Author Topic: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?  (Read 4329 times)

Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« on: 02 June, 2008, 12:32:23 pm »
Having posted for opinions on Margate and Alcester & Studley - and also reading the dissection of the dump that is Swindon - I was wondering if there was a resource anywhere that tells it what it's really like about a place.

You know the type of book that tells holidaymakers that their Spanish dream hotel is really next to a sewage works, only for towns & cities.

Would save me a lot of hassle, for sure...
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.


  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #1 on: 02 June, 2008, 01:36:38 pm »
The only one I can think of is : UpMyStreet - For Where You Live
Not sure if it'll be sufficiently 'honest' for you tho'.
Τα πιο όμορφα ταξίδια γίνονται με τις δικές μας δυνάμεις - Φίλοι του Ποδήλατου


Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #2 on: 02 June, 2008, 02:41:09 pm »
From Knowhere:

Some useful information in there, in a rad dude, finger pointy, Bill Bailey kind of way.


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #3 on: 02 June, 2008, 02:54:15 pm »
You could try  ;D
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.

Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #4 on: 02 June, 2008, 03:18:41 pm »
I use 


Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #5 on: 02 June, 2008, 06:15:11 pm »
This hits the nail on the head somewhat about my delightfull home town

      Urban Dictionary: Stoke-on-Trent


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #6 on: 02 June, 2008, 07:30:21 pm »
This hits the nail on the head somewhat about my delightfull home town

      Urban Dictionary: Stoke-on-Trent

Ah...Smoke-on-Stench, as the students there call it.

ChavTowns on Swindon:

Swindon has featured on these pages before but recently moving back to the place (God knows why) after being away for nine years offers a fascinating insight on how a formerly successful town which was a pleasant place to live and work has now become an utter Chav centre. The dominant accent is not the pleasant Wiltshire burr of years ago but a horrendous blend of Cockney, Essex and that awful pseudo ghetto/rap speak favoured by the young.
The town centre is as good a place as any to start. Assorted chav-clad oafs, scallies and other assorted lowlifes prowling around, more than outnumber the occasional yuppie in a suit. Add to that a heady mix of asylum seekers lurking on the corners between their next “work today get paid today” moonlighting assignment and it’s hard not to despair. The town is plastered with graffiti, on the odd occasion it gets cleaned off it’s usually back within a day or two.
Swindon shopping has always been fairly prosaic and in line with most identikit UK towns these days, but even the cheap shops are currently giving up and closing down leaving the centre looking more like a deprived Welsh Valley village than a prosperous southern town. For the more discerning chav, there is always the Brunel Outlet Village. Buses leave every two minutes from the town centre so no waiting around to get at Donnays and shop-lift the latest poor man’s Burberry aka Lonsdale emblazoned fashion. The village is built around the old railway works and new GWR museum. Poor old Isambard must be turning in his grave as half the visitors probably don’t even know what a train is, let alone appreciate the fine engineering of a GWR steam locomotive.
On the subject of buses, both the local bus companies have carried out “chavette” conversions on most of the fleet – with the removal of up to a third of the seating capacity to make room for non-collapsible pushchairs and prams. They even helpfully lower the floor so said items can be loaded by the single mothers without lifting, no doubt to avoid chav claims for compensation after straining their back. Unfortunately this results in few seats being available for commuters in the peak, with the result that buses either go past the stops full or you have to sway with 25 other standing passengers like the Tokyo underground.
A bus journey in Swindon frequently provides an in depth chav experience. Very few journeys take place without a gang of four or five louts and their female entourage occupying the rear seats holding foul mouthed conversations about their latest drug dealing/court appearance/shagging conquest. This is frequently held in said ghetto speak. At the minimum you can usually guarantee some chain mobile phone usage with single mothers carrying out a constant stream of inarticulate conversations with their mates, “Yeah, like, I’m on the bus in’ I, like.”
If you seek solace in the suburbs, expect a nasty surprise. The formerly pleasant residential area of West Swindon is particularly blighted. If you thought graffiti and vandalism was endemic in the town it is, if anything, worse in the residential areas. Just about every vertical surface has some form of tag or scrawl on it – not even garden walls and fences are spared. Where they’ve run out of vertical space, they have made a start on the pavements. Particularly bad is the formerly upmarket residential area of Ramleaze, which makes the Beirut/Bronx end of Brackla in Bridgend look like Beverley Hills! The council don’t care; the police are nowhere to be seen, not even when the uninsured boy racers are blasting their hot rods up and down in the evening. At least part of the problem is due to much of the property having being bought over by absentee “Buy to Let” landlords so out of sight is out of mind and rented out to tenants (many of whom are probably evicted chavs re-housed by the council) who have no interest in tidying up.
These areas have also spawned a new form of lowlife – the bored-little-rich-kid wannabee-chav. They are the ones who have played GTA-San Andreas and think it is cool to go round on their lowrider BMX bikes, scrawl their names everywhere and generally hang around menacing decent citizens.
And without making the thing political, it has to be said quite frankly that what you have today in Swindon is a microcosm of the failure of nine years of New Labour social and economic engineering and relaxation of law and order. Personally I hate the place and can’t wait until I have enough money in my pension fund to call it a day, get the house on the market and move out somewhere decent – like back to Bridgend!

