Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Audax => Topic started by: Titan on 04 December, 2009, 06:30:05 pm

Title: Motivation
Post by: Titan on 04 December, 2009, 06:30:05 pm
How to get it back when its gone eh? Stopped in Aug and now so fat and slow it seems inconceivable to do a 200. Poor Student no show I fear. O woe. woe thrice woe.
Don't even want to ride home from the office.
AND no picture of me in arrivee - ever - in 4 yrs of hard riding.  crap. Everyone else got their picture in it.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Weirdy Biker on 04 December, 2009, 06:49:38 pm
This is very common.

I am just getting over a prolonged period of apathy, going from being in the top 10 of points riders to getting a grand total of 4 for 2008/9.

I'm finding having a specific goal very helpful (Mille Cymru) and have found my enthusiasm returning.  But it is proving humbling, being overweight and understrength.  There is no hiding from that on the hills.  But it is surprising how quickly you sharpen up - the strength I had is coming back and the weight is slowly coming off.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: jogler on 04 December, 2009, 07:00:47 pm
You sound like I felt on completing E2E :(
It took me about 3 months to find any enthusiasm.The motivation to get pedalling again came from piccies & a video (by Really Ancien IIRC)on this forum of an audax in Scotland & a flickering ember,which I hope will become a conflagration, to do LEL.
I don't have the answer  'cause it's different strokes for different folks BUT

 I have found that by collating a calendar of weekend rides with each ride being longer than the last & a target of a 200km ride in mid 2010 I am developing a routine & being a creatutre of habit I expect this will continue & hopefully the endorphins will return at some future time.Sooner the better obviously.

I have joined AUK to provide the routes & in the New Year will start mid-week rides of a hilly nature to improve my currently weak climbing technique.

I have also started using a fixed wheel bike to do local trips to the shops,bank or barber's.Typically a 10km journey.I do feel that this is improving my leg muscles.

After the 200km ride,base level endurance,I shall pursue an SR series & also do,midweek,short rides at higher intensity to improve speed to go with the endurance needed to do the SR series.
I have considered TT'ing but my enthusiasm/motivation does not extend to the racing-snake culture.Neither doed my XL midriff :-[  ;D

It's a good thing that the next LEL is not untill 2013 ::-)

Apologies for rambling on.I hope something amongst all that helps yourself.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: valkyrie on 04 December, 2009, 07:10:11 pm

I have considered TT'ing but my enthusiasm/motivation does not extend to the racing-snake culture.Neither doed my XL midriff :-[  ;D

It isn't just racing snakes that do TTs - if you go along to your local club 10 you'll probably be suprised by the range of people turning up to have a go. Some will be racing snakes on carbon TT bikes with Zipp wheels, others might just have taken their panniers off. I only started TTing this year but I find it good training for the audaxing.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: jogler on 04 December, 2009, 07:12:40 pm
Thinking about it,it would fit in with the intention to do short high intensity rides,mid-week. :-\
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: nightrider on 04 December, 2009, 07:26:00 pm
Why not enter a 100km ride in January,ride just for the fun of it for a bit.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Wowbagger on 04 December, 2009, 07:31:07 pm
How to get it back when its gone eh? Stopped in Aug and now so fat and slow it seems inconceivable to do a 200. Poor Student no show I fear. O woe. woe thrice woe.
Don't even want to ride home from the office.
AND no picture of me in arrivee - ever - in 4 yrs of hard riding.  crap. Everyone else got their picture in it.

Just regard the extra as a handicap to be overcome. A 17-stone lard-arse who can get round a 200 with seconds (or less) to spare is a much tougher cookie than the svelte adonis who gets round sub-12 hours without even needing to wash his kit when he gets home.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Majorbloodnok on 04 December, 2009, 08:06:54 pm
Surely the quickest way to get your mojo back is good old fashioned retail therapy...nothing like a new bike to get the juices flowing   8) 

As if a byclist needs an excuse to get another bike!
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Jaded on 04 December, 2009, 08:25:05 pm
In a little way I know the feeling. I got 8 points this year (which is 8 more than ever before)  in my first proper Audax year, but in the process I developed a sore knee.

I had the intention of completing  a round the year 100 km a month challenge. I failed in October and haven't been out since - even on the school run commute. The longest time had been off the bike since I got back on one. I know it is all about the first step, get that first made and you are back there, I'm hoping my first step will be to meet Roger Zeller* on Sunday morning.

Think of a first step.

*as suggested by the dictation software.  ;D
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: rogerzilla on 04 December, 2009, 08:34:56 pm
I know it is all about the first step, get that first made and you are back there, I'm hoping my first step will be to meet Roger Zeller* on Sunday morning.

