Author Topic: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square  (Read 367409 times)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2150 on: 24 June, 2021, 01:20:12 pm »
I’m in the office today, so took advantage of it being the middle of summer (and therefore light early) to do the whole commute by bike - with a slightly circuitous route designed to pick up a few more tiles on the way.

105km in total. Not sure exactly how many new tiles I picked up - 13, I think. Including one tile I hadn’t planned on going for but accidentally picked up due to navigational issues. Nice!

Not going to ride all the way home, but I have a 50km route from London to Gravesend that will give me a few more tiles and thus extend my max cluster westwards a bit.

And with the ACH 200 next week passing through a few more tiles I need in SE London, that should finally link up my Kent cluster to my London cluster, which will be very satisfying.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
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Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2151 on: 24 June, 2021, 01:50:26 pm »
And with the ACH 200 next week passing through a few more tiles I need in SE London, that should finally link up my Kent cluster to my London cluster, which will be very satisfying.

What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2152 on: 24 June, 2021, 03:42:12 pm »
And with the ACH 200 next week passing through a few more tiles I need in SE London, that should finally link up my Kent cluster to my London cluster, which will be very satisfying.


I amended my route in today after you sent out the GPX for the 200 (mainly around the Bexley/Welling area) - made sense to target different tiles to the ones I know I'm going to be riding next week!

ETA: this is where things stand after yesterday's rides - tantalisingly close:

clusters by citoyen, on Flickr

So I just need the run of four tiles between Eltham and Darenth, and one near Hawley, to join up to the London cluster. And they are all covered by next week's 200 (along with a bunch of tiles on the Hoo peninsula). It's a great route anyway, but this is a nice bonus!

audax tilebagging by citoyen, on Flickr
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2153 on: 25 June, 2021, 11:01:30 pm »
Plus I enjoy planning a decent route to collect the tiles I want in a fairly efficient way.  I try to avoid spurs where possible as they mess up the flow of the ride.
Likewise. However I did that on Tuesday and it was a huge mistake because  the path basically vanished and was tufty unrideable moorland which then became bog. I carried bike a long way and had soggy shoes rest of the day.  I had the foresight to wear waterproof sock that day at least. Should have stayed on road and done the short spurs off it.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2154 on: 25 June, 2021, 11:13:16 pm »
There were lots of random holes in my local area when I started tiling that I had ridden on numerous occasions before Strava. I simply rode them again and enjoyed doing so. In fact the very first tile I deliberately bagged was one I'd ridden through many, many times, but not since I started using Strava. I was simply riding other less familiar areas.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2155 on: 27 June, 2021, 08:48:54 pm »
Knocked off a bunch of annoying ones to finish off the Tees estuary, including the awkward one at British Steel, and some bonus riding on the beach cos I was lucky enough to catch low tide at Redcar. The tide goes out a very long way there.

It's all a bit different from the trackless moors at the other end of my square, but I really enjoy riding round there.

I definitely had visited some of them pre-GPS. Not just the beach, but my dad took me round an oil module he'd been working on when they had an open day before it was tugged out to sea*. This being the nineties and this being my dad, we had a good look around all the non-public areas too. But that was bang inside one of those tiles.

*Strong contender for most northern day out of my childhood, alongside The Day We Went to See Newport Bridge Being Raised for the Final Time

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2156 on: 27 June, 2021, 09:24:14 pm »
I ventured properly into West Sussex yesterday, and today dug out old gpx tracks from a couple of El-Supremo 100s and my Newcastle - Edinburgh ride. There’s probably a Mid Sussex Hilly on there somewhere too. The local rides have not added to my cluster, but have made some big open spaces into holes to be filled.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2157 on: 27 June, 2021, 09:59:13 pm »
Knocked off a bunch of annoying ones to finish off the Tees estuary, including the awkward one at British Steel, and some bonus riding on the beach cos I was lucky enough to catch low tide at Redcar. The tide goes out a very long way there.

It's all a bit different from the trackless moors at the other end of my square, but I really enjoy riding round there.

I definitely had visited some of them pre-GPS. Not just the beach, but my dad took me round an oil module he'd been working on when they had an open day before it was tugged out to sea*. This being the nineties and this being my dad, we had a good look around all the non-public areas too. But that was bang inside one of those tiles.

*Strong contender for most northern day out of my childhood, alongside The Day We Went to See Newport Bridge Being Raised for the Final Time
*checks tide times for July*


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2158 on: 27 June, 2021, 10:02:24 pm »

A 67km training ride, this week I went to Den Haag, had cake, and got the train home. Picked up 11 new tiles, but expanded my cluster by 14.

