Author Topic: COVID19 and Audax UK  (Read 115144 times)


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #100 on: 27 May, 2020, 07:53:55 pm »
Don't know if that's a co-incidence - the new, "self-sufficient" GBDURO is scheduled for August 1st:
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #101 on: 27 May, 2020, 08:11:30 pm »
BC have sent a mail out.

1. National level races suspended to 1st Sep
2. Sportives suspended to 1st Aug
3. Club rides and Breeze rides only suspended to 4th July as they could be reintroduced at short notice.

If AUK are following BC then 2 is the nearest fit for calendar events.


  • Not Small
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #102 on: 28 May, 2020, 12:21:32 am »
There previous stance of no events until 1st August at earliest remains.

and Audax LEJOG has not been cancelled that finises in 31st July  :thumbsup:

I'll be amazed if hostel style accommodation is allowed at that time.

Don't know if that's a co-incidence - the new, "self-sufficient" GBDURO is scheduled for August 1st:

Their concept of self-sufficient prohibits the use of "Commercial services and buildings in general"
So erm like shops then? 2000km only scavenging... right...

Probably get lynched at Gretna if they try and run it this year anyway.

BC have sent a mail out.

1. National level races suspended to 1st Sep
2. Sportives suspended to 1st Aug
3. Club rides and Breeze rides only suspended to 4th July as they could be reintroduced at short notice.

If AUK are following BC then 2 is the nearest fit for calendar events.

Aligning with 2 makes some sense, though not a legal requirement "Social Distancing"* is here for a significant period.
* Amazingly none of the 4 nations rule sets makes the one single major factor in transmission actually illegal, and it's the one contact tracing is based around.

Edit: And as I flicked over to Facebook what appears first, land access issues.
Who's got governmental traction for that? Ramblers, BMC, MCofS etc.

Don't underestimate the advantage of being seen as a "governing body" by government.


Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #103 on: 28 May, 2020, 06:45:46 am »

Don't know if that's a co-incidence - the new, "self-sufficient" GBDURO is scheduled for August 1st:

Their concept of self-sufficient prohibits the use of "Commercial services and buildings in general"
So erm like shops then? 2000km only scavenging... right...

Not scavenging. Setting off at the start carrying sufficient food for the entire event. This is quite feasible. For the marathon des sables running race you have to carry 6 days of food and that is running. When travelling to somewhere uninhabited back in the 80s I had 4 weeks worth of food on a bike. The only resource you would scavenge for is water as that is too heavy to carry.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #104 on: 28 May, 2020, 07:22:27 am »
BC have sent a mail out.

1. National level races suspended to 1st Sep
2. Sportives suspended to 1st Aug
3. Club rides and Breeze rides only suspended to 4th July as they could be reintroduced at short notice.

If AUK are following BC then 2 is the nearest fit for calendar events.
Sportives of around 50 riders are a very good fit!
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #105 on: 28 May, 2020, 09:27:03 am »
BC have sent a mail out.

1. National level races suspended to 1st Sep
2. Sportives suspended to 1st Aug
3. Club rides and Breeze rides only suspended to 4th July as they could be reintroduced at short notice.

If AUK are following BC then 2 is the nearest fit for calendar events.
Sportives of around 50 riders are a very good fit!

1-9 participants       Social riding
10-99 participants  club runs and majority of audax
100-999 participants   A small number of more popular audaxes
1000-9999 participants   Most sportives
10000+    A small number of more popular sportives

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #106 on: 28 May, 2020, 11:11:20 am »

Don't know if that's a co-incidence - the new, "self-sufficient" GBDURO is scheduled for August 1st:

Their concept of self-sufficient prohibits the use of "Commercial services and buildings in general"
So erm like shops then? 2000km only scavenging... right...

My friend is entered for this and they have hotels booked for the start, finish *and* part way round. She was saying last week they'd almost rather it was cancelled then at least they'd know what to do- postponement won't really help them re-plan, as they don't know what will be open then, either.

