Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => The Knowledge => GPS => Topic started by: Feanor on 28 June, 2016, 10:48:51 pm

Title: Qaurter-turn hotshoe for garmins?
Post by: Feanor on 28 June, 2016, 10:48:51 pm
My trusty 800 appears be at the end of its life, after 4 years of Scottish Auxdaxing.

I went to remove the SD card to update the maps, and it was reluctant to come out on account of a great mass of corrosion.
The USB connector is also flakey.
The SD card is dead, no amount of cleaning up the connector makes it appear on any of my card readers.
The GPS cannot see any good cards in the slot, but I've not cleaned it up yet.

So I've ordered a new GPS.

I was considering using the old one as a test-bed for an idea I have.
I thought it might be possible to molish a quarter-turn hotshoe type thing, a bit like a flashgun, to supply power via the mount instead of the USB port.
It would involve dismantling the unit, and drilling the shoe on the case to allow for springy contacts and wires to enter, which would be epoxied in place.
I was imagining these coming out radially, rather than vertically through the mount.
The mount would be similarly modified,  with a USB tail epoxied into it, to go to the battery pack.

The quarter-turn mount seems eminently suitable for such a design.
I wonder if anyone's tried anything similar before?