Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => On The Road => Topic started by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 05:01:17 am

Title: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 05:01:17 am
Not sure if this is the appropriate sub-forum or not so apologies in advance if not. Maybe a moderator can move it if appropriate.

I thought this Police response from New Zealand Police officers might be of interest ...

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Regulator on 30 May, 2012, 07:10:02 am
Not quite sure what he was complaining about.  He was in a 'Give Way' and the other vehicle did remain within its lane.  OK - the driver blew his horn but if everyone complained about that the police would have no time for anything else.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 07:14:05 am
Not quite sure what he was complaining about.  He was in a 'Give Way' and the other vehicle did remain within its lane.  OK - the driver blew his horn but if everyone complained about that the police would have no time for anything else.
There you go ... love to see you do this to a police officer :)

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Jaded on 30 May, 2012, 07:27:14 am
What's with all the [SIC]s?
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Regulator on 30 May, 2012, 07:37:36 am
What's with all the [SIC]s?

There was only one potential grammatical error in the message (regarding 'Filing').  Other than that the use of 'Police' was correct.

I think it's an indignant and somewhat pompous cyclist who thinks that, as well as being right about everything they do on the road, they are also better at grammar than anyone else.  Perhaps he is the Antipodean cousin of this chap?


(If you watch the rest of this plonker's videos, you'll see a shining example of why some other road users thinks cyclists are arrogant cocks)
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Wendy on 30 May, 2012, 07:47:41 am
I see what the problem was with this driver, and they didn't stay within the lane, plus they came super close to the cyclist. Sure, not the worst thing ever, but it still was some nasty aggressive driving.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Regulator on 30 May, 2012, 07:58:27 am
The cyclist was moving forward into the lane that the vehicle was already in. 

OK - the driver didn't need to beep, but what we can't see is the direction that the cyclist was looking.  He could have been looking in the other direction.

Silly behaviour by both - but hardly a biggy...
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 08:10:15 am
The cyclist was moving forward into the lane that the vehicle was already in.

LOL that is pretty funny ... 1.18+ clearly shows otherwise unless of course they used a time machine to go back in time to come forward in time ... and they must now drive on the right hand side in NZ ...

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 08:13:53 am
Other than that the use of 'Police' was correct.

Is police a proper noun? If they have had said the "New Zealand Police" then for sure the capitalisation is correct but I am not so sure that "police" is a proper noun.   If the word police is not a proper noun then the capitalisation was wrong and hence the [sic] whilst pedantic is correct.

For what it is worth, Wiki Answers ( suggests that police is a common noun.

The Macquarie Dictionary (,35,35,B/l856~b1854382&FF=XMacquarie+dictionary&searchscope=7&SORT=D&2,2,,1,0) shows the use of police as an adjective and hence lower-case. The YouTube up-loader would appear to be correct.

5. to oversee, checking correct adherence to regulations: council officers will police the new building code.
–adjective 6. of or relating to a police force. [French: government, civil administration, police, from Medieval Latin polītia, variant of Latin polītīa polity. Compare policy1]
–policing, noun

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: AndyK on 30 May, 2012, 08:15:46 am
The 'beeping' sounds like an Airzound not a car horn.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: clarion on 30 May, 2012, 09:07:56 am
...the other vehicle did remain within its lane. 

The cyclist was moving forward into the lane that the vehicle was already in. 

Are you watching a different video? ;D
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 30 May, 2012, 09:15:29 am
Cyclist did move forward - the first bit of vid is a rear-facing camera.  I presume the cyclist was waiting for the pickup to exit the junction, so that then they could move off and pull into the left-hand-lane. The maroon peoplemover came across and undertook them, not giving way.

I think that in NZ (as in Aus), it's considered normal (and legal) for cars to undertake (it's very alarming when they do this on freeways). So the car wasn't doing anything wrong by undertaking the bike - they swung wide out of their lane and about 1ft into the cyclist's lane - so just shitty driving.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Jaded on 30 May, 2012, 09:33:13 am
I understood that the moton culture in NZ is significantly stronger than here?
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Wendy on 30 May, 2012, 09:38:03 am
If you look a bit more carefully at the video, there isn't another lane, there's only one lane. The car went into an area bounded by solid white lines, which I imagine you're not supposed to enter. The bit I have a problem with is how she cuts in very close to him whilst undertaking him.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: clarion on 30 May, 2012, 09:49:35 am
I agree.  The Police response was that the car had not moved out of the lane, when it clearly had.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 30 May, 2012, 09:50:38 am
Two lanes merging into one, divided by dashed lines. Car comes over the dashed lines into the lane the cyclist is in.