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #107 on: 29 May, 2020, 08:13:10 am » booked ... part way round.

Don't tell anyone - you might get her DQ'd!

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #108 on: 29 May, 2020, 08:51:18 am »
It's entirely possible I had misunderstood


  • The p*** artist formerly known as 'Windy'
    • the_dandg_rouleur
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #109 on: 29 May, 2020, 09:57:20 am »
BC have sent a mail out.

1. National level races suspended to 1st Sep
2. Sportives suspended to 1st Aug
3. Club rides and Breeze rides only suspended to 4th July as they could be reintroduced at short notice.

If AUK are following BC then 2 is the nearest fit for calendar events.

Conflicting advice from BC or different for Scotland?

The e-mail to the club states Sportives from 1st August but additional information from Scottish Cycling states Sportives from 1st September.

Suspension of British and Scottish Cycling Sanctioned Activity

All British Cycling sanctioned cycling activity is currently suspended until 30 June 2020.
While many of you have been enjoying the opportunity to ride recreationally, we appreciate
that the cycling community is looking for direction and certainty on when club, group and
competitive activity can resume.
The British Cycling position has been agreed with Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling, but we
recognise that devolved government guidance may dictate that adjustments are required,
including the dates we are working towards.
To support the Scottish Cycling clubs, event organisers and riders, the following guidance
will further explain the British Cycling extension to the suspension of activity, in Scotland.

International and British National level races, including British National Series, British
Championships and Sportives

British Cycling are extending the suspension of International and British National Series and
Championship races and all Sportives until 1 September 2020. This will include the British
National Series events which were due to take place in Scotland during that time.
British Cycling will review this on a fortnightly basis in line with UK Government advice and
will give six weeks’ public notice of any extension or curtailment of the suspension. British
Cycling, working with event organisers and stakeholders will lead on the process to
rearrange these events later in the calendar year if possible.
For Sportives in Scotland, these events must follow the Scottish Government advice, and
this will be communicated accordingly if there is any change to this suspension date.

Taking part in an Audax with 30 odd riders is one thing but the Dirty Reiver has been re-scheduled for a mid-September date. Don't think I want to congregate with 1000+ riders so soon. So probably a DNS from me if it goes ahead.

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #110 on: 29 May, 2020, 02:05:42 pm »
All the dates being talked about are possible best guesses. They are entirely conditional on the R number and other factors.


  • Not Small
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #111 on: 29 May, 2020, 02:26:37 pm »
The e-mail to the club states Sportives from 1st August but additional information from Scottish Cycling states Sportives from 1st September.

Since BC/SC have been in discussion with Scot gov, that suggests they have received the govs thinking on when we might get to phase 3.
We're still working to "end of September" as evidenced by the gov paying for the barriers to be lifted at the 3 PFI car parks.

I've heard detected cases are up locally, but likely due to a further availability of testing.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #112 on: 29 May, 2020, 04:14:32 pm »
There has been some discussion on the AUK Forum regarding AUK's next steps.

It does look increasingly likely that we will be faced with parts of the UK releasing at different speeds (I realise that is happening already but none of them has yet reached the point where we could consider resuming there).  We are also looking at a gradual release with announcements followed sometimes several days later by guidelines that do not always seem to be quite what people were expecting.

On that basis, we will need to consider and decide on the fundamentals around those issues - ie are we willing (or indeed able in some cases) to validate some types or durations of events but not others and to validate rides in some parts of the UK but not others - and make the appropriate announcement (probably too late for this week so more likely next).

At the same time, we await the detail on the next phases of release in each part of the UK with interest.  We are somehow going to have to deal with four different release processes whatever we decide.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • Not Small
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #113 on: 29 May, 2020, 10:55:52 pm »
It's worth nothing that it has a reminder for  us that the points championships are null and void for the season.

Though nothing on how it affects awards that are time/season based.
Does it mean I have effe ticley half a season less to complete R/Bwotsit?

