Yet Another Cycling Forum

Off Topic => The Pub => Food & Drink => Topic started by: rogerzilla on 09 September, 2010, 05:32:28 pm

Title: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rogerzilla on 09 September, 2010, 05:32:28 pm
As title.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Julian on 09 September, 2010, 05:34:42 pm

Then three more a little later. 
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Zoidburg on 09 September, 2010, 05:35:42 pm
I see them as a "grazing" food stuff so I treat the consumption of said cake as an ongoing and unmeasurable process.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: αdαmsκι on 09 September, 2010, 05:35:52 pm
Over what time frame?
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Wowbagger on 09 September, 2010, 05:37:24 pm
I'm not overly keen on jaffa cakes. I could eat quite a lot of them, quite quickly, but I'd rather have something tastier.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: eck on 09 September, 2010, 05:38:17 pm
A scene on H-B-K-H, as recounted by Salvatore:
There was one of those 'what on earth are we doing here' moments sitting on the forecourt of the petrol station at Lütgenrode, sharing a meal of Jaffa Cakes and Pringles with eck, bodach and George, while the rain bucketed down. This was after a 140 km leg through the Harz and before a 130km leg to Messinghausen, which we rode straight through.

So my answer is: NO MORE. PLEASE  :sick:
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Charlotte on 09 September, 2010, 05:39:50 pm
Probably ten.  But I might feel a little ickky.

An ex of mine used to be able to eat a dozen creme eggs in one sitting.  Four eggs, cup of tea, four eggs, more tea, four eggs.  Remarkably, despite this sort of gluttony, she was a size ten.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rogerzilla on 09 September, 2010, 05:44:54 pm
I know a guy who ate a half-gross box of Cadbury's Flakes for charidee.

They didn't stay down long.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 09 September, 2010, 05:45:13 pm
The name has become generic, I use Lidl ones as bonk food at the moment, they have a high ratio of filling and chocolate to cake, Asda ones have too much cake. I can eat trifle sponges as a snack though, and porridge oats straight from the packet. I could probably do about 50 of the Lidl ones with no real pause.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Zoidburg on 09 September, 2010, 05:46:11 pm
The trick is to pace yourself.

Nibble, don't stuff.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Biggsy on 09 September, 2010, 05:46:46 pm
One is never enough.  Two or three is optimal.  I could perhaps eat ten in one go, but wouldn't really enjoy more than three.  That goes for most biscuits or small cakes.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Zoidburg on 09 September, 2010, 05:49:33 pm
How many Jaffa Cakes do you reckon you could force someone to eat?

You know...before it felt cruel.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Jaded on 09 September, 2010, 05:53:30 pm
coop has a 2 for one offer on, so I might go try this out  ;D
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 09 September, 2010, 05:55:26 pm
One packet straight, no pauses, I reckon. I don't know how many are in a packet, presumably it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. After a cup of tea I could probably eat another half packet. But only if I was really hungry. It would depend on flavour too - I couldn't eat a whole packet of the toffee or caramel flavour. Nor the ones with white chocolate, but thankfully you don't see those often. These (,Pieczywo-i-ciasta,Ciastka-nadziewane-21638&usg=__KJwKUA_x6RsPW-Rd-73W0BdNlXw=&h=100&w=100&sz=4&hl=pl&start=5&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=d7VXWSz48ov_nM:&tbnh=82&tbnw=82&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwedel%2Bdelicje%2Bpomara%25C5%2584czowe%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dpl%26client%3Dopera-portal%26sa%3DG%26channel%3Dportal%26tbs%3Disch:1) are my favourite. I will now have to buy a packet so I can find out how many it has!  :P
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Zoidburg on 09 September, 2010, 05:56:35 pm
Like the Deer Hunter with Jafa Cakes.



Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Eccentrica Gallumbits on 09 September, 2010, 06:24:40 pm
All of them, no problem.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: robbo6 on 09 September, 2010, 06:28:16 pm

