Author Topic: PBP Registration website  (Read 91349 times)


  • Rapha tart
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #25 on: 15 January, 2019, 08:29:25 pm »
^ Yes I also had a choice of my 600 or one with the same number from 2015 which looks like a Californian audax.
ACP doing their bit for recycling I guess.

With all the 1000s presumably now entered there's still 4,700 places left. Its all gonna be fine!
Date   Time limit   Places restantes
18/08   80h00   1074
18/08   90h00   2926
19/08   84h00   738

Phil W

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #26 on: 15 January, 2019, 08:38:30 pm »
The headscratcher for me was being asked for 'Entry Number' to start payment.  I had no idea (maybe I'd missed it but don't think so) so used the back button (website not browser) and promptly got dumped at the start... Bugger!!!  Started again and immediately taken to a screen with the Entry Number (PBP-1017) and option to pay... Phew!!!  Paid OK (no other option than via PayPal it seems) and job's a good'un  :thumbsup:

I found the same, you're asked to confirm the Entry Number you're paying for without being told the number itself.

At this point it's safe to select the back / home icon on the PBP website and go to the Registrations section again. The pre-registration you just created will be waiting there.

I'm in for an 18.15 start. :thumbsup: Looking forward to the BRM SR series now.

Same thing happened with mine, click back and the reg no was there with a "paying" button.
(NB the reg no isn't the same for everybody so don't copy the one above!)
It's a test, really, to weed out those who don't stick at it - if you can't fathom your way round an idiosyncratic French website they don't want you in  ;)

Same here for payment. I had pre registered on the website so a five minute job to choose a time and pay. Good to see only deposit this time as sure you had to pay the full amount in 2015.


Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #27 on: 15 January, 2019, 09:02:32 pm »
I have never thought it realistic that it would fill up before all the 400s are in.

It's only choice of start slot that might be an issue. I can live with being at the back of the 80h start but I don't want the back of the 90h.


  • Not Small
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #28 on: 15 January, 2019, 11:06:49 pm »
What's the payment screen like?
And is it obvious which payment system they are using?
Asking for technical reasons (i.e. I've got some Euros on a currency card that cost me less than the current exchange rate)

Here's are the numbers for the deposit:

From amount   £28.23 GBP
To amount   €30.00 EUR
Exchange rate: 1 GBP = 1.06287 EUR

Ta, that's a great example of why I was interested as both Visa and Mastercard are currently saying they'll give you 1.12 Euro to the Quid.
And the ones on my pre-paid card were bought at 1.16 Euro to the Quid... actually I had a a bit of dosh left on it from a previous trip that would have been bought at Pre-referendum rates...


  • Not Small
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #29 on: 15 January, 2019, 11:10:29 pm »
Oddly if I try to register, the longest BRM form is pre-filled with the number 103167, which is someone else's 600 (I only have a 400).

What year is that 600?

When I registered with my 600 it came up with a choice of two with the same number, nut the other one was 2015 and for what looked like a Finish audax.

What I've determined from seeing that is
1) Some Eejit's pre-populated the field to make life easier for them during dev/test.
2) ACP Homologation numbers cycle on every PBP, the result of doing so would be fun to throw at information governance at work (but that's health data)
It's amusing now but in another couple of PBPs time someone's going to end up going back and putting the year on the front or end of each number... and in a few more go back and put the century on that.

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #30 on: 16 January, 2019, 10:46:30 am »
Apologies for the stupid question but where on the registration form does it ask for details of your 1000?  My form is also pre-popped with someone else's 1000?

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #31 on: 16 January, 2019, 11:46:07 am »
Apologies for the stupid question but where on the registration form does it ask for details of your 1000?  My form is also pre-popped with someone else's 1000?
If i remember correctly the previous page to this should have an ACP event/rider homologation number box. You need to put your 1000's number in there. If you don't it looks like the site uses the last one it saw...