Sent from my BKL-L09 using Tapatalk


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #114 on: 06 June, 2020, 10:11:47 am »
I would simply add a year to the multi-year awards like ACP’s Randonneur 5000 and AUK’s Brevet 5000 (five years instead of four, for awards overlapping 2020), since the 2019/2020 year has effectively been nullified with regards to long brevets.

Things like RRtY are trickier but adding extra months (to the normal 12 months) seems the simplest, rather than allowing riders to do ‘make up’ rides within the 12 month period.

Annual awards like AUK’s Randonneur 5000 just end up as possible or impossible in 2020, given individual circumstances. No ‘adjustments’ made at all. Such is life!
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #115 on: 06 June, 2020, 01:04:51 pm »
I'd deal with RRTY by letting people resume on whichever date they do their next ride.

It only gets tricky if lockdown rules tighten again.

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #116 on: 06 June, 2020, 01:11:41 pm »
I offer this for discussion and would value people identifying items which I should have covered. Has to be best to adopt a constructive approach. (On other thread too)

#DRAFTY (NOTAUDAX UK) - COVID19 – Event Guidelines & Risk Assessment - England                  
These guidelines have been based on the advice issued by the UK government guidelines and apply to events wholly in England. There are 3 more sets of guidelines for the other nations.                  
The guidelines will be reviewed and where necessary updated as more information comes to light regarding the restrictions. The complications of 'cross-border routes' will be addressed once the relevant nations guidelines are more closely aligned.                  
Our priorities remain to protect the health of our members and volunteers, and to help to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 virus.                  
Guidance for events                  
Organisers need to ensure people are advised of the following restrictions on who may attend any event. This should be communicated prior to any event (eg website or promotion) and displayed at registration/brevet pick-up/start/finish.                  

People (includes organisers/volunteers) should NOT attend any Audax UK registered cycling event:                  
  • If they are unwell with a cough, fever or other respiratory symptoms.   
  • If they have been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 until they have completed the prescribed quarantine period, even if they are completely symptom free.   
  • If they have returned from any overseas country until they have completed the self-quarantine period for 14 days, even if they are symptom free      
  • If they are undergoing COVID-19 testing, until they have received negative results and are symptom free      
  • If they have been asked/told to isolate by NHS Test and Trace because they are a contact of a known COVID-19 case.   
  • If they have been advised to stay at home by a health professional.   
  • We also advise riders/volunteers who fit within the higher at risk groups to take particular care and/or make decisions on attendance with due consideration to the risks associated with COVID-19.   
  • The above information should be clear on the Entry Form and that if any rider is displaying symptoms, they will not be allowed to participate.
Risk Management During Event                  
Event organisers should identify opportunities to reduce the risk to riders and volunteers (organising and helping) through: taking sensible precautions and implementing practices which reduce the chance of infection and which support social distancing (SDing). These include:                  
Volunteer Plan - A clear volunteer event plan is in place. This is to ensure that all volunteers are comfortable and fully understand their roles and timings for the event, that measures are taken to maintain the welfare and safety of volunteers, and to ensure they can comply with all social distancing requirements.                  
Event Promotion - With event size likely to be limited, events should only be promoted to Audax UK members. This can be through newsletters, social media and emails. Organisers should avoid publicising events externally (eg to clubs not on the Audax UK list).                  
Entry Forms - Pre-entry forms should require entrants to tick a box to acknowledge that they must not attend if they or a member of their household has COVID-19 symptoms.                   
Limited number of Entries - There may be a government limit on the number of people who can safely attend an event. Local restrictions may also apply. You must have measures in place to ensure you comply with these requirements, such as only allowing pre-entries                  
Start times - Giving each entrant an allocated window to arrive at the event and to start may help to spread out riders and avoid large gatherings of people                  
Start time - May need to express this as a 'window' to allow small groups to be set off at intervals, to spread riders out and support social distancing at the start and in any groups early on.                  
Refunds - Organisers should offer a refund to anyone who needs to withdraw their entry for health reason.                  
Registration - default to siting this outside. Consider arrangements where no volunteer is needed and facilitates social distancing during brevet pick-up. If a volunteer manning any desk is necessary, consider their need for access to PPE (glasses and mask) and hand sanitizer.                   
Personal Responsibility - Ensure that all riders are directed to the “Participant Code of Conduct” document.                  
Brevets - Cards can be individually bagged (by the organiser with washed hands) folded to display the rider's name, prior to issue at the event. A number of spare brevets should be prepared as a back-up.                   
Start Area - Starts will need to be chosen to support any social distancing requirements with sufficient space for riders.                  
Arrivee - Location needs to be chosen to support any social distancing requirements with sufficient space for arriving riders. Consider siting location for handing in brevets outside while observing any social distancing requirements. Encourage people to move away from that area.                    
After Event Cleaning - Materials must be cleaned before and after use.                  
Toilets - If, given lack of access to eg community centre or pub 'facilities', mobile toilets are used, the units should be spaced out and the queue structured to comply with any social distancing requirements. Handles should be disinfected frequently.                  
Pre- and Post- Ride Socialising - Organisers should not promote or encourage pre- or post-ride socialising.                  
Hand Cleaning Facilities - If practicable provide hand washing or sanitising facilities at start and finish.                  
Participant Hygiene - Asking all that attend to follow good hygiene practices and maintain physical space between each other.                  

