Author Topic: New (to me) Airnimal Joey  (Read 1835 times)

New (to me) Airnimal Joey
« on: 06 June, 2017, 07:51:02 pm »
As I seem to be cycling abroad more often recently I thought a folder would be a good idea, and after a bit of research have bought a second-hand Airnimal Joey.  The plan is to fit a rear rack (just ordered from Amazon US as I couldn't find exactly what I wanted in the UK) and to tour with rear panniers.

I know virtually nothing about folders, but after a bit of fiddling involving lowering the bars adding a longer stem, etc. I'm rapidly growing to like it very much.  It has a really good range of gears - SRAM DualDrive 3-speed hub & 9-speed cassette (I REALLY like SRAM 9-speed stuff) - and the white & black frame is virtually scratch-free.

I'm excited!  Anyone with experience of touring with a Joey?
The sound of one pannier flapping