Author Topic: ACME goes Dutch  (Read 85833 times)

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #350 on: 14 September, 2018, 07:28:38 am »
Here's a plan for Friday (its based on the route I suggest we follow, which we did last year)

Assemble Witham 'spoons 13:00. 
1.5 hour food window
Leave Witham 'spoons no later than 14:30

It's 36km to Wivenhoe (we avoid Cookswood NCN1 but do use the cyclepaths of Colchester) which is just under 2 hours of riding (1h45 last time - we had a tailwind)
Arrive Wivenhoe (The Black Bouy) for around 16:30ish; (earlier = more beer!) 1 hour of beer, leave Wivenhoe 17:30

I will be intercepting at Wivenhoe. I'll get there just after 4pm.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #351 on: 14 September, 2018, 08:27:06 am »
This post will be of interest to anyone considering TURNING LEFT tomorrow...

The official 200k audax route including the transit from the end of the route to the hotel in Breda is 135.4 miles.  The unofficial TURN LEFT OPTION right to the door of the hotel is 98.5 miles, a saving of 36.9 miles which I conservatively estimate will afford us an extra couple of hours or more for cultural experiences of a Dutch nature.

The above mentioned turn left option includes much of the original route but skips the willy shaped loop down towards Antwerp.


  • Yours fragrantly.
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #352 on: 14 September, 2018, 11:12:02 am »
This post will be of interest to anyone considering TURNING LEFT tomorrow...

The official 200k audax route including the transit from the end of the route to the hotel in Breda is 135.4 miles.  The unofficial TURN LEFT OPTION right to the door of the hotel is 98.5 miles, a saving of 36.9 miles which I conservatively estimate will afford us an extra couple of hours or more for cultural experiences of a Dutch nature.

The above mentioned turn left option includes much of the original route but skips the willy shaped loop down towards Antwerp.

Crikey, that's an 18 mile long Dutch willy :o

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #353 on: 14 September, 2018, 11:22:23 am »
This post will be of interest to anyone considering TURNING LEFT tomorrow...

The official 200k audax route including the transit from the end of the route to the hotel in Breda is 135.4 miles.  The unofficial TURN LEFT OPTION right to the door of the hotel is 98.5 miles, a saving of 36.9 miles which I conservatively estimate will afford us an extra couple of hours or more for cultural experiences of a Dutch nature.

The above mentioned turn left option includes much of the original route but skips the willy shaped loop down towards Antwerp.

Crikey, that's an 18 mile long Dutch willy :o

You can't be jealous, surely?   :o  After all, you're The Lynx!


    • ACME
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #354 on: 14 September, 2018, 11:44:26 am »
Just about ready to go, see you at 'spoons soon  :thumbsup:
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #355 on: 14 September, 2018, 01:58:03 pm »
Have fun! Really rather jealous...
Turn, turn, turn again
Turn, turn to the rain
And the wind


  • Yours fragrantly.
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #356 on: 14 September, 2018, 03:21:52 pm »
My handler and I are just setting off for the Black Buoy. See you all after 4pm :thumbsup:

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #357 on: 14 September, 2018, 10:20:27 pm »
We are all aboard !

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #358 on: 14 September, 2018, 11:48:16 pm »
Have fun! Really rather jealous...

Me too!

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #359 on: 18 September, 2018, 12:42:02 pm »
Having got off the ferry early yesterday morning and gone straight into the office in London via OD's Towers to shave and get changed this is the first opportunity I've had to report back on the weekend... it was fab!  I mustn't go on before thanking the organising committee of bhoot, jibers and psyclist.  Plus I must thank the rest of the peloton for their exemplary and highly amusing company, much love to you all  :-*

On Saturday Oaky and I accidentally found ourselves on an audax which we'd even taken the trouble to enter  ::-)  However, Team Turn Left did; actually it more a matter of carrying on whilst the rest of the gang turned right.  We cut across the neck of the willy shaped leg of the official route rejoining before the delightfully named Bergen op Zoom where we stopped for beer and ice cream. 

What followed was an ordeal, there is no better word.  Being fine athletes at the top of their game its essential that we stop for beer every 10 to 15 miles.  We identified that the town of Roosendaal, which was on the official audax route, was perfectly placed.  We hadn't appreciated that bhoot had carefully crafted the route to avoid the town centre where you can expect to find bars.  Consequently we rode for miles and miles without a bar in sight, it was like being in a beer free desert.  Finally we happened upon a caravan site with an open bar - we were seconds from expiring.

Breda was a very pleasant ride further up the road and we arrived there in time for some sort of canal based carnival with illuminated boats, one with a brass band on board, a light show and DJ.  The Campanile hotel was fine and we clocked up 102 miles, like I said, me and Oaky are proper athletes.

