Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Audax => Topic started by: Fidgetbuzz on 04 August, 2013, 07:41:16 pm

Title: [LEL17] LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 04 August, 2013, 07:41:16 pm
I would have a bigger organising team.

I think it's fair to say that LEL has left me, Sue and Keith utterly crushed. On reflection I'm not sure I actually enjoyed organising it. The amount of work involved has been brutal, the pace unrelenting.

If you want more events like LEL, AUK and its members have to change the way they do things. Having hundreds of events organised by one person results in hundreds of incredibly well-organised club runs. It also results in no spare time to support LEL beyond the event itself and the month leading up to it.

I cannot and will not give the time again that I have given to LEL for the last four years. So either someone else steps up and takes over, or more people join us toand preparation.

I've done what I can - I have nothing left to give. I think I've demonstrated the way forward so now it's up to you.

EDIT - I would point out that I've loved working with Sue, Keith, Roger, Tony and John, aka the core team. I will miss that immensely.

This is immensely important and needs a lot of thought.

 I have said for months that I had no idea how Danial was holding down a job and doing LEL. Sue and Keiths input has been huge too - and they may not be willing to put that effort into 2017 ( obviously I can not speak for them).

On the plus side there is now knowledge inside some AUK members of how to set up and run a 1000 rider LEL ( this is well documented and readily available to anyone who wanted to pick our brains)  - if the same team was doing 2017 - then it might be a 2 year job rather than a 3 1/2 year job - because we have the know how now, that was not available to us post the 2009 event.

Please dont post to this thread without a lot of hard thought- sit back and think carefully - what do we want LEL to be -what do we want AUK to be - how can these be achieved.

Many will know that I am concerned at the forward vision of the AUK Board, its formal structure  and its capabilities to deliver a LEL type experience , even if thru a separate company.

We delivered what seems to be regarded as an absolutely superb event ( and I think with a modest surplus too) - but read Danials post again  -- and think hard
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 05 August, 2013, 10:40:20 am
BUMP - just in case you have not had the time to read this
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 11:03:22 am
(I was just about to post something to BUMP it! I think you scared most of us off posting ... )

So my thoughts:
The event size felt about right. It was a big gamble increasing the numbers from 2009. It paid off, but it created many unknowns and extra planning issues. I would like to see the size maintained in 2017 - we can then focus on knocking off the rough edges and fixing all the small things we did wrong.

If we keep to the same size then we can reuse most of the 2013 planning/procedures. This will make a much easier job for the new team, and hopefully this will avoid newcomers being scared off! I would also like to see - if we can bribe them - many of the '13 core team volunteering as 'consultants', to maximise knowledge transfer/reuse.

If we get any bigger, then as well as making more work for ourselves and risking disasters, LEL will lose it's unique flavour and become just a longer/hillier/colder PBP. IMHO. 
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Peter on 05 August, 2013, 11:05:57 am
Speaking as a first-time volunteer this year and, I hope, a first-time rider next time, I think that makes a lot of sense, Matt.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 05 August, 2013, 11:18:56 am
The biggest leap forward seems to have been the availability of school premises, due to the increased autonomy of individual schools. It had been the intention to use a school at Alston in 2009, but that hadn't come to fruition. The combination of volunteers and trained, paid, catering staff worked well, and addressed the health and safety issues. The demands of the task were so extraordinary that those paid caterers found it to be a sort of professional extension.
I had some experience of the reciprocity between us and the wider world of Audax when we rescued a French rider in Alston. I've now got a standing invitation to stay in Dunkirk for the carnival. Those of us who have done PBP and the Semaine Federale are happy that we have been able to repay the hospitality of the ACP and the FFCT. PBP has 5,000 participants, and Semaine Federale has 15,000, both have between 1,500 and 2,000 volunteers.
There is a sense in which we can compare ourselves to sportives, and co-opt the professional aspects of their organisation. I'd argue that the nucleus of an organising committee attends Semaine Federale next year. They will find that LEL has produced a groundswell of goodwill in European cycle touring circles. It was already noticeable that volunteers of many nations felt they were paying back into a general pool that includes PBP and Semaine Federale, but that it was easier for them to work in an English-Speaking context. I attended Semaine Federal after PBP 2009, and was made very welcome by organising committee due to the hospitality we had shown.
It is interesting that the link between ACP and the FFCT is not replicated by links between AUK and the CTC. The logical link would be between the Birthday Rides and LEL, CTC members played a big part in LEL, but at a personal level.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jacdaw on 05 August, 2013, 12:27:35 pm
I probably shouldn't post here, and I expect to be torn apart, however....

As a volunteer at Brampton with no audax experience, but with some experience participating (ie taking part and not organising) in other non-cycling events of all sizes, 2 things struck me:

1) I expected commercial sponsors, maybe 1 (above the title type) sponsor, and a lot of little / local ones. This may have been naïve of me.

2) Electronic timing could have cut handling times; even with a brevet card, a dibber system (such as SiEntries, for example) would have speeded things up, and all of that side of things (including online tracking) could have gone into the hands of an experienced third party.

I know this may not be in the spirit of audax, but as an outsider I thought I should at least mention it.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: STMS on 05 August, 2013, 12:53:20 pm
Although you want to keep the size, don't forget the demand this time. Now you have delivered who knows the demand next time.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 05 August, 2013, 01:07:05 pm
We delivered what seems to be regarded as an absolutely superb event

You certainly did !

I'm inclined to agree with Matt, keep it the same size at least for 2017.  There are not that many rough edges to work on TBH. 
My fear is that the fame of such an excellent event will have spread over four years and the entry process may get a little "fraught".
It is not difficult to imagine a sell-out within minutes rater than hours.     Just maybe some sort of PBP-like qualification (or early opening of entries to pre-qualified riders) would smooth things out ?

jacdaw - I don't know what a commercial sponsor would bring to the table that would be useful,  money maybe, but that isn't going to deliver a clone of 2013's organising team.   Dibbers - maybe, I've used SI Enttries at OMM and elsewhere and it's not a bad system, I believe it is costly though.  If it frees up enough volunteers to work on other things it migh be worthwhile? 
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 05 August, 2013, 01:08:58 pm
Although you want to keep the size, don't forget the demand this time. Now you have delivered who knows the demand next time.

I think this is a very important point.

I'd totally understand a desire to keep numbers where they currently are in 2017 - after all, wasn't it supposed to be 850? riders in 2013 and the entry got expanded to 1150? with roughly 1000 starters.

With the reputation that this ride will now have, the demand could well be even higher next time.

Whether the answers lie in pre-qualification and/or qualification SR, who knows?  But it does need to be considered I think.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 05 August, 2013, 01:16:40 pm
Re dibbers: beware. Riders will lose them, and then they are in trouble. A brevet can be mislaid - and as I saw with one rider - the stamps can be collected on a piece of paper until rider and brevet are reunited and all is well again. You will still need a person sitting at the dibber box, so no saving on staff there. And as we saw, the software can sometimes go a bit awry, and a stamped brevet, hung round the neck of a rider and in a waterproof bag, is a pretty bomb-proof way of proving where you have been. Dibbers work well when you need to know timing to the second, which we don't on LEL.

FWIW, IMHO, change nothing. You mess with the 2013 LEL format at your peril. Using schools as controls worked well, the date was fine (in school holidays so school premises were vacant and people could take part if they or spouses were teachers), the route was as good as it could be, and the food - using the professional chefs - seems to have gone down really well.

My only minor suggestion would be to employ professional cleaners, perhaps those who normally work at the school, to free volunteers so they can do the "interaction with riders" bit, because that is where the event seems to have really shone. If necessary, put the price up. People flying in from Kyrgystan, Taiwan, Canada, or getting the train from the Lake District, are unlikely to be put off by another £30 or so on the price.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Lightkeeper on 05 August, 2013, 01:20:58 pm
FB asked people to think hard about :

what do we want LEL to be -what do we want AUK to be - how can these be achieved.

The early answers tend to focus on what people want LEL to be - how big, what to keep the same, what to change - and that's a good place to start. 

The second and third questions, though, are harder and more important.  Even if people concluded that LEL2017 should consolidate on about the same numbers and format (I'm not saying they will, I'm just illustrating), we should remember that Danial is saying that the 2013 way of delivering it isn't sustainable, in particular because of the load on a few people for a long time running up to the event:

I think it's fair to say that LEL has left me, Sue and Keith utterly crushed. On reflection I'm not sure I actually enjoyed organising it. The amount of work involved has been brutal, the pace unrelenting.

If you want more events like LEL, AUK and its members have to change the way they do things.

So my point is, this thread shouldn't just address the first question. 

(My - selfish - reason for making it is that, having approached LEL2013 not sure whether I'd enjoy this distance, I had such a blast that I really want there to be a good LEL2017!)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: vorsprung on 05 August, 2013, 01:22:13 pm
jacdaw - I don't know what a commercial sponsor would bring to the table that would be useful,  money maybe..

What I was struck by, looking at various accounts from riders is that people on the route, ordinary people who had the route going through their town didn't know anything about the event.  If a commercial sponsor was on board they would be happy to fund publicity because it would benefit them. 

For example if in 2017 there was a commercial sponsor for posters and flyers along the entire route ("London Edinburgh London cycle ride passing through here July 30th 10am to 31st 1am and on the return..etc") the sponsor gets their logo/brand name plastered on a load of bus stops in a positive way and local people would know what was going on.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: vorsprung on 05 August, 2013, 01:25:35 pm
My only minor suggestion would be to employ professional cleaners, perhaps those who normally work at the school, to free volunteers

This happened at Brampton.  I cleaned the toilets a couple of times and the showers once in the early hours of the morning.  The professionals did it during the day
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 05 August, 2013, 01:27:53 pm
Guys -- you are looking the wrong way. These are admin details that we will be well aware of and will have ideas to solve etc.

THE KEY POINT IS 2017 CAN NOT ASK THE SAME TEAM TO JUST  DO IT AGAIN- DANIAL and SUE/KEITH HAVE TO HAVE MORE SUPPORT - they are entitled to have part of their life to themselves - rather than LEL becoming all consuming

2009 was a pickle financially- and I knew that I could offer something on the money side - so I did - and have been involved for all 3 1/2 years. I have learnt loads - which I can either use again or make freely available to someone else.
We now KNOW what a 1000 rider event can be put on for in £ terms. More money available  - we might have ideas on how to spend it -- so money side is not a problem

But the hours and effort that D and S/K put in , will not be repeated -- we  need real actual extra people putting hours of effort in -- OK Danial and S/K have the knowledge so they could supervise / mentor / do some them selves - but whio is going to join the team 

Read Danials top post
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 05 August, 2013, 01:28:57 pm
It seems (to me) that a lot of workload for Danial, Sue, Keith was just dealing with the riders - I would like to see that off-loaded from those really running the show as I would guess that 95% of queries can be answered by someone with a reasonable understanding of the system (75% can be answered with 'read the website and/or riders email of XXth of July').

There are always going to be some more complex ones, that will need input from someone higher up the chain.  But the sheer weight of questions on Email must have been very demanding and doesn't need to be handled by someone that high up in the food chain. 

Being agile with the FAQs would have helped as well (i.e. if lots of emails are appearing about whether it is compulsory to wear pink ra ra skirts in the confines of the Brampton control, then update the FAQ quickly to answer this question (only on Tuesdays is the correct answer by the way).

I am sure a small team of 3-4 volunteers with access to a central Email account could take most queries and answer them with very little training, just a reasonably detailed description of how each process will work on the ride.

As I did quite a bit of that myself, in effect, via Facebook etc. - I'd happily throw my name into the hat for that sort of role.

The big cheeses need to be dealing with big cheese things and just checking whether the smaller details have been done as tasked to others (rather than handling them all themselves).
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: trickedem on 05 August, 2013, 01:32:06 pm
I'm really keen to ride in 2017, but I am torn between this and volunteering. I think the voluntary efforts before and after the event were key to the success.
I also think the entry cost should be increased by at least 50 pounds.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 05 August, 2013, 01:35:47 pm
Guys -- you are looking the wrong way. These are admin details that we will be well aware of and will have ideas to solve etc.

THE KEY POINT IS 2017 CAN NOT ASK THE SAME TEAM TO JUST  DO IT AGAIN- DANIAL and SUE/KEITH HAVE TO HAVE MORE SUPPORT - they are entitled to have part of their life to themselves - rather than LEL becoming all consuming

2009 was a pickle financially- and I knew that I could offer something on the money side - so I did - and have been involved for all 3 1/2 years. I have learnt loads - which I can either use again or make freely available to someone else.
We now KNOW what a 1000 rider event can be put on for in £ terms. More money available  - we might have ideas on how to spend it -- so money side is not a problem

But the hours and effort that D and S/K put in , will not be repeated -- we  need real actual extra people putting hours of effort in -- OK Danial and S/K have the knowledge so they could supervise / mentor / do some them selves - but whio is going to join the team 

Read Danials top post

Surely what this boils down to is a choice between:
* a lot more committed volunteers who are prepared to give up time over the months (years ?) leading up to the event and not just for the week.
* paid project managers & staff
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 05 August, 2013, 01:36:21 pm
I'm really keen to ride in 2017, but I am torn between this and volunteering. I think the voluntary efforts before and after the event were key to the success.
I also think the entry cost should be increased by at least 50 pounds.


The cost should only be increased (IMHO) if there is better service/value to offer to riders by doing so.  If there are legitimate arguments for adding services to the ride that increase the rider's enjoyment and/or farm out some jobs to those with greater skillsets to deliver a product/service that just isn't possible to with volunteer effort. 

LEL is not out to make a huge profit - it has to turn a small profit to leave seed money for the next LEL.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mcshroom on 05 August, 2013, 01:38:27 pm
I'm really keen to ride in 2017, but I am torn between this and volunteering. I think the voluntary efforts before and after the event were key to the success.
I also think the entry cost should be increased by at least 50 pounds.


The cost should only be increased (IMHO) if there is better service/value to offer to riders by doing so.  If there are legitimate arguments for adding services to the ride that increase the rider's enjoyment and/or farm out some jobs to those with greater skillsets to deliver a product/service that just isn't possible to with volunteer effort. 

LEL is not out to make a huge profit - it has to turn a small profit to leave seed money for the next LEL.


I would be happy to help out ahead of the event (or after with reuniting lost property with owners etc), but I'm fully intending to have another crack at the ride in 2017
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: αdαmsκι on 05 August, 2013, 01:39:33 pm
LEL2017 is four years away (although I do realise planning starts a lot sooner). I don't know where I'll be living in four years, but if possible would love to ride again. I'd potentially be willing to help leading up to the event, but I've no idea what the list of jobs would entail. Communicating with ForceGB about clothing ??? Helping with the route ??? etc.

I also think the entry cost should be increased by at least 50 pounds.

Why? The money-man says "money side is not a problem", so why should you want to increase the price? If it's to reduce the demand then that is, IMO, a vastly unfair way of achieving that aim.

EDIT: Cross-posted with others
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 05 August, 2013, 01:49:14 pm
I spotted Danial, in particular, spending a lot of time answering basic queries on here and other places, such as Facebook. Believe me, I'm very grateful to have the Man In Charge dealing directly with punters, but a lot of that could have been off-loaded.

A swipe card system (is this what people mean by dibbers?) for arrival and departure (in an Oyster card style) would create much more accurate info for controls up the road. Capital cost (assuming a commercial lease isn't practical) could be off-set by hiring the system out to other large events.

If we're talking about sustainability, I wonder if AUK needs a dedicated Prestige Events team (say, 2.5 FTE) who could put on a series of rides each year, culminating in LEL. If those rides were fully catered, that would create income plus expertise that would feed LEL 2017 and beyond.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: matthew on 05 August, 2013, 01:56:20 pm
Looking at what happened at Registration, the only part of the ride I saw, and seeing the amount of preparation that Sue and Keith had put in I am in awe of their commitment to LEL 2013.

Just to illistrate, on Friday the registration room was set up, and garden canes with the individual riders bags were laid out on the table. These bags were individual to the rider, labelled and contained:
These had all been prepared in advance for all 1150 riders - minus those who DNS'd early. Also ready and waiting were the 1150 registration forms, in order by rider number in lever arch files (one for each table).

The control had been found and agreed, Food had been ordered, left luggage considered signage considered, crowd barriers hired etc. etc. etc.

How easy it would be to deligate these tasks out to a wider pool of volunteers who were prepared to offer say a weekend a month for the 6 months prior I am not sure. The obvious thing is that Danial, Sue and Keith have evectively dedicated the equivilent of full time hours for 3-4 years to make LEL 2013 the success it was. AUK (and that  has to be the board and its members) can not expect them to do the same again. Either AUK will need to consider employing someone, which doesn't feel quite right to me, or an ~10 strong team will need to form now to take on the event in four years time and start actively recruiting so that there are 15-20 in that team from the point of registration opening to the day controls man up with a sizeable number of volunteers, cooks and cleaners.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 01:57:05 pm
Guys -- you are looking the wrong way. These are admin details that we will be well aware of and will have ideas to solve etc.

THE KEY POINT IS 2017 CAN NOT ASK THE SAME TEAM TO JUST  DO IT AGAIN- DANIAL and SUE/KEITH HAVE TO HAVE MORE SUPPORT - they are entitled to have part of their life to themselves - rather than LEL becoming all consuming
Roger if you only want posts that are firm offers of help in specific roles - which would be very welcome - this will be a very quiet thread!

I see 2 prongs to our attack:
1) getting people to step up, in small ways or large,
2) working out ways to spread the load, cos it's quite possible NOONE will want to do what the core 2013 team did.

1) Clearly this thread is a start. As I posted in another thread, I think there will be a Snowball Of Good Will (TM Mattc). ESL's earlier post drifted into this. I think Ride Reports and word of mouth will create an avalanche. Expect more volunteers next time at every level.  :thumbsup:

2) Several posts have already looked at spreading the load. Keep 'em coming folks, that's my view!

LEL2017 is four years away (although I do realise planning starts a lot sooner). I don't know where I'll be living in four years, but if possible would love to ride again. I'd potentially be willing to help leading up to the event, but I've no idea what the list of jobs would entail. Communicating with ForceGB about clothing ??? Helping with the route ??? etc.

Route checking/drafting and clothing seem like good areas for delegation - well volunteered ;) :)

This is the future - we've already moved a long way from the 2009 Melita centralised nightmare, we can improve further; it will however take a few skilled managers to coordinate stuff/people, let's not lose sight of that.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: tiermat on 05 August, 2013, 01:59:06 pm
I understand your think, Chuffy, but instead of creating less work you are suggesting the team do MORE???

This is not meant as a criticism, after all who am I to criticise the organisers of an event which has been hailed (99.999% of the time) as a success, that last remaining bit being MINOR grumbles.  Anyway I would suggest that more power is devolved, and the Controllers are involved at an earlier stage.  I get the impression (from conversations I have had and on here) that they came into the planning rather late.  Decide where you want the controls and find someone to run that control.  Give them a budget and then tell them you only want to hear if there is a problem.  Same could be done for other tasks, such as bag drops etc etc.

Obviously risk assessments etc would need to be done (not for elfin safe tea, but as in "What if...")

I, personally, would step forward to assist, in any way I can.

ETA: X-post with mattc and matthew
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 05 August, 2013, 02:02:26 pm
it will however take a few skilled managers to coordinate stuff/people, let's not lose sight of that.


Identify those people sooner rather than later, begin the knowledge transfer from the current team and in a couple of years the recruiting of teams can begin.

I think part of the key is (and this may already be done to a degree) to document the processes used (obviously noting down what didn't work out etc.) so that Team LEL 2017 don't have to reinvent everything.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 05 August, 2013, 02:09:23 pm
I understand your think, Chuffy, but instead of creating less work you are suggesting the team do MORE???
Um, not really. I'm suggesting that AUK look at having a small team of permanent, paid staff, rather than relying on unpaid volunteers. Obviously it wouldn't be viable to have them just work on LEL, hence my suggestion of a series of prestige events which would be the gold standard in terms of what was being offered (catering, sleeping arrangements etc). These would complement LEL and could share many resources, such as bed stock, electronic brevet systems etc.

Looking at other posts on here, we're basically sticking to the old model of relying on goodwill and volunteers. That, I feel, is the point that Danial and Fidgetbuzz are trying to make - it's not sustainable and we need something more permanent.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 05 August, 2013, 02:14:50 pm
Looking at other posts on here, we're basically sticking to the old model of relying on goodwill and volunteers. That, I feel, is the point that Danial and Fidgetbuzz are trying to make - it's not sustainable and we need something more permanent.

I am not sure that is their point, I may be wrong though (it happened once before; 1997 from memory).  I think the suggestion is that it is not sustainable with a very small team (really just Sue, Keith, Danial, Roger and John dealing with the route). 

The look to have created a good framework to now expand the teams and parcel up tasks for others to take on (either as third party sub-contractors or a volunteer role). 
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: tiermat on 05 August, 2013, 02:15:22 pm
Fair point, understood.

Maybe mis-reading on my part of your original post, I thought you were suggesting the same should be used to organise these events, hence the "not less work, but more"
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Morrisette on 05 August, 2013, 02:19:22 pm
I think someone from 'outside' of audax/YACF would be astonished that there are no paid staff involved in putting on an event the size of LEL. I don't mean paying volunteers, but the project management aspects of it are, as had been said, a full-time job. I think a paid PM or team who then delegated to people who volunteered would prevent the original organisers ending up with 2 jobs' worth of work. Ideally they would have taken part in LEL or volunteered this year so the knowledge acquired this year is not lost. As someone following this purely online and having no involvement otherwise I am amazed that there is no paid PM team!

The other thing is advertising for volunteers in the cycling press. I read various cycling magazines, but didn't see anything about LEL in any of them aside from Arrive (obviously) and an article in the CTC mag which didn't mention volunteering AFAIK. Maybe look at how the Olympic 'game makers' were recruited? - this type of thing is something a paid team would have time/resources to do.

As I say I had no involvement this year, but maybe an outsiders perspective could be helpful?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 05 August, 2013, 02:24:16 pm
Looking at other posts on here, we're basically sticking to the old model of relying on goodwill and volunteers. That, I feel, is the point that Danial and Fidgetbuzz are trying to make - it's not sustainable and we need something more permanent.

I am not sure that is their point, I may be wrong though (it happened once before; 1997 from memory).  I think the suggestion is that it is not sustainable with a very small team (really just Sue, Keith, Danial, Roger and John dealing with the route). 

The look to have created a good framework to now expand the teams and parcel up tasks for others to take on (either as third party sub-contractors or a volunteer role).

Maybe I've got it wrong but a small(ish) team of people who are in charge and can co-ordinate things seems to be the most logical way of running the event. Somebody has to be in charge, even if other bits of the operation can be diverted to sub-teams of volunteers. What isn't sustainable is relying on volunteers for the core team, it's simply too much to ask.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Pippa on 05 August, 2013, 02:28:04 pm
A couple of posts have mentioned a paid for full-time team/PM - is there any sort of budget for this anywhere?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 02:30:02 pm
[Purely FYI:]
We had a couple of ex-Olympics staff at Pock. They had no previous experience of bike events. Plus one lady who'd worked on Pro Races who had never heard of Audax.

An unpaid management team is not unique to Audax - I think many 'medium' sized running events (including the 100km+ stuff) do the same (local marathon to me does - I've met the Race Director).

There must be a 'critical mass' at which it becomes too big. If Danial says it was like a 2nd full-time job then clearly we have nearly reached that limit, unless we can reduce the workload for the core team. Personally I think we would lose a little part of LEL's soul if it was run by professionals. For me this is another reason not to grow things, at least not yet.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 05 August, 2013, 02:30:24 pm
One thing that does need separating out is publicity/press liaison - not having a go at Danial in anyway, but that is in itself a big task and it would be great to engage the local communities better next time.  People were genuinely interested when you explained it to them - and many were happy to sit out front of their house and cheer people on.   People just didn't know it was coming through, even in control towns.  Every pub/cafe on the route could be informed somehow - it was nice to see a board out front a couple of them and some of them must have done some good trade (taking a little pressure off controls as well). 

It made a massive difference to riders to get a bit of encouragement, and more of that sort of thing would be brilliant.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 05 August, 2013, 02:34:19 pm
A couple of posts have mentioned a paid for full-time team/PM - is there any sort of budget for this anywhere?

Even one person paid for 2.5 years at £20k p.a. = £50k

That's £50+ on the entry fee for 1000 riders.

Or £2.50 on the annual AUK subs for 4 years for 5000 members.

I just don't think paying for a full time role is workable at all.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 02:37:44 pm
It made a massive difference to riders to get a bit of encouragement, and more of that sort of thing would be brilliant.
There's no doubt this is a key part of PBP's appeal (unless you are riding 2 hours out of time and then everyone f**ks off to bed at 1am on a lonely final night ... /whinge)

I just wonder if we had the rider flow for this to gain any momentum. Folks could be standing in the rain for hours only to see 3-4 riders. I really don't know.  :-\
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mcshroom on 05 August, 2013, 02:38:13 pm
A couple of posts have mentioned a paid for full-time team/PM - is there any sort of budget for this anywhere?

Even one person paid for 2.5 years at £20k p.a. = £50k

That's £50+ on the entry fee for 1000 riders.

Or £2.50 on the annual AUK subs for 4 years for 5000 members.

I just don't think paying for a full time role is workable at all.
Don't forget that with the required employer contributions on top of the headline salary you could probably double that, so £100+ on the entry fee.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 05 August, 2013, 02:41:57 pm
It made a massive difference to riders to get a bit of encouragement, and more of that sort of thing would be brilliant.
There's no doubt this is a key part of PBP's appeal (unless you are riding 2 hours out of time and then everyone f**ks off to bed at 1am on a lonely final night ... /whinge)

I just wonder if we had the rider flow for this to gain any momentum. Folks could be standing in the rain for hours only to see 3-4 riders. I really don't know.  :-\

I agree - and it's going to be limited, but every little helps and having someone who is solely responsible for getting the message into the Pocklington Post would help with this.  It all adds to the rider experiences and the general awareness of long-distance cycling, along with potentially helping some local businesses increase their turnover for a couple of days.

It's especially relevant in control towns where the rider flow will be there.

Again - not having a go at Danial in any way at all - but having to handle the press etc. as well as everything else means that the task could certainly be given more attention if someone else looked after it.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 05 August, 2013, 02:45:57 pm
A couple of posts have mentioned a paid for full-time team/PM - is there any sort of budget for this anywhere?

Even one person paid for 2.5 years at £20k p.a. = £50k

That's £50+ on the entry fee for 1000 riders.

Or £2.50 on the annual AUK subs for 4 years for 5000 members.

I just don't think paying for a full time role is workable at all.

Yes, the money has to come from somewhere and I don't expect AUK to have a magic pot of it. However, £50 on the entry fee (+ £2.50 on subs) seems a reasonable increase, for the potential benefit. Bear in mind that I'm not talking about hiring people for the sole purpose of running LEL - they'd be expected to organise a series of smaller events (National 200/400/600?) as complementary/fundraising events in non LEL years. I agree that this isn't just something that can be accomplished with an airy wave of the hand but it can be done (small charity/voluntary groups run like this all the time) and would get away from the goodwill/volunteer model.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: L CC on 05 August, 2013, 02:53:40 pm
A couple of posts have mentioned a paid for full-time team/PM - is there any sort of budget for this anywhere?

Even one person paid for 2.5 years at £20k p.a. = £50k

That's £50+ on the entry fee for 1000 riders.

Or £2.50 on the annual AUK subs for 4 years for 5000 members.

I just don't think paying for a full time role is workable at all.
AUK might be a volunteer run organisation but it's not poor, not by a long stretch. We have massive surpluses sitting in the bank doing, ISTM, fuck all.
This is EXACTLY the kind of thing that the surplus should be doing. Our subs already generate this level of excess.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Euan Uzami on 05 August, 2013, 03:02:05 pm
Yes, the money has to come from somewhere and I don't expect AUK to have a magic pot of it.
;D It has, though...
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 05 August, 2013, 03:05:41 pm
AUK might be a volunteer run organisation but it's not poor, not by a long stretch. We have massive surpluses sitting in the bank doing, ISTM, fuck all.
This is EXACTLY the kind of thing that the surplus should be doing. Our subs already generate this level of excess.

The existing surplus is mostly earmarked for the Strategic Plan ( (i.e. promoting long distance cycling) for all Audax UK members, and promoting it to target new members.

I think that's a better thing to use it for than to help subsidise an event that is only once every 4 years and gets only a small percentage (under 10%) of current Audax UK members riding it.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 05 August, 2013, 03:06:48 pm
Yes, the money has to come from somewhere and I don't expect AUK to have a magic pot of it.
;D It has, though...
Well, in that case...
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Veloman on 05 August, 2013, 03:11:03 pm
Firstly, brilliant job done by the organising team and volunteers as positive comments are overwhelming.

Much comment on PR/media involvement.  Am I correct in thinking this remains a vacancy within the AUK organisation?  Perhaps if that role had been filled the incumbent could have taken the workload on.

BC and CTC employ staff for specific roles and it works well.  Much of the other work is done by volunteers within these organisations.  For AUK, with a very small membership in relative terms, the use of paid staff is more challenging when so many offer their time for free.  Perhaps using some of the funds that AUK have at their disposal is worth investigating further to help the organising folk.  No doubt there will be calls to protect the reserves.

I believe that LEL was validated by AUK but was not an AUK event as such.  Is any event an AUK event, or are they a validating and regulatory organisation?  Perhaps this relationship and extent of help available requires exploring further.

While great praise should be directed to the organisers and volunteers, should the same be directed toward AUK?  I'm sure overseas riders are singing the praises of AUK after a highly successful LEL.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 03:17:27 pm
There was a lot of debate 2010-ish about whether AUK should contribute. You can see the argument - what simpler way to promote long-distance cycling than to fund our longest event!

But in the end we have run a succesful event without subsidy. So I can't see a strong argument to take money from AUK in 2013. There is a stronger argument for spending money on other UK events, and the promotion thereof.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: bogomips on 05 August, 2013, 03:21:43 pm
[Purely FYI:]
We had a couple of ex-Olympics staff at Pock. They had no previous experience of bike events. Plus one lady who'd worked on Pro Races who had never heard of Audax.

An unpaid management team is not unique to Audax - I think many 'medium' sized running events (including the 100km+ stuff) do the same (local marathon to me does - I've met the Race Director).

There must be a 'critical mass' at which it becomes too big. If Danial says it was like a 2nd full-time job then clearly we have nearly reached that limit, unless we can reduce the workload for the core team. Personally I think we would lose a little part of LEL's soul if it was run by professionals. For me this is another reason not to grow things, at least not yet.

Are you implying that only a volunteer with experience of cycling and cycling events can be productive as a volunteer on LEL?

I was at Pocklington (with this volunteer) and their work ethic and overall effort could not be faltered.

From my project management experience you don’t need more work to bring LEL 2017 together you need better ways of working.

For example:

1. Barring for location each control is basically identical, list what works, how and why and replicate that to all controls with a central volunteer being responsible.

2. All rider information to be centralised and a regular email newsletter to be sent to everyone involved informing them of new and updated information.

3. Train all control volunteers on all tasks and rotate them according to rider throughput.

Etc etc…

Basically you need to identify the processes involved, the resources available and then find the most efficient way of planning and preparing the event. There is a wealth of knowledge available from previous editions and this will form the basis for delivering LEL 2017.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 05 August, 2013, 03:24:14 pm
It seems (to me) that a lot of workload for Danial, Sue, Keith was just dealing with the riders - I would like to see that off-loaded from those really running the show as I would guess that 95% of queries can be answered by someone with a reasonable understanding of the system (75% can be answered with 'read the website and/or riders email of XXth of July').

No, not at all. Here were the huge jobs:

- school visits - 8 hours travel to Edinburgh x 4 (for example, multiply by 13)
- route checking. I did several days worth of route checking
- website. A monster of a job. I wrote the words, collated the images, briefed and worked with the designer for the design elements, placed all the words into the frames, organised the translations, the checking of the translations, managed the entry system and rider tracking, and the post-entry site refresh (plus translations)
- social media
- rider mailings, 2 hours a week, plus an hour to send them out.
- procurement - hours of trawling around looking for beds, blankets etc, plus three full days for food for two controls
- controls - I ended up organising the food and catering for two controls
- logistics - this took about 35 hours to work out
- entry management - 17 hour-days for two weeks in January
- controller meetings - four of these, all day Saturday and two days each to prepare
- PBP preparation
- volunteers - building the volunteer database

This is off the top of my head - there's much more.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 03:27:56 pm
Are you implying that only a volunteer with experience of cycling and cycling events can be productive as a volunteer on LEL?

I was at Pocklington (with this volunteer) and their work ethic and overall effort could not be faltered.

Certainly not! I was addressing the point about LEL's volunteer recruitment strategy - which clearly succeeded in getting people from outside Audax. The mixture of experience and skills was a big plus.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: matthew on 05 August, 2013, 03:38:53 pm
If AUK was to take on a paid organiser then it would have to be for more than LEL, but it would also have to be for flagship events.

Maybe the role could involve the National 400 each year, LEL one year in four and with suitable agreement from the people that developed the concepts the Milli Cumru and Milli Alba on the years that don't have PBP.

For the AUK role of promoting long distance cycling then havin a well publicised series of long multiday challenge rides as annual targets and promoting 200, 300, 400 and potentially 600km events as good preparation for undertaking these rides may be a sucessful technique.
From my project management experience you don’t need more work to bring LEL 2017 together you need better ways of working.

For example:

1. Barring for location each control is basically identical, list what works, how and why and replicate that to all controls with a central volunteer being responsible.

not entirely true, yes catering, cleaning, regestration will be simmilar but each control will experience a very different pattern of work load. e.g
Loughton Busy Friday, Saturday and Sunday Morning - relax on Monday and prepare for returning riders, Tuesday first few finish, Wednesday the quicker riders arrive and then Thursday and overnight to Friday the bulk of teh rider come in, some in need of lots of TLC.
MR get ready Saturday, Sunday see all riders and some later riders stop to sleep, Monday clear the decks and then Tuesday start to see returning riders all the way through to some who sleep there Wednesday Night.
Brampton Get ready Sunday and see some riders north bound in the small hours of Monday, Most riders seen during Monday north bound with the first south bound riders Monday afternoon, see most of the 100 riders southbound during Tuesday with the tail of the riders sleeping at Brampton through to Wednesday Morning.

At Loughton we barely had any shift / rota system for the registration / start it was all hands on deck for the day followed by the same the next day.
At other controls the volunteers needed shifts to cover riders arriving for 36+ hours. Anywhere north of Thirsk was open for south bound riders before it closed for north bound and the controllers don't get chance to catch their breath, clear up and recuperate.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Keeff on 05 August, 2013, 03:40:57 pm
One thing our experience tells us is that 90+% of the offers of help never materialise as anything helpful.

If you do offer help to the 2017 team, please make sure that it amounts to more than empty promises. 
Though we have now left the LEL room, and are patiently waiting by the AUK exit door for the end of the season to arrive, we will be very interested to see how plans for the 2017 event pan out.

Keith and Sue

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 05 August, 2013, 03:44:02 pm
No, not at all. Here were the huge jobs:

I think that what people often don't realise is that, yes, you can devolve tasks to sub-groups but there still has to be a core group who direct things and sign things off. The website is a classic example. Even with a contractor to build it, the design has to be agreed, copy provided, draft versions proofed and idiot tested etc etc. That all takes time and has to be done by someone with authority to give the green light or demand changes.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 05 August, 2013, 03:48:23 pm
One thing our experience tells us is that 90+% of the offers of help never materialise as anything helpful.

This is so true. Another major time thief was chasing and chasing promises of work that never happened. I wasted, literally, years on some aspects of LEL with this.

Also, you haven't paid enough for the event. Much of the work was due to not paying others to do stuff. Expect a significant price rise next time, because I ain't doing a ton more free work to save you money.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 03:53:22 pm

From my project management experience you don’t need more work to bring LEL 2017 together you need better ways of working.

For example:

1. Barring for location each control is basically identical, list what works, how and why and replicate that to all controls with a central volunteer being responsible.

not entirely true, yes catering, cleaning, regestration will be simmilar but each control will experience a very different pattern of work load. e.g
Loughton Busy Friday, Saturday and Sunday Morning - relax on Monday and prepare for returning riders, Tuesday first few finish, Wednesday the quicker riders arrive and then Thursday and overnight to Friday the bulk of teh rider come in, some in need of lots of TLC.
Also many controls outsourced the catering (and much of the cleaning).
Layouts have an effect on staffing e.g. road crossings! Or 1 helper can do 2 light jobs if they are in the same place, but not 300m apart.
Not all controls have a huge overnight load - so night working may or may not be critical. Not everyone is upto night shifts.
Some helpers are natural introverts or extroverts - they will suit certain roles.
You want some techie people around the technology - you don't want them serving food.

Idealy you want a good "mix" of skills on each shift.

Many of these things aren't apparent until the day of the event. The volunteers available may not even be fixed until the last minute. A 1-off event with no rehearsals, staffed by volunteers with varied skill sets, is a unique challenge.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Glover Fan on 05 August, 2013, 04:00:19 pm
LEL and AUK are like two galaxies in space, both speeding away from each other at a rate of knots.

Neither offers anything much to each other. Fundamentally only a certain percentage of AUK members are interested in the flagship multi-day events. There has been discussion on the popularity of LEL 2017 and increased demand, if entrants had to complete an AUK SR beforehand it would not only increase the visibility of AUK to outsiders, it might generate some interest from AUK to support LEL. Whether that be in finances/man power etc etc.

I don't know the ins and outs of the politics of AUK/LEL to understand why this isn't already the case.

I'm interested, was there a requirement to be a paid member of AUK to participate in LEL? If not, roughly what percentage of entrants were members of AUK?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: CrinklyLion on 05 August, 2013, 04:01:39 pm
One thing our experience tells us is that 90+% of the offers of help never materialise as anything helpful.

If you do offer help to the 2017 team, please make sure that it amounts to more than empty promises.
Which is why, although a part of me would love to say "Yup, I'll run a kitchen for you somewhere in four year's time!", I won't.  Because I _know_ that is a commitment I can't fulfil because of personal circumstances.  But I'll happily offer now that, unless circumstances change in the intervening years to prevent it, I'll turn up and repeat more or less what I did this year, because that is attainable for me.
Though we have now left the LEL room, and are patiently waiting by the AUK exit door for the end of the season to arrive, we will be very interested to see how plans for the 2017 event pan out.

Keith and Sue
I for one would like to say that t'was an honour and a privilege to lend a hand on your Loughton team for some of this one.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: L CC on 05 August, 2013, 04:04:43 pm
One thing our experience tells us is that 90+% of the offers of help never materialise as anything helpful.
I think part of the issue with this is that people say "I can help with such and such" but what they really need is a specific task, with a specific timescale.
I offered to do something, and hadn't started it when I heard that someone else was doing it. If I had been told 'we need this done by 3rd Feb' I would have done it by 3rd Feb.

Next time a lot of stuff is already framed. You'll need people to slot into roles/tasks that already have a framework, a lot easier than making it up as you go along. It's clearer what works and what doesn't, what's worth putting effort into, and what's not.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 04:07:27 pm
LEL and AUK are like two galaxies in space, both speeding away from each other at a rate of knots.
I love a good astronomical analogy, but I may disagree with this one :)

Neither offers anything much to each other.
Maybe not contractually or officially, but there is such a huge overlap in the people involved that I would say this is untrue, in a practical sense.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Glover Fan on 05 August, 2013, 04:18:41 pm
I love a good astronomical analogy, but I may disagree with this one :)
So if I was to suggest, that if the only sustainable way of keeping the current LEL structure going forward was like a galaxy being sucked into black hole akin to commercial Sportives, you'd still disagree? :P
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 05 August, 2013, 04:23:03 pm
I'm not entirely sure what that means, but it doesn't sound good  :P
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 05 August, 2013, 04:31:57 pm
One thing that does need separating out is publicity/press liaison - not having a go at Danial in anyway, but that is in itself a big task and it would be great to engage the local communities better next time.  People were genuinely interested when you explained it to them - and many were happy to sit out front of their house and cheer people on.   People just didn't know it was coming through, even in control towns.  Every pub/cafe on the route could be informed somehow - it was nice to see a board out front a couple of them and some of them must have done some good trade (taking a little pressure off controls as well). 

This was delegated to controllers, and some had more time to do it than others.

We also had two offers from volunteers to do the work on behalf of controls. Neither materialised in the end.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: ian_oli on 05 August, 2013, 04:56:58 pm
It sounds like large slabs of the core team job are tasks like negotiate with schools, get caterers, get publicity, run a website etc. that need no knowledge of Audax. Most of this happens below the radar of riders.  LEL is on a completely different scale from anything else AUK does and so getting someone permanent in to run LEL and then run small events does not make a lot of sense. Surely, if the LEL committee comes up with a good specification, most of that work can be outsourced to an event specialist, while of course at the controls the work will be performed by volunteers, so the ethos will still be "amateur" in a good sense.

I know the British Heart Foundation used to outsource London-Brighton for instance (a company in Bath IIRC) and noone thought it WASN'T  BHF as they built up LB, which I believe they now run in-house.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: frankly frankie on 05 August, 2013, 05:06:42 pm
Volunteers - can (and in the end usually do) always just walk away.
Then I find myself at the same time appreciative and critical of them.

I'm not sure that having a PM on minimum wage would really change this much

LEL and AUK are like two galaxies in space, both speeding away from each other at a rate of knots.
I love a good astronomical analogy, but I may disagree with this one :)

It seems like a good point to me.  For all the talk of a Strategic Plan, I don't notice much action on this front and AUK is stuck in its low-profile, keep-our-heads-down, 'self-sufficiency', change-things-once-per-year-or-not-at-all, rut.  Most of what is being mooted for 'a better LEL' is the polar opposite of all that.   To use a mere planetary metaphor.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 05 August, 2013, 05:16:48 pm
One thing our experience tells us is that 90+% of the offers of help never materialise as anything helpful.
I think part of the issue with this is that people say "I can help with such and such" but what they really need is a specific task, with a specific timescale.
I offered to do something, and hadn't started it when I heard that someone else was doing it. If I had been told 'we need this done by 3rd Feb' I would have done it by 3rd Feb.

Next time a lot of stuff is already framed. You'll need people to slot into roles/tasks that already have a framework, a lot easier than making it up as you go along. It's clearer what works and what doesn't, what's worth putting effort into, and what's not.

I think fboab is right. I'm not a fan of creating (or being given) narrow tasks in a normal working environment, much preferring delegation of responsibilities.  However for this sort of one-off volunteer organisation, creation of the hierarchy of groups and sub-groups, and listing the individual tasks certainly gives folks the opportunity to look at the list, decide that they can do this or that job, work as part of that team, prefer to go here rather than there, but don't mind what they do when they get there....

Might not have a queue of people volunteering as toilet cleaner at Pocklington, but you get the drift.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 05 August, 2013, 05:33:02 pm
For all the talk of a Strategic Plan, I don't notice much action on this front and AUK is stuck in its low-profile, keep-our-heads-down, 'self-sufficiency', change-things-once-per-year-or-not-at-all, rut.  Most of what is being mooted for 'a better LEL' is the polar opposite of all that.   To use a mere planetary metaphor.

That's because the strategic plan has no strategy. It's a business plan, and a business plan without a strategy is an empty wishlist.

Also, nobody's doing the work. I've offered to overhaul the outward-facing website, but I don't see anyone offering to do much else. It's been suggested that I extend the LEL controllers' meetings to AUK organisers, to try and encourage idea sharing andc collaborative working.

Are you seeing a theme here?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Pippa on 05 August, 2013, 06:59:51 pm
Changing direction slightly here (or maybe not) - how does PBP do it? All by volunteers? All done by ACP or whatever the French outfit is? I'm not saying LEL should copy that - I'm just curious.....
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: STMS on 05 August, 2013, 07:11:18 pm
Changing direction slightly here (or maybe not) - how does PBP do it? All by volunteers? All done by ACP or whatever the French outfit is? I'm not saying LEL should copy that - I'm just curious.....

The French love PBP and support accordingly; the Brits don't even know what LEL is!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Rainmaker on 05 August, 2013, 07:12:05 pm
Yet Another Strategy Document - AUK Mission and Governance - A personal View.

The Road Ahead

Shouldn't this be a new thread?    IMO it isn't strictly to do with LEL 2017.

But it is an excellent starting point for an important debate.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 05 August, 2013, 07:27:07 pm
Changing direction slightly here (or maybe not) - how does PBP do it? All by volunteers? All done by ACP or whatever the French outfit is? I'm not saying LEL should copy that - I'm just curious.....

The FFCT is the French CTC, they do most of the work on the ground,under the direction of Audax Club Parisien. It's a federation, so the clubs on the PBP route split up the tasks. The FFCT also organises the Semaine Federale, a national week. That moves around, and is the responsibility of COSIFIC, a committee that co-ordinates clubs in a certain region. Money comes from government at all levels. The work of COSIFIC is arduous but prestigious.

I've made a few films about Sem Fed over the years, prestige seems to be a big motivation.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 05 August, 2013, 07:45:58 pm
I made a longer 18 minute film about Semaine Federale, which outlined all the components. All are relevant to LEL, the mix of volunteer and paid workers is similar. I do think that a visit to see how it is done would be a good idea for prospective organisers.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: theirisheye on 05 August, 2013, 08:34:38 pm
One thing our experience tells us is that 90+% of the offers of help never materialise as anything helpful.

If you do offer help to the 2017 team, please make sure that it amounts to more than empty promises.
Which is why, although a part of me would love to say "Yup, I'll run a kitchen for you somewhere in four year's time!", I won't.  Because I _know_ that is a commitment I can't fulfil because of personal circumstances.  But I'll happily offer now that, unless circumstances change in the intervening years to prevent it, I'll turn up and repeat more or less what I did this year, because that is attainable for me.
Though we have now left the LEL room, and are patiently waiting by the AUK exit door for the end of the season to arrive, we will be very interested to see how plans for the 2017 event pan out.

