Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Audax => Topic started by: megajoules expenditure on 05 October, 2010, 10:36:03 pm

Title: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: megajoules expenditure on 05 October, 2010, 10:36:03 pm
In an attempt to restore some balance between the technology side of audax and our raison d'etre. How do you 'feel' about audax? :

For me Audax is a bike ride where you have a challenge to meet a time limit over varied terrain and a long distance,riding through day and sometimes night in every kind of weather,never knowing what wonderful sights you will see.Wildlife of every kind,wonderful skies and landscapes,the moon and stars and shadows in the mist.The sun setting on a summers evening and rising again sparkling on the dew the next morning as you still pedal onwards endlessly towards the finish.Sometimes alone and sometimes with a group sharing the banter to pass the miles.

What is Audax? Audax is the stuff of our dreams.

What does it mean for you?
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Feline on 05 October, 2010, 10:39:06 pm
Audax for me means riding a bloody long way on my bike just because I can, I am not at a stage of my cycling career where noticing the scenery plays a big role ... I can obtain a 100 yard stare while just doing a 100k  ;)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: IanDG on 05 October, 2010, 10:42:07 pm
The last one I did gave me a sore arse and aching legs
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Noodley on 05 October, 2010, 10:49:25 pm
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Ian H on 05 October, 2010, 10:51:07 pm

Very Zen.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: teethgrinder on 05 October, 2010, 10:53:29 pm
How does Audax make me feel?


Very, very tired.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 05 October, 2010, 10:54:13 pm

I can kid myself that I am not as old as I actually am.

I love sunsets and sunrises - riding in  moonlight - hearing the dawn chorus.

Camaraderie and support from others.

New places to go and see.

The stupified and uncomprehending look of ones friends when ( post Chapman) you mention that you have just done a double traverse of Wales in under 40 hours.

Not quite so sure about 29 hours rain on Sheilas 600 last year tho.


I am so glad that I found out about Audax a few years ago
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Martin on 05 October, 2010, 10:54:59 pm
at last; a thread about the plusses of Audax after all the other stuff :)

it makes me feel I can actually be good at something; better in fact than a lot of other cyclists I know. It makes me feel glad to be out for 6 hours in warm fine drizzle knowing there will be a smiling face to chat to at the end. It makes me so glad to be on a bike when the weather comes good on a ride. It makes me feel that it's worth scouring Aldi for a car full of carbs to feed like minded people. who feel the same way I do.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: αdαmsκι on 05 October, 2010, 10:55:30 pm
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Deano on 05 October, 2010, 10:55:41 pm
Fuck knows.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: teethgrinder on 05 October, 2010, 10:57:53 pm

Oh yes, that too.

And hungry.

Very, very hungry.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Fab Foodie on 05 October, 2010, 11:00:28 pm
And stiff?
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: red marley on 05 October, 2010, 11:04:34 pm
My dad did audaxing in the early 1980s. So to my 13 year-old self, it was some remote impossible to achieve cycling event that was measured in hundreds, not tens. These rides were such achievements that they even gave riders who managed to complete them medals. To my 40 something year-old self, audaxing sums up many of the things I value. I can explore the geography of the country without the sensory deprivation forced on me by the car and train. It has taught me to appreciate the seasons and the week by week change in familiar routes. Audax represents what can be achieved by willing volunteers who organise themselves for the love of what they do without sponsorship, profit or vanity. It has shown me I can still learn new tricks, do tomorrow what yesterday I thought was impossible. I can leave my London front door on a Monday morning and be in Scotland on a Tuesday just by turning my legs. When I'm riding through the night, I'm part of a secret club of who reclaim the roads while others sleep on, unaware of our existence.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: dasmoth on 05 October, 2010, 11:05:58 pm
I wish audax did make me hungry, would be much easier to keep my energy up that way!

It's a thoroughly satisfying way to see the country.  Left to my own devices, I'd never do something like travelling to Wales just for a weekend of riding up hills.  This year, I've done that twice and had a wonderful day out each time.  And a lot of other great rides as well.

It's just a pity about the C5 envelopes! (sorry...)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: CrinklyLion on 05 October, 2010, 11:16:37 pm
Weirdly tempted, on occasion  ;D
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Kim on 05 October, 2010, 11:21:05 pm
^^ This
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Karla on 05 October, 2010, 11:25:20 pm
Weirdly tempted, on occasion  ;D
I'm sure you could still do Gerry's ride at the weekend.  Find a nice yacfer to let you draft round but don't try to stick on the wheel of Bob Johnson or of any Cliftonites called Dave  ;)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: MercuryKev on 06 October, 2010, 12:03:35 am
When I first started it was all about the personal challenge and every ride brought with it new discoveries about what I could endure.  Now I knows that I can ride the distance I can begin to enjoy the route.  On every ride there is a moment when the terrain, scenery and company combine to validate my effort.  So how does Audax make me feel? Happy.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Jaded on 06 October, 2010, 12:20:37 am
When I'm riding through the night, I'm part of a secret club of who reclaim the roads while others sleep on, unaware of our existence.

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: hellymedic on 06 October, 2010, 12:50:20 am
Wildlife, scenery, urban sprawl.

Life at its most intense, all in a day or two.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: AndyH on 06 October, 2010, 06:15:33 am
Good. Very very good. I have become something of an addict.


At first I thought I could handle it. A few Brevet Populaires. But before long it wasn't enough anymore. I needed bigger and bigger hits and soon discovered BRMs. On my first 200 I was already thinking about a 300 and it has grown from there. I am worried that next year I might have to go abroad to find satisfaction. Do I need to go to rehab ? Maybe I should sit in a darkened room sewing badges onto a carradice saddlebag.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Polar Bear on 06 October, 2010, 06:47:13 am
Audax is a good ride spoilt.  Otherwise?  Indifferent.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: ludwig on 06 October, 2010, 07:11:05 am
The joy of discovering that you can achieve something that was unimaginable a few years before.
A slight smug feeling when describing how you spent the weekend to others.
The joy of not becoming an entirely fat bastard.
The knowledge during the week that anything that life throws at you wont be harder than what you did for fun at the weekend
The knowledge that the more effort that you put into something the more you appretiate it.
The feeling that your bike becomes part of you.
Discovering new places.
The joy of boring your kids silly with "I've cycled up that road" stories.
Audax was the key for me beating deppression where all kinds of pills and therapies failed
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: cyclone on 06 October, 2010, 11:20:52 am
Wildlife, scenery, urban sprawl.

Life at its most intense, all in a day or two.

And as such cannot be beaten!  :thumbsup:

But the best is the adoration of "you must be mad!"  ;D
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Grandad on 06 October, 2010, 12:20:28 pm
Jealous when anno domini and its associated malfunctions means that 200+ is a thing of the past.

Fortunately a huge memory bank of all the features listed in the above postings.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: arabella on 06 October, 2010, 12:26:29 pm
The joy of boring your kids silly with "I've cycled up that road" stories.
I thoroughly concurr.  Only I cycled 'down' that road.
being dropped on the first hill by the fast so&sos
having a relaxed ride at the back, mostly in company
making the country smaller 'ah that's 2 days cycle ride' - Salisbury is 300km from me, my parents 200km or so it seems.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: hellymedic on 06 October, 2010, 12:26:56 pm
Jealous when anno domini and its associated malfunctions means that 200+ is a thing of the past.

Fortunately a huge memory bank of all the features listed in the above postings.