Having lived in the town for the past 21 and a half years, i have always known this town to be a shit-hole. but most recently i have noticed a far worse fate for this former rail-way town, it is Chav-Paradise! Being a rocker, i have always dispised this sort of person!
Looking around the town centre, it's very easy to see why this is a living Chav-Hole, all you see is young, single teenage mothers pushing around push-chairs, going into the local Maccy D's looking to grease up for their latest feed.
there's not really a particular chav hang-out spot here, as they are everywhere, but if i was to pin-point a certain area, Penhill would be the one. Full of council-house estates and off-licenses, this is the part of Swindon which is most talked about for it's vandalism and violence, not to mention the fact that it just runs along one big road, Penhill Drive. full of little kiddies in their chav unifrom bought from the McArthur Glen Outlet Village, they all congrigate in their little "crews" shouting abuse at passers by, starting small fires and breaking windows!

as for the Mod-Chavs, the place for this is the McDonalds Drive-Thru car park in the small shopping complex called Greenbridge Retail Park (yes, they have an Argos and JJB Sports!), this is where all the chavs with their modded Nova's and Corsa's hang out revving their filthy engines thinking that people will actually be impressed by their 1.2 litres! you can't fail to notice the group of capped idiots there everytime you visit, especially at around 8pm, as this is the time they all come out to chav!

so on closing, i think that Swindon is one of the most Chavved out places in the country, as there are many of these stupid little fuckers lining the streets without jobs, parasites of society, tkaing my hard-earned tax money!"

I can't really argue with any of the above.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.

Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #7 on: 02 June, 2008, 09:53:24 pm »
Chav towns - what a great resource.  Here's a typical entry about Darlington (from a bouncer lacking a sense of irony)

"A small market dwelling to big to be a village to small for a town.

A dwelling full of old men who still think there 20 but are closer to 50.

Woman who think the men are tough and hard because they can shout and swear in drink.

Nice men who just go about there business woman who work hard and enjoy a nice meal and drink on a weekend.

Well this is Darlington through the day its a time warp to men who still sit in the same pubs they have done for 20 years. Woman who go shopping then meet the men in the same pubs for the last 20 years.

Then there is the night time when Darlington really comes to life.

Nights out in Darlington consist of 3 drinking routes

i.e - old mans, middle aged, young and out of town,

1 - Old men still drink in places like the George, Hogans, Boot & Shoe, Nags Head.

2 - Middle aged men do a small crawl through - The Green Dragon, Yates, Witherspoons, Turks Head, Dukes ( Formerly Berties, Muse, ).

3 - Young and from Out of Town do the main strip - Yates , Dukes, Dragon, Inventor ( now Barex) , Flares, Humpries, Berlins,

Only one group dont understand Darlington and thats the outsiders who dont realise every pub they go in the doorman are watching not worried about them but worried about locals trying to cause trouble.

Darlington is not a welcoming place for strangers having lived there now for 8 years im still classed as a outsider mainly because i have slapped most of the so called hardmen and groups that frequent the town over a week night and weekend.

