Author Topic: The Triathlon Thread  (Read 123261 times)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #375 on: 03 June, 2013, 10:28:57 am »
Nice one, JJ. 301/690 is a long way from last!

What were the distances? And do you know what your splits were?
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #376 on: 03 June, 2013, 11:21:42 pm »
Cheers Citoyen,
The distances were 10, 87, 20.  My overall  was 5:39:15 and the splits  are there, but the results site is a bit impenetrable.  They amount to last-in-AG, catch-up-a-lot, lose-it-again!

Just home now.  Legs hurt.  A LOT!


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #377 on: 03 June, 2013, 11:33:12 pm »
Well, I know I would have been pretty pleased with that overall time myself.  :thumbsup:
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #378 on: 27 July, 2013, 11:08:17 pm »
"David. Swim 00:37:36, Bike 01:14:38, Run 00:58:23, Total 02:57:05. Congratulations from the Virgin Active London Triathlon!"

Man, that was tough. Stifling humidity - could have done with an oxygen mask at the end. Was hoping to go quicker on bike and run but pleased overall - primary target was sub 3hrs so mission accomplished.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #379 on: 30 July, 2013, 02:15:22 pm »
"David. Swim 00:37:36, Bike 01:14:38, Run 00:58:23, Total 02:57:05. Congratulations from the Virgin Active London Triathlon!"

And from me, and from  me!


  • mojo operandi
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #380 on: 03 August, 2013, 12:48:28 pm »
On British Euro Sport (Sky 410) right now.....
inaugural British Triathlon Championships staged in Liverpool.


Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #381 on: 30 August, 2013, 02:23:06 pm »
Anyone else going to be at Challenge Henley?


Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #382 on: 10 September, 2013, 11:08:13 am »
For the record:  A year's training, new wheels and a second-hand pointy hat resulted in....1 minute gained!  11:33:07, 6th in age group, 75th overall, and now I ache.

A word of thanks, however, to Father Thames for his contribution to my weight loss programme.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #383 on: 10 September, 2013, 12:43:31 pm »
For the record:  A year's training, new wheels and a second-hand pointy hat resulted in....1 minute gained!  11:33:07, 6th in age group, 75th overall, and now I ache.

Marginal gains!  ;D

Well done!

A word of thanks, however, to Father Thames for his contribution to my weight loss programme.

Mmmm! Sounds lovely.

I'm amazed I didn't come down with anything after the London Tri - the water in the docks was like pea soup.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Busy being fabulous
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #384 on: 17 February, 2014, 03:17:31 pm »
Just spotted this on faceache, was posted an hour ago by London Triathlon

 :-\ >:(

Quote from: London Triathlon

Following the London Bike Show, TRI UK had two vans stolen containing approx £250,000 worth of top end bikes, frames and triathlon equipment! The hire vans were stolen from the Travel Lodge Excel car park at approx 1.58am on Monday 17th Feb.

Both vans had tracking devices on them. The tracking company located one of the vans on Newham Way, Newham, London. The Police managed to locate the vehicle but have now since lost it. The other van has not been located at all.

Many of the bikes stolen are extremely limited in supply. A number of the bikes are literally the only ones available in the UK. TRI UK are asking all cyclists, cycle stores and any other interested parties to contact them if they have any information regarding the vans or the stock. A reward of up to £100,000 is being offered by TRI UK for information that leads to the recovery of all of their stock.

Van details: Ford Transit Luton Box vans with ‘Dorset Vehicle Rentals’ in green decals. Registrations numbers: DY12 FJF and DV61 DJE.

Please contact or call the TRI UK store on 01935 414142 or dial 999


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #385 on: 17 February, 2014, 03:31:06 pm »
I'd like to know who made the tracking devices.
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #386 on: 25 May, 2016, 06:53:21 pm »
IM Wales in September. Ho hum.


Swim doesn't bother me. I'm doing 8k-10k a week in the pool already and can happily do 5k of pull at 1:50/100m so I'm expecting 1h15-1h20. Have done sea swimming in the past, and also open water, but I'll be going to Shepperton Lake this summer to remind myself of the fun of open water swimming.

