Author Topic: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!  (Read 27078 times)


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Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #50 on: 03 December, 2008, 03:02:47 pm »
I'm still trying to work out how three inches of snow closes over a hundred schools.  The only time my school (in the same area) ever closed like that was a few days one year when the heating system failed.  It's not like winter has got any worse over the years, is it?

A combination of fat tyres and too many vehicles.
Fat tyres make it almost impossible to drive on snow, unlike Moggy 1000's which had tyres that cut through anything.
Too many vehicles means that it is way harder for gritters to get through - there's usually someone with fat tyres up ahead blocking the route.

And teachers living further away from the schools?


Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #51 on: 03 December, 2008, 04:01:58 pm »
,this might mean me having to work from home tomorrow and also getting the mtb out for a play :thumbsup:                                                                                                               

I thought home-working & cycling are mutaully inclusive :thumbsup: ;D

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #52 on: 03 December, 2008, 04:13:15 pm »
It was mostly ice free by the time I travelled into work this morning, although there was a little bit of ice in some of the muddy puddles along the edge of the Tooting Bec Common cycle path.  The biggest skid hazard was the mud on the footpath where the construction machinery is rebuilding the Clapham Common cyclepath.  The current temperature on the weather station is the same as it was at this time yesterday, so if it follows the same profile as yesterday, it'll start dropping towards zero now.
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #53 on: 03 December, 2008, 05:07:58 pm »
Y.esterday it was sheet ice and sleet in Devon.  Not as cold today.

Today it was a bit damp on the ground first thing but no ice and now it's sunny

I did seven miles in full winter gear to breakfast, first thing. Didn't notice ice on the way out but it was there a couple of hours later on my return - but it was light by then.

An hour later I set off again to Seaton to see my accountant. The back wheel slipped a bit on the hill out of Honiton (the back way), but on the top it was like riding on ball bearings. No visible ice, but the wheels followed every camber and the rear snaked several times under power. I got tea and biscuits and my bike parked in the corridor when I arrived. And my accountant has given up off-roading and joined Weymouth RC.

The slippperiness seemed to have gone by the time I returned.


Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #54 on: 03 December, 2008, 06:40:12 pm »
Talking to my mum the other day after a news report about schools closing after 'heavy' snowfall of up to an inch in places, in 'freezing' temperatures, she reminded me of how as small children we used to wait for the school bus in Bulgaria in temperatures of -25C. This venerable contraption was a Citroen van with snow chains on skinny tyres, driven by a garlic-munching psychopath in a Russian hat accompanied by his fur-coated, scarlet-taloned concubine, which carried us 7km up the mountain to school while playing diddly-dum Balkan folk music on the radio. To this day the strains of hits such as 'Eh, Irina, put down your shovel and dance' and 'Martha's lament for her missing goose' never fail to bring a sentimental tear to my eye.     

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #55 on: 03 December, 2008, 06:50:22 pm »
We have cyclepath gritters, or maybe just one cyclepath gritter in Milton Keynes, but they only use them when it gets really bad.
It was icy going to and from work, so I took it easy.
If it's going to be icy, I wish it'd do the job properly and give me a winter wonderland so that I can play on my mountain bike.
I love cycling to work in the ice, all snuggled up, while people are out in the cold and craping ice off theor car windscreens, looking miserable ;D


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Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #56 on: 03 December, 2008, 07:15:29 pm »
CTC Wednesday run was a bit on the cool side .... the Captain took us on mainly main-ish roads so other than the odd bit of road in the shade of high hedges not too bad ... upside was that it was Christmas Lunch (Wednesday riders' version) today - so a reasonable meal and lift home by car from one of the non-riders  :thumbsup:


Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #57 on: 03 December, 2008, 07:23:07 pm »
Cold and frosty this morning - a few slithery bits where the ungritted road was in shade and a bit of wheelspin going up the hills.