Whoever is leading on producing the Audax UK Risk Assessment is welcome to ask for a copy of this. There'd be a quid pro quo.


  • Oh dear
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #117 on: 06 June, 2020, 05:17:23 pm »
Ajax Bay:

I notice there are three sets of guidelines for the other nations too. I hope you're currently working on those to keep yourself occupied.

When the time is right the Board will produce something like this in an hour or two, they might have something drafted already. Do you think yours will help inform them in any way?

I'm not intending to be mean but I don't 'get' the motivation for posting it....other than to promote even more time discussing hypotheticals.

You need to get out on your bike!
alfapete - that's the Pete that drives the Alfa

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #118 on: 06 June, 2020, 05:28:29 pm »
I look forward to Ajax Bay standing for election to the Auk board. He is clearly itching to get involved.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #119 on: 06 June, 2020, 05:43:55 pm »
alphapete, having been on the Board myself when it approved the IT contract (to my shame), I believe that having extra eyes considering the best way to accommodate this situation would be an advantage. Leaving everything to the Board alone might mean that something important is not considered.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #120 on: 06 June, 2020, 07:34:38 pm »
Ajax Bay:
I notice there are three sets of guidelines for the other nations too. I hope you're currently working on those to keep yourself occupied.
When the time is right the Board will produce something like this in an hour or two, they might have something drafted already. Do you think yours will help inform them in any way?
I'm not intending to be mean but I don't 'get' the motivation for posting it....other than to promote even more time discussing hypotheticals.
You need to get out on your bike!
Very kind, Pete. Pleased with my level of riding given the limitations, thanks. It was a bit windy down here today. I hope you too are enjoying your ride(s).
I have a draft of the other three sets of guidelines but since, in particular, Wales and Scotland are on a different point on the curve, I'm hoping that getting the set applying to England to a decent standard will inform the others. These took me, as you put it, "an hour or two".
It would have been great if you could suggest improvements or missing items - making a contribution - rather than regurgitating the mindset, shared by others and entirely reasonable, that 'Daddy will know best' and 'Daddy has probably sorted this out already' so your (that is: my) comments are nugatory. Which "hypotheticals" do you think are not worth discussing? Just name one! I suggest that these 'hypotheticals' will suddenly (change in UK government guidelines) become possibilities. How irritating would it be not to have spent time planning for resumption?

I see yacf as a useful, well-frequented forum and my motivation for posting is to offer a risk management framework for the safe and prudent resumption of calendar events (and to avoid/procrastinate mowing the grass). We have been assured upthread that the Board and those helping them read this thread. I also thought others - there are several experienced organisers on here -  might share useful ideas which will help all organisers, when things resume.

