Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Freewheeling => Topic started by: sam on 05 May, 2023, 09:30:37 pm

Title: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 05 May, 2023, 09:30:37 pm
This is for those of us who, barring a blue moon, only ride alone.*

Today's ride was humbling. I was going up a steep hill, not expecting company, when a woman who looked to be about the same size as Charles's late mum swept by me. She must have clocked my wide eyed horror, because she cheerily said "Don't worry, it's electric!" I have a feeling this is something she feels the need to offer on a regular basis to MAMILs.

Having confirmed that her bike was indeed electric (nobody likes to be patronised), I then tried to use her as a pacemaker,† but either she was too fast or I was too slow. So I lost my KOM status for the day.‡

There were signs and portents of the coming ceremonial assumption of temporal powers of our new lizard king.



The Brightling pyramid remains shrouded in mourning for QEII. Surely bad luck.


This is an entry for Sunday's soapbox derby. A similar event was held in 2016 to celebrate the queen's 90th, the royals being avid soap boxers, enjoying it second only to Ascot. The sharp-eyed will note that it's on beer kegs. Building flying machines, even if they're never meant to get off the ground, is thirsty work.

Local celeb Roger Daltrey


will be judging a homemade crown contest. Having just been informed of this by my own consort, it's too late for me to craft one from the helmet I bought as a prop for Halloween. Maybe next time.


* Having checked the rarity of a blue moon, I realise it's not terribly rare. I already knew that it's not blue.

† On a serious note, I do keep this ( in mind.

‡ Strava isn't actually a club I belong to. I didn't have to say that down here. Just wanted to use a diesis.
Title: Coronation street
Post by: sam on 06 May, 2023, 03:35:05 pm
Club run into town this morning to gauge coronation fever. I hoped to miss the rain, but just in case, hauled out the Langster, which hasn't seen tarmac since December when my Sabbath arrived and I decided to ride that and only that in an intensive course to overlay new muscle memory over old.


Yes, cobwebs. An insult to a perfectly decent bike that deserves better than foul weather service.

First stop was this guy,


guarding the entrance of a nearby estate. It was necessary for thematic reasons. Also I had to adjust the seatpost.

And so to town.


The Green Man's bike, obvs.


My wife's optician. I quickly decided to judge the window displays. The winner will be announced at the end.


A little too on the nose.


Let 'em eat cake.


I expected great things from the charity shop sector of the economy.


If only.


Ah, mem'ries (


I thought the palace had bought all those up and had them pulverised.


This looks like a good spread. Let's get closer.


Now that's what I call a one-two punch.




Just leaving this here as a setup for…


Do I really have to go through his dating history? (Goes through dating history.)


Sensible or swinging? You choose.


Another optician. But what's this inside?


Surely a security risk if they fall into the wrong hands. (


If that doesn't sell some filler, I don't know what will.


Frankly I found caped Charles to be a little scary.

OK, time for the winner:


This is just amazing.

(click to show/hide)


Zoom in please.


That'll be Andrew.


I can almost see Jim Royle ( sitting there.


That was nice of them, but I had other plans. That gouge in the doorjamb where I banged my bike isn't going to polyfilla itself.
Title: Derby Day
Post by: sam on 07 May, 2023, 07:02:01 pm
Normally a good sign:


Went for my usual ride today but had somehow managed to forget there was going to be a soapbox derby in the way.


Hope I'm not too late.

Oh, behave!

I wasn't certain if I'd be allowed through, and walked my bike up to the marshall. He said sure, I just needed to cycle up the hill, as there were contestants waiting to come down. I would like to report that the crowd cheered my ascent, and so shall. (Actually, someone did exclaim that I was riding a fixed gear. No need to correct him.)



You must've seen that coming.


Senior royalty. Their ride is behind the plane, considerably tarted up since my OP.


A toast to all our good fortune. Behind them, the pilot is getting into his cockpit.


And away it goes! I thought that looked familiar. (


Simon & Will, btw.