Keith and Sue
I for one would like to say that t'was an honour and a privilege to lend a hand on your Loughton team for some of this one.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Euan Uzami on 05 August, 2013, 08:39:42 pm

Is it just me or is asking for those involved at the centre of this to do it all again in 2017 a step too far, perhaps overall responsibility for one LEL is enough to ask of any individual(s).

I think it is as well it's not just you, if you want my possibly controversial opinion then I'd go one further and say it's out of order for auk to even expect/let them do it even once.
The organisers have effectively, well no, literally in fact - been running a whole other company at the same time as their day jobs. If they had done this on a commercial basis instead of letting auk take the credit for it they could have made a *boatload* of cash. And yes they used volunteers but I don't think auk has a monopoly on volunteerism and neither do I think most of it would be conditional on the organisers taking a cut or it being associated with auk - I don't think anyone would begrudge them it.
When you think of what they could have made privately this is money auk has saved yet still reaped the benefit of by having its name on the event.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 05 August, 2013, 11:34:31 pm
You say that it is well understood and documented.

One document it would expect to see is a project plan that shows how to deliver LEL 2017. I would expect to see estimated start and end dates of activities, estimated hours of each role involved in each activity, and dependencies between activities.  I would expect there to be a high level project plan, and then detailed plans for each stage. I expect major milestones to be on the plan. I'd expect a communications plan.  I'd expect tasks and activities to be delegated and only get involved by exception.

Once the high level 2-3 year plan (or however long it is thought it needs to be) for LEL 2017 is prepared I would then call for volunteers to help deliver that plan. I would talk through the plan to people who turn up and give a clear expectations of potential hours and when and where they need to be carried out.

Communication plan.

Do not reply directly to every question. Consolidate questions and have an easy way to add to q&a section of website.  Subscriber email can simply go out explaining the Q&A has been updated based on questions in last week, fortnight, month why not take a look. Add a pinned post to Facebook pointing to website Q&A.  Delegate Facebook amongst as many as are willing. Try and get at least 7 to monitor and have them monitor just one day a week, and just the past 24 hours. You could agree a hash tag like #question for both Facebook and Twitter. You can then use the search Apis of both to quickly find any questions and consolidate answers as above.

Rider mailings and mail merge. Don't do the mail merge on your own mac or PC. Create a requirement to do this via the website, and let the server handle the workload. Your time is then reduced to typing in the letter , clicking submit on the web form, and letting the server send the mailing out and it can email you when it finishes the task. So you know it is done.

Route checking.

How was this done? Did you try and work a route out first and then choose controls or did you choose controls first and then work out route options between them?

Many of us live on or near the LEL 2013 route. The 50k point of this years route is within 30k of my house . If you said, right we need someone who can come up with route options between Loughton and St Ives; I could have done a lot of that without travelling far from home at all. Get volunteers living near each proposed segment and you'd soon get route options and based on local knowledge. So delegate the local route bits out once you have a high level plan for the segments, use that local knowledge to speed up route choice and selection.


There's a lot of website and tech knowledge around. Some of us work professionally in IT, just like Roger is an ex accountant helping with finance. Recruit for specific IT people in the central team, be clear in requirements, discuss ideas, and let them get on with it, according to the LEL 2017 project plan. If Greenbank was willing I'm sure there could be some world class aggregate rider tracking in place as well as what we had this year.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mcshroom on 05 August, 2013, 11:36:22 pm
WRT Route checking I think that requests to ride the proposed route were made over a year ago but I'm not sure how many actually did so.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Peter on 06 August, 2013, 12:52:55 am
Danial did a lot himself and I know Don did it (the whole route the week before).  I think Pat Hurt may have done it, too.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 06 August, 2013, 07:10:05 am
Don did the first route draft, riding the route in two stages (twice, I think) in 2010. I checked London to Edinburgh for an article in Arrivée. After that various people checked sections as part of DIYs, up to 400km at a time. In 2011 I checked Edinburgh to Eskdalemuir, and Pocklington to London.

John H rode the entire route in 2013, and may have ridden much of it in 2012 too. Don and Pat did a final route check as a helpers' ride just before the event.

So basically it was Don and John. My contribution was minimal but riding most of the route did mean I knew what they were talking about when making route choices.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: phil d on 06 August, 2013, 08:04:16 am
LEL 2013 represented a sea-change over earlier versions.  But if the format is held broadly constant for 2017 much of the work done for 2013 can be re-used.  The identification of the controls, creation of the website, creation of the rider entry/tracking, even the route are broadly done, and just need tweeking.

Danial, and Keith and Sue, have done a fantastic job in setting up the event; much of the work should not need repeating.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 06 August, 2013, 08:25:56 am
Also, you haven't paid enough for the event. Much of the work was due to not paying others to do stuff. Expect a significant price rise next time, because I ain't doing a ton more free work to save you money.

I would 100% agree with this, and it'd be fair and correct to adjust pricing next time. I got to the end thinking "how the heck did they manage all that for £219?". Would be totally right to make the pricing fit the value provided to us as riders.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 06 August, 2013, 08:44:35 am
There's a clear need to spend more money on people working during the event. More cleaners and cooks would make a big difference. We also need to buy more food, although we were closer to getting it right than some people might (rightly) think.

The website could have done with a bit more time (which is money) being spent on it. Yours truly spent a lot of time doing the grunt work in building that.

Finally, I'm not convinced moto riders are right for LEL. Or at least not for all of LEL. I suspect that more support cars, that can carry a bike, would work better.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 06 August, 2013, 09:26:52 am
WRT Route checking I think that requests to ride the proposed route were made over a year ago but I'm not sure how many actually did so.
I rode Hull to London in April 2012 and April 2013. Th routesheet for the first time was a shambles, particularly around Spalding and I wrote about it in Arrivee. The routesheet for the second time was a vast improvement.

And if you made suggestions for improving the route your name went ino a hat and the one pulled out had free entry. Which was nice. No, I didn't get it.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 06 August, 2013, 09:38:16 am
WRT Route checking I think that requests to ride the proposed route were made over a year ago but I'm not sure how many actually did so.
I rode Hull to London in April 2012 and April 2013. Th routesheet for the first time was a shambles, particularly around Spalding and I wrote about it in Arrivee. The routesheet for the second time was a vast improvement.

And if you made suggestions for improving the route your name went ino a hat and the one pulled out had free entry. Which was nice. No, I didn't get it.

Steve Poulton won, then wastefully hit a badger south of Market Rasen and broke his collarbone.

(Get well soon, Steve)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: cornelius on 06 August, 2013, 10:59:25 am
No criticism of LEL 2013 is intended here - it was what it was intended to be and enormous respect and heartfelt gratitude go to all who achieved their dreams both on and off the bike.

If we are looking to ease the workload of those are to organise and deliver LEL 2017 should we be revisiting the fundamentals of our sport? Audax (Allure Libre style) has been characterised as audacious, daring (even foolhardy!) with a distinct emphasis on self-reliance. Some of the motivation in staging large multi-day events (such as PBP and LEL) has been to provide a showcase and yet they have become decidedly untypical of the general run of randonneuring events. The events which take place throughout the year are not exactly 'hair-shirt' in their philosophy but have no pretensions to offer the degree of support and creature comforts extended to our participants last week.

It is laudable for us to attempt to provide accessible, all-embracing and rider-friendly structures at a reasonable and all-inclusive entry fee but along the way have we perhaps made a rod for our own backs and we might also have taken away some opportunities for audaciousness?   
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Peter on 06 August, 2013, 11:03:03 am
That is a very interesting point, Cornelius!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jogler on 06 August, 2013, 11:06:34 am

Re: Things you would change for next time?

« Reply #55 on: Today at 10:47:07 AM »


I would dispense with drop bags & moto support.
IMO these services contradict the fundamental ethos of audacious self supporting long distance cycling.
I would also make it clear that no spanner wrenching would be available at controls.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 06 August, 2013, 11:12:59 am
I think before you ban those you ban riders’ own support vehicles.

And then need a lot (how many?) more volunteers because the support crews often got stuck in as well.

At least one team did get support from their crew at the roadside multiple times on the event and didn’t carry much on the bikes. That is very much against the spirit of Audax.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: tom_e on 06 August, 2013, 11:18:08 am
And elsewhere, someone was noting they will be following LEL with a 6-day ride commercial ride with TLC.  This is presumably supported by a commercial organisation, people who can commit their time because you are paying for their time.  Whilst it is great to thank the organisers and volunteers for LEL, it does make you think hard as to what exactly we are aiming for.  Is the answer something more compelling and focussed than "cheaper" by dint of volunteers?  I like to think it is.  Or are we just in a big [meta-]club and helping each other for exactly that purpose combined with a bit of community spirit?  Not ridiculous either.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Jaded on 06 August, 2013, 11:22:18 am
LEL 2013 represented a sea-change over earlier versions.  But if the format is held broadly constant for 2017 much of the work done for 2013 can be re-used.  The identification of the controls, creation of the website, creation of the rider entry/tracking, even the route are broadly done, and just need tweeking.

Danial, and Keith and Sue, have done a fantastic job in setting up the event; much of the work should not need repeating.

This must sure be the key for 2017

The knowledge is there now for what took time, what went wrong, which controls were pressurised (and how) etc. Instead of having a new team to build a new wheel, engage new people to file the rough bits off the existing wheel.

If getting controls agreed took time - delegate it - may be set up Control Organiser far earlier to cover all aspects of the Control, not just running it
If the internet/comms took up loads of time - streamline it. No rider is going to say "the ride isn't on Facebook, I'm not going to do it", and if they do, there are plenty of other riders. Centralise the source of information flow and say "that's where the info is, folks"
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 06 August, 2013, 02:05:15 pm
We started way back in 2010 with NO inherited knowledge - and a general perception - that it MUST be possible to do 2013 better than 2009. Obvious changes needed were Route and Control physical sizes, if as we estimated numbers were going to increase to 750.

Now if you look forward there is a enormous inherited knowledge base - whether it is used by some / all of the 2013 team - or made readily available to a new team - in one sense matters not -- the info is there for use.

With our knowledge comes MY  perception that it is impossible to run a LEL with more than 1000 starters - the controls just could not physically handle 1500 riders, and I think that bigger ones in the right places are not available.

We MIGHT be able to handle 1500 riders in catering terms - if we changed to using professional caterers everywhere and using volunteers for all other duties - BUT we would still have a physical size of control problem - especially on the controls that are going to be heavily used for sleeping.

We are also likely to pass not only a cash surplus over to 2017 but also some other assets that will be completely expensed against this year - ie all those beds and maybe the blankets which if washed and stored could be available. That would be a £10000 boost to 2017 not available to 2013.

2017 also gains entry system , rider tracking all of which we have purchased in full - Ok they will want up dating, tweaking ,improving but the base is there- and again at no cost to 2017.

Just writing this makes me realise how lucky the 2017 team is going to be !!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 06 August, 2013, 02:37:17 pm
We started way back in 2010 with NO inherited knowledge - and a general perception - that it MUST be possible to do 2013 better than 2009. Obvious changes needed were Route and Control physical sizes, if as we estimated numbers were going to increase to 750.

Now if you look forward there is a enormous inherited knowledge base - whether it is used by some / all of the 2013 team - or made readily available to a new team - in one sense matters not -- the info is there for use.

Obviously we had quite a bit of inherited knowledge in our household. I'd ridden it three times, making films of it all three times. Heather had run a control three times, and still has the receipts from 2009. It was a pleasure to see Sonya at Edinburgh, she's been a constant fixture since 1989. It was also a pleasure to see returning riders, such as Richard Leon, whose accounts are always a pleasure to read.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 06 August, 2013, 02:50:42 pm
They totally nailed it at Edinburgh.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 06 August, 2013, 05:09:51 pm
My comment was really just thinking central team -  even there both Danial and Sue/Keith had been controllers - so there was control knowledge - but I think they would tell you that central is so different from control - that what they brought with them was useful - but nothing like the base that we are going to be able to hand on.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 06 August, 2013, 05:38:31 pm
We started way back in 2010 with NO inherited knowledge - and a general perception - that it MUST be possible to do 2013 better than 2009. Obvious changes needed were Route and Control physical sizes, if as we estimated numbers were going to increase to 750.

Now if you look forward there is a enormous inherited knowledge base - whether it is used by some / all of the 2013 team - or made readily available to a new team - in one sense matters not -- the info is there for use.

With our knowledge comes MY  perception that it is impossible to run a LEL with more than 1000 starters - the controls just could not physically handle 1500 riders, and I think that bigger ones in the right places are not available.

We MIGHT be able to handle 1500 riders in catering terms - if we changed to using professional caterers everywhere and using volunteers for all other duties - BUT we would still have a physical size of control problem - especially on the controls that are going to be heavily used for sleeping.

We are also likely to pass not only a cash surplus over to 2017 but also some other assets that will be completely expensed against this year - ie all those beds and maybe the blankets which if washed and stored could be available. That would be a £10000 boost to 2017 not available to 2013.

2017 also gains entry system , rider tracking all of which we have purchased in full - Ok they will want up dating, tweaking ,improving but the base is there- and again at no cost to 2017.

Just writing this makes me realise how lucky the 2017 team is going to be !!

Don't get me wrong, this is in no way a criticism, but could not the 2013 controls (if still available of course) physically accomodate a greater number of riders in 2017 if the start times were spread out more ?   Of course that also needs more volunteers at each one, I'd certainly not be the one asking them to work 24 hour shifts instead of 20 hour or whatever it was some of them did.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 06 August, 2013, 05:55:18 pm
There is a limit to how far it is reasonable to spread out the start. In 2009 there were two start windows, a morning one around 8am and afternoon 2pm onwards. Each was subdivided into 15-minute intervals. I had a 2.15pm start and I think it was a significant disadvantage to have such a late start time. I arrived at the 200km control just before midnight and slept (well, lay in a bed) there.

An evening start would perhaps work better for this since then virtually no-one would be fast enough to sleep during the first night.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 06 August, 2013, 05:56:10 pm
Don't get me wrong, this is in no way a criticism, but could not the 2013 controls (if still available of course) physically accomodate a greater number of riders in 2017 if the start times were spread out more ?   Of course that also needs more volunteers at each one, I'd certainly not be the one asking them to work 24 hour shifts instead of 20 hour or whatever it was some of them did.

I was thinking that myself today. We could send people out over 15 hours, feasibly. Some people might welcome a late start and the chance of an afternoon finish back in Loughton.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mcshroom on 06 August, 2013, 06:00:55 pm
Would it be worth splitting the riders up into expected finishing time groups? I know that wouldn't be perfect but it may help smooth the peaks out for the controls
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 06 August, 2013, 06:01:58 pm
The very time limit of LEL being a little under 5 days means that if you set off at between 6am and 11am, then it is likely the more full-value riders will be riding deep into the final night or straight through.

That's quite a big ask for anyone after 4 days on the road.

An evening start could be more attractive to many?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 06 August, 2013, 06:05:59 pm
In 2005, there were 2 start locations chasing each other round the course, a similar effect to a wide variation in start times.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 06 August, 2013, 06:10:23 pm
How was the central team for LEL 2013 recruited? If planning for LEL 2017 is going to start in 2014, does a recruitment campaign need to start soon, maybe autumn Arrivee to start?  If you're going to recruit, what are you going to recruit people to the central team to do, what will their time look like over the next 3 years? Personally this sounds quite interesting, but I have no experience of running a control, and like you Danial, I wouldn't want to be crushed by the workload.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 06 August, 2013, 06:11:26 pm
Loved the 2pm start in 2009 (arrived with Simon at the 200k stop - where I slept like a baby, despite no proper beds). Finishing at 10am was fine; the final spurt from Gamlingay was almost the nicest bit of the ride.

Didn't really like the PBP evening starts, but they were OK.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chris S on 06 August, 2013, 06:25:16 pm
In 2005, there were 2 start locations chasing each other round the course, a similar effect to a wide variation in start times.

Yes. I suggested to fboab that perhaps simultaneous Edinburgh and London starts might be rather more inclusive for our friends en Ecosse.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mcshroom on 06 August, 2013, 06:27:13 pm
It would be good for English northerners too :)

I'd imagine it would make registration a more complicated problem though.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 06 August, 2013, 06:31:07 pm
An Edinburgh start would make it a very different ride. Battle headwind for 3 days, out of time at Loughton, pack.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: phil d on 06 August, 2013, 06:53:57 pm
Don't get me wrong, this is in no way a criticism, but could not the 2013 controls (if still available of course) physically accomodate a greater number of riders in 2017 if the start times were spread out more ?   Of course that also needs more volunteers at each one, I'd certainly not be the one asking them to work 24 hour shifts instead of 20 hour or whatever it was some of them did.

I don't think it could be done without spreading the start out more.  The limiting factor at Barnard Castle was not the catering but the sleeping space.  I could have taken a few more, but only say 20 - 30.  Since about 1/4 of the riders stayed with us southbound (hardly any northbound) that would equate to only 80 to 120 additional starters.

Spreading the start times could work, but it would have the knock on effect of increasing the overlap between northbound and southbound, which (on this year's experience) would create problems for Brampton in particular, and possibly BC as well.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 06 August, 2013, 06:56:12 pm
Paris Brest Paris copes by having chaos, I think.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 06 August, 2013, 07:02:01 pm
(Big reply lost, damn back button on the mouse and Firefox not caching TEXTAREA input on HTTPS pages)

Paris Brest Paris copes by having chaos, I think.

PBP also copes by having large Secondary Schools as controls. I can think of suitable controls (whether they're available is a whole other matter) to act as controls in the southern section (Combertion Village College for one, only a mile or so from the existing route and the sports hall could easily sleep 500+ riders) but nothing up North especially the section between Edinburgh and Langholm (and missing that section would be a travesty).

I guess PBP doesn't have to worry about reusing those controls every 4 years, there'd be outrage if a new headteacher didn't allow it to be used for PBP.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Peter on 06 August, 2013, 07:11:30 pm
I haven't given this the thought that the original poster requested, though I certainly hope to at some stage.  However, I've got a few thoughts now, for what they're worth:-

I was a helper who wants to be a rider BECAUSE of what I've experienced of this year's event.  I don't want it to be any BIGGER.  I don't want it to be more widely publicised.  I don't want to be clapped through village after village as if I was on some gigantic sportive.  I love the idea that it happens while most of the population is fast asleep or at least ignorant of what's going on - that's a big part of the charm of audax for me.  It's slightly crazy and doesn't need normalizing.

I DO WANT it to be as easy on the organizers as possible - and the way to do that would seem to be to tweak, rather than grow.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Pedal Castro on 06 August, 2013, 07:20:21 pm
I would echo Peter's comments exactly.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Euan Uzami on 06 August, 2013, 07:46:51 pm
Whether I'll try to enter it in 2017 I don't know but one thing that would definitely put me off is if I thought it might be compromised due to the large amount of riders or it was biting off more riders than it could chew. I got that impression a bit with this one if I'm honest.
Seen some comments on the route discussions along the lines of "well yes that is a nicer route but it would be irresponsible to route 1000 riders down there". Which is a big turn off really.
Don't get me wrong I like a lot of riders,I like the atmosphere of pbp, but only if it can handle them.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chris S on 06 August, 2013, 07:50:33 pm
Seen some comments on the route discussions along the lines of "well yes that is a nicer route but it would be irresponsible to route 1000 riders down there". Which is a big turn off really.

Really? I think that's an entirely responsible approach.

While it's not a mandatory route between controls, you can do whatever you like - if you don't like the suggested route, go a different way. We did. We even rode the Guided Busway from St Ives, which was one of those points where you probably shouldn't send 1000 riders.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 06 August, 2013, 08:00:36 pm
A second start in Edinburgh would be a bad move because both starts would arrive at the same sleep stops the first night. In 2005, the second (original!) start was in Thorne, heading North. The 'lumps' from each start tended to stay a day apart.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Euan Uzami on 06 August, 2013, 08:42:26 pm
Seen some comments on the route discussions along the lines of "well yes that is a nicer route but it would be irresponsible to route 1000 riders down there". Which is a big turn off really.

Really? I think that's an entirely responsible approach.

While it's not a mandatory route between controls, you can do whatever you like - if you don't like the suggested route, go a different way. We did. We even rode the Guided Busway from St Ives, which was one of those points where you probably shouldn't send 1000 riders.

I suppose it is responsible, yes. And yes, granted, you're free to choose your own route between controls, so it doesn't matter - as it stands. But it's when it starts getting into the realm of changing the actual control locations themselves because you need a bigger building, that it becomes a no-no for me.
For me - the destination should come first, then the route, then the intermediate stop-off points. In that order. When I'm designing my own routes, I decide where I want to go, then figure out a route, then choose stop-off points along that route.
There's a little bit of give and take, so I might detour a little bit if there's a particularly good cafe, but not much.

Same for LEL. Say - just hypothetically speaking, but if, for example, there was an absolutely *massive* school in, say, ipswich,  and it was going cheap, and if they included it they could open LEL up to 1,500 riders. Great. But that means I'm hacking along through miles and miles of unnecessary fen just so the event could expand.
I'm not saying they would do that, but just cautioning against it.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Tynan on 06 August, 2013, 08:49:02 pm
As a tail end starter we got used to cold water in the showers and a much reduced menu at some/most controls

But it's not just about what the riders want
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: toontra on 06 August, 2013, 09:00:00 pm
But it's when it starts getting into the realm of changing the actual control locations themselves because you need a bigger building, that it becomes a no-no for me.

Surely that has happened on each of the last LEL's - 2013 controls bigger than 2009, which in turn were bigger than 2005, etc.  Presumably that's also part of the reason for the route changes each time.

I like the idea of tweaking the route/controls each time.  Even the old hands will have new roads to look forward to.  Whether that's out of necessity to find larger controls to accommodate a larger field is another question.  Personally I think 1,000-1,2000 feels about right.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Euan Uzami on 06 August, 2013, 09:44:10 pm
...I like the idea of tweaking the route/controls each time....
if it can be done without compromising the route, fine.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: MrsMothy on 06 August, 2013, 10:58:37 pm
Back to an earlier bit of this thread... the event would have been easier for the volunteer team if there had been a hell of a lot more volunteers which in turn would have made it pleasanter for the riders. In my book, there is a simple way to increase volunteers. Before I run for cover, could I make the suggestion that, based on a slightly raised entry fee above the normal inflationary figure, all riders who supply a volunteer, be it mother, father, spouse, partner, etc, etc, etc, who actively participates at a control for the duration of that controls opening hours, should receive a reimbursment of part of of the entry fee after the event. If you do anything before, we'll get lots of folk saying they will volunteer but either dropping out at the last minute .... too many of those this time although many had realistic excuses.... or just not turning up at all. With a bigger volunteer base, then the work load pre event could also be divided up to a greater extent with less weighing heavily on the shoulders of Danial, Sue, Keith, Tony and Roger. Just an idea so please don't shoot me.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: MAC on 06 August, 2013, 11:24:47 pm
What about starting at Thirsk with half the field going clockwise north and half clockwise going south? Might need another control between Loughton and St Ives but Thirsk has good road connections and a frequent train service. Halves the number of riders at controls at any time. I grant you Thirsk- Edinburgh/London - Thirsk doesn't quite trip of the tongue like LEL but that can be worked on surely?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Jaded on 06 August, 2013, 11:29:01 pm
It could be called the "Slake your Thirsk" or summat  ;D
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Euan Uzami on 06 August, 2013, 11:31:51 pm
What about starting at Thirsk with half the field going clockwise north and half clockwise going south? Might need another control between Loughton and St Ives but Thirsk has good road connections and a frequent train service. Halves the number of riders at controls at any time. I grant you Thirsk- Edinburgh/London - Thirsk doesn't quite trip of the tongue like LEL but that can be worked on surely?

No it doesn't really... :-\. Maybe to spread the load even further, some riders could instead go to Watford instead of London, then Aberdeen instead of Edinburgh, then back to Thirsk?  :P :) I'd buy the jersey even if I didn't ride it. ;D
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: MAC on 06 August, 2013, 11:35:50 pm
What about starting at Thirsk with half the field going clockwise north and half clockwise going south? Might need another control between Loughton and St Ives but Thirsk has good road connections and a frequent train service. Halves the number of riders at controls at any time. I grant you Thirsk- Edinburgh/London - Thirsk doesn't quite trip of the tongue like LEL but that can be worked on surely?

No it doesn't really... :-\. Maybe to spread the load even further, some riders could instead go to Watford instead of London, then Aberdeen instead of Edinburgh, then back to Thirsk?  :P :) I'd buy the jersey even if I didn't ride it. ;D
It's an idea I didn't say it was a good one  ::-)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 06 August, 2013, 11:54:43 pm
I'd expect that the majority of foreigners would opt for a London start.

Many in the UK would opt for an alternative start (i.e. Thorne) as that's probably easier for them to get to than London. I'd probably even go for a Thorne/Thirsk start given the choice.

I wouldn't have a problem saying I rode LEL but starting/finishing in Thorne/Thirsk/etc. The only problem with that start is the huge amount of flat in the final 600 (if you begin by going North).
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 07 August, 2013, 12:03:58 am
Ah, someone who’s not ridden the 2013 route.  ;D
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 07 August, 2013, 12:06:56 am
Ah, someone who’s not ridden the 2013 route.  ;D

Indeed, but that makes it easier if the South 600km half wouldn't be 550km of flat, just 400km of flat. I doubt there'd be as many comments about the St Ives to Gt Easton leg from riders with only 200km in the legs by then.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 07 August, 2013, 12:15:07 am
I don’t think the section was all that hard - it was the heat that was the problem for me. Once the temperature dropped to manageable levels (30 deg C) it was good.

A start heading south from Thirsk would begin with a shock, for anyone expecting flat, though. :)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 07 August, 2013, 12:20:59 am
Depends on choice of A19 or Howardian Hills.

For Thorne I guess the closest thing in the 2013 version would be Pocklington.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Karla on 07 August, 2013, 12:24:55 am
Depends on choice of A19 or Howardian Hills.

For Thorne I guess the closest thing in the 2013 version would be Pocklington.

There are a few flatter ways through the Howardians that still don't involve the A19  :P
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 07 August, 2013, 01:19:22 am
I'd expect that the majority of foreigners would opt for a London start.

Many in the UK would opt for an alternative start (i.e. Thorne) as that's probably easier for them to get to than London. I'd probably even go for a Thorne/Thirsk start given the choice.

I wouldn't have a problem saying I rode LEL but starting/finishing in Thorne/Thirsk/etc. The only problem with that start is the huge amount of flat in the final 600 (if you begin by going North).

2001 was the first LEL that started in London at all. 2005 had a start in Thorne, and a start in London. In 2005 London got the Olympics, so there was a natural focus on London, which continued into 2013. Heather's mum lives in Thorne, so for me it's the perfect start and finish.
Clearly if starting in London has massive advantages in terms of promoting the event, then it's the obvious start. A review of the footage shows Teesdale, Yad Moss and the route between Innerleithen and Eskdalemuir as being the most valued.
My Blue Sky 1200 would be based at Castle Howard and follow a number of routes through Northern England and the Borders with varying amounts of climbing. A combination of the Three Coasts, Pendle 600 and the Ower the Edge.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 07 August, 2013, 05:07:42 am
The earlier events were known as Edinburgh-London. The LEL tag only came with the London start.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Salvatore on 07 August, 2013, 06:38:49 am
The earlier events were known as Edinburgh-London. The LEL tag only came with the London start.

Wrong. It's always been LEL.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 07 August, 2013, 08:36:18 am
The earlier events were known as Edinburgh-London. The LEL tag only came with the London start.

Wrong. It's always been LEL.
There are a lot of "EL" references hanging around, which perhaps have confused Dave.

This from 2009:

(IMO it's a much snappier title - just as I find "Paris-Brest" less of a mouthful than even "PBP". /digression ...)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: αdαmsκι on 07 August, 2013, 08:46:24 am
I did not volunteer in advance of LEL and therefore didn't need to receive communication about my duties etc. However, I am aware of volunteers who felt they had not been communicated with effectively prior to the event and were very unsure if they'd be helping, on which day(s) they'd be needed etc. I hope for LEL2017 the volunteers receive the same excellent level of communication as the riders did for LEL2013.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: tom_e on 07 August, 2013, 09:04:03 am
That was a per-control thing.  I had only a handful of emails from central HQ, but a sequence of bulletins keeping us up to date: "LEL St Ives Letter #n". 

Based on the organisation of the rest of it, I'm assuming there might be a debrief and collation of information from controls along the lines of what worked well and what didn't for next time.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: vorsprung on 07 August, 2013, 09:12:58 am
I haven't given this the thought that the original poster requested, though I certainly hope to at some stage.  However, I've got a few thoughts now, for what they're worth:-

I was a helper who wants to be a rider BECAUSE of what I've experienced of this year's event.  I don't want it to be any BIGGER.  I don't want it to be more widely publicised.  I don't want to be clapped through village after village as if I was on some gigantic sportive.  I love the idea that it happens while most of the population is fast asleep or at least ignorant of what's going on - that's a big part of the charm of audax for me.  It's slightly crazy and doesn't need normalizing.

I DO WANT it to be as easy on the organizers as possible - and the way to do that would seem to be to tweak, rather than grow.


This is exactly right.

It could be ever-so-slightly bigger, say with 1200 starters.  But making it easier on the organisational team seems to be the main goal for next time.

To make it easier on the organisers  more $$$ could be spent on something.  For example, we could hire someone to make Daniels work processes from last time into a manual.  Then the stuff to do would be all spelled out for any potential volunteer.

The entry price could be increased greatly.  If it was doubled it would still be a bargain.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 07 August, 2013, 10:04:12 am
The entry price could be increased greatly.  If it was doubled it would still be a bargain.

£450 would have put it well out of my reach this year, unfortunately.

And I don't think I'd look on it as a bargain at that price. It's not a straight comparison, but if you look you can find organised tours - with hotels! Proper beds! 3 course dinners even if you're running late! - for not much more per night (eg 8 days/7 nights in Alsace for €1000, including luggage transfer and even bike hire).

That's not to say £450 wouldn't be a fairer reflection of the work put into it, nor still below what a commercial organiser might charge, but I think I'd start wanting guaranteed beds and be cross about the lack of hot food at some controls for the money.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 07 August, 2013, 10:39:55 am
The earlier events were known as Edinburgh-London. The LEL tag only came with the London start.

Wrong. It's always been LEL.

I am used to being wrong but I was following the explanation given by Simon Doughty back in 2005.

EDIT: "1989. The longest Brevet de Randonneur event, the 1300km Edinburgh-London, was organised by Bernard Mawson. This also became the first event to be validated by the RM, ACP being responsible for 200km-1000km events and the PBP."

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 07 August, 2013, 10:55:00 am
The entry price could be increased greatly.  If it was doubled it would still be a bargain.

£450 would have put it well out of my reach this year, unfortunately.

And I don't think I'd look on it as a bargain at that price. It's not a straight comparison, but if you look you can find organised tours - with hotels! Proper beds! 3 course dinners even if you're running late! - for not much more per night (eg 8 days/7 nights in Alsace for €1000, including luggage transfer and even bike hire).

That's not to say £450 wouldn't be a fairer reflection of the work put into it, nor still below what a commercial organiser might charge, but I think I'd start wanting guaranteed beds and be cross about the lack of hot food at some controls for the money.
I agree. Over £400 would make catching the train to a civilised Continental 1200km the cheaper option.

(IMHO any significant increase will shift the demographic in an undesirable direction.)

p.s. about this:
3 course dinners even if you're running late!
Even at 2/4am? Hmmm? ;)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 07 August, 2013, 11:01:05 am
The earlier events were known as Edinburgh-London. The LEL tag only came with the London start.

Wrong. It's always been LEL.

I am used to being wrong but I was following the explanation given by Simon Doughty back in 2005.

EDIT: "1989. The longest Brevet de Randonneur event, the 1300km Edinburgh-London, was organised by Bernard Mawson. This also became the first event to be validated by the RM, ACP being responsible for 200km-1000km events and the PBP."


There's a shot of the cloth badge from 1989 at the end of my 2005 video, I also recall LWAB getting one of the originals at Thorne. It certainly said 'To EL and back' on it, there are also references to the 'A68 club'.
I remember time-trialling into Thorne with Salvatore, LWAB, Tiho and Jutta, and Lexi Webber. I found the finish at Lea Valley in 2009 unsatifactory. Too much climbing, too much confusing navigation, culminating in the sort of urban landscape that I like to avoid. The Youth Hostel itself was good though, as was the celebratory beer.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 07 August, 2013, 11:03:34 am
p.s. about this:
3 course dinners even if you're running late!
Even at 2/4am? Hmmm? ;)

Ah. Well. I did say it wasn't a *straight* comparison ...

(Possibly still something better than a cheese sandwich at 7pm, mind.)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Salvatore on 07 August, 2013, 11:07:02 am
The earlier events were known as Edinburgh-London. The LEL tag only came with the London start.

Wrong. It's always been LEL.

I am used to being wrong but I was following the explanation given by Simon Doughty back in 2005.

EDIT: "1989. The longest Brevet de Randonneur event, the 1300km Edinburgh-London, was organised by Bernard Mawson. This also became the first event to be validated by the RM, ACP being responsible for 200km-1000km events and the PBP."


I'm not saying 'Edinburgh-London' hasn't been used, but 'LEL' has been used from the start. Bernard himself referred to it as 'LEL'.
The LEL tag only came with the London start.
is wrong. EDIT: A quick glance at Arrivée April 1989 proves my memory hasn't let me down (in this matter at least).

BTW the 1989 calendar entry says it would be a 1200. It wasn't until the event had taken place and riders questioned that the concensus emerged that the distance was about 1385.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: frankly frankie on 07 August, 2013, 02:02:20 pm
That's what I call real planning.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Salvatore on 07 August, 2013, 02:04:19 pm
To be fair, I'm pretty sure the brevet card said 1300.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Wobbly on 07 August, 2013, 02:45:56 pm
If separate Edinburgh and London starts would cause a pile up of riders wanting to sleep somewhere round the half-way point would a morning start for one end and an evening start at the other end alleviate this?

Just wondering.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: tiermat on 07 August, 2013, 02:50:28 pm
If separate Edinburgh and London starts would cause a pile up of riders wanting to sleep somewhere round the half-way point would a morning start for one end and an evening start at the other end alleviate this?

Just wondering.

Good thinking.  FWIW, as the crow flies (and as I think, in this case, as the Audax goes) Thirsk is halfway (not precisely, there is a sign on the railway line between Thirsk and York that marks the halfway spot).

WRT mrcharly's idea, correct me if I am wrong, but it strikes me that the major centres of habitation have been avoided this time (I remember the number of people who got lost in Lincoln on the last one).  Big cities and tired cyclist are not, necessarily, a good mix.  I am sure other options coould be looked at, though.  For instance the route, after Thirsk, northbound, skirts Northallerton, which has a much bigger school than Thirsk.  I am sure most (probably not all) control towns would be in a similar situation.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 07 August, 2013, 02:55:00 pm
BTW the 1989 calendar entry says it would be a 1200. It wasn't until the event had taken place and riders questioned that the concensus emerged that the distance was about 1385.

That doesn't surprise me. Until LEL there wasn't any regular brevets longer than 1200km, even though Boston-Montreal-Boston started before LEL.

I'm not sure who homologated the first BMB. About 20 years ago, Audax Spain homologated an Australian 1500km brevet.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Panoramix on 07 August, 2013, 04:06:43 pm
PBP relies on local clubs to organise the controls and the clubs benefit from it. That's why you have to pay for showers etc... May be some local audax friendly clubs could be convinced to lend a hand organising one or two controls in exchange of some funds for their non LEL activities. Not a lawyer so not sure how that would work from a legal point of view.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: vorsprung on 07 August, 2013, 05:31:37 pm
The entry price could be increased greatly.  If it was doubled it would still be a bargain.

£450 would have put it well out of my reach this year, unfortunately.

And I don't think I'd look on it as a bargain at that price. It's not a straight comparison, but if you look you can find organised tours - with hotels! Proper beds! 3 course dinners even if you're running late! - for not much more per night (eg 8 days/7 nights in Alsace for €1000, including luggage transfer and even bike hire).

That's not to say £450 wouldn't be a fairer reflection of the work put into it, nor still below what a commercial organiser might charge, but I think I'd start wanting guaranteed beds and be cross about the lack of hot food at some controls for the money.
I agree. Over £400 would make catching the train to a civilised Continental 1200km the cheaper option.

(IMHO any significant increase will shift the demographic in an undesirable direction.)

The transwales MTB event - 7 days - cost £510 last time it ran.
The deloitte lejog 2013 "england" version is listed at £1,150

It's difficult to compare LEL with anything as it is fairly unique
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 07 August, 2013, 05:58:55 pm
If separate Edinburgh and London starts would cause a pile up of riders wanting to sleep somewhere round the half-way point would a morning start for one end and an evening start at the other end alleviate this?
Yes, lf course, good point. But the bulge from the north will inevitably meet the bulge from the south at some point. It might not be the middle but it will be somewhere.

And given comments from Fidgetbuzz and Danial, I guess anyone who indulges in talk of more riders than this year is on a hiding to nothing. It seems to me the most likely, and IMHO the easiest, option taken by the orgs will be a complete rerun of this year's event in very many ways.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 07 August, 2013, 06:15:07 pm
If separate Edinburgh and London starts would cause a pile up of riders wanting to sleep somewhere round the half-way point would a morning start for one end and an evening start at the other end alleviate this?
Yes, lf course, good point. But the bulge from the north will inevitably meet the bulge from the south at some point. It might not be the middle but it will be somewhere.

And given comments from Fidgetbuzz and Danial, I guess anyone who indulges in talk of more riders than this year is on a hiding to nothing. It seems to me the most likely, and IMHO the easiest, option taken by the orgs will be a complete rerun of this year's event in very many ways.
IF we were looking at a bigger event (please see the first reply on this thread!), I'd suggest considering a split route where the bulges might meet. We already have controls only used 1-way.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: MAC on 07 August, 2013, 06:19:38 pm
IF we were looking at a bigger event (please see the first reply on this thread!), I'd suggest considering a split route where the bulges might meet. We already have controls only used 1-way.
My thinking too.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 07 August, 2013, 07:27:11 pm
Evening start and spread it out more, then you can use bigger towns and roads early on with little traffic. Add some extra intermediate sleep stops to spread the load a bit. As PBP did last time. Also avoids interaction with London to Cambridge.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: toontra on 07 August, 2013, 07:44:56 pm
Evening start and spread it out more, then you can use bigger towns and roads early on with little traffic. Add some extra intermediate sleep stops to spread the load a bit. As PBP did last time. Also avoids interaction with London to Cambridge.

That means enforced night riding, which doesn't agree with everyone, and also the likelihood of sleep deprivation towards the end of day 2.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 07 August, 2013, 08:16:18 pm
It seems to me the most likely, and IMHO the easiest, option taken by the orgs will be a complete rerun of this year's event in very many ways.

A very shrewd assessment to my way of thinking - everybody has gone into flights of fancy -- but the REALITY that has to be faced is that this central team is VERY UNLIKELY to be willing to do this again.

Danial's work load was far too high - stop and think -- could you be the Boss mans lieutenant - he has the knowledge.. you do the work.

S and K - are NOT going to do both the pre event work they did - and the start /finish. They might even not do either of these .. so could you pick up the baton here.

Me -- well provided I have confidence in the team  ( and actually get on with them ) then i am up for another go.

This is what i wanted the thread to contemplate - WHO is willing to do real hard work to make 2017 a success.

Not the way it has developed, with tweaky suggestions to modify/improve the event
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 07 August, 2013, 08:18:29 pm
Not that I'm organising in 2017 you understand, but my blue-sky thinking is £299, with much more money spent on IT, cooks, cleaners and sag wagons.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 07 August, 2013, 08:24:38 pm
This is what i wanted the thread to contemplate - WHO is willing to do real hard work to make 2017 a success.

Not the way it has developed, with tweaky suggestions to modify/improve the event
Like I said earlier - did you only want people to post if they want DW's job?

Gonna be a quiet thread ...
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 07 August, 2013, 08:27:39 pm
LEL is an ideal vehicle for professional training. It would make a perfect exercise for project management instruction. The two main chefs at Brampton were both trainers, one in a college setting, and they found it very stretching. I can certainly knock up a film to show the organisational aspects of the ride, and contrast it with the PBP approach. I've got hours of footage of the presentation in Paris for PBP 2011, as a contrast, and interviews with Jean-Gualbert Faburel.
Get a management school involved.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Von Broad on 07 August, 2013, 08:32:58 pm
Started PBP 2007 at 9.40 pm and never really got over it.

No, I know what you mean, I'm still getting over it too. It's taking a long time, isn't it?

From memory, 2011 was bit earlier, 6pm maybe, they gave us a few hours daylight before they released the blanket of misery.  :)

I think it's a mistake to change strategy just to accommodate more riders. Make the riders fit into the event, not the event being forced to fit an increased number of riders. Put the ride first, riders second.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 07 August, 2013, 08:55:59 pm
This is what i wanted the thread to contemplate - WHO is willing to do real hard work to make 2017 a success.

Not the way it has developed, with tweaky suggestions to modify/improve the event
Like I said earlier - did you only want people to post if they want DW's job?

Gonna be a quiet thread ...

I wanted people to start thinking hard - did they have something to offer - so yes a quiet thread.

My guess is that we will finish our wrap up by 31st Dec . Auk Board early 2014 - will start looking for the 2017 team - rather than wallow around with no one stepping up to say I can and WILL do this - if there are people willing to put their hat in the ring - then rather than be in competition with the existing team ( who are going to be easing back ) lets see whether we can structure a new team that derives the benefit of 2013 experience and yet does not rely on the 2013 team to do the work -- COS THEY ARE NOT GOING TO.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Pippa on 07 August, 2013, 09:34:29 pm
There are a couple of things that strike me about this thread (in no particular order)

1) the event was so fantastic that lots of people now want to ride it.
2) there is a degree of understanding as to how much work Danial and the core team put in - this has already been suggested as too much for anyone with or without a full time job to contend with.
3) there are probably people willing to help out, but who can't necessarily commit for 4 years.
4) the next LEL should try and minimise work for the core team as no one expects them to do that much.

Interwoven in amongst all these is the unknown.

I don't think you would find (m)any that would disagree with (4). At the same time, 1, 2 and 3 combined with the "unknown" might preclude people from stepping up. There are probably lots of people, myself included, who are willing to say "yeah ok I would like to help in some way", but dont quite know what way that might be. But then you have to consider at what point does it become more cumbersome to "manage" all those people rather than just doing the job itself?

Anyway, I guess my point is that it seems a bit chicken and egg at the moment. No-one knows what needs doing until someone takes charge. Someone might not be willing to take charge as they don't know what needs doing and who might be able to help. I did quite like the idea mentioned above of having a list of tasks that need doing, by when and then people can offer themselves up. But again, that need someone in control to draw up the list.

So yea, probably a quiet thread....
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 07 August, 2013, 09:52:16 pm
I'd be worried about staggering the start locations or staggering the start times more.  At BC we were fairly full on for 3 days.  If we space the riders out more and make this longer we'd probably need a fresh lot of volunteers by the end.  I did learn a lot about efficiency of food preparation and how to use the kitchen effectively which meant that a smaller number of volunteers was able to cater for the Wed morning peak back which was just as high as the Mon lunchtime peak on the way up.

I'm keen to put that into practice next time - with the skills we learnt as a team at BC we could, I think feed a higher flow of riders to the same standard.  Accommodation and other logistical factors such as bag drops may be the bigger concern.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Parklands on 07 August, 2013, 10:43:24 pm
I am definitely available to help with preparation right up to registration, but I really want to ride in 2017, however without support there may not be a 2017, I spent 8 days, Friday to Friday, as part of a team of 8 van drivers on 4 vans delivering and collecting equipment and bags. We all had a great time, and thanks to Danials meticulous preparation there where no major problems with everything stored away and the vans returned to the hire company with 5 mins to spare.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Wobbly on 07 August, 2013, 10:54:37 pm
Also avoids interaction with London to Cambridge.


I *liked* the interaction with the London to Cambridge ride.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 08 August, 2013, 07:29:24 am
It was an unfortunate clash - I am not sure what time the l-c ride started, I would guess the early start LEL riders saw nothing of it.  I was off at 9:30 and, as is typical for a ride, we'd soon fallen into pretty fast groups (we had Lordy and cyclofabrica up front).

It certainly had its moments as we passed the riders going to Cambridge.

I would have preferred not to have had the clash, but that is life.

Hopefully not too many of them followed us and ended up in Edinburgh thinking that it was a bit tougher than they were expecting.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Wobbly on 08 August, 2013, 08:10:14 am
Well, it's one more thing to factor in for your entry next time.

If the 2017 date/route clashes with London-Cambridge then you can avoid it by having an early start or "interact" with it by having a later start.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 08 August, 2013, 08:40:28 am
It was an unfortunate clash - I am not sure what time the l-c ride started, I would guess the early start LEL riders saw nothing of it.  I was off at 9:30 and, as is typical for a ride, we'd soon fallen into pretty fast groups (we had Lordy and cyclofabrica up front).

It certainly had its moments as we passed the riders going to Cambridge.

I would have preferred not to have had the clash, but that is life.

Hopefully not too many of them followed us and ended up in Edinburgh thinking that it was a bit tougher than they were expecting.

I did have a conversation with one of the less obseervant of the them who hadn't spotted the different style of frame numbers.

Went something like...

"I missed the sign on that turn, this is the right way isn't it?"
"Right way to where?"
"Er... Cambridge, you are on the London-Cambridge ride aren't you?
"So where does this road go?"

There was a moment of silence, followed by something between a gasp and a gulp and he dropped back to rethink his options.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 08 August, 2013, 09:49:09 am
I am very much in favour of any arrangement that increases such interactions.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: STMS on 08 August, 2013, 10:33:11 am
From memory the interaction was fun and the saddlebag brigade more than held their own  ;D
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 08 August, 2013, 11:28:43 am
My only minor suggestion would be to employ professional cleaners, perhaps those who normally work at the school, to free volunteers

This happened at Brampton.  I cleaned the toilets a couple of times and the showers once in the early hours of the morning.  The professionals did it during the day

Yes indeed - when I was on cleaning duty I mopped the showers out and changed a few bin bags, but everything else had been done by the school cleaners - so I went back to the kitchen.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 08 August, 2013, 12:09:35 pm
Reading these stories, I'm awestruck not so much by the achievements of the riders (although those are inspiring), but by the volunteers. What it is like to put up with hour after hour of exhausted, impatient, incoherent stinking people is something I can only have nightmares about.

