Author Topic: Easter Arrow 2019  (Read 32147 times)


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Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #50 on: 10 January, 2019, 02:50:56 pm »
If anyone is looking for another team member, or reservist—if that's possible—I could be convinced.  I live in London and have a mate is Manchester who could also be convinced.  I am a semi-experienced cyclist.  What does that mean?  I don't know but here is my CV:

I cycle 21km into work and back 3-4 times a week though upping this to 4-5 as I start training for PBP with longer rides at the weekend.  One 200km done to date in Oct 2018 (9 hours on the bike but with lots of stops to wait for a friend) with more scheduled before Easter.  In summer of 2017 I cycled coast to coast across Canada in 90 days.  Well-kept 1980s steel bike.  I have yet to calculate an average speed but I would say endurance is more my thing over speed and wouldn't be confident with a team shooting for, say, 500km.  Drop me a line though with whatever your doing if in need of another.


Phil W

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #51 on: 17 January, 2019, 05:44:40 pm »
My Easter Arrow team is formed.  The start and 22nd hour control decided plus I have an outline route in mind.

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #52 on: 21 January, 2019, 03:34:23 pm »
Just copying this across (which answers a question about the 'actual' (as opposed to rules) start time window I posed on here a month ago)
Just a note for you all before anyone gets to far into planning. I've check[ed] in with Martin, this years organiser and no Thursday night start available this year. Sticking to the published rules of 'Teams may start from Friday 06:00 to Saturday 10:00hrs.'
We are starting after breakfast Friday and look forward to our Saturday breakfast in York. Ours is a 'Wednesdays pub team'. Coming up to the '12 weeks to go' point.


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    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #53 on: 21 January, 2019, 07:53:02 pm »
... followed by this excellent response:
Hmmmm, my planned route assumed a Thursday start. Could always start Friday evening, but what's the fun in arriving in York when everybody has gone home.

A group DIY would work with a Thursday start, and gives 28 hours rather than 24 hours to complete.

... and doesn't require a minimum number to finish, and would allow a 400km ride rather than an over distance ride.
Seems to preserve the spirit of the event without making life difficult for no reason  :thumbsup:
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #54 on: 21 January, 2019, 08:06:45 pm »
Generally it is considered infra-dig to ride a perm route that overlaps the calendar event too closely. I'm not sure whether anybody thinks a group perm to York at Easter fits into that category.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #55 on: 21 January, 2019, 08:16:44 pm »
The problem with taking a quote from a different thread and not really understanding the context, you tend to lose the intent. Something the popular press do to create a “story”.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #56 on: 21 January, 2019, 09:07:53 pm »
Am I missing something really obvious?  What's the attraction with a Thursday start?

I recall last year while the majority were arriving at Postern Gate Saturday AM looking wrecked, one team who had chosen a Thursday start sitting in their freshly laundered kit eating breakfast.  This obviously wasn't a time constraint that forced a Thursday start


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #57 on: 21 January, 2019, 10:28:38 pm »
The problem with taking a quote from a different thread and not really understanding the context, you tend to lose the intent. Something the popular press do to create a “story”.

I read that thread and understand the context. Anything else?
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


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Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #58 on: 21 January, 2019, 10:56:00 pm »
Generally it is considered infra-dig to ride a perm route that overlaps the calendar event too closely. I'm not sure whether anybody thinks a group perm to York at Easter fits into that category.

I personally don't think it does but do feel you are infering that it does by posting this?

For it to fit in that catagory I would expect a need to be the same/very similar route and at the same time under broadly the same rules (eg: someone riding a DIY of a cal event because they were unable to enter).

This particular is a DIY 400 (under BR) before the Arrow event (under BRM).  No one publishes their route for the arrow for starters (other than start and finish) Or are you saying there is some rule about any none calendar ride >300km just before the Easter Arrow if it heads towards the direction of York (so a DIY from the NE could only head N for example?).

