Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => The Knowledge => Health & Fitness => Topic started by: Afasoas on 13 March, 2014, 06:02:59 am

Title: Feasibility: Day long photoshoot with a broken(?) toe!
Post by: Afasoas on 13 March, 2014, 06:02:59 am
I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday - 4 very long days, two of which working for another studio for a lot less than I'd like to be earning.
I've picked up a significant new client whom I'm shooting all day for today and quite honestly, it's the first time I'm earning real money for what's looking to be promising regular commercial photography, on my own.

I was getting a bit narked at coming down with a cold ahead of today's vital shoot. But a coughing fit whilst climbing the stairs yesterday at the studio and I smashed my big toe into one of the steps falling up their stair way.

It hurt so much I felt nauseous for a while and I had to sit down in the studio, I couldn't bear being on my feet. Not for the pain itself, but more for how dizzy I felt afterwards.

After a few minutes I was hobbling about. Very painful driving the hire car home each time I depressed the clutch and I've got a very special walk. (Amazing how much you use your big toe!)

It's giving me constant grief. But it's not really very swollen. On a pain scale it's about a 5 (10 being Kidney stones) and rises to a 7, occasionally an 8 when walking on it.

Toe looks and feels fine to touch - in terms of being the right shape, just very very tender one I push down on the top of it, an inch back from the very front and the same again an but less intense on the underside..

Am I nuts to consider doing this shoot today or should I just man up and get on with it? I'm thinking the latter. Brave face and let the adrenaline take over.

What do you think?
Title: Re: Feasibility: Day long photoshoot with a broken(?) toe!
Post by: Ningishzidda on 13 March, 2014, 07:07:17 am

You need some PPE.   ;D
Title: Re: Feasibility: Day long photoshoot with a broken(?) toe!
Post by: hellymedic on 13 March, 2014, 01:15:28 pm
See if you can find some LARGE old-fashioned, stiff-soled cycling shoes that allow walking without passively moving your toes, but try to keep your foot above hip level when you're not walking.
Ice your foot occasionally.
Heal well & fast!
Title: Re: Feasibility: Day long photoshoot with a broken(?) toe!
Post by: Afasoas on 14 March, 2014, 12:06:53 am
Thanks Helly,

I don't think it's broken - hurts a lot lot less now!
Was a good day in the end, glad I didn't wimp out!
Title: Re: Feasibility: Day long photoshoot with a broken(?) toe!
Post by: hellymedic on 14 March, 2014, 12:10:05 am
Put two pillows under your foot in bed tonight and leave the covers off.
Put on a sock if your foot gets to cold, but let it chill and unswell overnight.
Title: Re: Feasibility: Day long photoshoot with a broken(?) toe!
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 14 March, 2014, 04:28:27 pm
I've not done a big toe - which is much more important than the others for balance - but I caught my second toe on a chairleg a couple of years back when rushing in the house to get out on my bike for a training ride. Rode 100km over hills in including the last 30km at TT pace due to a couple of punctures so I could get back in time for CET Junior no 2's birthday party (and my own - not that it was set up for me but we share a birthday) which was sliding down big rubber tubes on a dry ski slope and then running back up to do again which required me to do lots of tandem runs with CET Junior no 2. 

Got back afterwards for a shower and saw that offending toe was bright purple and clearly not in great shape.  But it was naturally splinted between other toes and so did nothing about it.

Rode the Mersey Roads '24 3 weeks later without any ill-effect. Toe was still an interesting colour.  It isn't straight even now.