There's a metaphor about royalty here, if only I could think of it.


Bit of a jam on the way back up to do it all over again. There are worse ways to spend an afternoon.

Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 09 May, 2023, 09:37:04 am
I didn't stick around long enough to find out who won. I hope it was this guy.


Parked next to the pub yesterday, whilst a cleanup squad dealt with the last of the hay.

(click to show/hide)

Here's a flag that can't come down fast enough:


Yeah, should've thought that one through.

What this post needs now is a bike pic.


I sometimes daydream about buying this eyesore and opening a bike shop. Sounds like a fabulous way to lose money, doesn't it. Perhaps I should think small and just do repairs out of my shed, like this gentleman.


Unfortunately I have no experience working on gears,[1][2][3] which will limit my clientele.


1. Or disc brakes
2. Or wheels
3. But I'm told I'm pretty good at bar tape
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: Peter on 09 May, 2023, 10:01:41 am
Am I the only person who sees mostly yards and yards of SPACE in this thread?
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 09 May, 2023, 10:07:43 am
Am I the only person who sees mostly yards and yards of SPACE in this thread?

Interesting. I assume you can see pictures that people post on other threads?

Out of curiosity, can you see the pictures in this archived version? (
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: Peter on 09 May, 2023, 11:24:12 am
It does vary with other people's, too, Sam.  but I can certainly see the archived ones, unfortunately!  It may be something to do with the fact that I'm on the works machine, I don't know.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 09 May, 2023, 11:46:17 am
I'm stumped, sorry. I can only suggest that you rearrange your life to work from home, specifically so you can access image heavy posts of mine in future.

Meanwhile, here's some more white space for you, sadly.

alt text: mirrors inside mirrors
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: Peter on 09 May, 2023, 11:52:19 am
Sadly, the works machine is at home with me.  I have given my employers ample encouragement and opportunity to take it back but they seem to be determined to cling to the "spy in every room" model of industrial relations!  COVID, I'm looking at you!
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 09 May, 2023, 01:25:56 pm
I use lots of pictures so I don't have to write, which is dreadful work, as Harry knows so well.

Inspired by you, I shall now attempt a post without a single image.

Why ride alone?

Because my bike is essentially an extension of my office. I ride to think.

[image: Don Draper at work (]

Specifically, I pedal to generate ideas. While I could do this home alone

[image: Macaulay Culkin]

on a turbo, I wouldn't also have the opportunity to freewheel, because it'd be kind of silly just sitting on a turbo.

Riding with other people is hard!
- It's polite to converse. I'm not a great conversationalist, requiring advance notice for winning repartee.
- I like to ride no-handed as often as possible, which has to be annoying to watch.
- It's a bit like dancing: I just feel like I'm going to be stepping on their toes.

[image: cycling over someone's foot]

Finally there's COVID, though it must be said that I'd prefer an airborne pathogen hadn't come along to put its stamp of approval (or disapproval, from its point of view) on my preference for solitude.

[image: Captain Kirk examining tribbles with enlarged virus photoshopped in]

This is more an issue with big group rides, which is the reason I haven't been doing the FNRttC (, where even hardcore velosoloists are allowed.

[image: Simon's bandaged knee, which is going back a few years]

[final image: "Look mum no pics!"]
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: Peter on 09 May, 2023, 01:53:37 pm
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 11 May, 2023, 10:34:47 pm
This morning's ride


looks worse than it was. As did this


which at least had the effect of slowing cars down.

Along the way I met Tom and Molly.


Tom didn't really want his picture taken, but Molly was OK with it.


We chatted about what a lovely part of the world this is, but his heart is clearly in Montana, because it came up in conversation more often than it usually does. (Montana count until now: 0. Tom's not from there, it just takes his fancy.)

That's a good enough segue to my Independence Day ride. (


Here's one of the follies now:


Better bring your binoculars.


