Author Topic: Zwifting - I think I need help!  (Read 80869 times)

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #600 on: 08 October, 2022, 07:33:22 am »
I could do rollers whilst concentrating but after finding myself once on th garage floor 10feet from the bike with no idea of how I got there I gave it up as too dangerous.


  • Old blerk sometimes onabike.
Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #601 on: 08 October, 2022, 09:40:48 am »
Actually it’s quite good fun, and fear certainly adds to the exercise value - my heart rate was a good 10-15 bpm above normal! The rollers are Elite Arione Digital, so they do apply variable resistance from Zwift (up to about 8%/800w) but they’re very slow to respond compared to my Tacx Neo. But it’s nice just to plonk a bike on them when I feel like doing a session, and be able to tidy it all away very easily when it’s not in use.

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #602 on: 10 October, 2022, 08:54:36 am »
Just about squeezed in the last of the ZA workouts over the weekend and did the 'Finish Line Ride' before it went offline.  Improved my times in all the segments
Titans Grove KOM: 1:37 -> 1:30 (537W)
Sprint: 23.5 -> 22.8 (855W)
Volcano Climb: 8:22 -> 7:59 (318W)
and got a season's best 1-min power (610W).
I'm not convinced that the ZA workouts are ideally suited to training up what my current weakness is, which is 20-min power.  Unfortunately I think that's going to require some SST and Gorbies...

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #603 on: 10 October, 2022, 08:58:09 am »
I'm not convinced that the ZA workouts are ideally suited to training up what my current weakness is, which is 20-min power.  Unfortunately I think that's going to require some SST and Gorbies...
Racing. You know this makes sense.

I also finished ZA over the weekend but any improvement was marginal. Which is a shame, as I really really need some.

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #604 on: 10 October, 2022, 09:28:45 am »
Yep, you're right.  It's difficult to get into the headspace for burying myself to finish mid-pack in a B-race, though!

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #605 on: 13 November, 2022, 05:42:08 pm »
Yay! Just won a sprint green jersey!!

I am Mark Cavendish :thumbsup:
Move Faster and Bake Things

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #606 on: 25 December, 2022, 03:49:50 pm »
Came 2nd in cat A racing up Ven Top. No word of a lie.

I was beaten by a ‘WattFabrik’ rider.
Move Faster and Bake Things

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #607 on: 07 January, 2023, 08:47:12 pm »
Back on Zwift after several months off the bike - first a subtle mental health issue from my BP medicines which caused me to lose interest in, well, everything really, including riding and exercise; followed by a 2 month long viral infection that only cleared up between Christmas and New Year.

I think my FTP has fallen somewhere between 10-20%, and I'm not doing much over 30 minutes at a time - I really don't want to stress my body into any sort of relapse. (So I'm not inclined to do any sort of FTP test at the moment!)
But it's good to be back, and I'm hoping the fitness will pick up fairly quickly with regular work.
Back in the saddle :)

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #608 on: 12 January, 2023, 12:56:06 pm »
Good to hear you’re back.  Zwift is ideal for rebuilding your fitness from whatever starting point you’re at.

Are you doing any of the Tour de Zwift events?  I’m a little bit OCD so, having done Stage 1, I’m definitely going to have to find the time to get in rides for all eight stages!  ;D

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #609 on: 12 January, 2023, 01:27:27 pm »
Ah yes, another series to diligently complete to collect a hideous (and this one is particularly hideous) kit I'll never wear...

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #610 on: 12 January, 2023, 02:23:37 pm »
I have completely stopped Zwift.  Wonderful freedom to ride for fun and enjoyment.

My wife and I now share a Peloton+.  They do powwerzone training with teams and competitions.  I have now signed up for 4 rides per week with additional off bike strength classes and have to complete them to help my team be platinum!!

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #611 on: 12 January, 2023, 05:46:37 pm »
Ah yes, another series to diligently complete to collect a hideous (and this one is particularly hideous) kit I'll never wear...
Isn't that quite like IRL?

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #612 on: 12 January, 2023, 09:41:15 pm »

Are you doing any of the Tour de Zwift events?

No, I quickly decided they'd be too much for me at the moment. I tried the 50 minute SST(short) work out the other day, and despite turning the ERG down to 90% and then 80%, I had to bail before 40 minutes. So I'm sticking to flattish 30ish minute rides at the moment, just to get my legs moving again.

In the meantime, I'm due to have some bollock surgery (epididymal cyst removed) in a couple of week's time, so that's likely to put the recovery on hold for a week or two after as well!
Back in the saddle :)

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #613 on: 13 January, 2023, 09:26:32 am »
I have completely stopped Zwift.  Wonderful freedom to ride for fun and enjoyment.

My wife and I now share a Peloton+.  They do powwerzone training with teams and competitions.  I have now signed up for 4 rides per week with additional off bike strength classes and have to complete them to help my team be platinum!!

Peloton+ sounds like enslavement!  What if you fail in your tasks? 

Any form of structured training is a complete no-no for me.  I only measured my FTP once, about 18 months ago and now I don't need to know.  It is where it's at. 

I did the cat A tdz ride y'day and was very happy to be about 200th out of 500 with a very satisfying(for me) sprint to the line.  I may do the whole tour or I may not.  The kit is indeed hideous.
Move Faster and Bake Things

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #614 on: 13 January, 2023, 10:52:30 am »
Asterix, I agree but I have found the peloton rides amazingly motivating and thought it would be fun to try the challenge.  If I don't succeed due to pressure of work etc, so be it but it is an early year challenge with a big focus on base training and the added motivation of teams. 

