Author Topic: Any Riders of the Surrey Hills?  (Read 1898 times)


Any Riders of the Surrey Hills?
« on: 17 April, 2009, 03:06:57 pm »
Most specifically Box Hill, Ranmore Common and Leith Hill.

We've done some exploring of these areas, and found some nice routes, including some single track on Leith Hill and interesting sections of bridle path on Box Hill and Ranmore Common.

Though with nothing being marked and local knowledge being the best way to find trails, unless someone shows me something there is a good chance I'm not going to find it.

So has anyone got any particularly good tips for the area that they would like to share?


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Re: Any Riders of the Surrey Hills?
« Reply #1 on: 17 April, 2009, 03:23:19 pm »
There's the 'Nirvana Killer Loop' these guys Nirvana Cycles, Westcott, Surrey sell a laminated map of the route.

I rode it a few weeks ago and it's a great ride