Author Topic: Exercise induced nausea  (Read 1612 times)

Exercise induced nausea
« on: 01 October, 2018, 12:34:23 pm »
I am forever feeling nauseous after riding more than about 130 miles.  I do take regular breaks throughout this distance and I do try and eat and drink regularly through the ride but if I stop for a short break after this I cant seem to eat anything for some time (even though I feel hungry) after stopping and if I do I will be sick. 

I know why it is happening (blood being diverted away from the stomach because its going to more needed places, i.e. muscles) but is there anything I can do to get out of this cycle (excuse the pun)?



  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #1 on: 01 October, 2018, 12:51:13 pm »
Try drinking and eating small amounts at fairly frequent intervals while you are actually riding. Once your body is trained to cope with that, it is a small step to eating a meal and getting on the bike or vice versa.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Chris S

Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #2 on: 01 October, 2018, 01:03:28 pm »
Is that distance right on the limit of what you're used to? Is it worse if it's a hard (hilly, windy, wet etc) ride?

I find I get pretty nauseated in the latter stages of any ride where I've pushed against my limits for long periods, either in duration or intensity (or both). It starts with an inability to eat, and gets worse, though I've never actually thrown up because of it.

It's pretty much no problem when I've been riding regularly. I had it bad when I first rode 400 and 600, and I've also had it when riding AAA rides. I can feel pretty sick sometimes when I'm sleep deprived; sleep cures that, and I invariably wake up ravenously hungry.

ETA: Also - how well do you cope with being hungry generally? Some folks feel sick when they get beyond hungry. If you're one of those people, LW&B's advice is solid.

Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #3 on: 01 October, 2018, 01:10:24 pm »
Thanks guys. Very useful stuff. 130 is what I’m more used to and after that is when I seem to hit the wall more. I did wonder if it is as simple as getting more miles in. I’ve done two 400km rides so far and both times I’ve thrown up around the 180 mile mark!   

It is a weird feeling - I feel hungry when I stop but just trying to put anything in my mouth puts me off actually eating it.

Also I sometimes find it better just to carry on as the feeling of nausea only seems to occur when I get off the bike and sit still.

Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #4 on: 01 October, 2018, 01:48:57 pm »
I've been riding a max distance of 200km rides for only about 4 yrs now, and while my stomach has never been the most robust on these rides, it's not been as bad as on a 200km (DIYxGPS) back in May this year. 

It was a 210km/+1000m, and I'm fairly sure this was down to food choice, as I made the mistake of having a heavy, thick cheesy coated moussaka for lunch, and it just sat in my stomach.  I became more and more uncomfortable, and drinking warm water for teh bottle made me feel worse.  I had to stop more often, and then ~2 miles from home, well, it all came up!  Although, unusually for me, this 200km followed a w/e ride and full weeks commute to work of ~200km. so perhaps this put me more 'on the limit' than usual. 

On a 110km/+2000m ride the following month, I had a more restrained cheese roll/crisp/choc lunch.  But the warm conditions and extent of the climbing, made be feel a tad grim early afternnon, so I had to sit in the shade for ~30mins, and felt relatively Ok to continue after that.

Last w/e's 120km/+900m with a substantial pre-ride breakfast, brownie at coffee time, and pork pie ~12pm, was absolutely fine.   

So for me I think it's trying to cope with food not digesting, when I've pushed myself more than usual for some reason.  My next 200km will be a tester for having a few days breaks from the bike before, eating little & more often, and avoiding anything that will take up residence in my stomach.   :)
Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson


  • Just do it!
Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #5 on: 01 October, 2018, 03:23:15 pm »
If possible, ease your pace and try not to overheat. (Don't overeat either!)

Take advantage of any enforced 'mechanical' trouble by taking a small nibble while your hands are still clean.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #6 on: 01 October, 2018, 10:59:32 pm »
It is a weird feeling - I feel hungry when I stop but just trying to put anything in my mouth puts me off actually eating it.

Also I sometimes find it better just to carry on as the feeling of nausea only seems to occur when I get off the bike and sit still.

Then don't get hungry. Nibble enough (don't stuff yourself) while you are riding to not need to eat anything when you stop.

You slept for a long time in Lincoln, so I doubt it is sleeplessness.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #7 on: 02 October, 2018, 06:23:56 am »
I find 'sports nutrition products' or sugary food (ie. the same) makes me feel sick.

What are you eating on your rides?

Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #8 on: 02 October, 2018, 06:59:41 am »
Building on what LWAB says above, eat much earlier in the ride that you might think necessary, say within 15 minutes of starting.
The most you can absorb in an hour is around 300 calories, which is about three bananas, 2.5 cereal bars or 750ml of energy drink or fruit juice.  If you eat / drink that amount every hour - including the first - you will most likely be fine.

Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #9 on: 02 October, 2018, 08:22:59 am »
I find 'sports nutrition products' or sugary food (ie. the same) makes me feel sick.

What are you eating on your rides?

During the LWL reccy at the weekend I ate brioche rolls with jam, peanut butter in mini pitta breads, fig rolls, that sort of thing.  For lunch at Winchcombe I had a cheese and pickle baguette.  Snacks also included rice puddings so pretty much normal food.  On bike were 2 x 900ml bottles on bike filled with water with one electrolyte tablet in each which I got through every couple of hours.

Re: Exercise induced nausea
« Reply #10 on: 02 October, 2018, 10:08:49 am »
Very sugary then!!

Try non-sugar carbs. Homemade rice cakes (the moist type...not the puffed rice variant) Sushi works wonders for me.