Tonight it's sheet ice and snow's forecast later - deep joy.
“There is no point in using the word 'impossible' to describe something that has clearly happened.”
― Douglas Adams


Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #58 on: 03 December, 2008, 07:33:45 pm »
It was a clear and cloudless day here today - just beautiful.  A bit icy first thing so I hung around til mid morn and then went off to conquer the Gospel Pass.

It was rather snowy on top :)

I had to walk up the last bit of the climb, rode a few glorious snowy miles on the top and had to walk down the other to lunch in Hay :)

Blasted back along the Golden Valley to home as dusk was falling.  Damn bloody cold when I got home.

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #59 on: 03 December, 2008, 07:35:46 pm »
-2 going to work, -2 coming home.  :thumbsup:


Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #60 on: 03 December, 2008, 07:39:24 pm »
This morning it was white, Jack Frost was biting at my ankles and threatening to nip at my nose as I took the dogs out, my toes still haven't recovered.

Running was interesting.  The road leading from my house was like a ice rink.  Six miles of torturous cold air shooting up my nostrils.  Despite wearing thick gloves I was unable to use my hands for about 20 minutes post-run.  My legs looked like tomato sauce and my hamstrings took great offence and went on strike at mile 4 causing me to hop n jump like a frog on heat.

  I can't bring myself to run in longs as I hate any constriction around my waist.  If I can find a full length tri suit I will be a happy pixie.


Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #61 on: 03 December, 2008, 08:23:33 pm »
 I can't bring myself to run in longs as I hate any constriction around my waist.  If I can find a full length tri suit I will be a happy pixie.

You can buy unpadded cycling bib tights.  :thumbsup:

gordon taylor

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #62 on: 03 December, 2008, 08:23:53 pm »
I've had a pair of 32mm studded tyres for three years and have only used them ONCE. I'm all tooled up again and if doesn't snow overnight tonight I'll be flippin' furious.  >:(

OH - I went on the trike today, which makes icey lanes HUUUGE fun. Except I had a puncture in a brand new Pasella TG on the way in and another puncture in another brand new Pasella TG on the way home. I had trouble getting a valve cap off 'cos my thumb wouldn't work properly. Brrrr.


Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #63 on: 03 December, 2008, 08:33:53 pm »
 I can't bring myself to run in longs as I hate any constriction around my waist.  If I can find a full length tri suit I will be a happy pixie.

You can buy unpadded cycling bib tights.  :thumbsup:

What a star :thumbsup:  I have some endura bib longs upstairs that are unpadded and totally useless for cycling as the ankles are only big enough for miniature pixie people.

gordon taylor

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #64 on: 03 December, 2008, 08:46:24 pm »
School closures were mentioned... don't get me started! I work in a school (as some of you know) and I tend to get in very early, whether there's floods or snow or whatever. I think I've had two snow days "off" in nearly twenty years, so it isn't as common as most of the local papers make out. I'll spend an hour answering the phone tomorrow saying "We're open," before taking my place at 8:45 with 500 kids in the hall, playing mass mathematical bingo  :sick: until colleagues arrive in one's and twos to take their classes away.

We often just need a delayed start, rather than a closure, because half the staff are gridlocked in the town - many of them with their own children in their cars. If a primary school shuts, there's a cascade effect of people (not just teachers) being delayed by childcare issues. The closure decisions are taken very early and by 10am those decisions often look silly.

As mentioned above, the increased dependency on cars, and the larger commuting distances and the fear of a "Health and Safety " issue all tend to make headteachers take a more cautious approach.

David Martin

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Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #65 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:09:19 pm »
Been out for a spin tonight, hunting for traces of the old railways in Dundee. The oldest one, abandoned in 1861, is a 1:10 incline. This is fun when parts are pedestrianised, packed snow ice and studded tyres.

Then flying back along the miley, a 'nature corridor' on the track bed of the newer part of the railway that replaced the original line with a gentle gradient.

Then up to the observatory, and taking an off road route through the snow on my way back down.

Just lovin' it.

