Author Topic: Relief  (Read 1816 times)


  • Tyke
« on: 14 April, 2008, 08:40:46 pm »
On Friday night, arriving at the station to go for a weekend's camping, with a full touring load, I noticed that my front wheel was a bit wobbly, and I was getting too much road surface feel through the bars.

I checked my qr was closed.  It was.

'Uh-oh', I thought, 'I recognise this:  Broken axle, just like the Woodrup.' :(

But it seemed the skewer was holding it together, and there was nothing I could do about it till I got home, many miles later, so I didn't dare open it in case everything fell apart.

I spent the weekend cycling oh-so-carefully - especially descending towards Banbury loaded up again yesterday.

Last night, I hung the bike up (puzzled as to how the wheel was still intact), and found the axle was fine.

The head of the skewer was broken.  :-[ :-[ :-[
Getting there...


Re: Relief
« Reply #1 on: 15 April, 2008, 08:35:52 am »
Lucky, that!  :thumbsup:  I once, years ago, took a wheel to the LBS for service & trueing, they told me the axle was broken and had probably been like that for months: the skewer was holding it all together.  I'd never noticed!  :-[ :-[ :-[