I happen to think that whoever in/on the Audax UK Board is leading on this might find what I've constructed useful. I would really like to see the current draft, and said this here a fortnight ago (thread deleted for as yet unrevealed reasons). Perhaps the Audax UK Forum might be the best place for that. The Audax UK Gen Sec said 10 days ago "we have been and will be looking in detail at the risks associated with resuming some or all of our activities." And our Chairman said "we will give organisers and members at least 2 weeks’ notice of any aspect of the suspension being lifted." 4 July is only 4 weeks away but hopefully that will be short calendar events, which is the type of event where the considerations I shared above are mostly relevant.

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #121 on: 06 June, 2020, 08:35:32 pm »
As a organizer i have canceled my events for this year and possibly  next year as well.

300km in july
200km in September
400km in October

To much uncertainty about to plan ahead etc

As for next year , i don't plan to run events till things are normal again.

I am perfectly happy to let ajax bray know , staggered starts and allocated starts wouldn't work for me as a organizer ( i start my events and then have to go to work) , then as a rider i ride events with my mates ,riding with other people is what cycling is about.

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #122 on: 06 June, 2020, 08:57:29 pm »
Evening @postie
I envisage staggered starts having merit when there is a large field. Setting off 10 every 5 minutes would achieve a good spread - eg your Wonderful Wessex 300: 0525 0530 0535 with the last off at 0550. And still allow you to be away to work.
This spread of start times should also mean less peak presence (and therefore make it even easier to maintain social distancing) at the first control.
As for riding with friends, a nuanced approach could be adopted which set a stated group off in one start. We just need to manage how we get from now to then.
I do hope you feel able to run your events next year and I'd hope to ride one.

frankly frankie

  • I kid you not
    • Fuchsiaphile
Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #123 on: 07 June, 2020, 10:33:17 am »
It would have been great if you could suggest improvements or missing items - making a contribution - rather than regurgitating the mindset, shared by others and entirely reasonable, that 'Daddy will know best' and 'Daddy has probably sorted this out already' so your (that is: my) comments are nugatory. Which "hypotheticals" do you think are not worth discussing? Just name one! I suggest that these 'hypotheticals' will suddenly (change in UK government guidelines) become possibilities. How irritating would it be not to have spent time planning for resumption?

It is because the situation seems so fluid - and, frankly, out of 'our' hands - that spending time on planning is futile.

And its not a case of 'Daddy knows best' because events are run by individual organisers, not by Audax UK.  AUK simply provide a framework and individual organisers can choose to operate within that framework, or not.  Over the years some organisers have chosen to go the 'this is not an AUK event' route and some of those events have flourished.  Its a free world.
Organisers choosing to run AUK events operate within AUK's rules (which includes staying within the Law) and they would not welcome a whole additional layer of conditions, as you seem to be proposing upthread.  My guess is that most of them would rather cancel.
Even without the impositiion of extra conditions by AUK it seems clear that there will be a lot of cancellations  AUK seems doomed to dwindle as a result, and may have to re-invent itself in a slimmed-down form in coming years.
when you're dead you're done, so let the good times roll

Re: COVID19 and Audax UK
« Reply #124 on: 07 June, 2020, 12:37:00 pm »
At Team MK we are sticking strictly to BC guidance, to the extent that we do not even want riders to wear team kit for non club rides as the public can easily identify us and have reported groups, possibly from the same family. Drivers are already becoming aggressive on the roads as traffic increases, so we do not want to give them any further encouragement to target cyclists.

We are not trying to interpret the rules or find loopholes, we will just do what we are told until new guidance is given, it is not just the riders on the road, it is all the places we may stop that have to be considered, hopefully many cafes will operate efficiently without compromising safety, my concern is the lack of washing and toilet facilities over long distances, even though we are self sufficient.

Audax will return, we will adapt, and old friendships renewed. I work in the investment field, and time is my best friend if I wait long enough.