To all of you who coordinated and volunteered at controls, I offer my admiration and praise.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 08 August, 2013, 01:41:21 pm
What it is like to put up with hour after hour of exhausted, impatient, incoherent stinking people
I was at Loughton. It was great.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: tonyh on 08 August, 2013, 02:11:29 pm
Intensely enjoyable at St Ives and Great Easton also. But, Mrcharly, thanks!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Wobbly on 08 August, 2013, 04:10:16 pm
hour after hour of exhausted, impatient, incoherent stinking people

That's a little harsh. We weren't all in quite that bad a state you know.

Maybe we're giving the world a poor impression of Randonneurs on very long rides. At no time was I impatient, incoherent, and not particularly stinky given the two complete changes of clothes in my bag drops.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 08 August, 2013, 04:12:58 pm
hour after hour of exhausted, impatient, incoherent stinking people

That's a little harsh. We weren't all in quite that bad a state you know.

Maybe we're giving the world a poor impression of Randonneurs on very long rides. At no time was I impatient, incoherent, and not particularly stinky given the two complete changes of clothes in my bag drops.

Or was he talking about the other volunteers? ;)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jefmcg on 08 August, 2013, 04:19:43 pm
I was actually told I smelt "nice" in Edinburgh. 

Assumed that was incoherence on the part of my huggee.  If he hadn't already decided to catch a train, collapse of the olfactory system must be a sign it's time to go home.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Deano on 08 August, 2013, 04:23:03 pm
hour after hour of exhausted, impatient, incoherent stinking people

That's a little harsh. We weren't all in quite that bad a state you know.

Maybe we're giving the world a poor impression of Randonneurs on very long rides. At no time was I impatient, incoherent, and not particularly stinky given the two complete changes of clothes in my bag drops.

In my experience, all riders were remarkably patient and tolerant. And mostly coherent. It was a pleasure to help.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: tonyh on 08 August, 2013, 04:40:52 pm
In my experience, all riders were remarkably patient and tolerant. And mostly coherent. It was a pleasure to help.

Same here, to all of that.

At Great Easton, with nearly the whole 1400km ridden, the riders were in an admirably good state. Distress was not conspicuous.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 08 August, 2013, 04:47:03 pm
Not that I'm organising in 2017 you understand, but my blue-sky thinking is £299, with much more money spent on IT, cooks, cleaners and sag wagons.

Human nature being what it is, I expect you will not want to see all the tremendously good work and success you have achieved in 2013 be diluted by a completely different team in 2017. I therefore think that you will eventually decide to be involved to a fairly high degree in 2017.

We need to give you the time to reflect upon those achievements so that you are comfortable with the decision you finally make.

FWIW: I had such a great time as a novice LEL'er that I would be willing to help in any way I can pre-2017 to make that a success too.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 08 August, 2013, 04:48:30 pm
tony looked in a worse state than I felt!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: tonyh on 08 August, 2013, 05:03:21 pm

Yes but I look like that even before getting on a bike.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Feline on 08 August, 2013, 05:17:01 pm
One thing I was wondering having read some of the aftermath, is would there be a way of making sure that the slower/first time >600k/ full value riders get earlier start times? I was a pretty full value rider on the last day because I was injured, but because I had a 6.15am start I ran into none of the problems that later riders did with less food available, controls winding down/closing etc. etc. Full value riders are also more likely to have company on the road if they start earlier. They are also more likely to get a bed the first night which they probably have more need of than the racing snakes. Just a thought.

I feel at this stage very torn between really wanting to ride it again in 2017 and wanting to be a helper to pay everyone back for what they did for me this time around. 4 years is a long time though, and I couldn't really make a commitment this far ahead (I never break promises, so won't make any empty ones). Danial, I don't want your job because I know I absolutely couldn't do it!!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Veloman on 08 August, 2013, 05:18:55 pm
My only minor suggestion would be to employ professional cleaners, perhaps those who normally work at the school, to free volunteers

This happened at Brampton.  I cleaned the toilets a couple of times and the showers once in the early hours of the morning.  The professionals did it during the day

Yes indeed - when I was on cleaning duty I mopped the showers out and changed a few bin bags, but everything else had been done by the school cleaners - so I went back to the kitchen.

Not quite the whole story.  The cleaner (Jackie) did a sterling job when she could, but there was a lot of cleaning done in the male facilities where she could not access due to the high demand.  Overall, she was a star and did enable volunteers to concentrate on other things.  Sorting out showers/toilets in the wee hours after the onslaught of riders was when cleaners would have helped.  It was all about timing and peak/troughs.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 08 August, 2013, 05:22:47 pm
I feel at this stage very torn between really wanting to ride it again in 2017 and wanting to be a helper to pay everyone back for what they did for me this time around.

You could do what iddu did...
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 08 August, 2013, 05:30:04 pm
One thing I was wondering having read some of the aftermath, is would there be a way of making sure that the slower/first time >600k/ full value riders get earlier start times? I was a pretty full value rider on the last day because I was injured, but because I had a 6.15am start I ran into none of the problems that later riders did with less food available, controls winding down/closing etc. etc. Full value riders are also more likely to have company on the road if they start earlier. They are also more likely to get a bed the first night which they probably have more need of than the racing snakes. Just a thought.

It's a tricky one, yes it's best for the end of the ride if the full value riders start earlier but part of the reason to have faster riders go first is that they can be turfed out of the beds (by rationing) having had their sleep for when the slower riders turn up.

If you set the slower riders off first then many of the faster riders will catch them up at some point. If that happens to be the first sleep stop (depending on the conditions - headwind or tailwind), could be Pocklington or Thirsk and then you have far more riders than beds.

LEL 2009 had problems on the 2nd night because of the use of Eskdalemuir both Northbound and Southbound. The slower riders (aided by the tailwind) got further than projected and the faster riders (also aided by the tailwind) also got further putting them both at Eskdalemuir (one of the smallest controls!).
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 08 August, 2013, 05:30:12 pm
I feel at this stage very torn between really wanting to ride it again in 2017 and wanting to be a helper to pay everyone back for what they did for me this time around.

You could do what iddu did...

What diddedu?  ???

I've already said no to riding again but I'd definitely be up for helping next year, perhaps running a control with Baggy.

I like Feline's idea of full value riders starting earlier. I was a 10am starter and ended up being more full value than expected thanks to extended loafing at controls and a bit of a collapse at Traquair. I don't know how you would enforce this though, other than to suggest that if you think you might be slow, an earlier start would be a better choice.

EDIT:- and there's the issue of faster/slower riders competing for controls, as Greenback says. One possible alternative to an earlier start time would be for controls to have better contingency plans for slower riders, eg some food kept back, backloaded rotas etc so that the full value crew (still within time, btw) didn't get the rag end of things. More detailed information, ie departure times, would help with this.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 08 August, 2013, 05:38:33 pm
What e diddo was ride most of the route the week before, then ride more of it to get to his Helper's Post!

Anyhoo: I suspect faster riders starting first works best. You get a better spread.
On PBP the 84h riders [starting 8h later] tend to catch up at some point - in the past this was typically at Loudeac for sleep, resulting in chaos. (In 2011 they changed it around a bit, for the better I think.)

As GB says, many faster riders were kicked out of beds for you sloths. (This doesn't happen on PBP.  O:-) ). We should certainly look at problems for the last riders arriving, but in reality I think these were minimal. Most controls had plenty of food. And slow/late riders would have had quieter controls at least some of the time northbound (and probably later).

If you were a real emergency case, there were more people to spot/help you than if you arrived in the bulge.

EDIT: I totally empathise with this problem. I got to Mortagne somewhat late in 2007. They only had fruit salad (which would have been fine, but you know what it's like when you've been looking forward to something else for hours). While I was in the toilet they packed up the whole place apart from the table with my rack-pack on! I guess it got me back on the road ...

But someone has to be last thru each control - juggling start times doesn't change much.  :-\
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 08 August, 2013, 05:56:31 pm
What e diddo was ride most of the route the week before, then ride more of it to get to his Helper's Post!

Anyhoo: I suspect faster riders starting first works best. You get a better spread.
On PBP the 84h riders [starting 8h later] tend to catch up at some point - in the past this was typically at Loudeac for sleep, resulting in chaos. (In 2011 they changed it around a bit, for the better I think.)

As GB says, many faster riders were kicked out of beds for you sloths. (This doesn't happen on PBP.  O:-) ). We should certainly look at problems for the last riders arriving, but in reality I think these were minimal. Most controls had plenty of food. And slow/late riders would have had quieter controls at least some of the time northbound (and probably later).

If you were a real emergency case, there were more people to spot/help you than if you arrived in the bulge.

Pocklington was one of the better ones, in my experience, as was Brampton. Others less so. Market Rasen had no food when I arrived (well in time, remember) and very little when I got up to leave, not even milk for cereal/coffee (apart from some nasty powdered milk which was separating in the jug :sick:).

Having quieter controls was a bonus, true, but there was a definite air of arriving long after the party had ended.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: arabella on 08 August, 2013, 06:31:29 pm
I did have a plan to keep the remaining cakey stuff for the last riders (on the ground that the faster riders had more than their fair share on the way up (learning point)).
So I calculated how many cakey portions there were, and about how many riders were left, and the cake was made available at the requisite moment.
But the cake still didn't last to the last riders, so I suspect a combination of people taking >1 and supporters, which I hadn't counted, and poor arithmetic.  The last cake did go to the last riders though.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 08 August, 2013, 06:44:38 pm
Close of Market Rasen was crap, food-wise. My apologies. By then I think we were all ground down by the chef, and just wanted him to leave.

He started packing up with 100 riders to go and was deaf to our protestations. But to be honest I don't think anyone was willing to engage with him.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 08 August, 2013, 06:55:56 pm
Pocklington was one of the better ones, in my experience, as was Brampton. Others less so. Market Rasen had no food when I arrived (well in time, remember) and very little when I got up to leave, not even milk for cereal/coffee (apart from some nasty powdered milk which was separating in the jug :sick:).

Having quieter controls was a bonus, true, but there was a definite air of arriving long after the party had ended.

Indeed. I was going for far fuller value than I'd hoped/intended, but getting to Thirsk to find no hot food at all was a bit of a blow. (I was still fairly well in time at that point ...) Wedding cake and cheese sandwiches didn't *really* make up for it. Equally at MR, I think Chuffy's already alluded to the fact there were about three portions of soup left (I guess we must have got there at much the same time) and soup, toast and jam wasn't really a full meal for a growing lad.

As for the party being over, that really hit me back at Loughton. I knew I was well out of time (though well before bag-drop returns closed), but I really felt excluded from the whole arrivee atmosphere.

Something like a Late Arrivals desk - or even someone primed to say something like 'Well done for finishing, such a shame you're out of time, how are you feeling, would you like a cup of tea?' - would have made me feel like I was still part of the event. As it was, all those things did get said and were welcome, but it was obvious that (probably rightly) everyone's attention was now on packing up the control.

(I have no idea how many others turned up even though they'd passed their own cut-off, so maybe I'm asking for special treatment just for me, because I'm special.)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: madcow on 08 August, 2013, 07:24:18 pm
Reading these stories, I'm awestruck not so much by the achievements of the riders (although those are inspiring), but by the volunteers. What it is like to put up with hour after hour of exhausted, impatient, incoherent stinking people is something I can only have nightmares about.

To all of you who coordinated and volunteered at controls, I offer my admiration and praise.

In return the majority of riders  were polite and grateful for everything that was done for or to them in the controls.
even those with very limited English vocabulary were able to say "Thank you" or "Bye Bye"

We took the view that it was better to have some food available , even if it wasn't what some people wanted or could stomach , rather than clear out entirely.
 It is not possible to second guess the dietary preferences of 1000 people so everything is a compromise.

If anyone is thinking about volunteering don't be put off by the tales of long hours etc.
I prevaricated about volunteering until there was a last minute plea for help at BC (posted on this forum)
It was utterly absorbing and a pleasure to see so many riders enjoying our countryside and hospitality.
I learnt a few things about cooking , about myself and ability to cope under pressure and worked with some great people.
If you don't want to ride but want to be there then helping out is the best thing you can do.
I and others have said that the event will be limited by the number of volunteers available. It will never be as big as PBP , but the 2013 edition has built a very solid foundation and word will spread that LEL is a must do event for serious randonneurs.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Keeff on 08 August, 2013, 07:27:51 pm
Apparently riders were still turning up at Davenant on Tuesday this week - four days after the event finished!!  Premises manager says some were surprised that there was nobody still around to welcome them.

We were still serving tea up to a couple of hours after closing time - sorry if you felt unwelcome when you arrived.

Given that some of us hadn't slept for 48 hours, it was very difficult to stay focussed.  We had been open for a week and all anyone wanted to do was go home.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: CrinklyLion on 08 August, 2013, 08:36:05 pm
Close of Market Rasen was crap, food-wise. My apologies. By then I think we were all ground down by the chef, and just wanted him to leave.

I managed about 5 or 6 hours before having to leave the kitchen, in the interests of self preservation. I am personally of the opinion that the Market Rasen team should be awarded a particularly large and shiny medal each for somehow managing to run a control despite him. Bloody heroes, the lot of 'em.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 08 August, 2013, 09:45:15 pm
Apparently riders were still turning up at Davenant on Tuesday this week - four days after the event finished!!  Premises manager says some were surprised that there was nobody still around to welcome them.

What? There wasn't anyone there? Shame on you ...

Four days though - that's remarkable.

We were still serving tea up to a couple of hours after closing time - sorry if you felt unwelcome when you arrived.

Given that some of us hadn't slept for 48 hours, it was very difficult to stay focussed.  We had been open for a week and all anyone wanted to do was go home.

Oh, I got a cup of tea, and it wasn't a matter of feeling unwelcome, more that the volunteer I first spoke to seemed a little unsure of what to do with a rider wandering in late, so everything was a little bit fuzzy. Inevitably, having had four days of attention being focused on me as a rider as soon as I arrived at a control, it was a little difficult to adapt to the notion that the world didn't revolve around ME.

(And I've not said it in a good few posts, so thanks to you and to all the other volunteers for ensuring everything went so smoothly - despite occasional whinges after the event ...)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: wajcgac on 08 August, 2013, 09:57:42 pm

Reading these stories, I'm awestruck not so much by the achievements of the riders (although those are inspiring), but by the volunteers.

To all of you who coordinated and volunteered at controls, I offer my admiration and praise.

Absolutely agree with this !

Close of Market Rasen was crap, food-wise. My apologies. By then I think we were all ground down by the chef, and just wanted him to leave.

He started packing up with 100 riders to go and was deaf to our protestations. But to be honest I don't think anyone was willing to engage with him.

I had breakfast at Market Rasen about 6 - 6:30am on the Thursday and at that time breakfast was limited to a bowl of muesli and not much else I think.

Whilst eating this I overheard one of the volunteers coming in to the dining area and enlightening some of the other volunteers with the following.

'I've just driven 50 f*****g miles to get some bread. I rang them before I went to make sure they had some. When I arrived - there was no bread!' - rant understandably continued a bit.

It was obvious people were still trying to do their best for riders but with things like that happening and with the chef from hell (I'd seen him in action on the way north and on Thursday morning he told me he couldn't 'f*****g wait to get back to f*****g Yorkshire') they were fighting a difficult battle.

If it's any consolation I think a grand job was done at all the controls including Market Rasen.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 08 August, 2013, 09:59:56 pm
Close of Market Rasen was crap, food-wise. My apologies. By then I think we were all ground down by the chef, and just wanted him to leave.

He started packing up with 100 riders to go and was deaf to our protestations. But to be honest I don't think anyone was willing to engage with him.

He sounds appalling. To be honest, when I got to MR my absolute priority was to get to bed, so I wasn't as bothered as I might otherwise have been by the lack of food. In the morning one of the volunteers scrounged a bit of real milk so that I could have coffee, which I was very grateful for. After that I went foraging in the nearest shop, which cost me a bit of time but provided enough calories to get to the next control.

The MR crew were unfailingly friendly and helpful. I don't envy them having to deal with the awful Victor.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: iddu on 08 August, 2013, 10:06:00 pm
What e diddo was ride most of theall of A(*) route the week before, then ride more of it2 by 440 DIY's to/from Barney,  to get to his Helper's Post!
Mi bold; (*) mostly as given, just using the B roads from S. ;)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: MrsMothy on 08 August, 2013, 10:20:23 pm
I did not volunteer in advance of LEL and therefore didn't need to receive communication about my duties etc. However, I am aware of volunteers who felt they had not been communicated with effectively prior to the event and were very unsure if they'd be helping, on which day(s) they'd be needed etc. I hope for LEL2017 the volunteers receive the same excellent level of communication as the riders did for LEL2013.

Don't forget however, that the controllers that you were waiting to hear from are volunteers that didn't step back quickly enough when they asked who wanted more responsibility, work and STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, about half my volunteer team changed their email addresses between registering and the beginning of 2013. how the heck were we supposed to contact them if they didn't let us know their new address??? Luckily, my Eskdalemuir team were really keen and really clued up so were there when they were needed for which I as controller was enormously grateful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 08 August, 2013, 11:28:59 pm
PBP is fortunate in having a focus to the finish, people sit on the roundabout with a beer. Food is paid for seperately on PBP all the way round, so there is no sense in which someone taking 50 hours gets less value than someone taking 90 hours. Riders might have felt that they only deserved more food at Loughton while the control was still open.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 09 August, 2013, 01:20:32 am
As for the party being over, that really hit me back at Loughton. I knew I was well out of time (though well before bag-drop returns closed), but I really felt excluded from the whole arrivee atmosphere.

Something like a Late Arrivals desk - or even someone primed to say something like 'Well done for finishing, such a shame you're out of time, how are you feeling, would you like a cup of tea?' - would have made me feel like I was still part of the event. As it was, all those things did get said and were welcome, but it was obvious that (probably rightly) everyone's attention was now on packing up the control.

I did notice one volunteer at Loughton giving a rider arriving after their cut off time rather short shrift. "Sorry, we're not even going to take your Brevet Card", etc. Luckily a more astute volunteer got to them, said/did the right things and sent them on their way with a much better sense of accomplishment.

(I have no idea how many others turned up even though they'd passed their own cut-off, so maybe I'm asking for special treatment just for me, because I'm special.)

I was the face of Loughton from midday Friday (5 hours after the final official finishing time) until about 3pm (at which point everyone left leaving no-one except the school caretakers). In that time I spoke to various people (30 or so) mostly collecting bag drops (way past the official midday deadline) and also a good few riders coming in past their deadline.

My favourite was one rider who'd crashed due to tiredness at some point in the morning on their way from St Ives. He'd ended up sleeping by the road side as he knew he couldn't go on, but carried on to the finish once he'd woken up (via Gt Easton too). I congratulated him and signed his card so that he had something to show he'd completed the entire ride (despite being out of time), but he was aware that it would never be validated (especially as he kept the card). He was insistent that he'd back in 2017.

I could see the need, in future invocations, for manning the Arrivee for longer after the finish (even up to 24 hours, but not to provide food) as it did seem we were pushing riders out of the door not long after they'd finished but then that seems to be what happens in other big Audaxes (the Arrivee at PBP were pushing people out within 3 hours of the last finishers). This would mainly be for the benefit of the stragglers or riders out of time.

Regardless, there's a *huge* sense of anti-climax after you finish any big Audax (LEL, PBP, BCM, K&SW at least for me) as after an hour or so of the final deadline passing then it's all over, thanks for coming, bye.

I think all controls could have done with having catering in place (including hot food) for several hours after the control officially shut, from the sounds of it too many shut hot food down (for whatever reason) before the final deadline, which is a shame. The extra cost to keep it going wouldn't have been much per rider, it's just the British have such a thing about possibly wasting food.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 09 August, 2013, 05:32:03 am
My only minor suggestion would be to employ professional cleaners, perhaps those who normally work at the school, to free volunteers

This happened at Brampton.  I cleaned the toilets a couple of times and the showers once in the early hours of the morning.  The professionals did it during the day

Yes indeed - when I was on cleaning duty I mopped the showers out and changed a few bin bags, but everything else had been done by the school cleaners - so I went back to the kitchen.

Not quite the whole story.  The cleaner (Jackie) did a sterling job when she could, but there was a lot of cleaning done in the male facilities where she could not access due to the high demand.  Overall, she was a star and did enable volunteers to concentrate on other things.  Sorting out showers/toilets in the wee hours after the onslaught of riders was when cleaners would have helped.  It was all about timing and peak/troughs.

OK, I was on kitchen and bed duties at the peak times and cleaning in the mornings so didn't get the full picture (but did have to unblock a toilet in the early hours one day  :-X )
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: phil d on 09 August, 2013, 07:44:04 am
The treatment of "full value" riders and modestly out of time riders was something that concerned me at BC.  Our control was fully operational (with a choice of hot food) until about an hour after the control closure time.  But our contract with the school required us to be out of the place, fully cleared up and cleaned, by 3 1/2 hours after control closure time.  That was a tough condition, and did require us to do some preparatory work before we were officially closed, which may have appeared less welcoming to the late riders.  I'm sorry about that.

Next time I shall try to negotiate more time at the end.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Tomsk on 09 August, 2013, 08:20:22 am
My favourite was one rider who'd crashed due to tiredness at some point in the morning on their way from St Ives. He'd ended up sleeping by the road side as he knew he couldn't go on, but carried on to the finish once he'd woken up (via Gt Easton too). I congratulated him and signed his card so that he had something to show he'd completed the entire ride (despite being out of time), but he was aware that it would never be validated (especially as he kept the card). He was insistent that he'd back in 2017.

I think that was Calvin Mckenzie - ate some of our left-overs, then slept for ages while we cleared up around him. He was determined to continue and was later spotted going through Dunmow. Top bloke - CHAPEAU!

OTOH, the Japanese chap who came through later was in no fit state to continue - one of our helpers rode with him to Elsenham Station.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: DrMekon on 09 August, 2013, 08:47:34 am

I'm an "okay I'm done, let's get home" sort of rider, but having recently done LEL and the 192km white rose classic sportive, the later had a impressive "finishing village". Free food and ice cream van at both, but the WRC had cheap massage (token payment of £5), loads of trade stands selling nice kit (hope were there), sponsors giving stuff away (eg Warburtons were giving away their new chip things), plus a whole load of rides / bouncy castles etc for kids. There was also a proper bar. TBH, I got my freebie bags, got a massage and went, but clearly some people were settling in for the night.

The wrc was organised by Ilkley CC, FWIW.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 09 August, 2013, 09:04:57 am
They're not common, but I've had enjoyable drawn-out finishes at a few events. LEL2009 was great - I was a late starter, almost the last (validated) finisher. I dozed on the grass, drank beer, chatted etc etc for hours with riders and families. Much quieter than PBP too!

The other notables have been smaller events with 'sleepover' finishes.

[The last thing I want is to find a load of merchandising tents 'welcoming' me back. But I'm sure the Brits could organise something more 'village fete' stylee  :thumbsup:]
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 09 August, 2013, 09:09:57 am
It would certainly be something to consider for 2017 (I like the village fete idea - involve the local WI or whatever to bake lots of cakes, and a beer tent for Hummers).  The tug o'war would be optional if you weren't feeling too strong after your bike ride.

As those of us who finished earlyish on Thursday had to wait for bag drops, it would have been nice to have a bit more of a focussed area to relax and chat with people.  The heat did mean that I spent large parts of the day under the trees in the bike park.

It could also give the ride a bit of a grander finish I'd hope, with finished riders clapping the finishers (which we did anyway, but the more the merrier).
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Keeff on 09 August, 2013, 10:11:59 am
I'm tempted to tell you that there was a fete, and that if you'd pedalled a bit harder it would still have been happening when you arrived.

We thought the arrivee was pretty good, actually.  There was plenty of space to relax and cheer the riders back.

Up until the last few hours, we didn't feel the need to restrict food provision but it then became an issue when we heard people boasting that they'd just polished off 5 bacon rolls when we had only provided one per rider.  Incidentally we bought 4000 baguettes for Loughton, which we thought was a vast over-provision, but they all went.

Importantly, the feared protests from the neighbours didn't materialise much.  If you lived near a school, you'd know just how stressful it can be in term time.  The thought of hordes of cyclists descending on them in the holidays could have had them running to the newspapers in droves.  In the end, we almost got away with it except for the lady just up the road who was awakened at 04:30 on Sunday morning by Belgians shouting at each other under her bedroom window.  And yes, I did go after them!!

We considered beer, but we couldn't afford to give it away, and you need a license to sell it.

Anyway, keep up the suggestions for 2017.  Most of them are serving to confirm our decision not to be involved.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 09 August, 2013, 10:21:39 am
I'm tempted to tell you that there was a fete, and that if you'd pedalled a bit harder it would still have been happening when you arrived.

Bugger. I was looking forward to the brass bands and morris dancers as I pedalled up Willendale Road. Imagine my disappointment ...

We thought the arrivee was pretty good, actually.  There was plenty of space to relax and cheer the riders back.

I'm sure it was great - for those who'd pedalled hard enough ...

If only I had.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 09 August, 2013, 10:23:13 am
It could also give the ride a bit of a grander finish I'd hope, with finished riders clapping the finishers (which we did anyway, but the more the merrier).
If we want the last riders to feel welcome - and let's say (overegging it) that there are 100 sorry souls arriving; then the 800 riders already finished vastly outnumber any volunteers manning the Arrivée. Draw your own conclusion ...

(I'm intrigued by the idea of Greenbank as the "Face of Loughton". Was there a contest? With talent and swimsuit rounds?)

From a purely practical viewpoint: Is staffing a reception desk for 12 hours when only 4-5 riders might arrive the best option? (I say 12 hours - how does LEL decide how long is suitable?) Would it be better to phone ahead if you are arriving late? Staff would then be eagerly awaiting you "Great, you made it!", rather than saying "Are there any more behind you? I've been here 3 hours with nothing to do."

I should say this seems like an issue mainly for Loughton to assess, I'm just throwing thoughts out - I wasn't there this year.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 09 August, 2013, 10:29:17 am
(I'm intrigued by the idea of Greenbank as the "Face of Loughton". Was their a contest? With talent and swimsuit rounds?)

It's an easy competition to win when you're the only entrant.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 09 August, 2013, 11:14:23 am
The treatment of "full value" riders and modestly out of time riders was something that concerned me at BC.  Our control was fully operational (with a choice of hot food) until about an hour after the control closure time.  But our contract with the school required us to be out of the place, fully cleared up and cleaned, by 3 1/2 hours after control closure time.  That was a tough condition, and did require us to do some preparatory work before we were officially closed, which may have appeared less welcoming to the late riders.  I'm sorry about that.

Next time I shall try to negotiate more time at the end.

We still fed a rider at 5.15pm - who was abandoning at BC an hour after the control closed.  We offered him food and he was somewhat dazed but I put a bowl of soup and a bowl of stew in front of him and they were much appreciated.  It was hard trying to keep a range of food going for the last 30 or so riders (from about 90 minutes before the control closed) as with the best will in the world, food left hot for too long ends up becoming a congealed and inedible mass.  The ability to be a short order cook after 3 16 hour days in the kitchen is also limited.  But I think the plans of keeping a couple of hot dishes going seemed to work (both the soup and stew had staying power).  We also spent an inordinate amount of effort trying to track down the two Italians who were believed to be in transit from Brampton but had stopped at a hotel, before making the final decision to tidy up the remainder of the kitchen
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 09 August, 2013, 11:55:49 am
I'm tempted to tell you that there was a fete, and that if you'd pedalled a bit harder it would still have been happening when you arrived.

We thought the arrivee was pretty good, actually.  There was plenty of space to relax and cheer the riders back.

I thought the arrivee was very good. I had none of the feeling of anticlimax I've tended to have when finishing ultra-distance events in the past, there was a good atmosphere. That diminished noticeably as the night wore on as people drifted away, it was much quieter outside the entrance at 1.30am than at 11pm.

Whoever takes on LEL 2017 - what has been put in place will make it easier in many ways. What will make it harder for them is that the bar has been raised.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Pippa on 09 August, 2013, 01:06:58 pm
We considered beer, but we couldn't afford to give it away, and you need a license to sell it.

Sell raffle tickets. Each one wins a beer.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 09 August, 2013, 03:39:37 pm
We considered beer, but we couldn't afford to give it away, and you need a license to sell it.

Sell raffle tickets. Each one wins a beer.

Now that is a level of low cunning that I am impressed by
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Feline on 09 August, 2013, 04:49:06 pm
We considered beer, but we couldn't afford to give it away, and you need a license to sell it.

Sell raffle tickets. Each one wins a beer.

Now that is a level of low cunning that I am impressed by

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 09 August, 2013, 05:05:24 pm
But still not legal. Google "beer raffle tickets".
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 09 August, 2013, 05:17:12 pm

Note for 2017 team - charge a little more - and clear in advance with authorities that a free beer will be handed out to finishers, and maybe have a token handed out as you finish - doesnt PBP work like that - i think it did on '07 but not clear about '11.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: ian_oli on 09 August, 2013, 05:42:07 pm
See - £21 for am alcohol licence and live music for upto 7 days as long as you have under 500 people in a control at a time. The sentence about food between 11pm & 5am doesn't apply as you're not providing it to "the public."
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 09 August, 2013, 05:43:27 pm
See - £21 for am alcohol licence and live music for upto 7 days as long as you have under 500 people in a control at a time. The sentence about food between 11pm & 5am doesn't apply as you're not providing it to "the public."

Yes it does. That's why we had to get TENs for every control.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 09 August, 2013, 05:53:07 pm
More to the point is that it's school premises. I was ticked off for smoking by the caretaker in a 'nod and a wink' way. We'd just been having a chat about his trees, he thought his Dawn Redwood was a Swamp Cypress, so I'd given some valuable information for his next meeting about the problem of the roots in the drains.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 09 August, 2013, 07:13:07 pm
Obviously you'd need to check Loughton specifically, but it's quite common for schools to be
Drinking but no-smoking.

I have taught teenagers to brew beer [I was under supervision at the time!], and we let them drink some. But we didn't sell any to anyone.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 09 August, 2013, 07:20:27 pm
There were plenty of riders drinking their own beer at Loughton after LEL. Some even provided a few beers to the odd volunteer (and controller).
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Pedal Castro on 09 August, 2013, 07:30:00 pm
All schools are non-smoking, but quite often schools will have annual multi-event alcohol licences for PTA fund raising events and the like. As an outside hirer of school premises it is quite easy to apply for an alcohol licence.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Parklands on 09 August, 2013, 07:57:49 pm
For whoever is orgaising 2017, I have a personal licenece so can apply for a TEN to sell alchohol, Stick me on your contacts list and just ask, the Person in charge of the control would need to nominate someone or be named as DPS for each location, I would need to meet them and breif them on their responsibilitys a few weeks before the event.

TEN= Temporary Events Notice
DPS= Designated Premisis Supervisor
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: STMS on 10 August, 2013, 10:47:35 am
On entries, having been fully in the Pre qualifying camp; i have read a blog or two and i can see this would prevent entry to some newcomers. I would get round this by pre qualification for the bulk and a small percentage for non qualified, balloted. Unused balloted could then be offered to a waiting list or vice versa should it arise.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mikewigley on 10 August, 2013, 11:24:44 am
Something like a Late Arrivals desk ...

To welcome in riders such as Justin Time?  Rick Umbent?  Walter Raleigh? (very late indeed)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Peter on 10 August, 2013, 11:30:21 am
Or "Mr and Mrs L and their daughter Ellie?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mikewigley on 10 August, 2013, 11:37:31 am
My game plan was to start in the last batch (X), hoping that all the racing snakes would have shot up the road leaving me with no queues for food or beds.  On the whole this worked well.  I had hoped for a late Thursday finish but needed to stop for more sleep stops later in the ride than anticipated so I was just bouncing along before each control's closing time during Thursday and into Friday.

Only Market Rasen let me down food-wise but I've done enough Perms to know how to look after myself and was prepared to supplement the food on offer by using shops and cafes along the way - which takes more time than necessary of course. I accepted that my choice of start and taking a full-value approach would take me to controls which were wanting to tidy up, and running out of food, and being run by volunteers who might be even more tired than me.  I had to ask that at least one air bed be left inflated at Great Easton as I took a necessary half hour nap.

I was grateful for all the service at every control and can only admire the helpers' patience at waiting for the back markers such as myself.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 10 August, 2013, 11:49:46 am
the odd volunteer (and controller).
Which one? Weren't we all odd?

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 11 August, 2013, 11:48:26 am
I'd like to touch on two topics covered here. There are many more topics of course, but many of these are also covered by our survey and planned controllers' debrief in October.

Firstly, the finish. Anyone who spoke to Sue, Keith and me at the very end of the event would have found all of us bereft of our sense of humour. We were knackered. We wanted you all to go home. We had had enough. I was griping about all manner of petty things just because I was tired. There were tears, more than once.

This is no way to run the finish. It's the nature of most sporting events that for most people the excitement is at the beginning rather than the end. Nonetheless it would be good to make the finish a fun place to hang out afterwards. Having Sue and Keith manage that, plus the start, plus a mountain of pre-event admin, was much too much. I would suggest the finish needs a dedicated manager, with the time and enthusiasm to put a bit of a party on. Would anyone like to take on the challenge?

Secondly, a lot of the feedback here and elsewhere expresses mild disappointment (but not criticism) that there isn't the local involvement that one gets with PBP. Some of the controls put a lot of work into this (Lynn at Thirsk and Gerry at Kirton particularly), and I was delighted to see a small group of locals clapping the riders in at Edinburgh. However there's a lot of potential to whip up support along the route. Again, would anyone be interested in doing this? It could be a huge job, but very manageable if that person started right now. LEL can support with knowledge, contacts and money, but it needs someone/people to do the legwork.

So, lots of good ideas, that probably won't happen unless someone steps up.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 11 August, 2013, 12:41:31 pm
The finish is bound to an anti-climax. That's why so much effort goes into the start at PBP, the riders return in dribs and drabs. The Mall start seemed to be appreciated. I filmed the early Davenant starts instead. The contrast with PBP was extreme. No queuing, just a breakfast, a short roll-out to a holding pen, a few words from Keith or Ian, then a squeeze through a narrow gate over some mud, and away. Queueing for breakfast, due to the bunched arrival of the prologue riders, was the only hiccup.
The finish was equally low-key. What was good was the medal presentation. Riders from Japan, Taiwan and Singapore wanted it repeated for the camera. The more personal the moment, the better it is on social media.
The start area had the big advantage of numerous hotels, at a range of prices. I made minimal use of the Chigwell Travelodge, I was filming until 8.30am, and slept from to 11.30am. After Lunch at the Weatherspoons in Loughton, meeting a French family group on the way out, we went to the Waltham Forest Premier Inn, and stayed in the room from 3pm to 9am. We came down to breakfast and chatted with a UK rider, an Australian and two Canadians. LEL and PBP don't end at the Arrivee, there are ad-hoc reunions in the start area for about 48 hours. We rode the Prudential Freeride, as it covered the Prologue I'd missed. We encountered Mem Sec and Mrs Mem Sec between Tower Bridge and Parliament Square. That event was tailor-made as a wind-down.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 11 August, 2013, 12:58:48 pm
2013 was a success - we REALLY have something to build on now.
Come on step up - and maybe the 2013 team will lend  a hand - change their minds etc etc - who knows.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 11 August, 2013, 01:47:09 pm
We were discussing how to maintain the LEL camaraderie. I think the best way would be to go to Semaine Federale next year, as a mixed group of riders and volunteers. We could then make links with the PBP organisers to assist at PBP 2015. LEL volunteers came from many nations, we could make a significant contribution to PBP in terms of understanding the process, and making English-speakers less anxious about being understood. Potential lead organisers would benefit from seeing similar events of a much larger scale in action.
The best organised Semaine financially was in Normandy, where all the scrip money they use was spiked at the point of sale. Normans are canny folk.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: L CC on 11 August, 2013, 04:15:16 pm
One thing I was wondering having read some of the aftermath, is would there be a way of making sure that the slower/first time >600k/ full value riders get earlier start times?
Didn't we pick our own start time?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: frankly frankie on 11 August, 2013, 05:41:10 pm
We were discussing how to maintain the LEL camaraderie.

This was a theme 4 years ago, and 8 years ago.  Surely you have to come down a bit, and peak again??

... we could make a significant contribution to PBP in terms of understanding the process, and making English-speakers less anxious about being understood. Potential lead organisers would benefit from seeing similar events of a much larger scale in action.

... and arranging to borrow their tracking kit  ;)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Panoramix on 11 August, 2013, 06:16:34 pm
2013 was a success - we REALLY have something to build on now.
Come on step up - and maybe the 2013 team will lend  a hand - change their minds etc etc - who knows.

I'd rather see the same team in charge next time even if it means that they have to scale down a bit the event so that it stays manageable.

Best option would be a bigger team, realistically, I can't take on one of the big jobs but would be happy to do small ones (may be helping with comunication with Spanish speaking and French speaking entrants if that's of any use).
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 11 August, 2013, 07:51:53 pm
One thing I was wondering having read some of the aftermath, is would there be a way of making sure that the slower/first time >600k/ full value riders get earlier start times?
Didn't we pick our own start time?

Yes, but for many riders (ok, me) there was no way to know in advance whether we would be full value over a new distance or what the implications of a late start time would be. In hindsight I'd have gone for an earlier start. This, of course, isn't something that anyone, let alone the organising team, can be expected to take into account.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 11 August, 2013, 07:55:37 pm
This, of course, isn't something that anyone, let alone the organising team, can be expected to take into account.
Yeah, it's tricky. PBP is worse, with 3 very different start times (and time limits) - it takes two rides to get a feel for the event, let alone working out whether starting on a whole different day would suit you better!

[OT: in 2009 we had the rather odd situation of female riders getting priority on the morning start times. I wonder what Feline thinks of that ... ]
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: arvid on 11 August, 2013, 08:14:05 pm
Didn't we pick our own start time?

Only to a certain degree. If you opted to do the Prologue (and that's what about 1/3 of riders did) you ended up with a 6am start time although you would start somewhere in the middle of the field from Loughton. I certainly would not do that again.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chuffy on 11 August, 2013, 08:39:23 pm
This, of course, isn't something that anyone, let alone the organising team, can be expected to take into account.
Yeah, it's tricky. PBP is worse, with 3 very different start times (and time limits) - it takes two rides to get a feel for the event, let alone working out whether starting on a whole different day would suit you better!

[OT: in 2009 we had the rather odd situation of female riders getting priority on the morning start times. I wonder what Feline thinks of that ... ]

Yes, if I was to do the event again, with 20/20 hindsight, I'd have started earlier, faffed less, made more effort to hang onto good ride partners and finished in good order some time Thursday evening.

Perhaps one possibility would be to put newbies (ie, with no validated 1k brevet) into an early start group? I struggled to choose a start time, I wouldn't have argued if someone had chosen one for me, along with a rationale for it's choosing.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Feline on 11 August, 2013, 09:47:05 pm
One thing I was wondering having read some of the aftermath, is would there be a way of making sure that the slower/first time >600k/ full value riders get earlier start times?
Didn't we pick our own start time?

Well we did, but there were no guidelines and some of the slower guys appear to have picked later times which I reckon would have made things tougher for them .....
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: red marley on 11 August, 2013, 09:53:13 pm
The range in start times was about 4 hours. The range in finish times was about 50 hours. Would it really make much of a difference to full-value riders whether they started at 6am or 10am? I think starting nearer the back if being overtaken by hundreds of riders gets you down seems like a reasonable strategy to me.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Feline on 11 August, 2013, 09:54:20 pm
This, of course, isn't something that anyone, let alone the organising team, can be expected to take into account.
Yeah, it's tricky. PBP is worse, with 3 very different start times (and time limits) - it takes two rides to get a feel for the event, let alone working out whether starting on a whole different day would suit you better!

[OT: in 2009 we had the rather odd situation of female riders getting priority on the morning start times. I wonder what Feline thinks of that ... ]

I wouldn't expect any special treatment due to lacking a cock. How many of the DNF's proportionally were female? I didn't turn down my bed in the women's dorm on the BCM600 when the men's one was all full though, the past 2 years.

I know its a bit of a can of worms, but to move at the same pace as male riders females actually need to be proportionally fitter. We inherently have a smaller engine and lower power to weight ratio, that's why men's records for all athletic sports trump the women's ones. Audax speeds aren't exactly taxing though and are perfectly attainable for a 42 year old asthmatic  female ;D
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 11 August, 2013, 09:59:15 pm
I think on Facebook the DNF rate was asked about. It seems on this LEL, the women had a better finish rate than the men (LEL said he doesn’t have gender information for all participants so this could skew the results). It was suggested by one female rider that there were a lot of men with no previous long distance experience compared to the women.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: rob on 11 August, 2013, 10:09:02 pm
Met 3 lads at Kirton the last morning. They'd never ridden further than 180k.

They were all at Great Easton at 7pm so will have finished comfortably.

I'd say they were horribly underprepared, but as we all know, sheer determination often gets you through.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 11 August, 2013, 10:10:39 pm
It was suggested by one female rider that there were a lot of men with no previous long distance experience compared to the women.
that seems likely to me - sheer bravado by the male of the species - without due thought -
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 11 August, 2013, 10:16:40 pm
The range in start times was about 4 hours. The range in finish times was about 50 hours. Would it really make much of a difference to full-value riders whether they started at 6am or 10am? I think starting nearer the back if being overtaken by hundreds of riders gets you down seems like a reasonable strategy to me.

The trouble you have starting at the back, as we did at PBP 2011:

 - everyone is ahead of you. If you are the slowest rider, starting at the back, you will never get a faster group coming past that you can get a tow from. The groups we found in 2011 were useless. It took until 3 days in before we found a decent group, which contained a mix of 84h riders and 80h riders who’d packed and were riding home. Whereas on LEL with an early start time I generally found useful groups on the first few stages which saved some energy.

What people right on the time limit with the late start times found was that later controls were winding down as they arrived. If they were at an early start time then controls would still be expecting to be open for another 5 hours after they left (start times B-X correspond to a window of more than 5 hours assuming each is at 15 minute delay). I left Market Rasen half an hour out of time this year, heading southbound, and there was still full service at the control so I was able to eat a decent breakfast before setting off. I would expect things would have looked a bit different 4h later.

The other problem with later start times is the finish time being in the middle of the night. A 6am start time is probably the ideal for a 1400km event if you want to make most use of sleeping time since you can build up a sleep buffer before midnight (YMMV but I would expect most people with a realistic chance to get to Pocklington before sleeping). A 6am start gives you a 2.40am finish deadline at Loughton, which is tolerable for riding into the night a bit, and you don’t have to have a huge time buffer to finish before midnight. By contrast even an 8am start time puts you with a finish time of 4.40am, which I wouldn’t like one bit.

This is probably rather OT by now…
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 11 August, 2013, 10:16:42 pm
I scanned the DNFs with no gender listed, and they were clearly all men. So 5% of all currently listed DNFs are women compared to 6% of starters.

I suspect there will be little difference by gender by the end. There were a lot of male plucky failures, but also some plucky female failures too. Very few of the DNFs were total no-hopers, male or female. Janet Thacker and Sue Barnes bailed at Brampton south, and are keen to have another crack. Jeffmcg OTP made it to Pocklington on the way back. All could have done it with a better run of luck, but none seem too downcast.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: frankly frankie on 11 August, 2013, 11:55:19 pm
It's well-documented that the female of the species has an advantage in anything related to physical endurance.  It's been a non-issue for a hundred years and more. 
[please transfer to POBI if appropriate  ::-)]
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 12 August, 2013, 07:17:12 am
Janet Thacker and Sue Barnes bailed at Brampton south, and are keen to have another crack. Jeffmcg OTP made it to Pocklington on the way back. All could have done it with a better run of luck, but none seem too downcast.

Special mention too to Becky Burns, who bailed near Great Easton. That must have stung. She arrived at Market a little out of time and suffering what we'll call an emotional low. A quick shower and an emergency roast dinner (Vincent wasn't all bad) and she seemed determined to claw it back. A good scrappy ride, that didn't quite work out in the end.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Hedgebanger on 12 August, 2013, 09:24:01 am
Does anyone know the rate of DNFs for this  event (No qualifying ,so assume more inexperienced riders ) compared to PBP 2011 ,where riders had to qualify, in fact were encouraged this time to prepare over 2 years.?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: L CC on 12 August, 2013, 09:35:14 am
The range in start times was about 4 hours. The range in finish times was about 50 hours. Would it really make much of a difference to full-value riders whether they started at 6am or 10am? I think starting nearer the back if being overtaken by hundreds of riders gets you down seems like a reasonable strategy to me.

The trouble you have starting at the back, as we did at PBP 2011:

 - everyone is ahead of you. If you are the slowest rider, starting at the back, you will never get a faster group coming past that you can get a tow from. The groups we found in 2011 were useless.

Those of us who started at 9:30pm+ managed fine (didn't we Danial?). I'd say the 'problem' is being a slower rider, not what time you start.
Managing riders spread out over 50 hours is going to be tough, whatever the start time spread.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Panoramix on 12 August, 2013, 09:50:07 am
Janet Thacker and Sue Barnes bailed at Brampton south, and are keen to have another crack. Jeffmcg OTP made it to Pocklington on the way back. All could have done it with a better run of luck, but none seem too downcast.

Special mention too to Becky Burns, who bailed near Great Easton. That must have stung. She arrived at Market a little out of time and suffering what we'll call an emotional low. A quick shower and an emergency roast dinner (Vincent wasn't all bad) and she seemed determined to claw it back. A good scrappy ride, that didn't quite work out in the end.