If we got rid of half the drunks in Darlington the place would be like Yarm for a night out people just out to enjoy themselves. But what we have is groups of people TOWNIES, CHAVS, PIKEYS, SQUADIES, to deal with.

This makes Darlington town centre on a weekend a battle zone.

There is a book at Catterick Garrisson telling the army boys which pubs not to go in and ones to stay clear of. I know because i have seen the book.

Now to add to the weekend mayhem we have tits in small cars driving around the one way system thinking there clever with load music and screaming from the cars you only expect one thing TROUBLE.

The place is now so bad on a weekend that its dying and the good people are now going to places away from the centre or having a get together at home.

The town could be lovely we just need to rid it of the scum.

The doorman are hated because we are all out of town people because you cant have shit working to stop shit in the pubs.

Last two years there as been a slow introduction of more drugs which brings more trouble.

Do yourself a favour and let us clean the place up bt while we do goto Yarm for a nightout or stay in with friends it will be safer.

As for all you TITs that read this and know im talking about you were watching and waiting and your time will come

OTOH searching for Darlington has 75 hits*, searching for Swindon - 56 hits.  Guess how many hits when you search for Hull or Croydon?

*mainly owing to the low literacy rates...


  • Hornblower
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #8 on: 02 June, 2008, 11:29:25 pm »
You could try  ;D

I'm amazed/disappointed!

Sittingbourne wasn't featured on the site.  :P
There's no vibrations, but wait.


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #9 on: 03 June, 2008, 06:42:36 am »
There is a book at Catterick Garrisson telling the army boys which pubs not to go in and ones to stay clear of. I know because i have seen the book.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


  • Formely yellow-ceitidh
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #10 on: 05 June, 2008, 09:46:58 pm »
Approaching Northampton on the train from London you pass through the lovely rolling Northamptonshire countryside with its beautiful villages and woodlands but then it hits you like a spade on the head. The town looks awful! It is a dump characterized by distribution warehouses and rusty gas tanks that litter the edge of the River Nene. The estates that surround and choke the town, including the new areas beyond Duston towards the M1, encroach into the countryside and threaten to gobble up the as yet unchaved areas.

It has become a paradise for the chav from the Wellingborough Road which must have the highest population density of chavs per square metre for the whole country to the horrendous chav infested Grovenor Centre.

It's worse on a Saturday....   :sick:


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #11 on: 05 June, 2008, 09:53:10 pm »
Mrs Z used to live just off the Wellingborough Road (actually, I wrote one of the Northampton entries, but not the one you quoted from).

We were in Northampton town centre one Saturday afternoon when some asylum seekers were having a mass punch-up outside the Grosvenor Centre.  No-one batted an eyelid.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


  • (aka chris)
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #12 on: 05 June, 2008, 09:58:21 pm »
Approaching Northampton on the train from London you pass through the lovely rolling Northamptonshire countryside with its beautiful villages and woodlands but then it hits you like a spade on the head. The town looks awful! It is a dump characterized by distribution warehouses and rusty gas tanks that litter the edge of the River Nene...........

Swindon has featured on these pages before but recently moving back to the place (God knows why) after being away for nine years offers a fascinating insight on how a formerly successful town which was a pleasant place to live and ........

Looks like I'm riding the C2C route on Saturday then. That's Northampton to Swindon (or Chav to Chav).


Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #13 on: 05 June, 2008, 09:59:35 pm »
Approaching Northampton on the train from London you pass through the lovely rolling Northamptonshire countryside with its beautiful villages and woodlands but then it hits you like a spade on the head. The town looks awful! It is a dump characterized by distribution warehouses and rusty gas tanks that litter the edge of the River Nene. The estates that surround and choke the town, including the new areas beyond Duston towards the M1, encroach into the countryside and threaten to gobble up the as yet unchaved areas.

It has become a paradise for the chav from the Wellingborough Road which must have the highest population density of chavs per square metre for the whole country to the horrendous chav infested Grovenor Centre.

It's worse on a Saturday....   :sick:

Northampton? Pah. Northampton is like the best bits of nirvana, utopia and Shangri-la compared to Stoke.

