Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => The Knowledge => Health & Fitness => Topic started by: Wild Rover on 21 June, 2013, 04:01:03 pm

Title: Do you stretch?
Post by: Wild Rover on 21 June, 2013, 04:01:03 pm
With a healthy dose of cynicism, I started a stretching programme a couple of months ago; only three times per week after rides. I've overcome my cynicism now; I'm convinced it's made me better on the bike in terms of endurance and comfort. I'm also more flexible now than 30 years ago. Do you have a similar experience? I wonder whether upping it to x5 per week would give even better results, but don't want to overdo it.
Title: Re: Do you stretch?
Post by: mattc on 21 June, 2013, 04:07:25 pm
I believe the standard reply is:

"Not as much as I should".

(You'd be mad not to, in my view. I don't bother with these dedicated 1hour sessions some people speak of, but I do a bit after every vaguely hard ride. And at most cafe stops, when I can be arsed.)
Title: Re: Do you stretch?
Post by: Glover Fan on 21 June, 2013, 10:24:53 pm
I started stretching my hamstrings in the bath daily about a month ago. 3 reps x 20 seconds.

I had reay tight hamstrings and I could only reach halfway between my knees and my toes. I can already touch my toes.