Truth be told, a walk past my front door is a thing of the past but I have the memories (and many back copies of Arrivée).
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: chris on 06 October, 2010, 12:43:18 pm
The joy of boring your kids silly with "I've cycled up that road" stories.

Whenever I drive down a country lane one of the kids will pipe up 'Dads taking one of his Audax shortcuts again' :)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: dasmoth on 06 October, 2010, 12:48:26 pm
One day, audax will cause me to learn how to navigate reliably from Maple Cross to Chalfont st. Peter, or vice versa.

That day has not yet come.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Chris S on 06 October, 2010, 12:52:13 pm
Tired. It makes me feel tired.

I do it because it's hard. Even though I ride quite a few events, I still find it hard work - and a challenge. It proves to me that, despite suffering years of neglect, abuse and poor genes, my body can still do something this tough.

I'm glad I don't find it "easy" like some others do (or claim to). I'd stop doing it if that happened.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Riggers on 06 October, 2010, 12:54:46 pm
Has no one mentioned 'smug' yet?
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Roberto on 06 October, 2010, 12:56:05 pm
One a cold wet audax - why am I doing this ???

Back at work on a Monday, looking out the window and wishing I was on my bike again and happy  :thumbsup:

Night riding  - something special about it

Overall - just lucky that I can get to see and do on my bike what I once thought impossible

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Greenbank on 06 October, 2010, 12:57:00 pm
Has no one mentioned 'smug' yet?

No, someone has already.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Manotea on 06 October, 2010, 01:01:56 pm
Audax makes me feel 'better' in every possible way.

It's also useful for reminding the kids that their old man still has some miles left in him...
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: HTFB on 06 October, 2010, 01:03:10 pm
I've made it through the wilderness.
Somehow, I've made it through!
Didn't know how lost I was...
And then I knew:

You make me feel, like, aversion.

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Philip Whiteman on 06 October, 2010, 01:09:08 pm
A permanent confined to busy roads in the midsts of winter then I think, "am I completely stark raving bonkers?" :facepalm:

A route that seems to take for ever to complete, "will it ever end?". :sick:

An event with camaraderie in the warmth of the sun in picturesque countryside, "that was a classic, I wish it would never end".

The thought that many of my racing/sportive colleagues that are confined to shorter distances before they are knackered, a sense of smugness.   :smug:

A route with never ending and repeated hill climbs, "well that was a good challenge".  :thumbsup:

Nearly all audaxes,"I may not alway enjoy every single ride but the sheer physical effort to complete the route gives a sense of reward." :)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: TOBY on 06 October, 2010, 01:42:43 pm
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: urban_biker on 06 October, 2010, 01:48:14 pm
I like the ability to switch off. Not to have to think or decide about anything apart from what I will eat at the next control. Just climb on the conveyor belt, set yourself to cruise mode and watch the world go by.

And generally I feel thin (or at least thinner than I was). Audax has to be one of the best forms of binge calorie burning that there is.

Oh yes and smug; definitely smug.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: EdinburghFixed on 06 October, 2010, 01:51:23 pm
Tired? Looking forward to the finish?

Sometimes, I feel something special in pushing on against the most rediculous conditions.

But by-and-large, I like audax most *afterwards*!
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Ian H on 06 October, 2010, 03:00:47 pm
I don't have a 'fast' gene, but I do have an endurance gene, so long distance suits me.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: LEE on 06 October, 2010, 05:11:58 pm
I don't know how it makes me feel, it's all a blur.

I have some vague recollection of nice scenery, some nice cafes, being very cold and having cramp in my neck but I may have been dreaming.

I'll never write a ride report for Arrivee because I can never remember much about the ride.

"I set off from Chepstow one morning, then I think I was stood in a place called Bedgellert in the rain some time after that.  There was a Youth Hostel and a bunk bed up a very steep road next to a beautiful stream, an ungodly long hill with night time views of a power station, my body started to hurt and then I was in Chepstow again."
Does that constitute a ride report?

Audax makes me feel like I'm having an adventure, even 200k rides.

There's a small lane, between Hay on Wye and Builth Wells, parallel to the A470, that I have cycled along 3 times now, once at midnight (on that occasion I cycled there from Sussex ferchristssake!).  It's a lane that I doubt 99% of the residents of Hay on Wye know about.    Finding myself on that lane now makes me realise I'm having an adventure, a long way from home. I like that.

I like the feeling that I could cycle all the way back, from that Welsh lane, to my home in Hampshire if I needed to.

I like that, since I started Audaxing, I will now regularly cycle to my parents' house for a cuppa after work, in the dark, in the rain, in the cold..whatever.  It's only a 27 mile round trip on pitch-black country lanes, just half of a London-Brighton Charity ride.

Audax makes me feel I'm a proper cyclist

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Hot Flatus on 06 October, 2010, 06:23:22 pm
The over-riding feeling I have is of relaxation.

In my head I regard doing an audax as having a rest.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: jogler on 06 October, 2010, 08:02:34 pm

Jealous when anno domini and its associated malfunctions means that 200+ is a thing of the past.

and this

Truth be told, a walk past my front door is a thing of the past

makes me feel fortunate that I am able to undertake an audax ride which will generate a host of emotions before,during & after the event.

Thanks to Grandad & HM for paving the way
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: steveh on 06 October, 2010, 09:20:42 pm
Exhausted during, and immediately after.
Half an hour later, chuffed.
When my colleagues at work say "HOW FAR?" and the answer is 200k, well smug.
Everything that has been said so far that implies "privileged" is spot on.
I gave away my tribars 'cos I'm too slow.
I've bought a fixie for winter to try and fix that but I suspect the results won't be Wiggins-like :-\
Audax is a wonderful thing, worthy of a Nobel prize for the blerk wot invented it.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: De Sisti on 06 October, 2010, 09:27:47 pm

When my colleagues at work say "HOW FAR?"

I no longer tell work colleagues where I've cycled to or how far I've ridden.
They either, don't believe me or couldn't care less.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Wowbagger on 06 October, 2010, 09:43:01 pm
Dissatisfied and frustrated.

1. Most audaxes I've done have been a struggle against the clock. I've been concentrating so hard on getting round the course in time that I've neglected those bits of cycling that make it fun.

2. I've rarely done an audax in which I haven't thought "Why the bloody hell are we going this way? There are much nicer roads over there!" OK, I know you are allowed to choose your route between controls, but see point 1 above.

3. I'm not that good at riding on my own, and I'm too slow for others to want to keep me company - see point 1 above.

4. I get a lot of fun plotting my own routes. I don't want some other bugger to do it for me.

I agree with PB - audax spoils a good bike ride.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: simonp on 06 October, 2010, 10:00:17 pm
jo puts it better than I could.  And it is very good at disconnecting me from the day to day stuff.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: steveh on 06 October, 2010, 10:19:37 pm
I no longer tell work colleagues where I've cycled to or how far I've ridden.
They either, don't believe me or couldn't care less.

Not sure I've been doing this for long enough for the novelty to wear off.
The other reaction my fixie has got at work is a) WHY and b)WTF?
I quite like surprising folk, and these days don't give much of a F what they think.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Hummers on 06 October, 2010, 10:27:55 pm

I just like riding my bike.

That makes me feel good.

Most of the time.

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Euan Uzami on 06 October, 2010, 10:30:17 pm
2. I've rarely done an audax in which I haven't thought "Why the bloody hell are we going this way? There are much nicer roads over there!" OK, I know you are allowed to choose your route between controls, but see point 1 above.

you're only going to suffer from that if you only ever do audaxes in an area that you know well.
I use it as an incentive to get to and ride round a part of the country i might not normally go round
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: αdαmsκι on 06 October, 2010, 10:36:33 pm

Serious answer:

How I feel about an audax depends on the ride. I'll feel different after a leisurely 100 km in good company compared to a solo DIY 300.

