Author Topic: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!  (Read 1556 times)


Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« on: 16 September, 2008, 03:28:17 pm »
From himself.

He described driving to work this morning, somewhere between Amersham and Burnham. he was descending a hill into a dip and, ahead of him, coming in the opposite direction, he saw an MTB with rider in Fuzzy descending mode (head down, arse up pedalling as hard as he could) trying to build up momentum for the climb out of the dip. The cyclist then started the ascent, looking down towards the road in front of him, honking from side to side, about in the middle of the road. My colleague realised that if he continued like this there would be a collision so he slowed and sounded his horn as the cyclist had not looked at him once. The cyclist showed no sign of having heard my colleague who was by now slowing to crawling pace. He then saw that the cyclist was wearing earphones which looked like they mere plugged into an MP3/ iPod. Colleague tooted again and got no response so he stopped. The cyclist was by now in primary position- in my colleague’s lane! Still looking at the wheel or road immediately to his front, honking good and proper. The cyclist was now no more that 2 or 3 yards from the front of my colleague’s vehicle so he leaned on the horn good and proper. The cyclist suddenly looked up and registered that he was feet from death (I think he thought the car was moving towards him), overcooked his avoiding manoeuvre and landed in the roadside ditch. My colleague rolled forward until he was beside the cyclist, wound down his window and asked if the cyclist was OK. He was. My colleague then reminded him that if he wasn’t going to look where he was going, his chances of survival would be greatly increased by listening to what was going on around him as opposed to his music.

A cautionary tale if ever I heard one!


  • Mine's a pipe, er… pint!
Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #1 on: 16 September, 2008, 03:47:28 pm »
That was lovely Fuzzers.

Can you read us another? And then I promise we'll go to sleep.
Certainly never seen cycling south of Sussex


  • My favourite gender neutral pronoun is comrade
Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #2 on: 16 September, 2008, 03:49:47 pm »
I was waiting for you to write that he gave up on the horn and hit the Blues and Twos!
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." Amelia Earhart


Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #3 on: 16 September, 2008, 03:53:33 pm »
I thought it was a beautiful tale! Particularly as my colleague recently gave me a poster he had made. His team is the Prority Crime Team (PCT). His poster has renamed them the Persecution of Cyclists Team ;D

We have many an entertaining 'discussion' about Road Tax and insurance and cycle lanes.


Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #4 on: 16 September, 2008, 04:18:02 pm »
I am curious as to what volume that cyclist has his MP3 player at. I sometimes listen to my iPod but I can still hear cars approaching - their engines - above the music.

I should imagine 'Orchard End Country Club Saturday night special' mode ;D

Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #5 on: 16 September, 2008, 07:21:50 pm »
If you ever do find out what make and model of MP3 player he was using, please let me know. I'd love one that was that loud! ;D
I can't listen to quiter music on mine, even at full volume because of the noise of the wind. I can hear car horns well enough.


  • Sheffield hills? Nah... Just potholes.
Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #6 on: 16 September, 2008, 08:25:59 pm »
If you ever do find out what make and model of MP3 player he was using, please let me know. I'd love one that was that loud! ;D
I can't listen to quiter music on mine, even at full volume because of the noise of the wind. I can hear car horns well enough.
Get In Ear buds.... The expensive ones like these are very, very good and cut out most external noise. (Not that I am recommending them for cycling use by saying this, of course  O:-))

Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #7 on: 16 September, 2008, 08:31:00 pm »
I've got Shure earphones like that but I can still hear my gears changing, the freewheel of the MonstaThorn and cars approaching behind.  I like my music but I don't like it loud.

Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #8 on: 16 September, 2008, 10:05:33 pm »
If you ever do find out what make and model of MP3 player he was using, please let me know. I'd love one that was that loud! ;D
I can't listen to quiter music on mine, even at full volume because of the noise of the wind. I can hear car horns well enough.
Get In Ear buds.... The expensive ones like these are very, very good and cut out most external noise. (Not that I am recommending them for cycling use by saying this, of course  O:-))

I can never get those in ear phones to actualy stay in my ears.
I think I have funny shaped lugholes.
I have several sets of unused in ear earphones which have come with MP3 players, radios and the like which I've used and abused over the years.

Re: Colleague saved a cyclist this morning!
« Reply #9 on: 16 September, 2008, 10:10:45 pm »
The Shure ones I have are sort of sticky.  My first set lasted for ages until they got really wet.  The water was running into my ears too.  This was during that torrential rain last month.  After that they were no longer sticky, so I had to put on a new set of pads.