Author Topic: Etrex 32x backlight while starting up  (Read 2260 times)

Etrex 32x backlight while starting up
« on: 19 November, 2022, 07:34:10 pm »

How can I set the backlight to be on while the device is booting up? I've added personal info to the startup file and it's shown but almost unreadable. My old Etrex 30 had the backlight on from the start.


Re: Etrex 32x backlight while starting up
« Reply #1 on: 20 November, 2022, 01:06:28 pm »
On my Etrex 30 if I hold the start button down when it's on this will bring up a slider that sets the backlight level.
You can also do that to cycle through if the backlight is off/on/set
I'd try that on the Etrex 32 as it probably has the same software.

Luck .........  ;D