I rode with her at the beginning between St Ives and Market Ransen. It was her first year doing long stuff, it's a shame that she didn't make it. After my stomach decided against riding, I was well behind her in Brampton as I decided to bail and I was just marginally behind (I could have left Brampton in the morning at control close time but just didn't have energy to claw back time on a hilly 300km), so she was doing OK and presumably she struggled while going South.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 12 August, 2013, 09:55:16 am
She got lost, it got dark, and it all just got a bit too much. She was tantalisingly close, but when you're on the wire the smallest hiccup can end your ride.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 12 August, 2013, 09:58:04 am
The range in start times was about 4 hours. The range in finish times was about 50 hours. Would it really make much of a difference to full-value riders whether they started at 6am or 10am? I think starting nearer the back if being overtaken by hundreds of riders gets you down seems like a reasonable strategy to me.

The trouble you have starting at the back, as we did at PBP 2011:

 - everyone is ahead of you. If you are the slowest rider, starting at the back, you will never get a faster group coming past that you can get a tow from. The groups we found in 2011 were useless.

Those of us who started at 9:30pm+ managed fine (didn't we Danial?). I'd say the 'problem' is being a slower rider, not what time you start.

I agree with boab here. ED: the figures support this (the median start time is 0800 for DNFs and the others.)
Re: simon's point, I think the slowest riders get no benefit from a tow; partly cos most riders can't wheelsuck someone a LOT faster than them, and partly cos slower riders tend not to have wheelsucking experience.

The other issues are all swings and roundabouts e.g. if you reach a control as it is winding down, then you won't be Qing for hours. etc

[and this "control shutting" thing is STILL cart-before-horse - the problem is for the CONTROLLERS, who will always have someone coming through last! ]

If I may add to the Becky saga:
She looked so fresh at Pocklington(S) I actually told her so! (I hadn't seen anyone looking that fresh at the bed-booking desk all week, it was actually a shock.)
So I guess I jinxed her :(
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: newbee on 12 August, 2013, 04:14:26 pm
I was told I'd had a mention here so thought I'd pop up and say hello and cheers for the comments  :thumbsup:

You're right - it did sting to get to Wendens Ambo, off route with swollen knees and ankles after a long descent from Chrishill. I'd been carrying an achilles injury from the Holl and Back 600 in June which was giving me a nip on the prologue so I wasn't sure I'd get further than Market Rasen northbound tbh. Naproxen, Team Guardian and the buzz of meeting international riders kept me going with a healthy time to Edinburgh and back thru Pocklington. It got slow, lonely and windy for large chunks after that which all took their toll on my inexperienced and injured legs but Team Market Rasen put Froome's lots' efforts to shame with their flawless pit stop care (thank you chef for the emergency roast!)

Lots of lessons learnt - agree with earlier posts about starting noobs like me earlier, I hadn't really taken the morale side of things into account - I'm used to riding alone but knowing you're the VERY last rider having had 5 hours sleep in a week makes you a bit wobbly. I'm pretty sure I'd have completed the final 70k if I'd had company to gee me along/ share the headwind on the effing fens  ;)

I'd done 100s,200s, a 3,4 and a 600 in preparation and lots of club runs/chaingang rides inbetween but would still say my bid was ambitious in my first year of audaxing.

Good luck to all heading for 2017  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 12 August, 2013, 08:15:24 pm
I caught a much earlier start rider on the leg south from Kirton.  She was hating the head wind, was feeling low, and was convinced she would be out of time. I was feeling good, offered her a tow, and convinced her she was doing alright on time if she just kept pedalling.  Those last legs were brutal in the heat, but she kept going, managed to join a group and finished with 2 hours to spare. I did my small part catching the group but I think you're right. A bit of help on those final sections could have made all the difference.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: lastant on 12 August, 2013, 09:38:02 pm
Lots of lessons learnt - agree with earlier posts about starting noobs like me earlier, I hadn't really taken the morale side of things into account - I'm used to riding alone but knowing you're the VERY last rider having had 5 hours sleep in a week makes you a bit wobbly. I'm pretty sure I'd have completed the final 70k if I'd had company to gee me along/ share the headwind on the effing fens  ;)

Be interested to know what time you were at towards the end - I was at Edinburgh just in time, I joined in the Market Rasen closing meal they'd ordered in (so pretty late!) and ended up getting to Kirton at 19.30, beyond closing time but that still left me twelve hours to do the final 200km.

A kind samaritan was on the way out of the car park and informed me it was locked up...after checking it was she offered to make me food / let me sleep at her house round the corner. After that stint on my own, into the headwind and in that heat I said 'yes'. Creature comforts is what did me I think, upon waking I was shattered and everything hurt. I packed.

Also think I'd have finished with a bit of company on that last half a day and all I've thought over the last week is 'what if I'd just / I should have carried on'...hey ho. It was my first ever audax and I've learnt from it - most notably the fact I need to work out how to sleep when the opportunity rises, I had a similar amount to you over the course of my LEL.

Otherwise I wish I'd started earlier now too, would have been nice to have a train or two...most company I had after the first hour or so was one other rider and I was alone from Pocklington on the way back!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Dai P on 12 August, 2013, 10:03:56 pm
First ever post! And when I work out how to add picture etc wil do so.

Firstly thanks to Woobly and the Finnish guy I sheltered with under trees on way to MH for getting me on this site, top blokes. Although didn't catch the yacf name of the Finnish guy, he was a small wheeled tourist! I suspect you all know him.

LEL, a fantastic event and much thanks to the few who made it possible for the many. I don't know Daniel or Sue and Keith, but the latter I do know run the Norwich events which I have done a few times and are always excellent.

Few thoughts, in my day job I have worked with volunteers a lot and whilst they are usually fantastic sometimes there is a gap between what they promise and what they can deliver, this is not a critism of volunteering but a challange for organisers, it is hard enough when people do what the say and almost impossible when people's plans change.

I have just worked out what full value riders mean, and agree that these are part of the essence of Audax.  Do not feel that trying to arrange start times based on finish times is doable, it is in the end down to the riders (us) to complete or not, anything to try and change this would be impractible.

I did have the same experience at MR as others as regards lack of food on the Thursday morning, but hey, these things happen, we learn and hopefully things will improve on that score in the future.  There is a different issue with out of time riders and what should be supported for them. Personally I feel we need to recognise that they have achieved, and achieved so much, just by doing an event like LEL and would welcome a positive response to their achievements, but the controls will need to close sometime, it is just about degrees.

I am in general a faster starter than finisher, having left at 0715 and got back within 4 hours of cut off, the welcome at Arrive was great and the sprit was fantastic, cannot fault anyone for that, riders coming in very late may not have had that experience and that's sad.

Having done 07 PBP, this was such a greater event, much harder but much more fun, and LEL has a unique place as it is so different and offers so much.  Talking to three French riders on last leg, they were done in but so happy to have done something so challenging and so much in the sprit of Audax!!

I congratulate all the organisers, volunteers and riders, an event which for me will always be special..
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 12 August, 2013, 10:32:06 pm
Firstly thanks to Woobly and the Finnish guy I sheltered with under trees on way to MH for getting me on this site, top blokes. Although didn't catch the yacf name of the Finnish guy, he was a small wheeled tourist! I suspect you all know him.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Wobbly on 13 August, 2013, 06:16:11 pm
"Woobly" indeed.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Lotum on 14 August, 2013, 07:20:21 am
Firstly thanks to Woobly and the Finnish guy I sheltered with under trees on way to MH for getting me on this site, top blokes. Although didn't catch the yacf name of the Finnish guy, he was a small wheeled tourist! I suspect you all know him.


Yes, it must have been me (was riding a Moulton). Not sure what I said or did (aside from the obvious advertising by wearing the jersey) to influence you to join. Anyways, welcome to yacf, Dapper! :-)

I'm afraid that I was also one of the people who, um, inspired Becky to sign up for LEL. I felt so sorry (guilty!) when she told me that she had dropped out with only 70 km to go.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Collonach on 15 August, 2013, 04:15:40 pm
It was a real pain travelling down from Scotland to start in London, staying over, no evidence in advance of overnight camping option for non-car users so going to  hotel, and vice versa.
I did suggest a year ago to a previous control organizer that there should be an ELE version, which could be run out of sync with LEL,
but using the same resources. This would increase the capacity of the ride.
Maybe it would entail separating the routes down and up.
After independence....????  ;D
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: L CC on 15 August, 2013, 04:19:36 pm
I find it amazing how few Scots there were, compared to the number of, say, Indians? Taiwanese?
It's a 1400km internationally recognised event. London is closer to your doorstep than Berlin.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 15 August, 2013, 05:05:29 pm
I find it amazing how few Scots there were, compared to the number of, say, Indians? Taiwanese?
It's a 1400km internationally recognised event. London is closer to your doorstep than Berlin.
I can sort of see the problem (as explained by Collonach). There are quite a few Audaxes that run close to me, and I really hate travelling to a start point (say) 100km away, only to ride back to my door, turn-round etc ...

I'd rather go to Chepstow. Or Paris. Or Herentals. Or Arran etc ...
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 15 August, 2013, 05:24:29 pm
I'd have gone for starting at any control at such a time as to arrive at the next control at its opening time. Controls are empty for a lot of the time. Once the end controls of your 1400km are closed you are on your own.

But LEL is a specific event, run by an organising body, and it was what it was. The growth in cycling actually makes the event less nationally significant. Its reach is more international in its scope.
The prologue start, for instance, would have had a much bigger impact if the whole of central London was not due to be closed on the following Sunday for over 50,000 participants in a cycling festival culminating in a professional Road Race coming in from Surrey, and finishing on The Mall.

Starting at an intermediate control would allow riders to drop back through the field to meet riders of all nations. They could see other riders finish at the Southern End, and then go home via traditional permanent ride stops.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 15 August, 2013, 05:34:28 pm
hmm ... so you're suggesting something like the hop-on-hop-off tourist buses? LEL could run all summer, you could do whichever bits you like, or as much as you like. Get a medal once all your boxes are stamped, a bigger medal if you get them all in 116hours.

I like it.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 15 August, 2013, 06:28:19 pm
hmm ... so you're suggesting something like the hop-on-hop-off tourist buses? LEL could run all summer, you could do whichever bits you like, or as much as you like. Get a medal once all your boxes are stamped, a bigger medal if you get them all in 116hours.

I like it.

More like getting onto the last tourist bus of the day at Tower bridge, in the full knowledge that you'll have to get back to Tower Bridge from where the tour stops under your own steam.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Feline on 15 August, 2013, 06:41:23 pm
Well a choice of starts is a nice idea in principal, but the poor controllers are already open for stupidly long periods of time and this would make that massively worse. Finding double the number of volunteers to man them sounds very unlikely. I think it would take away something from what the event actually is too.

Maybe thinking outside the box the solution is to alternate between LEL and ELE every 4 years?!
Those who didn't want to travel to the further away start could then volunteer at a closish control on the year it started further from their home so they didn't want to ride.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Pedal Castro on 15 August, 2013, 07:33:56 pm
Why not a London-Edinburgh-London where the start time is the same for all but you can start from any control and you do the complete loop in the time limit. That way the controls would only need to be open for one extra day (-ish). Or what about extending it to London-Cardiff-Edinburgh-London, with options for London-Cardiff, Cardiff-Edinburgh, etc
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Wobbly on 15 August, 2013, 09:32:48 pm
Maybe thinking outside the box the solution is to alternate between LEL and ELE every 4 years?!

Hey, that's actually a pretty good idea!

Yep. Feline gets my vote.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Chris S on 15 August, 2013, 09:37:52 pm
Maybe thinking outside the box the solution is to alternate between LEL and ELE every 4 years?!

Yebbut... your partner's a Scot. Just sayin...  :D
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 15 August, 2013, 10:28:00 pm
Talk about a tail wagging a dog !! and all those poor Bretons who would really like to have a BPB!!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 15 August, 2013, 10:31:54 pm
Why not a London-Edinburgh-London where the start time is the same for all but you can start from any control and you do the complete loop in the time limit. That way the controls would only need to be open for one extra day (-ish). Or what about extending it to London-Cardiff-Edinburgh-London, with options for London-Cardiff, Cardiff-Edinburgh, etc

You are way off beam  - every control would have to be open for all 116 hours - and exactly where would we get the volunteers to do that from??
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: madcow on 15 August, 2013, 11:38:10 pm
Pay them "expenses"  (nudge , nudge ,wink, wink) and add it to the entry fee.
Given that it's school/uni holidays there should be plenty of reasonably sensible sixth formers or recent leavers who know their way around their respective schools. We probably  haven't asked before.

It doesn't have to be all volunteers, although volunteers understand the ethos of audax/LEL and others may not.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 16 August, 2013, 06:56:01 am
Maybe thinking outside the box the solution is to alternate between LEL and ELE every 4 years?!

Hey, that's actually a pretty good idea!

Yep. Feline gets my vote.
Certainly worth adding to the "blue sky" list. As a rider I'd find it a refreshing change. Lots of people don't like repeating an event, so this would increase sales.

Anything to stop the scots whinging ...

(I don't think we should rule stuff out forever due to extra volunteer requirements. we don't know how many more we'll get next time. But yes, it's a factor to weigh up.)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 16 August, 2013, 08:22:43 am
Maybe thinking outside the box the solution is to alternate between LEL and ELE every 4 years?!

+1 - but only if it starts right in the middle somewhere surrounded by all the lovely sights so everyone gets to enjoy them. Edinburgh has special memories for me. I promised my better half LEL would be a one-off, but I didn't make any promises about not doing an ELE!

Anything to stop the scots whinging ...

Oh, it'll take more than this to manage that (dons tin helmet and heads for cover).

Joking of course - the Scottish controls were a treat - up there with the friendliest and best of the ride.  But Matt set that up so nicely ....
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 16 August, 2013, 08:40:18 am
Edinburgh would be difficult, because the average speed on the first hilly section would be too low to build up a cushion for sleep. Thorne worked well as a start because there were no hills until Castle Howard, 50 miles into the ride. So that was an immediate cushion. The following terrain spread the field out, and the difficult riding was out of the way in the first 700km. In 2001 the riders had the option of switching to the 800km Thorne Edinburgh Thorne, which just had the Northern scenery and the flat bits from Thorne to the A64. That ride has the distinction of having more finishers than starters, as the wind stopped a lot of people.

Some requirements for a start area are a cluster of hotels, a campsite and a big venue.
The essential requirement is a competent and enthusiastic organising team, with a clear vision.
The Olympics focused a lot of attention on London, and the success of the games. That was the right way to go this time. The Tour in Yorkshire will move that attention North. If that was in 2016, LEL could really benefit, but 3 years is too long to sustain that momentum.

Examination of the photos posted shows that the optimum image would be of a rider passing through a rainbow next to the whitewashed field barn in Upper Teesdale.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 16 August, 2013, 08:53:07 am
Edinburgh would be difficult, because the average speed on the first hilly section would be too low

Darn, and here was me picturing us all rolling down Princes street from the castle at the start. Don't they also have some nice cobbles for us to wobble over?

(oops, that isn't Princes Street is it! Royal Mile?)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 16 August, 2013, 08:57:54 am
Those with a GPS record of the ride might like to predict how much time they would have in hand for sleep if Edinburgh to Thirsk or Pocklington was their start leg.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 16 August, 2013, 09:08:02 am
Those with a GPS record of the ride might like to predict how much time they would have in hand for sleep if Edinburgh to Thirsk or Pocklington was their start leg.

At a rough guess - not much!

I had around 4 or 5 hours in hand when I left Edinburgh, and about the same when I left Pock. In between I had around 3 or 4 hours sleep at Brampton, and a 30min cat nap at BC. So having neither eaten into, or built up my buffer zone, over that stretch I must have been around the 13Km/h speed average overall (or whatever the exact figure was).

So if we started at Edinburgh, riding at my speed I'd get about 4 hours at Pock, and be out of buffer zone. On the way up, I had 8 or 9 hours of buffer when I slept at Pock.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 16 August, 2013, 09:29:23 am
ELE would require some very different controls, but would make a great ride if the route could be kept intact(ish). Finishing through traquair, eskdalemuir would be superb!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 16 August, 2013, 09:36:37 am
There were comments that St Ives to Gt Easton was an unreasonably lumpy finish -- just imagine the kerfuffle finishing Esk , Traq
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 16 August, 2013, 09:39:43 am
We clocked a J group rider at the Humber bridge going through at exactly 12 hours. So he had almost as much time as that as a cushion at that point. He finished in 100 hours 44 minutes, so he picked up another 4 hours somewhere, during the next 88 hours and 44 minutes. So cushion time was accumulated at the rate of one hour per hour for the first 12, and one hour per twenty two hours for the remainder. I'd like to know if that was typical.
The letter prefix worked very well, as it defined the rider as part of a cohort at a glance.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 16 August, 2013, 09:52:08 am
We clocked a J group rider at the Humber bridge going through at exactly 12 hours. So he had almost as much time as that as a cushion at that point. He finished in 100 hours 44 minutes, so he picked up another 4 hours somewhere, during the next 88 hours and 44 minutes. So cushion time was accumulated at the rate of one hour per hour for the first 12, and one hour per twenty two hours for the remainder. I'd like to know if that was typical.
The letter prefix worked very well, as it defined the rider as part of a cohort at a glance.

Yep, sounds familiar. I picked up almost all my buffer time on the first day. After that, it was basically just maintaining it, and then eventually eating into it - intentionally though, to give my battered neck a break.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: L CC on 16 August, 2013, 09:54:46 am
Those with a GPS record of the ride might like to predict how much time they would have in hand for sleep if Edinburgh to Thirsk or Pocklington was their start leg.

At a rough guess - not much!

I had around 4 or 5 hours in hand when I left Edinburgh, and about the same when I left Pock. In between I had around 3 or 4 hours sleep at Brampton, and a 30min cat nap at BC. So having neither eaten into, or built up my buffer zone, over that stretch I must have been around the 13Km/h speed average overall (or whatever the exact figure was).

So if we started at Edinburgh, riding at my speed I'd get about 4 hours at Pock, and be out of buffer zone. On the way up, I had 8 or 9 hours of buffer when I slept at Pock.
We (shit climbers) built time between Edinburgh-Barney, including wasting enjoying time with my dad at Eskdalemuir, ice creams at Alston & cowering, shivering, in the pub at Langdon Beck. With 700k less in our legs it'd be easier.
It's not that hilly.
There were comments that St Ives to Gt Easton was an unreasonably lumpy finish -- just imagine the kerfuffle finishing Esk , Traq
I think that it was the unexpectedness that had people complaining. "Scotland has Hills" is not a surprise.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 16 August, 2013, 10:02:14 am
Those with a GPS record of the ride might like to predict how much time they would have in hand for sleep if Edinburgh to Thirsk or Pocklington was their start leg.

At a rough guess - not much!

I had around 4 or 5 hours in hand when I left Edinburgh, and about the same when I left Pock. In between I had around 3 or 4 hours sleep at Brampton, and a 30min cat nap at BC. So having neither eaten into, or built up my buffer zone, over that stretch I must have been around the 13Km/h speed average overall (or whatever the exact figure was).

So if we started at Edinburgh, riding at my speed I'd get about 4 hours at Pock, and be out of buffer zone. On the way up, I had 8 or 9 hours of buffer when I slept at Pock.
We (shit climbers) built time between Edinburgh-Barney, including wasting enjoying time with my dad at Eskdalemuir, ice creams at Alston & cowering, shivering, in the pub at Langdon Beck. With 700k less in our legs it'd be easier.
It's not that hilly.
There were comments that St Ives to Gt Easton was an unreasonably lumpy finish -- just imagine the kerfuffle finishing Esk , Traq
I think that it was the unexpectedness that had people complaining. "Scotland has Hills" is not a surprise.

It's not actually a hill-climbing problem from Edinburgh to Barnard Castle. The headwind is more of a factor. That favours tandems, recumbents and big, strong riders. Power to frontal area is the most important factor, that and group-riding skills. The headwind is actually a motivating factor for those types of rider, as they pass those with a high power to weight, who are being blown around like leaves, and having to pedal hard downhill.

When I rode in 2001 and 2005 I team time trialled back to Thorne to meet the 105 hour deadline which defines PBP pace.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 16 August, 2013, 10:03:17 am
With 700k less in our legs it'd be easier.
It's not that hilly.

True. A lot of my slowness came from the state of my neck, especially on the climbs where I'm usually fairly strong. That wouldn't have been a factor at the start of the ride.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 16 August, 2013, 02:33:34 pm
I was gaining time all the time (whilst riding) coming south, as I'd got over my stomach issues between 200km and 600km going north.  But, and this a big but, I was managing my time at controls and sleep stops to keep the time buffer at what I thought was a comfortable level for me. So looking at my control check ins it looks like I wasn't gaining time but just about maintaining it. If you knew my control check outs you'd see a different picture.

I have my GPS data, which will give me my check out times, but I have yet to download it from the device. In fact I haven't used the GPS since the event since just following your nose and riding the bike is nice to do when it's near enough impossible to get really lost on your local roads.

As for the southern hills I kind of knew what to expect as they are relatively local to me, but they also signaled a change from pushing on into the headwind and gave a nice bit of variety at the end for the legs.

I fall somewhere in between being a climber (closer to climber) and a powerhouse.  My preference is hills, if it is to be for any length.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 16 August, 2013, 07:03:40 pm
I promised my better half LEL would be a one-off, but I didn't make any promises about not doing an ELE!

Genius  ;D
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Feline on 16 August, 2013, 07:22:39 pm
Don't forget though that the Edinburgh-Esk section was pretty headwindy, and that would be very much easier in bigger peletons of riders not yet strung out from the start of the ride.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Jacques on 16 August, 2013, 07:41:55 pm
It may be convenient & beneficial for some riders to be able to start at different points of the route but this is a once every 4 years special event so I think any dilution of riders along the route would detract from the ride itself never mind make things twice as complicated to organise.

Keep it exactly as it is. I live at the far end of the PBP route but starting from Brest would change the complexion of the ride for me & I would never do it if I had that choice. I think the same would happen for LEL.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 16 August, 2013, 07:54:14 pm
Don't forget that LEL has already been organised with a second start at Thorne, roughly 1/4 around the course. It worked quite well in those years, with controls generally needing to stay open just 1 extra day.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 16 August, 2013, 09:28:30 pm
Before the exclusion of 500 riders becomes regarded as fact - we always planned for  850 entries 750 to ride.
We ended up with 1200 entering ,100 pulling out and getting 80% back, so an 1100 entry, with 1000 riding - so just 250 more than initial planning had indicated.

If you look at my first post this whole thread was supposed to make people think about actually helping the team to do 2017 - not get involved in pages and pages of flim flam.

There are many ways in which a 2017 LEL with 2000 riders could be made to work and quite frankly this is the *actual* job looking for a volunteer

Andy if you have constructive ideas on how to increase the event by 50% - then share them with us - if you really think that a 100% increase is achievable --which clearly you do from the above quote - then get your team together and let AUk know how you are going to do it.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 16 August, 2013, 10:31:05 pm
I had a very interesting discussion with Lucynya Kunc, who was with Randonneurs Polska, and may be employed by them in some capacity. My contention was that the LEL field was a manifestation of the emergent liberalised middle class in world terms.  They were seeking to to network via social media with an established western middle class that was predominantly older., So Taiwanese and Indian participants had a younger age profile than established Audax nations. Lucynya was interested in this idea, as her role was to grow Randonneurs Polska, so analysis of the market segment might be useful. We never got the chance to continue the discussion.
In a couple of weeks we'll be going walking in North West Scotland. We'll stay in Hostels, some SYHA hostels and some independent. The SYHA hostels will be full of people like me, able to pay for a decent B&B, but a bit too mean to, and a bit wedded to 'authenticity', and being able to save money by cooking my own food. The actual aim of the YHA was to enable young people to expand their horizons cheaply.
The young people are in the independent hostels, blogging their every move. I want to be able to reach some nebulous person whose whole attitude to life could be turned around by the challenge of Audax. So I still want a cheap LEL, but I'm not sure how it fits into the contemporary worldview. Authenticity is what I'm fixated on, 'The Right Stuff' I suppose.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: teethgrinder on 16 August, 2013, 10:34:52 pm
I think that a start in London, Yorkshire and Edinburgh (similar to how the old Windsor Chester Windsor was run) would be good.
It wasn't until the 4th edition of LEL that there was an option to start in London, which I think was done by a minority or maybe half the riders. (It'd also give RobW a 3rd bite of the cherry too ;D)
I also think that a demand of 3000 riders for the next LEL could be there, even if it can't be met.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 16 August, 2013, 10:42:16 pm
I'll let your put up or shut up comments go over my head. It is *very* bad form to challenge anyone who gives feedback to organise the event themselves.

To be honest I think it's worse form to sit on the sidelines, immediately after a successful and apparently extremely well run event, saying 'next time this should be different, but that would be a disaster,' without at least offering constructive ways in which to enable 'this' to be different.

I think it's also worth pointing out that Roger's reply was not 'put up or shut up.' He invited you to put forward ideas that would enable at least a 50% growth, alongside challenging whether 100% growth would be feasible.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 16 August, 2013, 11:05:32 pm
Andy you do realise that it took us 3 1/2 years to put this event on.

We were asked by AUK in early 2010 to do it. Danial was the only leader / boss to put his hat in the ring. I have not so far seen anyone else thinking about doing 2017 - but I thought that since your post was indicating that there were "many ways" to do a 2000 rider event - then you either needed to give us clues how to do it -or actually get down and do the work yourself.

Sorry if that was not what you had in mind.  I look forward to your input - but those with detailed knowledge of the 2013 event - may not instantly agree with you

Danial is on record as saying he will not do it again - he might change his mind - that is his choice.

If there is to be a new team to build on the success of 2013 - then they need to start getting their act together NOW.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 16 August, 2013, 11:53:32 pm
please reread your original post:

Please dont post to this thread without a lot of hard thought- sit back and think carefully - what do we want LEL to be -what do we want AUK to be - how can these be achieved.

Nearly all the posts on this thread have been exactly this. "what do we want LEL to be"

And although I don't agree with all his points, I'm pretty sure AndyC has invested "a lot of hard thought" into them.

Everyone else: please read about De Boton's thinking hats (or similar meeting/discussion tripe  ;D ). It's quite possible to discuss POSSIBLE improvements without them being criticisms of what has gone before, or indeed statements that the new team 'SHOULD' carry them out.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 17 August, 2013, 01:07:19 pm
Lots of great ideas, and this is exactly the right time for dreaming.

Let's hope someone does indeed 'embrace the glory' and commit to the significant burden of work that even a straight rerun of this year's event would entail.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 18 August, 2013, 11:42:40 am
One big change in 2013 was the lack of a control to break up the climbing between Barnard Castle and Brampton. Previous runnings had used controls at around 1,400 feet at Langdon Beck and the Alston Outdoor Centre, as well as the Alston Youth Hostel at 1,000 feet. There was a real appetite for a stop around Alston. I saw riders stopping at pubs and B&Bs, and we rescued a hypothermic French rider, putting him on the floor of our room at the Angel Inn.
Most people stopped at Brampton or Barnard Castle for the night, but there was a significant group for whom Alston or Langdon Beck Youth Hostels would work well. A 'boutique' LEL option with an additional fee for the block booking of those hostels would be a nice touch. There are enough riders who know their capabilities and could make use of those additional facilities.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: edscoble on 19 August, 2013, 01:43:21 pm
There were comments that St Ives to Gt Easton was an unreasonably lumpy finish -- just imagine the kerfuffle finishing Esk , Traq

But not the Market Rasin - Kirton route?

That was a real killer with long flat boring road fighting against a headwind with 1,000km in your legs with only yourself for company (well, me).

I loved the St Ives - Loughton route, brilliantly fun.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 19 August, 2013, 01:49:29 pm
There were comments that St Ives to Gt Easton was an unreasonably lumpy finish -- just imagine the kerfuffle finishing Esk , Traq

But not the Market Rasin - Kirton route?

That was a real killer with long flat boring road fighting against a headwind with 1,000km in your legs with only yourself for company (well, me).

I loved the St Ives - Loughton route, brilliantly fun.

Amazing how perspectives differ, a large part due to state of mind when you encounter a stretch I guess. I found the stretch to Gt Easton both very challenging, but at the same time also enjoyable for the scenery and rather unexpected terrain. I was tired and moaning a bit by the control, but that didn't actually reflect a lack of fun from the leg to get there. The easy almost free-wheel it afforded to the finish was very welcomed!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: edscoble on 19 August, 2013, 01:55:17 pm
I'll admitted that legs was hard for me as well, mainly due to hot spot on my feet that exacerbated further if I push a little too hard.

However I do remember enjoying that section a lots more due to the nature of the route giving you some chance of escaping the headwind and shelter from the sun.

Gt Easton - Loughton was awesome, it felt like it's almost all the way downhill as long I have enough velocity to catapult myself up the next hill.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: edscoble on 19 August, 2013, 02:15:23 pm
Speaking of ELE, have there been a Brest-Paris-Brest option for the PBP?
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: crowriver on 20 August, 2013, 10:03:50 am
I'm loath to comment on this, not having been involved.

As a general point though, having organised various events (not sporting ones) in the past, I can suggest that when a particular organiser decides they cannot carry on, then the urgent task is not to immediately find a successor. The urgent task at this stage in succession planning is to distill the experiences of the successful event into information that can be used by anyone willing to take on the role in future. This could be in the form of a report, notes on successes/failures, lessons learned, and so on. The more structured and calm the thinking about this, the better to communicate essentials to a successor.

It is not at all surprising that the core team feel a bit burnt out from the strain of this large project. Time is probably needed to recuperate, get on with the lives that have been on hold. Within a fairly short space of time though, it may be important to reconvene the core team to conduct a post mortem review of the event, to get feedback on the difficulties of the organising process as well as the things that went smoothly.

Until another person or team steps forward, it is impossible to speculate on how a future LEL might be run. There will be useful insights, advice, perhaps even physical equipment and assets which can be re-used next time. However I would suspect that in order to succeed, a future organiser will need to be empowered to make independent decisions, not expected to simply run a template dictated by AUK or previous organisers. That is not intended as a criticism of the current team, just a recognition that anyone new may have a different way of doing things.

Finally I would make a call for any future event to devolve certain tasks and decisions to local controllers. This will help to relieve the stress bearing down on the core team, and also allow those with local knowledge and experience to contribute towards the event's success.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 20 August, 2013, 04:36:43 pm
I'm loath to comment on this, not having been involved.


One of the reasons I've been left feeling utterly deflated by this running of LEL is the failure of more than one person to deliver something that was delegated to them. In some respects a delegated but undelivered piece of work is more hassle than something never volunteered for. First you have the stress of having to persuade/chivvy/motivate/ said volunteer to do the work, then the stress of taking the job off them (which always makes you look like a shit) and finally the stress of having to do the job yourself anyway. I should never have been put in the position of devising and shopping for menus and recruiting cooks for two controls, or taking days off work to spend hours on a train to negotiate a control's menu (which happened three times). Or spend 10 hours on a train to repeat a meeting I'd already held a year earlier (also requiring a day on a train).

My workload more than doubled due to filling in for volunteers who didn't deliver. It also irked when others then told me that I was working too hard, offering well-meaning but ultimately slightly patronising advice about the value of delegation. Said people never actually went as far as offering to pick up the work of course.

I'm very reluctant to put myself in that position again. If LEL had been a flop, it would have been my reputation that was on the line, which made it very hard for me to let things slide. Those who know me best will know how intense that pressure was at times.

We have now had 385 riders complete our online survey, and 160 complete the volunteers' survey. The controllers are meeting in October for a debrief, and we're reporting to the AUK board at the end of September. I've already had reports from the web team and the volunteer co-ordinator.

All of my LEL work is on dropbox, neatly filed. A few clicks and someone else can have the lot. It's already available to much of the team.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 20 August, 2013, 04:59:33 pm
Why not a London-Edinburgh-London where the start time is the same for all but you can start from any control and you do the complete loop in the time limit. That way the controls would only need to be open for one extra day (-ish). Or what about extending it to London-Cardiff-Edinburgh-London, with options for London-Cardiff, Cardiff-Edinburgh, etc

You are way off beam  - every control would have to be open for all 116 hours - and exactly where would we get the volunteers to do that from??

+1 I volunteered this time and am planning to do again - but at least with everyone starting in one place over a relatively short time period we knew when riders were going to arrive and we could plan for it.  We might not have done that to perfection and we definitely learnt a lot from the experience that we're going to share and put into practice next time.  But if we start opening up multiple start points and wide start times we will have no idea when people are going to turn up at a particular control - we won't be able to prepare food in advance so riders would have to wait ages for food or find that it was dried and congealed from being kept hot too long - and I certainly wouldn't be keen on volunteering.

As a volunteeer I'm agnostic about a London or an Edinburgh start.   There are approx 20m people living within 100km of London (just under a third of the UK population) as compared with about 5m within 100km of Edinburgh.  And there are better logistics from outside the UK to London than Edinburgh - so these are factors to consider.  But I also appreciate the view that I don't like travelling to ride Audax events that go just past my house - a number of the very good Kent audax rides have been discounted for just that reason.

I'm really sad to hear that many people weren't able to live up to their promises and the pressure that put on the main organisers.  Other pressures (work and family) constrain what I do but will be happy to see what else I can do next time. 
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 20 August, 2013, 05:11:36 pm
TBF the controllers had problems with volunteers not delivering too. About 25% of volunteers failed to show up, without giving us any warning. You can allow for it if you know it's going to happen, but this rate of no-show without warning meant a lot of people had to work much longer than planned.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: crowriver on 20 August, 2013, 05:31:54 pm

One of the reasons I've been left feeling utterly deflated by this running of LEL is the failure of more than one person to deliver something that was delegated to them. In some respects a delegated but undelivered piece of work is more hassle than something never volunteered for. First you have the stress of having to persuade/chivvy/motivate/ said volunteer to do the work, then the stress of taking the job off them (which always makes you look like a shit) and finally the stress of having to do the job yourself anyway.

I recognise that situation. If it's any consolation, in my experience this kind of thing goes on even when people are being paid. It always happens at the wrong time, in the furthest away place, when no-one else is available to sort it out other guessed it.

It's one of the reasons why I gave up organising events after 20-odd years (not Audax/cycling, in another field). Maybe I'll go back to it one day...

All of my LEL work is on dropbox, neatly filed. A few clicks and someone else can have the lot. It's already available to much of the team.

Sounds like there's an excellent resource being built for the next person/team.

Good luck with your next project. I hope the riders have thanked you for this one.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: frankly frankie on 20 August, 2013, 10:25:02 pm
I recognise that situation. If it's any consolation, in my experience this kind of thing goes on even when people are being paid. It always happens at the wrong time, in the furthest away place, when no-one else is available to sort it out other guessed it.

That's the way it is.  When someone volunteers, you are at their mercy, they can and eventually will, walk away.  That's not to criticise the volunteering ethos - but this is just part of the package.
And I agree with the above - if you pay people a minimum wage say, that really isn't going to change anything, if something better turns up they will walk away just the same.
All that said - a 25% no-show - that's quite shocking.  But you just have to build that statistic into the plans, next time.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 21 August, 2013, 12:02:14 am
I think Crowrivers point about making sure that what we learnt is fully available to any future organiser has been well addressed already.

We do have a team,including controllers, get together scheduled - so although we can not force everybody to turn up and share their "This went well, this must be done better next time". there will be new points that are taken on board and available for 2017.

In honesty I think we are doing as much as we can to make our knowledge potentially available to anyone who would like it.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: cornelius on 21 August, 2013, 11:00:13 am
I recognise that situation. If it's any consolation, in my experience this kind of thing goes on even when people are being paid. It always happens at the wrong time, in the furthest away place, when no-one else is available to sort it out other guessed it.

That's the way it is.  When someone volunteers, you are at their mercy, they can and eventually will, walk away.  That's not to criticise the volunteering ethos - but this is just part of the package.
And I agree with the above - if you pay people a minimum wage say, that really isn't going to change anything, if something better turns up they will walk away just the same.
All that said - a 25% no-show - that's quite shocking.  But you just have to build that statistic into the plans, next time.

Wot they say +1

Confession time: I nearly didn't turn up for my volunteer duty. Recruitment, briefing and motivation of volunteers is every bit as important as for riders. Riders need (and get) to know well in advance when and where and for how long they are required so that they can make appropriate domestic arrangements and carry out proper preparation. Volunteers (at all levels of the event) need exactly the same details. It appears that some volunteers were better briefed and prepared by their controllers than others prior to the event. A breakdown of no-shows by volunteers at the different controls might be instructive. It must be said however that controllers were volunteers too - I reckon that they were the heroes who made LEL13 the undoubted success it was.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 21 August, 2013, 07:53:10 pm
Riders need (and get) to know well in advance when and where and for how long they are required so that they can make appropriate domestic arrangements and carry out proper preparation. Volunteers (at all levels of the event) need exactly the same details.

It wasn't straight-forward for controllers to set-up rotas. Volunteers (inevitably) came forward in dribs-and-drabs, it was a moving target all along. No point in drawing up a rota until you know your final staff list - Catch22 I guess! Or rather - there is no easy answer, lets all accept some fluidity.

(I doubt many of the no-shows were due to lack of communication.)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: London Edinburgh London on 21 August, 2013, 08:16:40 pm
It's not really a question of when anyone was required either. We'd have had all the time you had to offer us.

What was interesting this year was the number of European volunteers we had. They typically stayed for the duration, and were more than happy to move around controls. It made me realise that LEL's actually quite a nice little working holiday if you want to see Britain. What I've realised is that it could often be worth paying budget air fare for these sorts of volunteers, especially if you can then give them lifts between controls in cars and vans already carrying stuff, and put them up in simple accommodation. Everyone seems very happy with the arrangement.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: alfapete on 21 August, 2013, 08:46:13 pm
Must admit i didn't pay much attention to the rota. We were there to work and as I was away from home i worked all the hours I was awake and slept as little as I could. This suited me fine cos I'm a cyclist and had a lot invested in helping the 'intrepid' riders and I loved every single minute of it

For those who were drafted in, or with no empathy for the riders situation, the tendency to want a break or to keep 'office hours' was understandable  and so they did a lot less work. I'm a bit surprised by the 25% no shows, but as a dentist we always phone patients the day before their appointment to make sure they haven't forgotten....
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: L CC on 21 August, 2013, 09:01:00 pm
If I'd volunteered I would have had a very clear idea of what I'd be likely to be doing, having been on the receiving end so often. This isn't true of (for example) my parents, who might be cyclists but have never ridden an audax, and don't hang around this forum (she says, slightly nervously). They weren't hugely comfortable in advance about what they were supposed to be doing, or when.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Jacques on 21 August, 2013, 09:05:00 pm
/snipped ..... I'm a bit surprised by the 25% no shows, but as a dentist we always phone patients the day before their appointment to make sure they haven't forgotten....
This is a nightmare, being rung up by a dentist reminding me of an appointment.

please get back on topic  :'(
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 21 August, 2013, 10:35:44 pm
This is where volunteer blogs and accounts from 2013 can help. Collect as many as possible then include on the 2017 website, so volunteers can get a good impression of what it is really like. You shouldn't make it hard for volunteers to find those accounts.  They may inspire or frighten but at least the volunteer will go in with eyes wide open.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 21 August, 2013, 11:33:58 pm
TBF the controllers had problems with volunteers not delivering too. About 25% of volunteers failed to show up, without giving us any warning. You can allow for it if you know it's going to happen, but this rate of no-show without warning meant a lot of people had to work much longer than planned.

Another problem was volunteers who only worked part shifts. I fully understand that some volunteers were working around their day job so were limited on the hours that they could commit and they were a great help when available, but there needs to be a core of volunteers at each control who are commited to work through the night. I indicated that I was happy to do so at Brampton as the nature of my job means it is something I am used to, but there were times that Brampton was pushed in the early hours (we were overwhelmed Tuesday night) and could have done with more helpers.

I worked Brampton because my mother lives there. As soon as she saw what I volunteered for she offered help too. She's 75 and felt uneasy because she thought there didn't seem enough volunteer support over the Tuesday night. She has a full understanding of cyclists whims - my dad cycled and she supported me through my racing years volunteering at all events that were organised by the clubs I rode for. On Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, she felt she couldn't leave the kitchen because she was worried that there was insufficient volunteers and she didn't want to see riders 'suffer' as a result. She did a 16+hr shift (Until 4-ish in the morning) - because she felt that was needed to ensure that riders got what they needed (as she perceived the control was struggling with volunteer numbers)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 22 August, 2013, 12:03:18 am
I've got video of Adrian calling your mother a star, of your mother handling sausages in an interesting way, and I presume your sister chiding her for doing the same. She seemed to having a great time. If we could clone Veloman, the LEL would run like clockwork, well it would for anyone with full Campag groupsets!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 22 August, 2013, 08:18:45 am
It's not really a question of when anyone was required either. We'd have had all the time you had to offer us.

What was interesting this year was the number of European volunteers we had. They typically stayed for the duration, and were more than happy to move around controls. It made me realise that LEL's actually quite a nice little working holiday if you want to see Britain. What I've realised is that it could often be worth paying budget air fare for these sorts of volunteers, especially if you can then give them lifts between controls in cars and vans already carrying stuff, and put them up in simple accommodation. Everyone seems very happy with the arrangement.

That actually sounds like a brilliant option. I guess a number of the European volunteers had partners or friends riding too, and so would be there for the duration anyway. Volunteering was a way to both be a part of the event, and see their loved ones at some point on the way around.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 22 August, 2013, 08:23:23 am
Must admit i didn't pay much attention to the rota. We were there to work and as I was away from home i worked all the hours I was awake and slept as little as I could. This suited me fine cos I'm a cyclist and had a lot invested in helping the 'intrepid' riders and I loved every single minute of it

Your comments convey to me the very best spirit of LEL 2013 - it wasn't something we as riders just pitched up and did. We were part of a bigger picture and team, whose purpose was to help every last person around if they could possibly make it, and for no better reason than that was why we were all there. Such amazing attitude and efforts truly made the event what it was.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 22 August, 2013, 08:49:37 am
now that is interesting -- PBP I have never particularly felt that there was any commitment by the control "volunteers" to give me as much assistance as they could - could be because my French is weak, and of course I do not know the helpers. Chemist in a small village was different - she was fantastic - but helpers - good but does not feel like a 100% commitment to give me all they could.

LEL - home territory -and many of our vols, know a large number of the riders - and any overseas vols - will be right behind their own rider and any body else from "home".

Do we gain by being a "home spun" support system - and is it one to try to build on. Thinking about it -- each of our controls have a BOSS - who will be totally committed to his/her control - does PBP work the same way - or is it more of a control cooperative.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 22 August, 2013, 09:12:05 am

Do we gain by being a "home spun" support system - and is it one to try to build on. Thinking about it -- each of our controls have a BOSS - who will be totally committed to his/her control - does PBP work the same way - or is it more of a control cooperative.

In PBP 2003 I was knocked off by a scooter. I was at the back of the field supporting Heather, but I'd stopped to film the riders climbing the hill out of Fougeres. The owner of the house next to where the accident happened took me in initially. The chief controller at the, now closed, Fougeres came out, and sorted out the paperwork which kept the Police out of the equation. A passing doctor declared me fit, and I told the organisers that I wanted to finish so as not to disappoint Heather.
I knew Heather would be concerned at my absence, so I recorded a video explaining the situation on a camera, and a volunteer took that up the road, found Heather, and played her the message.
Meanwhile I'd cadged a ciggie off the controller, Cecile Besnard, who was now organising a pair of new wheels, mine having been totalled in the crash. I paid for those, they were fitted, and off I went, with a note in my Brevet card allowing me three hours.
I went off course at one point, so I came into Mortagne late. There I met the lady who had carried the message to Heather. The organisation had been observing me, and could see I would finish, so my luggage was taken from me, to help me on my way. The next control was informed of my arrival, and I had my pick of the surplus food. I arrived two hours over time, and was credited with 90 hours. The check-in system had been dismantled, and my Brevet Card was signed by the lady who had carried my luggage.

I interviewed Cecile again in 2007. She said they generally started the planning three years from the event.

The attention given to the great mass of the riders cannot be compared to the attention that you get if you are the back and in trouble. The French love a trier, think of the Lantern Rouge, and will put themselves out to help once they have time.

The time I broke my fork steerer in 1999, and my bottom bracket axle on LEL 2005 also stand out.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 22 August, 2013, 09:58:45 am

Do we gain by being a "home spun" support system - and is it one to try to build on. Thinking about it -- each of our controls have a BOSS - who will be totally committed to his/her control - does PBP work the same way - or is it more of a control cooperative.

In PBP 2003 I was knocked off by a scooter. I was at the back of the field supporting Heather, but I'd stopped to film the riders climbing the hill out of Fougeres. The owner of the house next to where the accident happened took me in initially. The chief controller at the, now closed, Fougeres came out, and sorted out the paperwork which kept the Police out of the equation. A passing doctor declared me fit, and I told the organisers that I wanted to finish so as not to disappoint Heather.
I knew Heather would be concerned at my absence, so I recorded a video explaining the situation on a camera, and a volunteer took that up the road, found Heather, and played her the message.
Meanwhile I'd cadged a ciggie off the controller, Cecile Besnard, who was now organising a pair of new wheels, mine having been totalled in the crash. I paid for those, they were fitted, and off I went, with a note in my Brevet card allowing me three hours.
I went off course at one point, so I came into Mortagne late. There I met the lady who had carried the message to Heather. The organisation had been observing me, and could see I would finish, so my luggage was taken from me, to help me on my way. The next control was informed of my arrival, and I had my pick of the surplus food. I arrived two hours over time, and was credited with 90 hours. The check-in system had been dismantled, and my Brevet Card was signed by the lady who had carried my luggage.

I interviewed Cecile again in 2007. She said they generally started the planning three years from the event.

The attention given to the great mass of the riders cannot be compared to the attention that you get if you are the back and in trouble. The French love a trier, think of the Lantern Rouge, and will put themselves out to help once they have time.

The time I broke my fork steerer in 1999, and my bottom bracket axle on LEL 2005 also stand out.

Wonderful account - enjoyed reading it.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 22 August, 2013, 10:47:21 am
I've got video of Adrian calling your mother a star, of your mother handling sausages in an interesting way, and I presume your sister chiding her for doing the same. She seemed to having a great time. If we could clone Veloman, the LEL would run like clockwork, well it would for anyone with full Campag groupsets!