On the longer distances (>300 km) I enjoy getting into a routine of riding, focusing on the next instruction and thinking about my next target, be that a certain junction or a control. At that time nothing else in the world really matters and the crap from the week can be forgotten. In the past I've equated it how one may feel during meditation and the sense of peace increases with the length of the ride. Of course there are black moments, but I don't focus on these parts of the ride. After the ride I enjoy the sense of achievement, and also the disbelieve when people ask what you did at the weekend. It's nice doing things that people believe are impossible.

Audax also gives me a chance to see new parts of the world, and also at silly times. Cycling along at dusk or night is a fantastic experience as one can see the world from a different perspective. Of course one could do this without riding an audax, but recently a lot of my othernight rides have been on audax rides.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Wowbagger on 06 October, 2010, 10:42:45 pm
2. I've rarely done an audax in which I haven't thought "Why the bloody hell are we going this way? There are much nicer roads over there!" OK, I know you are allowed to choose your route between controls, but see point 1 above.

you're only going to suffer from that if you only ever do audaxes in an area that you know well.
I use it as an incentive to get to and ride round a part of the country i might not normally go round

Actually, that's not quite so.

A couple of years ago I completed the Anfractuous. Only it wasn't. In order to be sure of being in within the time we were given the option of sticking to the A road from Henley to Marlow (I think). I took that option and completed the ride in my fastest time ever for a 200, but in order to do so I had to bounce controls, was unable to ride with people I know well and whose company I enjoy because I'm too slow. I'd catch them up at a café where they would be enjoying a leisurely coffee, I'd bolt some food and a drink and bugger off quick only for them to catch me up about half an hour later, leave me behind and we'd repeat the process at the next control.

The problem with Audax is that the most audacious - those think long and hard about entering because they know how tough it's going to be and who complete the ride but find it such hard work that they are out of time - are rewarded with a DNF. Or a benevolent controller turns a blind eye to the fact that they are a few minutes over. That's a lose-lose situation. You've worked harder than pretty well anyone else on the ride yet you don't get the satisfaction of seeing your name on the successful riders' list, or you are relying on someone to bend the rules.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: frankly frankie on 06 October, 2010, 10:44:16 pm
It's all about the night-riding - more specifically, the 02:00-07:00 riding.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: drossall on 06 October, 2010, 11:03:56 pm
A bit of a challenge.

A chance to benefit from someone else's local knowledge.

A chance to ride in a new area (except that I keep doing the same events, because there are only so many Saturday Audaxes of 200km or less within striking distance).

A chance to ride with company (or to watch the company go past in ones and threes if I'm less lucky).
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: LEE on 06 October, 2010, 11:08:14 pm
It's all about the night-riding - more specifically, the 02:00-07:00 riding.

The most miserable I have ever been in my entire life has been during Audaxes at that time.

I love night-riding but night-riding on an Audax means I've already spent about 15 hours in the saddle (and usually it then starts raining and/or freezing cold)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Hummers on 06 October, 2010, 11:11:37 pm

The problem with Audax is that the most audacious - those think long and hard about entering because they know how tough it's going to be and who complete the ride but find it such hard work that they are out of time - are rewarded with a DNF. Or a benevolent controller turns a blind eye to the fact that they are a few minutes over. That's a lose-lose situation. You've worked harder than pretty well anyone else on the ride yet you don't get the satisfaction of seeing your name on the successful riders' list, or you are relying on someone to bend the rules.

I think that the 'most audacious' are those who think long and hard about entering because they know how tough it's going to be but still complete the ride in time despite finding it such hard work yet don't carp on about it.

I can think of a few and have a great deal of respect for them.

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Grandad on 07 October, 2010, 01:06:53 am
Truth be told, a walk past my front door is a thing of the past
I feel like the man who complained that he had no shoes and then met a man who had no legs.

Thinks back to the Northampton-Southampton-Northampton 400 when I offered you a lift afterwards (which you gracefully declined).
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: hellymedic on 07 October, 2010, 01:30:26 am
Truth be told, a walk past my front door is a thing of the past
I feel like the man who complained that he had no shoes and then met a man who had no legs.

Thinks back to the Northampton-Southampton-Northampton 400 when I offered you a lift afterwards (which you gracefully declined).

Aaahh... my first 400; I'd been an AUK for 11 months and had achilles tendinitis...

Those were the days!
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: EdinburghFixed on 07 October, 2010, 07:39:27 am
A bit of a challenge.

A chance to benefit from someone else's local knowledge.

A chance to ride in a new area

This. (Especially the first two).
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Ian H on 07 October, 2010, 09:50:19 am

A couple of years ago I completed the Anfractuous. Only it wasn't. In order to be sure of being in within the time we were given the option of sticking to the A road from Henley to Marlow

All within the rules, and some faster riders did the same out of a dislike of the lanes route.

Title: Audax
Post by: Wowbagger on 07 October, 2010, 10:00:38 am
Oh, very true. But it's the time element again. I get exactly the same feeling on one of my own rides if my ticket is valid for a specific train and I'm cutting it fine. I hate time pressure when cyclling. To Hummers: done that too.
Title: Re: Audax
Post by: Ian H on 07 October, 2010, 10:15:58 am
Oh, very true. But it's the time element again. I get exactly the same feeling on one of my own rides if my ticket is valid for a specific train and I'm cutting it fine. I hate time pressure when cyclling. To Hummers: done that too.

It would appear that audax is not for you, but it's only one of a large number of cycling disciplines, none of which are going to appeal to everyone.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: EdinburghFixed on 07 October, 2010, 11:30:55 am
Audax and a dislike of time pressure when cycling are pretty much polar opposites!
Title: Re: Audax
Post by: Hummers on 07 October, 2010, 11:33:06 am
To Hummers: done that too.

Good for you.

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: urban_biker on 07 October, 2010, 11:35:27 am
It's all about the night-riding - more specifically, the 02:00-07:00 riding.

The most miserable I have ever been in my entire life has been during Audaxes at that time.

I love night-riding but night-riding on an Audax means I've already spent about 15 hours in the saddle (and usually it then starts raining and/or freezing cold)

The beauty of audax is that it puts all the other pain and suffering of our comfortable lifestyles into sharp relief. The minor family agonies due to the fact that the kids haven't done their homework and you forgot to get the tea out to defrost and has anyone fixed that problem with the downstairs tap. These all become fairly minor when you've spent hours in the lashing rain, frozen on a Welsh hillside in May.

It means you can go home and actually enjoy that family stuff ;)

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Pete Mas on 07 October, 2010, 11:38:33 am
Audax and a dislike of time pressure when cycling are pretty much polar opposites!