Visited the alpacas, but didn't bother with a picture because they were too far away and digital zoom sucks, as you've just seen. A previous encounter:


Also passed a guy taking his rubbish to the bin, just as I was muttering something about Hannibal Lecter's memory palace into my voice recorder. "Silence of the lambs," he almost certainly heard me say as I was passing by, which will do wonders for my reputation.

Thought I'd head over to Bodiam, which was closed at this hour, but then it's always closed to those of us who would prefer not to pay to get in.


That deserves a better picture.


Stopped by the WWII pillbox


then left before a citizen's arrest could be made. Granted, there were only dog walkers on the perimeter, none so impertinent to our glorious National Trust as to enter the grounds without a ticket. "Gosh, I'm sorry. But we don't have castles back in Montana!" I'd have said if I was nabbed, putting on my best American accent. For the record, I'm not from the Treasure State. (


The entire ride was scored by my iPod Shuffle, as usual. This is what it fed me, no cheating and adding jazz or classical music:

Can't Come Quickly Enough, Scissor Sisters - Losing My Religion, R.E.M. - Fuck All The Perfect People, Chip Taylor & The New Ukranians (I prefer the video for part II ( - Enjoy Yourself, It's Later Than You Think, Jools Holland - Sail On, Sailor, The Beach Boys - Lights, Journey (thanks, didn't need them) - High Summer, Van Morrison (not even close) - I Will Survive (, Gloria Gaynor (as I was passing the pyramid) - Tired Of Toein' The Line, Rocky Burnette - Perpetuum Mobile, Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Silent Sigh, Badly Drawn Boy - Long Time Ago, Concrete Blonde - A Night Like This, Caro Emerald - Badlands, Bruce Springsteen - Torn, Natalie Imbruglia - I Owe All To You, Tanita Tikaram - Dustland, The Killers ("Cinderella don't you go to sleep, it's such a bitter form of refuge") - Hurt, Johnny Cash - Lovely Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (, Bill Withers - What Can I Do, The Corrs - Life Is Long, David Byrne & Brian Eno ( - Substitute, Clout - Let Your Love Flow, The Bellamy Brothers - Grey in L.A., Loudon Wainwright III - Viva La Vida, Coldplay - Mad World, Gary Jules - Wings, Birdy - Time Of Times, Badly Drawn Boy (again??? one of those has to go) - Selfies, Nina Nesbitt

alt text: there's grey in them thar hills

- Howling At Nothing, Nathanial Rateliff & The Night Sweats (played x2), We Are Young, Fun. Photographic evidence to the contrary. And finally, Divisionary (Do The Right Thing), Ages and Ages. ALL the time? (
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 13 May, 2023, 07:28:02 pm

This has always intrigued me.

- Built from the top down and ran out of money?
- Former lair of a Bond villain, with crocodiles underneath?
- Only bought the air rights, because they were cheaper?
- The ultimate fix for rising damp?
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: The Family Cyclist on 14 May, 2023, 08:17:55 pm

This has always intrigued me.

- Built from the top down and ran out of money?
- Former lair of a Bond villain, with crocodiles underneath?
- Only bought the air rights, because they were cheaper?
- The ultimate fix for rising damp?

My first thought was for storing crops out of reach of rodents
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 15 May, 2023, 09:37:22 am
Makes more sense than a crocodile pit, though I'd think only the poor climbers would be deterred.

Another interesting structure I go by, or rather, under:


Gypsum mine ( conveyor belt. Attracts ramblers, ( too.

Killer hill btw.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: Little Jim on 15 May, 2023, 10:04:04 am

This has always intrigued me.

- Built from the top down and ran out of money?
- Former lair of a Bond villain, with crocodiles underneath?
- Only bought the air rights, because they were cheaper?
- The ultimate fix for rising damp?

Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 16 May, 2023, 09:00:59 pm
It's good to listen to the bike every once in a while, so earphones off at the start of today's ride. Drivetrain is a little noisy - old chainring? Otherwise it was kind of nice, birds twittering & whatnot, until I got to the first big hill, at which point I was just listening to myself breath. While this is a reassuring sound, it was enough to get me to turn the music back on.