The next day me, psyclist, Oaky and Straggler headed back to The Hoek following an interesting 60 mile route ridden at a gentlemanly pace.  Psyclist did his best to persuade us not to stop every 10 to 15 miles for beer but failed miserably. 

A few of the many photos I took.  In one of them I am helping Oaky remove his shoe with my penknife...


  • MemSec (ex-Mrs RRtY)
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #360 on: 18 September, 2018, 01:08:18 pm »
But did you find the self operated chain ferry? If so you must have done something bad to it as it was extraordinarily hard to self-operate yesterday evening (or maybe it was just that we were winching it into the wind!)

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #361 on: 18 September, 2018, 01:13:00 pm »
But did you find the self operated chain ferry? If so you must have done something bad to it as it was extraordinarily hard to self-operate yesterday evening (or maybe it was just that we were winching it into the wind!)

No, we followed a route promoted by psyclist so had to missed the self operated ferry  :'( 

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #362 on: 18 September, 2018, 05:22:50 pm »
A few of the many photos I took. 

You'll have to explain how you took that photo?

No, we followed a route promoted by psyclist

I wonder if the self-winding ferry was on the route you discarded seconds after I offered it as an option  ::-)

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #363 on: 18 September, 2018, 05:56:31 pm »
Are you accusing me of not paying attention?  That’s never happened before!

the straggler

  • ACME Award Recipient & ROTY 2021
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #364 on: 19 September, 2018, 12:37:39 am »
Glad I booked this weekend excursion some time ago and the experience did not disappoint.

Last Saturday morning, the 14 tour party was ready to roll across the Dutch/Belgian flatlands.  Mission day 1 involved a 200km ride to Breda. The tandem pair of Chris and Pat went ahead on a more direct route, whilst the remaining party of 12 headed southerly in the direction of Belgium at a leisure pace. Having total faith in my ACME hosts, I did not even bother bringing or uploading the 200km route onto a GPS device; just solely relying on following the wheels in front.

After the 1st coffee stop, I decided to do a rare stint at the front alongside Psyclist and Jibbers and got caught into matching their natural pace which accidently caused a split in the group.  Sorry folks.

A welcoming 2nd stop lunch at Tholen where I sampled a pineapple cheese toastie which was remarkably filling and inexpensive. Shortly after, Team Turn Left (Oscars Dad and Oaky) routed a shorter detour to the 4th stop.

At the next 3rd stop in Lillo-Fort, I thought Ted was practising a ‘More Tea Vicar’ tour as he refrained himself to consume an ACME tour beverage all day. Upon leaving the cobbled section of pave, the Lynx somehow managed a somersault over the handlebars but uncharacteristically failed to land feet first.

Some 15km before the 4th control dinner at Bergen op Zoom, bhoot tandem, Jem, Lynx and myself opted to accept the opportunity to take in a logic short ice-cream break; whilst Jibbers, Ted, Grey Sheep, Huggy & Psyclist decided to rush on ahead.

Upon leaving the 4th control, dusk began to fall on the remaining 50km back to Breda and the drama continued with Jem colliding with a bollard, Ted and the Lynx being dimmed out with headlight issues. Finally reached a lively and busy Breda for a quick pitstop before heading back to the hotel. It had seemed a really long day, not just with the extended rest stops but with the numerous sharp right angle turns encountered during the ride.

2nd day’s quest was a classic continuation to yesterday’s experience with a much appreciated 90km return leg to the ferry. A bit more of a breezy day, but with four relaxed and stress free fuel stops in the company of Psyclist, OD and Oaky. It was just the perfect tonic to finish off a brilliant trip, the right balance between time spent on and off the bike.

Interesting observations: virtually every countryside road seemed to have a dedicated separate cycle path adjacent or alongside the traffic road, unaccustomed behaviour of motorists giving way to cyclists on roundabouts in urban areas. Loved the continental atmosphere, the bitterballen snacks and of course, the finest light ales. There’s always more to a tour than just pedalling the bike.

Special thanks to those who spent valuable time in preparing the routes, ACME group being such welcoming hosts, and finally much appreciation to Jem and Oaky offering their valuable Dutch translation skills with the food menus. Perhaps this tour should become an annual Acme Pilgrimage?
CCS - Setting the Standards

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #365 on: 20 September, 2018, 02:08:00 pm »
This is really a placeholder in case I ever find the time to write a full report of the ACME Goes Dutch Full Experience or Through Holland with the Duke and his Gang.