*You have missed 3 out.
I assume you mean boxes.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Zoidburg on 09 September, 2010, 06:30:31 pm
I like to pop them in the freezer for a bit so you can nibble the now crunchy chocolate covering off first.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: geraldc on 09 September, 2010, 06:35:34 pm
I was trained in the classic method of Jaffa cake eating. I lick the chocolate off, then use my incisors to strip the jelly, then eat the cake. Takes about 5 mins. So eating more than 20 is too time consuming, and my face would be totally covered in chocolate.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rogerzilla on 09 September, 2010, 06:40:22 pm
Sainsbury's ones seem identical to the real thing, except that the cellophane is clear and not orange.  I used the cellophane from a real packet to make our outside light all warm and Christmassy last year.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: fuaran on 09 September, 2010, 06:56:04 pm
Where's the option for none?  :sick:
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Zoidburg on 09 September, 2010, 06:58:28 pm
Sainsbury's ones seem identical to the real thing, except that the cellophane is clear and not orange.  I used the cellophane from a real packet to make our outside light all warm and Christmassy last year.
That means you managed to set fire to the wrapper doesn't it?
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Polar Bear on 09 September, 2010, 07:02:40 pm
I have to admit that I have downed a box in one sitting.   I could have eaten more...
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: gonzo on 09 September, 2010, 07:12:48 pm
I once went to a supermarket and took full advantage of bogof; I bought a crate of 15 boxes and got another crate of 15 free!
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: jogler on 09 September, 2010, 07:24:16 pm
I have to be absolutely ravenous to even consider just one....but it has been done :sick:
Devil's haemmeroids(sp) :facepalm:
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 09 September, 2010, 07:30:53 pm
Devil's hammerite? That's toffee!
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Adrian on 09 September, 2010, 07:49:01 pm
I had six during team meeting this morning. I could easily have managed several more but I didn't want to appear greedy.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Zoidburg on 09 September, 2010, 07:50:17 pm
Jaffa cakes dipped in a glass of ice cold milk.

Tears of joy.

Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: plum on 09 September, 2010, 07:58:02 pm
fiddy. I could eat fiddy j-cakes.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: andygates on 09 September, 2010, 08:17:50 pm
Why are there numbers?  Numbers mean the jaffa cakes end.   :'(


I'll effortlessly polish off a three-pack of packs without even noticing. 
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Manotea on 09 September, 2010, 08:23:41 pm
Good morning children (
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: peliroja on 09 September, 2010, 08:25:09 pm
I could eat over 50, I reckon.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: redshift on 09 September, 2010, 08:27:01 pm
Why are there numbers?  Numbers mean the jaffa cakes end.   :'(


Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: andygates on 09 September, 2010, 08:36:21 pm
In fact, to use the motif de jour:

n + 1
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Butterfly on 09 September, 2010, 09:43:39 pm
All of them, no problem.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Butterfly on 09 September, 2010, 09:45:41 pm
And if you need pudding, you can microwave them too :thumbsup:
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: andygates on 09 September, 2010, 09:53:31 pm
Or cover them in custard.

Or DUNK them in custard.

*horrid moment*

Please say they're veggie, or I'll be sad. :o
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Julian on 09 September, 2010, 10:00:16 pm
They are veggie.  I just looked it up for you specially.

Tesco Value ones are vegan, apparently!
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: matthew on 09 September, 2010, 10:14:19 pm
I prefer to buy packs of 12 because once open thy are finished so packs of 24 are bad for the waist line and 36s are not allowed in the house.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Adrian on 09 September, 2010, 10:22:59 pm

Please say they're veggie, or I'll be sad. :o

Oh yes, I read the ingredients during team meeting four times.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: hellymedic on 10 September, 2010, 12:04:23 am

Then three more a little later. 

Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: hellymedic on 10 September, 2010, 12:13:55 am
Cheapskate that I am, I eat Sainsbury's Basics Jaffa Cakes at 24 for 72p. The cake is not the screaming yellow of others, which is no disadvantage.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Biggsy on 10 September, 2010, 12:19:00 am
Tesco's are good as well :thumbsup:
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: hellymedic on 10 September, 2010, 03:00:35 pm
I have just eaten three lovely fresh Jaffa cakes from my new Sainsbury's packet. I'm sure I could eat more but I don't want to. Three is an answer but not an option at the head of this thread.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: nutkin on 11 September, 2010, 03:59:16 pm
One packet straight, no pauses, I reckon. I don't know how many are in a packet, presumably it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Real Jaffa Cakes have 12.

This is considered the optimal number to accompany a cup of tea.

If you're having a pot of tea, then obviously you need more packets of Jaffa Cakes.

Mind you, after two packets I begin to feel a little guilty.  ;D
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: bobb on 11 September, 2010, 04:07:12 pm
You gluttonous bunch of fucks!

I shall be checking through the various weight loss discussion threads to see if there is a correlation between posting in those threads and a voracious appetite for Jaffa cakes. Then I shall start to make rude comments  :P
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Arch on 11 September, 2010, 05:29:05 pm
You know infinity?

