Yet Another Cycling Forum

Off Topic => The Pub => Topic started by: mrcharly-YHT on 21 April, 2008, 02:18:59 pm

Title: :( arms are falling off
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 21 April, 2008, 02:18:59 pm
Yesterday I transferred 1100 litres of diesel from one tank to another. By manual pump. 1hr of pumping.

Then, when I get home, I'm waiting for the hot water to warm up (so I can take a bath). High pitched whining noise. "It's the central heating pump" says I, leaping up and heading towards engine room at speed. Climbing into engine room, diesel-coated boots slip off ladder. Ensuing fall through hatch rams both arms upwards, tearing rotator cuffs on both shoulders.

After some swearing, I inspect pump. It is fine. Return slowly to cabin, to be informed that whine was emitted from stepsons bl**dy Nintendo DS.  >:(