Yebbut what has a dogging sesh in Gloucestershire got to do with riding your bike again?
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: arvid on 04 December, 2009, 10:13:34 pm
It's a matter of pulling yourself together. Sometimes when I planned to do a ride and I don't feel like it and the weather is crap it's hard. But when I'm out there for 5 to 15 minutes I have forgotten about all that, no matter how soaked I already am: I am enjoying the world.

It's not about distance, especially not in winter, just ride for an hour or so, to keep a bit fit and be reminded of the fact that cycling is a very nice way to explore the surroundings. The longer you don't do so, the harder it gets.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: MSeries on 04 December, 2009, 10:35:30 pm
As arvid said, just get out and ride. Ride to a cafe for a cuppa or to a bike shop to browse. Flick through some of the magazines for inspiration, make some plans for next year. Maybe get to one of the Revolutions in Manc. Don't worry too much about the next two months, don't be thinking of points lost, just ride.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: kcass on 04 December, 2009, 11:02:40 pm
Maybe try reading about it. Its nice to be reminded about whats so great about being out on a bike.
These are some that have worked fo me

Bikie - Charlie Woods
One More Kilometer and we're in the showers - Tim Hilton
The Rider - Tim Krabbe

Sheldon Brown's enthusiasm works wonders too. It even got me riding fixed.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Hummers on 04 December, 2009, 11:55:32 pm
How to get it back when its gone eh? Stopped in Aug and now so fat and slow it seems inconceivable to do a 200. Poor Student no show I fear. O woe. woe thrice woe.
Don't even want to ride home from the office.
AND no picture of me in arrivee - ever - in 4 yrs of hard riding.  crap. Everyone else got their picture in it.


Why did you post this, exactly?

Are you looking for sympathy or perhaps you are thrashing yourself with twigs in the hope of finding some inner mettle that you have lost?


I fear that the metal you seek is below your very feet and can only be gained by riding your bike...

..on the rides where Tim Wainright and his lens are in attendance.


Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Jaded on 05 December, 2009, 12:01:32 am
I know it is all about the first step, get that first made and you are back there, I'm hoping my first step will be to meet Roger Zeller* on Sunday morning.

Yebbut what has a dogging sesh in Gloucestershire got to do with riding your bike again?


You never told me to bring my video camera!

See you Sunday!
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: thing1 on 05 December, 2009, 12:46:23 pm
I'm finding having a specific goal very helpful (Mille Cymru) and have found my enthusiasm returning.

I find a lot of inspiration in looking at these photos (
I almost wish I had never seen them!
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Weirdy Biker on 05 December, 2009, 01:43:13 pm
I'm finding having a specific goal very helpful (Mille Cymru) and have found my enthusiasm returning.

I find a lot of inspiration in looking at these photos (
I almost wish I had never seen them!

That is my background picture on my work PC.  It makes the pulse quicken. OOOOO, I could squeek with excitement.  Roll on July.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Bones on 07 December, 2009, 12:58:31 pm
I'm finding having a specific goal very helpful (Mille Cymru) and have found my enthusiasm returning.

I find a lot of inspiration in looking at these photos (
I almost wish I had never seen them!

The scenery is inspiring and gives me motivation to ride even tho I know that seeing it hurts! So tomorrow I must get out on the bike again having had a month off with swine-flu jab side effects that thankfully have now gone

Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: scampi on 07 December, 2009, 01:36:31 pm
How to get it back when its gone eh? Stopped in Aug and now so fat and slow it seems inconceivable to do a 200. Poor Student no show I fear. O woe. woe thrice woe.
Don't even want to ride home from the office.
AND no picture of me in arrivee - ever - in 4 yrs of hard riding.  crap. Everyone else got their picture in it.

Let's face it, weather like we've had lately is hardly motivational.

On Saturday the sun shone for a change and I went for a spin through the lanes and over the hills and it was bloomin' marvellous.  Yesterday the sun shone again and I rode 14 miles around the lanes with my family, with a cafe stop half way.  Absolute bliss and a great reminder of why we do this cycling lark.

Weather's due for a change soon and no doubt we will have high pressure and clear sunny days ... perfect for a quick spin on the bike to the cafe to warm up before riding home with the sun setting behind you...

As for Arrive photos - it seems Carmarthen audaxes are best for this.  There's one on 14th Febuary - 100km.  Get riding again and get your mug shot in Arrive - two birds with one stone.  :)
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Ray 6701 on 07 December, 2009, 03:59:44 pm
Riding audax is not about getting your mug in Arrivee.  Just get out there and ride, it's time to start building up with slow and steady rides preferably with others and including a good old cafe stop.  There are some very good rides in January, the windrush winter warm up being a favourite of mine  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Bones on 07 December, 2009, 05:49:52 pm
+1 for Windrush Winter Warmer

Whoops re my computer skills above. My reply has ended up in the quote box!
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Andrew on 09 December, 2009, 08:43:13 am
It's not about distance, especially not in winter, just ride for an hour or so, to keep a bit fit and be reminded of the fact that cycling is a very nice way to explore the surroundings.