You ever seen a ghost? no
But you have heard of them (

Also managed to be a bad influence on a bunch of schoolkids taking a bike safety course. Look ma, no hands or helmet!
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: ElyDave on 23 May, 2023, 04:50:50 pm
That's a good track, gets played regularly in my car (never music on the bike, too many f@ckw!t drivers around here. 

His Bobness still hasn't learnt to sing though!
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 24 May, 2023, 07:10:58 am
I'm an outlier and quite like his voice, the older and more gravelly the better.

As someone put it, ( "Bob Dylan is the master of the colloquial and the conversational… Everybody you know can do Dylan — it’s not that difficult."

( (

I'll admit I don't tend to like his live versions, he just seems to rush through everything.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: ElyDave on 24 May, 2023, 08:59:52 am
He has definitely improved with age, and that album gets played a lot more than the early live album I've got.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 24 May, 2023, 09:39:19 am
My first long tour was pedalled in concert with Dylan and Tanita Tikaram. I don't remember if I used tapes or minidiscs, but whichever, they took up a lot of room as far as I was concerned, so I didn't pack many. As a result, I got to know both of them quite well indeed over the course of a thousand miles or so. A few dales heard my yodelling, ( a few otherwise quiet lochs, my heartfelt desire for no mechanicals. (
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 25 May, 2023, 11:41:41 pm
You don't have to be a singlespeeder to be a Velosolo Club member, but I can't pretend it doesn't burnish your credentials.

Today a chainring arrived from Hub Jub

My kickback overfloweth

to replace the old one I installed when the frame arrived last year. I may run through the combinations anyway, which of course I did initially, because although I'm almost certain my current gear ratio is the one I'm stuck with (not that I'm complaining)(maybe I am a little), it's fun to play with cogs and chains.


What's that on the other side of the whiteboard?


Just a little painting I did in my spare time. Derivative, I'm told.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 02 June, 2023, 09:21:53 am
A woman approached me yesterday as I was stopped by the side of the lane. I had a feeling it was going to be a lecture of some sort, but rather than turning up my ipod (, I politely hit pause.

"You shouldn't nick stock images either, young man."

She wanted to tell me that I'd scared her half to death recently whilst driving, as she nearly didn't see me in the dappled sunlight down another shady lane. I heard her out, though as her description of the event unfolded it became clear that it wasn't in fact me who'd been happily spared. There was no shouting or harsh words, but I could tell she was a bit disappointed that I didn't offer to change my drab attire.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 03 June, 2023, 09:20:29 pm
Went to bed last night promising my wife I wouldn't get up at 3 in the morning (she worries how little sleep I get). Awoke a little after 2, so a little over 2 hours sleep. The moon was beckoning – I had to hit the road. It was lovely and cool out, with the wind not too bad for a change.

First I had to effect yet another emergency repair of my shorts. No patience for needle and thread at this hour, so a couple of safety pins would have to do.

Next stop: gaffer tape

The twin would be making this morning's ride. This is the spare Sabbath Aspire ( I bought in case the first comes to grief. It doesn't get out as much as its slightly older brother because there's no need for it to, and for some reason it doesn't care to be ridden no handed (which predilection I've covered at that link, so no need to go on about it here).

I decided early on to hit Alpine Hill. An OS map wouldn't recognise that name, as it's my own private one for the steepest climb hereabouts. I don't do it that often because the way there is a bit traffic-strewn during the day, and I really don't like to run into cars on the hill itself as it's too narrow for comfort: once stopped, it's impossible to get restarted.

When last we met I had to get off and walk about 3/4 of the way up, so it's been on my mind to rectify that. I blame the fact that I was still getting used to a new bike, and my state of fitness that particular day – no exaggeration, I remember feeling close to passing out.

Rather than attempt it straight away I headed into town, always up for that desolate 28 Days Later ambience.

Rage-inducing house prices

On the way back out again I annoyed the milk man.

You press are vultures

Then I nervously confronted the hill, Nathanial Rateliff & The Night Sweats sweetening the effort.