11170 tiles
Max square 27x27
Max Cluster: 1730

Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2159 on: 28 June, 2021, 12:30:09 am »
Knocked off a bunch of annoying ones to finish off the Tees estuary, including the awkward one at British Steel, and some bonus riding on the beach cos I was lucky enough to catch low tide at Redcar. The tide goes out a very long way there.
It's all a bit different from the trackless moors at the other end of my square, but I really enjoy riding round there.
When I got stuck at my Mum's during Lockdown 1, I kept myself sane by grabbing some local tiles around Gower and Swansea. This also involved waiting for tide to go out on occasions [second highest tidal range in world around there], which likewise made a change from the ankle snapping moorlands back oop North.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2160 on: 03 July, 2021, 03:13:51 pm »
...... Although I wish I had the time I did LEJOG shown.......
I did LEJOG in 1983 (as part of an organised trip) and I still have printed copies of each day's route maps and instructions.  I could create some GPX files and use GOTOES to upload them to Strava. But should I? The resulting filled-in tiles would link together a few areas which are currently separated in my post-2013 Strava uploads. (Of course there are hundreds of other rides I did between 1962 and 2013 that will never get logged, because I don't know the exact routes any more.)
Some interesting comments on this topic since my post last week, thank you. I have decided not to re-create my LeJog ride. But I have re-created my 2009 Etape du Tour (which included Mt Ventoux), and was probably pre-Strava (certainly pre any GPS that I have had). It was the longest day ride I've ever done, and the most climbing, so I felt it 'deserved' a slot in veloviewer. Didn't get me any increase in max square or max cluster though.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2161 on: 03 July, 2021, 08:02:04 pm »
Planned to ride the Peak District North + West of Buxton this week. Thursday was nice and dry [essential when riding moors to prevent damage] but got to Buxton only to realise that I'd left my water bottles behind. I was already a bit concerned about carrying enough drink around as it was, with places to top drink up a bit hard to come after 15km, so I binned ride.
So I went back the next, even hotter day, but circumstances meant that I wasn't able to start ride until 12.30pm. But I optimistically reckoned 8 hours of daylight should be enough for a 88km ride even with the slow average speed in these parts.
I had planned the hardest part to do when still fresh. Straight up to the moor top above Buxton and then down the other side. But after getting to bottom I found a big locked and barbed wired gate there which was definitely not for passing. 

I wasn’t the first to make this fruitless journey.

This meant a reroute and back up the very steep hill...

 ...and then climb further along ridge to get around. 

[This is looking back down, with lots more technical climbing to go.]

Two hours into ride and  I was still climbing the ridge line, but had only covered 9km since I set off. I reckon I was in first gear for the  majority of that time on my CX too. Lowest average speed yet! The ridge line climb/diversion was a very narrow and technical narrow sheep track with rocks, that combined with sunshine and amazing views made for the sort of awesome MTB ride I love. So luckily it was a diversion that was better than planned route by far. 
It took about three hours to get close to the 8km marker part of planned route and nearly had to turn around and go back up the hill once again, just before I got there because this time the road was completely blocked by two telegraph pole lorries. Luckily there was just enough room to squeeze through the stingy nettles at side. 

Now back on route, I pumped tyre up because I had a very slow puncture. Valve got unscrewed by pump and then the slow puncture became a lot less slow, going soft in just 10 mins Vs the previous 6+ hours since being pumped up. Luckily I was in the only area of route with some shops and there was a bike shop close by. I suspected it was a sealant dried up issue which I could simply top up  Bike got cooked in car previous day and I had noticed sealant bleeding through walls of other tyre - which doesn't normally happen months after set up.  ??? I had a spare tube BTW, but with handy bike shop nearby…though it actually turned out the tubeless valve was leaking air from rim, regardless of how tight lock ring was or wasn't. The instant deflation when valve popped out finished it off it would seem. Weird!
Wheel all sorted with new valve, but now I've done just 13km of the route and I’m 4.5 hours in. Time to cut my losses and head back to Buxton. Plot a route to maximise any tiles and back to Buxton I go. So just 37km and 870m of some very challenging climbing to get a mere 23 tiles. But this was a ride I really enjoyed nonetheless.   Had it been bad, weather though, it would have been rather unpleasant and potentially quite dangerous. Another reason why I only ride moor tops during good weather.

The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2162 on: 04 July, 2021, 12:26:10 pm »
Planned to ride the Peak District North + West of Buxton this week.....

Sounds like a great adventure imajez; thanks for sharing. Tiles left behind are just a good excuse to go back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2163 on: 04 July, 2021, 05:39:40 pm »
Tiles left behind are just a good excuse to go back.
But not quite to same place.  ;D
Or if near Doncaster.
The Tile Collector


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2164 on: 04 July, 2021, 09:05:11 pm »
Tiles left behind are just a good excuse to go back.

