Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => The Knowledge => Topic started by: yoav on 13 January, 2024, 06:17:14 pm

Title: Rohloff gear cables
Post by: yoav on 13 January, 2024, 06:17:14 pm
Quick question: Are Rohloff gear cables the same as normal derailleur gear cables? I need to replace my Roholoff's cables and wonder if I need to send off for some or just get some normal cables from my LBS? Thanks.
Title: Re: Rohloff gear cables
Post by: Kim on 13 January, 2024, 06:20:29 pm
AIUI (because I have some cables marked as such) they use 1.1mm cables (like SRAM) rather than the usual 1.2mm.  I've no idea how critical this difference is to a Rohloff.
Title: Re: Rohloff gear cables
Post by: Paul H on 13 January, 2024, 11:25:07 pm
Internal mech requires the 1.1 cable from the stops to the internal pulley and standard gear cable from shifter to stops.  External shift uses just standard gear cable.  Some standard gear cables fit better in the shifter than others, I use SRAM.  Dont use anything that doesn't fit nicely in the shifter, they'll chew it up.
Title: Re: Rohloff gear cables
Post by: yoav on 15 January, 2024, 09:09:21 am
Thanks. Existing OEM cables were 1.1 and so are many third party ones. In the end, I bought them from decathlon and they went in no problem. Other than me working out how to twist the cables round the grooved round pulley inside the external shifting box. But YouTube helped with that one!