Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => The Knowledge => Camping It Up => Topic started by: Notsototalnewbie on 01 September, 2010, 11:52:01 am

Title: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Notsototalnewbie on 01 September, 2010, 11:52:01 am
What the best way to dispose of the little fuel canisters that screw onto a Jetboil? It's a butane/propane canister, the Primus brand. Nothing written on it says what to do.

Was pondering this at Mildenhall when we used one up, but no one seemed to know for sure so it came home with us.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Charlotte on 01 September, 2010, 12:02:53 pm
I think different kerbside recycling schemes have different rules, but mine seem okay.

I tend to take them home with me, make sure that they're absolutely empty (leave the stove valve open for a few minutes with the can attached) and then push a sharp thing through the side of them and bung 'em in our other recycling.  Once there's an obvious hole in the can, they're clearly not dangerous any more.

Most recycling schemes will take empty aerosol cans, which are also usually full of residual amounts of inflammable gas, so LP canisters ought not to be an issue.  If it is, take 'em to your local tip - they usually have a special section for such things.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: alexb on 01 September, 2010, 01:35:41 pm
Wot she said, apllied to our recycling centre as well.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: clarion on 01 September, 2010, 01:38:26 pm
Not thought of puncturing them to prove empty.  That's a top tip.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: andrew_s on 01 September, 2010, 02:07:55 pm
I put a few holes in them and then bung them in with the tin can recycling.
Ice axe at home, strong tent peg & rock out on the road.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Charlotte on 01 September, 2010, 02:32:32 pm
Finally!  An excuse to own an ice axe  :D
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: clarion on 01 September, 2010, 02:33:11 pm
You were waiting for an excuse? ???
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Regulator on 01 September, 2010, 02:33:51 pm
Finally!  An excuse to own an ice axe  :D

You were waiting for an excuse? ???

Damn!  You nicked my line....  ;D
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: nuttycyclist on 01 September, 2010, 02:34:10 pm
I had an ice axe once.

It melted.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: The Mechanic on 01 September, 2010, 03:05:38 pm
I went climbing in the Lake District in January once with my son.  He insisted on us taking ice axes and crampons.  Bloody glad he did!
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Zoidburg on 01 September, 2010, 03:07:32 pm
Round these parts the usual place to dispose of a spent gas canister is in a bonfire.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Notsototalnewbie on 01 September, 2010, 03:23:30 pm
Top tip, thanks. I was just wondering what kind of stabbypointy thing I could use...I don't think I own as many some of you lot do!

I have no idea if Lambeth council would be ok with it; on our estate they have big communal recycling bins which get very full, and I think they take everything away to sort through cos nothing ever gets left. I have no intention of confusing Lambeth's call centre drones by ringing them to ask; they would almost certainly have no clue what I was on about.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Charlotte on 01 September, 2010, 03:39:05 pm
If you don't have a Swiss army knife with one on, then some kind of sharp bradawl will usually do the job.  Have a look in your local DIY store.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: clarion on 01 September, 2010, 03:40:47 pm
... I have no intention of confusing Lambeth's call centre drones by ringing them to ask; they would almost certainly have no clue what I was on about.

Your kindness to dumb animals does you credit ;)
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: woollypigs on 01 September, 2010, 04:21:40 pm
I can't remember where I read it but I'm sure that the shop you got it from does take them back and do the recycling for you.

Though this is boring I much prefer the way Zoidburg said, much much more fun. And a great way to make a hole in them to prove that they are empty :)
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Valiant on 01 September, 2010, 04:25:07 pm
Pellet gun practice.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: Zoidburg on 01 September, 2010, 05:19:31 pm
Pellet gun practice.
You have to douse the canister in lighter fluid first and light it.

Then retire to a safe distance and shoot at it.
Title: Re: Disposing of Jetboil canister
Post by: rogerzilla on 01 September, 2010, 05:31:25 pm
Round these parts the usual place to dispose of a spent gas canister is in a bonfire.
Round these parts the usual place to dispose of a fresh gas canister is in a bonfire.

There were two nutters from Bristol who used to video themselves burning old computers with gas canisters in the casing.  It was remarkably unspectacular, and I think they were just dope fiends with an Internet connection.