Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Audax => Topic started by: Tomsk on 16 July, 2015, 08:28:33 am

Title: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 16 July, 2015, 08:28:33 am
Hard to think beyond PBP, but since by then [all being well] I will have 3/4 of a Hyper-Randonneur series, I thought about another 600 in the normal early Autumn slot for the Flatlands...Not just for wannabe 'Hypers', but a good time to complete an SR with your summer fitness.

I'm not sure if I can take yet another Fenland crossing this year, so maybe a diy from Essex westwards, otherwise a route based on the Asparagus and Strawberries 400, with a second day of 200km on one of my perm. routes? That would open up the possibility of booking the church hall for a sleepover Saturday night [or more likely early Sunday], also for the Friday night before, if there are enough interested. Cost in the region of £5-10 each probably, if not so many then there's floor/sofa space at mine.

Happy to ride 'full value' with first-timers.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 16 July, 2015, 08:52:49 am
Sounds like an interesting plan.

I'm already an HR for this year and wouldn't mind going double extra hyper, seeings I'm 1/2 way through the second one.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: tippers_kiwi on 16 July, 2015, 11:48:51 am
 ;D I am in....I think....I might wait until we are chilling in Belgium to mention it though and then I will say it was Oaky's idea
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: jefmcg on 16 July, 2015, 12:14:49 pm
I could be interested in this ... but ... I am very slow, and I've DNF 3 600s so far.

Would this be ridden as a group?  Because I wouldn't want to drag people down to my crawling pace, but this would be a better option to complete an SR than a solo DIY. 

Anyway, put me down as a "maybe" :)
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: tonyh on 16 July, 2015, 12:17:09 pm
Registering interest - thanks Tomsk - but having a poor year for riding, so I fear my interest should not be taken very seriously yet.

Jefmcg: your "crawling" pace is likely to impress me considerably!
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 16 July, 2015, 12:21:21 pm
I'd be more than happy to ride in an social paced group with those who wish. HtW last weekend was a very pleasant outing and made a nice change from my riding on my lonesome norm.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: redfalo on 16 July, 2015, 12:33:35 pm
Interesting idea. My diary for September is already pretty packed, but if dates work, I may give it a thought.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 16 July, 2015, 12:48:17 pm
If I get around the National 400, I'll be looking to complete the SR with a 600.  I had been not-looking forward to a solo DIY in late August/early September, but a social 600 would be preferred.  So "interest registered".
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: L CC on 16 July, 2015, 12:48:45 pm
I'm very unlikely to ride (although we do 'need' one for a hyper  :facepalm:) but if you're in East Anglia and so am I, I'm more than happy, to teethgrinder newbie 600 style-ee meet you wherever for sustenance from The Van, or if you do do the hall, man & cater it, doing caking & waking duties and pep talks.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 16 July, 2015, 01:14:45 pm
Maybe we could convince HK and LWaB to come along with their UAF experience.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: madcow on 16 July, 2015, 01:16:50 pm
Well done, tomsk, for stepping in to fill the late season 600k shaped  space normally filled by Teethgrinder, who ,I understand, is otherwise engaged.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Wobbly on 16 July, 2015, 01:21:38 pm
I could be up for this depending on when in September.

If I do take part I'll do the honourable thing and be slower than jefmcg :D
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: tonyh on 16 July, 2015, 01:40:33 pm
If I do take part I'll do the honourable thing and be slower than jefmcg :D

If you use your elegant machine to tow a trailer full of boulders, I may be able to stay in touch (except up any slight rises of course).
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 16 July, 2015, 01:45:06 pm
I don't think I'd be up for this as planning a 600 DIY from Cambridge to the Welsh borders.  However, if I'm around that weekend, I may be able to run an informal caik stop as you pass our front door just after Cambridge.  Mrs W likes an excuse to make caik  :D
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Veloman on 16 July, 2015, 01:45:36 pm
Also happy to ride a full value ride with others.

After the 15 Sep please.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: vorsprung on 16 July, 2015, 04:19:45 pm
Put me down as a "perhaps"

It's a bit of a long way to come from Devon

But a small group ride would be more fun than a back door DIY 600
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: jefmcg on 16 July, 2015, 04:49:36 pm
Thanks people for the support.   

Just to be clear, WCW I got to the halfway point at 18h 42m, taking 2 short cuts, and then slowed down for the return journey.  No one is going to make it round if they stick with me if I am still at that pace. 

I'll try to pull my socks up (metaphorically) before September.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: alotronic on 16 July, 2015, 04:54:06 pm
I don't even know what a Hyper is  :facepalm:

But another 600 would get me a double SR which would be a lot more than I was ever expecting this year. Or any year come to that.

Thinks.... Ponders.... Nods, but reserves the right to make a decision until after PBP...
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Lars on 16 July, 2015, 05:08:52 pm
Sounds like a good idea. The Sep Flatlands in '13 and '14 were both good rides weather-wise.
Plus being in better shape than in 600 peak season in May with the summer miles in the legs
makes it make a lot of sense. Won't commit though, will see how things look after the French

A 600 based on A & S sounds promising! An extended tour of East Anglia!

Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 16 July, 2015, 05:14:55 pm
Ok, lots of interest and thanks to those offering help with caik etc... :thumbsup:

19/20th September pencilled in as my best bet.

Riding with a mixed ability group works if stronger riders are happy to sit on the front, towing at a steady pace and being very conscientious about not burning the others out. This has been the story on many of our helpers' rides this year - 20-22kph on the road. Also you can send 'domestiques' off ahead to get the food orders in, say about 1/2 hour before a café/pub stop, to speed passage through.

Don't forget a DIY permanent is at 14.3kph minimum speed, which gains extra time - almost 2 hours for a 600, and more for a wee bit of over-distance. [As if I would...]
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 16 July, 2015, 05:19:53 pm

19/20th September pencilled in as my best bet.

That's me out then, as I need to be at home on the 20th. Typical, the only weekend in September I can't ride >:(
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: jefmcg on 16 July, 2015, 05:26:29 pm
I don't even know what a Hyper is  :facepalm:

according to

There isn't an award for this one per se, but it's a recognised achievement: if you ride four 600km rides or longer in a single year then you've gone hyper.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Simon_A on 16 July, 2015, 06:12:30 pm

Have just entered The Buzzard Perm to complete a first SR/RRTY, planned for the w/e before.  Can't do the 19th/20th anyway.  Am feeling some trepidation about riding 600k on my own.

Double Knickers....  ::-)
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 16 July, 2015, 07:39:06 pm
You can add one more to the "definitely interested". I'm currently signed-up for the University Challenge 300 that weekend so already have a weekend pass. I'll be in the "just inside the time limit" group out of necessity rather than choice.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Bairn Again on 16 July, 2015, 09:06:46 pm
given an extended spell working in the South east starting almost immediately post PBP - Im interested.

sitting at 22kph forever is very much my forte. 

Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: L CC on 16 July, 2015, 09:16:35 pm
19/20th September pencilled in as my best bet
We are probably /possibly out for that weekend. Will watch developments.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Redlight on 16 July, 2015, 10:50:07 pm
All is dependent on my mother, whose 78th birthday falls between that weekend and the next, and when she will be persuaded to celebrate but, in principle, I'm in.  I think that would enable me to claim both a double SR and an Essex SR (substituting the 600 for the 200 that I haven't yet done).
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Rod Marton on 17 July, 2015, 02:13:05 pm
Ok, lots of interest and thanks to those offering help with caik etc... :thumbsup:

19/20th September pencilled in as my best bet.

Riding with a mixed ability group works if stronger riders are happy to sit on the front, towing at a steady pace and being very conscientious about not burning the others out. This has been the story on many of our helpers' rides this year - 20-22kph on the road. Also you can send 'domestiques' off ahead to get the food orders in, say about 1/2 hour before a café/pub stop, to speed passage through.

Don't forget a DIY permanent is at 14.3kph minimum speed, which gains extra time - almost 2 hours for a 600, and more for a wee bit of over-distance. [As if I would...]

If you are going to head west, my events (Pedersen/Budding 100) take place on the 19th and you are welcome to drop in for some tea and cake. I'm about 200km from Dunmow and the HQ nominally closes at 7pm, so should be possible if you aren't too close to full value riding at that point (for any extreme full value riders I live opposite and there will probably still be cake left). If you want some scenery you are also welcome to ride the route, though the cafes may be closed by then and there are probably more AAA points than you really want.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: daveco on 17 July, 2015, 03:21:44 pm
Thanks Tom, please count me in. I was considering a Flatliner perm in September and a group event would be so much more fun!
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: ramchip on 17 July, 2015, 04:53:37 pm
Very tempted to fly over to take part in this. Where will it start from and what is the nearest airport?
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: L CC on 17 July, 2015, 05:01:44 pm
Great Dunmow, Essex. Stansted Airport a mere hop from the start.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: ramchip on 17 July, 2015, 05:10:45 pm
Great Dunmow, Essex. Stansted Airport a mere hop from the start.

Just about perfect for me :-)
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: mattc on 17 July, 2015, 07:00:50 pm
Great Dunmow, Essex. Stansted Airport a mere hop from the start.
Thanks boab.

This would be fantastically useful in the Topic Title.
(I guiess the date needs to wait until firmed up.)

Or just in Post #1
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 17 July, 2015, 10:09:22 pm
Great Dunmow, Essex. Stansted Airport a mere hop from the start.
Thanks boab.

This would be fantastically useful in the Topic Title.
(I guiess the date needs to wait until firmed up.)

Yes indeed - will get cracking with details soon.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: danrough on 18 July, 2015, 08:37:26 am
Registering an interest too. My attendance will be subject to clearance which I will seek a little nearer the time.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: BikinOn on 18 July, 2015, 03:27:47 pm
Sounds interesting  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 21 July, 2015, 05:30:15 pm
Well, sorry about this folks, but I've got roped into the Dunmow Carnival on the afternoon of Saturday the 19th, for the Flitch Way Action Group. As I'm a committee member for the latter I can't easily get out of this. The weekends either side would be possible with a bit of re-arranging of commitments, though.