A solution to that would be to greatly improve one's cycling speed, eg by buying lighter bike, getting fitter by cycling more, or go out training with a cycling club, etc, so that you dont notice that there are any time limits (because you're normally easily  within them!) Tht's what I attempted to do, anyhow. It becomes self-filfilling, as the more (and harder) events you enter, the fitter you can become.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: ludwig on 07 October, 2010, 12:37:56 pm
I also hate being pressed for time but without the time constraints it's just a ride. It's not always possible to get enough riding in to get fit enough to easily complete the routes but I find the time constraints are part of the challenge and hence part of the fun. There comes a point though when lack of fitness makes it a chore and when that happens to me i bow out until I have more time to get on the bike again. One of most enjoyable audaxes that I have ever done was when I helped a newbie on his first 100k. We were very very slow but I think within time. The combination of a great route, good weather, pottering and his elation at finishing made it very pleasant
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: daimountaingoat on 07 October, 2010, 02:55:30 pm
I find Audax rides are a way of unwinding after a stressful weeks work and forgetting about everyday stresses. Nothing beta than going along a road on your lonesome just you and your trusty bike. Audax are also great for riding on roads that you would normally not ride on or in some caes never knew existed, audax are also a way of meeting new friends who have something in common with you. Audax can be pain bearing most of the time but it is something that i enjoy.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: JBB on 07 October, 2010, 03:13:37 pm
Audax and a dislike of time pressure when cycling are pretty much polar opposites!

A solution to that would be to greatly improve one's cycling speed, eg by buying lighter bike, getting fitter by cycling more, or go out training with a cycling club, etc, so that you dont notice that there are any time limits (because you're normally easily  within them!) Tht's what I attempted to do, anyhow. It becomes self-filfilling, as the more (and harder) events you enter, the fitter you can become.

This is not going to work for eveyone. Nowadays I tend to bring up the rear at audaxes. I'm fairly fit; I've got a lightweight bike that fits; I do train a bit.

However I'm not as young as I was, I work full time and it takes over 2 hours each way by bike ( I do it sometimes).  I'm happily married and would like to stay that way!
I'm also female which slows you down  ( relatively smaller heart and lungs and lower red blood cell count comparatively) a bit and doesn't do a lot for your power to weight ratio especially if you include the bike. I take about 11 to 12 hours to do a 200 and very much doubt I can go any faster - I will just settle for not going any slower!

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Martin on 07 October, 2010, 03:21:13 pm

A couple of years ago I completed the Anfractuous. Only it wasn't. In order to be sure of being in within the time we were given the option of sticking to the A road from Henley to Marlow
All within the rules, and some faster riders did the same out of a dislike of the lanes route.

I've only ever done the Colstrope Lane route; it's a real grunt but a lovely route that time of year (I've also only ever done it in dry autumnal loveliness)

The problem with Audax is that the most audacious - those think long and hard about entering because they know how tough it's going to be and who complete the ride but find it such hard work that they are out of time - are rewarded with a DNF. Or a benevolent controller turns a blind eye to the fact that they are a few minutes over. That's a lose-lose situation. You've worked harder than pretty well anyone else on the ride yet you don't get the satisfaction of seeing your name on the successful riders' list, or you are relying on someone to bend the rules.

The Anfractuous is granted a tough 200; but if you are just on the time limit I would have thought it was even more incentive to ride a bit quicker the next time.

There are scores of flatter 200s in the region that anybody should be able to complete in time. FWIW my first 200 nealry killed me but there was only one way to feel better and that was to go out and ride more of them.

I love 200's, the perfect ride, a good hard work out lots to see and back home in time for BEER
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: DanialW on 07 October, 2010, 04:21:53 pm
It's all about the night-riding - more specifically, the 02:00-07:00 riding.

I totally agree with this.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Hot Flatus on 07 October, 2010, 04:38:44 pm
It's all about the night-riding - more specifically, the 02:00-07:00 riding.

I always try my very best not to ride between those hours
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: EdinburghFixed on 07 October, 2010, 04:51:47 pm
I did Midnight Madness last year - 200k from Biggar to England and back, starting at 9pm.

One of the outstanding rides I've done - certainly for those who aren't into longer distances it's an experience you've really got to try!
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: kcass on 07 October, 2010, 06:05:47 pm
Audax - it never gets easier, you just go further.

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: αdαmsκι on 07 October, 2010, 06:07:55 pm
Audax - it never gets easier, you just go further.

Brilliant ;D
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: mattc on 07 October, 2010, 06:25:01 pm
It's all about the night-riding - more specifically, the 02:00-07:00 riding.

The most miserable I have ever been in my entire life has been during Audaxes at that time.
Some of the best and worst moments of my (recent) life have been <ditto>.
I love night-riding but night-riding on an Audax means I've already spent about 15 hours in the saddle (and usually it then starts raining and/or freezing cold)
Very true. But then there are the times when you grab a few hours sleep around midnight; then set off before dawn, (fairly) refreshed, enjoy those magical night hours, then get that mystical high from the sun coming up. (Then spend an hour wondering why it's still so f-ing cold).

If you ride PBP fast enough, you'll do the first night completely fresh, then get enough sleep to enjoy the night-riding later in the ride. (or so I hear)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: hellymedic on 07 October, 2010, 06:48:14 pm
I sang 'The Night is Departing' (from Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise) at full blast, in splendid isolation, as the dawn broke over Hampshire (NSN 1994).
It was just a week since our choir had performed this.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: DrMekon on 07 October, 2010, 07:57:23 pm
I've only done 2 routes and one event, but when I am not talking, it puts me in a state of flow for an extended period. I just feel absorbed in the task.

Quote from: wikipedia
  1. Clear goals (expectations and rules are discernible and goals are attainable and align appropriately with one's skill set and abilities). Moreover, the challenge level and skill level should both be high.[5]
   2. Concentrating, a high degree of concentration on a limited field of attention (a person engaged in the activity will have the opportunity to focus and to delve deeply into it).
   3. A loss of the feeling of self-consciousness, the merging of action and awareness.
   4. Distorted sense of time, one's subjective experience of time is altered.
   5. Direct and immediate feedback (successes and failures in the course of the activity are apparent, so that behavior can be adjusted as needed).
   6. Balance between ability level and challenge (the activity is neither too easy nor too difficult).
   7. A sense of personal control over the situation or activity.
   8. The activity is intrinsically rewarding, so there is an effortlessness of action.
   9. A lack of awareness of bodily needs (to the extent that one can reach a point of great hunger or fatigue without realizing it)
  10. People become absorbed in their activity, and focus of awareness is narrowed down to the activity itself, action awareness merging.

I did lose that for the overdistance part of the MH300, mind, when I found myself counting the miles for a bit. Fortunately, good company snapped me out of it.

I can also find myself going off into a state of mindfulness (or more accurately, I feel the same as I do when I do mindfulness practice) if I concentrate on matching my breathing pattern with my cadence too, although that happens more on my commute. I regularly find myself coming round and having no recollection whatsoever of a section I've just ridden.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: recumbentim on 07 October, 2010, 08:07:24 pm
RELAXED, cause one has a long time to ponder everything in ones mind.
It may be thoughts about work ,Family,bike repairs, TV , Mortgages  --any thing --- but after several hours I have generally cleared my mind and set to the job in hand then your thoughts turn to Conversation, food ,Water,sore bits,controls , Average speed, till reciepts and finish.
Then all the previous thuoghts dont matter as adrenaline and elation take over.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: salar55 on 07 October, 2010, 08:17:14 pm
I just switch off apart from wondering  will i get the knock every now and then. The adrenaline rush should kick in at the start. Great way to get fit for holidays.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: nmcgann on 07 October, 2010, 08:20:45 pm
Tired, bored and with a sore backside...which is why I've pretty much stopped riding them  :-\
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: AntLockyer on 07 October, 2010, 09:47:19 pm
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Ian H on 07 October, 2010, 09:53:09 pm

If you ride PBP fast enough, you'll do the first night completely fresh, then get enough sleep to enjoy the night-riding later in the ride. (or so I hear)

You're asking for it. But I don't know where it is.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Nuncio on 07 October, 2010, 10:29:56 pm
On several Audaxes I have experienced periods of longeuer - twenty minutes or so here and there when I've been plodding, thinking 'what am I doing this for?' or 'when is this going to end?'  These do not coincide with the tough times: the longer it rains or the hillier it becomes or the more tired I feel, then the more determined I become to carry on till the rain stops, the summits are reached, the lights of the final control appear on the horizon.  So far, the sound of the imp whispering in my ear has been faint enough to be drowned out by the angel shouting in the other.  And I think I take these experiences as positives into 'normal' life (not that I have that many struggles there).

