Yet Another Cycling Forum

Random Musings => Miscellany => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: blackpuddinonnabike on 15 January, 2009, 11:23:19 am

Title: Keeping Bees?
Post by: blackpuddinonnabike on 15 January, 2009, 11:23:19 am
Not sure how the neighbours would take to the possibility of the latest Good Life step I'd like to take. Any idea if just one small hive would means hunners an' hunners of bees going about stinging everyone? We get a lot of bumbles in the garden in the summer already...

There's an area at the back of the garden that could be cleared and would be perfect just for one little hive.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: jellied on 15 January, 2009, 11:35:03 am
There's at least two beekeepers here plus I think WowB used to.

This is my project for 2010 assuming the allotment site allows them, it doesn't sound very promising so far as they say no livestock is allowed. However this intended to prevent goats and sheep being kept and I wonder if I could argue that bees are not in the same ball park.

From what I can gather you need two hives ideally.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Melbourne12 on 15 January, 2009, 01:42:38 pm
We're about to start beekeeping, and have got a course booked for March.  It's worth contacting your local beekeeping association for advice. British Beekeepers' Association (

We have permission to keep hives on our allotment site, although we won't do so until we have some experience.  Our local beekeepers association has an apiary which they encourage newcomers to use, so that help and advice will always be at hand.

Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Eccentrica Gallumbits on 15 January, 2009, 09:41:38 pm
If I was your neighbour, I would be delighted if you were keeping bees. So you could buy me the house next door to you.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Ariadne on 15 January, 2009, 09:46:42 pm
Will you eat the bees?
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Eccentrica Gallumbits on 15 January, 2009, 10:05:38 pm
Not till they've died, surely?
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Ariadne on 15 January, 2009, 10:17:31 pm
It would be quite tricky otherwise, i agree.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Noodley on 15 January, 2009, 10:22:48 pm
My neighbour used to keep bees.  One year the queen decided to move to inside the wall of our house.  They were all zapped following advice from our bee-keeping neighbour.  I wonder if I'll find honey whilst undertaking our forthcoming extension...
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Snowgoose on 15 January, 2009, 10:35:30 pm
I do hope you don't plan to skin the bees for use in the fur industry as many people have strong views about animals being bred for such purposes :demon:. I personally don't think that a bee skin coat should be viewed as high fashion but thats my own opinion. I do however feel that bees should be given a helping hand particularly with this fungal disease killing off hives, so more power to you, but do leave them with their coats on please!

Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Jurek on 15 January, 2009, 10:41:59 pm
I used to have a bee skin cover on the seat of my Vespa [sic]
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Snowgoose on 15 January, 2009, 10:52:11 pm
There you go. It's those italians again putting form over function in the name of style. Everyone knows that a bee skin cover, much like a Brooke's saddle, is useless in the rain. But then again I suppose it never rains in Rome, but for the British market, ridiculous!
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: woollypigs on 15 January, 2009, 10:58:25 pm
I used to have a bee skin cover on the seat of my Vespa [sic]
How many bees did it take to make that ?
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Wowbagger on 15 January, 2009, 11:06:02 pm
In answer to OP, we were alway told that it was a good idea to keep hives in pairs. That way, if one got into diffs (eg queenlessness) you could quite often borrow from the other hive to make good.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Jurek on 15 January, 2009, 11:11:54 pm
I used to have a bee skin cover on the seat of my Vespa [sic]
How many bees did it take to make that ?

Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Snowgoose on 15 January, 2009, 11:43:28 pm
I used to have a bee skin cover on the seat of my Vespa [sic]
How many bees did it take to make that ?


I beg to differ, you appear to be...forgive the pun.....assuming that the whole bee pelt is used. This is incorrect only the top of the back is utilised, where the bee collects the pollen, the rest is discarded as it is not considered hairy enough by the industry. This is a terrible waste, to see these wonderful creatures clubbed and skinned, much like an indian scalping a cowboy, and then the rest of the body discarded in great heaps is truly sickening. However back to the original question a more accurate estimate would be about 40,000! Depending of course on the size of the bees when culled.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Eccentrica Gallumbits on 16 January, 2009, 08:18:44 am
Will you eat the bees?

I would nominate this for POTD but I fear nobody else would get it.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: blackpuddinonnabike on 16 January, 2009, 09:38:15 am
You're all mental...
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: clarion on 16 January, 2009, 10:13:04 am
I believe it was Chic Murray, the Scots comedian, who, when in rough digs, was presented with a minuscule amount of honey for his toast, and remarked to the landlady,

'I see you keep a bee.'


Well, it makes me laugh
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Eccentrica Gallumbits on 16 January, 2009, 11:05:50 am
You're all mental...

That really stung.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: clarion on 16 January, 2009, 11:08:25 am
Are we going to drone on about this?
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Jurek on 16 January, 2009, 11:10:44 am
Hive had enough of this.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Ariadne on 16 January, 2009, 11:13:26 am
Are you lot going to keep combing up with worse and worse puns?
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Jurek on 16 January, 2009, 11:16:40 am
Honey, what is it with you?
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Eccentrica Gallumbits on 16 January, 2009, 11:16:57 am
You do seem to have a bee in your bonnet about it.
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: clarion on 16 January, 2009, 11:17:03 am
What puns?  I've been combing the thread and not found any, honey. ;D
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: clarion on 16 January, 2009, 11:17:24 am
What about the workers?
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: clarion on 16 January, 2009, 11:20:03 am
You've got some nec, tar be making such a suggestion!
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: clarion on 16 January, 2009, 11:21:15 am
Anyway, where's the OP, bpoab?

Is anth off ill, or just not responding?

*takes a bow*
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Ariadne on 16 January, 2009, 11:25:52 am
Anyway, where's the OP, bpoab?

Is anth off ill, or just not responding?

*takes a bow*

I had to google that, but well done, sir!
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: clarion on 16 January, 2009, 11:26:33 am
Sorry, didn't mean for this thread to become a piss take ;D
Title: Re: Keeping Bees?
Post by: Swarm_Catcher on 16 January, 2009, 11:59:06 am
Sorry, didn't mean for this thread to become a piss take ;D
Very good!