Author Topic: Lightroom/PS elements inconsistency  (Read 995 times)


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Lightroom/PS elements inconsistency
« on: 19 November, 2014, 08:51:40 am »
I've eased across from using Photoshop Elements organiser, to Lightroom as my photo organising thingy, but recently when having a "go through and delete lots of crap photos" session, I happened across a whole group of almost 1000 photos that have the wrong date on them.  They all have 16 August 2010 on them, and they were all taken at various dates well before that, typically in 2003.  Itys possible that on 16th August 2010 I retrieved them form some external storage to shove them all in PS Elements, but I'm puzzled as to why they exhibit this date as they shoul be sorted by EXIF date.  However, in PS elements organiser, they are displayed by the correct date....   In Lightroom, I told it to "read the EXIF data from the file", and they all disappeared from where they were incorrectly lurking, so goody, I thought, sorted.  Er, no, Lightroom has moved them all to the very beginning of the catalogue, before all the photos taken in 2001 etc., but still showing the 2010 date. 

I can establish pretty well, the actual dates they were taken for what folder they are in, but now the EXIF data has changed, but to a different incorrect date!  I did manually alter the EXIF dat eon one of them to the correct date and approximate time, but any suggestions as to where the correct EXIF data has wafted off to?

Re: Lightroom/PS elements inconsistency
« Reply #1 on: 19 November, 2014, 01:52:47 pm »
it's not sorting by modified date rather than created date, is it? 

Lightroom did something weird to me the other day and the pics were all in a random order but it seems to have got over itself and fixed it!