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #32 on: 16 January, 2019, 12:24:10 pm »
With all the 1000s presumably now entered there's still 4,700 places left. Its all gonna be fine!
Date   Time limit   Places restantes
18/08   80h00   1074
18/08   90h00   2926
19/08   84h00   738
Well a day later, as at Wednesday 1100 (non-specials):
80hr starts (1600-1730 Sun) 200x7=1400 available; 333 pre-registered
90hr starts (1800-2100 Sun) 320x13=4160 available; 1391 pre-registered
84hr starts (0500-0530 Sun) 300x3=900 available; 212 pre-registered
So 1936 riders pre-registered so far, about a third of the available places. Amazing (see below)! My per start places available figures will not be correct  - works out at 6460 'start slots' available whereas ACP have said max 6,500 somewhere and need to allow 300 slots for specials (before 90hr and 84hr first start time). In 2011 257 'specials' registered. In 2015 276 specials registered.

Must admit I'm surprised how many rode a 1000+km worldwide last year (and want to ride PBP).
The AudaxUK stats say that 98 riders achieved Randonneur 2,500 (SR + a 1,000km). I assumed (probably in error) that most who rode a 1000 last year would have achieved a (separate ie not relying on the 1000) SR but clearly only half when you look at the number of 1000k ride finishers:
WH1000 56
ACME Grand 19
MP1K 46
Mille Cymru 56
Overseas (recorded in AudaxUK listings) 12 + 15
Fair number of overlaps no doubt.

Besides those who have entered (about 2000 with specials), surely there are at least as many riders, worldwide, who completed a 600k but not a 1000k last year who will wish to ride PBP. As ACP said last year 'a 400k ride in 2018 should ensure a place' and the figures all but confirm that.  But it will be interesting to see how many places are left after the 400k contingent pre-register. If I only had a 300 in last year's bag, I'd make sure to be online at 2300 GMT on 25 Feb with everything filled up ready to go and the ACP hologation number of my 300k BRM ride noted.

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #33 on: 16 January, 2019, 12:56:16 pm »
Thanks, that did the trick!

Phil W

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #34 on: 16 January, 2019, 01:30:47 pm »
I completed my 1000 last year on the back of 200's as my frame broke on a DIY 300 and I crashed on the Easter Arrow putting me out of action.  Did a calendar 300 and DIY 400 later in year.  The 1000 was the only BRM I did in 2018.


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #35 on: 16 January, 2019, 01:55:51 pm »
I signed up yesterday for a 4:30pm start but I just checked back and there was one space for 4:00pm so I changed my entry. Being away first will make a change to 2015 when I set off Monday morning.
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #36 on: 16 January, 2019, 10:06:36 pm »
Do I gather correctly from what I read above that it's possible to change your start time after you pre-register?

I'm asking as two of us wish to have the same start time, so if limited availability means we end up choosing different times when we pre-register next week (with the 600's), we would look to change one or both to bring them in line.


  • less Grimpeur than Whimpeur...
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #37 on: 16 January, 2019, 11:19:05 pm »

Do I gather correctly from what I read above that it's possible to change your start time after you pre-register?

Yes. Sign back in. There are "modify" buttons or similar.

Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #38 on: 17 January, 2019, 08:31:29 am »
Do I gather correctly from what I read above that it's possible to change your start time after you pre-register?
I'm asking as two of us wish to have the same start time, so if limited availability means we end up choosing different times when we pre-register next week (with the 600's), we would look to change one or both to bring them in line.
The number of places left in each start slot are shown in a drop down menu of all the start times (for that start 80/90/84) so the two of you can agree in advance which start to go for. For example I've selected 1900 Sunday and it shows 201 places left for that hour (of the 320 it was to start with). I'm hoping a fellow 'Wednesdays pub ride' (and Easter Arrow) drinker (who only has a 600 BRM last year) will be able to select 1900, provided he gets on promptly at 2300 on 28 Jan.
I have gone back on my 'account' after completing pre-registration and could have changed to a different time (or indeed to an 84hr start). But now it seems locked and notes 'Preregistration validated'. I suspect when I come to actually register in May (after BCM) I'll be able to change my start time preference (and or Sun/Mon) but if I can't it matters not.

Ben T

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #39 on: 17 January, 2019, 08:45:40 am »
All this talk of being clever by logging on at 2300 assumes that the server actually is in France or that the French understand UTC and that it ticks over automatically.  :P it might well be driven by some remote data center's time zone, or it might be that it's switched on when some bloke is good and ready and feels like switching it on.  :)


  • Andrew Preston
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #40 on: 17 January, 2019, 09:04:17 am »
Here's a top tip: when (pre) registering make sure any pop up blockers you are running are switched off for the site or you may not be able to see the pay button after you've selected your start time.