I'm leaning towards the 12/13th at the moment, how does that suit?

If 19/20th is still the best option for the majority we can still go ahead, but I'll ride another weekend, so no 'Man Friday-ing' around the route on my part, but I can still provide the whole church hall, tlc, breakfast thing.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 21 July, 2015, 05:39:30 pm
 12/13 is good for me, as I've got a ticket home on the 16th and can come over on the 11th.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 21 July, 2015, 06:16:57 pm
I wouldn't be able to make that weekend.  Small matter of birthday, which as much as it would be a memorable experience to spend it curled up in the vicinity of a sweat encrusted randonneur who is snoring at one end and exhaling cake fumes at the other, I can think of better ways to spend that night :)

The other weekends in September are currently OK though.  At least I've not been told their not :)

No worries though.  I'm not green around the gills and so will revert to a solo perm if need be.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: ramchip on 21 July, 2015, 06:30:30 pm
Any time in September is good for me.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 21 July, 2015, 06:47:52 pm
I agree that 12/13 beats 26/27 and I'm OK for the weekend itself but I'm stuffed for Fri 11th so I'd be joining you from a red-eye out of Liv St first thing on the Sat
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: tonyh on 21 July, 2015, 07:31:26 pm
Can't do 26/27
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: L CC on 21 July, 2015, 08:08:56 pm
12/13 is a riding weekend  :thumbsup:

Or maybe a catering weekend. See how we feel. All yours though Tomsk!
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: jsabine on 21 July, 2015, 09:47:34 pm
12/13 clashes with the shiny! new! ACH hilly 300 from Greenwich, which might be a rival attraction for some of your potential recruits.

(And I can't make it, despite it starting 10 minutes from my house, because my parents have inconsiderately invited themselves to stay.)
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Wobbly on 21 July, 2015, 10:20:12 pm
12/13th means I'm out I'm afraid.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Lady Cavendish on 22 July, 2015, 08:59:27 am
Watching thread as I like the idea of a group ride but could only get a pass for the 26/27, will see what happens on here......
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 22 July, 2015, 11:12:49 am
Can do any September weekend. My only reason for preferring an early-September date is the cliff the weather tends to fall off as you move through September.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Bus Shelter Bertie on 23 July, 2015, 10:29:00 am
Interest from me too - a late 600 is always appreciated. Both 12/13 or 19/20 are particularly good for me.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: cygnet on 23 July, 2015, 01:22:43 pm
I'm provisionally interested in joining too.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 24 July, 2015, 11:30:22 am
12/13th is out, due to existing hall bookings: back to the following weekend [got to get confirmation from the church administrator] - I may just be able to fit in TLC duties: unlocking/locking-up St Mary's Centre, food and drink, bag drop etc around the carnival on Saturday.

I'll probably take time off during the week sometime in the month to get my 600 in, as re-arranging STUFF on those other weekends is going to be a hassle.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: BikinOn on 25 July, 2015, 09:41:06 am
I believe I'm free every weekend in September, so I'm up for it. Tell us more about your thoughts about the course, I think I've been to Hull and back enough for this year  ;D

What about finding some thing vaguely approaching a hill to throw in there? That would be a breath of fresh air after the Fens wind  :)
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 25 July, 2015, 04:42:23 pm
A rough outline would be:

Start - Dunmow [Early]

Manningtree Station Buffet [2nd breakfast]

Asparagus and Strawberries route: Ixworth, Halesworth, Acle and Wells,

then Barton Mills and back to base for a sleep. [Missing out Saffron Walden]

Then pick a 200km route [allowing say 12 hours] for Sunday, giving about 3 hours sleep early in the morning if the first 400 can be done in under 24 hours.

I'll have to look at precise distances, but that would work well timing-wise, particularly with 'full-value' first-timers and a 14.3 minimum speed - ie a couple of hours or so in hand, 'just-in-case', over the 22-24h 400 + 3h sleep + 12 hour 200.
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 25 July, 2015, 05:05:11 pm
All sounding good to me
Title: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 25 July, 2015, 07:02:13 pm
We have the go-ahead for 18/19th September, though there will be a large wedding at the church on the Saturday and I've been asked if there are more than about 6 cars, can we park in the Recreation Ground car park up the road instead.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: jefmcg on 25 July, 2015, 07:36:52 pm
Still interested, but still "maybe"

September is wide open for me.

I'd be coming from Twickenham, without a car.  50 miles starting ride would do me in ... oh, skip that.  LST->Stansted start at 3.40am on Saturdays, so I'm good.

Serious assessment of my likely speed to follow.  Don't want to spoil it for everyone  by dragging you to DNF velocity.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Phil W on 25 July, 2015, 09:50:41 pm
Is this being seen as a group full value ish ride?
Title: Re: September 600km
Post by: Lars on 25 July, 2015, 10:40:43 pm
A rough outline would be:

Start - Dunmow [Early]

Manningtree Station Buffet [2nd breakfast]

Asparagus and Strawberries route: Ixworth, Halesworth, Acle and Wells,

then Barton Mills and back to base for a sleep. [Missing out Saffron Walden]

Then pick a 200km route [allowing say 12 hours] for Sunday, giving about 3 hours sleep early in the morning if the first 400 can be done in under 24 hours.

I'll have to look at precise distances, but that would work well timing-wise, particularly with 'full-value' first-timers and a 14.3 minimum speed - ie a couple of hours or so in hand, 'just-in-case', over the 22-24h 400 + 3h sleep + 12 hour 200.

Sounds good indeed. If it won't turn out to pan out as a group ride from start to finish that route will give me the option to do my std
Asp & Str diversion from Barton Mills to Cambridge, and have a sleep break at home. With a 6 am start from Dunmow means
reaching Cambridge after roughly 380k at a spot-on natural sleep break time and distance.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: jsabine on 26 July, 2015, 01:00:28 am
Hmm. This is sounding plausible.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 03 August, 2015, 02:29:09 pm
As it's the weekend of the 19th, I'll block out those days so I can take part.  A much more pleasant (and civilised) prospect than a solo permanent in Wales that I had in mind if this didn't come together.

I've done a few audax rides in my time, so look forward to being bossed around to get up the road and sort out food orders etc.  Or to provide slipstream/shepherding services as necessary.  Should such help be called upon.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 03 August, 2015, 08:36:56 pm
How about something like this:

Churchend 0km

Sible Hedingham 24km [ATM/garage]

Manningtree Station Buffet 63km [big breakfast]

Ixworth 112km [village shop]

Halesworth 164km [pub/café/shops]

Acle via Reedham Ferry 203km [co-op]

Wells 270km [Chippy/pub/co-op, or co-op/takeaway in Melton Constable 20km before Wells]

Barton Mills 349km [24 hour garage]

Churchend 411km [pasta meal, breakfast]

Newmarket 465km [Wetherspoons breakfast at the Golden Lion]

Snetterton Park café 516km [open until 4pm Sundays]

Sudbury 573km [McDonalds]

Churchend 609km [Angel and Harp - food until about 8pm-ish Sunday or just beer and a takeaway]

Minimum distances according to Mrs Google and her walking boots - route, as you may be able to tell is based on the Asparagus and Strawberries, with the Horsepower 200 reversed and Sudbury with it's McDs a better bet than Lavenham late in the day.

You'll have to see how that fits with possible schedules based on preferred average speeds and sleep needs. St Mary's Centre is available for pre-ride sleepover, so an early start [say 05:00] is possible - 400km in 22-24 hours shouldn't be too much for most, a few hours kip back in the church hall, then 12-13 hours for the final 195km...

I reckon if we get around 6-10 riders I can cover the hall costs plus food before and at 411km for about £5 a head. If a route can get general approval soon, we should get DIY perm cards applied for asap, what with PBP looming and summer hols etc.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 03 August, 2015, 09:03:57 pm
I don't know the area or route so can't comment on those, but v happy with the proposed pre-ride overnight stay and crack of dawn start.

I appreciate that the "Audax thing" is to drive entry costs as low as possible, but £5 for effectively 2 night's b&b doesn't feel realistic - I'll be happy to pay a more realistic amount.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Veloman on 03 August, 2015, 09:57:00 pm
^^^^ Always possible to donate money to organiser to use for useful charitable causes (including supporting Steve on his mission).
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 03 August, 2015, 11:18:29 pm
411km for a sleep stop feels a tad deep if this is pitched as a ride for neophytes.  IMHO something around 385km works well, as many people hit their low point at 2am (so 385 means all but the most pedestrian  sleep through it with a 5am start).  It also reduces night riding, which in September will be more of an issue.

But I will ride whatever. Just the thing that struck me.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 04 August, 2015, 05:50:16 am
^^^^ Always possible to donate money to organiser to use for useful charitable causes (including supporting Steve on his mission).
Yep, fine with me
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 04 August, 2015, 05:56:29 am
411km for a sleep stop feels a tad deep if this is pitched as a ride for neophytes.  IMHO something around 385km works well, as many people hit their low point at 2am (so 385 means all but the most pedestrian  sleep through it with a 5am start).  It also reduces night riding, which in September will be more of an issue.