It's only 'cos so few people go to Stoke that it fails to get the credit it so truly deserves as the most ghastly town in the UK. I should know, I spent the first 23 years of my life there. One word. Cobridge (or Bentilee or Abbey Hulton or Tunstall or Longton...)

The Port Vale fans are mostly OK though.


  • Heedlessly impulsive, reckless, rash.
  • The Madcap!
Re: Directory of what towns are REALLY like?
« Reply #14 on: 07 June, 2008, 10:17:48 pm »

Lancaster – once a thriving city, famous for its cotton mills, and the wealth created by its georgian port. The remnance of its prosperious past can still be seen in the elegant buildings present around the central regions of the city.

Lancaster today however, presents a different picture, as the ever growing epidemic of scum now demean its reputation, and truly give it the national status of a ‘Chav Town’.

From the surrounding council estates, this pond-life spills on to the city streets, night and day, to annoy and pester law abiding citizens. Displaying their allegiance to all things common, they bear the crests of such quality brands as Kappa, Diadora, Burberry, and for the eccentric chav, Lacoste.

In the city centre, Lancaster has all the usual discount shops: Poundworld, Pound Fever, Home Bargains, Halfpriceorless, Busy Bee, etc, where all the chav families do their weekly shopping. On a normal weekday, you can’t miss all the tacky teenage single mums, caked to the teeth in cheap makeup, pushing around their monkey-like babies, just after collecting their giro + child support. Perhaps they’ll bump into a male chav, who’s just nicked a load of stuff from HMV to feed his smack habit, then end up getting jiggy in the same spot that kid no.1 was conceived (behind Kwik Save, in case you were wondering).

Lancaster also boasts not 1, but 2 Allsports, + a variety of other obligatory sport shops (JJB, Premier Sports,etc). Like we need 2 fucking Allsports!!

The focal point is the square outside HMV, and on an average day has an array of smackheads and other scum, who manage to spend the entire day congregated around the fountain really bringing the place down and making it look ugly. And what a good job they do of it. Of course this is the only job these penniless dole-scroungers do. Did I mention they sit around a fountain??? Well, you’ll never guess what. You can regularly walk into town and find that some joker has emptied a bottle of washing up liquid into the fountain, causing it to foam up and cover the place in clouds of the stuff. These fuckers never run out of ideas do they. Another place these clowns hang around is, yes you’ve guessed it, outside McDonalds, and on a busy Saturday afternoon, they can regularly be seen kicking a football around.

Lancaster attracts a large number of tourists during the summer (due to its history). God knows what they think when they see this filth parading around the streets like a bunch of fucking animals. And what’s with the swagger, and trying to look hard with your socks pulled over your cheap trackies!?… fuck off!!!

Evenings are no better, as some of the older chavs descend into town. The lads have their light coloured shirts and gelled hair. Note to bouncers: They only wear this stuff so they can get into your clubs, they’re still gonna glass someone when they get inside. The ‘women’ (I use the term lightly), are dressed in disgusting skimpy clothes that are around 4 sizes too small for them, and wear huge hooped earrings, whilst caked in fake tan. Walking down the streets on a Friday or Saturday evening, you’ll hear them screaming and shouting in the most annoying and ear piercing way as they make their way to the chav hangouts like Ruxtons and Spooners. Lancaster never gets through a weekend without at least several incidents after closing time; chavs fighting chavs, chavs attacking ‘humans’, chavs attacking the police. There is a simple solution to this problem, hang the lot of them. They could even set up the gallows round the back of the castle where they used to be.

Just across the river from the city centre, is the Ryelands Estate, which really is the arsehole of Lancaster, and home to some of the most inbred low-life dog shit on this planet. The estate gained national notoriety some years ago, after appearing on ITV’s ‘Neighbours from Hell’, due to years of the residents collective terrorism of an asian shopkeeper. Wow, you fuckers really have something to be proud about now, don’t you. Amazingly, some inhabitants of this stagnant shithole estate like to boast about where they live; “Don’t fuck with me, I come from fucking Ryelands”. Wow, that sentence only had 2 fucks in it.

And so we come to the end of the tour, please wipe your feet on the way out.
You touch my Coffee and I'll slap you so hard, even Google won't be able to find you!