Author Topic: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks  (Read 3574 times)

Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« on: 02 December, 2020, 08:49:39 am »
Long distance cycling and sew on patches denoting achievements seem to go together rather well. If you're planning on DIYing the Festive 500 this Christmas and have a penchant for patches, or feel that your haul of badges during 2020 needs ramping up a bit, then this might be right up your cycle path:

Harrison's Fund are giving sew on patches to those who do the Festive 500 and raise £500. Remember that Rapha are no longer doing their patches so if you want one, you should ride for charity with Harrison's Fund.

You can do both challenges simultaneously, just ride 500km over 8 days between Xmas Eve and New Year's Eve and record your rides on Strava.
Harrison's Fund raises money for research into Duchenne Disease which kills all boys born with it before they reach adulthood. They wither and die in their teens. Girls do not get this disease.

As a less common disease it receives very little institutional funding into researching a cure despite being 100% fatal. As Harrison's is a small charity it has few overheads so that more of your money reaches front line research.

More details and sign up links here:




Re: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« Reply #1 on: 03 December, 2020, 03:46:13 pm »
They are very pretty and I'd be happy to pay for one, with the idea that my tenner or so goes to charity, but I am not equally keen to ask people for money to ride my bicycle...
I've never been keen on people who use their favourite hobby to ask for endorsement.

If you have some spares at the end that you want to flog, drop me a PM and I'll buy one

Re: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« Reply #2 on: 03 December, 2020, 08:32:08 pm »
I understand rapha are doing the festive 500 after all, 11th year i am told.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« Reply #3 on: 03 December, 2020, 08:35:11 pm »
Rapha are doing the Festive 500 but nothing tangible, just Strava kudos, nothing to sew on the Carradice.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« Reply #4 on: 03 December, 2020, 09:31:08 pm »
There is a free patch for this cycling challenge

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  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« Reply #5 on: 03 December, 2020, 09:42:12 pm »
It might be best to start a new thread for the Restrap patch, rather than add distractions to a fundraising thread.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« Reply #6 on: 04 January, 2021, 08:49:43 am »
A massive thank you to those in the audax community who helped out and rode, or donated, you were awesome.

I don't think anyone at the charity really knew what to expect, but the total raised by a small charity for underfunded research into a killer disease was fantastic and it is very likely that it will be done again next year, hopefully with a new 2021 badge and maybe a lower fundraising target (no promises).

In response to Geriatricdolan's email above, I/we totally understand that not everyone wants to ask for sponsorship towards cycling, but equally hope that you'll understand that badges will not be for sale as this would, arguably, undermine the efforts of those who did raise money (sorry!). I would offer this thought though, unlike some other big events, nobody had to raise money to do the Festive 500 it was open to all, it is not the price of entry, the patches are a 'thank you' for raising money. Personally, in principle, I broadly agree with you Geriatricdolan and would not seek sponsorship to gain access to a cycling event, so have some empathy with your comments, although I take a nuanced view in distinguishing our respective positions regarding this initiative. I hope you'll understand.

Nevertheless, I would like to emphasise the positives and salute everyone who rode or donated. Duchenne is not a mainstream disease but kills all young males who are born with it. This money raised is going towards research, it will not save any current sufferer but may just save thousands in the future. Thanks again, I think the response from the audax community to a low-key charity initiative has been very impressive, pat yourselves on the back.

Re: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« Reply #7 on: 06 February, 2021, 02:57:44 pm »
Patch received, so a big thank you for that as I now have 10 festive 500s and 10 patches.

The fundraising has been interesting.  As I thought even with my currently debilitating vasculitis people still think riding 500km in December a push over for me, which currently it was not.  I've done a blog post if anyone is interested

As a NHS researcher and someone who has a rare illness for which there is no cure, I think this charity really needs supporting.  I would like to complete the challenge to raise £1 for each km I rode.  I have been making hand made face masks.  Those who already have them say they are excellent, comfortable to wear and a good fit.  The plan is to sell these for a £5 donation straight to my Harrisons fund fund raising page.  Will post on this shortly, plus put a piece on my blog.


Re: Sew on patches for Festive 500 folks
« Reply #8 on: 13 March, 2021, 11:09:47 pm »
A further update.  I am still working to my final goal of £ per km ridden for this Festive 500, as a researcher and someone who has an incurable rare disease I really feel for these young people and their parents.  I am very lucky that my disease should not hit my lifespan too badly.

So to raise the final £££s for this challenge, I have been hand making face masks.  They have a pocket to take a filter made of similar material to that of a surgical mask available from various on-line retailers.  The masks are 100% fine cotton, with ear friendly elastic and can be machine washed, therefore making them eco friendly - if using the filter, this reduces the carbon foot print as these are not biodegradable like their big brother counterparts.  For more info see the links below.  I am happy to take orders directly via Paypal, so DM me.  I have photos of the masks available for selection.  They are £5 with 100% of the money going to Harrisons Fund.