That many.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: nutkin on 11 September, 2010, 05:40:49 pm
You gluttonous bunch of fucks!

I shall be checking through the various weight loss discussion threads to see if there is a correlation between posting in those threads and a voracious appetite for Jaffa cakes. Then I shall start to make rude comments  :P

You're only saying that becasue you haven't got any, aren't you?  ;)  :-*
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rower40 on 11 September, 2010, 05:44:22 pm
There are 5 left in this packet in front of me, and I'm feeling "no thanks...".
Ergo 7.
The packets have twelve - for sharing equally between 2, 3, 4 or 6 people.  But I've just eaten a prime number, and leaving another prime number of cakes in the packet.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rogerzilla on 11 September, 2010, 10:43:01 pm
Looking at the votes so far, there's a point somewhere above 50 Jaffa cakes which is like the sound barrier in aeronautics.  It takes dedication, patient research and practice to push through it but, once you do, the sky's the limit.  You see, hardly anyone stops at 100.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: bobb on 11 September, 2010, 10:48:02 pm
You gluttonous bunch of fucks!

I shall be checking through the various weight loss discussion threads to see if there is a correlation between posting in those threads and a voracious appetite for Jaffa cakes. Then I shall start to make rude comments  :P

You're only saying that becasue you haven't got any, aren't you?  ;)  :-*

Is that some kind of euphemism? Are you suggesting that I'm a Jaffa?!!
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rogerzilla on 12 September, 2010, 09:45:57 am
Is that some kind of euphemism? Are you suggesting that I'm a Jaffa?!!
Given your reputation, it seems like a wise precaution to have taken  ;)
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: nutkin on 12 September, 2010, 08:44:23 pm
Right, in the interests of scientific research, I took myself down to Sainsbury's today as they're doing a half-price offer on Jaffa Cakes.

So far I have established that 12 can be eaten without a thought otherwise. One large cup of tea helps.

I'll report back on further experiments as I had a large dinner and now am too full to eat any more.  :-[
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: bobb on 12 September, 2010, 11:02:31 pm
Pimp that Jaffa Cake! (

How many of those bad boys eh?!
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Julian on 12 September, 2010, 11:38:34 pm
Four if they're co-op jaffa cakes rather than McVities.

[/serious scientific research]
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: pcolbeck on 12 September, 2010, 11:41:22 pm

And then one more a bit later.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Charlotte on 13 September, 2010, 12:13:38 am
Four if they're co-op jaffa cakes rather than McVities.

[/serious scientific research]

There weren't nearly enough for serious research  :(
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Adrian on 13 September, 2010, 08:14:58 pm
Pimp that Jaffa Cake! (

How many of those bad boys eh?!

Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Valiant on 13 September, 2010, 11:30:31 pm
I can just about manage 20ish before feeling like I'm going to burst.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rogerzilla on 20 September, 2010, 08:55:02 pm
Pimp that Jaffa Cake! (

How many of those bad boys eh?!

See vote already cast  :)
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat in one mouthful?
Post by: HTFB on 20 September, 2010, 08:59:49 pm
A better question. I shall do field research when I next have any Jaffa cakes.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Torslanda on 21 September, 2010, 12:22:51 pm
I'm going to make me one of those . . .
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rogerzilla on 07 April, 2023, 09:23:54 pm

Plus, I train hard. The training is the same time and effort that is required to run a marathon.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: T42 on 08 April, 2023, 08:30:23 am
Florida man...
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Slave To The Viking on 11 April, 2023, 12:37:53 am
My suspicion is that 100 would be round about the point that I idly started thinking "That's probably quite a lot. Should maybe have been counting. Hang on, how many in a box...?" by which point another dozen or so would be dispatched.

I think "All of them" (or, at the very least "More than you") is probably the answer.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: citoyen on 10 May, 2023, 08:17:47 am
No idea. I've never reached my limit. I always run out of jaffa cakes long before I want to stop eating them.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 16 May, 2023, 04:09:48 pm
I've just noticed there are 10 in a pack. I thought there were 12. Is this is a recent change or has it always been 10?
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 May, 2023, 05:12:38 pm
all of them
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Ham on 16 May, 2023, 05:30:36 pm
In case the situation wasn't bad enough already, these exist

So, whatever the McVittie number is ^2
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 May, 2023, 06:03:53 pm
In case the situation wasn't bad enough already, these exist

