Yet Another Cycling Forum

Random Musings => Miscellany => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: Beardy on 16 August, 2023, 10:29:20 am

Title: Bee friendly weed killer
Post by: Beardy on 16 August, 2023, 10:29:20 am
I’m fed up with weeding the path and drive of the homestead and have decided to wage chemical warfare on the bloody things. However, I only have glyphosate based herbicides in the sheds and as I’m aware that those don’t have a particularly good rep wrt bee 🐝 friendliness I have decided to visit a garden centre and purchase some more modern concoction.

To this end I am seeking opinions, informed or otherwise, on suitable solutions to purchase and apply.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Bee friendly weed killer
Post by: L CC on 16 August, 2023, 10:38:08 am
Burn it with fire.

Anything that kills plants will also be damaging to insect life. Leave the chemicals out- it's not necessary.

(This rather assumes that you have a house & garden rather than a mansion and estate, but hey, you don't have regular paid work, so stroll around with a blow torch.)
Title: Re: Bee friendly weed killer
Post by: Regulator on 18 August, 2023, 11:44:03 am
What are you trying to kill?  Some weeds (e.g. bindweed or mare's tail) really need a systemic weedkiller.
Title: Re: Bee friendly weed killer
Post by: Beardy on 18 August, 2023, 03:13:12 pm
There’s bindweed, docks, dandelions, assorted grasses, thistles, nettles. The usual really.

I’ve hit some of them with flame and am waiting to see how effective that has been. I’ll probably have to hit some of them with chemicals, but I’ve nothing to lose by giving the heat application some time.
Title: Re: Bee friendly weed killer
Post by: rafletcher on 18 August, 2023, 09:13:43 pm
For bindweed we use Roundup. Unravel a leader, spray it, then pop it in a food bag to prevent it spreading or getting washed off. Leave for a week or so. Spot spraying in a path is also something I’d do on a dry day. Or get a gas or paraffin burner.

Title: Re: Bee friendly weed killer
Post by: SoreTween on 03 October, 2023, 04:46:52 pm
^^ Seconded.

For nettles a weak1 SBK mix will do. The active ingredient is Triclopyr which wikinaccurate says is non toxic to bees. Same mix works well on brambles but I prefer to cut them down to a few inches & paint the stump with 50:50 SBK & water. Time consuming but far more contained.

1weak as in the weakest of the mixes suggested on the box
Title: Re: Bee friendly weed killer
Post by: De Sisti on 04 October, 2023, 08:28:23 am
I use malt vinegar. It works very well for me. It's cheap too.

Title: Re: Bee friendly weed killer
Post by: ravenbait on 04 October, 2023, 09:48:08 am
I have been known to use a kettlefull of boiling water. This will take out anything on the plant at the time, as well as on the ground in the surrounding area, so if I'm resorting to that I will try to scare things away with a gentle prod of a broom. Doesn't help the worms, though. I just have to hope that by the time the water gets to them, it has cooled down.
