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  • Cogidubnus CC 200 & Cheesy Peas 110 events - Richmond: 06 August, 2016

Author Topic: Cogidubnus CC 200 & Cheesy Peas 110 events - Richmond-upon-Thames - Aug 6th 2016  (Read 8797 times)


  • Full of bon courage.
I would like to have started but not recovered from last weeks 1200km.

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You should have heard the things they all said about you....... ;)
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!

Great route today, thank you Marcus. Cheese on toast was excellent, Barhatch Lane was awful. Situation normal, I suppose.

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Thanks for an excellent event, it was a great day out. The route was very nice and the weather too: frontish wind on the way out, tailish wind on the way back, sun throughout but not too hot. My only complain really is that the hills in Surrey and South Downs aren't getting any flatter  :D

Oh and I took the flyover on Hogarth Roundabout on my way back. Felt like playing with this, couldn't be happier  :D

Thanks Marcus for organising a great ride and everyones company on the road.  I'm sure in hindsight I will even see the pleasure in Barhatch Lane  :)

fantastic event, thanks Marcus, we have a tough act to follow on September 11th!


  • Full of bon courage.
Thanks everyone for comments on here and emails etc.

Everything seemed to have gone well and the weather was just superb.  Comments on the route were generally very complimentary and the complaints were generally directed towards Barhatch Lane.

I hope to run it again next year and have some ideas for improvements.  It will probably be a couple of weeks earlier due to LEL, so a good final brevet before the main event possibly.

57 finishers on the 200
22 on the 100

Just sorting through cards now and getting them sent off for validation.  I'll do a tot-up of the money this week and work out what the remaining balance is so I can donate that to the charities.

Thanks once again for everyone's support!

Massive thanks to zigzag and blueskies for stamping cards in Peaslake. Much appreciated.
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!

That was me he met!
Thanks Marcus for a grand day out. Super route and controls.
That cheese on toast will live on in the memory.
All perfectly organised .

Barhatch Lane is lovely....

A nice big fat sign saying 21% at the bottom will have most people saying "WHAT THE FUCK?..." :D

Hope to do this one next year!

Thanks Marcus, a truly great ride.  Probably helped by my 45 minutes late start - no pressure to ride quickly, leisurely stops at controls (some with alcohol).  I was enjoying life so much I overshot the last info by 4km, but I still had a smile on my face as I retraced the route.  Have I just woken up to how I should be riding?  :) :demon:

Great route, just the right quantity and quality of hills....and so little traffic.

I certainly plan to be there next year.
37.9 miles from Marsh Gibbon

I really enjoyed that. Thanks very much indeed for organising. Most of the climbs were well shaded, which was a nice touch on a warm day. Friendly people all day, and that Milk Churn cafe is one I'll definitely seek out again.

p.s. Barhatch was tough but I used to ride Streatley every week and I'd (perhaps controversially) argue that Streatley is harder. Certainly good prep for ramps in excess of 15%. 

Really good day out. Thanks for organising it.

The cheese on toast was something truly special and something I will be organising a club run out to sample.