Author Topic: Nightrider 2012, 9 June  (Read 1221 times)

Nightrider 2012, 9 June
« on: 12 June, 2012, 06:43:34 pm »
On 9th June this year I took part in a mass cycling event in London, and no, it wasn’t the World Naked Bike Ride! (though by coincidence that was on the same day).

Nightrider is a charity event covering 100km around central London, at night (what was it that gave that away, I wonder?)

There are two start points, one at Crystal Palace, the other at Alexandra Palace. I opted for the former as my brother lives a few miles away so there would be a bed close at hand after the finish. This was particularly relevant as I’d decided to make this a bit more of a challenge by riding my single-speed bike, a Revolution Track running 40-16. Having done one 200k audax I knew the distance wouldn't be a big problem, so gears might make it a bit too easy  ;)

My start time was 11.30pm, and we set off in groups of 75 at five minute intervals. Although there were a few roadies lined up the majority of riders were on MTBs, hybrids and BSOs, so as you can imagine there was a bit of a range of group riding abilities....I found myself having to accelerate away from groups of riders who either didn’t know how to ride in a straight line, or who would pull up without warning. Sometimes it’s just easier riding by yourself, don’t you think?

First stop was by Tower Bridge, about an hour in. Then on across the river, through Canary Wharf and on to stop 2 at the stadium at Mile End. On past Emirates stadium then up the hill to Alexandra Palace, arriving at 2.35am. That hill was hard work and slow, at times I thought I would be quicker walking but the point really is to keep pedalling, innit?

A free sarnie and mug of tea then back on the bike – quite cold now so glad of knee and arm warmers, then went for long-sleeved windproof to be sure. Hampstead, Belsize Park, then into Camden Town at 3.30 or so – still heaving, but mainly with drunk party types  ::-)

Through the West End, surprisingly still full of homicidal traffic at this time of the morning, across the river to the last break stop at the Imperial War Museum, cross the river again to Parliament Square then west and across the bridge at Battersea. Clapham, up past Brixton then uphill to West Norwood and Crystal Palace again, arriving at 5.45am. Strangely at this point I started to overtake riders who had started their ride at Alexandra Palace, and who hadn’t even reached their half-way stage yet!

After a night like that a bacon sarnie plus a mug of tea was a thing of beauty.

Another few miles along the same route, the right turn back to my brother’s house in Bromley, eat, shower, and then sleep. In total I rode 117km in 5 hours 20 min. No real aches and pains afterwards, which says a lot for strength training on the turbo, DHB Aeron Pro shorts and Assos chamois cream!

I did this to raise money for Duchess of Kent House Charity, which runs the hospice in Reading and looked after my Mum in her last few weeks early last year. If anyone wants to chip in to that please do – it’s all in a good cause.


The dog did nothing in the night-time - that was the curious incident..........

Re: Nightrider 2012, 9 June
« Reply #1 on: 12 June, 2012, 11:46:21 pm »
Nice write-up, Steve; it's good to hear people can enjoy riding in London!  A nice thing to do for those who cared for your Mum, too.  I've chipped in.


Re: Nightrider 2012, 9 June
« Reply #2 on: 05 July, 2012, 10:20:31 pm »
This is a bit overdue but thanks a lot - I really appreciate the contribution.
If you feel like doing this yourself I can recommend it. Apart from a couple of wayward signposts the route is easy to follow, and it was good fun.
The dog did nothing in the night-time - that was the curious incident..........