But I will ride whatever. Just the thing that struck me.
My 400km "norm" is 23-24 hrs (I've never had time for a sleep stop on a 400), so +1 to what Hillbilly says here
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 04 August, 2015, 09:17:20 am
Agree about the timing of sleep stop. I'll try and re-jig things a bit soon, just thinking about lifting whole sections of my existing rides. 2x300s is another option.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: BikinOn on 04 August, 2015, 01:51:22 pm
Must admit I tend to look to sleep nearer the 320 to 350k mark. OTOH I'm so used to a bivvy bag in a field, Im not sure I'd be able to sleep in a church hall  :)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Veloman on 04 August, 2015, 01:54:56 pm
^^^^  Plenty of grass outside church hall for you and your bivvy bag!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: teethgrinder on 04 August, 2015, 03:31:08 pm
Agree about the timing of sleep stop. I'll try and re-jig things a bit soon, just thinking about lifting whole sections of my existing rides. 2x300s is another option.

Barton Mills has a Travelodge.
I will keep an eye on this and might join you at a control or even some of the ride.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 04 August, 2015, 05:48:09 pm
Agree about the timing of sleep stop. I'll try and re-jig things a bit soon, just thinking about lifting whole sections of my existing rides. 2x300s is another option.

Barton Mills has a Travelodge.
I will keep an eye on this and might join you at a control or even some of the ride.

^ Be good to see you TG, especially seeing as the September Group Perm 600 was originally your 'thing'.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 04 August, 2015, 07:37:31 pm
I'm a definitely maybe.  Or rather a maybe definitely.

I'm not going to Paris, but a wedding.  And I bombed out of my first, and only, 600 (E&W Coast) after 420k.  It'd be nice to get my SR this year.

Doing Hackney's Greenwich Mean Climbs the weekend before as well.

18/19/20th Should be fine.  Provided I'm not in Portugal....which I should hear about soon.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 04 August, 2015, 09:26:21 pm
Looks like it will be hard to keep everyone happy with sleep times...

Actually I quite liked the Norfolkngood Audax approach on the 2011 Seething 600, with 300km first day, 100km loop into the night before bedtime/sleep early and ride into the dawn, then a second day of 200km. I thought stopping before 400km would be wrong, but it worked for me, but then I'm pretty adaptable.

My preference as [outlined upthread] would be to knock out a 400km loop in under 24 hours [not too many café stops], gain a decent bit of sleep time [bearing in mind 14.3km/hour minimum speed] then leave 12 hours plus for a shorter second day of 200km, even if this means sleeping into a bit of Sunday's daylight and a late evening finish.

Had an email from church admin today to say they miscalculated the hire cost, so it will be a bit more - £7-10 more likely, including food.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 04 August, 2015, 09:58:36 pm
Tomsk, put in place whatever you feel will work as most things can be worked around.  I really like the prospect of the church hall as a sleep stop.  Don't feel under pressure to come up with the perfect split :)

Looking forward to this.  The social aspect of AUK when facing a challenge (600km is easy for nobody!) is one of the cool things about our community.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 07 August, 2015, 08:10:58 am
Ok - settling on this, [sort out your own cards/DIY by GPS etc]:

Churchend 0km

Sible Hedingham 24km [ATM/garage]

Manningtree Station Buffet 63km [big breakfast]

Ixworth 112km [village shop]

Halesworth 164km [pub/café/shops]

Acle via Reedham Ferry 203km [co-op]

Wells 270km [Chippy/pub/co-op, or co-op/takeaway in Melton Constable 20km before Wells]

Barton Mills 349km [24 hour garage]

Churchend 411km [pasta meal, breakfast]

Newmarket 465km [Wetherspoons breakfast at the Golden Lion]

Snetterton Park café 516km [open until 4pm Sundays]

Sudbury 573km [McDonalds]

Churchend 609km [Angel and Harp - food until about 8pm-ish Sunday or just beer and a takeaway]

Initial approval from Manotea for me being your controller, saving trips up to Dunmow High Street for receipts at start, half-way and finish. [Though on previous form, the arrivee is likely to be at the Angel and Harp...] St Mary's Centre is booked for us for Friday and Saturday over-nights - we can sort out the exact costs at the time, depending on exact numbers, but let's say £10/head for B&B.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 07 August, 2015, 08:39:28 am
In the spirit of supporting the neophytes (ie me) please, would someone mind giving some guidance on how to "sort out cards/DIY by GPS etc" - I've only ever ridden calendar events. Even a link would be good if there's somewhere where it's all explained in easy / simple steps. Thx ...
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: L CC on 07 August, 2015, 08:57:17 am
Before you ride, you need to buy an entry here ( from Paul Stewart.
Then submit this form, ( and enter with Mr O'Tea (The South East DIY Organiser) if you all put 'Tomsk's September 600' as the additional details on he will sort it out for you.
Nominally Paul may not be 'your' DIY organiser, but as Tomsk has arranged to be your controller and already OK'd the route with him, it's probably easier to all go with the same organiser.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 07 August, 2015, 09:49:00 am
Before you ride, you need to buy an entry here ( from Paul Stewart.
Then submit this form, ( and enter with Mr O'Tea (The South East DIY Organiser) if you all put 'Tomsk's September 600' as the additional details on he will sort it out for you.
Nominally Paul may not be 'your' DIY organiser, but as Tomsk has arranged to be your controller and already OK'd the route with him, it's probably easier to all go with the same organiser.
Much appreciated, and will do  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: U.N.Dulates on 07 August, 2015, 12:43:26 pm
Well, work project has gone south so turns out I'm now free that weekend. Provisionally interested in coming over for a trip to the flatlands.

Now, just to find a 300 to make up the SR.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 07 August, 2015, 01:58:51 pm
Having a tandem to hide behind on the flatlands would be a boon :D

(I will send off my entry to Paul sometime this month.  Depending on the size/mix of the group, and the feasibility of getting a control when Tom isn't to hand etc, I may be selfish on the day and try to get around the 411km in less than 20 hours.  I really don't get on with cycling between 2am and 4am which a 22/24 hour schedule would suggest.  I'll then be in better shape to ride with the bunch on the Sunday).
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: U.N.Dulates on 07 August, 2015, 04:35:12 pm
It certainly would, and having taken a look at the A&S and Horsepower routes this looks very tandem friendly.

I can't see that being us though, it's not nearly long enough since the National 400 for the AUK MIB to have been round and visited Mrs Dulates. I'll have to get the half bike out (or find another stoker).
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Veloman on 07 August, 2015, 05:46:45 pm
Now, just to find a 300 to make up the SR.

Easy: ( (
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 11 August, 2015, 11:59:48 am
Right then.  I think I've entered (forms completed, confirmation emails received, credit card docked).  All I need to do now is stay upright on the bike for the next 5 weeks and do the necessary to appease the weather gods.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 11 August, 2015, 01:28:03 pm
(Am starting to hum and haw about this.  I remembered that a certain TV show starts up on the 19th and we usually have a party to celebrate.  And I am thinking of doing a local 10km run on the 20th.  And I am starting to like the idea of a 370ish+230ish=600 DIY with a sleep and food stop at home on the August BH weekend).
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 11 August, 2015, 07:51:05 pm
Yo, just about to sign on the dotted line for this.  Just to confirm that's a 5:00am start time on Friday 18th.  With a little sleep over on Thursday 18th?

Sounds lovely lovely.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 11 August, 2015, 08:59:52 pm
Yo, just about to sign on the dotted line for this.  Just to confirm that's a 5:00am start time on Friday 18th.  With a little sleep over on Thursday 18th?

Sounds lovely lovely.

Nnnoo...the sleepover starts on the Friday evening sometime [whenever I can get everyone out of the Angel and Harp] - I booked the overnights of 18th & 19th at St Mary's Centre. Ride start provisionally 05:00 SATURDAY to get to Manningtree for breakfast at 08:00-ish etc etc...
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 11 August, 2015, 10:33:59 pm
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 12 August, 2015, 10:26:39 pm
oopla, all entered.

Now, provided I manage to ECE to and from Old Roads and Drove Roads, that'll be an SR.

Enjoy Paris, all those brave enough.  I'm off to wedding.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 18 August, 2015, 05:06:16 am
Before you ride, you need to buy an entry here ( from Paul Stewart.
Then submit this form, ( and enter with Mr O'Tea (The South East DIY Organiser) if you all put 'Tomsk's September 600' as the additional details on he will sort it out for you.
Nominally Paul may not be 'your' DIY organiser, but as Tomsk has arranged to be your controller and already OK'd the route with him, it's probably easier to all go with the same organiser.
Being asked by Paul for "a list of controls or DIYSE number". Can one of the more experienced DIY-ers tell me how to answer this please. Thx ...
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: tonyh on 18 August, 2015, 10:47:46 am
That's where you put what Fboab said, "Tomsk September 600".
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 18 August, 2015, 12:06:54 pm
That's where you put what Fboab said, "Tomsk September 600".
That's what I did!  I'll try Paul again
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: tonyh on 18 August, 2015, 01:00:22 pm
Apols for inadequate reply!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 18 August, 2015, 02:22:34 pm
That's where you put what Fboab said, "Tomsk September 600".
That's what I did!  I'll try Paul again
From Paul Stewart (who has been the epitome of courtesy and helpfulness): "DIYs are organised on a regional basis, so if you were to register with Tomsk local Org then such advice would be correct. Alas, I know nothing of such a ride. The thing to do is ask Tomsk to forward the relevant details."
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Juneyt on 22 August, 2015, 09:53:11 am
Hi, I have submitted the entry form but received no conformation yet.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: vorsprung on 22 August, 2015, 05:14:17 pm
I've booked time off work for this.  But it is simply a right royal PITA getting to Stansted, for me, from Devon.   So I am out

I have to get across London, it's a 3.5 hour train ride from Bristol, plus whatever from Devon.  Coming back on Sunday night is not possible so I'd have to stay over in a hotel Sunday night and come back Monday

The train journey includes a tube train section, so I'd have to ride across London if it was busy

I looked at all of this and thought.  "Or I could do a DIY from home".  I think you can appreciate that despite wanting to ride with other people (esp. Undulates and Veloman) it's just so much less fuss to roll out of my own back door

If anyone actually wants to do a DIY 600 from chez Vorsprung on the weekend in question consisting of Uffculme/Honiton/Lyme Regis/Clevedon/Bridgwater/South Molton/Uffculme day 1, Uffculme to Marlbourgh and back day 2 then hey, get in touch.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 24 August, 2015, 07:12:32 pm
Ok...back from planet PBP and thoughts turn again to the September 600. Can prospective riders pm/email me their intentions, especially as to eta on Friday 18th.

