Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => On The Road => Topic started by: ed_o_brain on 25 July, 2009, 09:39:28 pm

Title: Not a great commuting week
Post by: ed_o_brain on 25 July, 2009, 09:39:28 pm
I got reversed into. Fortunately I wasn't hurt and the bike was not seriously damaged.
Then the following day, almost the same thing happened again. Fortunately I'd stopped a few meters back and I was able to get out of the way just in time. Neither was a rage incident. In both cases the drivers were reversing away from a junction and just didn't look behind them.

And then today, I was passed going through a pinch point where there was a pedestrian refuge. I was towing the child trailer full of books and just about to calling into a pharmacy on the left. There was a mixed use cycle path on the left. I took my turn into the pharmacy car park, the bloke mounted the pavement at a pedestrian crossing and drove several meters along the mixed foot way/cycle way before stopping.

The bloke started yelling at high volume as to make himself heard, In front of his daughter, who I'd estimated to be about 7-8 years old. He yelled that I was riding in the middle of the road (well I was trying to stop him overtaking until after we passed the pedestrian refuge) and that I was being cruel to my kids riding along with them on a busy main road. Not havind said a word I calmly walked upto him with the bike and trailer and then took the cover off the trailer to show him the books. The obscenities continued, "How was I f*cking supposed to know there were no kids in there". He continued going on at me for cycling in the middle of the road and inferred I was breaking the law etc. After he started threatening physical violence, I walked away with the bike and trailer and headed into the pharmacy.

A few moments later, after he had taken his daughter and dog into the park I called the police. Very politely, I gave them the car registration number, explained where I was and what had just occurred. Then I suggested that if they got someone into the area in the next ten-fifteen minutes, they would see the car driven along the footway and be able to slap a fixed penalty on the driver for the offense.

The operator who took my call agreed enthusiastically. She even asked if I wanted them to try and prosecute the driver for wreckless driving or threatening behaviour. I declined on the grounds it was just my word against his and unlikely to go very far.

I hope they got him.