They didn't tell me about the sausages  :o

It probably was my sister - she visited to see me (as I hadn't seen her since Easter) and ended up staying to help. She then came back for a second night in the Kitchen. She enjoyed herself and has indicated she will volunteer next time round too :)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 22 August, 2013, 10:57:09 am
It's not really a question of when anyone was required either. We'd have had all the time you had to offer us.

What was interesting this year was the number of European volunteers we had. They typically stayed for the duration, and were more than happy to move around controls. It made me realise that LEL's actually quite a nice little working holiday if you want to see Britain. What I've realised is that it could often be worth paying budget air fare for these sorts of volunteers, especially if you can then give them lifts between controls in cars and vans already carrying stuff, and put them up in simple accommodation. Everyone seems very happy with the arrangement.

That actually sounds like a brilliant option. I guess a number of the European volunteers had partners or friends riding too, and so would be there for the duration anyway. Volunteering was a way to both be a part of the event, and see their loved ones at some point on the way around.

European volunteers (and Taiwanese) were a great help, we would have been pushed without them at Brampton. Heini was a DNS. He had booked the flights (from Switzerland) and time for the ride. When he realised he couldn't do the ride he registered as a volunteer and ended up at Brampton  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 22 August, 2013, 04:35:31 pm

Do we gain by being a "home spun" support system - and is it one to try to build on. Thinking about it -- each of our controls have a BOSS - who will be totally committed to his/her control - does PBP work the same way - or is it more of a control cooperative.

In PBP 2003 I was knocked off by a scooter. I was at the back of the field supporting Heather, but I'd stopped to film the riders climbing the hill out of Fougeres. The owner of the house next to where the accident happened took me in initially. The chief controller at the, now closed, Fougeres came out, and sorted out the paperwork which kept the Police out of the equation. A passing doctor declared me fit, and I told the organisers that I wanted to finish so as not to disappoint Heather.
I knew Heather would be concerned at my absence, so I recorded a video explaining the situation on a camera, and a volunteer took that up the road, found Heather, and played her the message.
Meanwhile I'd cadged a ciggie off the controller, Cecile Besnard, who was now organising a pair of new wheels, mine having been totalled in the crash. I paid for those, they were fitted, and off I went, with a note in my Brevet card allowing me three hours.
I went off course at one point, so I came into Mortagne late. There I met the lady who had carried the message to Heather. The organisation had been observing me, and could see I would finish, so my luggage was taken from me, to help me on my way. The next control was informed of my arrival, and I had my pick of the surplus food. I arrived two hours over time, and was credited with 90 hours. The check-in system had been dismantled, and my Brevet Card was signed by the lady who had carried my luggage.

I interviewed Cecile again in 2007. She said they generally started the planning three years from the event.

The attention given to the great mass of the riders cannot be compared to the attention that you get if you are the back and in trouble. The French love a trier, think of the Lantern Rouge, and will put themselves out to help once they have time.

The time I broke my fork steerer in 1999, and my bottom bracket axle on LEL 2005 also stand out.

Wonderful account - enjoyed reading it.

The scooter makes a brief appearance in this short edit of the 2003 film, at 4.40. I made sure he came down with me, it probably broke my fall.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: RobW on 22 August, 2013, 04:50:53 pm
The scooter makes a brief appearance in this short edit of the 2003 film, at 4.40. I made sure he came down with me, it probably broke my fall.

Nice work!
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: WildCorgi on 30 August, 2013, 08:57:42 pm
Well I've been mulling over this thread and my experience of being a first time volunteer at Loughton for a while. This is me delurking here to say I would deffo throw my hat in the ring for a long-term involvement, if anybody would have me.

I hear everything Daniel and Sue and Keith have been saying about the burden of organisation being a heavy one, so, many hands and all that. And I can relate to that totally - been there, got crushed by a monster project before - yet the spirit on the day and around the event was so positive that I keep getting drawn back towards it.

The work background is project management, oddly enough based around schools, and regardless of LEL I'd be very happy to go out and offer what I can to audax organisers as a volunteer. 

On a side note - it would be very helpful to whoever does the next iteration if feedback from the controls' providers could be published - that is from the schools and others themselves. If the same controls aren't going to be used, for whatever reason, then it could help organisers sell the event to others. But I'm sure others have already thought of that one.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 August, 2015, 07:17:43 pm
It would certainly be something to consider for 2017 (I like the village fete idea - involve the local WI or whatever to bake lots of cakes, and a beer tent for Hummers).  The tug o'war would be optional if you weren't feeling too strong after your bike ride.

As those of us who finished earlyish on Thursday had to wait for bag drops, it would have been nice to have a bit more of a focussed area to relax and chat with people.  The heat did mean that I spent large parts of the day under the trees in the bike park.

It could also give the ride a bit of a grander finish I'd hope, with finished riders clapping the finishers (which we did anyway, but the more the merrier).

LEL planning is now officially at "full-on" pace and this thread has proved very useful indeed. I'm in charge of the finish this time, and making the finish good fun for everyone is on my to-do list. This will be helped by Sue and Keith, who will come back at the very end to make sure the last arrivals are greeted with fresh faces and not the corpses of overworked, exhausted volunteers.
More to come in September. See you all in Paris!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 10 August, 2015, 08:31:47 pm
Will look out for you in Paris.  I've volunteered for catering again and I will be happy to pass on what I learnt from last time (about preparation and organisation) and what I think I got right - around menus and getting riders fed. 

Although after Teethgrinders exploits this year I guess everyone will only want sausages....
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Arry-R on 10 August, 2015, 08:46:12 pm
Will look out for you in Paris.  I've volunteered for catering again and I will be happy to pass on what I learnt from last time (about preparation and organisation) and what I think I got right - around menus and getting riders fed. 

Although after Teethgrinders exploits this year I guess everyone will only want sausages....

Yes please! !
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Wobbly on 10 August, 2015, 09:15:08 pm
Veggie ones here tho.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: ramchip on 19 January, 2016, 07:22:39 am
Does anybody know what date LEL2017 will take place?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Moleman76 on 19 January, 2016, 07:28:34 am
Does anybody know what date LEL2017 will take place? ( does. 
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 29 January, 2016, 08:52:31 pm
Will look out for you in Paris.  I've volunteered for catering again and I will be happy to pass on what I learnt from last time (about preparation and organisation) and what I think I got right - around menus and getting riders fed. 

Although after Teethgrinders exploits this year I guess everyone will only want sausages....

Yes please! !

Have been round the kitchens at the proposed St Ives control.  Unlikely to be sausages, but there could be a curry on the way back!!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: inappropriate_bike on 30 January, 2016, 07:35:32 am
Have been round the kitchens at the proposed St Ives control.  Unlikely to be sausages, but there could be a curry on the way back!!

Right now I'm having to eat every 20km on a long ride. If this continues LEL will be a ride of 70 meals for me. I'll be delighted if one is curry :thumbsup:

(I'm going to need more jersey pockets.)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Reg.T on 30 January, 2016, 08:38:03 am
Right now I'm having to eat every 20km on a long ride. If this continues LEL will be a ride of 70 meals for me. I'll be delighted if one is curry :thumbsup:

(I'm going to need more jersey pockets.)
You're going to need some bigger jerseys too  ;)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: geraldc on 01 February, 2016, 09:04:00 pm
I got an email asking if I'd like to volunteer again tonight. I'm impressed! If I'm not riding I'll volunteer!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ashaman42 on 01 February, 2016, 10:34:04 pm
It looks like I'm not going to be able to ride this time round which is a double disappointment after DNFing 2013.

Too much studying to do to finish my OU degree especially with a project module that runs Feb-Sept.

I could maybe spare the week to do the ride but can't see how I can manage enough preparation riding as well. Currently on no miles for this year albeit some of that lack is weather more than studying.

At least my degree finishes (with any luck) next year so fingers crossed for 2021.

I'll have to check dates of assignments but this could well mean I help out at a control.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Datameister on 02 February, 2016, 07:56:03 am

Right now I'm having to eat every 20km on a long ride. If this continues LEL will be a ride of 70 meals for me. I'll be delighted if one is curry :thumbsup:
(I'm going to need more jersey pockets.)

Better a jacket with waterproof pockets if you're going to put curry in them..........
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: The French Tandem on 02 February, 2016, 08:29:03 am
Right now I'm having to eat every 20km on a long ride. If this continues LEL will be a ride of 70 meals for me. I'll be delighted if one is curry :thumbsup:

In my (very limited) experience, the need for frequent eating tend to decrease with long distance training. When I came back to cycling in 2010, after about 10 years of doing no exercise, I had to eat a whole energy bar every 20km. Now, I can easily ride 80km without eating anything. (but that's probably my limit, I'm not sure I can improve that distance anymore)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Whitedown Man on 02 February, 2016, 08:48:32 am
Right now I'm having to eat every 20km on a long ride. If this continues LEL will be a ride of 70 meals for me. I'll be delighted if one is curry :thumbsup:

In my (very limited) experience, the need for frequent eating tend to decrease with long distance training. When I came back to cycling in 2010, after about 10 years of doing no exercise, I had to eat a whole energy bar every 20km. Now, I can easily ride 80km without eating anything. (but that's probably my limit, I'm not sure I can improve that distance anymore)

Same for me. I used to need eat for the first time after 2 hours, then once every hour after that. Now, I don't eat for the first time until 90-100km, then roughly every 50km after that.  I try to do at least one fasted 100km training ride per week, which a year or two ago would leave me feeling hollowed-out, but nowadays I don't even notice I've not eaten.

As always, YMMV.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: inappropriate_bike on 02 February, 2016, 08:30:43 pm
Do people bother with mudguards for LEL?

I've been on a few winter audaxes where people have been using short 'guards at most and wondering if I should ditch (or at least saw off) mine in the name of efficiency.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ashaman42 on 02 February, 2016, 08:41:10 pm
If we have weather anything like the 2009 (?) offering I suspect you'd lament their lack. Several hours days of road skog to the face and backside would be grim.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Veloman on 02 February, 2016, 09:00:26 pm
..... mudguards for LEL?

........ wondering if I should ditch (or at least saw off) mine in the name of efficiency.

And what efficiency would that be; weight or aerodynamics?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: The French Tandem on 02 February, 2016, 09:13:32 pm
Do people bother with mudguards for LEL?

It's not only for your own comfort, it's also a matter of politeness. If I were in charge of the cleaning in a control,  or if I were a pub landlord, I would not want to see a bunch of wet arsed  cyclists sitting on my chairs.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Delph Cyclist on 03 February, 2016, 10:56:09 am
If we have weather anything like the 2009 (?) offering I suspect you'd lament their lack. Several hours days of road skog to the face and backside would be grim.

To be honest, there were parts of LEL 2009 where the presence or otherwise of mudguards was quite academic.  There's bound to be someone who still has a photograph of the flooding on the Traquair-Eskdalemuir leg.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mcshroom on 03 February, 2016, 11:38:39 am
There's a photo of the flooded road in Andy's Book.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 03 February, 2016, 12:07:53 pm
I'm pretty sure they still kept my arse clean through the flood.

My feet, not so much. (oddly one sealskin sock worked perfectly).
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: vorsprung on 03 February, 2016, 12:35:50 pm
Do people bother with mudguards for LEL?

I've been on a few winter audaxes where people have been using short 'guards at most and wondering if I should ditch (or at least saw off) mine in the name of efficiency.

Does kind of micro optimisation that removing mudguards offers to aerodynamic efficiency have any benefit on LEL?  Most riders will be averaging 25kph when moving
OTOH the potential improvement in comfort, whilst difficult to quantify is there
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: inappropriate_bike on 03 February, 2016, 01:19:42 pm
Does kind of micro optimisation that removing mudguards offers to aerodynamic efficiency have any benefit on LEL?  Most riders will be averaging 25kph when moving suggests that there is no aero cost to mudguards.

However micro-optimisations are probably more worthwhile on LEL than most rides since there is so much distance to multiply up each small % gain.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: wilkyboy on 03 February, 2016, 02:34:43 pm
Does kind of micro optimisation that removing mudguards offers to aerodynamic efficiency have any benefit on LEL?  Most riders will be averaging 25kph when moving suggests that there is no aero cost to mudguards.

However micro-optimisations are probably more worthwhile on LEL than most rides since there is so much distance to multiply up each small % gain.

It's also worth noting that the "fenders" they tested were the metal over-the-top ones that extend forwards over the front of the front wheel.  Most "mudguards" in the UK open at the top, so you get none of the asserted tyre-shielding benefits and all of the drag. 

The effect of mudguards at high speed is definitely noticeable — above 30mph/50kph.  That said, there aren't too many places on LEL where such speeds can be attained for very long, and it did rain a fair bit in 2013, so I will be wearing them, so to speak, in 2017.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 03 February, 2016, 02:44:32 pm
A wet gritty arse is more likely to have impact on your LEL ride than minor aero tweaks.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 03 February, 2016, 03:55:43 pm
A wet gritty arse is more likely to have impact on your LEL ride than minor aero tweaks.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 03 February, 2016, 09:30:36 pm
A wet gritty arse is more likely to have impact on your LEL ride than minor aero tweaks.

And if you're surrounded by a flange of bad tempered wet gritty arses it can have an even bigger impact.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: bikey-mikey on 03 February, 2016, 09:40:47 pm
Of course if you are surrounded by a lot of grassy arses, they are probably thanking you in Spanish !!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: javier on 03 February, 2016, 10:44:12 pm
For my Spanish friends mudguards on a road bike is a complete alien concept. Just to give you an idea of how they perceive the relationship between cycling and weather, if on a Thursday the forecast for the weekend is rain they'd cancel the ride. That's a luxury you can have when you only have a couple of rainy weekends a year.

It was not that easy to convince them to fit mudguards for LEL2013. None of them had them to start with.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: tippers_kiwi on 04 February, 2016, 06:04:37 pm

It was not that easy to convince them to fit mudguards for LEL2013. None of them had them to start with.

 ;D Got to admit, for riding through the year it made all the difference and I don't feel any downside when riding Audaxes as I usually have a saddle bag on anyway, I'm not racing after all.

The last 200 I did I still had not fitted a mudflap on the back and I remembered this as I say behind another non mudflapped rider and I could taste the road salt in my mouth for the spray. Both of us have now fitted mudflaps.

I think if you ride with no guards or mudflaps if the conditions are bad you should expect to be on your own for large parts of the ride or at least not be offended if you are asked to sit at the back of the group which I have seen happen, you can turn your flashing red light on as well then  ;D
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: wilkyboy on 04 February, 2016, 08:07:12 pm
I think if you ride with no guards or mudflaps if the conditions are bad you should expect to be on your own for large parts of the ride or at least not be offended if you are asked to sit at the back of the group which I have seen happen, you can turn your flashing red light on as well then  ;D

If you have a bike that lacks eyelets then you can only use those clipponery Crud Race Guards, and they're not stiff enough to take a flap.  They are pretty long, though.

On Sunday — it was raining — Alex mentioned he'd rather follow my wheel than Nigel's because he didn't get any/as much* spray in his face off my RGs compared to Nigel's.

* I'd have to ask Alex to delete as applicable.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Grandad on 04 February, 2016, 08:31:55 pm
If you have a bike that lacks eyelets

Then use P clips to fit proper mudguards
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: wilkyboy on 05 February, 2016, 10:55:19 am
If you have a bike that lacks eyelets

Then use P clips to fit proper mudguards

Fair point, I hadn't thought of that.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Delph Cyclist on 20 April, 2016, 09:01:22 pm
I've just been asked if it's worthwhile joining AUK to receive preferential entry to LEL 2017.  Unfortunately not.  The LEL website states

If you were an Audax UK member on 25 March 2015, and remain an Audax member, entries open on 6 January 2017, and we will guarantee you a place until 19 January 2017.

For anyone else, entries open 20th January.

In addition, any current Audax members who hasn't renewed their 2017 membership by the end of Dec won't be eligible for priority entry - but I'll remind you of that in November when it comes due.  Unfortunately, any current members who didn't renew their membership for 2016 by the end of February isn't on the priority list either.

It's still worth joining AUK anyway of course as, although there aren't any qualifiers for LEL, you'll want to get some rides done as you build up to this 1400km event.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 20 April, 2016, 09:24:14 pm
May also be worth adding that there are NO transferable entries .. so for smart a***s who think they have a way round the above quote by getting someone else to enter for them .. this could be a VERY expensive mistake.

We will put a lot of effort into making sure that this qualification regulation  is not abused.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 20 April, 2016, 10:26:58 pm
We will put a lot of effort into making sure that this qualification regulation  is not abused.
Delighted to hear it.
*checks his five-year bargain five-years-for-the-price-of-four membership*
*delights in growing smugness*
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hippy on 21 April, 2016, 01:54:50 pm
A wet gritty arse is more likely to have impact on your LEL ride than minor aero tweaks.

I find both of these make me ride faster. #firstoneintheshowers
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 01 June, 2016, 01:34:35 pm
Can someone confirm the dates. Its work holiday booking time.  I have looked on the LEL website but they are not obvious. (if they are please point me to them)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mcshroom on 01 June, 2016, 01:39:46 pm
Admittedly it's not obvious on the site, but Registration is 29th July, Starts are on the 30th July, so finishes will be on the 3rd August.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: TigaSefi on 01 June, 2016, 01:41:41 pm
Can someone confirm the dates. Its work holiday booking time.  I have looked on the LEL website but they are not obvious. (if they are please point me to them)

You have to book a year in advance or you're just nabbing the dates before colleagues?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 01 June, 2016, 01:48:48 pm
Can someone confirm the dates. Its work holiday booking time.  I have looked on the LEL website but they are not obvious. (if they are please point me to them)

You have to book a year in advance or you're just nabbing the dates before colleagues?

This.  ;D
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 01 June, 2016, 01:58:40 pm
Admittedly it's not obvious on the site, but Registration is 29th July, Starts are on the 30th July, so finishes will be on the 3rd August.

Thanks. I knew it would be there, just couldn't find it.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 03 June, 2016, 06:22:55 pm
Having just watched the rather excellent film on LEL 2013 I have some questions:-

I noticed that at some of the controls you have to remove your shoes, will this be the same for 2017? And is this before or after the point where you get your brevet stamp?

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alfapete on 03 June, 2016, 07:10:28 pm
I noticed that at some of the controls you have to remove your shoes, will this be the same for 2017? And is this before or after the point where you get your brevet stamp?
It depends what colour your valve caps are.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 03 June, 2016, 07:38:23 pm
Serious cyclists don't have any valve caps.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: GPS on 03 June, 2016, 08:06:56 pm
I noticed that at some of the controls you have to remove your shoes, will this be the same for 2017? And is this before or after the point where you get your brevet stamp?
It depends what colour your valve caps are.

...and if you're at Moffat - where you will be asked to remove your shoes ...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: rachel t on 03 June, 2016, 09:30:31 pm
Having just watched the rather excellent film on LEL 2013 I have some questions:-

I noticed that at some of the controls you have to remove your shoes, will this be the same for 2017? And is this before or after the point where you get your brevet stamp?

I would say it is likely to be the same again this time, it is mainly because of the wooden floors that a lot of the schools have, & that they can get easily damaged.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 03 June, 2016, 09:47:28 pm
But can you get the required stamp without having to take of your shoes if you want to bounce the control?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 07:05:42 am
Probably not, no.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: postie on 04 June, 2016, 09:45:15 am
Why would you want to bounce any control when all the fine food is included in your entry fee.

Last time the food was excellent   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: CrinklyLion on 04 June, 2016, 09:53:00 am
I volunteered at 4 controls last time and, from (slightly fuzzy due to sleep deprivation that week) memory, at two of them you could have got your card stamped before de-shoeing and at two you would need to de-shoe to get to the controllers' desk.  Of course, there's nothing to say that the same sites will be used, or that if they are they'll be organised in the same way, or that the sites won't impose different restrictions as part of their conditions of hire next time around.

It didn't seem to be a big problem for the riders either way.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 04 June, 2016, 10:11:26 am
Surely one sends one's man in to do the tedious admin?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Jacques on 04 June, 2016, 11:51:02 am
I'd say if it is a big problem for you, you have a long time between now and the start to perfect handstand walking.

Might be a problem if your brevet card falls out of your pockets half way in though?

Tricky one this.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Arry-R on 04 June, 2016, 12:47:14 pm
I'd say if it is a big problem for you, you have a long time between now and the start to perfect handstand walking.

Might be a problem if your brevet card falls out of your pockets half way in though?

Tricky one this.

Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 01:41:27 pm
One thing that does need separating out is publicity/press liaison - not having a go at Danial in anyway, but that is in itself a big task and it would be great to engage the local communities better next time.  People were genuinely interested when you explained it to them - and many were happy to sit out front of their house and cheer people on.   People just didn't know it was coming through, even in control towns.  Every pub/cafe on the route could be informed somehow - it was nice to see a board out front a couple of them and some of them must have done some good trade (taking a little pressure off controls as well). 

It made a massive difference to riders to get a bit of encouragement, and more of that sort of thing would be brilliant.

This isn't going to happen, and nor do I want it to.

I had a very public offer to do this after the 2013 event. That offer never actually materialised into any actual work, but to be honest I'm kind of glad it didn't. Many people love the crowds cheering you along PBP and I think it's something quite special. However on reflection I don't like it. Something like LEL is indeed a huge achievement, but I'm uncomfortable with getting praise for pursuing something I enjoy doing. It feels selfish. So I'm focussing work elsewhere, in particular using my time and money for publicity to try and drum up some more volunteers to help make the controls run more smoothly.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 04 June, 2016, 04:04:49 pm
Having just watched the rather excellent film on LEL 2013 I have some questions:-

I noticed that at some of the controls you have to remove your shoes, will this be the same for 2017? And is this before or after the point where you get your brevet stamp?

I would say it is likely to be the same again this time, it is mainly because of the wooden floors that a lot of the schools have, & that they can get easily damaged.

Its a good idea to have some means of identifying your shoes from the mass of identical ones, be that a peg, bag or something. When you are tired, and it is control number 15, you can also forget just where you put them. DAMHIKT. Of more concern is someone thinking yours are theirs and making off with them, which also happened.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Peter on 04 June, 2016, 04:46:19 pm
To go back to marcus and alwyn's exchange, I find the question of publicity a thorny one.  I want a healthy audax scene (and am at present trying to get more entries for the National 400, which is ticking along nicely but has room for more) but I also love the idea of stealth cycling; the idea that you are drifting across the land, on a mission, but one that the rest of the world is unaware of and, when it is made aware, thinks is mad.  I'm aware of the contradictions in my stance but I say let the stealth continue.  By all means advertise for riders (not needed for LEL) but not to the public for their entertainment.  Do you want every town you pass through during drinking hours to be like Wem on a Saturday night?!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 04:58:25 pm
Also, anyone who thought about it for more than five minutes would soon realise that checking 1430km of route for schools, clubs, groups, organisations etc, finding contact details for all those groups, writing to them all then dealing with all the responses, requests for more information, publicity material etc would be a huge job. Not to mention incredibly boring.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Peter on 04 June, 2016, 05:01:07 pm
You're just a weakling, Alwyn!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 05:12:37 pm
I still flinch when I think about the local authority liaison that's to come. North Yorkshire Council were quite something last time. They ignored us for six months, then sent me a 'mandatory' road closure request form. Apparently I was required to fill this form in to inform them I required no road closures.

Then 36 hours before the event started, they sent me a list of recommended route changes. My reply to that email was remarkably restrained.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 04 June, 2016, 05:14:52 pm
It's taken you 3 years to respond to MJB's post - you could have sent a lot of letters in that time.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 05:17:00 pm
Letters? Who do you think I am? David Hudson?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 04 June, 2016, 06:26:00 pm
Why would you want to bounce any control when all the fine food is included in your entry fee.

Last time the food was excellent   :thumbsup:

Because the first 200 or so k is next to flat and I don't fancy sitting on my arse wasting time eating when I could be out on the road pedalling and eating bananas at the same time.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 04 June, 2016, 09:46:48 pm
Because the first 200 or so k is next to flat and I don't fancy sitting on my arse wasting time eating
There's one control before you reach 200k and if you think spending 30 seconds taking off your shoes will make that much difference to your event then I suggest you may not enjoy LEL.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 09:51:05 pm
Two, actually, but you make exactly the point I was going to.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 04 June, 2016, 10:07:12 pm
I'm focussing work elsewhere, in particular using my time and money for publicity to try and drum up some more volunteers to help make the controls run more smoothly.
Well hurrah for that. The PBP crowds were nice-to-have and undoubtedly compensated for the dull route (at least the small bit I rode). But what's important is to know what's important - smooth-running controls. 

Letters? Who do you think I am? David Hudson?
Nearly but not quite..........

David Hudson ROA: 25000
London Edinburgh London team ROA: 5000
(by the end of 2011, Dave had 34950 ROA. We've given up counting now.)
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 04 June, 2016, 10:33:19 pm
Many people love the crowds cheering you along PBP and I think it's something quite special. However on reflection I don't like it. Something like LEL is indeed a huge achievement, but I'm uncomfortable with getting praise for pursuing something I enjoy doing. It feels selfish.

Really? In that case, feel free to praise me for doing the washing up and commuting to work because neither activity is something I enjoy doing. Praising somebody for doing something admirable, regardless of whether they are enjoying it at the time, seems reasonable to me.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 10:37:35 pm
I'd love to know how the LEL team got 5000 ROA. A quick tally in my head comes up with 2000.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 10:40:04 pm
Many people love the crowds cheering you along PBP and I think it's something quite special. However on reflection I don't like it. Something like LEL is indeed a huge achievement, but I'm uncomfortable with getting praise for pursuing something I enjoy doing. It feels selfish.

Really? In that case, feel free to praise me for doing the washing up and commuting to work because neither activity is something I enjoy doing. Praising somebody for doing something admirable, regardless of whether they are enjoying it at the time, seems reasonable to me.

Fair enough. I look forward to you manifesting that on your future events.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 04 June, 2016, 10:44:49 pm
I won't be organising events on roads that I don't know intimately. There aren't many roads I know intimately in the UK.

Do you enjoy organising LEL? Do you want to be praised for doing so? I think that organising LEL is admirable and praiseworthy and (to a smaller extent) so is riding LEL.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 11:02:48 pm
And you are perfectly entitled to think that. I just don't agree with you, so it's not going to happen.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 04 June, 2016, 11:25:14 pm
Because the first 200 or so k is next to flat and I don't fancy sitting on my arse wasting time eating
There's one control before you reach 200k and if you think spending 30 seconds taking off your shoes will make that much difference to your event then I suggest you may not enjoy LEL.

You miss my point, I don't mind taking off my shoes. But if things can be done an easier way that allows people who wish to bounce controls to bounce them without taking off their shoes then this should be the case. The time taken to take off and then out back on footwear will probably take longer then getting the stamp.

Further more, if it's raining, and you've been riding down lanes in said rain then more than likely you'll have overshoes covered in shite. I can imagine that this could potentially get quite tedious after taking off your shoes for the nth time.

And thinking about, please tell me that the toilets are before you take your shoes off. Please tell me that I don't have to stand at a urinal with piss on the floor in my socks. Because that really will suck.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Peter on 04 June, 2016, 11:32:26 pm
Regrettably, circumstances have prevented me from riding LEL but I have been a volunteer at a control and have been on this forum for about five years.  I don't recall anyone having such anxieties or stipulations before, though I suppose they may have done.  Have you organised any events, LMT?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 04 June, 2016, 11:34:55 pm
I feel like I'm being quite negative tonight, but I'm afraid I'm going to be once again.

I will not be arranging things to make it easier for people who want to bounce controls. The controller who is sat next to me is rolling his eyes at your suggestions. Another has just contacted me via Facebook with a series of LOL/FACEPALM emoticons.

If this is degree to which you like to shave time off your ride, LEL really isn't the ride for you. You'll end up annoying everyone else.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 04 June, 2016, 11:50:06 pm
I'm not looking to shave off any time, sometimes though you don't feel like you need to stop and you feel perfectly fine riding onto the next control. I guess this is just the British way of doing things.

And I don't see why the question of me organising an event has anything to do with it, and I don't see how I'll annoy 'everyone else', that's just ridiculous. I've already said I don't mind taking my shoes.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 05 June, 2016, 12:12:20 am
You need to stop to get your brevet stamped. You will need to remove your shoes in many cases to achieve that. You won't be forced to eat whilst you do that. You are happy to remove your shoes. It would be common decency to leave them outside if covered in shite anyway. This is a non issue.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 05 June, 2016, 12:14:45 am
Quite. Leave it to me and PhilW to overthink everything. :-)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 05 June, 2016, 12:16:07 am

And thinking about, please tell me that the toilets are before you take your shoes off. Please tell me that I don't have to stand at a urinal with piss on the floor in my socks. Because that really will suck.

Don't worry, your feet will be rank after the first 200km anyway ;)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 05 June, 2016, 01:12:11 am
I don't think LMT is the first to suggest that walking around in your socks in piss ain't very nice.

There is a scene from Seinfeld where he is changing the shoelaces on his trainers because "they touched the washroom floor".

Can I also suggest that people try not to piss on the floor?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 05 June, 2016, 06:39:38 am
It's a very fair point, Simon, and it had me thinking a bit last night.

Nobody is going to bounce past Spalding, so the only controls concerned are St Ives and Spalding. There is no no-cleats rule at St Ives, and I think Jim is planning on putting the Spalding registration desk semi-outdoors, with the loos leading straight out onto the playing fields.

In 2013 a controller suggested supplying cheap polyamide slippers, which we dismissed as a landfill atrocity. But I see his point on reflection. Such slippers really are cheap as chips but I'd be reluctant to provide a supply at each control. I might yet put a pair in the rider bags at the start, along with a pair of earplugs. We shall see.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andrew on 05 June, 2016, 07:49:25 am
I sometimes carry (and did on LEL 2009) a pair of judo/ballet type pumps I bought from Decathlon. It amuses my club mates when we do our monthly restaurant-for-lunch ride; they joke about my "slippers" ::-)  I guess it falls into the category of 'a personal thing' but I feel their value merits them being carried. :)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 05 June, 2016, 07:53:58 am
cheap polyamide slippers . . . I might yet put a pair in the rider bags at the start
Hang on Danial.....
LEL last time was a superb event and expertly organised - I stopped for a pee in a hedge before the controls (or at least, those on the first half of it...) to save time at the control itself - providing indoor shoes would only mean complaints moving on to yet another subject to provide yet more grief for the hard-pressed organising team.
Why not just tell riders if they bloody want some bloody slippers to bloody well buy some bloody flipflops and bring their own?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 05 June, 2016, 10:19:05 am


Yes it's a valid point. However riders are free to carry a pair of flip flops with them if it bothers them sufficiently.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andrew on 05 June, 2016, 11:16:50 am
However riders are free to carry a pair of flip flops with them if it bothers them sufficiently.

Flip flops? No way. I do NOT wear socks with flip flops and I simply won't have the time to take my socks off! If that's where LEL is heading then I'm withdrawing!  Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells ;)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: DrMekon on 05 June, 2016, 11:46:16 am
I might nab some of those disposable shoe covers from the swimming pool. In 2013 there was at least one loo where pissy socks was a distinct possibility.

However, I'm amazed at the demands being placed - of people who will be doing their utmost to care and sustain you in a befuddled state. I felt properly looked after last time. It was brilliant.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: rob on 05 June, 2016, 12:12:26 pm
IIRC in 2009, at one control, veloboy had created his own flip flops from some leftover cardboard and zipties.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 05 June, 2016, 02:27:58 pm
riders are free to carry a pair of flip flops with them if it bothers them sufficiently.
Having read horror stories from PBP and from the 2009 edition, this is what I did for LEL 2013.
TBH it was a waste of both time and money.
The only unsalubrious facilities I found were in a commercial establishment I visited between controls**.   And by then one of the flip flops had taken the opportunity of a bumpy descent to detach itself from the straps on top of the Barley - leading to several wasted miutes of fruitless searching, and the subsequent disposal of its pair.

** so a big  :thumbsup: to those of the volunteers in the controls who took on this horrid job, and an even bigger  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: to alwyn & the 2017 team for paying contractors to do it.
And to thse who are still concerned... just ride faster and get there before those with than less than perfect 'aiming' slills.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: arabella on 05 June, 2016, 09:23:51 pm
imo riders should be expected to be grown up enough to bring their own slippers.   you can buy flipflops without the bit that goes between the toes, I had a pair many moons ago for shuffling around the maternity ward.
I also think they should bring their own towels
but then I have never organised an audax.

rewinding to the point about publicity, I did contact the local cycle club last time.  I still haven't had a response.  I should probably have contacted the local CTC/WI instead.  also with LEL more sensibly left to the controllers rather than done centrally.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 05 June, 2016, 10:27:32 pm
You miss my point, I don't mind taking off my shoes. But if things can be done an easier way that allows people who wish to bounce controls to bounce them without taking off their shoes then this should be the case. The time taken to take off and then out back on footwear will probably take longer then getting the stamp.

Further more, if it's raining, and you've been riding down lanes in said rain then more than likely you'll have overshoes covered in shite. I can imagine that this could potentially get quite tedious after taking off your shoes for the nth time.

And thinking about, please tell me that the toilets are before you take your shoes off. Please tell me that I don't have to stand at a urinal with piss on the floor in my socks. Because that really will suck.

PBP had similar, if not worse, scenarios in all of these departments (no pun intended):-
* long walks from where you left your bike to the start of the control
* long walks inside the controls to get to the Brevet card desk and out again, long walks to the separate food halls at some controls too
* sometimes shoe removal was required (I think, maybe)
* toilets (the mental image of the French style squat toilet at one of the secret controls will stay with me for ever) - good luck squatting in cleated shoes on slippery porcelain

More often than not it's a restriction of the control (wooden floored halls require shoes removed, toilets are not by the entrance, etc) and in many places there isn't a great choice of controls.

Oh, and despite all of the above, find zigzag's post where he lists how much time he stopped at each control on PBP. Utterly bonkers.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Chris S on 05 June, 2016, 10:44:58 pm
* toilets (the mental image of the French style squat toilet at one of the secret controls will stay with me for ever) - good luck squatting in cleated shoes on slippery porcelain

I didn't have any encounters with squatters, but I did have to pick my way through a load of guys sleeping (yes, really!) on the loo floor to get to the urinals.

Pissing in a field was so much easier. Actually sleeping in a field probably would have been, too - ewwwww..!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 05 June, 2016, 11:04:26 pm
You miss my point, I don't mind taking off my shoes. But if things can be done an easier way that allows people who wish to bounce controls to bounce them without taking off their shoes then this should be the case. The time taken to take off and then out back on footwear will probably take longer then getting the stamp.

Further more, if it's raining, and you've been riding down lanes in said rain then more than likely you'll have overshoes covered in shite. I can imagine that this could potentially get quite tedious after taking off your shoes for the nth time.

And thinking about, please tell me that the toilets are before you take your shoes off. Please tell me that I don't have to stand at a urinal with piss on the floor in my socks. Because that really will suck.

PBP had similar, if not worse, scenarios in all of these departments (no pun intended):-
* long walks from where you left your bike to the start of the control
* long walks inside the controls to get to the Brevet card desk and out again, long walks to the separate food halls at some controls too
* sometimes shoe removal was required (I think, maybe)
* toilets (the mental image of the French style squat toilet at one of the secret controls will stay with me for ever) - good luck squatting in cleated shoes on slippery porcelain

More often than not it's a restriction of the control (wooden floored halls require shoes removed, toilets are not by the entrance, etc) and in many places there isn't a great choice of controls.

Oh, and despite all of the above, find zigzag's post where he lists how much time he stopped at each control on PBP. Utterly bonkers.

I do wish people would address the point I was making, rather then coming up with some misguided strawman argument.

However the points you've raised:-
-The only control I felt was a mission between where the bike was left and where you got food/stamp was Brest.
-As above.
-Only time I had to remove my shoes was on the way back to Paris when I stopped at St Nicholas for sleep.
-Again only the toilet at Brest had me thinking WTF.
-Dunno about the 80h start, but the 84 hr start was a breeze. Had to queue at Loudeac (Brest bound) for about 10 mins for a cot. Other than that it was plain sailing. I would have had to queue for food at Mortagne on the way back as this is where I caught the 90hr bubble, but as it is I went and got some kip. Big surprise that there were beds free and no queue.

If it is a case of taking a piss in your socks then this is taking the piss. Piss out on the road one might say, that's not really addressing the issue is it?

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 05 June, 2016, 11:50:33 pm
Pissing in a field was so much easier. Actually sleeping in a field probably would have been, too - ewwwww..!

Hmmm. Between Mortagne and Dreux I had a very pleasant nap on a verge, which was not in the least bit spoiled - not even in retrospect - by the fact that it had smelt faintly but unmistakeably of piss.
Title: Re: LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 05 June, 2016, 11:53:09 pm
I'm uncomfortable with getting praise for pursuing something I enjoy doing.

If LEL 2017 is half as good as LEL 2013, I think you'd probably better prepare to be uncomfortable.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 06 June, 2016, 02:36:42 am
Sleeping in a field and realising when you get up to leave that there is a small wet patch just where you were lying.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: The French Tandem on 06 June, 2016, 05:51:31 am
But can you get the required stamp without having to take of your shoes if you want to bounce the control?

Controls are a great part of the fun, so if you want to bounce the control, you are probably someone who aims for a fast LEL! In 2013 there was a racer's time slot with a 5:30 am start where all efforts were done to help the riders to make a fast time.  We didn't ride with this group, so I can't give more details, and I don't know if a racer's group is to be expected for 2017.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: rob on 06 June, 2016, 08:25:52 am
Marginal gains make their way into the world of Audax.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 06 June, 2016, 08:40:11 am
No going quite far enough it seems.  What's all this talk of stopping to piss?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 06 June, 2016, 08:41:32 am
Oh, and despite all of the above, find zigzag's post where he lists how much time he stopped at each control on PBP. Utterly bonkers.

Found it:-

45h12m moving
4h25m stopped
no sleep

stopped times - minutes:
villaines 220km - 4
fougeres 310km - 7
tinteniac 363km - 2
quedillac 389km - 11
loudeac 448km - 24
st.nicholas 493km - 4
carhaix 526km - 13
brest 614km - 54
carhaix 698km - 26
loudeac 780km - 12
illifaut 820km - 32
tinteniac 865km - 14
fougeres 919km - 22
villaines 1008km - 10
mortagne 1089km - 7
dreux 1166km - 11
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Jacques on 06 June, 2016, 12:01:55 pm
I suppose one way of dealing with LMT's problem is mats. A specific route from entrance to toilets to control then out?

I'm not even suggesting the controls do this because tired cyclists are brain dead on these events and are incapable of following simple instructions. I know most of you are saints and will not divert from the path but I can assure you all I'd have to see is a nice cake in the distance and I'd be off clippety clopping on the floor in its direction. Ok first 200k I'd be capable but last 200k ... forget it.

Too much work and setting up though at the end of the day .... my opinion anyway.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: DrMekon on 06 June, 2016, 01:49:54 pm
Oh, and despite all of the above, find zigzag's post where he lists how much time he stopped at each control on PBP. Utterly bonkers.

Found it:-

insert numbers that lead to a <50hr ride here

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 06 June, 2016, 02:14:06 pm
No going quite far enough it seems.  What's all this talk of stopping to piss?

 :) ;) ;D :sick:

(Women don't really have this 'choice'...)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hippy on 06 June, 2016, 02:31:46 pm
4min control?
Even if I carried all my food I could never match zigzag's control times. Walking with midfoot cleats on is too tricky for someone as unco as me.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 06 June, 2016, 02:40:20 pm
I suppose one way of dealing with LMT's problem is
to ignore him If he wants something he can bring it himself.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 06 June, 2016, 03:05:59 pm
I suppose one way of dealing with LMT's problem is
to ignore him If he wants something he can bring it himself.

well yeah, but what is this something?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: cygnet on 07 June, 2016, 01:16:07 pm
I suppose one way of dealing with LMT's problem is mats. A specific route from entrance to toilets to control then out?

I'm not even suggesting the controls do this because tired cyclists are brain dead on these events and are incapable of following simple instructions. I know most of you are saints and will not divert from the path but I can assure you all I'd have to see is a nice cake in the distance and I'd be off clippety clopping on the floor in its direction. Ok first 200k I'd be capable but last 200k ... forget it.

Too much work and setting up though at the end of the day .... my opinion anyway.

Last year I managed to go the wrong way 'into' the controle at Villaines on the way out!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 08 June, 2016, 09:56:42 pm
I don't generally concern myself with control layouts. That's for the controllers to decide. Some of them read this forum but not all of them. We are all involved in this event because we like to make people happy. But for the most part we don't really care about your targets, and we are far more interested in helping those who are struggling to finish than those who want to do a fast time.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mmmmartin on 08 June, 2016, 10:08:17 pm
we are far more interested in helping those who are struggling to finish than those who want to do a fast time.
Well hurrah for that
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 08 June, 2016, 10:20:49 pm
I don't generally concern myself with control layouts. That's for the controllers to decide. Some of them read this forum but not all of them. We are all involved in this event because we like to make people happy. But for the most part we don't really care about your targets, and we are far more interested in helping those who are struggling to finish than those who want to do a fast time.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Moleman76 on 09 June, 2016, 06:24:54 am
I can sort of see LMT's comments as "it would be nice if" statements.

However, for about 1456 days out of every 1461, the controls serve other functions.  LEL is fortunate to make the arrangements they do, and if #1 on the checklist for control selection was "can riders visit sanitary facilities without removing shoes?", you might have to ride 150 km between controls.

The 'thongs without that thing between your toes to mess up socks' are called "slides", btw.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Crofton on 14 June, 2016, 05:19:39 pm
What is the exact time limit for LEL 2017?

I can't find it anywhere on the otherwise excellent LEL web site which simply says:

you’ll ride from London to Edinburgh and back in under five days. It’s not a race, but you have just over 100 hours to get back to London (
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Keeff on 14 June, 2016, 05:24:38 pm
116hrs 40minutes.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Crofton on 14 June, 2016, 07:03:12 pm
Aha! I have now found that on the AUK event page for LEL which shows a BRM event with distance 1415 km in 116h40 (

I can't quite reconcile the time limit though. 116h40 would make sense for a nominal BR 1400km event at a minimum speed of 12km/h as per AUK rule 9.7.1 (

But if it is a BRM event as listed then the ACP rules ( don't indicate minimum speeds for any event over 1000km (which has a 75h time limit).

Would I be correct to assume that it is in fact subject to AUK rules for a BR event and based on the now published route ( of 1433km would actually be 119h25? i.e. almost five days and longer than I was expecting :-)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 14 June, 2016, 07:13:34 pm
LEL is run under LRM just to confuse you further.

116hrs 40mins is correct (1400km / 12kph)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Crofton on 14 June, 2016, 07:22:34 pm
So no extra time for the 33km over distance?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 14 June, 2016, 07:34:32 pm
No. Nominal distance only. Though some over-distance LRM 1200s have had extra time allowed, I'm not sure LEL is sufficiently over-distance.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 14 June, 2016, 08:24:13 pm
I don't even want to get off my bike at the controls. You will arrange it so that if I phone ahead one of the controllers will pop out and stamp my brevet as I pass by won't you?

'Minutes are miles'

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Redlight on 14 June, 2016, 08:30:09 pm
I don't even want to get off my bike at the controls. You will arrange it so that if I phone ahead one of the controllers will pop out and stamp my brevet as I pass by won't you?
'Minutes are miles'

Rest assured. Even as we sleep, the LEL team are deep in negotiations with several of the major banks and credit card companies to develop the Contactless Brevet Card, so that all you need to do is pull it out of your jersey pocket and wave it in the general direction of the control as you pass.

The downside is that each time you use it £1000 will be deducted from your account and used to fund a well-earned organisers' and controllers' piss-up once the event has finished.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 14 June, 2016, 09:23:36 pm
No. Nominal distance only. Though some over-distance LRM 1200s have had extra time allowed, I'm not sure LEL is sufficiently over-distance.

Usually it's the organiser's call if they give you extra time for the overdistance or not, there's no specific rule about this.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bobby on 14 June, 2016, 09:36:33 pm
No. Nominal distance only. Though some over-distance LRM 1200s have had extra time allowed, I'm not sure LEL is sufficiently over-distance.

Usually it's the organiser's call if they give you extra time for the overdistance or not, there's no specific rule about this.

I think if you chose shortest route (why would you - 2013 route was brilliant) then you're not going to be overdistance...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 14 June, 2016, 10:26:42 pm
Time limit is 116h40 for the "12"kph riders and 100h for the "14"kph riders.

There will be no extra time for the extra distance.

There are plenty of ways to shave off that 33km if you want to. Shortest distance is probably closer to 1300km to 1400km. The official route is only advisory and I genuinely don't care what route you choose to take. However unless you really are pushed for time, I'm confident I've picked the best route you can ride.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Crofton on 15 June, 2016, 05:40:35 pm
OK so (based on LRM rules) nominal distance of 1400km at minimum 12km/h gives a time limit of 116h40. Extra time for over distance would be at organisers discretion and as its only 2% over there is none. Fine. Clear. Thanks.

But wait, what's this about "14"kph riders having 100h? Is it like PBP where there is a choice of rider class with different time limits?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 15 June, 2016, 05:55:14 pm
Yes. First time for LEL.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 15 June, 2016, 05:58:39 pm
I believe the thinking is that in order to achieve a greater capacity; allow a number of riders off earliest with the 100 hour limit (which something like 20% of riders achieved last time anyway).

Just like PBP, you select the 100 hour time limit and should you arrive back in 101 hours, your ride would not be homolowhatsitted.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 15 June, 2016, 06:49:48 pm
Spot on, the first two waves will have the 100 hour limit. The principle being that with the reduced time limit and earlier start they will be further up the route before they stop to sleep. This will free up sleep capacity at the earlier controls for the slower riders with a later start.

It is clear in the wave descriptions which have which time limit. You will see these in the rider area of the website after you've got your place and need to choose your start time and bag drop locations etc.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andy Corless on 20 July, 2016, 01:05:02 pm
Don't know whether it's a connection problem or not at my end but the LEL website, appears to be down.

