Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Audax => Topic started by: Wowbagger on 06 November, 2015, 08:07:20 am

Title: [HAMR] 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Wowbagger on 06 November, 2015, 08:07:20 am
Despite the finish after midnight, he is on the road at 8am and heading NW. Good luck Steve!
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Clemo on 06 November, 2015, 08:12:53 am
It's wet here  :-\ have a good day Steve I hope the weather gods are kind to you :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Shreds on 06 November, 2015, 09:18:25 am
Actually it's good to see an earlier start, perpetually drifting into post midnight finishes and evening snoozes might suggest a build up of tiredness.

However today sees a change of plan heading South to Aylesbury and no doubt beyond.

Go Steve Go.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: hillbilly on 06 November, 2015, 09:28:40 am
Next two days are typical autumn days, with a spike is  shiznitness.  It's dealing with shiznit weather like the forecast which shows what Steve is made of.  I was miserable enough on my commute in (2 miles) and took a direct route, and shifted my cycling plans for the weekend to avoid Saturday.  Hat doffed.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Wowbagger on 06 November, 2015, 09:33:56 am
Dare one ask - is there a Gibbon on the cards?
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: TheRedEyeJedi on 06 November, 2015, 09:48:19 am
Great to see an earlier start as it opens up the option of a big day if hes in the zone.    I reckon its a good change of direction too - if he can do a clockwise loop then he should get a nice tail wind home(unless an overnight is planned?)  He has been mentioning difficult ends to his day and headwinds so this could be a nice change.

Keep ticking these winter days off!
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Shreds on 06 November, 2015, 10:03:32 am
Southbound rides like this often indicate a night away, especially given his heading into hills.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Bus Shelter Bertie on 06 November, 2015, 10:16:21 am
Heading south for Florida?
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: TheRedEyeJedi on 06 November, 2015, 10:45:46 am
I was thinking maybe he was heading to Reading, Newbury, Marlborough and then back home via the south of Oxford on the roads he used loads during winter on his first attempt-  with an early start to allow for the climbing.    That route would give him a flattish century home with a tail wind.  If hes going to the coast then hes facing a tough day!   Although the wind forecast for tomorrow could be a good trade off for that effort
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: bryn on 06 November, 2015, 11:28:03 am
Tracker stopped for an hour in hills S of Amersham. Don't recall any cafes there???
Or to be more precise, no tracker update for an hour. Failed?

Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: TheRedEyeJedi on 06 November, 2015, 11:41:11 am
Tracker stopped for an hour in hills S of Amersham. Don't recall any cafes there???
Or to be more precise, no tracker update for an hour. Failed?

Just a garage + a couple of pubs that would have been shut when he arrived.... hopefully just a tracker issue
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Justin(e) on 06 November, 2015, 11:54:39 am
You guys make me nervous.  I'm sure all is ok.

Allez Steve
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: TheRedEyeJedi on 06 November, 2015, 12:07:41 pm
Looks like he did turn at that little garage and heading back onto the main road again now with tracker working ...maybe they had a café there?
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: bryn on 06 November, 2015, 12:30:22 pm
It was up a big climb from a valley with lots of cafes so must be some other reason if Steve trying to keep HR down!
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Wowbagger on 06 November, 2015, 12:58:14 pm
Looks like an out-and-back. I'm wondering if, for the winter, Steve might be taking a different approach: figure-of-8 loops centred on home. Since he has been finding fatigue catching up with him after 150 miles and having to have a kip, possibly in an inconvenient place, would it not make a bit more sense to go out early, do 120ish, have a couple of hours at home, and then go out for another 90 or so. That way, with two sets of fresh legs rather than one, he might keep his average speed up a bit.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: LeoW on 06 November, 2015, 01:16:00 pm
.... or has he just had a mechanical, jury-rigged it, and is heading home to swap bikes ?
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: TheRedEyeJedi on 06 November, 2015, 01:26:31 pm
That's what I was thinking - he stopped for close to an hour by a land rover garage, then turned around and headed back much slower than he went out
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: offcumden on 06 November, 2015, 01:30:17 pm
Short clip here -   of him leaving Amersham earlier.

But this was before his 'hold-up'.  Perhaps Idal knows more?
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: LeoW on 06 November, 2015, 02:02:52 pm
 ... his tracker has been at Waitrose in Aylesbury for an hour now.

On recent form that's longer than usual for a lunch stop.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: hillbilly on 06 November, 2015, 02:23:13 pm
They do sell nice coffee and cakes.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: TheRedEyeJedi on 06 November, 2015, 03:04:57 pm
looks like really slow progress today.   67 hours in 7 hours.  Even if 2 of those were really stationary he's still under 14mph?   Wonder if the tracker is playing up - this ride is completely different to anything we have seen recently?
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Clare on 06 November, 2015, 03:17:17 pm
5 miles from MG, could it be...
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: wajcgac on 06 November, 2015, 03:19:33 pm
Steve might have had an early sleep - looks to be going OK now and I think looking at the latest short vid on Facebook (no account required) that he seems to be packing a sleeping bag in his rack pack. (

Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: red marley on 06 November, 2015, 03:31:56 pm
Two miles from Marsh Gibbon and counting down...
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Basil on 06 November, 2015, 03:32:57 pm
Perhaps the planned lunch time snooze is a new strategy for another late finish?
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Basil on 06 November, 2015, 03:34:01 pm
Two miles from Marsh Gibbon and counting down...

That's me not doing any work for the next 15 minutes then.  ::-)
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: red marley on 06 November, 2015, 03:37:05 pm
Oh yes...No turning back now. Less than one mile to go...
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Ray 6701 on 06 November, 2015, 03:41:20 pm
We have a Gibbon  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Basil on 06 November, 2015, 03:41:33 pm
Hang on.  He's playing with us.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: red marley on 06 November, 2015, 03:42:04 pm
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: hillbilly on 06 November, 2015, 04:18:47 pm
Not this meme again  :facepalm:
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Mr Larrington on 06 November, 2015, 04:21:36 pm
When was the last one?  Whizzy search SCIENCE notwithstanding, the phrase "MARSH GIBBON" is just too common.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Oaky on 06 November, 2015, 06:44:55 pm
When was the last one?  Whizzy search SCIENCE notwithstanding, the phrase "MARSH GIBBON" is just too common.

My record-keeping ( faltered after the accident/rehabilitation, so I can't say for sure, although I don't remember any since 12th June.

jo might have some semi-automated SCIENCE that can confirm or deny that?
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Basil on 06 November, 2015, 10:39:22 pm
Something unusual is going on today.  Steve has been stopped for quite some time again.  Is he sleeping again?
He's had a few lengthy stops today.  The route is unusual.  Is this some new strategy?
I'm not sure what you're doing Steve, but I'm sure you know what you're doing.

In Steve we trust.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: wajcgac on 06 November, 2015, 10:57:15 pm
Seems he has stopped at the Premier Inn at St Neots for an early night.

From Steve's Strava upload (226.2km)

Day of disruption and stuff to do plus an early night. All being well today's lost miles will be paid back many times over.

He has done extremely well to get his average up to the required amount so a slightly shorter day and a bit extra rest has been well earned and won't do any harm.
Title: Re: 6th November - Teethgrinder day 91/310.
Post by: Basil on 06 November, 2015, 11:04:37 pm
Ah.  I hadn't spotted that.

Well, that's 140 miles more than Tommy did on his rest day