As I've already mentioned, it is carnival weekend and that means it's beer fest time at the nearby Angel and Harp, so they will be busier than usual. You may want to eat elsewhere Friday and Sunday evenings. Also let me know preferences for food after the first 400km back at base - I was thinking of sausages in a tomato sauce with pasta/rice - quick and easy to do, but any vegetarians?? I'll get some Audax staples in too, malt loaf, rice pud and fruit etc as well as breakfast stuff.

You'll be able to leave sleeping bags etc at St Mary's Centre, but I'll have to move stuff up to my house [to be collected from there later] on Sunday morning, as the room will be used by the church.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Ivan on 25 August, 2015, 11:14:47 am
I'm quite tempted by this, as going hyper-fixed is very appealing, but need to get Greenwich Mean Climb out the way before planning anything else.

Could I join you from Manningtree if that's ok? That way can get an early train from London on Sat and ride back home (probably along the LEL route) after you finish for my own DIY600.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 25 August, 2015, 08:42:27 pm
The definitive list of controls and [minimum] distances [Mrs Google's walking boots]:

Churchend 0km

Sible Hedingham 24km [ATM/garage]

Manningtree Station Buffet 63km [big breakfast]

Ixworth 112km [village shop]

Halesworth 164km [pub/café/shops]

Acle via Reedham Ferry 203km [co-op]

Wells 270km [Chippy/pub/co-op, or co-op/takeaway in Melton Constable 20km before Wells]

Barton Mills 349km [24 hour garage]

Churchend 411km [pasta meal, breakfast]

Newmarket 465km [Wetherspoons breakfast at the Golden Lion]

Snetterton Park café 516km [open until 4pm Sundays]

Sudbury 573km [McDonalds]

Churchend 609km [Angel and Harp - food until about 8pm-ish Sunday or just beer and a takeaway]

Route, as you may be able to tell is based on the Asparagus and Strawberries, with the Horsepower 200 reversed and Sudbury with it's McDs a better bet than Lavenham late in the day.

You'll have to see how that fits with possible schedules based on preferred average speeds and sleep needs. St Mary's Centre is available for pre-ride sleepover, so an early start [say 05:00] is possible - 400km in 22-24 hours shouldn't be too much for most, a few hours kip back in the church hall, then 12-13 hours for the final 195km...

I reckon if we get around 6-10 riders I can cover the hall costs plus food before and at 411km, for about £10 each.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 25 August, 2015, 10:07:17 pm
Now minded to do this.  I can catch Dr Who on iPlayer etc.  will make final decision after BH weekend.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 26 August, 2015, 03:35:44 pm
I'm quite tempted by this, as going hyper-fixed is very appealing, but need to get Greenwich Mean Climb out the way before planning anything else.

Could I join you from Manningtree if that's ok? That way can get an early train from London on Sat and ride back home (probably along the LEL route) after you finish for my own DIY600.

...Sure, Ivan - eta Manningtree is around 08:00-09:00 with a stop for a decent brekky. DIY-ers all welcome to their own add-ons riding from home/station etc.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: cygnet on 27 August, 2015, 10:37:57 pm
Well I think I've entered - my first DIY so not certain I've done it right!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 27 August, 2015, 10:46:10 pm
Got my confirmation of entry from Paul earlier...I'm good to go and apprehensive.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 28 August, 2015, 05:27:14 am
Got my confirmation of entry from Paul earlier...I'm good to go and apprehensive.
Received mine now too
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 28 August, 2015, 07:03:21 pm
My entry has been sent off to Paul.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 28 August, 2015, 08:55:30 pm
Can I check.  Is the intention to do this using traditional DIY or DIY by gPS?
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: daveco on 04 September, 2015, 09:42:19 pm
My DIY entry is submitted. Will join at Manningtree and depart at Sudbury.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 05 September, 2015, 09:54:15 am
Can I check.  Is the intention to do this using traditional DIY or DIY by gPS?

Whatever you want - it's your DIY...

Receipts won't be a problem with the A&S controls, though if running late on Sunday, Snetterton Park café closes at 16:00, though I see it's the British Truck Racing Championships that weekend, so it should be possible to get proof of passage at the race circuit entry-gate office.

I can stamp cards, with Manotea's approval, at my [Dunmow] end.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: HK on 05 September, 2015, 11:49:27 am
You've done it again Tomsk.  Was going to ride Postie's event but this would finish off my double trike series so I'm cracking rapidly to swap out to this.  Don't know if the trike will keep up with a group though.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 06 September, 2015, 08:29:42 pm
Not sure how much of a group ride this will be, sleep needs at 400km will possibly vary too...

One point to note: I've been advised there is a big wedding on 19th, so can riders please park at the top end of the church car park? There won't be that many of us and we'll be there all weekend, so tucked away is best. I'll remind folk when they arrive anyway...

We're having W1nd0ze 10 'issues' at Tomsk Towers, so I've no access to my route sheets or gps for the A&S and Horsepower right now. [Still got paper copies of course.] They might pop up on the AUKweb 2016 calendar when I get busy on the organiser's planner soon.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: BikinOn on 06 September, 2015, 08:49:21 pm
Not sure how much of a group ride this will be, sleep needs at 400km will possibly vary too...
Yeah, 2am and I turn into a pumpkin! With a 5am start I probably could do 400k, but sleeping in a field is part of the 600k experience!

I still need to sign up for this. I take it we're doing the "passing through these points" thing, not the new "following this GPS track"?

We're having W1nd0ze 10 'issues' at Tomsk Towers
So you feel for the MS BS too! After all the probs with it, never mind its security minefield, I over wrote it with Linux on my laptop - which now works much better  :)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 06 September, 2015, 09:05:18 pm
Not sure how much of a group ride this will be, sleep needs at 400km will possibly vary too...

As someone with a high probability of falling off the back of the train before reaching 400km I'd applaud this pragmatic approach for three reasons: it gives me "permission" to fall off the back should I need to (and find myself a convenient field / bus shelter / etc.), it would save me from the guilt of worrying that others were missing out on their more convenient sleeping arrangements for my sake, and most importantly I'll still know where you all will be at the target re-start time on Day 2 so I have the major benefit of knowing there's a group for me to re-join in the morning regardless of when and where I end up crashing for the night.

Fingers crossed that you solve your IT hassles - without a GPS I'm as good as blindfolded.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 07 September, 2015, 12:38:11 pm
Dear Audax Gods

Please show us your divine benevolence and keep this high pressure sat on top of the UK for two more weeks (or if it has to go away, make it a temporary absence so that it comes back in around 10 days time....)  It has been such a stinky summer, it would be nice to have a little payback.

Your most faithful and humble servant
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 07 September, 2015, 03:21:03 pm
Fingers crossed that you solve your IT hassles - without a GPS I'm as good as blindfolded.

I'm not able to ride this, as it's our wedding anniversary on Friday — plus I seem to have ridden both Asparagus and Strawberries and The Horsepower twice each already this year, three times might be excessive — but since I already have all the routes set up on RWGPS, here goes:

I've used the Horsepower normal direction route from Newmarket to Dunmow for the tail of the first 400 (missing out Saffron Walden), plus the obvious connecting route from Dunmow to Sible Hedingham to make Asparagus pass thru Churchend — I don't know if that was your intent, Tom, but it seemed the obvious ones, as they're both already route-checked.  You end up riding both those legs in both directions, so perhaps you had something else in mind?

Total on-road (versus Google walks) comes in at just over 630km (assuming the changes I put in are those Tom intended), so it's definitely a full-value ride, but with the reduced BR minimum of 14.3kph you'll have an extra 2 hours over BRM time for the over-distance — and as it's a flat course then nobody should worry about this (Essex, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Norfolk are four of the five flattest counties in England (, and probably the other members of the Union).

Once confirmed I'm happy to spit out the usual TCX/GPX/GPX500 sets for y'all.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 07 September, 2015, 04:04:30 pm
You're a gent  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 07 September, 2015, 04:29:21 pm
Thanks Wilkyboy - I was thinking of Barton Mills, Tuddenham, Barrow, Hargrave, Poslingford, Clare, Stambourne and Finchingfield for the return on the 400 section - it's marginally the shortest route though a little hillier and laney-er than via Kennet, Moulton, B1085/1063 which might be better at night.

Via Newmarket is ok too, but as you point out, it's the outbound way on the next day's route...I'd hate to deprive riders of the experience that is Newmarket at club chucking-out time, though!  ;D

So, I'm sitting on the fence on this one.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 07 September, 2015, 05:55:28 pm
I've added a C2 route via Barrow, Clare et al to RWGPS and it's 400m shorter and 18m taller (if that doesn't sound too much like an oxymoron).  A bit of G&YF in reverse in there, methinks.

There is an alternative that's 500m shorter again and 14m shorter too (???), but the navigation is far less obvious in the dark and there are a LOT of twists in the lanes, which are likely to be gravelly, so I haven't plotted that one (it's just after Denston and avoids Stansfield).

C2 does look like a lovely laney route and almost a waste to use at night, but not quite close enough to Newmarket to use on the Sunday instead.  When you get the chance you can compare and contrast. 

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 07 September, 2015, 11:30:07 pm
Night stage - Direct but traffic light works best methinks. Ideally with wide enough Tarmac to allow group riding with room to wiggle round road features and creatures. Laney and scenic just wastes time if it's dark, and can get tedious very quickly for those who are feeling the miles.  Different during the daytime, of course.  IMO.