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 10:02:09 am
I think that in NZ (as in Aus), it's considered normal (and legal) for cars to undertake (it's very alarming when they do this on freeways). So the car wasn't doing anything wrong by undertaking the bike - they swung wide out of their lane and about 1ft into the cyclist's lane - so just shitty driving.

I cannot comment on New Zealand but in Australia what this driver did is illegal. The situation with passing on the left on a freeway, i.e., being in the left lane (lane 1) passing a vehicle in right lane (lane 2) is completely different scenario to what took place at this intersection and yes that is legal.

Are you saying it is illegal to be in the left lane (lane 1) on a motorway in the UK with a vehicle in the right lane (lane 2) going slower and hence one must move from the left lane to a lane to the right (lane 3) of the other car to pass?

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 10:08:36 am
For those interested I think this is the intersection/direction of travel where the incident occurred. (

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 30 May, 2012, 10:11:45 am
Are you saying it is illegal to be in the left lane (lane 1) on a motorway in the UK with a vehicle in the right lane (lane 2) going slower and hence one must move from the left lane to a lane to the right (lane 3) of the other car to pass?

It isn't a directly listed offense, but against the highway code, so could attract a charge of driving without due care and attention.

The motorways over here are much faster than in Oz and narrower lanes. It's quite a shock after Oz driving to find yourself on a 4-lane road with 3 lanes doing 120kph and one lane doing 80kph, vehicles only 3 car-lengths apart.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 10:13:53 am
I understood that the moton culture in NZ is significantly stronger than here?

Are you referring to bogans? :)'

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Wendy on 30 May, 2012, 10:19:50 am
Two lanes merging into one, divided by dashed lines. Car comes over the dashed lines into the lane the cyclist is in.

Hmm, no? I think the dashed lines are the giveway lines. It might like like a lane divider, but only because it's at an angle.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 30 May, 2012, 10:25:17 am
Two lanes merging into one, divided by dashed lines. Car comes over the dashed lines into the lane the cyclist is in.

Hmm, no? I think the dashed lines are the giveway lines. It might like like a lane divider, but only because it's at an angle.

I think it is a really complex and shitty junction - at the mouth of the junction there are two lanes (one for vehicles coming straight across, one for vehicles turning right into the junction from the main road).  Immediately after the junction the lanes merge.

At the start of the vid, it looks like the cyclist has turned right into the road and is in the rightmost lane. They pause, start to move forward, and a car comes across the junction into the left lane, straying over into the cyclist's lane.

IMO, the cyclist had right-of-way, the car shouldn't have undertook in any case and was poorly controlled.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Wendy on 30 May, 2012, 10:35:24 am
Oh, no, it's all happening in the central reservation crossing point, where there is a single lane for turning right, half way across.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 30 May, 2012, 10:49:37 am
<scratches head>  You reckon? I'm not sure which way is up anymore.

Can we agree that the car driver is a bimbling moron and wouldn't notice a glowing green alien if it was sitting on their car bonnet playing a ukulele?

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: clarion on 30 May, 2012, 10:54:17 am
I'm pretty certain of that.  I'm also pretty certain that the local Police badges are adorned with the proud motto: 'DILLIGAF?'
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Aushiker on 30 May, 2012, 10:57:32 am
Two lanes merging into one, divided by dashed lines. Car comes over the dashed lines into the lane the cyclist is in.

Hmm, no? I think the dashed lines are the giveway lines. It might like like a lane divider, but only because it's at an angle.

The dashed line delineates the through lane and the lane for the right turning vehicles. The merge if it goes into a single lane would take place further up the road.

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Andrew on 30 May, 2012, 01:25:53 pm
I understood that the moton culture in NZ is significantly stronger than here?

That's certainly the impression I have from the reports I get from family in NZ. My cycling days in NZ are over 30 years ago now and I suspect things have changed a little.

I know the area, having worked in Wellington, so the link brings back memories for me. Perhaps once those pass, I'll have an objective look and comment on what happened!  ;)
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: nickp on 30 May, 2012, 02:58:52 pm
For those interested I think this is the intersection/direction of travel where the incident occurred. (


Doesn't look to me as if there IS "a lane on the right". If you go forward one click on the above link and look rightwards down the hill, you see the lane emerging from the left sweeping round the curve with no dashed lines to interrupt it while the traffic arriving from the right (across the central reservation) meets a dashed line.