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #615 on: 13 January, 2023, 08:35:32 pm »
After r the his weeks torrential rain and gale force winds I’ve concluded that I need to clear the shed - or at least the area around the turbo. I’d rather be outside but as running is off at the mondue to hamstring then turbo it must be. Tacx rides for me - lovely reminders of summer scenery.

A real positive is that my wife wants to ‘start to do some cardio’ so she can spin on the ‘little turbo’ alongside - and I can spin along and climb as fast or slow as I like and we’ll always be together!

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #616 on: 13 January, 2023, 11:18:09 pm »
Any form of structured training is a complete no-no for me.  I only measured my FTP once, about 18 months ago and now I don't need to know.
I am currently at level 36 in Zwift. I have never done any Zwift training programme of any form. If I had, of course, I'd have earned more rewards and been at least level 38! Like you, I enjoy the TdZ type rides.

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #617 on: 30 January, 2023, 04:59:05 pm »
anyone using the Tour De Zwift series to get some winter training in?
often lost.

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #618 on: 30 January, 2023, 06:17:18 pm »
anyone using the Tour De Zwift series to get some winter training in?

Yep.  I am currently using the trainer to get some exercise while I recover from a knee injury that I suspect was brought on by the trainer  ::-)

I like the way that I can either pootle along or go for it and there are always groups to ride with/catch/whatever.

I am using it to tick off a few route badges.  Just done the Stage 7 C ride (as I already had the A and B route badges) which wasn't particularly long so then I grabbed another one that I hadn't done.

Looking forward to Stage 8 to explore another imaginary world.

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #619 on: 30 January, 2023, 06:50:25 pm »
I missed my chance at stage 6 yesterday and will have to go into the repêchage. I'd been on the Kelvedon Oyster the day before, didn't really feel like doing Zwift as a result, and decided at the last minute that the time would be better spent on some outstanding paperwork. Overall I'm finding the tight scheduling, with only a few days to complete each stage, a bit demanding, as Real Life keeps getting in the way.

Looking forward to Scotland, as I'll be up there taking Scouts cycling at around the same time as the World's.

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #620 on: 30 January, 2023, 11:11:29 pm »
Im looking forward to Scotland too.
Ms Morbihan and myself haver both been ticking them off. Sometimes all three distances or a couple, or just the one. Our schedules are pretty flexible right now which helps a lot.
Ive ended up using it as a race type scenario for the most part with a decent warm up then trying to nose towards the head of the race.
For me that invariably means the second group,  missing out on the front fliers, or further back on the climbier courses.
Ironically we have some nice weather conditions outside at the mo, but its just so easy jumping on the turbo and particularly with the hard efforts there's no worry of traffic/interruptions.
I like the multi national nature of it and after initially not warming to of Zwift in general,  have really had an about face and taken to it.
It's such a good way of mixing up the cycling part of life.
Ms Morbihan had a shyte time with chemo last year but was able to do some rides in between treatments. Now she is all clear and post treatments and she is loving the  TDZ and the herd rides as a way of getting her fitness back.
best of luck with the last couple of courses.
Wonder what's coming up after this?
often lost.

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #621 on: 31 January, 2023, 07:44:22 am »
I started playing with Zwift about three weeks ago. My Trice sits on the trainer in the pain cave (partly as somewhere to store it), and got used a bit irregularly with the Elite app when I'd not managed to get some exercise for a while. So I'm doing it all lying down, partly to build up my recumbent legs with a view to having another go at BHPC events.

At the moment I'm enjoying it, and got sucked into TDZ on stage four. It's certainly pushing me a bit to keep up in a pack (finishing around the 1/3 of the field mark in cat C), and giving a bit of focus. There'll be the first three stages to do in the catch up week though, if I want to complete the set. And it's bumped my FTP up again. I probably ought to do another test now I'm more used to it.

It'd be nice if there was a bit longer on availability for each stage, possibly with an overlap; I was away this weekend, so not at home on Friday when stage 6 became available, and only arriving back early evening on Sunday - so "had" to do it that evening. Luckily my usual riding time is 11pm, so could jump on the last possible slot, though I was somewhat tired having spent part of the day walking in the hills in Wales before driving home. It can't be that unusual for people to be away for a weekend. But, it was still fun.

Stage 7 was a relatively easy ride, looking forward to stage 8.

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #622 on: 31 January, 2023, 09:08:11 am »
It'd be nice if there was a bit longer on availability for each stage, possibly with an overlap; I was away this weekend, so not at home on Friday when stage 6 became available, and only arriving back early evening on Sunday - so "had" to do it that evening. Luckily my usual riding time is 11pm, so could jump on the last possible slot, though I was somewhat tired having spent part of the day walking in the hills in Wales before driving home. It can't be that unusual for people to be away for a weekend. But, it was still fun.
I did Stage 6 at 5am on Friday for this reason.  I've been doing the 'Standard' rides, mostly in 5am timeslots, and picked up a top-ten placing on six of the seven stages so far (I know, I know, it's not really a race, but it sure feels like it at the front!).  I might have to go back to London in the make-up week and try for a top-ten there to complete the set. 

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #623 on: 31 January, 2023, 09:31:05 am »
anyone using the Tour De Zwift series to get some winter training in?

Just earned my masochists' badge.  Totally shocked when it appeared. :o
Move Faster and Bake Things

Re: Zwifting - I think I need help!
« Reply #624 on: 31 January, 2023, 09:44:19 am »
Just earned my masochists' badge.  Totally shocked when it appeared. :o
Awesome.  I'm on 21 AdZs so far.  I'm planning to do 23, 24 and 25 in the same ride - it'll be about 3.5hours, which is a long ride for me.