Looking forward to this.  Whilst I'm an old hand, I always feel daunted by the idea of riding nigh on 400 miles.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 08 September, 2015, 12:36:00 am
I have a feeling that C(1) is the better night route, although I admit to liking lanes at night if I'm on my own or in a pair.  It's a long, draggy climb out of Newmarket, which after 350km of light-rolling can be a surprise to the system, but in the dark you'll probably not notice unless there are lights ahead of and above you.  The return leg in the morning on the same route has a long, draggy climb the other way, but I've never ridden it that way in night or day.  It will then have a long, easy descent to Newmarket and breakfast. 

C(1) definitely has the easier navigation in the dark, but with GPS you shouldn't go wrong either way and I have a feeling Tomsk knows his way without either routesheet or any of this newly fangled BlinkenLichten stuff.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: BikinOn on 13 September, 2015, 01:47:43 pm
Probability of me doing this ride seems to be dropping  :(  It's possible I might still make it, but the work gods do not seem to be favouring it at the moment.

I hope those who do make it have a good ride and I'll hang on to the GPS tracks in case I fancy doing my own DIY 600 later in the year.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: tonyh on 13 September, 2015, 03:46:54 pm
I'm a non-starter, sorry Tom, must finally admit to not being up to it at the moment. Sorry about the late notice after deliberating for too long.

Wishing everyone an excellent weekend!

Tony Hull
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 13 September, 2015, 04:30:30 pm
Well I'm still in :)

But the forecast currently looks character building :(

Will we get a Tomsk blessed GPS track or routesheet?  Or are these simply an amalgam of the 400 and 200 routes?
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 13 September, 2015, 05:11:12 pm
I'm still in too. I trust the forecasts more than I do the Met Office (h/t to Marcusjb for introducing me to and YR's forecast looks OK. However, either way I'm not going to worry too much about the forecast this far in advance - even 2 or 3 days ago the forecast for this weekend was pretty bleak but it's been great cycling weather.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 14 September, 2015, 05:07:55 pm
Will we get a Tomsk blessed GPS track or routesheet?  Or are these simply an amalgam of the 400 and 200 routes?

The latter. Email still on the blink anyway. Trying to type cohrntly here is a nightmare...bloody computers
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 14 September, 2015, 08:36:55 pm
Will we get a Tomsk blessed GPS track or routesheet?  Or are these simply an amalgam of the 400 and 200 routes?

The latter. Email still on the blink anyway. Trying to type cohrntly here is a nightmare...bloody computers

Basically if you're riding with Tom then follow his lead — he's like a homing pigeon around these parts. 

I suspect by the time you get to Barton Mills then it will be somewhat after 1am, going by Asparagus&Strawbs times, and the fact you're two hours away from the A&S start point, starting from Dunmow.  At this point there are three generally agreed routes from there to Gt Dunmow (and bed):

C1) Head directly to Newmarket (without using the A11) and follow the main(-ish) roads from there via Thaxted to Gt Dunmow — you will head back up this way in the morning for breakfast.
C2) Head to Barrow and make your way to Clare and then Finchingfield, Gt Bardfield and Dunmow — this is a scenic route, and it's a shame to ride at night, but it's easy navigation if you have a blinky-lights-box.
C3) Head to Moulton and make your way to Clare etc. — again a scenic route, slightly more scenic I think, and a shame to ride at night.

All three are within a km of each other distance-wise and a couple of house's height in terms of climbing, so it's really down to you, if you're on your own (or not in Tom's group) — you could toss a coin and you wouldn't be disappointed. 

I've created the RWGPS routes for all three (C1, C2 and C3) and I'll try to spit out the GPX/TCX files for you tonight.  I won't guarantee there aren't minor (very minor) errors, but they are based on my routes for Tom's running of the calendar events, so they're as blessed as any (and well-tested, of course, except the new bits).  If I was on my own then I'd ride either C1 or C2 depending on my mood and energy at the time; if I was in a group then I'd be happy to stick with the group and ride whichever.

As to route sheets — Tom's A&S route sheet is available from AUK website, but I'm guessing there isn't a reverse-Horsepower one, and of course none of the extra Dunmow sections.

But I would reiterate: if you're still in Tom's group at Barton Mills then you can just turn off the blinky-box and follow his wheel as he homes in on ... home  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 14 September, 2015, 09:22:20 pm
Borrowed a laptop, so everything works  :thumbsup:

Just to confirm - I won't be riding myself until next week or the week after. I'll be doing the TLC thing: making tea, cooking food, tucking up in bed, silly o'clock alarm calls, lying about how easy the last 200km is etc...

I'll open the hall ['St Mary's Centre' CM6 2AE - the smaller hall past the church, by the car park] from about 19:30. The pub [Angel and Harp] does food until about 20:30, but will be busy: beer fest. for carnival. You might prefer to get a takeaway and eat at the hall.

Sleep on hall floor [bring your own bedding - either leave for me to store or put in your vehicle] breakfast at 04:00, leave 05:00, return most likely early Sunday, when I'll provide a pasta meal, including veggy option, bit of kip, leave by about 11:00 at latest for final 200km on 'full value' schedule [most likely around 07-08:00 after 3-4 hours sleep], back by last orders for a full 42 hours diy experience, if you want. I can stamp cards at start, 400km and possibly finish...I may be at the A&H, but if not it will be another receipt for 'Brevidence'.

You'll have to work out your own route sheet/maps or use Wilkyboy's gps tracks.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 14 September, 2015, 11:00:45 pm
Just to confirm - I won't be riding myself until next week or the week after. I'll be doing the TLC thing: making tea, cooking food, tucking up in bed, silly o'clock alarm calls, lying about how easy the last 200km is etc...

You'll have to work out your own route sheet/maps or use Wilkyboy's gps tracks.

Aaah, an old-skool randonnée — nice!  :thumbsup:

UPDATE:  you can download your flavour of GPX/500/TCX from here: (  I'm pretty sure these are correct, since they're basically bastardised versions of fully tested routes from earlier this year.  Each route-pack contains the full route in five parts:

The parts are numbered A to E and include cue points (TCX) and way points (GPX) for each of the controls (apart from the ones at the start and end of each part).

Please do check these before relying on them — don't wait until Friday evening before emailing me with issues, because I will be out on the town with Mrs WB and will be incommunicado.  And you'd be advised to take a map, just in case.  However, the route's not hard, just long.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: daveco on 15 September, 2015, 07:25:57 am
Many many thanks Nick!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 15 September, 2015, 08:15:24 am
Thx both Tomsk & Wilkyboy. Have set time aside tomorrow to sort out my route-planning. On Friday unlikely to be able to get away from S London before 7-ish so a takeaway in the hall likely to be my best option. Can offer a lift to one person if anyone's reasonably en route between Clapham and the depart.

How many of us are riding?
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 15 September, 2015, 10:53:16 am

How many of us are riding?

Good question! Been very loose organisation on my part - the DIY and GPS organisers will probably have a better idea! Floor space for about 10 comfortably, sardine-like maybe double that. No room for bikes in the hall, so unless left in a vehicle, you'll need a reasonable lock [which for those arriving on two wheels, can be left behind in favour of a 'cafe' lock on the ride, of course]
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 15 September, 2015, 12:36:24 pm
Cool beans. 

Weather permitting I'll be targeting a relatively pacy moving average, particularly in the first loop as I would like to have at least six hours of sleep in the church.  Single digit overnight temperatures and the current sluggish low weather fronts make this a sensible strategy for me.  I've not planned it out at all, but I'm expecting this might translate into a 36 hour ride overall for me.  20 hours to get back to the sleep stop , then 10 hours for the second day, plus six hours sleep.  Albeit this schedule will depend on on wind strength and direction.

Now to dig out route sheets and the like....
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Chris S on 15 September, 2015, 02:23:40 pm
But the forecast currently looks character building :(

Latest forecast runs show a nice ridge crossing the country over the weekend, so could be lovely. Wrap up warm at night though - especially if you're in Breckland late at night; the sandy soil can encourage some pretty low temperatures, even this time of year.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 15 September, 2015, 02:42:47 pm
But the forecast currently looks character building :(

Latest forecast runs show a nice ridge crossing the country over the weekend, so could be lovely. Wrap up warm at night though - especially if you're in Breckland late at night; the sandy soil can encourage some pretty low temperatures, even this time of year.

Ah, yes: frozen bidons in mid-April (G&YF 2013) when the forecast said +2ºC and it got down to -5ºC and below thru there ... my brake cables also froze up for a while  :o  It got up to about 18ºC the following day.

Take gloves!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 16 September, 2015, 01:32:38 pm
Am planning to get to the hall on Friday before 10pm.  Work and travelling via the M(y god why isn't this traffic moving)25 means I wont get there for 7:30.  Hopefully I'll have time for a bit of socialising beforehand.

Despite thinking I've "done it all before" this is actually the first time I've ridden more than a 300 this late in the season.  It's making decisions about what is "must have" in the saddlebag and what is "nice to have" a more considered process than usual.  I'm currently planning on a "carry what you would wear for a winter 200" approach.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Ivan on 16 September, 2015, 02:21:04 pm
I've so far been unable to secure a pass for this, so looks like I'm out.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 16 September, 2015, 02:29:01 pm
On the other hand, it looks likely that I will be accompanying HK for this
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 16 September, 2015, 03:45:58 pm
On the other hand, it looks likely that I will be accompanying HK for this

Another Essex SR  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 16 September, 2015, 04:15:21 pm
Looking at the weather, it looks like things are settling down to be "not bad" for the time of year.  This is consistent across a couple of sites (metoffice,, xcweather). 

A light wind from the north, some cloud but with some of the yella fella on Saturday, all without any wet stuff (it will have been drained from the skies on Friday).  The only slight bum note is that northerly will no doubt keep the mercury levels down, and overnight temperatures in the (high) single digits.  Could be a lot worse though (he says, looking out of the window).

