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General Category => The Knowledge => OT Knowledge => Topic started by: Ham on 27 October, 2023, 10:47:46 am

Title: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Ham on 27 October, 2023, 10:47:46 am
Yesterday, I managed to drop my phone face down on a rough road surface, As is the nature of things, there was obviously going to be a high spot which would interact badly with the edge of the screen, not only that but it was always going to be exactly where the screen unlocked, preventing operation.

There is a side story about my foolishness taking it into a "same day" repair shop rather than sending it to Google*  or other reputable repairer  - you will notice that it isn't the same day and I have yet to receive a functioning phone -  but at some point I will have a phone again. The case I have is a Spigen, and to be honest I've been very happy with them over the years, I suspect nothing is going to protect from a knock on the edge of a screen with a sharp thing aside from a wrap around case, any other recommendations from people?

*it's a Pixel, I did want to use Google but the frustration of going round in circles when I couldn't access the IMEI or serial number (or remember where I had left it for safe keeping) combined with the inconvenience of being phoneless drove me to say **** it, I'll go for same day
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: rafletcher on 27 October, 2023, 11:59:15 am
I'd guess only one with a flip over cover that secures will do that.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: citoyen on 27 October, 2023, 03:23:59 pm
I like Mous but I doubt they’re any better than Spigen.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Ham on 27 October, 2023, 04:57:26 pm
I wonder if I am paying for my choice of the Spigen Neoflex screen cover, as opposed to the normal glass protector? On the one hand, the soft film while providing excellent scratch protection and better usability than the glass may not be as good as sacrificial glass against knocks, on the other hand, glass protector will not go around the curved edge (which serves no functional purpose other than to increase the vulnerability) so will likely not do any better. Write it off to experience.

Anyhoo, they have fixed it, but the compatible screen is noticeably inferior to the original, so much so that I will cut my losses and take advantage of the trade in deals currently available with 0% finance for Pixel 8. New (Spigen, up a notch in the protection stakes + glass screen protector)case on order.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Hot Flatus on 27 October, 2023, 05:02:55 pm
I use cheap fake leather flip cases from ebay for £5. They have credit card slots, so I use it as phone wallet.

I replace them every 2 years
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Ham on 27 October, 2023, 05:07:21 pm
Mrs Ham uses a flip case, I actually don't much like them although they are far superior protection
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Duckfoot1606 on 27 October, 2023, 07:55:20 pm
Take a look at the Otterbox range, well regarded for the level of protection they provide
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: citoyen on 27 October, 2023, 08:16:14 pm
Otterbox... that reminds me - a salutary tale:

Whatever you choose, buy it direct from the maker, NOT from Amazon - I'm pretty sure the last Otterbox case I bought was a fake even though it purported to be from Otterbox themselves. It did the job as a phone case but the quality of it felt shoddy compared to previous Otterbox products I've had.

(I've heard that Amazon lump all like products together in the warehouse, regardless of who supplies them, hence fakes get mixed in with genuine articles. I've no idea if this is true but it would account for my experience.)
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Ham on 27 October, 2023, 08:20:33 pm
Otterbox aren't dissimilar in concept to the Spigen, which I have to say has served me well over the years and MANY bounces, this drop was just the wrong place :(

I am going to give a flip case another chance, I was rather taken with this variant

Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: TPMB12 on 27 October, 2023, 09:09:26 pm
I use the glass like rigid screen protectors. Much better imho.  I also use spigen. I won't use flip cases. Several years of using an impractical flip case or the rare for me chance of breaking the screen. If rather risk the screen. I mean I use the camera on it and what to do with the flip cover when taking a picture.

I use my partner's flip case protected phone for photos at times the cover flops about when trying I take a photo one handed or selfie. You can't flip it over and take a photo. To me they're annoying for several years of taking photos. Just not worth the hassle.

How many times do you break screens? Is it once per phone or do you get by without breaking the phone screen every other one? Frequency of screen breakage might change my opinion on use of flip covers but it's not high enough for me to give up spigen cases yet.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: ian on 27 October, 2023, 10:02:13 pm
I've never broken a screen. I did once drop my work phone down a drain in Frankfurt though. I don't think there's a case for that.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Kim on 27 October, 2023, 10:14:38 pm
I have one of the flippy flappy cases, as it means I can stuff the phone into bicycle luggage alongside locks etc with impunity.  I've broken a screen once, but that doesn't count as I was trying to replace the battery at the time.  It's irritating when taking photos, but it's not in the top ten reasons I fail to take good photos.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Ham on 29 October, 2023, 12:31:11 pm
....I will cut my losses and take advantage of the trade in deals currently available with 0% finance for Pixel 8.

Well, less than 24 hours to deliver, including on Sunday, represents decent service. As an added bonus the vulnerable curved edge has been designed out  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: TPMB12 on 29 October, 2023, 12:46:45 pm
I bought a cycle of good phone case as an added safety when stuffing in bags. It's a recycled inner tube phone case and means the annoying flippy casecam be avoided. For me it would be a top 10 reason for me not taking a good photo.  Simply because I'd not bother taking one with such a case.  I find them that annoying.  I take my partner's phone out of the case to use it.  Defeats the purpose I reckon but the flippy case isn't useable imho.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: paton on 29 October, 2023, 01:12:51 pm
Danny Macaskill is impressed with Mous
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Kim on 29 October, 2023, 04:44:44 pm
I've just spent a quality 10 minutes helping barakta wrap her flippy phone case in Hot Pink Hockey Tape™.  Grip, for the improvement of.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Asterix, the former Gaul. on 01 November, 2023, 08:43:52 am
phones should have a built-in loop so you can attach them by a bit of string.  Apple, are you listening?
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: citoyen on 01 November, 2023, 09:08:01 am
phones should have a built-in loop so you can attach them by a bit of string.  Apple, are you listening?

My Mous case has such a thing. I don’t use it though I know I should.
Title: Re: Protective Phone Case
Post by: Kim on 01 November, 2023, 03:56:01 pm
MIL has one of those, doubtless attached to the flippy case stuffed to the gills with credit cards and things that the phone lives in, along with a bunch of keys you cold clobber a small animal to death with[1].

[1] Seriously, I drove her car once and my knee had bruises.