On all Audaxes, most of the time, I experience what most other people have expressed here about the positive feelings it engenders.

On a few Audaxes I have had moments of what I can only call 'bliss'. They come out of nowhere and cannot  be explained away by an obvious reason (sunrise, swooping descent, classic panorama hoving into view, a side-effect of sleep deprivation, drugs).  Usually, but not always, they coincide with rush of energy.  On one occasion when it didn't, my usual wheelmate miniog was out-climbing me up to Pen-y-Pas, we'd had rain all the way from Lake Vyrynwy and I was keeping going at a pedestrian pace, but feeling OK.  All of a sudden the feeling came over me. I realized I was grinning involuntarily. Had I known the words to the Song of Joy they would have burst out, a la Hellymedic. Pity the poor pedestrians and drivers wherever they were, even - especially- if they were dry. Pity the people sitting at home in the warm.  Pity everyone else who wasn't me at that moment riding my bike on that mountain in the rain. For a few minutes the thought of being anywhere else and the idea of doing anything else seemed utterly ridiculous.

I'm sure there's some mundane chemical reason to explain these occasions, like a serotonin tap somehow being turned on.  But that doesn't diminish them. 
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Wothill on 07 October, 2010, 10:48:08 pm
Great thread. Thanks for starting it, MegaJ. I thought you summed it up beautifully, but having read the rest of the thread, lots of other contributions ring true for me  too. This is my first full year of audax - I did a single 200 in 05 but only started properly at the end of 09. All the rides I have done have had something about them, especially the ones that broke new ground in some way - night riding, long (and even longer) distances, big hills (even more big hills, one after the other) new roads, suddenly realising I am riding through some really magic scenery that I haven't seen before, realising I have actually been on this road before only last time it was dark or raining. I like audaxers too: good banter from everyone maintaining a veneer of normality when underneath everyone is a bit mad and is quite glad there are other nutters around.
Title: Re: Audax
Post by: Wowbagger on 07 October, 2010, 10:52:07 pm
Oh, very true. But it's the time element again. I get exactly the same feeling on one of my own rides if my ticket is valid for a specific train and I'm cutting it fine. I hate time pressure when cyclling. To Hummers: done that too.

It would appear that audax is not for you, but it's only one of a large number of cycling disciplines, none of which are going to appeal to everyone.

Oh, quite agree. There's the other problem I haven't mentioned, which applies up to a point to everyone, and that's getting to the start of the ride. Probably a bit harder if you live out an a limb as I do.

Don't get me wrong: if people like audax, good luck to them. But quite a few of the favourable comments on here apply to lots of other forms of cycling and are not unique to audax.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Greenbank on 07 October, 2010, 10:56:23 pm
I love having time to think to myself with little distraction. Probably why I'm not a fan of fast pace lines sharing the work. I'd rather ride on my own, or along side someone and have a chat.

I don't get this with other cycling as those rides are either too short (I need at least a couple of hours to empty my head) or they lack any form of motivation to keep going (which is one thing Audaxes do provide me with).
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Martin on 07 October, 2010, 11:02:44 pm
It's all about the night-riding - more specifically, the 02:00-07:00 riding.

I always try my very best not to ride between those hours

I've never done a lot of that; on 600s I tried to be asleep by 0200; and ideally finish a 400 before 0700 although summer ones have the advantage of riding into the sunrise a lot earlier, and in PBP the only night I rode through was ipssing down,  but I agree with Danial it's a magic time to be out as long as you are not too tired and cold (it gets bloody cold at 0500 no matter what time of year)

most recently have been riding at that time on 300s but I think I'll jump at the chance of an 0600 start on El S's one next year.
Title: Re: Audax
Post by: teethgrinder on 07 October, 2010, 11:08:32 pm
Oh, very true. But it's the time element again. I get exactly the same feeling on one of my own rides if my ticket is valid for a specific train and I'm cutting it fine. I hate time pressure when cyclling. To Hummers: done that too.

It would appear that audax is not for you, but it's only one of a large number of cycling disciplines, none of which are going to appeal to everyone.

Yes Ian.
On the other hand, I thrive on the pressure. Ever since I was 13 years old and wanted to cycle as far away from home in my summer holidays from school. I had to get home before my parents or I'd have been found out and my bike would be locked away in the garage for the rest of the holiday.
My 1994, 1996, 2000 and 2007 seasons were constant pressure. The individual rides would have never have been much of a challenge, but putting them all as close together as I did made them a lot harder and I really didn't want to fail any. It was very depressing for me when I failed a 1500k permanent in 2007, even though what I'd done beforehand made it a very good performance for me. I wasn't entirely confident that I could manage what I had planned for the last two months of 2007 and really felt under pressure. But from that, allthough I felt exhausted from what I'd done in the previous 10 months, I felt alive, even if a bit scared. I look back on it now and still can't work out how I managed it. It's as if a different person did it all now. It took over my life for that year and I oubt I'll ever do it again, even though I think I could do even more. I've had my turn now, more than ebough times and there's much more to life. But I'm certainly glad that I had those very tough years. I learned a lot each time and in some ways I miss not doing it.
2007 left me pretty shell shocked and confused. My 2000 season blew my head to pieces and I reckon it took me about 2-3 years to recover. It knocked me down to an all time low, but I learned so much from it and I gained a great deal from it as I gradually built myself up again. I'd have never done what I did in 2007 if it wasn't for my hellish 2000 season.
I've gained an awful lot from Audaxing, but now it's time for me to move on and just use Audax rides as social and fun rides andto help keep the miles ticking over. I think I've pretty well got almost all I can get from it now. The best thing I do now is my September 600s when I help others ride their first 600. My first 600 and SR series is still the biggest sense of elation I've ever had from anything I've done in cycling. My points chasing years never gave me the same level of elation. They were different each time and were more life changing experiences more than anything else.

Riding in the very eraly hours can be very miserable when it's not going your way. Being sleepy is the worst thing. But hen you're firing on all cylinders, the miles are racing by, full moon ablaze and everything hunky dory, it can be the best thing in the world.

A 600k ride for me is more like a club run or weekend ride. They used to be a very big challenge, but after all I've done, they are pretty tame. I aim to keep myself in condition to be able to ride a 600 on any given weekend of the year with no warning.(weather conditions permitting, I wouldn't ride if it's icy) Audaxing has conditioned me to be able to do this. My default mode of transport now is my cycle, regardless of distance. I'll only use other means of transport when I physically cannot cycle to the destination in time, or perhaps to avoid very unpleasant cycling. I'll think nothing of setting off from work Friday afternoon to reach some distance place by cycling through the night. Audax has turned cycling into an any time activity.

Audax - it never gets easier, you just go further.