Surely its a case of a discussion with the DIY org who is presiding over the route validation, but if the result was not being allowed, then that would be the end of Audax for me...  :facepalm:



Phil W

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #59 on: 22 January, 2019, 12:07:30 am »
Indeed, a DIY route that follows its own unique route , obeys BR perm rules, is not a team event (choosing to ride together does not make it a team event for Audax purposes) and starts outside the Easter Arrow window.  Hardly the same as riding a calendar event route on the date of calendar event, but as a perm.

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #60 on: 22 January, 2019, 12:15:51 am »
Generally it is considered infra-dig to ride a perm route that overlaps the calendar event too closely. I'm not sure whether anybody thinks a group perm to York at Easter fits into that category.
I think commenting this and then implicitly sitting on the fence is 'stirring it'. The Easter Arrow is an esoteric calendar event and the reasons that mirroring a calendar event with a contemporaneous DIY might be considered 'infra-dig' don't (to me) seem to apply. Geographically spread start locations and times; different routes (with pleasant intersections, hopefully, with those riding from a similar directions) mean that those riding a DIY 12 hours ahead (say) will have no adverse effect that I can imagine. Go for it - sorry not to see you in York on Saturday morning, but riders' real lives are important to a majority/minority(?).
if the laid-down start window is enforced (for 'rules adherence', reasons shared above or otherwise) - I asked about this on here 7 weeks ago (hence I posted the quote from the ACME thread which gave the answer) - then a Thu evening to Fri evening DIY offers an excellent opportunity for a ride, towards York, or towards anywhere, or a loop.
Someone else mentioned Hull Trains. Looks like the London train from Selby (from York = 22km) will cost about £14 (to King's Cross) if booked late this month.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #61 on: 22 January, 2019, 06:35:13 am »
The only people whose opinions count in this regard are the Arrow organiser, the DIY organiser and the validation team. I am none of these people and frankly don't give a flying fuck whether anybody rides a group DIY to York at Easter. I know how it feels to complete a valid Arrow and to have it not be validated because of organiser whim.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #62 on: 23 January, 2019, 01:11:40 pm »
Am I missing something really obvious?  What's the attraction with a Thursday start?

I recall last year while the majority were arriving at Postern Gate Saturday AM looking wrecked, one team who had chosen a Thursday start sitting in their freshly laundered kit eating breakfast.  This obviously wasn't a time constraint that forced a Thursday start
For me there are a couple of things that make the Thursday night start more attractive,

1. I get to see the more northern parts of the route in daylight which as a southerner I don't often get the opportunity to do.
2. I get to enjoy a night of sleep before a train back to London and ride home from London (because Greater Anglia generally don't run trains on weekends)
3. Still get to catch up with the Friday morning start folk on Saturday morning OR I can get an early train back to London.

Neither of these are essential and I'm perfectly happy with being told it is not possible this year but given the chance it is my preference. I guess if you want a night time start Arrow you could still start on Friday night but that obviously misses out the fun on Saturday morning.

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #63 on: 23 January, 2019, 01:24:39 pm »
Am I missing something really obvious?  What's the attraction with a Thursday start?

I recall last year while the majority were arriving at Postern Gate Saturday AM looking wrecked, one team who had chosen a Thursday start sitting in their freshly laundered kit eating breakfast.  This obviously wasn't a time constraint that forced a Thursday start
For me there are a couple of things that make the Thursday night start more attractive,

1. I get to see the more northern parts of the route in daylight which as a southerner I don't often get the opportunity to do.
2. I get to enjoy a night of sleep before a train back to London and ride home from London (because Greater Anglia generally don't run trains on weekends)
3. Still get to catch up with the Friday morning start folk on Saturday morning OR I can get an early train back to London.

Neither of these are essential and I'm perfectly happy with being told it is not possible this year but given the chance it is my preference. I guess if you want a night time start Arrow you could still start on Friday night but that obviously misses out the fun on Saturday morning.