Andy Corless
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 20 July, 2016, 01:27:30 pm
22 minutes later but it's working fine for me.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 20 July, 2016, 02:02:28 pm
Don't know whether it's a connection problem or not at my end but the LEL website, appears to be down.

Andy Corless

In response to your query, just looked at the server monitoring and all is well.

You don't need to add the www to the front, just use
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andy Corless on 20 July, 2016, 02:17:08 pm
Right thanks. It must be a problem at my end.

Andy Corless
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bobby on 20 July, 2016, 02:27:35 pm
You can always try this if unsure: (
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 20 July, 2016, 03:08:07 pm
Right thanks. It must be a problem at my end.

Andy Corless

Was it anything in particular you were looking to find out that I can help with?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andy Corless on 20 July, 2016, 04:29:19 pm
I was just looking at the details for next year. I've now fixed the problem with the connection. It was at my side.

Andy Corless
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 20 July, 2016, 05:37:14 pm
I was just looking at the details for next year. I've now fixed the problem with the connection. It was at my side.

Andy Corless

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bobby on 01 August, 2016, 07:58:08 pm
Anybody know how the search for volunteers is shaping up?

After DNFing an entire SR2000 series this year, I'm giving up long rides until the kids are older, so looking to volunteer and pay forward some of the fun I had in 2009/2013.

Any days/locations in trouble?  I can probably only do 2 days & am based in the south east

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 01 August, 2016, 09:39:34 pm
Anybody know how the search for volunteers is shaping up?

After DNFing an entire SR2000 series this year, I'm giving up long rides until the kids are older, so looking to volunteer and pay forward some of the fun I had in 2009/2013.

Any days/locations in trouble?  I can probably only do 2 days & am based in the south east


You can register interest here (
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 04 August, 2016, 12:27:03 pm
Anybody know how the search for volunteers is shaping up?

After DNFing an entire SR2000 series this year, I'm giving up long rides until the kids are older, so looking to volunteer and pay forward some of the fun I had in 2009/2013.

Any days/locations in trouble?  I can probably only do 2 days & am based in the south east


You can register interest here (

As per link shared by Windy. The volunteer form allows you to indicates days you are available, preferred controls, and any specialist skills you have.  None of this is binding but it helps with placing volunteers in the best matches.  The more to share the workload the better really.  You'd be sure to have a blast, a hard working one, but nevertheless a blast.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 04 August, 2016, 01:11:31 pm
There will be at least 2 of us (including the controller!) travelling from South Oxon to man the St Ives control, if you're interested.

(I am thinking it might be quite a nice day ride to get over there ... )
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bobby on 04 August, 2016, 08:53:01 pm
Well I've filled in the form - anything Pocklington or south would be best (thinking I'll ride to the control probably) :)

Will be my first time volenteering  :thumbsup:, much like LEL2009 was my first time riding an Audax  :facepalm:

My wife is much happier that I'm not riding this time :)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bobby on 05 August, 2016, 09:12:12 am
There will be at least 2 of us (including the controller!) travelling from South Oxon to man the St Ives control, if you're interested.

(I am thinking it might be quite a nice day ride to get over there ... )

Sounds good, if I get St Ives I'll shout you :)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: dave d on 05 August, 2016, 11:09:50 am
I put the LEL dates in my calendar as I thought I might volunteer at a control.  After a great time at the Ride London 100 last Sunday I was looking at entering again when registration opens next week and I've just noticed I have a date clash.

So just a heads up in case this hasn't yet been noticed by anyone.  On the morning of the LEL prologue it looks as if the Mall will be closed for the end of RL100 and the prologue will have to find a way east out of London while thousands of cyclists will be hurtling west on closed roads from the Olympic Park.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: inappropriate_bike on 05 August, 2016, 11:05:16 pm
So just a heads up in case this hasn't yet been noticed by anyone.  On the morning of the LEL prologue it looks as if the Mall will be closed for the end of RL100 and the prologue will have to find a way east out of London while thousands of cyclists will be hurtling west on closed roads from the Olympic Park.

Lots of cars are also forced along the few remaining open routes out of central London.

This year Whitechapel High Street was an amazing sight - although it wasn't part of the route it was the quickest way to the Olympic Park for many cyclists so there were rolling road-blocks of hundreds of cyclists. And one confused drunk, standing on a traffic island, asking where everyone was going.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Whitedown Man on 06 August, 2016, 06:05:01 am
A question about start times. Full value riders are being encouraged to opt for later start times, to be behind the bulge. All very sensible from the org's perspective. But as a FVR if I don't start until 4pm at best I'll have built up a 2hr sleep buffer by midnight the first night, so won't in practice have any time to sleep if I'm to hit the Day 2 controls within the time limits. In fact, as a FVR what I actually need is the earliest possible start time in order to build up a practical sleep buffer for night one. Anything other than a 6am or at worst 7am start time and I think I might have to rule myself out altogether.

Presumably older and wiser heads than me have cunningly planned to ensure this is not the problem it appears to me to be, so how is this conundrum resolved?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 06 August, 2016, 11:20:57 am
As a full value rider myself, it's the other way around for me. My experience on LEL is that every hour of sleep the night before the start counts for two. So if I have to start at 6am I start with a sleep deficit, forcing me to sleep at the first night and losing valuable time. If I start well rested after 10am I have enough sleep in the bank to push through the first night and have some time buffer to sleep in the 2nd night. Remember, sleeping during the event costs you riding time, sleeping before the event costs you nothing.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andrew on 06 August, 2016, 11:33:04 am
Remember, sleeping during the event costs you riding time, sleeping before the event costs you nothing.

I think that's Whitedown Man's point. Awake time before the start is time one could be riding. Like having your batteries at full charge just as you set off, having had them on charge until the very last minute.

With me, it's swings and roundabouts. I like an earlier start purely because I hate hanging around before the start BUT, in terms of actual 'performance' it's a six and two threes. Each has its fors and againsts.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 06 August, 2016, 11:42:10 am
Whitedown Man would prefer a 6-7am start which for me would be a bad start time. We both quote sleepmanagement as a reason. For me a 10am - noon starttime would be ideal but an afternoon/evening starttime won't cause any problems as long as there are enough wheels to draft.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andrew on 06 August, 2016, 11:51:52 am
They might be in bed for 8pm the night before the start! We're saying the same thing but on different times scales  :)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 06 August, 2016, 11:56:21 am
Early start time also means middle of the night finish.

Slightly later means early morning finish. Gives the option of stopping for a sleep somewhere 60km from the finish and then doing a last little bit at dawn when you are all refreshed.

Not sure how late the starts will go to though. But tired full value riders may not be able to benefit either way and would end up riding through the entire night instead of just until 2am.  Either way, the start times really do make things tough for the slower riders. A PBP style evening start might well be the actual best thing for them overall. But you can not please all the people all the time and all that.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 06 August, 2016, 11:58:13 am
Another important consideration is where you want to sleep. We all know that sleeping space in Scotland is fairly limited. So from the organiser's viewpoint it's best to have a largish last bulge in Edinburgh for the night and not directly south of Edinburgh. Edinburgh is halfway, with 116h40 as total time and the LEL way of calculating it, you have 58h20 between starting in London and leaving the Edinburgh control (if you want a fair chance of staying within the timelimit). Let's make it 58h for ease of calculation.
So you get the following table related to start times and Edinburgh closing time:
start   Edinburgh closing
6am   4pm
8am   6pm
10am 8pm
2pm   midnight
4pm   2am
8pm   6am

So an early evening start would give you the best sleeping options in Edinburgh as a full value rider. An early would force you to do the full Scottish stretch in one go, you'll be knackered at the end of that day. Splitting this section isn't a bad idea.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 06 August, 2016, 11:59:39 am
They might be in bed for 8pm the night before the start! We're saying the same thing but on different times scales  :)

That may be true. Everyone has his own preferred sleeping time. My best sleeping valule is if I sleep between 4am and 6am. I know that there are riders who have this best value moment between midnight and 2am
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 06 August, 2016, 12:00:29 pm
Anyway, with 12 months until the event, there is every opportunity to mitigate many of the issues regarding sleep.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andrew on 06 August, 2016, 12:00:31 pm
But you can not please all the people all the time and all that.

Too true. And we each have preferred tactics. Inexperienced as I am to have developed firm preferences, I go with what I'm given and work around it.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 06 August, 2016, 04:52:06 pm
All times before 8am will be reserved for people riding at the 14kph minimum speed. The remaining am slots will be for people riding the prologue.

For everyone else, the start times will be between 2pm and 4pm.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 06 August, 2016, 04:53:39 pm
Don't worry about intermediate times. None of the controls heading north will be closing, and I'm intensely relaxed about riders who turn up after an intermediate control has closed.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: inappropriate_bike on 06 August, 2016, 07:03:49 pm
All times before 8am will be reserved for people riding at the 14kph minimum speed. The remaining am slots will be for people riding the prologue.

For everyone else, the start times will be between 2pm and 4pm.

Can you do the prologue and be in a 14kph wave?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Deano on 06 August, 2016, 07:18:10 pm
Did I imagine it, or do volunteers from previous LELs get preferential choice of start time?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Whitedown Man on 06 August, 2016, 09:44:03 pm
Don't worry about intermediate times. None of the controls heading north will be closing, and I'm intensely relaxed about riders who turn up after an intermediate control has closed.
With thanks to everyone else who chipped in :thumbsup: this is the reply that gives me the reassurance I needed, ie that I don't actually need to worry about Day 2 control times because they won't be being enforced. I can therefore plot a sleep strategy that will get me from L to E and back within the overall time limit, regardless of start time.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ben T on 06 August, 2016, 10:37:27 pm
And one confused drunk, standing on a traffic island, asking where everyone was going.
Did he finish? :)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: D.A.L.E. on 07 August, 2016, 01:03:12 pm
See LEL 2013; did anyone photograph it?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 07 August, 2016, 01:09:53 pm
And one confused drunk, standing on a traffic island, asking where everyone was going.

Wasn't one of these two was it?

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: arabella on 07 August, 2016, 11:29:37 pm
All times before 8am will be reserved for people riding at the 14kph minimum speed. The remaining am slots will be for people riding the prologue.

For everyone else, the start times will be between 2pm and 4pm.
meh.  that doesn't suit me either.  I'd be more in favour of spreading the start times if they gave the speed merchants the (for me) crummy start times*.  (I've hear missing a night's sleep at the beginning of a 4-5 day ride does suit some people, just not me.)
supposing a start at 3 then after 9 hours at sleep o'clock I'll have at most 3 hours in the bank.  And so on.  Then I'll have to ride through the last night instead of finishing during it.  If I were a 14kph rider and started at 6:30 then I'd have more like 8 hours to sleep the first night and finish well before the last night anyway.
So what happens if I sign up as 14kph and finish in 102 hours?  Is it worth trying, I ask myself.  I certainly have no wish to do the prologue. 

one of the things I enjoyed last time was being able to split the ride into days with sleeps in between rather than feeling it was continuous.  I do understand the reasoning behind the above, I just don't like the result. 

*I'm not sure this is feasible though, not off the cuff anyway. 
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: redfalo on 08 August, 2016, 11:52:42 am
In fact, as a FVR what I actually need is the earliest possible start time in order to build up a practical sleep buffer for night one.

Not sure if this is really true on LEL, as orgs have already said they don't care about control closing times and won't disqualify anyone who run out of time at an intermediate control. So there is no technical reason for building up a time buffer for sleep. You can go into a time deficit at night and make the time good during the day. Mentally, this may be a bit stressful, though. Moreover, my problem on long brevets is that I' so excited that I often struggle to fall asleep at all.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 08 August, 2016, 07:15:36 pm
In fact, as a FVR what I actually need is the earliest possible start time in order to build up a practical sleep buffer for night one.

Not sure if this is really true on LEL, as orgs have already said they don't care about control closing times and won't disqualify anyone who run out of time at an intermediate control. So there is no technical reason for building up a time buffer for sleep. You can go into a time deficit at night and make the time good during the day. Mentally, this may be a bit stressful, though. Moreover, my problem on long brevets is that I' so excited that I often struggle to fall asleep at all.

That's my interpretation as well, as long as you have a fighting chance of finishing in time, you're still in the ride.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 09 August, 2016, 12:57:55 am
I am pretty sure that while Alwyn has said he is relaxed about intermediate control times, he has also said elsewhere that you must reach a control while it is still physically open (if only to get proof of passage by checking in, I guess).

While that's not in itself a problem on the outward journey, given that all the controls will be preparing for returning riders, those of us who are likely to be at the fuller value end of the field should probably bear it in mind on the way back.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: phil d on 09 August, 2016, 06:13:19 pm
Yes, I think the window will still be somewhat limited, particularly on the way south.  It may be different next year, but in 2013 the Barnard Castle control had to be cleared up and vacated only about 2 - 3 hours after the official control closing time.  Which meant that while we retained the ability to serve (limited) hot food for an hour or two after the close, we were in fact busily wrapping the control up.  This could be very demoralising to a late arrival!

I suppose that the flexibility is likely to be rather more useful northbound, anyway - if you are running out of time southbound it could be very hard to catch up due to tiredness.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: notlobgp14 on 09 August, 2016, 07:49:58 pm
I have for a long while now been thinking seriously of entering LEL 2017, but I'm fast reconsidering.  I've been Audaxing for about 10 years now, furthest distance 300km; RRtY and a mere 25 Climbing Points over that time; just to show that I'm not just using LEL as a One Off Challenge.

The main thing that has changed my thinking is the late start times for 116 hr riders. Unless I was willing to ride; or say I was going to ride, the Prologue I must start between 14:00 and 16:00 on Sunday.  So, that would mean riding through the night to get ahead of the clock and earn some sleep; or it should if LEL was an Audax.  For this Event we can forget the Rules just get behind the clock it's all OK.  I fully understand that something has to be done to smooth the flow, or spread it like jam across a few Controls; but there are several other ways that could be done.  The FVR's will ride a completely different event to the 100hr people, not just the fact that they loose out on the extra 16hrs of toil, but we will be arriving at Closed or Closing Controls, getting dregs of food and an 'after the ball is over' atmosphere.

Not Happy  ???
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 09 August, 2016, 07:56:52 pm
To be fair to Alwyn, he has already said that one of his priorities this time is to ensure that those at the back end of the field don't feel they're getting a second class, second rate service.

While I would never categorise the 2013 experience in that way, those of us who were pushing the time limits did sometimes experience more limited menus and facilities than if we'd been a little quicker ...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: drgannet on 09 August, 2016, 08:16:33 pm
The main thing that has changed my thinking is the late start times for 116 hr riders. Unless I was willing to ride; or say I was going to ride, the Prologue I must start between 14:00 and 16:00 on Sunday.  So, that would mean riding through the night to get ahead of the clock and earn some sleep; or it should if LEL was an Audax. 

I thought this too, before the start of PBP last year, that 17:30 was a really crap time to start an Audax. However, it worked out perfectly OK; I rode through the first night and right on up to the 530km control before sleeping (about 30 hours, which makes me on the slow side of average).

I did have an alternative strategy of sleeping for a couple of hours at the first control at 220km (there were a few people kipping on the floor when I went through), but was feeling fine so just carried on.

Either of these approaches would work on LEL, and remember that the minimum speed for LEL (12kph?) is slower than PBP (about 14.4 kph for the outward leg in the 2015 edition) so getting 2-3 hours sleep on that first night should be easier, especially as Alwyn is not worried about intermediate control times (which are relevant for PBP). HTH
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 09 August, 2016, 08:17:55 pm
I've ridden several events over 1000km, with various start-times. Apart from the rather wonderous 1300, all had their drawbacks.

You learn to be a little adaptable. And to realise that apparently "poor" start-times can make for nicer finishes - and vice-versa!

To be fair to Alwyn, he has already said that one of his priorities this time is to ensure that those at the back end of the field don't feel they're getting a second class, second rate service.

I'd add that in 2009 I had a late start-time and finished in about 117hours - if anything the controls were nicely quiet when I got there - although I never lacked sociable company - making the experience very relaxed!
(Cant remember the exact start-time - lunch-ish? But I didnt rush the first day, got reasonable kip that night, and didnt miss any N-bound control times.)

While I would never categorise the 2013 experience in that way, those of us who were pushing the time limits did sometimes experience more limited menus and facilities than if we'd been a little quicker ...
And I think you'd agree, at several controls the volunteers went to great lengths to make sure all riders got fed.  :thumbsup:

(you may have had a reduced menu, but you got some options that simply werent available to the mid-fielders!)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 09 August, 2016, 08:39:58 pm
To be fair to Alwyn, he has already said that one of his priorities this time is to ensure that those at the back end of the field don't feel they're getting a second class, second rate service.

I'd add that in 2009 I had a late start-time and finished in about 117hours - if anything the controls were nicely quiet when I got there - although I never lacked sociable company - making the experience very relaxed!
(Cant remember the exact start-time - lunch-ish? But I didnt rush the first day, got reasonable kip that night, and didnt miss any N-bound control times.)

I was a while behind you and I still got a full service at all controls (except one where I arrived well before the timelimit), even when I was several hours out of time. I had expected a very limited service, cards marked, some tea and biscuits, while the volunteers were cleaning the control but I received far more as needed to continue.   :thumbsup:
But I admit that it was a lonely experience, except for the bit where a controller joined me on his way home.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 09 August, 2016, 11:13:15 pm
Based on 2015 PBP experience I'm not a fan of p.m. starts, nor of the 'conventional wisdom' about riding through the first night.
I can do it, but it puts my pace even further to the FV end of the spectrum.... & constant flirtation with closing times for the rest of the event.

Mid-morning start on LEL 2011 worked better, even though it meant first sleep at an overcrowded Pocklington control (for which many thanks are due to mattc finding extra floor space.)

That said, I'm very aware of the amount of thought & effort alwyn & team have put into improving the control experience for both riders & volunteers in 2017 (although I thought 2011 was already well-nigh perfect).

So, from a p.m. start, if I've only got two hours 'in the bank' by around 1 or 2 a.m., I shall be aiming to spend at least one & half of them asleep.  For me, and YMMV, even one & half hours sleep will give me a significant boost to both speed & morale, so I can finish the second day with a really handy buffer.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 09 August, 2016, 11:28:34 pm
Don't get locked into thinking that only one start time or ride strategy will give you an enjoyable ride.

Between us, HK and I have ridden about 50 x 1000+km brevets that have started at pretty much all hours of the day and night. Virtually every start time can result in an enjoyable ride, provided you focus on what you need to do to get to the finish, don't waste much time stopped for at least the first day and, most importantly, get lots of sleep in the weeks leading up to the start. At PBP07, I was one of the few riders that were more sleep-deprived at the start than at the finish. That made for a particularly tough ride.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 10 August, 2016, 06:21:55 am

Missing out on what is a really great ride, that only happens every four years, because of what you view as a non optimal start time is just asinine.

Start time is possibly the least of the issues you might face out on a long brevet.

LEL is nearly five day's long and you need to cover 288km each day.  Work hard over winter and spring. 

Those last couple of weeks, sleep well, maybe give up caffeine and don't worry too much.

Being sat on the sidelines of a fun life experience because you were annoyed you could not set off when you wanted is not audacious.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: eddum on 10 August, 2016, 08:02:24 am
So ummmmm  ::-) do we think this will fill with Audax members in January before the civvie entries open ?
(Asking for a friend you understand)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andrew on 10 August, 2016, 08:06:34 am
Start time is possibly the least of the issues you might face out on a long brevet.

That'd be my take too. Arguably, it's not even an issue. You know it well in advance and can work with it.

It's the stuff you don't know in advance that'll get you - the 'unknown unknowns' as someone once said. But I don't think he was talking of LEL... or even audax. Might have been something just a tad more serious. Like invading countries or something.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 10 August, 2016, 08:35:09 am
So ummmmm  ::-) do we think this will fill with Audax members in January before the civvie entries open ?

I'd have thought it's unlikely - certainly Alwyn's said he's confident there will be room.

1500 spaces, some (300? 400?) already sold as earlybird ones, plus guaranteed rides for anyone who volunteered on the last edition or has continuous AUK membership since March 2015.

Obviously there is some overlap between those groups: if we assume that there will be about the same number of AUK riders as were interested in PBP, that's about 5-600, so perhaps 500 places for general availability.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 10 August, 2016, 08:37:19 am
So ummmmm  ::-) do we think this will fill with Audax members in January before the civvie entries open ?
(Asking for a friend you understand)

I would expect not, I do not know the split, but I suspect non-auks were significantly more prevalent than auks on the start line last time.

Of course with the carrot of guaranteed entry, many people may have become auks since then.

But I would still expect that there will be many places left after the auk registration period. There are probably only a few hundred auks who want to ride the longer brevets. PBP is the flagship gold standard of long distance randonneuring and something like 600 auks did that in 2015. So I would expect a little less for LEL. sorry - went to check.  Only 402 AUKs completed PBP in 2015.  I am not sure of DNF rate, but that can't be much more than 450 AUKs who were on the start line of PBP?  Looking at a rough guestimate on the the composition of the 805 finishers would be 30-40% are AUKs?  300ish?  Again, probably no more than 350 AUKs on the startline of LEL in 2013  So, really nothing much to worry about, with the caveat of the carrot.

Anyway, someone who knows the numbers will be along soon.

I suppose over winter, I better think about whether to do it or to volunteer next year.

Edit - much x-post with jsabine!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bobby on 10 August, 2016, 09:10:32 am
I'd add that in 2009 I had a late start-time and finished in about 117hours - if anything the controls were nicely quiet when I got there - although I never lacked sociable company - making the experience very relaxed!
(Cant remember the exact start-time - lunch-ish? But I didnt rush the first day, got reasonable kip that night, and didnt miss any N-bound control times

I was one of the last groups away in 2009, I think my official start time was 2:30, more like 3:15 by the time I got going (mate bought a new bike on the start line)  :facepalm:

One of the nice elements returning was the bag-drop waggon guys who waited for us to go through a control before passing us on the road & meeting up for a chat at the next control.  Not sure they knew how that tiny amount of social interaction helped :) we bounced along at the back sometimes out of time, but always welcomed and looked after
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Redlight on 10 August, 2016, 02:28:01 pm
All times before 8am will be reserved for people riding at the 14kph minimum speed. The remaining am slots will be for people riding the prologue.

For everyone else, the start times will be between 2pm and 4pm.

So - in theory - it would be possible to take part in the Ride London event, also on the Sunday, and still get over to Loughton in time to start LEL  ;)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 10 August, 2016, 02:48:06 pm
So - in theory - it would be possible to take part in the Ride London event, also on the Sunday, and still get over to Loughton in time to start LEL  ;)

I've just entered the Ride 100 ballot for 2017, despite intending to ride LEL and am wondering if it will be possible to combine the two...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 10 August, 2016, 02:49:23 pm
So - in theory - it would be possible to take part in the Ride London event, also on the Sunday, and still get over to Loughton in time to start LEL  ;)

I've just entered the Ride 100 ballot for 2017, despite intending to ride LEL and am wondering if it will be possible to combine the two...

That's one of those theoretical possibilities that I think I wish hadn't been mentioned.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: rob on 10 August, 2016, 03:05:31 pm
So - in theory - it would be possible to take part in the Ride London event, also on the Sunday, and still get over to Loughton in time to start LEL  ;)

I've just entered the Ride 100 ballot for 2017, despite intending to ride LEL and am wondering if it will be possible to combine the two...

And the Mersey Roads the weekend before ?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 10 August, 2016, 03:17:57 pm
So - in theory - it would be possible to take part in the Ride London event, also on the Sunday, and still get over to Loughton in time to start LEL  ;)

I've just entered the Ride 100 ballot for 2017, despite intending to ride LEL and am wondering if it will be possible to combine the two...

And the Mersey Roads the weekend before ?

With an ECE 400 afterwards to round it up to a nice round 2500 km.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Chris S on 10 August, 2016, 03:42:04 pm
I just watched the MadeGood film of the 2013 event; hoping it would spur me on to build more enthusiasm for entering the 2017 edition.

Sadly, all it's done is serve to remind me just how much pain and suffering this level of self-harm induces.  :facepalm:

Ah well - early days...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: vorsprung on 10 August, 2016, 04:41:46 pm
So - in theory - it would be possible to take part in the Ride London event, also on the Sunday, and still get over to Loughton in time to start LEL  ;)

I've just entered the Ride 100 ballot for 2017, despite intending to ride LEL and am wondering if it will be possible to combine the two...

That's one of those theoretical possibilities that I think I wish hadn't been mentioned.


Mille Pennines 7th July.  The question is 1) can I be bothered to do either 2) if so can I ge the time off
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 10 August, 2016, 05:48:13 pm
So - in theory - it would be possible to take part in the Ride London event, also on the Sunday, and still get over to Loughton in time to start LEL  ;)

I've just entered the Ride 100 ballot for 2017, despite intending to ride LEL and am wondering if it will be possible to combine the two...

And the Mersey Roads the weekend before ?

Quite possibly (especially if I ride it "gently" as I did last time) but two weekends (plus most of the second week) away from the family is not going to go down well. Especially with the amount of time in the saddle I'd need in the run up to get in the right shape to do well at MR24 and also recover quickly enough to survive around LEL.

However, we have friends who live an hour away from Prees Island. I was trying to sell the idea to my wife and 6yo of a few afternoon hours spent supporting me from the roundabout and then they spend the evening/night/morning at friends in Lymm, and then come back to the finish circuit for the last few hours to cheer me (and everyone else) in.

Anyway, good point in that I have to think about the stuff I really want to do this/next year. I can't do it all. Might have to save MR24 for 2018. 2019 is earmarked for PBP with a family holiday in France.

90% certain I'll do LEL in 2017.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 10 August, 2016, 07:08:04 pm
So ummmmm  ::-) do we think this will fill with Audax members in January before the civvie entries open ?
(Asking for a friend you understand)

I would expect not, I do not know the split, but I suspect non-auks were significantly more prevalent than auks on the start line last time.

Of course with the carrot of guaranteed entry, many people may have become auks since then.

But I would still expect that there will be many places left after the auk registration period. There are probably only a few hundred auks who want to ride the longer brevets. PBP is the flagship gold standard of long distance randonneuring and something like 600 auks did that in 2015. So I would expect a little less for LEL. sorry - went to check.  Only 402 AUKs completed PBP in 2015.  I am not sure of DNF rate, but that can't be much more than 450 AUKs who were on the start line of PBP?  Looking at a rough guestimate on the the composition of the 805 finishers would be 30-40% are AUKs?  300ish?  Again, probably no more than 350 AUKs on the startline of LEL in 2013  So, really nothing much to worry about, with the caveat of the carrot.

Anyway, someone who knows the numbers will be along soon.

I suppose over winter, I better think about whether to do it or to volunteer next year.

Edit - much x-post with jsabine!

This calculation won't work 100%. Among the foreign AUK members quite a large percentage did LEL in the past So using the UK PBP participation as a starting point for your calculations will leave out the foreign AUK members. I know of quite a few, some of them also being volunteers of the 2013 LEL.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 10 August, 2016, 07:26:48 pm
So ummmmm  ::-) do we think this will fill with Audax members in January before the civvie entries open ?
(Asking for a friend you understand)

I would expect not, I do not know the split, but I suspect non-auks were significantly more prevalent than auks on the start line last time.

Of course with the carrot of guaranteed entry, many people may have become auks since then.

But I would still expect that there will be many places left after the auk registration period. There are probably only a few hundred auks who want to ride the longer brevets. PBP is the flagship gold standard of long distance randonneuring and something like 600 auks did that in 2015. So I would expect a little less for LEL. sorry - went to check.  Only 402 AUKs completed PBP in 2015.  I am not sure of DNF rate, but that can't be much more than 450 AUKs who were on the start line of PBP?  Looking at a rough guestimate on the the composition of the 805 finishers would be 30-40% are AUKs?  300ish?  Again, probably no more than 350 AUKs on the startline of LEL in 2013  So, really nothing much to worry about, with the caveat of the carrot.

Anyway, someone who knows the numbers will be along soon.

I suppose over winter, I better think about whether to do it or to volunteer next year.

Edit - much x-post with jsabine!

This calculation won't work 100%. Among the foreign AUK members quite a large percentage did LEL in the past So using the UK PBP participation as a starting point for your calculations will leave out the foreign AUK members. I know of quite a few, some of them also being volunteers of the 2013 LEL.

I think the use of such words as ish, guestimate, probably etc. highlight that my numbers were never going to work 100%, so I do not see any need to revise them based on this. 

Basically, for the purposes of the question, mine and jsabine's rough numbers suggest that there should be many hundreds of places available for non-AUKs once the AUKs (be they UK or overseas based) have had their chance to register.

Of course, no one can predict the demand for those places, but there will be many hundreds of them available.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alfapete on 10 August, 2016, 08:01:25 pm
Whatever calculations you make, I'm sure that there will be a considerable scrum for the available (non-AUK) places from both UK and overseas riders.

And I'm also sure that there will be a lot of disgruntled riders commenting on this very forum the day following the scrum about how it wasn't fair and the places could have been better allocated, and why wasn't there a qualification standard.

Whatever Alwyn does somebody with less information, less motivation and less insight will be sure to moan.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Graeme on 10 August, 2016, 09:12:35 pm
I just watched the MadeGood film of the 2013 event; hoping it would spur me on to build more enthusiasm for entering the 2017 edition.

Sadly, all it's done is serve to remind me just how much pain and suffering this level of self-harm induces.  :facepalm:

Ah well - early days...

Go on, go on, go on, go on...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: D.A.L.E. on 10 August, 2016, 09:14:32 pm
I just watched the MadeGood film of the 2013 event; hoping it would spur me on to build more enthusiasm for entering the 2017 edition.

Sadly, all it's done is serve to remind me just how much pain and suffering this level of self-harm induces.  :facepalm:

Ah well - early days...

Go on, go on, go on, go on...

You riding it Graeme?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Graeme on 10 August, 2016, 09:21:53 pm
I just watched the MadeGood film of the 2013 event; hoping it would spur me on to build more enthusiasm for entering the 2017 edition.

Sadly, all it's done is serve to remind me just how much pain and suffering this level of self-harm induces.  :facepalm:

Ah well - early days...

Go on, go on, go on, go on...

You riding it Graeme?

Absolutely! Volunteering last time really fired me up to ride it in 2017; seeing so many friends utterly exhausted and yet smiling as they arrived at Thirsk through the first night was such a great experience. Then on day 2, the stream of happy people constantly coming through the control while I was checking them in was brilliant. I wouldn't miss riding this for the world.

Preparation. Did my first RRtY this year, finally rode an Easter Arrow without anyone dying, and have a DIY600 planned for August Bank Holiday weekend. Then if that goes well will use it as the beginning of another RRtY which will be completed with LEL. Also - just off the route as we cross the Humber Bridge is my new home - also known as 'change of clothes central'.

Oh the best laid plans of mice!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 10 August, 2016, 11:40:47 pm
Very difficult to speculate with any accuracy on numbers of AUks and guaranteed that will be taken up before the final lot of places is made available, 400 have gone to those paying a deposit.. best guess on AUK / guaranteed etc .. in the 500ish  area .. so places on general offer .. around 600 ish. But you really need to put a +/- on this final guess.

Money man really does hope that there is sufficient demand to take up all the 1500 places that we have used as our income projection .. which then feeds into the expenditure .. ie can we afford this etc etc.

You will probably know that any surplus  is feed corn for 2021  .. not sure what happens if there is a deficit .. thank goodness it is company limited by guarantee !!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 11 August, 2016, 07:46:07 am
1500 would already have been possible in 2009 but there wasn't the capacity to have them. So the publicity campaign was virtually halted after PBP 2007, it wasn't needed and would have only created too much demand. For the past 10 years LEL always had more demand as capacity, the reputation of the ride is simply higher as the capacity of the countryside (mainly the Southern Scottish bit).
So I no need at all for fear that the 1500 won't be reached.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: inappropriate_bike on 11 August, 2016, 07:48:01 am
Given that the first batch of places sold out in minutes, more than a year in advance, I don't think you'll have a problem FBz.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Chris S on 11 August, 2016, 10:45:57 am
Especially as it's now much cheaper for non-£ users to come here, than it was pre-referendum  ::-).
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: DrMekon on 11 August, 2016, 11:20:56 am
I just watched the MadeGood film of the 2013 event; hoping it would spur me on to build more enthusiasm for entering the 2017 edition.

Sadly, all it's done is serve to remind me just how much pain and suffering this level of self-harm induces.  :facepalm:

Ah well - early days...


Yeah, so much pain.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Chris S on 11 August, 2016, 11:25:33 am
I just watched the MadeGood film of the 2013 event; hoping it would spur me on to build more enthusiasm for entering the 2017 edition.

Sadly, all it's done is serve to remind me just how much pain and suffering this level of self-harm induces.  :facepalm:

Ah well - early days...


Yeah, so much pain.


Pwn3d  :)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: bhoot on 11 August, 2016, 01:13:42 pm
I just watched the MadeGood film of the 2013 event; hoping it would spur me on to build more enthusiasm for entering the 2017 edition.

Sadly, all it's done is serve to remind me just how much pain and suffering this level of self-harm induces.  :facepalm:

Ah well - early days...


Yeah, so much pain.


Pwn3d  :)
And how many people in the photo are wearing their own sandals?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: DrMekon on 11 August, 2016, 02:32:14 pm
I just watched the MadeGood film of the 2013 event; hoping it would spur me on to build more enthusiasm for entering the 2017 edition.

Sadly, all it's done is serve to remind me just how much pain and suffering this level of self-harm induces.  :facepalm:

Ah well - early days...


Yeah, so much pain.


Pwn3d  :)


The struggle is real
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 11 August, 2016, 03:10:30 pm
Preparation. Did my first RRtY this year, finally rode an Easter Arrow without anyone dying, and have a DIY600 planned for August Bank Holiday weekend. Then if that goes well will use it as the beginning of another RRtY which will be completed with LEL. Also - just off the route as we cross the Humber Bridge is my new home - also known as 'change of clothes central'.

Oh the best laid plans of mice!

You're in a better place than I was in terms of prep the equivalent time in 2012.  This time in 2012 I had yet to ride my first 300; LEL was just a dream in my head. The encouragement I got from others on my first 300 ride cemented my decision to enter.  I haven't looked back since and a 1000 plus ride is now a standard entry in my yearly calendar.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bikeabilityman on 12 August, 2016, 04:49:05 pm
I'm undecided. Joined AUK a few months after entering LEL 2013, then done a different big ride each year. Not yet looked at the other options for next year. I did enjoy the veggie food and soup on LEL though.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: L CC on 13 August, 2016, 08:32:07 am
I'm not going to ride. I've done it before and for me, fun as it was, I'd rather spend that £350+ on new roads, preferably somewhere with MOAR CHEESE.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 13 August, 2016, 08:48:10 am
I'm not going to ride. I've done it before and for me, fun as it was, I'd rather spend that £350+ on new roads, preferably somewhere with MOAR CHEESE.

I'm probably wavering towards the same opinion.  My trip to France this summer was amazing, particularly in retrospect, and whilst it didn't quite cost £350, it wasn't ever so much more and I had 10 days of fun.  I already have a plan for next year that is a little silly.  And I might just put in an application for TransCon.....

LEL 2013 was a truly great ride and I have no doubt that 2017 will deliver again, but unlike PBP, I think I am comfortable with the idea of not riding it.  I'll volunteer whatever, riding or not.  Registration was great fun last time, and then maybe come and help with the later finishers.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 13 August, 2016, 12:56:30 pm
Is it just me or does the similarity of the LEL logo with that of Vote Leave make people think it now rather unsuitable for international camaraderie?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 14 August, 2016, 09:59:31 am
So ummmmm  ::-) do we think this will fill with Audax members in January before the civvie entries open ?
(Asking for a friend you understand)

No. Happy to share my thinking on this too.

We are planning to offer 1500 places in total, give or take a few dozen. We've already sold 400 places, and to date none of those people have asked to withdraw. That leaves 1100 or so places.

I have a list of 407 people who can enter early on 6 January. Of these, 225 people are guaranteed a place because they were AUKs on the cutoff date. I expect about 400 qualifying AUKs to enter, plus about 100 extra people from the guaranteed list.

That leaves about 600 places available on 20 January, plus another 150 or so as we backfill places when people withdraw. It might be as few as 400 places on 20 January, it might be as many as 750.

Those are my best estimates, and they haven't really changed much over the last year or so. The price hike will obviously put some people off, but equally many people are reassured by an event that is adequately well-funded to make it a good experience for everyone.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 14 August, 2016, 10:09:25 am
To be fair to Alwyn, he has already said that one of his priorities this time is to ensure that those at the back end of the field don't feel they're getting a second class, second rate service.

While I would never categorise the 2013 experience in that way, those of us who were pushing the time limits did sometimes experience more limited menus and facilities than if we'd been a little quicker ...

Yeah, this was our second top negative from 2013, trumped only by running volunteers into the ground. The latter almost certainly leads to the former.

This is going to be even more important anyway, as spreading out the start times means the controls are busier for longer before their closing time. Much like the riders, it's tempting to waste all your energy at the beginning when you're all fresh and excited. The controllers will have to temper that in their teams, so they don't burn out.

Heather ran a workshop on this at our controllers' meeting last October. Having much more budget this time allows us to buy in a lot more supporting service, so every control will have a proper, professional catering option this time. This should mean that the riders at the back get a proper meal and not the dregs. We've also given a lot more thought about how to downsize a control so riders aren't rattling around empty halls and canteens. We're also spending a lot of the increased fee on giving volunteers a proper bed to sleep in and some non-canteen meals, so they're not hollowed out by the end of the event.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: toontra on 14 August, 2016, 11:02:57 am
I'm not going to ride. I've done it before and for me, fun as it was, I'd rather spend that £350+ on new roads, preferably somewhere with MOAR CHEESE.

Pretty much my conclusion.  I've done the last two - 2009 was a survival exercise due to the weather, whereas 2013 was comparatively fast and enjoyable (particularly the international riding company).  So I've had the best and worst of LEL and ride the route northbound annually anyway, so I think I'll give it a miss this time and put the money towards a foreign tour.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: rob on 14 August, 2016, 12:09:28 pm
I'm not going to ride. I've done it before and for me, fun as it was, I'd rather spend that £350+ on new roads, preferably somewhere with MOAR CHEESE.

Pretty much my conclusion.  I've done the last two - 2009 was a survival exercise due to the weather, whereas 2013 was comparatively fast and enjoyable (particularly the international riding company).  So I've had the best and worst of LEL and ride the route northbound annually anyway, so I think I'll give it a miss this time and put the money towards a foreign tour.

Not wanting to turn this into a thread about why we're not going, but I'm also going to skip this one.   I don't have firm plans for next year, but LEL doesn't really work for me.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Jacques on 14 August, 2016, 12:16:02 pm
Yeah, this was our second top negative from 2013, trumped only by running volunteers into the ground. The latter almost certainly leads to the former.

This is going to be even more important anyway, as spreading out the start times means the controls are busier for longer before their closing time. Much like the riders, it's tempting to waste all your energy at the beginning when you're all fresh and excited. The controllers will have to temper that in their teams, so they don't burn out.

Heather ran a workshop on this at our controllers' meeting last October. Having much more budget this time allows us to buy in a lot more supporting service, so every control will have a proper, professional catering option this time. This should mean that the riders at the back get a proper meal and not the dregs. We've also given a lot more thought about how to downsize a control so riders aren't rattling around empty halls and canteens. We're also spending a lot of the increased fee on giving volunteers a proper bed to sleep in and some non-canteen meals, so they're not hollowed out by the end of the event.

I have every faith in the LEL team getting things right and I'm sure things will run smooth. A warning about professional caterers though. We all experienced the problems at the PBP Velodrome with the meal at the start, the caterers there seemed totally unprepared for the numbers and quantities that cyclists consume, they really need to be warned of our appetite. Similarly at Carhaix, the professional caterers there simply worked to a budget and once the food was gone they refused to improvise and make any effort to help out the team at Carhaix. You paid your money, we provided the food, it's gone, tough.

Not as simple as that but in short that's what happened. I'm sure you are aware of this but having a professional team in to help can have consequences.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: The French Tandem on 14 August, 2016, 01:54:30 pm
I'm not going to ride. I've done it before and for me, fun as it was, I'd rather spend that £350+ on new roads, preferably somewhere with MOAR CHEESE.

Pretty much my conclusion.  I've done the last two - 2009 was a survival exercise due to the weather, whereas 2013 was comparatively fast and enjoyable (particularly the international riding company).  So I've had the best and worst of LEL and ride the route northbound annually anyway, so I think I'll give it a miss this time and put the money towards a foreign tour.

Not wanting to turn this into a thread about why we're not going, but I'm also going to skip this one.   I don't have firm plans for next year, but LEL doesn't really work for me.

If you all enjoyed 2013, but don't want to ride, then be a volunteer and give back to other riders some of the fun that you had. That's what Sylvie and I are going to do, and we look forward to see you all!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 14 August, 2016, 02:46:40 pm
Yeah, this was our second top negative from 2013, trumped only by running volunteers into the ground. The latter almost certainly leads to the former.

This is going to be even more important anyway, as spreading out the start times means the controls are busier for longer before their closing time. Much like the riders, it's tempting to waste all your energy at the beginning when you're all fresh and excited. The controllers will have to temper that in their teams, so they don't burn out.

Heather ran a workshop on this at our controllers' meeting last October. Having much more budget this time allows us to buy in a lot more supporting service, so every control will have a proper, professional catering option this time. This should mean that the riders at the back get a proper meal and not the dregs. We've also given a lot more thought about how to downsize a control so riders aren't rattling around empty halls and canteens. We're also spending a lot of the increased fee on giving volunteers a proper bed to sleep in and some non-canteen meals, so they're not hollowed out by the end of the event.

I have every faith in the LEL team getting things right and I'm sure things will run smooth. A warning about professional caterers though. We all experienced the problems at the PBP Velodrome with the meal at the start, the caterers there seemed totally unprepared for the numbers and quantities that cyclists consume, they really need to be warned of our appetite. Similarly at Carhaix, the professional caterers there simply worked to a budget and once the food was gone they refused to improvise and make any effort to help out the team at Carhaix. You paid your money, we provided the food, it's gone, tough.

Not as simple as that but in short that's what happened. I'm sure you are aware of this but having a professional team in to help can have consequences.

Catering these types of events is an interesting exercise in itself. I made a short film after PBP about some of the issues there.
A lot of queuing derived from problems with the payment systems, they seemed to clash with the venues' systems and manual 'fixes' were in place. LEL takes no cash, so that's one problem less.

I asked a controller if they'd considered an upfront payment for food, as at LEL. It wasn't seen as 'fair'. But it's worth noting that the UAF 'Pure Audax' LEL is all paid for beforehand, and there is a big difference between that formula and 'Allure Libre'. If you want a predictable 'all-in' option the Audax PBP provides that.

Vegetarians and other diet groups find PBP difficult, but that's the nature of France.

It's good that organisers seek to optimise arrangements, but it can mean that informal strategies to cope with the reality of provision don't work from event to event. Like shifting the 'Loudeac problem' to Carhaix and Brest.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 14 August, 2016, 04:26:42 pm
A warning about professional caterers though. We all experienced the problems at the PBP Velodrome with the meal at the start, the caterers there seemed totally unprepared for the numbers and quantities that cyclists consume, they really need to be warned of our appetite. Similarly at Carhaix, the professional caterers there simply worked to a budget and once the food was gone they refused to improvise and make any effort to help out the team at Carhaix. You paid your money, we provided the food, it's gone, tough.

Not as simple as that but in short that's what happened. I'm sure you are aware of this but having a professional team in to help can have consequences.

Oh absolutely. How we arrange catering varies from control to control. Ideally, we pay the control (usually a secondary school) a fixed amount of cash, and they lay on the food for us. Invariably we pay a set amount per rider, plus an extra amount at the end for any additional food used. At some controls we simply hire the premises and recruit freelancers to cook for us. This time around, at least two more controls are being managed by the school, the most recent being Barnard Castle.

Our big lesson from last time was that controls that focussed on a basic menu did much better than those that tried to offer many more options. More options leads to longer queues and much more food waste. We also settled a debate about how much riders actually eat. We're under no illusions how much food you all get through, and we've made that clear to the people doing the catering.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Redlight on 14 August, 2016, 05:34:52 pm
Our big lesson from last time was that controls that focussed on a basic menu did much better than those that tried to offer many more options. More options leads to longer queues and much more food waste.

Agreed, but it can be quite hard to predict what people will want and I wonder if the location of the control is a key factor.

For example, At Gt Easton last time round we offered three basic main courses - soup with rolls, jacket potatoes with various fillings and pasta a choice of meat/non-meat sauces - plus easy puddings such as rice pudding with fruit. That was based on what at I'd seen people opting for at numerous commercial controls over the years and would be easy to prepare in advance. 

As it turned out, we hardly used any of the baked potatoes but had to re-stock the soup and pasta repeatedly. Thinking about it afterwards, I came to the conclusion that even when beautifully cooked (ours were not, having spent a lot of time in the oven, albeit cooking at low temperature) a baked potato requires more effort to digest than soft, squishy pasta. On the way north, that might have been fine but by the time riders reached us they were less than 60km from the finish and a fair number could have auditioned as extras in a zombie film. I suspect we would have got through even more pasta & sauce had we simply liquidised the whole thing into a kind of mega-carb-and-protein-smoothie that could be poured straight down the gullet.

We also cleared out all of the local supermarkets and cash & carries of rice pudding - again, something that can be easily swallowed and digested by tired bodies.

I'd also add, for the benefit of any doubters, that I have ever confidence in Alwyn and the team's ability to put on a cracking event. There's a lot of experience on the team running the event.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 14 August, 2016, 05:48:25 pm
Yeah, soft food is always more popular. Mince, mash, sausages, rice pudding, soup, pasta.

The last three controls I've run for other people, I've made trays of corned beef has and cheese pie, both based on heavily seasoned mashed potato. No chewing required. I can't make it fast enough, it flies out.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: D.A.L.E. on 14 August, 2016, 07:26:40 pm
The last three controls I've run for other people, I've made trays of corned beef has and cheese pie, both based on heavily seasoned mashed potato. No chewing required. I can't make it fast enough, it flies out.

