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Off Topic => The Pub => Food & Drink => Topic started by: gonzo on 01 August, 2008, 07:55:12 pm

Title: Broad beans and chicken. Ideas please!
Post by: gonzo on 01 August, 2008, 07:55:12 pm
As per the title; I've got to do a meal with broad beans and chicken. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Broad beans and chicken. Ideas please!
Post by: andygates on 01 August, 2008, 08:04:15 pm
Pan fry chicken, lightly steam beans, let the bird rest in the pan for a while and toss the beans in chicky juice.
Title: Re: Broad beans and chicken. Ideas please!
Post by: fiendish on 01 August, 2008, 08:18:00 pm
Can't really help with the chicken as I don't eat the stuff, but how about going mediterranean with the beans? Steamed or lightly boiled beans (peel the greyish skin off if you can be arsed), finely chopped red onion or shallot, loads of herbs (especially mint), and faint hint of garlic and an olive oil and lemon juice dressing.

Serve with the chicken cooked in a suitable way - lemons and garlic?  Bread to mop up the juice.
Title: Re: Broad beans and chicken. Ideas please!
Post by: gonzo on 01 August, 2008, 09:27:22 pm
Thanks for the ideas; I ended up going for a combination of the two!
Title: Re: Broad beans and chicken. Ideas please!
Post by: Valiant on 02 August, 2008, 12:09:37 am
Pan grill chicken with a bit of lemon, boil up beans and mix with a little extra virgin olive oil and some lemon and serve with chicken on top.