( (

Up, up, up... then up some more. The record changed to Howling At Nothing.

( (

The false plateau arrived, though the worst of the hill was indeed conquered. Call the rest of the way up a warmdown.

It felt marvelous.

That task completed, all that remained was to go back down again and wait for the coughing to cease and desist.

Exercise-induced asthma sucks

I stopped by Rudyard Kipling's old gaff Bateman's,

Less hair. Well spotted.

passed what appeared to be the scene of a horrible milk-based accident,

Looks like someone needed to be breathalysed

then visited the war monument in the village, which is lit on the anniversary of every death.



Thus endeth the ride.


(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 06 June, 2023, 07:33:24 pm
A few random shots from this morning's club run (

Horses for courses

(click to show/hide)


We broke down and got National Trust membership. (Wanted to feel a bit normal whilst still being in Covidy times, as far as we're concerned.) I was fully prepared to show it to a steward, if such was about at 4.30 in the morning.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 11 June, 2023, 03:08:03 am
Heading out shortly. It was too hot to do any pedalling yesterday, and later today looks similar. Though I love night rides, I still prefer the sun to the moon (and an admittedly awesome headlight) on these many potholed roads.

I'm seriously considering the FNRttC at the end of the month, the Velosolo Club merging with the Fridays as in the old days. ( It would be my first such ride since 2019. The train up to London should be practically empty, and I could ride home from the top of Ditchling Beacon, Brighton being of little interest. Depends on weather and mood.

If I do go, I'll be volunteering as a wayfinder as often as possible: mitigation to excessive congregation. Standing by the side of the road with my arm out actually sounds like a fine way to spend the night, redolent of my hitchhiking ( era.

Anyway, time to suit up for the road now.

(click to show/hide)
Call in the reserves

Yeah, maybe time for a new pair.

on edit: I didn't make the ride. Don't remember why.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: Adam on 11 June, 2023, 05:37:57 pm
Heading out shortly. It was too hot to do any pedalling yesterday, and later today looks similar.

As I'm under doctor's orders to cycle every day, I went out before 8am today, so it wasn't too warm.  No cars or people around.  Bliss.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 13 June, 2023, 02:03:34 am
Someone on the local FB group saw my question about this:
I worked for the owners of this building and they only bought it because they liked it, not for any particular reason.

So, no definitive answer yet (some protection against vermin makes the most sense), just a shared appreciation for architecture that's above it all.

As I'm under doctor's orders to cycle every day, I went out before 8am today, so it wasn't too warm.  No cars or people around.  Bliss.

My last GP and I used to spend half the appointment talking about cycling.

Thank god you're the same blood type

I like seeing some other cyclists about, all the better to race them up the hills if only to dilute my presence as The Village Cyclist.


Too many would probably have me seeking these blissful midnight hours exclusively.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 26 July, 2023, 09:08:40 am
Speaking of blissful midnight hours.


Hit the road @ 2, back by around 4. It was perfect cycling weather: not a trace of wind, just the right temp. The only thing that kept it from absolute perfection was the moon mostly hiding.

Three badger night. And a fox or two.

I sat next to Rud for a bit. He's the biggest selfie magnet around.


Give us a story. (
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 24 September, 2023, 10:20:58 am
I've been riding endless loops around VCHQ for 20 years now, and still not tired of it. Back in the noughties my regulars were a Ridgeback Genesis Day 02 and a Litespeed Blue Ridge

Bloo rij with many gears

though my Litespeed never looked like that: it started with straight bars with gripshifters, moved to downtube shifters, then finally went singlespeed, which I've never looked back from.

A Langster came along, then another bike which I forget the name of, and the Genesis became a hanger for spare parts. It made the trip to the tip a couple of years ago.

The Litespeed eventually cracked through no fault of its own (some idiot had decided to drill the downtube to install shifters), but it still gets out from time to time, even though it's retired.