I dunno. I seriously considered adding a diversion from yesterday's audax in order to pick up a couple of rogue tiles on Sheppey, so that I wouldn't have to go back there, which is not a prospect that fills me with glee. But I decided against in the end.

However, the prescribed route did, as previously mentioned, help me fill in the last few tiles I needed to link up my main Kent cluster to my smaller London cluster, so that was very satisfying indeed.

Total tiles: 7213 > 7264
Max square unaffected, stays at 21
Max cluster: 1029 > 1175

Here's the before/after shot:

cluster by citoyen, on Flickr

And what my whole cluster looks like now:

Screenshot 2021-07-04 at 21.03.13 by citoyen, on Flickr

Making good progress towards my next long-term target of filling in all of Kent...
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2165 on: 05 July, 2021, 11:53:17 am »
I had a nice long day on Saturday exploring West Kent and filling in quite a few more tiles.

A little bit of bad planning led to me missing a tile that would only have involved about another 500m of riding :-[



I am hoping to do all of Kent by the end of the year.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2166 on: 05 July, 2021, 11:54:33 am »
I am hoping to do all of Kent by the end of the year.

I have a feeling you'll get there long before me.

Those two coastal tiles up towards Pegwell Bay are best accessed on foot. You can get to them by walking across the golf course from Sandwich.

At least the one you missed is easily accessible.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2167 on: 05 July, 2021, 11:58:44 am »
And I have just noticed that I might have missed another tile here at North Foreland

@citoyen  I assume this is doable at low tide?

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2168 on: 05 July, 2021, 12:03:38 pm »
I took a day off on Thursday to do a long ride and capture some distant tiles. Very pleased to go up from 24x24 to 27x27 in one ride. Nothing really tricky on this one but I did end up with a bit of comedy offroading. I am hoping to finish all of Kent by the end of the year.

Nice work!

Where you have gaps on the Ash levels and those two coastal tiles north of Sandwich, I had to take to foot to get most of those. I have some walking routes on Viewranger if you want me to share them.

In return, I might ask for tips on Hoo tiles, when I get round to heading out that way.
I managed to get the Ash levels tiles over my last two rides. I still need to get those two North of Sandwich.  Can you cycle along the coast path there? or at least push the bike?


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2169 on: 05 July, 2021, 12:07:22 pm »
@citoyen  I assume this is doable at low tide?

Yes. Alternatively, if you befriend a North Foreland resident with a key, you could get down there via the original 39 steps. Of which there are in fact 78.

Can you cycle along the coast path there? or at least push the bike?

I should think so. Alternatively, you can go round via the path from Sandwich along that side of the Stour (might involve lifting the bike over a stile or two, but from memory I think it will mostly be rideable, even if that isn't strictly allowed).
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2170 on: 05 July, 2021, 12:14:21 pm »
@citoyen  I assume this is doable at low tide?

Yes. Alternatively, if you befriend a North Foreland resident with a key, you could get down there via the original 39 steps. Of which there are in fact 78.

Can you cycle along the coast path there? or at least push the bike?
Thanks. I will have to do some more planning!
I should think so. Alternatively, you can go round via the path from Sandwich along that side of the Stour (might involve lifting the bike over a stile or two, but from memory I think it will mostly be rideable, even if that isn't strictly allowed).

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2171 on: 05 July, 2021, 01:35:48 pm »
Away on the mtb/touring bikes, Lanark ,Canonbie ,Dumfries then north to home. Starting to run out of road tiles, catching odd road tiles and trying to link up tracks. 120 new tiles. The Thunderstorms are getting closer .

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2172 on: 06 July, 2021, 11:13:56 pm »
Down to Ayr, had enough of cluster and off road tiles. Time to pick up easy road tiles round the South Ayrshire lanes.
Picked up 75 tiles and 30006 tiles for total. Cafe stop at Mauchline to look at explorer on phone to decide where to go next.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2173 on: 12 July, 2021, 08:42:06 am »
I managed to pick up 35 tiles between Middleton-in-Teesdale and Hexham on Saturdays "The 4 Tops" Audax, taking my total to 10554


Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2174 on: 12 July, 2021, 09:15:30 am »
I went to Northumberland too, and picked up 65 tiles. I was reminded again how just because it's a Byway Open To All Traffic doesn't mean I can ride it. About the first and last 5 metres were ridable track, and of course, that's the part you see on Google maps. :facepalm:

On the plus side, I had Doddington's milkshake from the Milk Bar in Wooler. Nom nomitty nom.