Not a critical issue this week, but might be later on!  :thumbsup:

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #41 on: 17 January, 2019, 09:23:26 am »
All this talk of being clever by logging on at 2300 assumes that the server actually is in France or that the French understand UTC and that it ticks over automatically.  :P it might well be driven by some remote data center's time zone, or it might be that it's switched on when some bloke is good and ready and feels like switching it on.  :)
If you want to think that getting on promptly at 2300 is "being clever" firstly note that over 400 preregistered in the first hour of 14 Jan (and I think there will be even more worldwide urgency on display on the 28th and a fortnight later), and that an early post upthread suggests @GPS had preregistered by half past eleven. I also surmise that you had a priority (patrician AudaxUK member for 22 months) place on LEL and did not have the fun experience of gaining an entry under server access pressure at one of the three designated times for plebians two years ago.
Looks like it's crashed under the strain. I managed to get my pre-registration in, but now can't check it ...

bairn again

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #42 on: 17 January, 2019, 11:19:24 am »
Ah the fretting over PBP seems to come round quicker each time!

<feigns nonchalance but quietly goes off to change diary reminder to 2300 on Sunday 10th Feb>. :o

Phil W

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #43 on: 17 January, 2019, 11:35:45 am »
My pre registration was validated and locked yesterday.  So a couple of days after pre registration before it was locked.  So if you want to align your times I cannot see an issue. It does also say there will be an opportunity to change your start when you convert the pre registration into a registration.

The pre registration for 1000's opened at 2300 so I would think the talk of 2300 for 600 is based on that. I doubt 600's will have a problem pre registering, how early they go on will be directly linked to how concerned they are about getting a particular time slot.  If you are going for the very latest 90hr time slots I cannot see there is any rush to grab those.

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #44 on: 17 January, 2019, 04:34:13 pm »
*mutters* special needs will be fine, special needs will be fine, special needs will be fine...


Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #45 on: 17 January, 2019, 04:46:36 pm »
*mutters* special needs will be fine, special needs will be fine, special needs will be fine...

84hr innit, 'bout 45 or so of us on the line four years ago.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #46 on: 17 January, 2019, 05:37:09 pm »
I prefer the 90hr start for the oddbods.

Boab is fine because of her 600 BRM last year and her partner follows for a tandem entry. PBP tries very hard to keep tandem teams together. They'll boost the group size if needed but I doubt they'll need to.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • Not Small
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #47 on: 17 January, 2019, 05:51:49 pm »
All this talk of being clever by logging on at 2300 assumes that the server actually is in France or that the French understand UTC and that it ticks over automatically.  :P it might well be driven by some remote data center's time zone, or it might be that it's switched on when some bloke is good and ready and feels like switching it on.  :)

Server itself doesn't need to be running in CET*, the application just needs to have a scheduled operation that's set for a localized time of 0000CET to enable it; even Java is capable of decent date and time handling these days  :P

* technically it isn't since computers represent date and time on the basis of a time interval since an epoch; chances are 600 entries will open at 1548716400 in Unix speak.
Any representation of the date and time in a human readable calendar form is down to the localization applied.

Your example would be pure human balls up/decision.


  • Andrew Preston
Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #48 on: 17 January, 2019, 06:22:02 pm »
<snip> or it might be that it's switched on when some bloke is good and ready and feels like switching it on.  :)

I think it's this: the friend who at the pop up issue, had logged in a minute early and was trying to book place #4 in the 18:00 group (the drop down said 197 places left).

... and then the closure later seemed more like a manual switch off to deal with the BRM number duplication issue, and to add in the extra places, than the site crashing due to overload (because it was working fine with no lag, and then stopped and gave an error message).

Re: PBP Registration website
« Reply #49 on: 17 January, 2019, 10:03:18 pm »
I think it's this: the friend who at the pop up issue, had logged in a minute early and was trying to book place #4 in the 18:00 group (the drop down said 197 places left).
320 places per start time in the 90hr window. So place #124!