( (

( (

( (
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 25 September, 2023, 08:52:08 am
That last picture (click if you dare) reminds me Halloween is my favourite time of the year. I've always liked autumn, and have pleasant memories of trick-or-treating back home in small town Ohio. How wonderfully bizarre to have a night set aside to go to your neighbours in a mask and expect candy. Unfortunately it's been ruined, kids forced to make their rounds in daylight hours; I guess because motorists can't be bothered to be extra careful just one night a year.

Some people go all out for it, which is slightly disturbing, but that's the idea.


Here in Far East Sussex, VCHQ is at the bottom of a long drive which would be perfect to set with skeletons and live zombies, even if I have to raid petty cash to hire a few. Alas nobody ever comes this way except the mailman, food and Amazon delivery drivers, and lost souls.
Title: Velosolo Club: it's a little early for Halloween edition
Post by: sam on 27 September, 2023, 04:22:20 am
Of course I didn't ride with a skeleton arm hanging out of my saddlebag. That would be silly.

It folded neatly inside.

I don't know why I do the things I do. Nevertheless there's pleasure to be had in crossing them off my list.

The radius and ulna may have been a convenient size for the bag, but weren't long enough to prop open the grit box lid to make it look as if the arm was reaching out of it. Perhaps you begin to appreciate the sort of problems I have to deal with.

Mad Jack ( - are you home?

Looks like.

Excuse if anyone caught me doing this: "It's what Jack would've wanted."
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 28 September, 2023, 02:40:45 am
Is there a club jersey? you ask. That's an affirmative. Inspired by Nancy Mitford.

Take your pick. Though you don't really have a choice.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 25 October, 2023, 09:21:47 pm
"If you have a bell ring it!" some boys by the side of the road shouted as I rolled by this evening. "Ring ring" I regret not answering.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 29 October, 2023, 07:21:13 pm

Ah, monsoon season. The Langster, which spends too much of the year languishing in the garage, will be getting out more. Do I want to put mudguards on it again? Not really. But we'll see.


The snootier end of my small stable is kept proper indoors in the spare room, as if any of our rooms were spare. They only go out in wet weather when my forecast at the beginning of a ride proves wrong. This is to avoid dripping on the carpet, as they are carried through most of the house to get to their nest. And of course we all know how titanium is notoriously rust-prone.

(click to show/hide)

I leave cleaning bikes to the hired help. Note to self: must hire some help.


That's an old picture. I used to use a mirror! And a handlebar bag! My only reason for rotating it 180° is to see how many people tilt their head at least 45° then give up.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 31 October, 2023, 10:05:33 am

Another bike that doesn't get out much these days. That's because it's exclusively my London ride. I was last there almost 3 years ago (, and thanks to my desire to continue to evade the plague, give it a wide berth.

Fourth Plinth we'll meet again, don't know when

I know people get on fine with their Bromptons and other li'l wheeled bikes on country lanes, but my Dahon Presto Lite[sic] is a flighty filly, at its best racing through city traffic. Out here in Far East Sussex [also sic; there are points farther east] it just leaves me impatient to be on a proper road bike.

Our last outing together was in the train station parking lot to stretch its hinges. I've got another one pencilled in for eventually.

Btw, that bodge in the first picture worked, but didn't appeal for long.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 01 November, 2023, 08:22:01 pm
A club run before weathergeddon seemed like a grand idea. "Nature loves her little surprises," Joe Walsh was singing ( into my ears before I'd even left the driveway. Sure enough, within a few miles it was raining despite this being the sky directly above.

WTF Mr Blue Sky (

I've found it makes no difference if you tell yourself it's not raining because it can't be raining: you still get wet. Shame you can't even trust wispy white clouds these days. Fortunately it realised how absurd it was being and stopped.

The lane was strewn with dogs walking their owners, which is the only way you can get most of them to exercise.

There was a diversion straight to hell.


It's true I was feeling a little warm, having overdressed. Hate getting that wrong. (

The bike felt great. I'd recently changed the cog from 16T to 17T,

What's next, a motor?

obviously losing testosterone in the process, but I could live with that.