Was that on the National 400?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 14 August, 2016, 07:29:31 pm
The last three controls I've run for other people, I've made trays of corned beef has and cheese pie, both based on heavily seasoned mashed potato. No chewing required. I can't make it fast enough, it flies out.

Was that on the National 400?

That was one of them (or at least I assume so, having helped to scoff some of the hash).
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: D.A.L.E. on 14 August, 2016, 07:34:41 pm
It was loverly.  ;D
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mcshroom on 14 August, 2016, 07:48:04 pm
Also please make sure the professional caterers understand the riders will be arriving at all hours. We had a very reluctant cook at Market Rasen try initially to refuse to cook us anything at a bit before 1am when we arrived late after the badger incident. In the end he served some very dry fish and chips. I'm sure he was a perfectly good cook, but he didn't, unsurprisingly, have the attitude of a volunteer.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 14 August, 2016, 09:20:58 pm
Oh he was horrible. He won't be coming back.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 15 August, 2016, 03:29:51 pm
both based on heavily seasoned mashed potato. No chewing required. I can't make it fast enough, it flies out.

I'll be avoiding those then...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: iddu on 15 August, 2016, 04:10:05 pm
both based on heavily seasoned mashed potato. No chewing required. I can't make it fast enough, it flies out.

I'll be avoiding those then...

[N3rdL]For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction...[/N3rdL]

Fill yer boots - just don't ride in front of me ;D
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Smiffy on 15 August, 2016, 06:30:44 pm
Hello - it's been some time since I posted here on YACF ..... I did the BCM in 2014 as my first audax and it was such a thrill.

I'm going to reach a half century in 2017 and feel that LEL would be an appropriate celebration of my 'coming of age' ....... 

Just wanted to say hi and join the conversation - most people's response is not fit for sharing when I suggest I might ride London to Edinburgh and back........
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 15 August, 2016, 07:11:45 pm
Yeah, soft food is always more popular. Mince, mash, sausages, rice pudding, soup, pasta.

The last three controls I've run for other people, I've made trays of corned beef has and cheese pie, both based on heavily seasoned mashed potato. No chewing required. I can't make it fast enough, it flies out.

I've had my fill of bland pasta (in flavour-free veggie sauce) and bland soup (often similar to the pasta sauces) at "fully catered" controls over the last few years. I'm not keen on rice pudding, but yes, it does go down easily enough. I'd rather pay £5-6 extra for some morale-boosting food somewhere.

I long for sausages, corned beef hash, cheese pie ... sounds like bliss. Then again I could eat beans-on-toast at every other control and be pretty happy, so I may be unusual.

If part of my duties next year are dolloping bland pasta (in flavour-free veggie sauce) and bland soup onto riders' trays, I shall have to suppress my true opinions.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 16 August, 2016, 08:57:37 pm
I've had my fill of bland pasta (in flavour-free veggie sauce) and bland soup (often similar to the pasta sauces) at "fully catered" controls over the last few years. I'm not keen on rice pudding, but yes, it does go down easily enough. I'd rather pay £5-6 extra for some morale-boosting food somewhere.

I long for sausages, corned beef hash, cheese pie ... sounds like bliss. Then again I could eat beans-on-toast at every other control and be pretty happy, so I may be unusual.

Couldn't agree more, Matt. After a steady diet of colin, pommes puree and haricots vertes at PBP2011 I was overjoyed to find a control with some lasagne. It's nothing to do with cost either, it's just a lack of imagination.

My food cost at the National 400 was £1.60 a head, for which I did a good soup, homemade bread, corned beef hash, beans and homemade cakes. There was filter coffee too. For WCW my budget was £2 per rider per control, and there was some pretty damn excellent food from the controls. There's no need for food to be bland even at that price point - a tub each of salt, pepper, and thyme works out at under 2p per rider.

For LEL next year the ingredients budget is £3 per rider per control visit. At some of the controls I am responsible for organising the catering, and what I'm doing is paying money for good freelance cooks who can make a decent meal with that sort of cost of ingredients. It's cheaper to pay for talent than to pay Brakes to make it all and deliver it to us.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 16 August, 2016, 11:45:04 pm
Some riders find exertion makes their digestion 'delicate' and sensitive to spices or fatty food whilst others crave the TASTY and find a curry hits the spot.
Needs, desires and taste change as a long ride progresses too, all of which make keeping everyone happy, all the time almost impossible.
I do not envy the catering teams!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Frank9755 on 17 August, 2016, 09:31:32 am
Yes, can't please everyone.  FWIW I'd vote for bland sloppy food - rice or pasta.  Can see why jacket potatoes wouldn't be so popular.

"what I'm doing is paying money for good freelance cooks who can make a decent meal with that sort of cost of ingredients. It's cheaper to pay for talent than to pay Brakes to make it all and deliver it to us."

Alwyn sounds like he knows what he is doing.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 17 August, 2016, 02:32:56 pm
Exactly, you can't please everyone. Trying to do that is the path to hell.

I know from my own experience that more than anything, people want their dinner fast. More than a couple of options causes delays in the canteen and confusion in the kitchen. Confusion in the kitchen makes canteen delays worse and risks health and safety breaches.

So the ethos is very much on scratch cooking, limited options, simple dishes, good value ingredients and professionals doing the skilled work.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 17 August, 2016, 03:28:52 pm
Yes, can't please everyone.  FWIW I'd vote for bland sloppy food - rice or pasta.  Can see why jacket potatoes wouldn't be so popular.

"what I'm doing is paying money for good freelance cooks who can make a decent meal with that sort of cost of ingredients. It's cheaper to pay for talent than to pay Brakes to make it all and deliver it to us."

Alwyn sounds like he knows what he is doing.

Jacket potatoes might need too much effort per Calorie for the exhausted AUK. They are good nutrition but need to be chewed and digested; There's also the fibre. The exhausted AUK might prefer instant mash
or custard.

Some will need easy calories but some will want interesting food.

Vegetable soup is great for electrolytes but useless for energy (unless soaked into bread ± butter)...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 17 August, 2016, 04:54:26 pm
Vegetable soup is great for electrolytes but useless for energy (unless soaked into bread ± butter)...

Not necessarily. I've asked controls to ensure that any soup they make is (a) vegan and (b) has some form of pulse or grain in it. At controls I run, I've also always been quite heavy with the cooking oil when frying down stuff, as it adds richness and taste, as well as a decent slug of calories.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 17 August, 2016, 06:12:20 pm
<sorry, I'm aware this is just one rider's opinion, but anyway ... >

Its a long ride. If I could only eat mushed-up baby food for (say) 3 days, I wouldnt classify that as "fun". Not even with custard !!! I've been mortally tired on a few rides - Proper Food is often the spiritual treat I need to inspire me for more miles.

@Helly: do you have any citations for jacket potatoes being poor net sources of calories? I'm a bit sceptical.
[I'm not actually a big fan of the things, but they seem to be a GoTo food for lots of friends.]

<\personal foibles>
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 17 August, 2016, 06:37:54 pm
Warm jacket potatoes are great to eat on the move too. I seemed to remember one PBP control having them so I grabbed a couple (wrapped in foil) for a snack between controls.

I'm another vote for varied food. Endless flavour-lite pasta just drives me to source food outside controls.

Google says baked potatoes are 93kcal per 100g. They'll be a lot more with a healthy dollop of butter (not good for eating on the move) and also cheese and baked beans (even messier on the move).
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hippy on 17 August, 2016, 07:32:17 pm
Love a jacket potato with beans and cheese! But I'll smash anything into my cake hole during a ride.
I hate rice pudding and yet during PBP I ate bowls and bowls of the stuff!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 17 August, 2016, 07:44:11 pm
A boiled potato is approx 72 kcal/100g (

A jacket potato will contain less water but a biggish spud is around 250g. That's around 170kcal, which takes quite a large effort to chew and swallow. It's the equivalent of two slices of bread, 40 grams of cake or half a pint of semi-skimmed milk.

A potato is good food but quite a lot of effort for the energy yield.

Food calories are not all equal.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hippy on 17 August, 2016, 08:59:44 pm
Ha! I've never struggled to put them away. If you're concerned with eating effort, use gels or drink olive oil. :p
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 17 August, 2016, 11:13:03 pm

Why have gels when you can have CAEK, Frijj and PIES? (Pies aren't something I like but others like Ginster's pasties.)

That's the problem - one man's meat is another's poison...

and I think food desires change as a ride progresses.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: IanDG on 18 August, 2016, 07:50:07 am
Yes, can't please everyone.  FWIW I'd vote for bland sloppy food - rice or pasta.  Can see why jacket potatoes wouldn't be so popular.

"what I'm doing is paying money for good freelance cooks who can make a decent meal with that sort of cost of ingredients. It's cheaper to pay for talent than to pay Brakes to make it all and deliver it to us."

Alwyn sounds like he knows what he is doing.

Jacket potatoes might need too much effort per Calorie for the exhausted AUK. They are good nutrition but need to be chewed and digested; There's also the fibre. The exhausted AUK might prefer instant mash
or and custard.

Some will need easy calories but some will want interesting food.

Vegetable soup is great for electrolytes but useless for energy (unless soaked into bread ± butter)...

FTFY Together!  ;)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 18 August, 2016, 08:16:43 am
Changing the topic a touch...

I'm increasingly inclined to scratch the prologue. Ride London have bagsied all the nice roads. I thought I could work around this, and using Tower Bridge as a start would have provided a fresh route and photo opportunity for everyone. However, many of the roads around there are blocked too. To make matters worse still, Tower Bridge is a trunk road which meets with other trunk roads by the tower.

What's more, it'd cost £1,000 to hire the start location.

So, I might abandon an official ride in favour of something unofficial for those who are staying in town and want to ride to the start.

I had decided to make riding the prologue a condition of a morning start at a tourist pace, so those riders weren't waiting around at the start all morning. There's obviously no need for this now. However I'm aware that this will mean a bit of a bunfight for morning starts. I have no idea yet how I will allocate those. Any idea gratefully received, though obviously I reserve the right to make the final decision about what to do.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 18 August, 2016, 08:21:15 am
Warm jacket potatoes are great to eat on the move too.

 and also cheese and baked beans (even messier on the move).
Hmmm. Cheesy beans is obvs the best. Next ride I might try that, scooping out the soft stuff, leaving the skins as takeaway food (they seem much more portable than a whole one).

Does everyone know the Gethin Butler baked-beans story? [I think ESL told me it, so he has the stage if he wants it.]
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 18 August, 2016, 08:27:42 am
Changing the topic a touch...

I'm increasingly inclined to scratch the prologue. Ride London have bagsied all the nice roads. I thought I could work around this, and using Tower Bridge as a start would have provided a fresh route and photo opportunity for everyone. However, many of the roads around there are blocked too. To make matters worse still, Tower Bridge is a trunk road which meets with other trunk roads by the tower.

What's more, it'd cost £1,000 to hire the start location.

So, I might abandon an official ride in favour of something unofficial for those who are staying in town and want to ride to the start.

I had decided to make riding the prologue a condition of a morning start at a tourist pace, so those riders weren't waiting around at the start all morning. There's obviously no need for this now. However I'm aware that this will mean a bit of a bunfight for morning starts. I have no idea yet how I will allocate those. Any idea gratefully received, though obviously I reserve the right to make the final decision about what to do.

Yes, an unfortunate clash.

How about something low-key the night before?  An evening ride around the sights?  A gpx file and some guidance notes on what to look at etc.  Or simply encourage our overseas visitors to join in with the FreeRide (or whatever it is called these days) as this gives them a car-free ride around most of the key areas of London?

Even an evening ride may be harder than you might hope for as there will be the women's crit race going on and that now has expanded dramatically from the St James Park circuit it used to use.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 18 August, 2016, 08:32:01 am
Thank Marcus, all useful stuff.

We're going to have a bit of party somewhere in East London anyway on Friday night, so we can certainly build in a social element before the event. Joining the free ride might work too.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: JohnL on 18 August, 2016, 08:43:15 am
Changing the topic a touch...

I'm increasingly inclined to scratch the prologue. Ride London have bagsied all the nice roads. I thought I could work around this, and using Tower Bridge as a start would have provided a fresh route and photo opportunity for everyone. However, many of the roads around there are blocked too. To make matters worse still, Tower Bridge is a trunk road which meets with other trunk roads by the tower.

I was thinking about this the other day. Is there any mileage in 'joining up' with Ride London and making LEL part of it? It would hugely increase the profile and maybe some more free publicity. Although I concede LEL might not need the publicity!

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 18 August, 2016, 08:43:40 am
Thank Marcus, all useful stuff.

We're going to have a bit of party somewhere in East London anyway on Friday night, so we can certainly build in a social element before the event. Joining the free ride might work too.

^Map of this year's FreeCycle - it wouldn't be too challenging for someone with good local knowledge (I am South-West London, so I don't have the knowledge to offer to do it!) to create a gpx file to get the riders from Loughton to Leadenhall (and back).

Hopefully, it would mean they can see the sights and be entertained for the day with little resources from the LEL team needed.  Gets them out of your hair for the day and gives them a great tour of London on what is quite a carnival day out.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 18 August, 2016, 10:42:55 am
A boiled potato is approx 72 kcal/100g (

Jacket potatoes are different as boiled potatoes usually mean without the skin (which is more calorie dense).

Which gives the 93kcal/100g figure. Comparable with a banana (108kcal in 118g elsewhere on google = 92kcal/100g) which people often quote as a perfect snack for cycling.

I find jacket potatoes easier to eat on the move than bananas as long as they aren't over cooked (easy to tell from a gentle squeeze). Warm (which is lovely on a cold evening), similar texture and no need to peel them (which requires two hands).

I don't buy the line that they're harder to chew and swallow at all as they're not much different from a banana. Next people will be saying that apples are dreadful to eat as they're slightly crunchy and even harder to chew.

Food calories are not all equal.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hippy on 18 August, 2016, 10:47:05 am

Why have gels when you can have CAEK, Frijj and PIES? (Pies aren't something I like but others like Ginster's pasties.)

That's the problem - one man's meat is another's poison...

and I think food desires change as a ride progresses.

I wouldn't choose to eat gels I was just laughing at the "effort required to eat a potato" thing.

I love audax for its cake stops! :D
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Lady Cavendish on 18 August, 2016, 10:51:52 am
Jacket potatoes and fried egg rolls are my top foods of choice on rides.

If I never see rice pudding again it would be too soon (apart from that stuff that appears in Mytholmroyd that doesn't resemble the tinned substance) or tinned peaches.

I also use food as a motivation to keep going when I CBA, and 'proper food' will always win for me over soup, which I'd never eat in 'real life' or audax. It's not food ;)

An organiser can never really win on the food thing though. I mean, I must be the only person in the audax world it seems that would never eat a ginsters type anything, and those frijj milkshakes are disgusting. I drank a banana one 100k into a 600 earlier in the year and it repeated on me for the next 300k- banana burps.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hippy on 18 August, 2016, 11:00:32 am
I don't understand anyone who eats cold, pre-packed pasties. What's wrong with you people?!

Banana milkshakes are pretty gross but I do quite like the choc/caramel variations of Frijj. I prefer the thinner style milk drinks we get in Oz. Iced coffee is the best! Drank so much of it on TCR but none of the Euro stuff compares to a Farmers Union or an Ice Break :)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Deano on 18 August, 2016, 11:04:06 am

I had decided to make riding the prologue a condition of a morning start at a tourist pace, so those riders weren't waiting around at the start all morning. There's obviously no need for this now. However I'm aware that this will mean a bit of a bunfight for morning starts. I have no idea yet how I will allocate those. Any idea gratefully received, though obviously I reserve the right to make the final decision about what to do.

How about this :)

Did I imagine it, or do volunteers from previous LELs get preferential choice of start time?

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 18 August, 2016, 11:18:05 am
Well, that would certainly be one way to do it, and one I'd be very relaxed about doing.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Graeme on 18 August, 2016, 11:18:41 am

I had decided to make riding the prologue a condition of a morning start at a tourist pace, so those riders weren't waiting around at the start all morning. There's obviously no need for this now. However I'm aware that this will mean a bit of a bunfight for morning starts. I have no idea yet how I will allocate those. Any idea gratefully received, though obviously I reserve the right to make the final decision about what to do.

How about this :)

Did I imagine it, or do volunteers from previous LELs get preferential choice of start time?

Oooooooo. :D
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Graeme on 18 August, 2016, 11:19:11 am
Well, that would certainly be one way to do it, and one I'd be very relaxed about doing.

Totally impartially of course - but  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 18 August, 2016, 01:24:09 pm
Changing the topic a touch...

I'm increasingly inclined to scratch the prologue. Ride London have bagsied all the nice roads. I thought I could work around this, and using Tower Bridge as a start would have provided a fresh route and photo opportunity for everyone. However, many of the roads around there are blocked too. To make matters worse still, Tower Bridge is a trunk road which meets with other trunk roads by the tower.

What's more, it'd cost £1,000 to hire the start location.

So, I might abandon an official ride in favour of something unofficial for those who are staying in town and want to ride to the start.

I had decided to make riding the prologue a condition of a morning start at a tourist pace, so those riders weren't waiting around at the start all morning. There's obviously no need for this now. However I'm aware that this will mean a bit of a bunfight for morning starts. I have no idea yet how I will allocate those. Any idea gratefully received, though obviously I reserve the right to make the final decision about what to do.

It would have been unfair to require morning riders to ride the prologue, time spent riding a prologue at a relaxed pace is better spent resting or eating.

Allocate morning starts on a first come first served basis. Emphasis the increased? minimum speed for those wishing to start in the morning to weed out those that are a bit half hearted.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Graeme on 18 August, 2016, 01:28:44 pm
I quite like the idea of the Freecycle the day before - 8 mile closed road pootle around the sights/sites of London.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 18 August, 2016, 01:32:08 pm
I quite like the idea of the Freecycle the day before - 8 mile closed road pootle around the sights/sites of London.

Me too. Could be good if timed with registration
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Brakeless on 18 August, 2016, 01:37:48 pm
I quite like the idea of the Freecycle the day before - 8 mile closed road pootle around the sights/sites of London.

Me too. Could be good if timed with registration

I did it with my daughter this year. One of the most dangerous rides I've ever done! Loads of cyclists together, many children and I reckon 95% of them had never cycled in close proximity to other cyclists. Random stopping, turning etc etc. The idea is brilliant but the reality less so.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Vince on 18 August, 2016, 01:43:24 pm
Perhaps arrange for the LEL riders to complete the route in a single block to the exclusion of casual riders.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 18 August, 2016, 01:50:08 pm
Perhaps arrange for the LEL riders to complete the route in a single block to the exclusion of casual riders.

70000 'casual' riders - I doubt they are going to be interested in closing it off for a few hundred overseas long-distance riders.

One of the most dangerous rides I've ever done! Loads of cyclists together, many children and I reckon 95% of them had never cycled in close proximity to other cyclists. Random stopping, turning etc etc.

Just like the first night of PBP then?!

Early in the morning, it's all good.  Snoozers and boozers might have to deal with some of that, but it just gives an opportunity for the overseas visitors in particular, to see London and enjoy a two-wheeled spectacle.  The emphasis has to be on pootling and enjoying the sights.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 18 August, 2016, 01:58:14 pm
Did I imagine it, or do volunteers from previous LELs get preferential choice of start time?

Well, that would certainly be one way to do it, and one I'd be very relaxed about doing.

Followed by 2nd priority for those who've helped on other LEL-team events like WCW?   (Please !)
I really liked the idea of the prologue but the logistics and extra hassle before a ride that was already at, or close to, my limits always put me off, so I'll be quite glad if the earlier slots (after the 100h lot) are not reserved for prologue riders.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 18 August, 2016, 02:09:56 pm
I struggled with the problem of filming the prologue in 2013. It had rained heavily in the night, and it was unclear if there'd be enough light at 6am to do a decent job.

I decided to film the Davenant School starts instead, as I'd have missed a lot of riders otherwise. I knew that I'd be able to film on the Ride London on the following Saturday. The central London scenes in our film are from that. I knew that Mem Sec would be around in his LEL top, so that would link it back.

Some sort of 'registration lite' on the Ride London route might free up the day for visitors. All that's needed is a banner and a laptop at a pre-determined point. Bring out a load of jerseys on a cargo bike, and you've got endless photo opportunities. Those who opted for that  could then arrive a couple of hours before their start time to complete the process. Same effect as the prologue without the need for two trips to Loughton.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 18 August, 2016, 09:34:28 pm
I struggled with the problem of filming the prologue in 2013. It had rained heavily in the night, and it was unclear if there'd be enough light at 6am to do a decent job.

I decided to film the Davenant School starts instead, as I'd have missed a lot of riders otherwise. I knew that I'd be able to film on the Ride London on the following Saturday. The central London scenes in our film are from that. I knew that Mem Sec would be around in his LEL top, so that would link it back.

Some sort of 'registration lite' on the Ride London route might free up the day for visitors. All that's needed is a banner and a laptop at a pre-determined point. Bring out a load of jerseys on a cargo bike, and you've got endless photo opportunities. Those who opted for that  could then arrive a couple of hours before their start time to complete the process. Same effect as the prologue without the need for two trips to Loughton.

I've yet to tackle working out registration. I have the staff but not the process. Bag drops necessitate registration at Loughton, and the pressures that come from starting everyone off make me reluctant to have an additional registration on Sunday.

One to work out later in the year.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Chris S on 19 August, 2016, 12:07:56 am
FWIW, registration worked really well last time (for us at least - others may have found different). I appreciate the increase in numbers in 2017, but might the previous model simply scale up?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 19 August, 2016, 05:06:24 am
FWIW, registration worked really well last time (for us at least - others may have found different). I appreciate the increase in numbers in 2017, but might the previous model simply scale up?

Probably. No prologue will help but an afternoon start may increase pressure for Sunday registration. However most crucially, I didn't do it last time, and I've yet to get my head around it.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: chrisbainbridge on 19 August, 2016, 07:29:04 am
I am happy with previous volunteers getting early starts. For the rest why not let people pay extra for an early start. Setup an auction and let people bid for the early start slots at the same time as registration in January. The. You will know how much premium the early start is worth for next time!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LMT on 19 August, 2016, 09:15:15 am
I am happy with previous volunteers getting early starts. For the rest why not let people pay extra for an early start. Setup an auction and let people bid for the early start slots at the same time as registration in January. The. You will know how much premium the early start is worth for next time!

After people have paid over £300 to enter? :facepalm:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 19 August, 2016, 09:32:25 am
For the rest why not let people pay extra for an early start. Setup an auction and let people bid for the early start slots at the same time as registration in January. The. You will know how much premium the early start is worth for next time!

I would be very uncomfortable with helping out with an event where those with more financial means are able to procure this (perceived) benefit.

I get sending the 'vedettes' off early - controls, northbound for the first 700km, can be set up to deal with them quickly enabling maximum throughput and entry figures.  Most will not stop until 5-700km, so there's little pressure on beds etc. (with the monster tailwind in 2013, I took a sneaky 2 hour bed in Thirsk although I had planned for no sleep 'til Edinburgh.)

There will never be a fair system for other riders, but I certainly think putting a premium on these things would further sway the belief that it is essential to get an early start, even though I believe a later start is advantageous to fuller value riders.

A challenging circle to square for sure.  But access to disposable income should not be one of the qualifying factors in my view.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: redfalo on 19 August, 2016, 11:29:29 am
I think Danial's ideas make perfect sense. The fastest riders should start the earlierst, hence recude the time limit for the early morning slots. Earmarking the next available spaces for prologue riders is also reasonable - otherwise, people may end up riding the prologue in the early morning, and then have to wait hours for their start time. That would not be ideal.

On a slightly different note: Isn't it about time to launch a PBP-style sub-section on LEL 2017 on YACF?

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 19 August, 2016, 01:07:16 pm
I'm uncomfortable with charging a premium for an early slot too, even though I accept it would be a very effective way of determining start times.

I also don't think first-come-first served is very fair either. It rewards those with the fastest fingers.

What I'm increasingly inclined to do is this:

- Run an invitation-only 5am slot for selected fast riders. We did this in 2013 and it provided a bit of fun at the front for people watching on social media, for volunteers, and for the riders themselves. 14kph minimum speed.
- Run some more morning starts up to about 8am, with a minimum speed of 14kph. Failure to finish within 100 hours would mean you did not appear on the finishers' list.
- Times from about 8am until 4pm will be at 12kph. Riders would indicate a preferred start time, and I would fit it as best I can. Obviously the majority will want an earlier start, but I will have to disappoint some people. The earlier you ask for, the more likely it is that you'll be disappointed with what you get.
- Anyone who volunteered in 2013, or is coming with a relative/spouse/significant other who is helping out for the duration or significant chunk of the event, will get the start time of their choice. Importantly, the earlier you choose, the more likely it is that you'll be hugely disappointed with what you end up with.
- Crucially, I will make it a condition of entry that you accept that you may not get the start time you want. I'm likely to allocate times after the cutoff for refunds.

I had a chat with the events sec last night, and we both agree that fundamental to this will be an intensely relaxed attitude to intermediate times at controls. This will allow late starters to rest on the first night at an early control (Spalding or Louth) without worrying about being out of time the next day. Or even the day after that.

This isn't actually that different from what we did last time, albeit this time we're extending the times by another 5 hours. Unless I do things this way, I run the risk of overloading controls on the first two nights. It's a hard decision to make, but one of several hard decisions I need to make to ensure a smooth event for everyone.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Whitedown Man on 19 August, 2016, 02:18:55 pm
And along with the intensely laid back approach to times at intermediate controls, a commitment please to do everything within your power to ensure that us FVRs agreeing to late start times still get the same full range of food options (in the same quantities) as faster riders with earlier start times.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 19 August, 2016, 02:34:28 pm

This really hit home not during LEL2013, but during Mille Cymru the following year. I was looking after a control at Betws-y-Coed and watched as the faster riders nabbed all the best spots to sleep. Through the night the slower riders came in, and nobody left. This meant that the people who really needed the sleep the most were forced to find ever less attractive spots to put a bed down (it was a very cramped control).

So yes, we'll do our best. The controllers are more than aware of the issue. Hopefully having more schools catering for us, together with a better understanding of how much people eat, will also help.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Laid Back Rich on 19 August, 2016, 05:47:59 pm
hmmm...I'm increasingly drawn towards the audacious option of doing Ride London then a late and lazy start and short first day, picking up speed and distance on following days...if say I start at 4pm and ride say about 150k by midnight, will there be a control with beds around there?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 19 August, 2016, 06:06:51 pm
hmmm...I'm increasingly drawn towards the audacious option of doing Ride London then a late and lazy start and short first day, picking up speed and distance on following days...if say I start at 4pm and ride say about 150k by midnight, will there be a control with beds around there?

Spalding at 159km probably fits that brief.  LEL2013 I rode  11 hours to Market Rasen, slept 3-4 hours then carried on in the early hours to the remains of Pocklington. Worked very well and had a good quiet and comfortable sleep.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 19 August, 2016, 06:36:30 pm
Yeah, Spalding Grammar. It has a ginormous sports hall and a really nice canteen. It's much nicer than Kirton.

What fun!

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Whitedown Man on 19 August, 2016, 06:49:16 pm
3pm-4pm departure, Spalding 11pm-midnight at my 20kph average, then away again by 2am-3am for a long 2nd day - much more arithmetical water to flow under the figurative bridge, but beginning to sound good to me.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 19 August, 2016, 09:53:16 pm
The other advantage of a late start is that you could sleep at St Ives or Great Easton (if you got lucky) on Thursday night and enjoy a leisurely ride back to Loughton.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 19 August, 2016, 10:00:14 pm
The other advantage of a late start is that you could sleep at St Ives or Great Easton (if you got lucky) on Thursday night and enjoy a leisurely ride back to Loughton.

This to me is the key and what people seem to not take into account when they consider an early start time as the only possible way they will be able to complete the ride. 

A 6am starter needs to finish at just before 3am.

A 2pm starter needs to finish at just before 11am.

If I were riding a full value schedule, that afternoon start is pretty attractive. As alwyn says, sleep at 100km or 60km (from memory) out from the finish. Up and out at dawn for a victory lap into London.

Edited to add - in the PBP brochure, they had some example riding schedules from memory. Maybe take that lead and guide riders depending on whether they are racing snakes or fuller value and make some suggested schedules for them.

It could even steer whichever group towards the sleep stops with the most capacity for when you are likely to see them pass through?

A convincing schedule for a 115 hour ride, starting in the middle of the day, may help allay fears that a 6am start is the only way to have a chance of finishing the ride.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hmmm... on 19 August, 2016, 10:48:58 pm
Given the stated relaxed attitude at the intermediate controls on the way north, I do quite fancy a late start. A 4pm departure would even allow a leisurely train journey from Edinburgh on the day after a full last night in my own bed and not having to get up too early - sounds increasingly attractive! :)

EDIT: 1st train from Edinburgh on a Sunday doesn't get into King's Cross until 13:44, if it's on time ... probably cutting it too fine, especially with time needed for registration?

My only preferred option to that would be - if there were a need for an experimental small ELE group to test the flow of riders or something - to be part of that ;-). Complete cloud cuckoo land? Just thinking out aloud ...

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Andrew on 20 August, 2016, 09:13:30 am
After having read the LEL facebook post, I too might play with the idea of a later start. There certainly seems to be some advantages to it for me, as a slightly-quicker-than-FV (SQtFV?) rider.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 20 August, 2016, 09:45:58 am
A convincing schedule for a 115 hour ride, starting in the middle of the day, may help allay fears that a 6am start is the only way to have a chance of finishing the ride.

I just made a rough schedule:

hour       time for stage  total time   control  distance for stage

12h00    0h   0h   Loughton      0km
18h00   6h   6h   St Ives         100km
22h00   4h   10h   Spalding      61km
03h30   5h30   15h30   Louth         83km
sleep 3h   18h30
13h00   6h30   25h   Pocklington      97km
17h00   4h   29h   Thirsk         66km
21h00   4h   33h   Barnard Castle   67km
02h30   5h30   38h30   Brampton      82km
sleep 3h   41h30
10h30   5h   46h30   Moffatt      75km
16h30   6h   52h30   Edinburgh      80km 
2h30   10h   62h30   Brampton      150km
sleep 4h   66h30
12h30   6h   72h30   Barnard Castle   84km
17h30   5h   77h30   Thirsk         67km
22h30   5h   82h30   Pocklington      67km
sleep 4h   86h30
10h30   7h   93h30   Louth         97km
16h30   6h   99h30   Spalding      83km      
20h30   4h   103h30 St Ives      60km
01h30   5h   108h30 Great Easton      72km
sleep 2h   110h30
07h30   4h   114h30 Loughton      48km

Assumption is in this schedule that you ride (except for the first stage) 15km/h including stops between the sleepstops, for the return leg a tad slower.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Pichy on 20 August, 2016, 02:26:46 pm
Given the stated relaxed attitude at the intermediate controls on the way north, I do quite fancy a late start. A 4pm departure would even allow a leisurely train journey from Edinburgh on the day after a full last night in my own bed and not having to get up too early - sounds increasingly attractive! :)

EDIT: 1st train from Edinburgh on a Sunday doesn't get into King's Cross until 13:44, if it's on time ... probably cutting it too fine, especially with time needed for registration?

My only preferred option to that would be - if there were a need for an experimental small ELE group to test the flow of riders or something - to be part of that ;-). Complete cloud cuckoo land? Just thinking out aloud ...

I'm also Embra based and this sounds like a promising plan until you discover 12 weeks out when trying to book a ticket, and long after you're fully committed, that this a Sunday when Network Rail has scheduled work on the track and you're either on a bus for part of the route (with your fully loaded bike) or sent via Carlisle, adding at least 90 mins to your journey.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: rachel t on 20 August, 2016, 04:15:00 pm

I'm also Embra based and this sounds like a promising plan until you discover 12 weeks out when trying to book a ticket, and long after you're fully committed, that this a Sunday when Network Rail has scheduled work on the track and you're either on a bus for part of the route (with your fully loaded bike) or sent via Carlisle, adding at least 90 mins to your journey.

I think on east coast website for journeys to/ from north of york to London you can book much earlier think its about 24 weeks, just checking for north of york you can currently book upto 4th Feb vs 11th Nov for other destinations
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 20 August, 2016, 05:45:25 pm
I am not the guy with the final call for how registration works .... but my vote such as it is ..

 NO Sunday registration .. we already have a substantial work load on Saturday .. not only registering 50% more riders than 2013 .. but also getting 50% more drop bags sent up country to the right locations.

Complicate and multiply those tasks by adding in a Sunday registration .. and getting these  drop bags on their way ( probably requiring extra vans , drivers and costs ) .. and I know what my position is.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: DrMekon on 20 August, 2016, 08:51:27 pm
there isn't an hour of the day I would have a Mr Softee I've cream. Any mileage in getting ice cream van companies tendering for pitches at each of the controls? Our school PTA usually gets a donation to allow an ice cream can in for school fetes.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: The French Tandem on 21 August, 2016, 06:40:17 am
I just made a rough schedule:

hour       time for stage  total time   control  distance for stage
01h30   5h   108h30 Great Easton      72km
sleep 2h   110h30
07h30   4h   114h30 Loughton      48km

If I remember correctly, the control at Great Easton in 2013 was in a very small place with no sleeping facilities. 
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 21 August, 2016, 08:53:48 pm
We've moved the control to the school in the village. We're still going to use the hall we used in 2013, though, possibly as a space for sleeping.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 21 August, 2016, 10:27:32 pm
This year I've invested a lot of time in rowing meaning no SR for the first time since 2006. I'll have to plan things carefully if I want to be cycling fit enough to get round LEL while also continuing my rowing development.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: bikey-mikey on 22 August, 2016, 12:56:50 am
I rather enjoyed finishing pretty early and spending the best part of a day applauding folks as they finished, so maybe starting earlier on has other benefits...

Of course I could have finished quite a bit before dawn if I'd chosen not to grab a few hours sleep and a shower, but was persuaded that arriving in daylight got a better welcome...  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 22 August, 2016, 01:35:07 am
but there's something special about welcoming the first returner at dark silly o'clock, when it's quiet...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: frankly frankie on 22 August, 2016, 10:25:02 am
I'll have to plan things carefully if I want to be cycling fit enough to get round LEL while also continuing my rowing development.

You'll be able to stomp round on a 60T chainring  ;D

(Actually I can't think of a bigger contrast than the extreme highs you can get rowing in an eight, and the brain-deadness you need for a long randonee.)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Brakeless on 22 August, 2016, 06:01:13 pm
On the LEL facebook pager there's a poll asking whether you think you'll want to ride in sub 100 hours or sub 116 hours.

How does this sit with Audax time rules ? I thought events 1300 to 1800 are 12KPH limit.

I'm not critisising in any way, just asking for an explanation.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 22 August, 2016, 06:25:35 pm
On the LEL facebook pager there's a poll asking whether you think you'll want to ride in sub 100 hours or sub 116 hours.

How does this sit with Audax time rules ? I thought events 1300 to 1800 are 12KPH limit.

I'm not critisising in any way, just asking for an explanation.

I suspect this is a logistical information exercise, with organisers trying to optimise demand and availability of control facilities.

I don't think there's any 'race' mentality, just a desire to feed and bed both full-value and speedier riders.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 22 August, 2016, 06:33:49 pm
On the LEL facebook pager there's a poll asking whether you think you'll want to ride in sub 100 hours or sub 116 hours.

How does this sit with Audax time rules ? I thought events 1300 to 1800 are 12KPH limit.

I'm not critisising in any way, just asking for an explanation.
PBP has 90h, 84h and 80h limits; ask them!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 22 August, 2016, 07:00:21 pm
Next year, with the blessing of AUK and LRM, we're going to run groups with a 100 hour limit, and groups with the usual 116 hour 40 minute limit. The 100 hr limit riders will set off between 6-8am, with an additional, fast  invite-only group at 5am.

We're doing this partly for fun, partly to add some tension to the event, and partly to get a biggish group off and out of the way before the main start. That way we can spread riders a bit more over the first couple of days, reducing the strain on our controls at Pocklington and Moffat.

Incidentally, I've just hired the sports centre in Pocklington as additional sleeping space on the first night. That should increase our capacity there by about 75%. That still barely keeps ahead of the growth of the event however, so spreading out the field is a crucial part of making the event run well for everyone.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 22 August, 2016, 07:06:41 pm
Oh, and yes there's totally an element of racing with this.

Let's keep it real; there is always a competition on events like this to finish first. All you'd get would be bragging rights and a bit of a shout-out on our facebook page if you did finish first; your time would never get published by us and there's certainly no prize.

However some riders love it at the sharp end. The controllers and volunteers love it too. And the fastest riders appreciate a group of like-minded riders.

All good fun; all part of audaxing.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: The Bonk on 22 August, 2016, 07:52:37 pm
How is it decided who is in the invite only group?

Asking for a friend.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 22 August, 2016, 08:14:13 pm
How is it decided who is in the invite only group?

Asking for a friend.

I've already invited a few people, and will probably put a call out in due course for other interested folk. I'm likely to ask for evidence of fast times on similar events or other feats of endurance. A sub 90-hr 1001 Miglia or LEL or a sub 70-hr PBP would almost certainly earn you an invite.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Pale Rider on 22 August, 2016, 11:42:29 pm
there isn't an hour of the day I would have a Mr Softee I've cream. Any mileage in getting ice cream van companies tendering for pitches at each of the controls? Our school PTA usually gets a donation to allow an ice cream can in for school fetes.

As a volunteer at Barnard Castle, I heard of quite a few riders who bought ice cream from the garage nearby - I think the garage all but sold out at one point.

A freezer at the control stocked with choc ices and mini bricks of plain ice cream would go down well.

I also noticed that LEL riders seem fond of cereals with plenty of milk, at any time of the day or night - the school bowls were too small for many and some were politely reluctant to ask for seconds.

There's obviously a limit to how far the organisers can go, but cheap plastic big bowls would be appreciated.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 22 August, 2016, 11:54:25 pm
I had a penchant for Solero lollies on long rides.
Only ever bought them from a shop.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: yanto on 23 August, 2016, 07:11:40 am
How is it decided who is in the invite only group?

Asking for a friend.

I've already invited a few people, and will probably put a call out in due course for other interested folk. I'm likely to ask for evidence of fast times on similar events or other feats of endurance. A sub 90-hr 1001 Miglia or LEL or a sub 70-hr PBP would almost certainly earn you an invite.

Would a sub 76hr for last LEL be recent enough?

I do other fast rides but not very long ones, regular 100 miles in in about 4hrs and a recent 208 miles in 9 hrs.

If it would be acceptable all i need to do is secure a place as i let my AUK membership lapse this because I'm a plonker!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: wildspitze on 23 August, 2016, 07:12:15 am
... A sub 90-hr 1001 Miglia or LEL or a sub 70-hr PBP would almost certainly earn you an invite.

That's not really balanced. For the last events that means:
MM 2016: 21 riders (5.4 % of 388 starters) < 90 h
PBP 2015: 917 riders (15.6 % of 5870) < 70 h
LEL 2013: 110 riders (10.9 % of 1007) < 90 h
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 23 August, 2016, 07:19:13 am
there isn't an hour of the day I would have a Mr Softee I've cream. Any mileage in getting ice cream van companies tendering for pitches at each of the controls? Our school PTA usually gets a donation to allow an ice cream can in for school fetes.

As a volunteer at Barnard Castle, I heard of quite a few riders who bought ice cream from the garage nearby - I think the garage all but sold out at one point.

The van in Alston was also very popular.



as did the local supermarket:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: wildspitze on 23 August, 2016, 07:20:40 am
Would a sub 76hr for last LEL be recent enough?

So you have been in the top 7, right?

I'm sure that @alwyn will invite you.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 23 August, 2016, 07:31:29 am
I think ice creams and ice lollies are the sort of product best left to others to supply.

If LEL2017 turns out like LEL2009 weather-wise, we'd be left with a lot of unwanted ice cream after the event.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 23 August, 2016, 07:33:21 am
Regarding the 05:00 start. I'm flexible on the criteria for getting an invite to this. It depends on how many people want a slot and their previous palmares.

What I'm not flexible on though is the event entry criteria. You'll need to get a place before you get an invite to the 05:00 group. It's not a fast-track to getting a place on the ride.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: yanto on 23 August, 2016, 08:25:28 am
Would a sub 76hr for last LEL be recent enough?

So you have been in the top 7, right?

I'm sure that @alwyn will invite you.

yes i was.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: yanto on 23 August, 2016, 08:30:34 am
Regarding the 05:00 start. I'm flexible on the criteria for getting an invite to this. It depends on how many people want a slot and their previous palmares.

What I'm not flexible on though is the event entry criteria. You'll need to get a place before you get an invite to the 05:00 group. It's not a fast-track to getting a place on the ride.

I certainly wasn't hinting as it being a "cheat" for entry, my fault for letting my AUK membership lapse, which would have been the best way.

If I decide to ride I intend to secure a place first then take it from there.

I'm also down as a volunteer so may just do that and give a little back to all  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: cjm on 23 August, 2016, 10:55:57 am
Can we have Francis Cade do the videos?
You Tube: Francis Cade (
You Tube: Transcontinental (

I watched all his TCR videos over the weekend and thought they were great.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: ramchip on 23 August, 2016, 04:32:32 pm
Maybe a stupid question but for overseas riders we are going to arrive in London with a bike box. Will there be a place where we can store our bike boxes?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 23 August, 2016, 05:04:21 pm
Last time we had a storage room at the start .. I know of no reason not to expect the same .. but Danial will be able to be 100% accurate on this.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 23 August, 2016, 05:51:32 pm
Yeah, storage will be fine. We'll have loads of space for your stuff.

At your own risk, obviously.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 23 August, 2016, 07:01:15 pm
I think ice creams and ice lollies are the sort of product best left to others to supply.

If LEL2017 turns out like LEL2009 weather-wise, we'd be left with a lot of unwanted ice cream after the event.

I gentle tip off to the Alston Ice Cream van will be enough I guess ;).
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: inappropriate_bike on 23 August, 2016, 07:44:49 pm
If LEL2017 turns out like LEL2009 weather-wise, we'd be left with a lot of unwanted ice cream after the event.

I'm not sure it can ever get cold enough to make ice cream unattractive.

Maybe if your lips have frozen together?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 23 August, 2016, 09:16:46 pm
If LEL2017 turns out like LEL2009 weather-wise, we'd be left with a lot of unwanted ice cream after the event.

I'm not sure it can ever get cold enough to make ice cream unattractive.

Maybe if your lips have frozen together?

Maybe you forget evaporative cooling.
2009 had 'Biblical flooding' over parts of the northern section. Coupling a temperature of 5C with wind-driven rain can leave the Exhausted AUK very cold, especially if low on food.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Redlight on 23 August, 2016, 09:38:16 pm
Maybe you forget evaporative cooling.
2009 had 'Biblical flooding' over parts of the northern section. Coupling a temperature of 5C with wind-driven rain can leave the Exhausted AUK very cold, especially if low on food.

Indeed. Add in the lack of any heating, emergency blankets or warm food/liquid at the emergency shelter that was opened up between Edinburgh and Eskdalemuir and it's amazing that none of us that had to spend the night there, having battled our way through howling winds and torrential rain, ended up with hypothermia. ISTR Matt C and I forcing ourselves back out on the road just after dawn only on the warped logic that it was probably warmer outside!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 23 August, 2016, 09:44:30 pm
That night was about the only night that I chickened out riding until 4am at night. My legs could have carried me from Edinburgh to Traquair, my brain told me that this was a bad idea so I only started out from Edinburgh when the control closed.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 23 August, 2016, 11:16:19 pm
Maybe you forget evaporative cooling.
2009 had 'Biblical flooding' over parts of the northern section. Coupling a temperature of 5C with wind-driven rain can leave the Exhausted AUK very cold, especially if low on food.

Indeed. Add in the lack of any heating, emergency blankets or warm food/liquid at the emergency shelter that was opened up between Edinburgh and Eskdalemuir and it's amazing that none of us that had to spend the night there, having battled our way through howling winds and torrential rain, ended up with hypothermia. ISTR Matt C and I forcing ourselves back out on the road just after dawn only on the warped logic that it was probably warmer outside!

I was at Lee Valley but even if the temperature outside had been higher (which I doubt) there would have been much more wind chill...

I was sh*t scared of misadventures that we would have been powerless to influence.

I do like an ice cream but not on a cold, dark, windswept moor...
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 24 August, 2016, 09:40:27 am
That night between Traquir and Eskdalemuir ..

 Is the only time EVER on an audax that I have thought .. If this goes wrong I could die.

Accident .. Off bike .. side of road in grass  .. lying down .. hypothermia .. might I have died ????.

 fortunately i did not find out.. but I was shit scared.

and overseas readers .. that was Scotland in summer.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Pale Rider on 24 August, 2016, 04:07:25 pm
I think ice creams and ice lollies are the sort of product best left to others to supply.

If LEL2017 turns out like LEL2009 weather-wise, we'd be left with a lot of unwanted ice cream after the event.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm sure you've got plenty more important things to think about.

On the first day of LEL, I might nip into the garage near the Barnard Castle control and let them it might be worth topping up the ice cream freezer - at their own risk and discretion, of course.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Deano on 24 August, 2016, 04:16:42 pm
I think ice creams and ice lollies are the sort of product best left to others to supply.

If LEL2017 turns out like LEL2009 weather-wise, we'd be left with a lot of unwanted ice cream after the event.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm sure you've got plenty more important things to think about.

On the first day of LEL, I might nip into the garage near the Barnard Castle control and let them it might be worth topping up the ice cream freezer - at their own risk and discretion, of course.

You know the control location's changed, right? It'll now be the posh school near the Bowes Museum, rather than the Teesdale School. Good for riders as we won't have to hack up the high street.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: rob on 24 August, 2016, 04:30:46 pm
That night between Traquir and Eskdalemuir ..

 Is the only time EVER on an audax that I have thought .. If this goes wrong I could die.

Accident .. Off bike .. side of road in grass  .. lying down .. hypothermia .. might I have died ????.

 fortunately i did not find out.. but I was shit scared.

and overseas readers .. that was Scotland in summer.

