop you took your old jars to so they could reuse them, so nothing had labels.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Flite on 11 October, 2022, 08:15:09 pm
I grew up in a cycling family who lived on peanut butter and marmite sandwiches when on tour.
I always loved marmite, but realised I was eating far too much of it to be a healthy salt intake.
So I switched to the low-salt version of Natex, from our local wholefood shop, and much prefer it.
Not only is it lower in salt, but you can actually taste ingredients other than salt.
And it still goes well with nut butter, especially on toast....
Or on toast before you put the baked beans on top....

Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Woofage on 11 October, 2022, 09:57:11 pm

Food of The Gods.

Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: ian on 11 October, 2022, 10:10:42 pm
I hate Twiglets. Foul. They're like twigs that have been dipped in fox poo and left to dry in the sun.

Yet, they're crazy addictive, and despite my disgust, once I've eaten one, I can't stop, I keep eating.

Unlike baked pitta chips. Seriously, the worst snack idea ever. I've never eaten plasterboard (or for the record, twigs dipped in fox shit, that not being my kind of woodland pursuit) but I'm pretty sure the experience is much the same.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 11 October, 2022, 10:48:05 pm
A pack of twiglets and a good novel. I recommend something by Louis de Bernieres.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: ian on 12 October, 2022, 09:22:13 am
Could I take out an albino assassin with precision targetted Twiglets? I'm not sure. I'm sure I'd try.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Mr Larrington on 12 October, 2022, 12:02:04 pm
You'd probably just hit his mountainous shadow, which would really piss him off.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Slave To The Viking on 14 October, 2022, 12:15:53 am
Ever tried New Zealand Marmite? Or Promite (which is kind of like Marmite, and from New Zealand, but isn't called Marmite)?

I now can't remember which is which (been about 14 years or so since I was Kiwi-side), but one's sort of like an ersatz Marmite - sort of Vegemitey - and the other is like green Oxo cubes let out with a drip of water. I think Promite is the Marmitey one, and Marmite isn't. If it was the "right" way round, I'm sure I'd have remembered.
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Vernon on 14 October, 2022, 08:04:28 am
I'm currently in New Zealand.  There is Australian Vegemite (bleurgh), Marmite, Promite and "Our Mate". Marmite (made by Sanatarium and owned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church) is similar to Vegemite, but quite sweet. I haven't tried Promite, but it's got even more sugar (about 20%), and is therefore an abomination unto mine eyes. UK Marmite, made by Unilever, is sold as "Our Mate" over here, and is about three or four times the price of the other stuff.
I've gotten used to Sanatarium Marmite, but might get a jar of the spendy stuff for old time sake.
As far as UK supermarket brands go, we quite liked the Morrisons one, it was quite thick and similar to old-style Marmite (which I think is now sold as Marmite XO).
Title: Re: Yeast extract
Post by: Valiant on 21 October, 2022, 02:30:15 am
Reduced Salt Marmite is imho better than all the other Marmites, and cheaper compared to Marmite XO.