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 16 September, 2015, 04:27:56 pm
The only slight bum note is that northerly will no doubt keep the mercury levels down

And a gentle push all the way from Wells-next-the-sea to Gt Dunmow — 150km tailwind — nice!  :)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 16 September, 2015, 04:28:30 pm
To every cloud a silver lining :)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 16 September, 2015, 04:34:38 pm
A tail wind whilst riding south through the night sounds ideal to me.

Assuming just the normal nightmarish level of traffic leaving S London at 7pm on a Friday I should arrive between 9 & 10. Angel & Harp or the church hall?
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: cygnet on 17 September, 2015, 11:36:10 pm
Planning to arrive 8.30pm ish for food (may be at the chippy/chinese)
Mr LWaB; I would be interested in your views on the TdTassie if you are joining us?
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 18 September, 2015, 03:52:44 pm
8-30 sounds about right for me too.

Unsure as to how much to pack...

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: marcusjb on 18 September, 2015, 04:02:17 pm
Bon courage to all riding this weekend! 

I hope the weather is kind to you all.

Look forward to hearing of all your adventures.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 18 September, 2015, 05:10:01 pm
8-30 sounds about right for me too.

Unsure as to how much to pack...

First attempt at packing for a range of 7-17 degrees would have required a backpack (nay, a team of porters). Second attempt a bit more manageable but involved breaking the seal on my winter wardrobe for the first time since April 😢

ETA still 9-10pm dependent on traffic.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: vorsprung on 18 September, 2015, 05:12:29 pm
I've entered my version

google magic maps control distances are exactly 600
The distance the gpx files is showing is 620

My plan is day 1, the saturday do the tougher half, based on IanH's Blackdown and Levels, this is 314km, basically Lyme Regis, Clevedon, South Molton.  Start at 7:30ish which gives a 11:30pm cut off (40h + 7:30am Sat = 11:30pm Sun)  Should finish day 1 before midnight.

day 2, go to Marlborough and back via Taunton and Castle Cary, total of 306km.  Get out by 6ish should be fine to get back before the cutoff
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 18 September, 2015, 05:16:09 pm
If it helps, I'll be carrying 4 layers (all thin though, no fleeces etc), waterproof, gilet, knee warmers, arm warmers, long socks, booty covers and long gloves.  And a woolly hat. 

If I'm still cold I will knock one of you unconscious, take your clothes and dispose the body  :demon:
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 18 September, 2015, 05:19:47 pm
I'll pack another layer for you. 

I want to be a warm cadaver.

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 18 September, 2015, 05:20:34 pm
booty covers?  I never pack these.  Maybe I should.  Decisions decisions.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 18 September, 2015, 05:23:33 pm
My boo-tays are thin and pack down small, but help keep the edge off the sub-tenperature.

Finishing off my fettling and will hit the roads after that. 

As I said to someone who asked, who is innocent of the ways of the Randonneur but knows I do some daft miles, this weekend is going to be fun in retrospect. 

Bloody 600s. Bloody SRs. Bloody AUK.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 18 September, 2015, 05:55:39 pm
Bloody 600s. Bloody SRs. Bloody AUK.

Hear, hear.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Phil W on 18 September, 2015, 06:19:30 pm
Bon Voyage all, may the wind be on your back, and roads forever point downhill.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 19 September, 2015, 08:00:02 am
Foggy and dark start, but lovely crisp sunrise.  Two thirds of the field at or through Manningtree startup  (65km or so).  Shaping up to be a nice day :)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 19 September, 2015, 08:01:01 am
Get on with it !

Have fun.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 19 September, 2015, 09:14:19 am
Will be trundling out of Manningtree shortly. Just digesting a big breakfast.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: tonyh on 19 September, 2015, 09:17:01 am
Wishing all riders much enjoyment! Weather still looking ok.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 19 September, 2015, 09:21:55 am
Will be trundling out of Manningtree shortly. Just digesting a big breakfast.

Ah the Manningtree Buffet breakfast.....[reverie]....usually a reward [with a pint] for completing a ride. Pint'll have to wait until tomorrow evening, I guess, unless you do the Fox and Hounds at Weasenham St Peter after Wells.

Enjoy the sunshine, should be a pleasant crossing on the Reedham Ferry. Don't forget to point out the chain's a bit slack  ::-)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 19 September, 2015, 01:59:17 pm
Reedham Ferry. That's the sound of the man working on the chain gangway....

205km in and it's a blooming nice day.  Where's me sunscreen...
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 19 September, 2015, 06:36:23 pm
Cleared Wells, now outside Fakenham. Norf**k isn't flat! Turns out sleep stop will be at 430km. Buggeration.  Better get pedalling...
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 19 September, 2015, 06:48:57 pm
Stop bloody typing and get moving you lot.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 19 September, 2015, 08:45:31 pm
Blimey! Going well...better get dinner ready for midnight.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 19 September, 2015, 09:26:12 pm
Crikey, that is rather quick, Billy!  On the calendar event we normally don't get to Wells until about 8pm, and Fakenham's another half hour from there after dinner!

Good going!  :thumbsup:

Edit: and, no, Norfolk isn't flat, but it isn't vertiginous either.  It just rolls and rolls and rolls.  And Essex rolls a bit more than that — something to look forward to in an hour or so's time  ;D
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: alotronic on 19 September, 2015, 09:56:46 pm
I was out today on the Chris Negis 200 and it was a STUNNING day, hope the 600ers enjoyed it.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 20 September, 2015, 01:05:33 am
Back at base.  Sausage pasta on the menu. This is better than some calendar events!  Now for six hours sleep with a view to be Newmarket bound at 8 :)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 20 September, 2015, 07:03:06 am
Back at base.  Sausage pasta on the menu. This is better than some calendar events!  The six hours sleep with a view to back Newmarket bound at 8 :)

Nicely done Billy — and Tom!

It's a lovely day out there when you do eventually surface, although a little chilly on the ol'mercury outside the back door at about 7ºC.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: vorsprung on 20 September, 2015, 09:33:53 am
mine didn't work out.  Day 1 went to plan - except it took about an hour longer but  when the 5am alarm went ICBA.  More details on the blog when I get around tuit
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 20 September, 2015, 10:16:07 am
Sat in Newmarket waiting for my 2nd breakfast.  It's a great day to be riding - sunny but not too warm, the gentlest of winds.  Woke this morning to the full spectrum of Randonneur faces.  The meek acceptance of a DNF, the strut of someone itching to go, the horizontal HK and the thousand yard state of LWaB.  I'm sure those who persist will get around. Can't imagine better conditions for a late season long'un.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 20 September, 2015, 07:16:45 pm
Well done to those finishers and about-to-finish...some gone 'Hyper' or Randonneur 5000 completed. Commiserations to the DNFs.

After clearing up and touching base back home, headed out to the Chelmo CTC elevenses venue: Greensted Green barn café. Lovely sunny leisurely 50 miles, after a pint for lunch at the 'Waggon and Horses' in Gt Yeldham and heading home before threeses. Cup of tea, 1/2 hour snooze, a bit of gardening. Quick visit to the Angel and Harp beer festival this evening. Quite a weekend, what with carnival commitments as well!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: cygnet on 20 September, 2015, 09:08:35 pm
Thanks Tomsk for the idea, accomdation, and food (Top notch); wilkyboy for the tracks and Richard and Adam for their company on the road. (
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 20 September, 2015, 09:33:30 pm
At home, wonder why the f**k we feel compelled to ride such stupid distances.  Will compile thoughts tomorrow - suffice to say that I am tired, sore, feel like shit but would do it all over again :)

We were really lucky with the weather.  I would say 600s are feasible in September, but realise it would have been a real battle had the elements been against us.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: ebbson on 20 September, 2015, 10:35:41 pm
Hello all,

Enormous thanks to Tom for getting the ball rolling on this and sorting out the hall and the pasta I never got to eat.

Congrats to Judith for going hyper on three wheels.

Alas, I'm DNF here, and still without a 600.  Though I did manage to wangle a night on a boat.  Or rather, someone wangled a night on a boat on my behalf...

In conclusion:
Legs - fine
Lungs - fine
Head - needs improvement

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 21 September, 2015, 08:43:34 am
The 1000-yard stare was there, for sure. I really don't like riding 400+km to the sleep stop. The cold I've been incubating since Friday certainly helped get me in the stare zone though. Solidly lanterne rouge and a DNS at work today. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Great weather and Tomsk's support was invaluable. I've ridden calendar events with fewer starters!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Juneyt on 21 September, 2015, 10:30:01 am
Thank you Tom and others who involved in making the 600k ride possible. The weather was great. I enjoyed (and suffered) a lot  :)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 21 September, 2015, 10:35:37 am
I'll do a truncated report, as I'm pondering a bigger article for Arrivee. <EDIT: Oops, I seem to have gone on a bit!>

I'm sat at home, watching Frasier whilst hazy recollections of the weekend come back in waves.  Like stepping through a fog door, snatches of a weekend that just seems like a waking dream.  My legs and hands tell me otherwise; this was definitely something done.

Tom arranged for us to gather then night before.  We were all very conscious of the 4am wake up call, so decided that retiring to ye pubbe was not sensible preparation.  Fish suppers were consumed and idle chatter about events done and going to be done.  Wind forward the clock and it was 4:15, and I pulled down my eye mask and pulled out my earplugs to realise people were "up and about".  I don't think anyone ever sleeps perfectly on a floor in a church hall, but I think I did not too badly out of it.

It was dark out.  Not cold and thankfully dry, bar the usual early autumn mist that hung in the low river valley.  It was a strange atmosphere at the start, none of the busy getting ready for a pre-defined start.  Most left around 5:10 or so, others tarried a little longer.  I played catchup, overtaking the first rider about 5km in and then two more who were fixing a puncture soon thereafter.

