Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => The Knowledge => Health & Fitness => Topic started by: De Sisti on 19 August, 2015, 05:17:46 pm

Title: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: De Sisti on 19 August, 2015, 05:17:46 pm
Anyone suffer a torn Achilles tendon before? If so, after physio etc, how long was it before all was normal again?
(Yes, I know it'll vary from person to person).
Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: Peter on 19 August, 2015, 05:38:33 pm
Terms like "torn" tend to be bandied about a bit!  I don't know if I've actually done that, but in my twenties I certainly strained one badly with running.  Unfortunately, it took weeks of no running before it was ok to try again (physio hadn't been invented then).  I suppose cases will vary but do be careful!

Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: Ben T on 19 August, 2015, 06:33:24 pm
Depends how much it is torn.
 I've had a torn calf before and nasty as it was, mainly cos it happens suddenly so affects you psychologically, I could still limp off, and was cycling within a week and back to sport in six.
Then I read on here about wowbagger had what sounded like the same thing but a lot worse. It's basically just some of the muscle fibres have snapped, but how many of them - the more, the worse it is.
Could also be a difference in nature between whether it's high up in the muscle belly or low down in the tendon.
Nasty business, hope you heal well.
Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: De Sisti on 19 August, 2015, 06:56:37 pm
Whilst playing netball (chasing the Wing Attack) I heard a "pop" and instinctively thought that
someone with two left feet ran into the back of me and accidentally kicked me. I couldn't get up
and had to be carried from the court. Subsequent hospital visit saw staff confirm torn achilles
tendon. I was offered the opportunity of an operation to repair the tear, or an Aircast boot
(with wedges to keep my foot at an angle that encourages the two ends of the tendon to heal).

Fast forward eight weeks and I'm doing the mobility exercises given to me by the hospital
physio. It's been that long since I did circuit training or go for a bike ride, so really wanted
to know if anyone otp suffered from the same injury and how long before they were back
to regular activity.
Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: hellymedic on 19 August, 2015, 07:45:24 pm
In my professional experience it is several months.
I think cycling is 'safer' for a healing Achilles than running or walking.
You should be OK on the bike a few weeks after the boot is off.
Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: Jakob on 20 August, 2015, 02:24:44 am
It's a reasonable 'common' injury in kendo and I've seen a few of them. Typically 6-9 months before returning to light/moderate activity. Full tears tend to heal faster. Did you have surgery on yours?

It's an awful injury and you have my sympathies. I think you are still some time away before you are allowed on a bike.
Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: De Sisti on 20 August, 2015, 08:11:09 pm
I was offered the choice of surgery, but the consultant said that such a procedure wouldn't necessarily speed up rehabilitation.
I can 'soft pedal' the bike to work, enough to obtain forward motion (it's only a flat one mile) and hope to be able to do circuits
again sometime in October (if the physio exercises go to plan). The cycling was one of the activities recommended by the
consultant and physiotherapist.
Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: Jakob on 21 August, 2015, 06:07:24 am
Ok, so you are not in cast?. At least that's something
Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: De Sisti on 21 August, 2015, 04:53:20 pm
I was wearing one of these:
It had 'shims' in the heel to align your foot at a certain angle to help the ends of the achilles tendon to join.
After each fortnight hospital staff would remove one of the shims.

The Consultant appeared to be guided by some sort of chart that had instructions. EG;
Week 0: leg in aircast boot with 4 shims
Week 2: remove 1 shim
Week 4: remove 2nd shim
Week 6: remove final 2 shims and start walking without crutches, putting weight on affected leg
Week 8: remove boot. Start physio.

I'm supposed to see him again in week 12 to be told that I don't need to see him again (providing
everything's going ok. But he said it's not worth it to come back for the last appointment, unless
there's a severe turn for the worst.

Hellymedic will be familiar with all of the above.
Title: Re: Torn Achilles tendon
Post by: hellymedic on 21 August, 2015, 05:29:37 pm
I would but I've been retired nearly 12 years and we hadn't really started using Aircasts much...