T1 should be 15-20 minutes given the bike racks are a mile from the sea and I'll want a complete change into cycling kit (no tri-suit for me).

Cycle obviously doesn't bother me, although I need to get faster and practice eating on the move. Worst case is 7.5h but I'm hoping to get that down as much as possible.

T2 should be much quicker (5m) although I'll change completely again as I'm not running anything more than 10k in a tri-suit let alone cycling shorts.

So that's about 9h to the start of the run worst case (cut off is 10h30).

Run does bother me. I'm not a runner. Did my first marathon this year and legs emptied at 18.5 miles (3h20-ish) so jogged/walked from there. Finished in 5h07. Recent HM of 2h06 shows I just need to put the miles in to keep me going. So I'd be looking at 5h with enough training over the summer (would be aiming for 3:59:59 in a standalone marathon by that point, possibly lower depending on how much weight I shift).

That gives a total time of 14h, which I'd happily take for a first attempt especially as finishing within the 17h time limit is my only real goal.

This will be my first triathlon.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • Busy being fabulous
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #387 on: 16 April, 2017, 09:20:42 am »
Anyone want my London Triathlon spot? Olympic distance, Sunday 23rd July, Westminster route.

I won't be able to race owing to all my broken bits. Annoyingly they don't allow deferrals, even on medical grounds. But they do allow transfers.

Have also posted on social media.


  • Loosing weight stone by stone
    • We will return
Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #388 on: 05 May, 2019, 06:57:09 pm »
Did my first triathlon today.
A 4-18-4.
Lesson learned today: Transition from swim to bike
Is hard, now I know  why people wear earplugs.
I was dizzy trying to run to my bike and put in shoes.

But managed to finish in respectable 1h20 minutes.


Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #389 on: 03 September, 2019, 04:47:59 pm »
Just checked the start list for Challenge Almere in Holland next week.  Looks like I have YACF company in the 55-59 group!


Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #390 on: 03 September, 2019, 04:50:00 pm »
Did my first triathlon today.
A 4-18-4.
Lesson learned today: Transition from swim to bike
Is hard, now I know  why people wear earplugs.
I was dizzy trying to run to my bike and put in shoes.

But managed to finish in respectable 1h20 minutes.

Have you done another one since?  They recommend kicking really hard in the final 100m of the swim, to bring your blood-pressure up a bit and reduce the dizziness.

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #391 on: 06 December, 2022, 07:45:54 pm »
[thread necromancy]

I've gone and entered an IM next year - Copenhagen in August. Will be my first IM, although I did a few 1/2s and olympic distance events 10 years ago.  Before this madness started I could probably just about do a century on the bike, run/walk a 5k in about 40 minutes and swim a mile, although very slowly.  I was about 120kg, now down to about 110 thanks to the training and almost going booze-free, I'd like to be below 95 by race week.

Am 2 months into the training and I think it's all going OK..  I've started using a local tri coach (thanks to JJ for the recommendation!!) which is making it easier and pushing me a bit harder than I would have done solo.

Swimming is going great, am up to about 2500m twice a week in the pool and am gradually getting quicker.  I have no concerns about being able to enjoy distance in a sensible time in 9 months.

I'm gradually building up the distance on the bike, currently doing a weekly 3 hour steady ride and a couple of interval sessions during the week.  I've 'invested' in a TT bike (and a bike fit) to help me be in a better position to hopefully make the run a bit easier.  No concerns about the distance in 8 months, although I expect I'll be 6/6.5 hours for the distance because I'm going to be pretty heavy (it's a rolling course - 1000m of climbing in the 112 miles)

And I still absolutely hate running, but I'm up to a slow but steady 12-15km at the weekends and lots of interval work during the week. I'm struggling to find a pair of shoes that dont give me blisters or send my feet to sleep (I've been to a 'proper' running shop, but size 12/13 feet that do pronate a bit make it hard to even find anything to try on!).  Hard to guess what my marathon time will be, but would like to be sub 5.5 hours.

if I can stay injury free I recon my 'steady' times will be 1.15 + 15 + 6.30 + 15 + 5.30 = about 14 hours.  Cut off is 15.45.

would love suggestions and thoughts from those more experienced, especially on where to go to find giant sized shoes...