The dawn broke gently, in its usual way. Gently infused steel cloud, a blush of yellow and then the sun broke above the cloud.  The light fog evaporated as I powered towards Manningtree through gently rolling Essex and Suffolk lanes.  The Station at Manningtree offered coffee and bacon rolls.  They were dispatched, but I forewent the Belhaven on tap, with a certificate hanging above the bar thanking them for supporting the Yellow Fields 300 event. 

Heading northish, I picked up JJD.  The rest of the field were behind us and we rambled through the lanes of Suffolk and ventured into Norfolk.  He was having charging problems with his Garmin, but for what I think was his first 600 he seemed to be doing just fine.  The Reedham Ferry broke up our rythmn, not least because I stopped to post on yACf, and we next crossed 5km up the road in Acle.  He bounced, I stopped (my first sit down proper of the day in the Scooter Cafe, which served well made espresso albeit could do with a better blend...)

The next stage was a slog into a headwind, and the rolling roads felt harder than I'm sure they were.  The tide was out in Wells and the boats stood askance waiting for water to set them to right.  The sun had brought out the tourists and so the seafront was busy for a late September afternoon.  I decided to bounce, despite beginning to get the pangs.  I hoped there would be a garage on the way out, but the next obvious one was in Fakenham.  I loaded up and carried on.  By this point, I'd realised the sleep stop was at 430km and that I was on track to get there by 1am.  That worked for me, and was my schedule for what I'd thought was 415km, but felt an awfully long way off.

The sun set on the road south, gently dimming.  One of the disadvantages of a September 600 is that it gets dark at 7ish, when there is still a bit of traffic on the road.  Thankfully, all of the drivers gave me good room and the road surface was good, so I didn't feel too threatened by the passing cars.  But I was glad to get to Barton Mills, as that meant I could divert onto the C2 route which was more rural.  That was a mixed blessing though, as whilst the surfaces were generally good, there were few white markings on the road meaning more concentration was needed to avoid steering into the verge.  It was fine though, because there were very few fast, twisty downhills.

My light batteries ran out and I faffed around in the dark to replace them.  The replacement light was likewise dead.  Cue mild panic, but thankfully my spare batteries were full of NRG.  The low point, but it was still warm and it gave me a chance to top up my own batteries with a pack of Pop Tarts I'd carried "just in case".  The not cold night meant I only needed a vest, a long top, a gilet and (on the legs) knee warmers.  The faff was down to me not having done much night riding this year and so had overlooked some details that would have helped.  That said, I got my mind together, continued and within a couple of hours was back at base.  JJD arrived around the same time, just ahead if truth be told, but he had more difficulties than me because his lights had failed and he wasn't carrying decent spares. 

Tom was Tom.  Great host who has the experience to know what randonneurs need.  His pasta hit the spot.  The poppadom crisps even more.  I devoured and retired, set the alarm to buzz in 6 hours, woke in 5.  The bulk of people were in the room, in a range of conditions.  Clearly the 430km distance hadn't worked out well for everyone. 

I left just before 8, filled with my first breakfast.  The sun was out and I was soon down to one layer (albeit long sleeved) due to "overheating".  The legs were just about functioning, but on about 75% power.  I got to Newmarket, ate a breakfast (#2) of pancakes and porridge.  My legs and hands were starting to complain, so I decided to largely tour and survive the last 100 miles, rather than risking pushing and blowing.  The countryside of Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk is beautiful. So clear, with large panoramic vista, tree lined and large skies that seem much larger than other parts of the country.  The route picked through crisp green fields, some recently churned with that very particular smell of freshly dug agricultural land, and shaded forests.  It was never hilly, but continued to be gently rolling.  It was pleasing crossing the GPX trail, and watching the distance tick down beneath 100km to go.  That coincided with reaching what I think was a racetrack.  Sounded like trucks were out racing.

Retracing, I waved at HK and LWaB passing in the other direction (the latter looked to be in super tourist mode, holding it together, the former looked full of beans).  More rolling, more lovely scenery, the miles continued to tick down.  A shit MacDonalds in Swaffage (I think!) was enough to fill the tanks up and I was well into the last 40km.  It started to get familiar and I realised I'd ridden the roads before in the dark.  It was the run in to Great Dunmow (7 miles to go, 5 miles,...) and I freewheeled into town, turned right to the church, exchanged disbelieving remarks with JJD ("why do we do this to ourselves", "because we are crazy") and then drove home.

All in all a great weekend.  Despite not being an official event, it was a good approximation to it.  The weather really helped, but nowhere as much as Tom's hosting (and idea of doing it!) and WilkyBoy's GPS tracks.  Glad it's over, but already looking forward to the next one.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 21 September, 2015, 10:56:40 am
A great report, Billy!  Thank you  :thumbsup:

A shit MacDonalds in Swaffage Sudbury (I think!)

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Juneyt on 21 September, 2015, 11:50:59 am
Thank you Billy. This is a great article. Please put my name as "James Juneyt" or JJD :)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: vorsprung on 21 September, 2015, 11:51:39 am
My attempt at a 600 this weekend didn't work out, see blog

Can't win 'em all
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 21 September, 2015, 11:57:06 am
My attempt at a 600 this weekend didn't work out, see blog

Can't win 'em all

Good article.  On the plus side, you did a nice September 300 :)

It's disappointing how quickly the body goes all unaudax on us if you revert to "normal" cycling.  My hands and to a lesser extent my derriere were uncomfortable, to the extent that day 2 was largely an exercise is discomfort management.

I think another thing that helps get round is peer pressure.  Knowing that a DNF would be "visible" is somewhat motivating.  There is also the peculiar feeling of "letting people down" when they'd gone through the bother of putting together something to help maximise one's chances.  I'd be lying if I didn't wake at 7 and think "you know, I could just sleep longer and then drive home".  Likewise those niggles when you are on the downward arc of emotions and begin to wonder what the train connections are like.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Juneyt on 21 September, 2015, 12:11:41 pm
Billy, the MacDonalds in Sudbury was shit indeed. Later on I had to stop and throw out  :sick: whatever I eat there.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 21 September, 2015, 12:20:25 pm
It's disappointing how quickly the body goes all unaudax on us if you revert to "normal" cycling.

I'll second this: I only rode 230km yesterday, but I wanted to step off the bike at around 150 with the discomfort  :facepalm:
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 21 September, 2015, 12:22:19 pm
My attempt at a 600 this weekend didn't work out, see blog

A good write-up, thanks Vorsprung!   :thumbsup:

I've been considering doing a back-door SR next year, but I think I might try to make the overnight stops as uncomfortable as possible following your experience, given that I like a good lie-in on a Sunday.  Edit: although looking at my 2014 rides, it appears I did inadvertently manage a pseudo-back-door SR last year with a DIY, a couple of Gt Dunmow ECEs, and starting The Flatliner 600 perm from just up the road (as it passes the end of our street) — does that count?
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 21 September, 2015, 01:17:08 pm
An interesting "backdoor" variant would be to do a linear route, ideally broken up with a Friendly Floor, and get a train (or tour) back.  DIYs open up a range of choice and are therefore officially awesome for the experienced Randonneur.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 21 September, 2015, 02:20:17 pm
In terms of route, ride and weather descriptions I couldn't sum it up any better than Hillbilly so I won't try, but I'm very pleased to add my thanks to Tomsk for organising everything to perfection and for being such a motivating presence, and to Wilkyboy for the routes. Thanks also LWaB for the right words at the right time as I hit my low point at Acle. Sorry to hear you were DNF Ebbson - you seemed to be going so well whenever we crossed paths.

There are advantages and disadvantages to being a slower rider. On the plus side by the time I left Wells at 9pm the traffic had all but disappeared which made for very fast and pleasant riding on a great road surface on the section to Barton Mills. The disadvantage was not reaching the sleep stop until after 4am so only getting 2hrs sleep before the activity all around me woke me up.

I too had problems with the Sudbury McDs - a filet-o-fish that was barely cooked and was still threatening to resurface unpleasantly hours later.

I reached Dunmow a couple of minutes after 7pm - exactly a minute under 38hrs which is a pretty respectable time for me.

The only downer is that I completely screwed-up my first attempt at recording a ride by GPS, so won't get any official accreditation for this one. C'est la vie - the ride was still the ride. Back to brevet cards and receipts in the future - low tech never fails.

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: marcusjb on 21 September, 2015, 02:39:19 pm
Not being funny, but well worth a slight grink to McD's HQ - I am no fan of them, but they are usually guaranteed fairly decent grub that is a safe bet anywhere in the world.  So I am sure they would be concerned to hear that numerous people has an issue with the food at one of 'their' restaurants (they are all franchises in reality I think?).

Anyway - well done to all those riders who rode a late 600, despite getting pretty lucky with the weather, it is still not an easy undertaking (but, not wishing to take anything away from anyone, think of TG out there doing that distance every day).

Commiserations to those who didn't achieve the distance, especially whitedown man who did, but can't prove it (do you have *any* receipts?  Remember anyone that saw you at controls?  You may be able to piece together a case for the relevant people to consider whether, on balance, they think you did or did not achieve the distance etc.)
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: L CC on 21 September, 2015, 02:42:55 pm
So I am sure they would be concerned to hear that numerous people has an issue with the food at one of 'their' restaurants (they are all franchises in reality I think?).
They are. No1Daughter is a manager in the same franchise that runs Sudbury, I will sound her out and get an address for the appropriate person to complain to.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 21 September, 2015, 02:49:01 pm
That's a shame WM. What was the problem with your GPS ?
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 21 September, 2015, 03:14:08 pm
That's a shame WM. What was the problem with your GPS ?

Operator error - can't blame the machine for this one.