I remember similar and my group had made it out of Eskdalemuir.   The road from Brampton to Alston was a bit hairy for me.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Pale Rider on 24 August, 2016, 05:46:34 pm
I think ice creams and ice lollies are the sort of product best left to others to supply.

If LEL2017 turns out like LEL2009 weather-wise, we'd be left with a lot of unwanted ice cream after the event.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm sure you've got plenty more important things to think about.

On the first day of LEL, I might nip into the garage near the Barnard Castle control and let them it might be worth topping up the ice cream freezer - at their own risk and discretion, of course.

You know the control location's changed, right? It'll now be the posh school near the Bowes Museum, rather than the Teesdale School. Good for riders as we won't have to hack up the high street.

Thanks, I didn't know that although presumably I'd have found out before going to the wrong place.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alfapete on 24 August, 2016, 05:58:58 pm
First job on controller's list: Make sure volunteers know where the control is.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 24 August, 2016, 06:00:58 pm
In 2009 a group of us stopped at the Graham Arms in Longtown. I was in touch with Heather, who was controlling at Alston Outdoor Centre, where it was obvious that it would be overwhelmed. We'd left Eskdalemuir, as that was obviously going to have big problems.

I collated all the bike numbers I could find in Longtown to help account for those who had left Eskdalemuir, but not arrived in Alston. Others found shelter elsewhere, and that led to a van being sent out to check the road for potential problems.

The wind had more impact than the rain. There were some who pressed on from Alston, in the worst of the storm.
Alston Outdoor Centre is at 1,400 feet, so the weather can be very wild. But it does mean that the 400 foot climb from Alston warmed the riders up, there are few signs of exposure in the arriving riders at the time.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 24 August, 2016, 06:36:21 pm
You know the control location's changed, right? It'll now be the posh school near the Bowes Museum, rather than the Teesdale School. Good for riders as we won't have to hack up the high street.

You'll still go up the high street on the way out. North of Barnard Castle the route takes a small loop up to Middleton.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 24 August, 2016, 06:43:41 pm
That night between Traquir and Eskdalemuir ..

 Is the only time EVER on an audax that I have thought .. If this goes wrong I could die.

Accident .. Off bike .. side of road in grass  .. lying down .. hypothermia .. might I have died ????.

 fortunately i did not find out.. but I was shit scared.

and overseas readers .. that was Scotland in summer.

On the way north I scanned the area for any open barns or phoneboxes, none available. I regretted that I didn't bring a bivy bag. But my main concern was that if I as last rider on the road set out again, a motard might feel obliged to patrol the road so then two people would be at risk.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 24 August, 2016, 10:52:27 pm
Re Fidgetbuzz's fear.  I'd managed to get to Middleton that night so was not afraid of dying but on this year's Tan Hill 600 in the borders into heavy rain and headwinds I certainly felt in danger.  Our climate can throw things up at any time during the summer eg 40mph winds on the Old Roads and Drove Roads on Satirday. On a 200 that just livened things up but at 800km....
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Deano on 24 August, 2016, 10:58:00 pm
You know the control location's changed, right? It'll now be the posh school near the Bowes Museum, rather than the Teesdale School. Good for riders as we won't have to hack up the high street.

You'll still go up the high street on the way out. North of Barnard Castle the route takes a small loop up to Middleton.

Not me, guv ;)

That is a cracking road above the Tees, mind, so I'm pleased you've kept that in.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Pale Rider on 24 August, 2016, 11:08:15 pm
Would a sub 76hr for last LEL be recent enough?

So you have been in the top 7, right?

I'm sure that @alwyn will invite you.

yes i was.

If I recall you were fifth to arrive at Barnard Castle on the way up at not long after midnight.

The first four were all on uprights and all mainland Europeans, so you were also the first British rider at that point.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: cygnet on 24 August, 2016, 11:20:52 pm
Completely OT but I've just become aware of this in Barnard Castle
Looks like a good use of a bit of ride buffer if you have one.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: eddum on 25 August, 2016, 12:32:49 pm
A convincing schedule for a 115 hour ride, starting in the middle of the day, may help allay fears that a 6am start is the only way to have a chance of finishing the ride.

I just made a rough schedule:

hour       time for stage  total time   control  distance for stage

12h00    0h   0h   Loughton      0km
07h30   4h   114h30 Loughton      48km

Assumption is in this schedule that you ride (except for the first stage) 15km/h including stops between the sleepstops, for the return leg a tad slower.

Thanks for that... gave me reason to think about times pace & sleep etc.
100hrs seems a fairly big ask huh ?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: wildspitze on 25 August, 2016, 01:38:18 pm
So you have been in the top 7, right?

I'm sure that @alwyn will invite you.

yes i was.

If I recall you were fifth to arrive at Barnard Castle on the way up at not long after midnight.

The first four were all on uprights and all mainland Europeans, so you were also the first British rider at that point.

Not entirely correct. I guess @yanto started in the D-group, right? The first british rider who reached Barnard Castle on the way north was A32 on an upright. German rider A28 used a recumbent at that time and was the first non upright in BC. Meanwhile he nearly always drives a velomobile.

Take a look at this list (, which is sorted by time of arrival for the control in Barnard Castle.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: simonp on 25 August, 2016, 02:20:34 pm
Well impressed by that website.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 25 August, 2016, 02:55:17 pm
A32 was Ishmael Burdeau. From the USA, so he wouldn't have been clocked as British. He was fourth at 485 miles the week before in the Mersey Roads 24, so might not have recovered fully.

The field for a 100 hour invitation would depend on who was doing the 24, or one of the 'Adventure' rides which are gaining in prestige.

Audax continues to be very obscure. It's only really the volunteers who see exceptional performance. Peter Simon caught my attention on the Mille Pennines, I see from Wildspitze's spreadsheet that he rode a good LEL 2013 from the L group.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Jacques on 25 August, 2016, 04:18:41 pm
Just let the bloke finish his beans on toast off for goodness sake.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 25 August, 2016, 04:41:35 pm
Just let the bloke finish his beans on toast off for goodness sake.

Good point. He'd slipped out the previous night without anyone noticing, so we were surprised when he turned up. He looked so fresh that we half expected him to finish his beans on toast and get back on the road.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Salvatore on 25 August, 2016, 05:14:38 pm

At 6:11. wearing a German ARA jersey and  holding a can of beer, and standing next to maverick otp, is Bernd Kaminski, who many people will remember as the captain of the comedy German tandem at the last LEL. I stayed with him a couple of weeks ago on my way back from the Arctic, and he tells me he's got a new stoker for next year.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: yanto on 25 August, 2016, 07:17:07 pm
So you have been in the top 7, right?

I'm sure that @alwyn will invite you.

yes i was.

If I recall you were fifth to arrive at Barnard Castle on the way up at not long after midnight.

The first four were all on uprights and all mainland Europeans, so you were also the first British rider at that point.

Not entirely correct. I guess @yanto started in the D-group, right? The first british rider who reached Barnard Castle on the way north was A32 on an upright. German rider A28 used a recumbent at that time and was the first non upright in BC. Meanwhile he nearly always drives a velomobile.

Take a look at this list (, which is sorted by time of arrival for the control in Barnard Castle.

Wow what a fantastic piece of information, yes I set off at 06:30 my number was D4.

The spreadsheet really brings it back, when i was taking it easy, helping a fellow rider, going for it, getting lost and having a mechanical, oh and the sleep stops where i couldn't sleep and my final stop at St Ives where I slept so deeply it required some considerable physical force to penetrate the dream I was having.

I would love to try again, and to beat 70 hrs would be my target.

I didn't know where i was in overall position until Mr Larrington at Pocklington IIRC (on the return leg) told me only a few riders had come through.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: red marley on 25 August, 2016, 07:58:40 pm
Yanto, you can also see a visualization of your progress here (just enter your rider ID in the relevant box):

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: PeeJay on 25 August, 2016, 08:34:43 pm
Take a look at this list (, which is sorted by time of arrival for the control in Barnard Castle.

Wow,  didn't know that that information was available. Fascinating.  Will have a better look later when I have more time. 

I'm rider A5,   I learnt a lot from LEL2013 and am hoping to better my time next year.   I faffed and spent way too much at a couple of the controls.   Also slept at Barnard Castle the first night,  will ride through next time all being well.   

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Pale Rider on 25 August, 2016, 11:48:08 pm
So you have been in the top 7, right?

I'm sure that @alwyn will invite you.

yes i was.

If I recall you were fifth to arrive at Barnard Castle on the way up at not long after midnight.

The first four were all on uprights and all mainland Europeans, so you were also the first British rider at that point.

Not entirely correct. I guess @yanto started in the D-group, right? The first british rider who reached Barnard Castle on the way north was A32 on an upright. German rider A28 used a recumbent at that time and was the first non upright in BC. Meanwhile he nearly always drives a velomobile.

Take a look at this list (, which is sorted by time of arrival for the control in Barnard Castle.


I must have got muddled somewhere - good thing I was just waving the riders in and not stamping their cards on arrival.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 26 August, 2016, 07:29:30 am
I've always liked the way that unpublished times make narrative accounts more important. They reveal character.

Meeting the writer rounds off the story. It's a shared endeavour, I think finishing times are useful in interesting those who've not done the rides, which can broaden the appeal. But I'd rather read a good account of a sunrise.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 26 August, 2016, 05:08:41 pm
What is the main road bash between Thirsk and Pocklington (A19, round/through York , then A1079?) like in the evening/night? Worthwhile considering at the right time of day/night?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Deano on 26 August, 2016, 05:16:28 pm
What is the main road bash between Thirsk and Pocklington (A19, round/through York , then A1079?) like in the evening/night? Worthwhile considering at the right time of day/night?

You'd be alright. The A19's livable - the 1079's generally worse and generally worth avoiding.

Personally, I'd go Thirsk-Easingwold-Sheriff Hutton-Stamford Bridge-Pock. There's an iffy crossing of the A64, otherwise it's a pleasant run.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: drgannet on 26 August, 2016, 05:49:19 pm
If anyone would like a first hand account of LEL2013 I can thoroughly recommend Malcolm Dancy's e-book. A couple of hours well spent. (
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: markram on 27 August, 2016, 02:41:09 pm
I just made a rough schedule:
Assumption is in this schedule that you ride (except for the first stage) 15km/h including stops between the sleepstops, for the return leg a tad slower.
Thanks. I guess it would be best to adjust this so that the sleep-stops on the way up and on the way down correspond with each other?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 27 August, 2016, 04:24:18 pm
I just made a rough schedule:
Assumption is in this schedule that you ride (except for the first stage) 15km/h including stops between the sleepstops, for the return leg a tad slower.
Thanks. I guess it would be best to adjust this so that the sleep-stops on the way up and on the way down correspond with each other?

Absolutely no need to match sleep stops north and south. Just have them when you need them.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 27 August, 2016, 05:46:09 pm
I just made a rough schedule:
Assumption is in this schedule that you ride (except for the first stage) 15km/h including stops between the sleepstops, for the return leg a tad slower.
Thanks. I guess it would be best to adjust this so that the sleep-stops on the way up and on the way down correspond with each other?

Absolutely no need to match sleep stops north and south. Just have them when you need them.

The only justiification for aiming to sleep at same places north & south would be to access bag drops at sleep both ways.   Then you don't have to carry your teddy bear and pyjamas with you.  The problem with that is that it tends to lock you (mentally) into a schedule, and you either stop to sleep before you need to - or you push on in increasingly tired state, going slower and slower, trying to reach the control where your bag drop is....& by the time you get there you've no time to sleep anyway, and are in too befuddled a state of mind to use the contents of the bag.  DAMHIKT  :facepalm:

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Jacques on 27 August, 2016, 06:19:12 pm
I just made a rough schedule:
Assumption is in this schedule that you ride (except for the first stage) 15km/h including stops between the sleepstops, for the return leg a tad slower.
Thanks. I guess it would be best to adjust this so that the sleep-stops on the way up and on the way down correspond with each other?

Absolutely no need to match sleep stops north and south. Just have them when you need them.

The only justiification for aiming to sleep at same places north & south would be to access bag drops at sleep both ways.   Then you don't have to carry your teddy bear and pyjamas with you.  The problem with that is that it tends to lock you (mentally) into a schedule, and you either stop to sleep before you need to - or you push on in increasingly tired state, going slower and slower, trying to reach the control where your bag drop is....& by the time you get there you've no time to sleep anyway, and are in too befuddled a state of mind to use the contents of the bag.  DAMHIKT  :facepalm:

Best be safe and carry your pyjamas with you. Putting teddy bears in bags is cruel so find room for him too.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Frank9755 on 27 August, 2016, 09:32:10 pm
Anyone know what proportion of riders didn't use the bag drop/s last time?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 27 August, 2016, 09:54:56 pm
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 27 August, 2016, 10:51:17 pm
Putting teddy bears in bags is cruel so find room for him too.

It wouldn't be the first time a teddy bear completes LEL.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Revellinho on 28 August, 2016, 10:13:06 pm
One of the staff at the Alston garage/mini-market noticed my LEL top whilst I was on The Old 240 this weekend.  She asked 'when the next audax is', meaning the next LEL.  She asked for the dates, but I couldn't tell her off hand.  She commented that there was a group of riders waiting outside for coffee/breakfast etc when they opened in the morning.  I think she was implying that if they had a bit of notice they would be better prepared.  They might even open early/late?  I said I would pass it on, so hope this suffices.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Arry-R on 28 August, 2016, 11:33:11 pm
True  PB bear  (Chris Averys) received validation - thanks Bernard
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: D.A.L.E. on 28 August, 2016, 11:40:18 pm
One of the staff at the Alston garage/mini-market noticed my LEL top whilst I was on The Old 240 this weekend.  She asked 'when the next audax is', meaning the next LEL.  She asked for the dates, but I couldn't tell her off hand.  She commented that there was a group of riders waiting outside for coffee/breakfast etc when they opened in the morning.  I think she was implying that if they had a bit of notice they would be better prepared.  They might even open early/late?  I said I would pass it on, so hope this suffices.

The guy in the Cumbrian Pantry seemed keen to get involved as it were too.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 29 August, 2016, 08:04:00 am
One of the staff at the Alston garage/mini-market noticed my LEL top whilst I was on The Old 240 this weekend.  She asked 'when the next audax is', meaning the next LEL.  She asked for the dates, but I couldn't tell her off hand.  She commented that there was a group of riders waiting outside for coffee/breakfast etc when they opened in the morning.  I think she was implying that if they had a bit of notice they would be better prepared.  They might even open early/late?  I said I would pass it on, so hope this suffices.

Many thanks. We're going to have some facilities in Alston this time round, and the chap responsible has already spoken to the manager.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: markram on 29 August, 2016, 10:22:52 am
I just made a rough schedule:
Assumption is in this schedule that you ride (except for the first stage) 15km/h including stops between the sleepstops, for the return leg a tad slower.
Thanks. I guess it would be best to adjust this so that the sleep-stops on the way up and on the way down correspond with each other?

Absolutely no need to match sleep stops north and south. Just have them when you need them.

The only justiification for aiming to sleep at same places north & south would be to access bag drops at sleep both ways.   Then you don't have to carry your teddy bear and pyjamas with you.  The problem with that is that it tends to lock you (mentally) into a schedule, and you either stop to sleep before you need to - or you push on in increasingly tired state, going slower and slower, trying to reach the control where your bag drop is....& by the time you get there you've no time to sleep anyway, and are in too befuddled a state of mind to use the contents of the bag.  DAMHIKT  :facepalm:

Right. Assuming by teddy bear & pyjamas, you mean change of clothes, would you stop & shower/change clothes at the bag drop even if it wasn't your sleep stop?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Ivo on 29 August, 2016, 06:22:15 pm
I just made a rough schedule:
Assumption is in this schedule that you ride (except for the first stage) 15km/h including stops between the sleepstops, for the return leg a tad slower.
Thanks. I guess it would be best to adjust this so that the sleep-stops on the way up and on the way down correspond with each other?

Absolutely no need to match sleep stops north and south. Just have them when you need them.

The only justiification for aiming to sleep at same places north & south would be to access bag drops at sleep both ways.   Then you don't have to carry your teddy bear and pyjamas with you.  The problem with that is that it tends to lock you (mentally) into a schedule, and you either stop to sleep before you need to - or you push on in increasingly tired state, going slower and slower, trying to reach the control where your bag drop is....& by the time you get there you've no time to sleep anyway, and are in too befuddled a state of mind to use the contents of the bag.  DAMHIKT  :facepalm:

Right. Assuming by teddy bear & pyjamas, you mean change of clothes, would you stop & shower/change clothes at the bag drop even if it wasn't your sleep stop?

I would and have done so in the past.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 29 August, 2016, 10:20:38 pm
.... would you stop & shower/change clothes at the bag drop even if it wasn't your sleep stop?
I don't ever recall doing so. 
But a shower /change of clothes certainly has a strong revitalising effect, if one wakes up and thinks "that was not a long enough sleep".
Sufficiently so, that it's worth carrying at least a tiny bottle of shower gel, toothpaste & sawn-off toothbrush, even a diposable razor, possibly a fresh jersey & shorts, just in case you don't manage to link up with drop bag at opportune moment.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Cooky516 on 29 August, 2016, 10:30:37 pm
All sounds good advice so far, as a first timer my question is how you all plan a strategy? where to stop? How do you split the ride up?
Any advice on this would be helpful. 
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 29 August, 2016, 10:51:26 pm
All sounds good advice so far, as a first timer my question is how you all plan a strategy? where to stop? How do you split the ride up?
Any advice on this would be helpful.

Guess and be prepared to throw the plan away and have to come up with a completely new one (which may only last 200km, etc.)

Have you ridden a 600km ride? If so, how far in did you sleep? When did you start to feel (sleepy) tired? Did you finish comfortably in time or are you more of a full value rider?

If you've not done a 600km Audax, what's the longest ride you've done and how did you feel?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 30 August, 2016, 01:47:08 am
Yesterday I had a sneak preview of the event-specific jerseys the Thai riders are bringing to LEL. Very classy.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Phil W on 30 August, 2016, 08:47:07 am
Yep, grab a shower and put on your fresh kit. Showers don't have to be just before or after a sleep.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Dominic on 30 August, 2016, 12:10:58 pm
Hoping to do this as a first timer aswell, not sure about working out strategies until I have secured a place, but one intention will be to ride an SR series before the event to try and sort out equipment choices!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Rohnny on 30 August, 2016, 12:25:29 pm
Yesterday I had a sneak preview of the event-specific jerseys the Thai riders are bringing to LEL. Very classy.

I hope there will be a thai rider as big as I am, so we can exchange jerseys!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: john jackson on 30 August, 2016, 01:20:19 pm
.... would you stop & shower/change clothes at the bag drop even if it wasn't your sleep stop?
I don't ever recall doing so. 
But a shower /change of clothes certainly has a strong revitalising effect, if one wakes up and thinks "that was not a long enough sleep".
Sufficiently so, that it's worth carrying at least a tiny bottle of shower gel, toothpaste & sawn-off toothbrush, even a diposable razor, possibly a fresh jersey & shorts, just in case you don't manage to link up with drop bag at opportune moment.
None of my bag drops were at the sleep stops in 2013
My bag drop had clean kit, I showered and changed kit at my bag drop. At the sleep stops I showered put on a tee shirt / non-cycling shorts which  I carried with me. to sleep in.
Showered and sleeping in comfortable clothing gave me a good nights sleep. I plan to do the same in 2017.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 30 August, 2016, 01:50:05 pm
Yesterday I had a sneak preview of the event-specific jerseys the Thai riders are bringing to LEL. Very classy.

I hope there will be a thai rider as big as I am, so we can exchange jerseys!

There only a dozen or so aiming to go and most of them are not built to Dutch dimensions. Good luck.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 30 August, 2016, 06:10:58 pm
All sounds good advice so far, as a first timer my question is how you all plan a strategy? where to stop? How do you split the ride up?
Any advice on this would be helpful.

Guess and be prepared to throw the plan away and have to come up with a completely new one (which may only last 200km, etc.)

Have you ridden a 600km ride? If so, how far in did you sleep? When did you start to feel (sleepy) tired? Did you finish comfortably in time or are you more of a full value rider?

If you've not done a 600km Audax, what's the longest ride you've done and how did you feel?

FWIW my initial plan for LEL 2009 was to cover the minimum required a day (24h * 12kph = 288km) and then sleep until I should be moving again.

This meant getting to the control at ~320km at the end of day 1 (the previous control wasn't far enough) and then eating/resting/sleeping until about 6am.
Day 2 ended up at a control about 620km. Again I set off early on Day 3, but the atrocious weather set in and slowed things (and most people) down.
I left the 800km control with 5 hours in hand and lost a small amount of time (thanks to a 1h emergency nap) by the time I got to the ~900km control.
I slept at the 900km control until I was on the time limit and then plodded on through the mildly hilly terrain.

My next sleep stop was at the 1100km control. I arrived with ~2 hours in hand but left slightly behind the time limits but knew I'd make it up by the next control as the weather was nice and I'd done all of the hills.

An afternoon start time makes it more interesting, on PBP 2011 I just rode straight through the first night after my 8pm start time (to get more time in hand) with the plan of having a bigger sleep at the end of night 2. It worked (kind of).

However, I'm lucky in that I can get by on 3h sleep a night during events like this (although spending 3 hours chatting to people at the 800km control on LEL 2009 would have been far better spent sleeping, I paid for that mistake shortly afterwards!)
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 30 August, 2016, 07:50:10 pm
Yesterday I had a sneak preview of the event-specific jerseys the Thai riders are bringing to LEL. Very classy.

I hope there will be a thai rider as big as I am, so we can exchange jerseys!

There only a dozen or so aiming to go and most of them are not built to Dutch dimensions. Good luck.

We have about 25 Thai entrants already. I met some of them at 1001 miglia and they were pretty stocky lads. Not tall though.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Cooky516 on 30 August, 2016, 08:33:57 pm
All sounds good advice so far, as a first timer my question is how you all plan a strategy? where to stop? How do you split the ride up?
Any advice on this would be helpful.

Guess and be prepared to throw the plan away and have to come up with a completely new one (which may only last 200km, etc.)

Have you ridden a 600km ride? If so, how far in did you sleep? When did you start to feel (sleepy) tired? Did you finish comfortably in time or are you more of a full value rider?

If you've not done a 600km Audax, what's the longest ride you've done and how did you feel?

FWIW my initial plan for LEL 2009 was to cover the minimum required a day (24h * 12kph = 288km) and then sleep until I should be moving again.

This meant getting to the control at ~320km at the end of day 1 (the previous control wasn't far enough) and then eating/resting/sleeping until about 6am.
Day 2 ended up at a control about 620km. Again I set off early on Day 3, but the atrocious weather set in and slowed things (and most people) down.
I left the 800km control with 5 hours in hand and lost a small amount of time (thanks to a 1h emergency nap) by the time I got to the ~900km control.
I slept at the 900km control until I was on the time limit and then plodded on through the mildly hilly terrain.

My next sleep stop was at the 1100km control. I arrived with ~2 hours in hand but left slightly behind the time limits but knew I'd make it up by the next control as the weather was nice and I'd done all of the hills.

An afternoon start time makes it more interesting, on PBP 2011 I just rode straight through the first night after my 8pm start time (to get more time in hand) with the plan of having a bigger sleep at the end of night 2. It worked (kind of).

However, I'm lucky in that I can get by on 3h sleep a night during events like this (although spending 3 hours chatting to people at the 800km control on LEL 2009 would have been far better spent sleeping, I paid for that mistake shortly afterwards!)

Brilliant answer, and thank you. It gives me food for thought. I've done 200km before which is my longest as part of a week from  Farnborough to Montrose.
I like your idea of setting your minimum for the day and then rest for the remaining hours.i was really just interested in how people go about planning.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: perpetual dan on 30 August, 2016, 08:55:30 pm
Oh dear. I appear to be taking an interest, despite a woeful lack of riding for the last few years.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 30 August, 2016, 09:48:32 pm
Bear in mind that the northern parts are hillier than the south.   But even on the hillier parts you should be able to continue to build up  margin for sleep time (against the 12kph which is used for control time closing).

My approach, as a full value rider, is to say, whatever my start time, Sunday is not going be a full day.  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday are going to be full days (dawn until sometime after dusk) - I'm aiming for at least 300km on each of those days.  The remaing 500km is split between the Sunday and the Thursday, according to what the start time is.

But, as others have said, stay flexible.  Don't stop 'early' because you've already reached your 'target' for the day.  But conversely don't push on when you are too tired to ride safely (or are just going to squander sleep time because you are riding slower & slower, stubbornly sticking to a 'plan').   I was certainly guilty of the latter in 2013.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 31 August, 2016, 12:21:52 pm
So just to be clear?... there will be no control 'closing time' for a rider, until the very last one at 116:40. That makes it much easier to plan as you just have to ride 1400k in 116:40 and dont have to worry about intermediate times.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 31 August, 2016, 02:43:15 pm
So just to be clear?... there will be no control 'closing time' for a rider, until the very last one at 116:40. That makes it much easier to plan as you just have to ride 1400k in 116:40 and dont have to worry about intermediate times.

I'm sure there will be control closing times. Think of the extremes; I don't think the first control (~100km) will be open until much more than a few hours after the last riders are supposed to be through. It's certainly not going to be open for days after that (until it's due to open for the fastest riders coming back South). Nor will it close the second the 12kph time limit is up for the last starting group.

If you have an early start time then the controls will still be officially open for the later start riders for hours after they have closed for you. (8am start vs 4pm start gives 8 hours 'spare', if such a wide spread of start times is offered). I wouldn't want to count on there being anything more than a few hours leeway after that.

As long as someone is making steady progress towards the finish (and would finish within the time limit) I'm sure that will be fine. What 'no control closing times' does not mean is that you can sit around at the start for 2 days and then smash the whole thing in just under 70 hours.

I, personally, would never consider a plan that has me arriving at a control when it has officially closed for me. Leaving a control when it has officially closed isn't a problem if I'm confident I can make it up on the next leg (and I've had to do this before).
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 31 August, 2016, 02:47:58 pm
I suspect that there is the equivalent of a control closing time ie .. when the controller and vols have stayed beyond the correct closing time .. and have decided to pack up and go home.   When is that time going to be  .. dont know .. but why not make life simpler and ride to the control times .. it can not be reasonable to arrive 6 hours late at a control  claiming  that this time can be made up.. because for sure you ain't going to get food and  TLC etc.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Bunker22 on 31 August, 2016, 03:05:10 pm
So just to be clear?... there will be no control 'closing time' for a rider, until the very last one at 116:40. That makes it much easier to plan as you just have to ride 1400k in 116:40 and dont have to worry about intermediate times.

I'm sure there will be control closing times. Think of the extremes; I don't think the first control (~100km) will be open until much more than a few hours after the last riders are supposed to be through. It's certainly not going to be open for days after that (until it's due to open for the fastest riders coming back South). Nor will it close the second the 12kph time limit is up for the last starting group.

If you have an early start time then the controls will still be officially open for the later start riders for hours after they have closed for you. (8am start vs 4pm start gives 8 hours 'spare', if such a wide spread of start times is offered). I wouldn't want to count on there being anything more than a few hours leeway after that.

As long as someone is making steady progress towards the finish (and would finish within the time limit) I'm sure that will be fine. What 'no control closing times' does not mean is that you can sit around at the start for 2 days and then smash the whole thing in just under 70 hours.

I, personally, would never consider a plan that has me arriving at a control when it has officially closed for me. Leaving a control when it has officially closed isn't a problem if I'm confident I can make it up on the next leg (and I've had to do this before).

agreed, I should have added 'within reason' to my posting.

That said you then have a little more leeway to a closed control with an earlier start time than you do to the last start time.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 31 August, 2016, 03:39:10 pm
Yeah, heading north as far as Brampton, you're going to be fine even with a large deficit.

However I've told controllers that once they've reached their official close time for their last groups of riders, they're free to pack up and go home. I've asked them to keep stamping cards for as long as they're there, but once they've gone, you won't be able to get a stamp.

What this means is that you'll need to sort out any deficits from starting late and sleeping early by Moffat. After this, it's strictly at your own risk.

Of course you could carry on riding back to London. We'll be at the finish for a while after the control closes. You probably won't get validated, though I'll probably give you a medal as a keepsake for being a good sport. And you'll have all the memories of the ride and the fact that you did at least finish it.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Karla on 31 August, 2016, 03:57:27 pm
The easiest way to avoid all this kerfuffle is to get training and ride faster.  High impact interval training FTW!  :demon:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: marcusjb on 31 August, 2016, 04:23:08 pm
^ what he says.

I spent 2012 scraping through a few of my rides by the skin of my teeth.  A 600 and 1000 with not any margin for error and putting me right on the edge of my then abilities.

I worked hard over winter/spring 2013 and got around LEL fairly comfortably (22 hours in hand I think).

I know that some people do work hard and are still FV (and I admire them greatly and will listen to their moans!).  But many who claim to be FV have the potential to get around much more comfortably if there are prepared to put in some groundwork (and I know that real life has a way of making that hard, so it is all easier said than done). 

It doesn't take loads to get faster, some of it doesn't even involve training - fast tyres, non-flappy clothing and you've reduced your riding time by 5 or more hours. 
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Whitedown Man on 31 August, 2016, 04:57:06 pm
But. But. But.

But what we're now doing is disincentivising the late starters all over again. Speaking only for myself, I shall be willing to do as suggested and request a late start but if and only if I have complete confidence that after a 4pm Day 1 start and, say, 3 hours sleep on Sunday night I shall still find fully-stocked Controls on Day 2. My target will be to be back within the time limits only by the end of Day 2.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: CrinklyLion on 31 August, 2016, 05:12:05 pm
Surely the northbound controls for you will be open on your Day 2 anyway, awaiting (or dealing with!) the southbound riders?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 31 August, 2016, 05:14:53 pm
Surely the northbound controls for you will be open on your Day 2 anyway, awaiting (or dealing with!) the southbound riders?

Yes.  Especially with the staggered start times, nearly all of the controls on the northern half will be open continuously. I know we were at Barnard Castle last time.  Even at St Ives this time I've only got about 24 hours gap from last up to first back and I'll probably have the kitchen open then as we start food prep for part 2  :facepalm: when 1350+ riders return in various states of disarray.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 31 August, 2016, 06:02:30 pm
Based on a 12kph rider starting at 4pm and a 30kph rider starting at 8am, for a nominal 1400km event:-

km from startkm from endControl close NB 12kph 4pm startControl open SB 30kph 8am start

It's about 330km that a control closes for the slowest latest NB riders and opens for the fastest earliest SB riders at the same time. Anything North of that will be dealing with both.

I doubt anyone will be as fast as 47h though, and the later controls will have a good amount of advance notice of the likely arrival time of the first rider, so they have a little leeway in their opening times.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: chrisbainbridge on 31 August, 2016, 06:21:10 pm
I know this is the flagship event and that it is the extreme of what any of us that are worrying will ever ride BUT it is audax and therefore the possibility of having to cycle through some or all of the first night is just part of audax.

Alwyn has given us assurances that he will make sure there is food for everybody this time and that he will make allowances for those who perhaps have travelled a long way and have been up for 12-18 hours when they start on sunday.

A late start is surely just something to factor into the training.  perhaps a 400km ride starting at 4.00pm in the afternoon?

perhaps Audax UK could produce a training plan at high cost and sell it as an extra to all those hoping to enter LEL?

I know this is the internet and it is where we get our knickers in a twist before going out and riding our bikes but at this rate the knickers will be truly twisted by next year!!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: How Far on 31 August, 2016, 06:30:32 pm
Reduce the cost of late starts and increase the cost of early starts by say £50 and see what happens then. I bet a good few that want an early start would opt for the saving ;-)

What does it matter what time you start, you get the same time to do the ride in.

Just my 2p worth
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 31 August, 2016, 06:55:31 pm
But. But. But.

But what we're now doing is disincentivising the late starters all over again. Speaking only for myself, I shall be willing to do as suggested and request a late start but if and only if I have complete confidence that after a 4pm Day 1 start and, say, 3 hours sleep on Sunday night I shall still find fully-stocked Controls on Day 2. My target will be to be back within the time limits only by the end of Day 2.

If you start late, you won't get any further than Moffat by day 2. All the controls up that point will still be open, either preparing for or supporting riders on the way back. With the greatest of respect, you're quite wrong.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 31 August, 2016, 07:01:22 pm
What does it matter what time you start, you get the same time to do the ride in.

With an early start (8am) you can do the entire ride in daylight, which would be nice.
* 5.30am sunrise, 9pm sunset roughly at LEL time of year
* that's 15.5h of daylight per day
* On the first day you need to cover the equivalent for 21.5h (to take you to sunrise at 5.30am the next morning).
* so you need to do 12*21.5 = 258km
* in just 13h before sunset (8am to 9pm) = 19.85kph (inc stops)
* more likely that's 24kph and ~2.25h off the bike during the day

Subsequent days you have 15.5h to do the 288km for that day = 18.58kph. More likely 22kph and ~2.5h off the bike.

Day 1: 258km (Louth is at 242.5km, Pocklington too far at 339k)
Day 2: 288km = 546km (Brampton is at 554.6km)
Day 3: 288km = 834km (Brampton is at 855.1km)
Day 4: 288km = 1122km (Pocklington is at 1072.2km, Louth at 1168.8km)
Day 5: 288km = 1410km.

So you need to cover the extra 23km over those 5 days. It's just an extra 6km per full day, or 5km per day.

116h40 = 4d 20h 40m, so an 8am start gives an annoying 4.40am finish time as that's 9h40 of darkness at the end of the ride.

Note that many will like the idea of ending days at Louth, Brampton, Brampton and Louth again. Makes a two drop-bag strategy sound great.

In reality a day 3 of Brampton (554.6km) to Brampton (855.1km) is a hard hilly day.

With a 4pm start you're going to be doing some night riding:-
* 4pm to 5.30am is 13.5h
* 13.5h * 12kph = 162km (Spalding is 159.2km)
* so you need to have done that by 9pm
* 162km / 5h = 32.4kph - not so easy

Instead I'd look at riding through until 9pm on day 2:
* How far do you have to be by sunrise on day 2 with a 4pm start?
* 4pm to 5.30am = 13.5h + 24h = 37.5h
* 37.5h * 12kph = 450km (Barnard Castle at 472.8km most likely, Thirsk at 405.8km is a bit too short)
* How long do you have to do that?
* 4pm to 9pm = 5h + 24h = 29h
* 472.8km / 29h = 16.3kph
* At 22kph = 21.5h so a healthy 7.5h off the bike

Subsequent days as before
Day 1+2 = 472.8km
Day 3: 288km = 760.8km (Traquair at 751, Eskdalemuir at 797km)
Day 4: 288km = 1048.8km (Thirsk at 1005.3km, Pocklington at 1072.2km)
Day 5: 288km = 1336.8km (St Ives at 1313.5km, Finish at 1433.5km)

116h40 = 4d 20h 40m, so a 4pm start gives an annoying 12:40pm finish

Day 6: Could be the 120km from St Ives to the finish with 5.30am to 12.40pm (7h10) to do it

That's 16.7kph, or 6h of 20kph with 1h10 of non-control stoppages.

Looking at those two extremes I'd be happier with the second option and a midday finish. Saying that there was nothing wrong with a 4am finish in 2009, it was still fun.

Getting the 288km done in daylight (15.5h riding at 22kph) sounds easy, but it's not for full value riders.

I'd be happy to get assigned a random start time and just make do with it as best I can. I can see the positives and negatives of all of the various start times.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Whitedown Man on 31 August, 2016, 07:27:44 pm
But. But. But.

But what we're now doing is disincentivising the late starters all over again. Speaking only for myself, I shall be willing to do as suggested and request a late start but if and only if I have complete confidence that after a 4pm Day 1 start and, say, 3 hours sleep on Sunday night I shall still find fully-stocked Controls on Day 2. My target will be to be back within the time limits only by the end of Day 2.

If you start late, you won't get any further than Moffat by day 2. All the controls up that point will still be open, either preparing for or supporting riders on the way back. With the greatest of respect, you're quite wrong.

That's all cool. I'm just struggling to marry it up with your post earlier today:

"I've told controllers that once they've reached their official close time for their last groups of riders, they're free to pack up and go home. I've asked them to keep stamping cards for as long as they're there, but once they've gone, you won't be able to get a stamp."

Either northbound Controls will be open several hours beyond their official close time to allow late-starters to catch-up steadily throughout the day on Day 2, or they will close when they reach their official close time.  Is the apparent contradiction because your reference to "official close time" refers to close time based on southbound timings?

Re. chrisbainbridge's post, I know it was well meant but I have sufficient Audax experience to know that I'm just not the 'ride through the night without sleep' type - wish I was, but I ain't.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 31 August, 2016, 07:34:03 pm
Ah, I see. The 2-stop controls will stay open until all the southbound riders have passed through. So if you're late heading north as far as Brampton, you're fine.

It's after Moffat that things become a bit tighter.

Apologies if that wasn't clear.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Whitedown Man on 31 August, 2016, 07:52:14 pm
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 31 August, 2016, 09:19:45 pm
No need for knicker twisting ... or even expecting to be significantly out of time on day 2 from a late start.

Consider your average full(ish) value rider.   Ought to be able to manage 20kph moving average, at least in the early flatter stages.
Starts at 16:00
Arrive St Ives 21:00 (rough approximation)
Against 12kph lower speed limit will have built up over 3 hours buffer.
Uses an hour eating & faffing at St Ives
Arrives Spalding 01:00 Monday, now with over 4 hours buffer.
Over-sleeps and doesn't get going until 08:00 am (well out of time)
4 hours to Louth - and the rider is back in time (just)
An hour for 2nd breakfast, and onwards
If 20kph is maintained will have a buffer of over 2 hours by the time Pocklington is reached.

Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 31 August, 2016, 09:25:23 pm
In 2013 the hills didn't start until just outside Market Rasen, and then it was just one gasper to get up before screaming down to the bridge.

This time they start about 30km before Louth, and they roll continuously until you rejoin the 2013 route just before Caistor.

Bear that in mind with your calculations.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: L.Lagopus on 31 August, 2016, 09:50:24 pm
All sounds good advice so far, as a first timer my question is how you all plan a strategy? where to stop? How do you split the ride up?
Any advice on this would be helpful.
LEL 2013 was my first ride beyond 600k.  I did not have any sort of plan other than to ride until I was too tired to keep going, rest for a while, get up and do it again. It worked for me.  And, even though I am not a particularly fast rider, I still spent quite a bit time enjoyably faffing at controls, and slept a good amount too. For most of the ride I kept up a buffer of 5 or 6 hours in case of emergency, until I decided the heat on the last day did constitute an emergency. I napped and waited out the day, and finished in the middle of the night with an hour to spare.  So, I guess the point is that having a well planned strategy before hand is not really necessary. At each control you can assess what you need to do (eat, sleep, rest, or just ride through) to make it to the next control.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 31 August, 2016, 10:05:31 pm
In 2013 the hills didn't start until just outside Market Rasen, and then it was just one gasper to get up before screaming down to the bridge.

This time they start about 30km before Louth, and they roll continuously until you rejoin the 2013 route just before Caistor.

Bear that in mind with your calculations.

Meanie !
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: JamieD on 01 September, 2016, 10:37:58 am
I couldn't see if this had been answered before.

When the entry opens for LEL2017 I won't have been an Audax UK member for the requisite amount of time to get one of the guaranteed spots.

If I'm ready to enter as soon as it opens how likely am I to get a spot? Having a rough idea of the odds makes it easier to plan my summer as I may be doing the Maratona dles Dolomites
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Somnolent on 01 September, 2016, 12:52:14 pm
There will still be plenty of spaces available after all the guaranteed spots are taken.
IIRC it took about 8 hours to sell out in 2013 so if you are ready & waiting in front of the computer at the appointed hour I'd say the odds are very high indeed.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Fidgetbuzz on 01 September, 2016, 03:38:08 pm
That is in the right area .. in 2013 we originally had 750 places for sale .. and they had gone after about 9 or 10 hours. This time the deposit paid and the guaranteed will take about 750/850 places of the 1500 .. leaving about 650/750 for sale... but the passionately committed riders will already have their places .. so now still 650/750 available ..for others.  Take up time .. your guess is as well informed as mine !!
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Jon+1bike on 01 September, 2016, 10:47:53 pm
WOW!! :o  What an eye opener !! LEL - is / was - to be my next challenge !?
Personally, I  have always been extremely grateful, to all organisers & especially the 'happy helpers', who make it possible for me (& so many others) to have an Audax event, plus thankfully make it nothing like a sportive!
My first years cycling, cumulated in 2015 PBP, which amazed me, as it was the first time cycling in France & I finished.
Also because of the organisers & volunteers, who helped in so many ways, making it possible for me to concentrate on turning my peddles. I never resented one Euro I spent, or said thank you so many times.
On thinking of entering the LEL, I took for granted the organisation & helpers, would at least match, if not surpass PBP.  Athough I doubt, publicity and public support, to be matched.  If I am able to enter,  the cost involved for LEL, will most probably be less, the pain undoubtedly higher and with what I have read, my respect and gratitude will be off the scale. :)  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Gus on 07 September, 2016, 07:32:18 pm
I'm in doubt.. I can't decide if I shall ride the LEL 17.
I have a number, but I really cant figure out if I have the time to train enough. I don't want to kill my self riding it while have no ass because  I lack enough saddle hours..
Right now I'm training  short tours of higher intensity, but I know I need to sit hour after hour on my bike during spring and summer next year, and will I invest that time .... :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: alwyn on 07 September, 2016, 08:51:50 pm
I managed to book the final control today. This booking has been the oddest to arrange by quite some margin.

The hall at Traquair have always been a delight to work with, but this time became oddly cold with us. We also booked a hall in Innerleithen, which was going well until the relationship soured suddenly and for no apparent reason.

It transpired that since 2013, a sportive has held an event in the town, which caused utter bedlam and mightily annoyed the locals. A series of rather tense phone calls managed to persuade the council and police that we weren't going to impose thousands of douchebags on them for the weekend and everyone is on our side again.

Anyway, the result has been that we've got a much better venue, and we can offer some sleeping too! This is essential as slower riders starting late are likely to leave Edinburgh as it gets dark.

The downside is that it involves a 3km dog leg. But I might have a solution to that, and you don't have to stop there anyway because it isn't a control.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: iddu on 15 September, 2016, 10:44:31 am

"Friday 30th September, morning: Event begins in front of Buckingham Palace
Saturday 1st October, morning: Teams reach Edinburgh Castle
Sunday 2nd October, morning: Teams reach the finish line in front of Buckingham Palace"

Bunch of loons... ;D
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: mattc on 15 September, 2016, 10:51:18 am

"Friday 30th September, morning: Event begins in front of Buckingham Palace
Saturday 1st October, morning: Teams reach Edinburgh Castle
Sunday 2nd October, morning: Teams reach the finish line in front of Buckingham Palace"

Bunch of loons... ;D
Pretty good going. Especially when you realise they have to run 50k along the way. Will I be that quick when I'm 50?
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: Greenbank on 15 September, 2016, 11:22:13 am

Teams of six with two riders on the road at any one time. So if split fairly each rider only has to do ~400km, all have to do the full 50km of running though (which is split up into 5 x 10km runs).

400km of riding and 50km running in 50 hours seems much more reasonable.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: jsabine on 15 September, 2016, 12:15:51 pm

Teams of six with two riders on the road at any one time. So if split fairly each rider only has to do ~400km, all have to do the full 50km of running though (which is split up into 5 x 10km runs).

400km of riding and 50km running in 50 hours seems much more reasonable.

Yebbut - sleep, such as it is, in a 'team van,' and it's not just 400km of riding and 50km of running, you also have to wait for other people to ride 800km.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: chrisbainbridge on 15 September, 2016, 12:53:22 pm
And with strangers!  I would find that hard with friends.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 15 September, 2016, 01:22:50 pm
Ah, I see. The 2-stop controls will stay open until all the southbound riders have passed through. So if you're late heading north as far as Brampton, you're fine.

It's after Moffat that things become a bit tighter.

Apologies if that wasn't clear.

If its any help, the St Ives control on the way back officially closes at 3am (I think).  There is no way that Phil D and I would suggest any of our crew, who will have fed and otherwise cared for 1000 riders in the previous 24 hours, should attempt to travel home at that point, so my current plan, subject to confirmation is to tidy up the control the following morning, and so we'll probably have food on for late stragglers, if nothing else because the crew will need to eat.

Last time, at Barnard Castle, we did start to wind things down, because we had a fixed time to exit the school that was the control, but what we did was gradually tidy up the kitchen and keep hot food on (it was quite damp and dreary as I recall) for the late arrivals.  This included one rider arriving a couple of hours out of time who was cold and wet and so relished the first bowl of stew that he had declined, that he finished a second one. 

I think that was something we got right at Barnie last time and will mention at the next controllers meeting when we discuss food.  I doubt that there would be a general advertisement or guarantee of helping riders who are out of time, and there may be some places where the need to hand the premises back requires a prompt close, but I'd like to think most controllers would want to help riders who are struggling at the end of their limits/tether/etc, even if it was (as the hungry rider at Barnie) just giving them something to get their wits together so that they could find a B&B.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: cycle-bernd on 24 January, 2017, 12:07:17 am

At 6:11. wearing a German ARA jersey and  holding a can of beer, and standing next to maverick otp, is Bernd Kaminski, who many people will remember as the captain of the comedy German tandem at the last LEL. I stayed with him a couple of weeks ago on my way back from the Arctic, and he tells me he's got a new stoker for next year.

Stoker Achim worked well on any 100k ride. Without a complete hour of resting he simply wasn't able to continue post 130k of the 275k time trial HHB2016. So we finished a little later. At least he resigned to work on that any more and he returned to have fun on whitewater rafting again.
Title: Re: [LEL] LEL 2017
Post by: hellymedic on 24 January, 2017, 12:59:38 am
Different subject...

Over on Facebook, Gerry Boswell, who is running the Coxwold control would like to receive contact details of the chief controllers at Thirsk as he has misplaced them.

Ta muchly!