(click to show/hide)

At the top of the big hill that's only there to be climbed I could see trouble ahead: clouds that meant business. So I raced back home.


Actually that finger, a re-enactment, wasn't aimed at the weather gods. It was meant for the motorist that angrlly honked at me for having the temerity to be ahead of him. I don't normally let these things get to me, but exceptions can be made. (

My new favourite search engine (
Title: A seminal ride
Post by: sam on 08 January, 2024, 04:15:27 am
What's that, iPod Shuffle? You want to play this song ( now,


on my latest onanist velosolo ride?

(click to show/hide)

Actually it wasn't a totally solitary pleasure, as I met a few people along the way (
Title: The way through the woods
Post by: sam on 08 February, 2024, 08:08:13 pm
Recording ( of a gentleman I met near Bateman's:

( (

He was walking, I slowed down to chat then finally got off and pushed while we talked. We've run into each other several times, and I know he has significant memory issues. But he has this poem locked.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: chopstick on 10 February, 2024, 10:07:19 am
Someone on the local FB group saw my question about this:
I worked for the owners of this building and they only bought it because they liked it, not for any particular reason.

So, no definitive answer yet (some protection against vermin makes the most sense), just a shared appreciation for architecture that's above it all.
Is or was the area prone to flooding?
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 10 February, 2024, 10:21:34 am
A good guess, but it's almost on top of a hill, so flooding shouldn't be a problem unless god gets mad again.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: chopstick on 10 February, 2024, 11:05:14 pm
Now I'm thinking along two lines - one that it's effectively a Dutch barn below a regular barn - half the footprint and fewer materials required (but where's the floor?), the other being that to drive piles was easier than laying foundations and levelling the site - but if so, why build it so high?  So neither of those thoughts really come to anything  ???  ;D
Title: Velosolo Club
Post by: sam on 10 February, 2024, 11:54:24 pm
Gotta love architecture that makes you think!

Today's ride report available exclusively at VCHQ:

Peep show (
Title: The night shift
Post by: sam on 13 February, 2024, 05:19:43 am
Stop-and-go traffic on my ride a few hours ago.


Mihai and Fyzel, also on the night shift.





That's right, I got a free pint just for stopping to chat.
Title: Paying it forward
Post by: sam on 15 February, 2024, 11:40:23 pm
I hadn't the heart to tell the milkman in the previous post that I don't drink the stuff, and my wife only does if the lactose has been set free.

The next day I went to my nearest neighbour and asked "Do you drink milk?", explaining the circumstances by which I had come to acquire it. As he accepted the pint, he asked "Do you eat eggs?" He then rewarded me with a half dozen.

Thanks for the eggs, milkman.
Title: Re: Velosolo Club
Post by: Wowbagger on 16 February, 2024, 12:06:03 am
Are you the Egg Man?
Title: Fright Club
Post by: sam on 16 February, 2024, 02:14:48 am
Are you the Egg Man?

Yes, but first I was the chicken. (

(click to show/hide)
Title: To Let
Post by: sam on 17 February, 2024, 10:19:28 am
A little off my usual loop, still available: St. Mugg's old gaff. (

( (

Prompted me to visit his earthly remains.



Life of Brian debate ( (if you can call it that)
• Malcolm Muggeridge’s journey (
• A Contrarian Remembered (
• Famine in Ukraine (
• Handsy (

( (
Title: Things that go bump in the day
Post by: sam on 19 February, 2024, 07:01:40 am
Don't look into the light!


Lil' pothole that jarred me out of a reverie the other day.
Title: From the archives*
Post by: sam on 21 February, 2024, 09:01:10 pm
I may not have the organisational genius of Simon Legg,† but by all accounts I can put together a memorable fictional‡ ride:

Sunday Day Ride to the City (

* There being more rides behind me than ahead of me at this point (or at best, an equal number), I feel entirely comfortable plundering them
†Unauthorised biography (
‡ Spoiler alert