I'm cool with it though - I already have my SR and my RRtY ride for September so I'm willing to chalk one up to experience.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 21 September, 2015, 05:00:21 pm
My Maccie D was fine.  It was just concept of combining maple syrup and burgers that I was recalling.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: L CC on 21 September, 2015, 09:50:06 pm
So I am sure they would be concerned to hear that numerous people has an issue with the food at one of 'their' restaurants (they are all franchises in reality I think?).
They are. No1Daughter is a manager in the same franchise that runs Sudbury, I will sound her out and get an address for the appropriate person to complain to.
She says if you don't intend revisiting you should contact McD HQ details here ( This is a bad thing for the store and they get into all sorts of Big Brother trouble. Generally if you contact the store direct [01787 315 605] you'll get a grovelling apology and a free meal on your next visit.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: akin on 22 September, 2015, 08:14:06 am
A late season 600 to tick off a hyper and a randonneur 5000.

I thought I had a wedding to go to, but its this weekend, so I decided to sprend the weekend riding. I decided on thursday night. Very glad I did Nice weather and good company.

I would like to thank TOMSK for his enormous generosity in giving up his time this weekend and outlining the route. It made the whole thing more manageable and enjoyable. Knowing that there would be a friendly face, space to sleep and a hot meal at the end of the day was great.

Additionally thanks to WILKYBOY for the GPS files.

I have been struggling to motivate myself to get up from my bed  and out onto the road. The hall start was an ideal remedy to that, using the collective pressure of the other starters and riders to will me into action.

Despite a deflating inner tube in the first 10k everything else went well. I rode with Sam from the start, and after Manningtree we became a working group of 3, joined by Richard.

We move along quite nicely and managed 25km/h moving average through the first 400k. We enjoyed some decent stops for food en route. My legs were struggling to hold out when things got quick on the run back south on my 70" gear.

The long night section was a bit of a struggle for me. I had a bit of an existential crisis between Fakenham and Lakenheath. Struggling to hold the wheel and offering very little to the group. Thanks to Sam and Richard for the tow on that section as I might have struggled alone.

I was then dismayed that we would have to get to 430k as I had 411k in my head. However, other than the 10minutes shivering after barton mills the weather was not too cold; we got back around 1:30 to pasta and snacks.

We set out again at 7 after Tom providing breakfast and TLC. Rode with Sam and Richard into the sun and to a second breakfast. I turned south just after Newmarket. Some strange creaking developing from my bike on the way back. I eventually completed my 630k DIY at home just after 17.30.

In case anyone was curious it is not ideal preparation for an interview on a monday morning.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Juneyt on 22 September, 2015, 10:16:11 am
Can anyone pls help me with merging the 3 GPS files making one file/route for my Garmin for the first 400k (namely TOMS600_A, B, C2).

Since I joined the Audax begging of last month I completed 600k, 300k, 200k rides and need a 400k ride in order to get the Super Randonneur award which I intend to do this weekend.

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Juneyt on 22 September, 2015, 10:25:17 am
Thank you fboab for the McD HQ info. I have submitted the form online informing my experience at Sudbury McD. I think definitely something was wrong with the Canadian Melt burger in addition to the almost cold fries. I am not after a free meal but they should know it.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 22 September, 2015, 10:58:11 am
Can anyone pls help me with merging the 3 GPS files making one file/route for my Garmin for the first 400k (namely TOMS600_A, B, C2).

Since I joined the Audax begging of last month I completed 600k, 300k, 200k rides and need a 400k ride in order to get the Super Randonneur award which I intend to do this weekend.

Thank you in advance.

Here it is.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 22 September, 2015, 11:02:11 am
Can anyone pls help me with merging the 3 GPS files making one file/route for my Garmin for the first 400k (namely TOMS600_A, B, C2).

Hi Juneyt,

There's hardly any point joining the files — just use the three files and load the next when you arrive at the end of the previous.  It is possible to join GPXes, but can be tricky and only saves you a few seconds over 400km, so hardly any benefit.  Also, since the route is longer than 200km, it's common advice to split the route into shorter chunks anyway, since GPS units (particuarly some Garmins) tend to get a bit crazy beyond 200-300km on a route (YMMV) — for example my Garmin Edge 800 would stop giving me turn-by-turn instructions after about 360km, but wouldn't tell me it had stopped doing so!  That would put you in the dark in the lanes between Saffron Walden and Manningtree, where you probably don't want that to happen!!

Edit: if you do use Maud's then don't get maudlin — a-ha — if it goes awry beyond 300km ... IGMC :facepalm:

If you're looking for Asparagus & Strawberries GPXes, which is the 400km ride that Tom's DIY route was based on, then you can download from here:, Edit: and there's a single 400km route on that page, which I'd forgotten about.  The original A&S route is about 20km shorter than Tom's, because it doesn't divert thru Gt Dunmow.  If you do want the Dunmow bit then the link's up-thread somewheres.

And if you do decide to ride A&S, Herman Ramsey runs the permanent of the same name (Tom runs the calendar event, taking over from Herman some years past), which follows the same route, and it would be Good Form to enter that instead:  The route is identical and, although Herman's control is marked on the brevet as Red Lodge, he will accept Barton Mills services as an alternative, since Red Lodge will be closed at the time you pass through (Herman has been running the event for many years and available overnight services have changed in that time).

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: alotronic on 22 September, 2015, 11:03:10 am
Can anyone pls help me with merging the 3 GPS files making one file/route for my Garmin for the first 400k (namely TOMS600_A, B, C2).

Since I joined the Audax begging of last month I completed 600k, 300k, 200k rides and need a 400k ride in order to get the Super Randonneur award which I intend to do this weekend.

Thank you in advance.

If you mean merging routes in order to ride them then... why bother? Just load them all and press the button three times  :) Your Garmin will still record one ride. Lots of people split their rides like this anyway as Garmins seem to have issues with longer routes.

If you mean merge files AFTER you have recorded them there is a rather excellent site that does this thing and others:

Otherwise you've done some good riding there, well done!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 22 September, 2015, 11:45:43 am
What's the point ?

Well, it prevents fatigue induced fuck ups when riding a long circular route.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: wilkyboy on 22 September, 2015, 11:59:25 am
What's the point ?

Well, it prevents fatigue induced fuck ups when riding a long circular route.

Fair point, although I've suffered from more machine-induced snafus than fatigue-induced ones myself.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 22 September, 2015, 05:14:47 pm
Juneyt.  You can copy and paste the files together.  You need to simply copy the track points from the second file and paste it to the end of the first.  Ad infinitum.  Basically all of the track points should then be between a <trackseg></trackseg> block.

Just remember to save as a new file name (with .gpx on the end)

This assumes it is a gpx not a tcx file.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 26 September, 2015, 08:49:58 pm
I'll be ploughing a lonely furrow on the DIY 600 early next week...last chance this season.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Whitedown Man on 26 September, 2015, 09:04:04 pm
Bon courage 🚴🏻👍🚴🏻
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 26 September, 2015, 09:22:38 pm
Juneyt is giving the first 400 a crack this weekend.  He needs it for his SR, in his first season, having joined not to long ago.  Most impressive.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Aunt Maud on 26 September, 2015, 09:39:43 pm
"Edit: if you do use Maud's then don't get maudlin — a-ha — if it goes awry beyond 300km ... IGMC :face palm:"

Well lets hope he remembers to save his track half way round then
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: jsabine on 26 September, 2015, 11:00:40 pm
I'll be ploughing a lonely furrow on the DIY 600 early next week...last chance this season.

Monday, Tuesday start? Could feasibly be interested if you'd fancy a slightly less lonely furrow.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Juneyt on 27 September, 2015, 04:02:31 am
I have just completed the 400K+ DIY. I stuck to the last's week's schedule commenced at 05:00 am. I felt it was more difficult than the previous week's first 400K round. Again I had problem with my Garmin 1000 (even though it was brand new as I replaced the previous one on Friday).  I had two punctures at C2 route.  But it's over  :) and SR series completed.

Thank you Billy, Tom and Adam Wilson all your advice and assistance. And thanks to the Paul Steward for accepting my DIY entry in last minute.
Hope to ride with you again soon.

Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 27 September, 2015, 06:40:55 pm
I'll be ploughing a lonely furrow on the DIY 600 early next week...last chance this season.

Monday, Tuesday start? Could feasibly be interested if you'd fancy a slightly less lonely furrow.

Yes, by all means - you could get a bit of floor back here - I can supply blankets, & towels if you want a shower. I'm aiming to start tomorrow at 05:00, back here in a couple of hours under 24, out again by 08:00 for the final 200km. Our house wakes up at 06:00 for school, though...Could be three of us riding...
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: alotronic on 27 September, 2015, 07:59:57 pm
Have a good one Tom, might be the last good weather of the year!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 27 September, 2015, 08:59:54 pm
I have just completed the 400K+ DIY. I stuck to the last's week's schedule commenced at 05:00 am. I felt it was more difficult than the previous week's first 400K round. Again I had problem with my Garmin 1000 (even though it was brand new as I replaced the previous one on Friday).  I had two punctures at C2 route.  But it's over  :) and SR series completed.

Thank you Billy, Tom and Adam Wilson all your advice and assistance. And thanks to the Paul Steward for accepting my DIY entry in last minute.
Hope to ride you with you soon.

Well done that man!
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 27 September, 2015, 10:17:41 pm
Bravo, Juneyt.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: Tomsk on 29 September, 2015, 09:35:27 pm
Done it  :thumbsup:! More details on the 'Hyper' thread.
Title: Re: 18/19/20th September DIY 600km
Post by: hillbilly on 29 September, 2015, 10:05:54 pm
I've cobbled together an article.  Did anyone take any photos they'd be willing to share in the magazine?  I'd appreciate a PM if you did, so I can then collate and associate to my article. All will be acknowledged by name, of course.