Author Topic: Hip Impingement was Re: Inguinal Hernia  (Read 22583 times)

Re: Hip Impingement was Re: Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #100 on: 06 September, 2022, 07:17:45 am »
Update - it quieted down, so I did a CX race on the weekend. I worked hard, but used my gears a lot, and I couldn't feel any issue during or immediately after. However, I think the 1.5 hour drive home was not the best, and the groin, and especially the muscle that runs from groin to under my ribs on the right is really tight and sore. It doesn't really like me sitting down, which is a bit annoying!
I'm gonna skip the CX this weekend (also involves a 3 hour round trip in the car) and ride gently on the turbo and stretch/roller like crazy and see how it goes.  Probably start PT again next week, and see if they have any bright ideas.

Re: Hip Impingement was Re: Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #101 on: 08 November, 2022, 06:10:34 pm »
I've ridden a bit, and I've done my weekly personal training, and while it's better than it was after the CX race, it's still not better. It's hard to have any mojo to go train when it means I ned up sore and sleeping badly as a result. :( So I'm probably not riding any more CX this year, I'll try to get/maintain a bit of fitness, and keep going to the gym, but something has to change at some point.

Re: Hip Impingement was Re: Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #102 on: 12 May, 2023, 01:24:09 pm »
After my last update, I have been doing gym stuff and very little riding. I got back on the bike toward the end of March, but kept it low intensity and short, and it was going OK. I did a reasonable gym session on Tuesday and finished feeling really good and motivated, and then Wednesday morning onwards, either my ab or my hip is really painful. It's a bit better if I stand at my desk rather than sitting, and if I stretch and roller, I can relax it a bit, but then the painful area just moved to the next bit that's tight (and then it goes back).
I have a phone physio appointment on Wednesday, but I'm just so fed up - I was thinking it was time to stop just doing the odd turbo session and get back to a 3 times a week schedule, and I can't ride at all at the moment. :(

Re: Hip Impingement was Re: Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #103 on: 30 June, 2023, 05:01:39 pm »
A couple of weeks of not riding turned into a month, and then the garage flooded (a couple of inches) and the bike and the computer table got buried under junk, so I've not ridden since. The sad bit is that I've not missed it. I need to find some other form of exercise beyond a gym session a week and some physio exercises most days (partly just to ensure I maintain some fitness, and partly because without exercise I'm slowly gaining excess weight), and riding would seem the obvious way to do this seeing as I have the equipment and knowhow, but I just can't be bothered.
Still going to PT, and I've got physio in July, so we'll see what that brings.

Re: Hip Impingement was Re: Inguinal Hernia
« Reply #104 on: 21 October, 2023, 09:10:40 am »
Physio was useless, and I've still not been on the bike. :( The gym is going really well, and I'm definitely improving both my strength and my movement skills, but I don't think it's improving my hip.
However, I've been to see a massage therapist person for my foot, and when she was squishing it it was triggering the painful muscles around my hip. So I feel like that is proof that my hip injury is a result of my foot injury (mostly through changing motor patterns to protect the foot). Only thing is, I've no idea how to resolve the foot!
Maybe one step (no pun intended) forwards at last?