On the assumption that the dashed line in that position means the same there as it does in the UK ie give way, then the cyclist appears to be at fault for jumping in ahead of the traffic. ANd certainly if I were driving round that curve I would be expecting traffic on the right waiting patiently for me to pass before mergining in.

In the UK most situations where traffic merges like that, the traffic on the right has priority and the road markings would show that. Can't think off hand of many, if any, roads marked quite like that here anyway.

Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: iddu on 30 May, 2012, 03:37:16 pm
>...appaling junction.
Yup - introduce em to concept of a roundabout  ;)

The cyclist has crossed a lane at right-angle into a short stub section and is waiting to join continuous lane sweeping in from their left (there's no formal "Give Way/Stop" on the stub, it's merge in turn when somebody is polite enough to let you..).

The twunt can't be arsed to wait and undertakes alongside the cyclist, their vehicle 90% covering the shaded non-lane area bounding the raised island...

Just another impatiant twunt on the tarmac, and the pollis DILLIGAF.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Wendy on 30 May, 2012, 03:43:54 pm
On the assumption that the dashed line in that position means the same there as it does in the UK ie give way, then the cyclist appears to be at fault for jumping in ahead of the traffic. ANd certainly if I were driving round that curve I would be expecting traffic on the right waiting patiently for me to pass before mergining in.

Que? The driver and cyclist came from the same direction, she just undertook and pushed past him in the same lane, by using the non-lane area to his left.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: nickp on 30 May, 2012, 04:26:20 pm
On the assumption that the dashed line in that position means the same there as it does in the UK ie give way, then the cyclist appears to be at fault for jumping in ahead of the traffic. ANd certainly if I were driving round that curve I would be expecting traffic on the right waiting patiently for me to pass before mergining in.

Que? The driver and cyclist came from the same direction, she just undertook and pushed past him in the same lane, by using the non-lane area to his left.
Ah, OK, my mistake. Yes I've had that happen to me at T-junctions. Waiting in primary, idiots push past on near side and accelerate off to the right in front of me. At least in the clip there's nothing coming the other way up the hill to add to the mix!
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Andrew on 30 May, 2012, 05:35:54 pm
Having viewed, ruminated and cogitated my conclusion is... the driver wasn't paying attention and could well have been distracted (mobile, radio, nose picking). Because what they did was just plain daft. They ought to have stayed put until the cyclist had merged into the lane of flowing traffic.

Perhaps maybe they SMIDSYed the cyclist, maybe they thought the cyclist was going to follow the other car out into the lane, who knows... but it wasn't a clever thing to do. As I say 'daft'... but no biggie.

I don't think the police (in reviewing the case/complaint) took the time to appreciate the different camera angles/positions - and it is a tad confusing in fairness. If they had taken the time, I think it's quite clear what happened. A finger wag to the driver, nothing more imho.
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Jasmine on 31 May, 2012, 10:13:12 am

Perhaps maybe they SMIDSYed the cyclist

If they had SMIDSYed, then the driver wouldn't have pulled round the cyclist (into the shaded area) at all.  More likely is that they did see the cyclist, which was in fact a Silence (see Dr Who) and so as the motorist blinked they instantly forgot about their existence or why they had started to pull out, so pulled back in. I think this hypothesis may in fact explain all instances of SMIDSYing.

Apologies for those who don't watch Dr Who as this will make no sense to you whatsoever.  :P
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Regulator on 31 May, 2012, 10:14:43 am
That's what I love about this forum.  We can apply Dr Who, Star Trek or Zombies to any topic....  ;D :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Update: Police response to nasty intersection overtake - DNT1 - New Zealand
Post by: Andrew on 31 May, 2012, 11:43:35 am

Perhaps maybe they SMIDSYed the cyclist

If they had SMIDSYed, then the driver wouldn't have pulled round the cyclist (into the shaded area) at all. 

I did mean initially. After leaving that 1st stop/junction, only seeing the cyclist as they approached the merge point and then had to pull around into the shaded area.

I thought the Silences to be a tad unfortunate. Going quietly about the business, not disturbing anyone (I mean, you never knew they were there) only for the good Dr to bring about their genocide. Not really the Dr's style that. Poor show methinks.