That's very true, if you pursue it enough.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: sg37409 on 08 October, 2010, 04:26:42 pm
Mostly freedom (a la escape artist), and I hate the cellphone for its intrusion here, but also makes me not take the car for granted. After some ride, to sit in warm dry comfortable place, going up hills without legs hurting makes me think how good the car is. Usually only lasts till the first dodgy-overtake on the next commute...
Title: Re: Audax
Post by: AndyH on 08 October, 2010, 06:03:17 pm
The best thing I do now is my September 600s when I help others ride their first 600.

Well I hope you & Rich keep doing those, it was my best Audax experience to date. I would be tempted to join you again next year.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: audave on 08 October, 2010, 06:46:42 pm
Audax makes me feel 10 years younger :thumbsup: untill I look in the mirror where I look 20 years older. :-\

It's a great way to cycle through different parts of Britain benefiting from the organizer's local knowledge.
Coming over the Shap or down  the Vale of LLangollen at daybreak is something you just wouldn't experience if out for a social run.

Don't have to know anyone, you can just turn up at Audaxes and you'll end up cycling along with others for at least some of the time.

Audax is compelling as you don't want to lose your fitness that took so long to build and there are always new challenges to try.

Despite the pleasures of cycling the best bit is often the end, especially if that happens to be Newtonmore where there's always a good crowd with food and drink served until late. ;D

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: arvid on 08 October, 2010, 07:26:25 pm
1. Most audaxes I've done have been a struggle against the clock. I've been concentrating so hard on getting round the course in time that I've neglected those bits of cycling that make it fun.

2. I've rarely done an audax in which I haven't thought "Why the bloody hell are we going this way? There are much nicer roads over there!" OK, I know you are allowed to choose your route between controls, but see point 1 above.

3. I'm not that good at riding on my own, and I'm too slow for others to want to keep me company - see point 1 above.

4. I get a lot of fun plotting my own routes. I don't want some other bugger to do it for me.

Remarkable how I can agree on all of these points, albeit partly. The main difference with me being usually fast enough. On occasions where the clock became an issue, I found that quite frustrating.
The second point, as mentioned already, can be solved by going to rides further away. I try to avoid the two closest organisers just for this reason. I think I might solve this and the fourth point by organizing my own rides in the future (2012?).

Being on my own is usually fine, but when time is tight I am more likely to give up when on my own.

And to answer the subject: I do it for the endorphins.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: AndyH on 08 October, 2010, 07:43:02 pm
Coming over the Shap or down  the Vale of LLangollen at daybreak is something you just wouldn't experience if out for a social run.

The fact that I've entered an event spurs me on. If it wasn't for audax I would have carried on dicking about with short rides, doing nothing much. My night riding and dawn views have been in Dorset, Kent, Lincolnshire, the Cotswolds. and if I hadn't been on an audax I would never have seen them. Apart from the hallucinating / cold / falling asleep on the bike bits, night riding is wonderful.

OT but in Scandinavia in high summer the night riding is even better, because it is night in every sense of the word (wildlife, people etc). but it doesn't get dark.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Androcles on 09 October, 2010, 01:31:21 am
It gives me a real sense of achievement.  I was always one of the non-sporty types at school, and it does give me a certain sense of satisfaction that I can ride up to 600km which is beyond the comprehension of, well, nearly everyone (including most of the school sportsmen).

It's not just that though.  A very satisfying aspect is helping others to achieve that which they thought improbable.  I've done a 50km with my 12 year old son, who only started riding this year (nice day out despite the rain) and given moral support to other clubmates who were attempting 200km for the first time.

So; a sense of achievement and a warm glow.  What could be better?
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Oaky on 09 October, 2010, 01:50:49 am

+1 (except I'm still not sure I can do 600km - but next season will hopefully see that tested).

I really love the way that Audax has removed my fear of distance and of being in unknown territory and, coupled with doing a very under-prepared DIY, enhanced my confidence in navigating from A to G via B, C, D, E and F with no more resource than a list of towns and a few pages from a road atlas.

I do especially love spreading the "creed".  By this I mean, taking other people cycling on distances that they previously thought impossible.  Incrementally removing the barriers to distance that they had in their minds.

I can all too easily remember the same barriers in my own mind --- it's not much more than 2 years since I thought 10 miles to be quite a challenge. (I'd ridden much further in my youth, but that was, err, in my youth).
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Androcles on 09 October, 2010, 02:00:00 am
Seems like we are on the same page, Oaky.

And of course you will do your 600km.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Katie on 09 October, 2010, 11:13:58 pm
The last one I did gave me a sore arse and aching legs

This :D

Um, I've done one and DNF'd another now and once recovered felt pretty awesome after both because I managed to squeeze out 100k on each, far more than I really believed I was capable of.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: legitlee on 20 July, 2011, 10:01:56 am
I have no idea yet. I'm attempting a 200km tomorrow one I made up to have a go. I have joined Audax UK so I'll really get in to it next year. At 50 and only just taking up cycling last year, this year is all about Sportives (112mile longest) they are ok but I spend more time looking at my computer than I do the road and scenery. Then I found Audax and I really fancy the challenge. I'm using the same bike added Brooks saddle lights and a bigger bag, well it looks the part. Having read a few threads I like peoples attitudes, the experience and help is fantastic to someone new to the concept. I just need to gain some confidence then I'll join a club and hopefully enjoy socialising too. The problem so far is slowing my pace but I'm sure that will happen when I'm cycling further. Any advice welcome and thank you. Lee
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Feline on 20 July, 2011, 12:08:55 pm
I have no idea yet. I'm attempting a 200km tomorrow one I made up to have a go. I have joined Audax UK so I'll really get in to it next year. At 50 and only just taking up cycling last year, this year is all about Sportives (112mile longest) they are ok but I spend more time looking at my computer than I do the road and scenery. Then I found Audax and I really fancy the challenge. I'm using the same bike added Brooks saddle lights and a bigger bag, well it looks the part. Having read a few threads I like peoples attitudes, the experience and help is fantastic to someone new to the concept. I just need to gain some confidence then I'll join a club and hopefully enjoy socialising too. The problem so far is slowing my pace but I'm sure that will happen when I'm cycling further. Any advice welcome and thank you. Lee

Hi Lee, welcome to Audax  :D

Personally I like calendar Audax events because of the camaraderie involved, that 'we are all in this together' feeling when it's tipping it down and we are all riding into a headwind. You can be as social or as anti-social as you want and it's all OK. There are probably not many sporting activities a middle aged woman like me could fit into, enjoy and succeed at in the same way. Just be aware that once the bug bites you might start doing daft distances and wanting to enter insanely long events like has happened to me in only one year :)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Ian H on 20 July, 2011, 12:17:59 pm
... a middle aged woman like me...

[Splutter!] I'm middle-aged, and I'm old enough to be your father.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 20 July, 2011, 12:55:09 pm
So you reckon you've lived to half the age you'll die at? Do people live that long? ;)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: interzen on 20 July, 2011, 12:57:35 pm
Calendar events depress the living bejeezus out of me, which is why it's probably at least 10 years since I last rode one.

I much prefer the company of myself (or a couple of others) on a permanent.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Feline on 20 July, 2011, 01:31:29 pm
... a middle aged woman like me...

[Splutter!] I'm middle-aged, and I'm old enough to be your father.

Well only just LOL! if I'm not middle aged then WTF am I at 40?  ;D
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Karla on 20 July, 2011, 01:40:38 pm
... a middle aged woman like me...

[Splutter!] I'm middle-aged, and I'm old enough to be your father.

Well only just LOL! if I'm not middle aged then WTF am I at 40?  ;D

You're not quite old enough to legally become my mother, but you wouldn't be the youngest mum ever  :D
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: LEE on 20 July, 2011, 01:59:54 pm
Thought I'd revisit this thread following a superb Denmead 400 a few days ago.

