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Off Topic => The Pub => Arts and Entertainment => Topic started by: Really Ancien on 29 September, 2008, 04:46:34 pm

Title: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Really Ancien on 29 September, 2008, 04:46:34 pm
I was too old anyway.

YouTube - Mitch Benn never went through a Smiths Phase (

Title: Re: Inever went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Frenchie on 29 September, 2008, 04:46:55 pm
Me neither...
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Regulator on 29 September, 2008, 04:47:54 pm
Never got what people saw in the Smiths...  Morose caterwauling was not my thing.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: pcolbeck on 29 September, 2008, 05:27:58 pm
Good guitarist though. Didn't make up for the rest of them.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Eccentrica Gallumbits on 29 September, 2008, 05:42:05 pm
Me neither.

Not at all interestingly, Mitch Benn used to do a comedy double act with a very tall guy called Ian Kendall, who I sort of know a bit and who used to do magic tricks in the Old Orleans restaurant in Edinburgh.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Rhys W on 29 September, 2008, 07:11:52 pm
Hey! Some of us are still in our Smiths phase y'know!

Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Hot Flatus on 29 September, 2008, 07:37:25 pm
Nor me.  I got all that kind of introspective shit from literature.  Musically i liked the funk.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: JT on 29 September, 2008, 08:19:05 pm
I used to actively dislike The Smiths because of the people who did like them. I always had a soft spot for This Charming Man though.

I still don't really like them much.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: andrew_n on 29 September, 2008, 08:42:41 pm
Hey! Some of us are still in our Smiths phase y'know!

Too right! I've seen Moz live a few times and think he's god. Must be a Manchester thing....
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: JT on 29 September, 2008, 08:54:18 pm
Hey! Some of us are still in our Smiths phase y'know!

Too right! I've seen Moz live a few times and think he's god. Must be a Manchester thing....

Well most of the "great" Manchester bands are over-rated if you ask me. Apart from The Buzzcocks.

Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Really Ancien on 30 September, 2008, 09:39:34 am

Well most of the "great" Manchester bands are over-rated if you ask me. Apart from The Buzzcocks.

I always had a soft spot for early 10CC, YouTube - Wall Street Shuffle - 10cc (
and so topical, what goes around comes around.

Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: MercuryKev on 30 September, 2008, 09:49:48 am
I have always hated the Smiths. I'm more of a Cure man myself.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: andrew_n on 30 September, 2008, 12:58:59 pm
I have always hated the Smiths. I'm more of a Cure man myself.

I love The Cure too. I've got most of their stuff and think Disintegration is their best album.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Mr Larrington on 30 September, 2008, 01:16:21 pm
I went off The Cure after their first album (The Cure cover a Jimi Hendrix track!!) and never liked The Smiths in the first place.  I shall now go and listen to AC/DC until my ears explode ;D
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Woofage on 30 September, 2008, 03:18:45 pm
Hey! Some of us are still in our Smiths phase y'know!

+1 ;D
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Regulator on 30 September, 2008, 03:20:52 pm
Hey! Some of us are still in our Smiths phase y'know!

Never mind.  You'll get over it...  ;)
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: bobb on 30 September, 2008, 03:26:53 pm
My older sister liked the Smiths, so it was against the rules for me to like them.

I quite like some of their choons now, but that's more down to Marr's excellent guitar work rather than Morrisey's punchable persona.

They also remind me of the pretentious losers in the 6th form who would turn the lights out in the common room whilst listening to the Smiths and drawing disturbing images all over the walls.

The rest of us played football, went down the pub and listened to proper music. Then came back to the common room, whipped out the Smiths cassette and smashed it into a million pieces.....
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: clarion on 30 September, 2008, 03:32:24 pm
I saw the Smiths at college in 1983.  They were OK.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Ian H on 30 September, 2008, 03:43:54 pm
I remember when they came with a little blue paper twist of salt inside the packet.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: rogerzilla on 30 September, 2008, 06:53:53 pm
Some kind person has uploaded the South Bank Show feature on them, which I watched at university when it was first shown:

YouTube - The Smiths - The South Bank Show (part 1) (

Melvyn Bragg gets it wrong though - Morrissey wasn't promoting celibacy, he was complaining about it.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Really Ancien on 30 September, 2008, 07:56:18 pm
Shame we had to have The Smiths in that film, I was enjoying George Formby.

Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Deano on 02 October, 2008, 09:11:21 am
The only reason I started listening to The Smiths was cos a girl I fancied listened to them...

I didn't get anywhere with her.  Useless Morrissey.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: border-rider on 02 October, 2008, 09:49:01 pm
Just heard What Difference Does it Make on t'radio

I defy anyone to deny that song :)

If you don't like that then you just don't like jangly indie guitar pop music

I can take or leave most of the rest of the Smiths, but that and This Charming Man..
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Corvine on 03 October, 2008, 09:15:53 pm
It's not a phase, mum! You don't understand me!

I'm going to my room with Morrissey. He understands me.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Julian on 03 October, 2008, 09:32:27 pm
I had a Smiths phase when I was about fourteen.

Then Morrissey wrecked it with his interview on Jonathan Ross ( by being an insufferable c*nt.  When he got onto the song I laughed so much I think I might have peed slightly.  He lost the idol status after that.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Woofage on 03 October, 2008, 11:43:18 pm
Oh, I remember that interview. I thought he came across very well, but then I'm an old git from another generation :-[.

TBH, I don't really like Morrissey's solo stuff. I saw him live in the mid '90's (I think) and I thought he was pretty crap.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: rogerzilla on 04 October, 2008, 08:01:47 am
He's had a return to form in recent years - "First of the Gang to Die" from "You Are The Quarry" is a really good song - look it up on YouTube.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: ChrisO on 04 October, 2008, 09:47:00 am
Just heard What Difference Does it Make on t'radio

I defy anyone to deny that song :)

If you don't like that then you just don't like jangly indie guitar pop music

I can take or leave most of the rest of the Smiths, but that and This Charming Man..

And Bigmouth Strikes Again.

I just downloaded it. I haven't had any Smiths on my iPod because I have them all on vinyl. But I've finally worked out that I am never going to spend the time to digitise my records. Plus the fact there are probably only 30 songs that I would really want to have digitally it seems a lot of trouble to save 25 quid.

In the same vein I also downloaded Lady Marmalade, Raspberry Beret, Animal Nitrate and added the new Pink song So What, which is rip-roaringly catchy... I'd love to know what the Genius app makes of that little lot.

Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: Rhys W on 04 October, 2008, 12:11:50 pm
I visited the flat of a well-respected music journalist and he'd been given one of Marr's old Rickenbackers. I played him The Boy With The Thorn In His Side on it  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: mecwales on 04 October, 2008, 12:22:29 pm
I used to listen to other music, but then I was Cure-d! ;)

Still not sure whether I like The Smiths/Morrissey or not...
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: vorsprung on 04 October, 2008, 01:44:17 pm
i didn't like them

then I decided I did and I went to see them

then I decided I didn't again

when I was younger I don't think I appreciated the humour of their songs

more recently I have been listening to "hat full of hollow" which is a kind of greatest hits LP and which I recommend to anyone.
Title: Re: I never went through a Smiths phase.
Post by: rogerzilla on 04 October, 2008, 01:47:49 pm
It's a compilation of Peel sessions and other bits; it doesn't suffer from the over-produced sound of the first album which is why it sounds so good.  The version of "This Charming Man" on HOH is superior.