That makes sense

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #64 on: 23 January, 2019, 02:55:36 pm »
I enquired (in December but have only just asked the organiser) about 'extra distance':
AUK website rules say:
"DISTANCES. At least 360km must be covered during the 24 hours but you should plan more e.g. 400k or 500k as your target.
The team will be validated if the actual distance covered is within 20% above or below the one stated before the ride (with an absolute minimum of 360km) E.g. if you plan a 450km route the team must ride between 360 and 540km"

"How [does] a group rides a distance further than the planned route (by up to 20%) in practice? Does the group nominate to the organiser various cunning diversion wheezes in case more distance is possible within the allotted 24 hours?"

Response from the organiser (and shared in case of general interest):
"As regards claiming the extra distance:
1)    You must visit any controls you have listed on the entry form in the order you’ve listed them so don’t include any dummy controls.
2)    If having visited all your nominated controls and arrived at the finish you find yourself with lots of time in hand, you can then add some extra distance. You do this by deciding on one or more places as the extra controls and then riding to them and collecting PoP as normal. You DO NOT include these extra controls on the entry form but rather make them up on the hoof when you find yourself at the finish with lots of extra time. Note that you’re still required to ride at least 25km in the final 2 hours so you’ll need to factor this in when deciding on your extra controls. I’ll then calculate the extra distance covered and add it onto your original entry total."

Phil W

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #65 on: 25 January, 2019, 05:44:09 pm »
First draft of a day time start route with controls plotted. Further tweaks to come once timings done and suitable overnight A road alternatives identified.

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #66 on: 26 January, 2019, 02:41:20 pm »
Our (polished) route with 5 controls gives following percentages of road types:
A road (trunk) - 4% (includes a couple of k on the dualled A1 north of Newark)
A road - 34%
B road - 27%
Minor road ('C') - 31%
Minor road (single track) - <1%
Cycle path (away from road) - 3%
Looks like the McDonalds north of Thorne (M18/J6) may be our breakfast stop with 45km to go.

Phil W

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #67 on: 26 January, 2019, 06:36:12 pm »
Done further work on our route and factored in A roads based on timings.  Got distance ridden within 5% of shortest distance and eliminated a control. Pleased with that.

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #68 on: 29 January, 2019, 11:26:37 pm »
Full moon if we're lucky (with the sky), rising almost to the minute the sun sets (our route) and setting after sunrise.,-0.920530&dt=20190419124741%2B0100&z=15&spn=0.01,0.04&center=52.4776,-0.9205,-0.963080&dt=20190420234700%2B0100&z=15&spn=0.01,0.04&center=53.6112,-0.9631
I note that the following full moon, if the clouds allow, should rise on the way back from Menai Bridge on the BCM 29 days later.

Phil W

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #69 on: 30 January, 2019, 11:04:52 am »
If we are not riding under clear skies and a bright moon to guide us then I will know who to blame.

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #70 on: 01 February, 2019, 11:10:28 am »
Public service announcement - advanced tickets (and bike reservations) for April 20th are on sale today.

Phil W

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #71 on: 01 February, 2019, 11:44:37 am »
Second public service announcement.

Book it on the Scotrail website and you can still do bike reservations online.  Saves the poxy ring a help line then get put on hold whilst they ask their supervisor how to do bike reservations saga.

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #72 on: 01 February, 2019, 12:03:56 pm »
I was going to use the GWR site but it was strugging under load. Must be too many audaxers trying to book  ;D


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Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #73 on: 01 February, 2019, 12:06:47 pm »
I was going to use the GWR site but it was strugging under load. Must be too many audaxers trying to book  ;D

It'll be the wrong type of snow on the tubes....
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Re: Easter Arrow 2019
« Reply #74 on: 01 February, 2019, 01:40:53 pm »
Second public service announcement.

Book it on the Scotrail website and you can still do bike reservations online.  Saves the poxy ring a help line then get put on hold whilst they ask their supervisor how to do bike reservations saga.

Sadly this isn't the case anymore, still have to call up and book. In addition Scotrail tickets are not availble yet for their services on 20 April.

EDIT: after ~1 year of no bike resv. being possible through their site, it seems today its been re-enabled. Just booked an Aberdeen-Dundee service