Who would have thought, just 4 years ago I'd be finishing work on a Friday evening and cycling 20 miles to meet 2 friends.  20 miles is far enough on a Friday evening after work right?

Anyway, the actual purpose was to ride 250 miles after work on a friday evening, to Weston Super Mare and then back, leaving my 2 friends and riding 20 miles back home.

We got to ride down Cheddar Gorge at 3am, in total dark and silence, the gorge belonged to us.
We got to Weston at 5am and had the town to ourselves (OK, it would have been better if a cafe was open) and then we got to ride back home, past Glastonbury and some stunning scenery in beautiful sunshine.  Back home at 5pm on Saturday.

I hadn't missed much, apart from shopping and a bit of DIY, but I'd managed an overnight 250 mile adventure with good friends.


Audax makes that possible.

You see I have a "base distance" (everyone has one).  It's the distance you can cycle without major preparation and worry.
For most British Humans I reckon it's about 10 miles.  Ask someone who doesn't cycle to go on a ride of 11 miles and they may start to get a bit edgy.  They'll start getting concerned about saddle comfort, asking "why do we need to cycle so far?" and "what's the point?" , "we'll fall off the edge" and so on.

5 years ago my base distance was 100km.  If someone had asked me, on a Sunday morning, to go for 100km ride then I'd have been OK, but a 200km?  no way, that was a serious undertaking.

Audax has given me the ability to ride "forever".  My base distance is now quite easily 300km and, if you discount the impact to family life, 400 or maybe 600.  Yes, I think that I could now enter a "normal" (non Wessex) 600 without any real worries now. I'd be sore at the end but I'd be confident about getting around in time.

So Audax makes me feel like a pretty damned accomplished cyclist, that I could set off on a 400 mile weekend ride with just a saddlebag of sandwiches and some baselayers, with just a few hours notice.

Lance Armstrong, over the last 5 years has become a worse and worse cyclist.  I, at 45, got better and better.  Thanks Audax.
Note.  Lance is probably still slighty better than me (but not as much as he was 5 years ago)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Andrij on 20 July, 2011, 02:01:07 pm


And to answer the subject: I do it for the endorphins.

I misread that as "I do it for the dolphins".  :o
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: LEE on 20 July, 2011, 02:10:10 pm


And to answer the subject: I do it for the endorphins.

I misread that as "I do it for the dolphins".  :o

That was a different question: "Audax, what's the Porpoise?"
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: eeymsmo on 20 July, 2011, 02:14:21 pm


And to answer the subject: I do it for the endorphins.

I misread that as "I do it for the dolphins".  :o

That was a different question: "Audax, what's the Porpoise?"

To have a whale of a time.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Kim on 20 July, 2011, 02:19:12 pm
You see I have a "base distance" (everyone has one).  It's the distance you can cycle without major preparation and worry.
For most British Humans I reckon it's about 10 miles.  Ask someone who doesn't cycle to go on a ride of 11 miles and they may start to get a bit edgy.  They'll start getting concerned about saddle comfort, asking "why do we need to cycle so far?" and "what's the point?" , "we'll fall off the edge" and so on.

Wise words.  I tend to think of anything less than 50km as not really counting, as you can do it without food.  100km or so is a bike ride (bring a sandwich).  200km is doable, but requires proper CAKE and planning.  Any more than that is crazy shit that'll have you running on frijj and ginsters, sleeping in ditches, hallucinating hedgehogs and stuff, and is generally best left to hardcore audax types.

(Feel free to quote this post back to me in a couple of years time for comic effect.)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Panoramix on 20 July, 2011, 02:21:25 pm
... a middle aged woman like me...

[Splutter!] I'm middle-aged, and I'm old enough to be your father.

Well only just LOL! if I'm not middle aged then WTF am I at 40?  ;D

Being barely younger than you, your comment make me feel middle age!

You see I have a "base distance" (everyone has one).  It's the distance you can cycle without major preparation and worry.
For most British Humans I reckon it's about 10 miles.  Ask someone who doesn't cycle to go on a ride of 11 miles and they may start to get a bit edgy.  They'll start getting concerned about saddle comfort, asking "why do we need to cycle so far?" and "what's the point?" , "we'll fall off the edge" and so on.

Wise words.  I tend to think of anything less than 50km as not really counting, as you can do it without food.  100km or so is a bike ride (bring a sandwich).  200km is doable, but requires proper CAKE and planning.  Any more than that is crazy shit that'll have you running on frijj and ginsters, sleeping in ditches, hallucinating hedgehogs and stuff, and is generally best left to hardcore audax types.

(Feel free to quote this post back to me in a couple of years time for comic effect.)

Na, 300 from your doorstep is just a long ride!

Anything longer requires logistics.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Wobbly on 20 July, 2011, 06:41:10 pm
I'm glad Lee resuscitated this thread; I'd not seen it before. Fascinating read and a real insight into Audaxing.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: jogler on 20 July, 2011, 09:06:57 pm

Jealous when anno domini and its associated malfunctions means that 200+ is a thing of the past.

and this

Truth be told, a walk past my front door is a thing of the past

makes me feel fortunate that I am able to undertake an audax ride which will generate a host of emotions before,during & after the event.

Thanks to Grandad & HM for paving the way

9 months later I'm approaching the stage where a 200km ride is not a frightening prospect (I hope this is not the kissofdeath) & undertaken without too much faff.*In fact I'm looking around for an easy first 300km audax :o

*I still feel creamcrackered at the end of a 200 but at the time of the original post that's how I felt at the end of a 100km ride.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: nightrider on 20 July, 2011, 09:18:05 pm
Sometimes when I read the posts of some of the more experienced audaxers,I am in awe,but when I get to meet you in real life I realize,you are only normal people.The only difference is you have done the big rides and I haven't.To me Audax is all about pushing myself out of the comfort zone.The stronger more positive me overcoming my weaker self.This year my challenge is to ride 5x200km.If I can do that I will try a SR next year.Sometimes it feels like my cycling is the one thing that I am in control of in life.Its nice to know I am in good company.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: jogler on 20 July, 2011, 09:33:42 pm
Sometimes when I read the posts of some of the more experienced audaxers,I am in awe,but when I get to meet you in real life I realize,you are only normal people.

I know several folk who would dispute that assertion ;D
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: valkyrie on 20 July, 2011, 09:34:32 pm
Sometimes it feels like my cycling is the one thing that I am in control of in life.Its nice to know I am in good company.

Actually, it's pretty clear that some folk on here can't control their cycling at all, they're hopeless addicts.

Anyway, I'm doing a DIY 200 this Sunday, anyone want to come along?
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: AndyH on 20 July, 2011, 09:52:27 pm
Sometimes when I read the posts of some of the more experienced audaxers,I am in awe,but when I get to meet you in real life I realize,you are only normal people.

Normal is subjective. But on my 1st 600 10 months ago I described similar feelings of awe to a distinguished AUKer, who told me that all his experience meant was that he'd struggled round more long rides than I had. 

Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: LindaG on 20 July, 2011, 11:08:00 pm
Sometimes when I read the posts of some of the more experienced audaxers,I am in awe,but when I get to meet you in real life I realize,you are only normal people.

Normal is subjective. But on my 1st 600 10 months ago I described similar feelings of awe to a distinguished AUKer, who told me that all his experience meant was that he'd struggled round more long rides than I had.

