Yet Another Cycling Forum

Random Musings => Gallery => OT Gallery => Topic started by: andygates on 11 April, 2010, 07:17:49 pm

Title: Respect!
Post by: andygates on 11 April, 2010, 07:17:49 pm
Title: Re: Respect!
Post by: oncemore on 24 April, 2010, 09:28:55 pm
One of the few things on which I agree with lots of USofA cyclists e.g.

 "Originally Posted by Joe West
Just wondering how many of you carry a gun as part of your cycling equipment? Here in Arizona we can legally carry open and concealed (concealed with permit).

For long distance touring and bicycle camping... I think I'd feel safer carrying my .45 semi-auto pistol (concealed so it doesn't freak people out).

Anyone else carry while biking?"

I would if legal. Why should only the bad guys be allowed to defend themselves?
Title: Re: Respect!
Post by: pcolbeck on 25 April, 2010, 04:18:40 pm
Defend against what ? When was the last time a cyclist was randomly attacked in the UK whilst touring or camping ? You couldn't use it against cars that past to close or turned across you.
Title: Re: Respect!
Post by: Zoidburg on 25 April, 2010, 08:22:48 pm
Not having rattle snakes and various other bitey things in the UK I don't feel the need to go about armed to the teeth.

If I did need a gun because of two legged predators I wouldn't go cycle touring there in the first place.
Title: Re: Respect!
Post by: Butterfly on 27 April, 2010, 02:14:01 pm
I did enough damage carrying a penknife! I hate to think what I'd manage with a gun ::-). It's not as though the bad guys carry guns generally, and those that do are going to be a lot nastier about it than me, anyway. I'm glad you can't oncemore - I feel a lot happier with fewer guns around.
Title: Re: Respect!
Post by: David Martin on 27 April, 2010, 02:20:30 pm
I did enough damage carrying a penknife!

I remmeber that one..