I'd agree with that. I had to rekindle my cycling desire recently and that's how I did it. Just gentle 25 - 30km pootles around my local environment, just enjoying being out on the bike. Getting out there is the hard but but, once out on the roads, it was like I'd never been gone! 

Of course, this is so much easier if you live in the countryside (as I do now). Being a city dweller might make things a little more of a task but I found (when I lived in London) that early morning rides could be enjoyable. I'm almost missing my 'colline di nord Londra' ride now!
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: arabella on 09 December, 2009, 12:20:19 pm
AND no picture of me in arrivee - ever - in 4 yrs of hard riding.  crap. Everyone else got their picture in it.
Write an artice.  Send it in with a picture of you.  Job done.

I haven't done much since July either, unless you count my commute (I don't, it's not an option unless you call the bus an alternative).
One DNS (trains)
One DNF (lurgy) my completion rate for 100s is now only 40%

I managed to get out with the CTC at the w/e, a rainy 90 mins to cake shop, cake and then I whizzed back in the sun on my own.  Lovely.  I'd never have gone to the cake shop on my own.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: alves on 09 December, 2009, 01:46:55 pm
As arvid said, just get out and ride. Ride to a cafe for a cuppa or to a bike shop to browse. Flick through some of the magazines for inspiration, make some plans for next year. Maybe get to one of the Revolutions in Manc. Don't worry too much about the next two months, don't be thinking of points lost, just ride.
I'd agree with that. I am definitely in a slump for now with regards to cycling and I think I just need to rediscover the pleasures of riding.
Commuting to work and weekly MTB evening rides is it for the last 2 months. My road bike has languished and my midriff is growing.
This last year, I've been too target-driven (getting an SR in 2009- failed) and had forgotten the fun and the Joy of Sex, sorry riding. Its just a pastime and hobby for me, a big part of my time off but not my raison d'etre and for 2010, I'm going to rediscover the enjoyable bits again.
Inevitably, I'll get all obsessed about doing an SR in other years but for 2010, I'm going to chill. Maybe, its something cyclical.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: damerell on 10 December, 2009, 11:46:49 am
How to get it back when its gone eh? Stopped in Aug and now so fat and slow it seems inconceivable to do a 200. Poor Student no show I fear.

Well, if you change your mind, rest assured you'll have some company on the back. Slow and steady doesn't win the race but it does win the pie-eating contest.

AND no picture of me in arrivee - ever - in 4 yrs of hard riding.

Neither have I IIRC (could be wrong) - I think it's mostly the fast bunch who get photos.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Tigerrr on 10 December, 2009, 04:38:10 pm
How to get it back when its gone eh? Stopped in Aug and now so fat and slow it seems inconceivable to do a 200. Poor Student no show I fear. O woe. woe thrice woe.
Don't even want to ride home from the office.
AND no picture of me in arrivee - ever - in 4 yrs of hard riding.  crap. Everyone else got their picture in it.

Pathetic. On yer bike mate. Audax is for hardnuts not wimps so stop wingeing.  If you start now you can be fit by the 9th. And its not about getting your pic in the mag anyway you poser.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: Greenbank on 10 December, 2009, 04:57:48 pm
How to get it back when its gone eh? Stopped in Aug and now so fat and slow it seems inconceivable to do a 200. Poor Student no show I fear. O woe. woe thrice woe.
Don't even want to ride home from the office.
AND no picture of me in arrivee - ever - in 4 yrs of hard riding.  crap. Everyone else got their picture in it.

Pathetic. On yer bike mate. Audax is for hardnuts not wimps so stop wingeing.  If you start now you can be fit by the 9th. And its not about getting your pic in the mag anyway you poser.

I had two months off the bike last year for the whole of November and most of December when I was swanning around Argentina and Chile drinking lager.

When I got back, I tried a DIY 100 down to the South Coast on 30th December and bailed at 70km before the worst of the hills (at Hayward's Heath so I chickened out of Ditchling) as I was shot to bits.

This spurred me on to get fit again using my commute (and a bit of Richmond Park) and I put in 400km in January before the Willy Warmer 200 on the 31st which I got round feeling quite strong at the end.

From then it was a DIY 250, The Dean 300, London to Edinburgh DIY 300/200/200 over 3 days, Elenith 300, Bryan Chapman 600, Dun Run and back home DIY 400, Midlander Super Grimpeur 300 and LEL 1400km. Everything but the Midlander Insanity on fixed too.

If you've had the legs for it in the past (like it sounds you have) it doesn't take long to get back in to it.
Title: Re: Motivation
Post by: MSeries on 10 December, 2009, 05:40:36 pm
To the OP you might start to get your mojo back when you read peoples plans and ride reports on here. It was one of the contributing factors to my come back in 2008. (after 5 months of no cycling, 3 months of no exercise at all, not even walking or standing up and about 15kg gain in weight)