Something experienced AUKers seem to have in common - modesty.  One of the things I like best.  When you're as accomplished as those guys, you don't need to make a noise about it.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Manotea on 21 July, 2011, 07:32:21 am
Makes me feel? Mighty Real. (

Yup, the Arrivee is the place to be!

Woof! Embedded Youtube is back!
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: nightrider on 21 July, 2011, 08:16:32 am
I would like to change my post.You are not normal.You are, how can I put this?...A bit eccentric.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: The Mechanic on 21 July, 2011, 09:05:27 am
Over the past three years I have gone from being able to do a reasonable hilly 200 in 10 hours and feeling fine at the end to struggling to complete one at all.  I have either DNF'd of DNS every audax I have entered this year for one reason or another.  Its a bit depressing.  I am now at the stage that I am fretting in the days before an audax whether I will actually be able to complete it or not.  One thing that I have observed is that, when I have DNF'd, it has always been becasue I was knackered an did not have the will to carry on.  I have never been out of time when I packed and never packed because I was out of time.  Maybe it is a bit in my head.

In almost every audax I have completed I have been the tail ender.  Everyone else seems to be super fit and storm round in no time and I usually end up riding most of the audax on my own and get embarrassed that I am keeping the controler up all night.  I think that might be the root of the problem.  I go out regularly now with the local CTC and we always stick together.  This makes the ride a lot more enjoyable for me.  However, on the occasion when I have completed an audax, I feel like a million dollars even if I am totally knackered.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: jogler on 21 July, 2011, 07:24:34 pm
I usually end up riding most of the audax on my own

me too
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Chris S on 21 July, 2011, 08:42:44 pm
FWIW - riding alone on an audax isn't that unusual.

I have been almost last on an audax (Midland Super Grimpeur 300) and spent a lot of time on my own - either through choice (miserable bugger mode) or because I'm in a bubble between other riders.
I have been first back on a 200 (Garboldisham 200, a couple of weeks ago) and spent a great deal of time on my own.
Most of the time I'm mid field. Sometimes I ride with others - usually by design - but equally I can spend a whole day on my own.

We are all on our own rides. Together. This leads to randomness when it comes to Company. It's what audax is about.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Greenbank on 21 July, 2011, 08:53:17 pm
I have been almost last on an audax (Midland Super Grimpeur 300) and spent a lot of time on my own

You were only 3rd last! I think I rode the entire second half of that ride on my own, and chunks of the first half too.

I regularly do long stints on Audaxes on my own, it gives me time to clear my head of day to day rubbish and think about some important stuff.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: MercuryKev on 22 July, 2011, 11:41:24 am
I usually end up riding most of the audax on my own

me too

You don't need to be at the back of the pack to ride an audax on your own.  Stop for a pee and you can end riding in the audax bubble until the next control.  That's why I carry a wee mp3 player in my saddle bag to make solo riding a bit less dull.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Oaky on 22 July, 2011, 11:43:27 am
I usually end up riding most of the audax on my own

me too

You don't need to be at the back of the pack to ride an audax on your own.  Stop for a pee and you can end riding in the audax bubble until the next control.  That's why I carry a wee mp3 player in my saddle bag to make solo riding a bit less dull.

You can pee mp3s?
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Feline on 22 July, 2011, 11:45:19 am
My first ever audax, the 4 leaf clover 200 last August, I rode the first 2 minutes with the pack, then there was a hill (I was very slow back then) and I didn't see another living soul all day other than the controllers, and after I finished 2 even slower guys I hadn't even seen all day came in  ;D

Unless I've actually agreed to ride with someone, what tends to happen is I ride the first 100k or so with others, then the faster riders get ahead of me and I gradually drop the slower riders and end up in the middle of the field somewhere but often on my own. I don't actually mind this unless it's windy. It's easier to find a bus shelter to sleep one  :D
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: oldpeddler on 22 July, 2011, 02:10:56 pm
Over the past three years I have gone from being able to do a reasonable hilly 200 in 10 hours and feeling fine at the end to struggling to complete one at all.  I have either DNF'd of DNS every audax I have entered this year for one reason or another.  Its a bit depressing.  I am now at the stage that I am fretting in the days before an audax whether I will actually be able to complete it or not.  One thing that I have observed is that, when I have DNF'd, it has always been becasue I was knackered an did not have the will to carry on.  I have never been out of time when I packed and never packed because I was out of time.  Maybe it is a bit in my head.

In almost every audax I have completed I have been the tail ender.  Everyone else seems to be super fit and storm round in no time and I usually end up riding most of the audax on my own and get embarrassed that I am keeping the controler up all night.  I think that might be the root of the problem.  I go out regularly now with the local CTC and we always stick together.  This makes the ride a lot more enjoyable for me.  However, on the occasion when I have completed an audax, I feel like a million dollars even if I am totally knackered.
I'm going through exactly the same problem. Having ridden some of the hardest 100k hilly rides I tried to step up to a 200k (another hilly) and had my first DNF after grinding to a halt at 65k. My bikes computer showed I'd ridden only 42k which didn't help  and my route map was mush from two hours of rain so didn't find out till later I'd actually ridden 65k in four hours. Psychologically I'd panicked and being one of the rear riders and feeling tired I thought I'd run out of time and energy. Also found out  afterwards that the two riders behind me had also abandoned.
I've also had a struggle like yourself since March, even finishing the 100ks. Hopefully back at 100k for the Rhosgoch festival this weekend and hope to finish even though the 2.5 AAA hills are worrying me already. Good luck to you for your future rides. Oh, are you having problems with your bike in any way as that doesn't help either.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: jogler on 22 July, 2011, 02:24:51 pm

You don't need to be at the back of the pack to ride an audax on your own.

I can do both.I call it multi-tasking ;)
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: oldpeddler on 22 July, 2011, 02:27:31 pm
Just had another thought. I'm usually at the back in most rides and when you get left alone there I find you have more time to think how tired you are whereas if you're tailing someone or just chatting as you ride along the miles disappear before you know it.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: nightrider on 22 July, 2011, 09:53:44 pm
How does Audax make you feel?Well my first Audax was a 100k ride in 2005.I was young,or I thought,in my early forties.I got carried away.There was a tail wind and I got in with the fast men.At the first control there was a big queue and I spent a long time waiting.Some of the slow old guys cheated and just got there cards stamped and rode away.The next section was a bit hilly,but I caught up with the slow old guys just before the second control.The last section was into a gert headwind,I decided to hide behind the slow old guys.The slow old guys rode bikes with mudguards,Brooks saddles or Rolls and carradice saddlebags.Most of them where in their fifties.I got dropped by the old guys.How did my first Audax make me feel?HUMILIATED.Not now though,things are different.I am err...
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: LEE on 24 July, 2011, 12:25:30 am
I'm lucky, I managed to talk 3 work colleagues into AUDAX.  Since we did the Faccombe Haul 100 3 or 4 years ago (I forget) it's rare that we don't ride together in a Faccombe 4 (or Faccombe 3 or Faccombe 5 (with Els)).

This means that there is always someone to tow you along if you have a bad spell.

Faccombe 3 (me, Chillmoister and Keeks) will be sharing a car, ferry, hotel and road on PBP 2011.

I ride perm 200s on my own and that is enjoyable in its own way but, realistically, it's MUCh better to have company, especially on the night stages of 400/600s.
Title: Re: How does Audax make you feel?
Post by: Manotea on 24 July, 2011, 11:45:32 am

"Is Audax Dirty?"

"Only if it's done right."