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #392 on: 07 December, 2022, 02:13:00 pm »
Can't help with the shoes, sorry.

I'm done one IM, Austria. You seem to be doing all the things I would recommend. Note that the furthest I'd run in training was about 13 miles, but I got through the marathon using a run-walk strategy in about 4h30 (and that included hanging about at a 1st aid station to get a plaster put on my elbow after I tripped up and took the skin off it!

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #393 on: 21 March, 2023, 04:44:05 pm »
update, as proof of my insanity.. training is continuing! Up to about 11 or 12 hours a week now.

Swims are getting longer and faster, still hoping to see some improvement and looking forward to be outside, but pretty happy.

Cycling is definitely getting quicker. I'm joined a Saturday group ride where the main aim seems to be causing pain to the others and I've gone from desperately hanging on for 2 hours to actually contributing and spending time on the front, and even got away by causing a split last week.  Distances are increasing too, and I recon my FTP has gone from 225 to 260ish.

Running is still tough, but I've done some half marathon distance trots and some quicker 5 and 10ks and am starting to enjoy the occasional session.

and the weight is still dropping, I think - the battery has gone in the scales but my clothes keep getting baggier!

We've entered a ½ IM in June as a long training day, which seems bonkers but apparently is what we do now, and we've got a week cycling in majorca coming up soon where I'll try and hang on to the same crew as Saturdays on actual mountains rather than the flat roads round here (it's going to go badly!)

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #394 on: 14 June, 2023, 12:55:27 pm »
½ IM was a bit of a disaster, but lots of lessons learned!!

Swim good - 34 mins, mid pack, got a nice rhythm and didn't work too hard. Lots of being swum over / grabbed / etc all the way round (mass start of 400 people, not grouped by expected time at all) but I coped OK and quite enjoyed it.  Years of playing waterpolo were paying off.

Bike was handicapped by my front brake that kept dragging, and I couldn't work out how to free it off (hydraulic discs) so after a 5 minute roadside panic with a multitool I gave up and just rode to power, not pace.  20 mins slower than expected but stuck to power target quite well. 

the run was spectacular for about 6 or 7k - I even set a 5k PB! (top tip: dont do this..)  Then everything stopped, all at once and I walked most of the rest 4k back to the turnaround point and just stopped. I could have walked the next 10k but it was a training day not a main race and I wanted to be able to train again the next week.

I learnt:
 - Dont do that in the run.  I looked at my watch a couple of times and *knew* I was setting myself up for disaster but I was enjoying overtaking people and feeling good, so ignored all the common sense.
 - Eat more.  Need to practice eating more carbs on the bike, I was probably a bit under-fuelled going into the run.
 - Check the bike better, and take tools to re-set the brake calipers if needed.
 - Don't do that on the run.

On the positive side of the day, the swim was good and the power target was about right on the bike - I felt amazing setting off on the run!! [Idiot]

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #395 on: 23 July, 2023, 03:08:00 pm »
Metric Ironman as a long training day yesterday, which went OK.

Good 2.4k swim, 40 minutesish. Sighting was good, steady pace.
Good bike, 113k in 4 hours. Ate lots, drank lots, coped with the headwind and enjoyed the tailwind.  Fun.
Consistent run, thank god.  26km, most of it in 5k 'figure of 8' laps, and I'd hidden almost enough drinks and food in a hedge at the middle. It rained throughout, which definitely helped. Just over 3 hours, so a 5 hour marathon should be on the cards?

Legs feel OK today, although my feet are sore. Ironman in 4 weeks, so this is a nice boost.

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #396 on: 23 August, 2023, 09:51:51 am »
IM Copenhagen was Sunday.  Got it done in just under 13 hours. Swim was ace, bike was great, run was good for 2 laps, bad for 1 and then torture for the last.  Would probably do another if I can get better at running.

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #397 on: 23 August, 2023, 12:36:02 pm »
Well Done!

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #398 on: 23 August, 2023, 02:43:16 pm »
Well done!

Re: The Triathlon Thread
« Reply #399 on: 23 August, 2023, 10:26:04 pm »