A huge thank you to Psyclist, Bhoot and Jiber for their sterling efforts in organising everything and trying to herd the ACME cats generally.  Jiber, in particular, as well as being our catering manager also had to tow us round the flatlands for four days (we were all pretending to be unsure of the route  ;D). 

Anyway, I had a great time which literally means I really enjoyed myself.

In a sneak preview of the ACME Goes Dutch Awards, I can reveal that suggestion of the tour has been awarded to Mr "I set the standards" Straggler who came up with the brilliant idea of thinking about making an event already in its second year an annual thing.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways


  • ACME HR and Diversity officer
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #366 on: 20 September, 2018, 03:57:33 pm »
Well that was an amazing experience. My firs .proper cycling tour and I could not have wished for better company. I learnt a lot. Laughed a lot. Ate a lot and enjoyed leading the Lynx and Grey Sheep astray with strong, dark Belgians. I rode more COR than I ever thought I could and fell off more times in two days than in the past 14 years but hey, how else do you learn? I clung onto Huggx or Grey sheeps wheels when things got tough while the Lynx made sure I wasn't left in my least favourite position - at the back. 

I enjoyed the morning TTs with Jibers but thanked the storks for their strategic placement just as I thought my lungs were going to explode.  l cursed the wind on the last day but was thriled to bits to be reunited with everyone for the last supper before sailing. I was.quite.literally beaming from ear to ear. I even learnt about navigation lights from Grey Sheep and the Duke on the ferry.

Thanks to everyone involved but especially the Full Experience gang for making me feel part of the group. Huggy's comment that I am an  "honorary boy" made my trip.
 (comment made before 00h00 therefore allowed :-))

If this does become an annual adventure, we'll definitely be back.

It was the shitadel of cycling experiences. :-) :-)


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #367 on: 28 September, 2018, 07:26:38 pm »
This is really a placeholder in case I ever find the time to write a full report of the ACME Goes Dutch Full Experience or Through Holland with the Duke and his Gang.

A huge thank you to Psyclist, Bhoot and Jiber for their sterling efforts in organising everything and trying to herd the ACME cats generally.  Jiber, in particular, as well as being our catering manager also had to tow us round the flatlands for four days (we were all pretending to be unsure of the route  ;D). 

Anyway, I had a great time which literally means I really enjoyed myself.

In a sneak preview of the ACME Goes Dutch Awards, I can reveal that suggestion of the tour has been awarded to Mr "I set the standards" Straggler who came up with the brilliant idea of thinking about making an event already in its second year an annual thing.

Boooon times....


Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #368 on: 28 September, 2018, 09:37:13 pm »
Nice one Jorgen.

"It's great when one of us needs a wee the other one keeps the beats going."

Like cycling with the Lynx.

Boomtime !

Let me see those hands.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #369 on: 05 November, 2021, 06:28:25 pm »
Early planning for the next ACME trip to the Netherlands, so that those who have ferry vouchers can use them before they expire at the end of this year.

I've just purchased my ferry tickets, selecting the 'flexi' option this time, just in case!

Route planning will begin in the spring. Probably aiming for 100-120km each day, and taking in as many interesting sights and routes as we can fit in.

Acme Goes Dutch by psyclist, on Flickr

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #370 on: 06 November, 2021, 04:42:20 pm »

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #371 on: 09 November, 2021, 11:52:03 am »
Oooh, this looks exciting - I'd like to express an interest in this, pleasre. Also my friend at work (Andy) and a guy who he house shares with (Adam) would be interested if allowed? Both very genuine and nice chaps as you'd expect!

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #372 on: 09 November, 2021, 12:48:57 pm »
Oooh, this looks exciting - I'd like to express an interest in this, pleasre. Also my friend at work (Andy) and a guy who he house shares with (Adam) would be interested if allowed? Both very genuine and nice chaps as you'd expect!

I think you've worked out by now we are a broad church so Andy and Adam will most certainly be allowed.  Although we may have to induct them first  :demon:

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #373 on: 09 November, 2021, 01:27:50 pm »
Oooh, this looks exciting - I'd like to express an interest in this, pleasre. Also my friend at work (Andy) and a guy who he house shares with (Adam) would be interested if allowed? Both very genuine and nice chaps as you'd expect!

I think you've worked out by now we are a broad church so Andy and Adam will most certainly be allowed.  Although we may have to induct them first  :demon:

Re: ACME goes Dutch
« Reply #374 on: 09 November, 2021, 01:28:59 pm »
Might there be an actual 200km ride in there as well at some point?  Can sometimes help with the "But why are you spending all your valuable leave away cycling?" question.
Turn, turn, turn again
Turn, turn to the rain
And the wind