"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes

Chris S

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #66 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:09:41 pm »
Speaking as an Ex Skool Governor - skool closures through weather are pretty infrequent, but that's because the weather is.

However, skool closures are very easily triggered nowadays. Gone are the days when 10cm of snow was just something you dealt with because it was winter. In the South at least. Seems to me, the point at which chaos ensues has changed from 30cm to 3cm  ::-).

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #67 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:11:40 pm »
Speaking as an Ex Skool Governor - skool closures through weather are pretty infrequent, but that's because the weather is.

However, skool closures are very easily triggered nowadays. Gone are the days when 10cm of snow was just something you dealt with because it was winter. In the South at least. Seems to me, the point at which chaos ensues has changed from 30cm to 3cm  ::-).

10cm today. Schools carry on as normal. We should get a major snowfall tonight.

"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes

Chris S

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #68 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:20:29 pm »
Naturally, I was referring mostly to South of the Humber   :D.


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Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #69 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:23:38 pm »
A bit fresh in the southern Peaks as well today - about 1/3 of the commute home still had snow along the side of the road from the last snowfall a few days ago. Well below freezing both ways.
Time for the winter gloves, methinks...


Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #70 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:27:29 pm »
Been out for a spin tonight, hunting for traces of the old railways in Dundee.

A man after my own heart.  The number of maps and books of Edinburgh I've studied...

I was wrapped up warm riding in today (Buff under polystyrene, lobster gloves) so the cold didn't bother me.  But I had to walk my bike the first quarter of a mile, and the last quarter, because the un-main roads were sheet ice again, and even the slushy main roads aren't the best territory for a two-wheeled recumbent with slick tyres.  This evening I put the mtb tyres back on the blue bike which I'll ride tomorrow if I really have to.  I'll be quite happy when winter's on its way out again.

Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #71 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:31:42 pm »
We had a few light snow flurries last night, which meant a thin layer of ice on top of the unmelted snow this morning.  Some of the untreated roads were quite interesting.

If the snow falls as predicted tonight, tomorrow's commute will either be hellish or wonderful.  At least I can shorten it to 3 miles, if necessary.  I may go the long way round, in shorts, as I did on Tuesday morning.  The security guards thought I was bonkers :D

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #72 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:35:39 pm »
Been out for a spin tonight, hunting for traces of the old railways in Dundee.

A man after my own heart.  The number of maps and books of Edinburgh I've studied...

I was wrapped up warm riding in today (Buff under polystyrene, lobster gloves) so the cold didn't bother me.  But I had to walk my bike the first quarter of a mile, and the last quarter, because the un-main roads were sheet ice again, and even the slushy main roads aren't the best territory for a two-wheeled recumbent with slick tyres.  This evening I put the mtb tyres back on Annie the Blue Bike which I'll ride tomorrow if I really have to.  I'll be quite happy when winter's on its way out again.

I was riding the haakepelliittaas so had plenty of grip, except on the depe loose stuff. tyre pressure was too high though - must drop that a bit tomorrow and they are very heavy to pedal on tarmac.

I'm planning to put together a route around the lanes which will highlight the railway lines and their history. Watch this space for news.

"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes


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Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #73 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:37:19 pm »
Pretty hairy here in the Chilterns with ice for most of the ride.

Luckily these have just arrived (ordered yesterday lunchtime, non-express delivery)  :)

I've just ordered some of them as well - but wiggle was stating out of stock, so got them elsewhere. Bet the ice has gone by the time they arrive.

Have to say I've been very nervous the last two mornings. Yesterday, had an artic pass too close, just as I hit a sheet of ice. Very scary.


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Re: Good bleeding grief it was cold this morning!
« Reply #74 on: 03 December, 2008, 09:40:25 pm »
They don't grit the cycle paths?  They don't grit the pavements.A walk from town to home yesterday evening was near impossible.  Snow over ice, meant the pavements were unusable.  In the same conditions just now with a bike on snow free roads it was perfectly doable despite the unnerving feeling of tyres being flat with the near continuous miniature skids.