So, whatever the McVittie number is ^2

They make jaffa cakes seem like filth.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: SoreTween on 16 May, 2023, 08:19:47 pm
I've just noticed there are 10 in a pack. I thought there were 12. Is this is a recent change or has it always been 10?
I suspect it's a recent thing. Inspired by this thread I couldn't resist a box. The box could accommodate 12-14, the plastic contained 10. The box could contain cakes with a diameter of this, the cakes had a diameter of this.
Modern life is rubbish.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 16 May, 2023, 08:29:25 pm
The box was also emblazoned with "£1.29 RRP £1 RRP" so could be one of those "special cheap but works out more per item" reductions.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: rogerzilla on 16 May, 2023, 08:31:46 pm
The box was also emblazoned with "£1.29 RRP £1 RRP" so could be one of those "special cheap but works out more per item" reductions.
£1 for 10 is better than £1.29 for 12.  Unless you want 12, in which case you ARE going to buy two boxes and eat all 20.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 16 May, 2023, 08:32:52 pm
Yes, assuming it ever was actually sold at £1.29 for 12.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: L CC on 17 May, 2023, 08:54:18 am
In a previous employ I had a pair of colleagues who entertained themselves (and the rest of us) with food challenges. Chris would set challenges for Dan, who always succeeded.
His height in Jaffa Cakes was one such. He's about 5'10".
I reckon I could match that. And not just my 5'3"
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: phantasmagoriana on 17 May, 2023, 03:38:10 pm
I've just noticed there are 10 in a pack. I thought there were 12. Is this is a recent change or has it always been 10?

It's a recent (ish) thing:
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: citoyen on 17 May, 2023, 03:55:28 pm
The box was also emblazoned with "£1.29 RRP £1 RRP" so could be one of those "special cheap but works out more per item" reductions.
£1 for 10 is better than £1.29 for 12.  Unless you want 12, in which case you ARE going to buy two boxes and eat all 20.

Unless they've also reduced the size of the individual cakes, which is quite plausible. We'd need to know the net weight to be sure.

They could also have changed the proportions - more cake, less chocolate, less smashing jaffa orangey bit.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: citoyen on 17 May, 2023, 04:00:57 pm
PS for those of you too young to remember 'smashing jaffa orangey bit':
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 17 May, 2023, 06:02:42 pm
Each cake is 12.2g according to the packet, which I've just retrieved from the waiting-to-be-recycled box. Of course we'd have to find an old packet to compare.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Peter on 17 May, 2023, 06:11:40 pm
Not as many as Paul Newman
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Tim Hall on 17 May, 2023, 08:14:16 pm
I'll take a piece of that action.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Tim Hall on 17 May, 2023, 09:09:36 pm
Jaffa cakes were invented in 1927. I shoe-horned that piece of trivia into a speech I gave at my Dad's 90th birthday party.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 17 May, 2023, 09:13:37 pm
Perhaps for their centenary they'll produce a special 100-pack. Would that be big enough for the Jaffa cake lovers? Probably not.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: hellymedic on 17 May, 2023, 09:19:17 pm
I've just noticed there are 10 in a pack. I thought there were 12. Is this is a recent change or has it always been 10?

Shrinkflation innit?

The biggest boxes are 3x11 Jaffa cakes.
The other packs are 10s and 2x10s

ETA Sainsbury's own brand Jaffa Cakes are 24 (2x12) for £1.20 but not listed at my branch.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 17 May, 2023, 09:50:30 pm
I've just noticed there are 10 in a pack. I thought there were 12. Is this is a recent change or has it always been 10?

Shrinkflation innit?

The biggest boxes are 3x11 Jaffa cakes.
The other packs are 10s and 2x10s

ETA Sainsbury's own brand Jaffa Cakes are 24 (2x12) for £1.20 but not listed at my branch.
This sounds like gearing systems!
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: perpetual dan on 17 May, 2023, 10:39:57 pm
The box size shrunk from 12 to 10 a few years back, amid much reassurance that the cakes themselves remained the same. When looking that up I did spot various larger packs including a yard (which shrank by 4 inches), 100 and 180 cake packs.
Title: Re: How many Jaffa cakes do you reckon you could eat?
Post by: cygnet on 19 May, 2023, 12:03:28 am
In a previous employ I had a pair of colleagues who entertained themselves (and the rest of us) with food challenges. Chris would set challenges for Dan, who always succeeded.
His height in Jaffa Cakes was one such. He's about 5'10".
I reckon I could match that. And not just my 5'3"

Has anyone worked out how many this is (for either LCC, or "Dan")